Excluding Hydrogen Atoms from Contact Surfaces

Applicability: The option "Exclude hydrogens" is not applicable to X-ray crystallographic models which lack hydrogen atoms, or to MEP calculations which require hydrogens and model in the missing ones automatically. (Checking the option will harmlessly have no effect in these cases.) To find out if the displayed model contains hydrogens, just issue the command "select hydrogens" and see whether the resulting count of atoms selected is zero or nonzero.
Many X-ray crystallographic models and all NMR models contain hydrogen atoms, usually only a portion of those actually present in the molecule.

Excluding hydrogens when coloring by distance. As presently implemented here, the Distance Color Scheme option for contact surfaces is most informative when hydrogen atoms are excluded from

  1. Generation of the contact surface shape on the receptor.
  2. The ligand atom group from which distances to receptor are calculated for applying isocontour coloring.
  3. The ligand atoms shown as balls and/or sticks (when these options are checked).
  4. The receptor atoms shown when "Show 'bonded' receptor atoms, O/N or C/S" is selected.
Checking "Exclude hydrogens for Distance Color Scheme" effects all of the above by automatically adding "and not hydrogen" to the appropriate "select" commands. However the terms lig, rec, and bron, brcs are defined to include hydrogens. This makes it easy to display hydrogens if you wish, for example if you have checked Show bonded receptor atoms, O/N and Exclude hydrogens ..., the display will omit hydrogens from the "bonded receptor oxygen/nitrogen" ("bron") atoms shown. You can add the hydrogen atoms to this display by issuing these commands manually:
s bron