Grèc Actuality Net

Foundation and participation in women groups, in social and union movements, political parties:

QUERAL, R., co-foundation of the Women Movements of Tarragona, 1974.

QUERAL, R., member of the union CCOO to secrecy, 1974.

QUERAL, R., foundation of the Movement Pro Family Planning, 1975.

QUERAL, R., co-foundation of the Feminist Block of Tarragona, 1977.

QUERAL, R., foundation of the Municipal Centre of Family Planning “Half Moon”, Tarragona, 1977.

COMAS D’ARGEMIR, D., co-foundation of the Catalonian Anthropology Institute, 1978.

COMAS D’ARGEMIR, D., co-foundation of the Aragon Anthropology Institute, 1980.

ROMANO, Ch., member of the Feminist Block of Tarragona, 1980.

DUCH, M., member of the PSC, 1981.

CUADRADA, C., member of the CCOO union, 1988.

CUADRADA, C., member of the Feminist Block of Tarragona, 1989.

DUCH, M., member of the Catalonian Parliament , 1995-2003.

CUADRADA, C., co-foundation of the Neighbour Association “El Centre” of Forrest of Tarragona, 1998.

JOANPERE, D., collaborator of Palacagüina (Nicaragua) with the ONG SOARPAL (Solidarity Arbúcies-Palacagüina), summer 1999.

ARÍN, M., MONTEAGUDO, P., co-foundation of ADHARA, Association against family violence, Tarragona, 2000.

MONTEAGUDO, P., co-foundation of the Association of Women from La Móra, Tarragona, 2001.

DUCH, M., Catalonian senator by the “Entendida Catalana de Progreso”, 2001-2003.

CUADRADA, C., DUCH, M., PALAU, M., QUERAL, R., foundation of GREC world-network, 2005.

Organised acts:
Organisation of the activities for the World Walk of Women against Violence and Poverty Tarragona, October 2000.

Presentation of the book “Women from the 36”, by J. Zaragoza and C. Cuadrada, May 2002.

Round Board and reading of the Manifesto “Women against War”, participants: J. Zaragoza (vice-rector of the University Community, URV), A. Pigrau (International Law Professor, URV), M. Duch (member of the Catalonian Parliament by PSC), D. Comas (member of the Catalonian Parliament by IC-V), D. Renau (president of the Women International Socialist by PSC), P. Gomis (member of the Coordination for Tarragona Peace Heritage), C. Cuadrada (member of GRÈC, URV), February 2003.

Other activities:
RAMOS, B., correspondent of TVE Tarragona, 1988-1992.

RAMOS, B., correspondent of “Diario de Barcelona”, collaborator of “Diario de Tarragona” and The Sunday Magazine, correspondent of El País, 1988-1993.

RAMOS, B., Head of the Communication Cabinet URV, 1993-2002.

CUADRADA, C., DUCH, M., PALAU, M., QUERAL, R., Press articles, Diario de Tarragona, Nuevo Diario, El Punto, El País, Més Tarragona, El Mundo, La Vanguardia...

RAMOS, B., Communication technical person of the Communication Cabinet URV, responsible of the news at the University website, digital diary URV@ctiva and the activities agenda in the website of, 2002...

ARÍN, M., CUADRADA, C., MONTEAGUDO, P., PALAU, M., Participation in women´s gathering and radio interviews: SER, COPE, ONDA RAMBLA, ONA CATALANA, Catalonia Radio and Tarragona Radio, 1998-2004.

CUADRADA, C., interview for TV Reus “Women and Peace”, acts organised by the Reus City Council on the 8 of March and video “Women build the Peace”, Reus City Council, March 2004.


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