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Resultats - Departament de Medicina i Cirurgia

Departament de Medicina i Cirurgia

Tesis Doctorals Dirigides / Theses 
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Títol: Impacte d¿alteracions metabòliques associades a l'obesitat sobre el paper de la survivina en càncer
Autor: Benaiges Moragrega, Ester
Director: Ceperuelo Mallafré, Maria Victoria; Vendrell Ortega, Juan José; Fernandez Veledo, Sonia
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2023
País: N/D
Títol: Integración multiómica en el estudio de las complicaciones asociadas a la valvulopatía aórtica bicúspide
Autor: Antequera González, Borja
Director: Martínez Micaelo, Nieves Beatriz; Alegret Colomé, Josep Maria
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2023
País: N/D
Títol: Estudio de las características propias de la retinopatía diabética en los pacientes con diabetes mellitus 1 de nuestra población.
Autor: Navarro Gil, Raúl
Director: Moreno Ribas, Antonio; Castro Salomó, Antoni; Feliu Rovira, Albert; Romero Aroca, Pedro
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2023
País: N/D
Títol: Long-Range backscattering communications for next generation IoT applications
Autor: Lázaro Martí, Marc
Director: Sánchez Gistau, Vanessa; Girbau Sala, David; Lázaro Guillén, Antonio Ramon
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2023
País: N/D
Títol: Estudi de biomarcadors predictius en el control natural del VIH en controladors dElit
Autor: Jenifer Masip Morcillo
Director: Francesc Vidal Marsal; Anna Rull Aixà; Consuelo Viladés Laborda; José Joaquín Peraire Forner
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2023
País: N/D
Títol: Implicació de la via de senyalització de la proteïna SFRP5 en la malaltia del fetge gras no alcohòlic i en la comunicació teixit adipós-fetge
Autor: Laia Bertran Ramos
Director: Cristóbal Richart Jurado; M Teresa Auguet Quintillà
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2023
País: N/D
Títol: Impacto de los metabolitos relacionados con el microbioma intestinal y el metabolismo mitocondrial sobre los eventos cardiovasculares tras un síndrome coronario agudo
Autor: Sánchez Giménez, Raúl
Director: Bardají Ruiz, Alfredo
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2023
País: N/D
Títol: Lipidomics by 1H-NMR of non-LDL atherogenic lipoproteins in patients with dyslipidemia. Impact on vascular and metabolic complications
Autor: Moreno Vedia, Juan
Director: Ibarretxe Gerediaga, Daiana; Masana Marín, Luis; Girona Tell, Josefa
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2023
País: N/D
Títol: Lipidomics by 1H-NMR of non-LDL atherogenic lipoproteins in patients with dyslipidemia. Impact on vascular and metabolic complications
Autor: Moreno Vedia, Juan
Director: Ibarretxe Gerediaga, Daiana; Masana Marín, Luis; Girona Tell, Josefa
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2023
País: N/D
Títol: Lipidomics by 1H-NMR of non-LDL atherogenic lipoproteins in patients with dyslipidemia. Impact on vascular and metabolic complications
Autor: Moreno Vedia, Juan
Director: Ibarretxe Gerediaga, Daiana; Masana Marín, Luis; Girona Tell, Josefa
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2023
País: N/D
Títol: Nuevas formas de presentación en la Enfermedad Celíaca.Técnicas avanzadas para el diagnóstico.
Autor: Castillejo De Villasante, Gemma
Director: Luque Moreno, Verònica; Escribano Subías, Joaquín
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2023
País: N/D
Títol: La clínica de la síndrome de fibromiàlgia:Anàlisi des d'una perspectiva de gènere
Autor: Ruschak, Ilga
Director: Monteso Curto, Maria Pilar
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2023
País: N/D
Títol: Acondicionamiento isquémico (delay phenomenon) del colon derecho e Íleon terminal en un modelo experimental en ratas
Autor: Rodríguez León, Gerardo
Director: Jorba Martin, Rosa Maria
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2023
País: N/D
Títol: Nuevas formas de presentación en la Enfermedad Celíaca.Técnicas avanzadas para el diagnóstico.
Autor: Castillejo De Villasante, Gemma
Director: Luque Moreno, Verònica; Escribano Subías, Joaquín
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2023
País: N/D
Títol: Towards The Direct Synthesis Of Chiral Amines Via Asymmetric Rhodium Catalyzed Hydroaminomethylation Reactions
Autor: Langlois, Joris Jason Jordy
Director: Bardají Ruiz, Alfredo; Godard, Cyril
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2023
País: N/D
Títol: The Succinate-SUCNR1 Axis and Its Impact on Beta-Cell Function: An Integrative Study Uncovering Novel Insights into Insulin Secretion Regulation and Diabetes Pathogenesis
Autor: Sabadell I Basallote, Joan-Martí
Director: Vendrell Ortega, Juan José; Fernandez Veledo, Sonia
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2023
País: N/D
Títol: Implicació de la via de senyalització de la proteïna SFRP5 en la malaltiadel fetge gras no alcohòlic i en la comunicació teixit adipós-fetge
Autor: Bertran Ramos, Laia
Director: Richart Jurado, Cristobal Manuel; Auguet Quintilla, Maria Teresa
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2023
País: N/D
Títol: Ensayo clínico aleatorio para probar la eficacia y la seguridad del manejo clínico ambulatorio de la apendicectomía laparoscópica urgente en la apendicitis aguda no complicada
Autor: Elvira Lopez, Jordi
Director: Jorba Martin, Rosa Maria
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2023
País: N/D
Títol: Implicació de la via de senyalització de la prote?na SFRP5 en la malaltia del fetge gras no alcohòlic i en la comunicació teixit adipós-fetge
Autor: Laia Bertran
Director: Richart Jurado, Cristobal Manuel
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2023
País: N/D
Títol: Dilatació aòrtica a la valvulopatia aòrtica bicúspide: aprofundint en la fisiopatologia a la cerca de biomarcadors
Autor: Faiges Borràs, Marta Jesús
Director: Ribalta Vives, Josep; Alegret Colomé, Josep Maria
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2023
País: N/D
Títol: Biomarcadors predictius de la gravetat de la COVID-19 en pacients infectats per SARS-CoV-2 amb obesitat i/o síndrome metabolica
Autor: Perpiñan Auguet, Carles
Director: Martín Lujan, Francisco Manuel; Auguet Quintilla, Maria Teresa
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2023
País: N/D
Títol: Estudi de biomarcadors predictius en el control natural del VIH en Controladors d'Elit
Autor: Masip Morcillo, Jenifer
Director: Peraire Forner, José Joaquin; Vilades Laborda, Consuelo Gloria; Vidal Marsal, Francisco
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2023
País: N/D
Títol: Estudi de biomarcadors predictius en el control natural del VIH en Controladors d'Elit
Autor: Masip Morcillo, Jenifer
Director: Peraire Forner, José Joaquin; Vilades Laborda, Consuelo Gloria; Vidal Marsal, Francisco
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2023
País: N/D
Títol: Implicació de la via de senyalització de la proteïna SFRP5 en la malaltiadel fetge gras no alcohòlic i en la comunicació teixit adipós-fetge
Autor: Bertran Ramos, Laia
Director: Richart Jurado, Cristobal Manuel; Auguet Quintilla, Maria Teresa
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2023
País: N/D
Títol: Dilatació aòrtica a la valvulopatia aòrtica bicúspide: aprofundint en la fisiopatologia a la cerca de biomarcadors
Autor: Faiges Borràs, Marta Jesús
Director: Ribalta Vives, Josep; Alegret Colomé, Josep Maria
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2023
País: N/D
Títol: Impacte d¿alteracions metabòliques associades a l'obesitat sobre el paper de la survivina en càncer
Autor: Benaiges Moragrega, Ester
Director: Ceperuelo Mallafré, Maria Victoria; Vendrell Ortega, Juan José; Fernandez Veledo, Sonia
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2023
País: N/D
Títol: Estudio de las características propias de la retinopatía diabética en los pacientes con diabetes mellitus 1 de nuestra población.
Autor: Navarro Gil, Raúl
Director: Moreno Ribas, Antonio; Castro Salomó, Antoni; Feliu Rovira, Albert; Romero Aroca, Pedro
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2023
País: N/D
Títol: Análisis de coste poblacional de los anticoagulantes orales de acción directa versus los antagonistas de la vitamina K en fibrilación auricular no valvular en Cataluña
Autor: Hernandez Rojas, Zojaina Rafaela
Director: Alegret Colomé, Josep Maria
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2023
País: N/D
Títol: Relación entre el estrés y la adversidad en la vida temprana con la metilación de DDR1 en el trastorno mental grave
Autor: Garcia Ruiz, Beatriz
Director: Vilella Cuadrada, Elisabet
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2023
País: N/D
Títol: Estudio de las características propias de la retinopatía diabética en los pacientes con diabetes mellitus 1 de nuestra población.
Autor: Navarro Gil, Raúl
Director: Moreno Ribas, Antonio; Castro Salomó, Antoni; Feliu Rovira, Albert; Romero Aroca, Pedro
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2023
País: N/D
Títol: Diet quality, eating behaviors, other lifestyle factors and cardiometabolic risk in children
Autor: Garcidueñas Fimbres, Tany Elizabeth
Director: Auguet Quintilla, Maria Teresa; Richart Jurado, Cristobal Manuel; Salas Salvadó, Jorge; Babio Sánchez, Nancy Elvira
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2023
País: N/D
Títol: Diet quality, eating behaviors, other lifestyle factors and cardiometabolic risk in children
Autor: Garcidueñas Fimbres, Tany Elizabeth
Director: Auguet Quintilla, Maria Teresa; Richart Jurado, Cristobal Manuel; Salas Salvadó, Jorge; Babio Sánchez, Nancy Elvira
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2023
País: N/D
Títol: Estudi de biomarcadors predictius en el control natural del VIH en Controladors d'Elit
Autor: Masip Morcillo, Jenifer
Director: Peraire Forner, José Joaquin; Vilades Laborda, Consuelo Gloria; Vidal Marsal, Francisco
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2023
País: N/D
Títol: Programa integral para la modificación para los hábitos de la salud y mejorar el estilo de vida de trabajadores de una empresa - Programa de Educación para la Salud en el ámbito laboral
Autor: Montserrat Gómez Recasens
Director: Llauradó Ribé, Elisabet
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: Utilidad de sistemas de scoring en caracterizar las oclusiones totales crónicas y su capacidad para predecir el resultado de la intervención coronaria percutánea
Autor: M Mohandes
Director: Alfredo Bardají Ruiz
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: Identification of novel early biomarkers of cardiovascular disease risk and their relationships with bioactive dietary compounds: metabolomic and gut metagenomic approaches
Autor: Lorena Calderón Pérez
Director: Laura Rubió Piqué; Rosa María Valls Zamora; Anna Pedret Figuerola
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: Detección, control y abordaje de los déficitsneuromusculares en jugadores de baloncesto de formación
Autor: Cristina Adillón Camón
Director: María Isabel Salvat Salvat
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: Biomarcadores con implicación pronóstica a largo plazo en los síndromes coronarios agudos
Autor: Peiró Ibáñez, Óscar Manuel
Director: Bardají Ruiz, Alfredo
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: Computational Analysis of the Catalytic and Ferroelectric Properties of Polyoxometalates
Autor: Wang, Fei
Director: Arenas Prat, Meritxell; Joven Maried, Jorge; Solà Alberich, Rosa Maria; Poblet Rius, Josep Maria; De Graaf, Cornelis
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: Identification of novel early biomarkers of cardiovascular disease risk and their relationships with bioactive dietary compounds: metabolomic and gut metagenomic approaches
Autor: Calderon Pérez, Lorena
Director: Pedret Figuerola, Anna; Valls Zamora, Rosa Maria
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: Identification of novel early biomarkers of cardiovascular disease risk and their relationships with bioactive dietary compounds: metabolomic and gut metagenomic approaches
Autor: Calderon Pérez, Lorena
Director: Pedret Figuerola, Anna; Valls Zamora, Rosa Maria
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: Descripción de estilos de vida, factores de riesgo cardiovascular y efectividad de un programa de reducción del consumo de alcohol y drogas basado en modelos integrales ,para mejorar la salud de las personas trabajadoras, en el entorno laboral
Autor: Gómez Recasens, Montserrat
Director: Llauradó Ribé, Elisabet; Tarro Sánchez, Lucía; Solà Alberich, Rosa Maria
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: Computational Analysis of the Catalytic and Ferroelectric Properties of Polyoxometalates
Autor: Wang, Fei
Director: Arenas Prat, Meritxell; Joven Maried, Jorge; Solà Alberich, Rosa Maria; Poblet Rius, Josep Maria; De Graaf, Cornelis
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: Impact of energy metabolism, paraoxonase-1, and inflammation on cancer patient's prognosis and response to treatment
Autor: Rodriguez Tomas, Elisabet
Director: Solà Alberich, Rosa Maria; Joven Maried, Jorge; Arenas Prat, Meritxell
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: Descripción de estilos de vida, factores de riesgo cardiovascular y efectividad de un programa de reducción del consumo de alcohol y drogas basado en modelos integrales ,para mejorar la salud de las personas trabajadoras, en el entorno laboral
Autor: Gómez Recasens, Montserrat
Director: Llauradó Ribé, Elisabet; Tarro Sánchez, Lucía; Solà Alberich, Rosa Maria
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: Glicoproteïnes sèriques determinades per 1H-RMN com a marcador d'inflamació de baix grau. estudi en pacients VIH i HF
Autor: Malo Cerisuelo, Ana Irene
Director: Masana Marín, Luis
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: Gut microbiota: a connection between obesity and cardiovascular health in children
Autor: Alcázar López, Mireia
Director: Giralt Batista, Montserrat; Nogués Llort, Maria Rosa; Romeu Ferran, Marta; Closa Monasterolo, Ricardo; Escribano Subías, Joaquín; Luque Moreno, Verònica
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: Estudio de la relación entre la obesidad abdominal y el riesgo cardiometabólico en población general pediátrica y en población pediátrica con obesidad.
Autor: Muñoz Hernando, Judit
Director: Ferre Pallas, Natalia; Luque Moreno, Verònica
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: Implicaciones pronósticos de biomarcadores cardiacos y escalas de comorbilidad en pacientes con infección por COVID-19 atendidos en un servicio de urgencias.
Autor: Carrasquer Cucarella, Ana Maria
Director: Bardají Ruiz, Alfredo
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: Utilidad de sistemas de scoring en caracterizar las oclusiones totales crónicas y su capacidad para predecir el resultado de la intervención coronaria percutánea
Autor: Mohandes Yusefian, Mohsen
Director: Bardají Ruiz, Alfredo
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: Rescat axil·lar després de quimioteràpia neoadjuvant en pacients cN1 de càncer de mama: tècnica combinada gangli sentinella-roll axil·lar
Autor: Fuertes Manuel, Jordi
Director: Sepulveda Ramos, Esteban; Salvat Salvat, María Isabel; Gumá Padró, José
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: Impact of fatty acid metabolism in breast cancer peritumoral tissue. Clinical and pathogenic aspects
Autor: Adriá Cebrián, Jose
Director: Gumá Padró, José
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: Detección, control y abordaje de los déficit neuromusculares en jugadores de baloncesto de formación
Autor: Adillón Camón, Cristina
Director: Salvat Salvat, María Isabel
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: Rescat axil·lar després de quimioteràpia neoadjuvant en pacients cN1 de càncer de mama: tècnica combinada gangli sentinella-roll axil·lar
Autor: Fuertes Manuel, Jordi
Director: Sepulveda Ramos, Esteban; Salvat Salvat, María Isabel; Gumá Padró, José
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: Rescat axil·lar després de quimioteràpia neoadjuvant en pacients cN1 de càncer de mama: tècnica combinada gangli sentinella-roll axil·lar
Autor: Fuertes Manuel, Jordi
Director: Sepulveda Ramos, Esteban; Salvat Salvat, María Isabel; Gumá Padró, José
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: Iron and serotonin metabolism in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
Autor: Jessica Binetti
Director: Auguet Quintilla, Maria Teresa
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: Proteomic and adipo/cytokine biomarker analysis of unstable carotid atheroma plaque
Autor: Ajla Alibalic
Director: Auguet Quintilla, Maria Teresa
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: La implicación de las quimiocinas y las adipoquinas en la respuesta inmune discordante en la infección por el VIH
Autor: Yeregui Etxeberria, Elena
Director: Peraire Forner, José Joaquin; Vilades Laborda, Consuelo Gloria; Rodríguez Gallego, Esther; Vidal Marsal, Francisco
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: Modeling the Self-Assembly of Cage Molecules
Autor: Pérez Soto, Raul
Director: Gumá Padró, José; Besora Bonet, Maria
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: Estudio de la relación entre la obesidad abdominal y el riesgo cardiometabólico en población general pediátrica y en población pediátrica con obesidad.
Autor: Muñoz Hernando, Judit
Director: Ferre Pallas, Natalia; Luque Moreno, Verònica
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: Estudio del efecto celular y metabólico del eje TWEAK/Fn14 en el microambiente del cáncer de próstata
Autor: Altuna Coy, Antonio
Director: Ruiz Plazas, Xavier; Rodríguez Chacón, Matilde
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: Exploring liver and adipose tissue alterations in the natural course of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: A lipidomic Approach
Autor: Baiges Gaya, Gerard
Director: Camps Andreu, Jorge; Joven Maried, Jorge
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: Metabolismo del hierro y de la serotonina en la enfermedad del hígado graso no alcohólica
Autor: Jessica Angela Binetti
Director: M Teresa Auguet Quintillà; Cristóbal Richart Jurado
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: Fractura osteoporótica de cadera. Estudio de factores deriesgo de mortalidad en la población geriátrica
Autor: Javier García Alba
Director: Fátima Sabench Pereferrer
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: Metabolismo del hierro y de la serotonina en la enfermedad del hígado graso no alcohólico
Autor: Binetti, Jessica Angela
Director: Vidal, Fernando; Ortega Guerrero, Francisco Javier; Auguet Quintilla, Maria Teresa; Richart Jurado, Cristobal Manuel
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: Protheomic and adipo/cytokine biomarker analysis of unstable carotid atheroma plaque
Autor: Alibalic Soso, Ajla
Director: Richart Jurado, Cristobal Manuel; Auguet Quintilla, Maria Teresa
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: Impact of energy metabolism, paraoxonase-1, and inflammation on cancer patient¿s prognosis and response to treatment
Autor: Elisabeth Rodríguez-Bies
Director: Rosa Solà I Alberich; Jorge Joven Maried; Meritxell Arenas Prat
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: Glicoproteïnes sèriques determinades per 1H-RMN com a marcador dinflamació de baix grau. estudi en pacients VIH i HF
Autor: Ana Irene Malo Cerisuelo
Director: Lluís Masana Marín; Anna Rull Aixà
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: Iron and serotonin metabolism in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
Autor: Jessica Binetti
Director: Richart Jurado, Cristobal Manuel
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: Proteomic and adipo/cytokine biomarker analysis of unstable carotid atheroma plaque
Autor: Ajla Alibalic
Director: Richart Jurado, Cristobal Manuel
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: La implicación de las quimiocinas y las adipoquinas en la respuesta inmune discordante en la infección por el VIH
Autor: Yeregui Etxeberria, Elena
Director: Peraire Forner, José Joaquin; Vilades Laborda, Consuelo Gloria; Rodríguez Gallego, Esther; Vidal Marsal, Francisco
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: Gut microbiota: a connection between obesity and cardiovascular health in children
Autor: Alcázar López, Mireia
Director: Giralt Batista, Montserrat; Nogués Llort, Maria Rosa; Romeu Ferran, Marta; Closa Monasterolo, Ricardo; Escribano Subías, Joaquín; Luque Moreno, Verònica
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: La implicación de las quimiocinas y las adipoquinas en la respuesta inmune discordante en la infección por el VIH
Autor: Yeregui Etxeberria, Elena
Director: Peraire Forner, José Joaquin; Vilades Laborda, Consuelo Gloria; Rodríguez Gallego, Esther; Vidal Marsal, Francisco
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: Metabolismo del hierro y de la serotonina en la enfermedad del hígado graso no alcohólico
Autor: Binetti, Jessica Angela
Director: Vidal, Fernando; Ortega Guerrero, Francisco Javier; Auguet Quintilla, Maria Teresa; Richart Jurado, Cristobal Manuel
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Autor: Martín Grau, Carla
Director: Gumá Padró, José; Arija Val, Maria Victoria
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: Protheomic and adipo/cytokine biomarker analysis of unstable carotid atheroma plaque
Autor: Alibalic Soso, Ajla
Director: Richart Jurado, Cristobal Manuel; Auguet Quintilla, Maria Teresa
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: Impact of energy metabolism, paraoxonase-1, and inflammation on cancer patient's prognosis and response to treatment
Autor: Rodriguez Tomas, Elisabet
Director: Solà Alberich, Rosa Maria; Joven Maried, Jorge; Arenas Prat, Meritxell
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: Exploring liver and adipose tissue alterations in the natural course of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: A lipidomic Approach
Autor: Baiges Gaya, Gerard
Director: Camps Andreu, Jorge; Joven Maried, Jorge
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: Gut microbiota: a connection between obesity and cardiovascular health in children
Autor: Alcázar López, Mireia
Director: Giralt Batista, Montserrat; Nogués Llort, Maria Rosa; Romeu Ferran, Marta; Closa Monasterolo, Ricardo; Escribano Subías, Joaquín; Luque Moreno, Verònica
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: Fractura osteoporótica de cadera. Estudio de factores de riesgo de mortalidad en la población geriátrica
Autor: García Alba, Javier
Director: Sabench Pereferrer, Fatima
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: Estudio de criterios subjetivos y objetivos para la indicación de la cirugía nasal en pacientes con obstrucción nasal moderada-grave de causa mecánica asociada o no a patología inflamatoria nasosinusal,rinitis alérgica o rinosinusitis crónica con pólipos nasales
Autor: Merma Linares, Carla Vanessa
Director: Figuerola Massana, Enric
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: Deep Learning-based Methods for Extracting Fundus Image Landmarks and Signs of Eye Diseases
Autor: Ali, Mohammed Yousef Salem
Director: Julià Ferré, Maria Carmen; Baget Bernaldiz, Marc; Abdelnasser Mohamed Mahmoud, Mohamed; Valls Mateu, Aïda
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: Gold(I) Cavitands for the Assembly of Molecular Complexity
Autor: Martín Torres, Inmaculada
Director: Auguet Quintilla, Maria Teresa; Echavarren Pablos, Antonio
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2022
País: N/D
Títol: Image segmentation methods for automatic detection of the anatomical structure of the eye in people with diabetic retinopathy
Autor: Jose Escorcia Gutierrez
Director: Aïda Valls Mateu; Pere Romero Aroca; Domènec Puig Valls
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2021
País: N/D
Títol: The tissue bioavailability, biomarkers, and effects of anthocyanins on human health. Studied through systematic reviews on anthocyanin-rich foods and a nutritional pre-clinical study with anthocyanin-rich red fleshed-apples. The AppleCOR Project.
Autor: Sandoval Ramírez, Berner Andrée
Director: Solà Alberich, Rosa Maria; Catalán Santos, Úrsula
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2021
País: N/D
Títol: Validación del Cuestionario de Alteración de la Identidad (IDQ), y su relación con tipos de sintomatología y maltrato infantil en mujeres con trastorno límite de personalidad.
Autor: Romero Abad, Noelia
Director: Arrufat Nebot, Francisco Javier; Gutiérrez Zotes, José Alfonso
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2021
País: N/D
Títol: Estratificación del riesgo de fibrilación auricular en pacientes de alto riesgo cardiovascular
Autor: Muria Subirats, Eulàlia
Director: Pla Farnòs, Roger Jesús
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2021
País: N/D
Títol: Efectos sobre la salud de la ingesta de fibra y su adecuación a las recomendaciones en niños europeos
Autor: Larrosa Capacés, Susana
Director: Closa Monasterolo, Ricardo; Luque Moreno, Verònica; Escribano Subías, Joaquín
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2021
País: N/D
Títol: Estimación del riesgo cardiovascular en población española adulta y control de los factores de riesgo en pacientes con enfermedad cardiovascular establecida.
Autor: Fernández Valverde, Diana Elizabeth
Director: Escribano Subías, Joaquín; Luque Moreno, Verònica; Cabre Vila, Juan Jose
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2021
País: N/D
Títol: Estimación del riesgo cardiovascular en población española adulta y control de los factores de riesgo en pacientes con enfermedad cardiovascular establecida.
Autor: Fernández Valverde, Diana Elizabeth
Director: Escribano Subías, Joaquín; Luque Moreno, Verònica; Cabre Vila, Juan Jose
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2021
País: N/D
Títol: Efectos sobre la salud de la ingesta de fibra y su adecuación a las recomendaciones en niños europeos
Autor: Larrosa Capacés, Susana
Director: Closa Monasterolo, Ricardo; Luque Moreno, Verònica; Escribano Subías, Joaquín
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2021
País: N/D
Títol: Validación del Cuestionario de Alteración de la Identidad (IDQ), y su relación con tipos de sintomatología y maltrato infantil en mujeres con trastorno límite de personalidad.
Autor: Romero Abad, Noelia
Director: Arrufat Nebot, Francisco Javier; Gutiérrez Zotes, José Alfonso
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2021
País: N/D
Títol: Effects of hesperidin on cardiovascular disease risk biomarkers: An omics science
Autor: Pla Paga, Laura
Director: Camps Andreu, Jorge; Joven Maried, Jorge; Pedret Figuerola, Anna; Ribalta Vives, Josep; Valls Zamora, Rosa Maria
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2021
País: N/D
Títol: Effects of hesperidin on cardiovascular risk biomarkers: an omics science approach
Autor: Laura Pla Pagà
Director: Rosa María Valls Zamora; Anna Pedret Figuerola
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2021
País: N/D
Títol: Effects of hesperidin on cardiovascular disease risk biomarkers: An omics science
Autor: Pla Paga, Laura
Director: Camps Andreu, Jorge; Joven Maried, Jorge; Pedret Figuerola, Anna; Ribalta Vives, Josep; Valls Zamora, Rosa Maria
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2021
País: N/D
Títol: Efectos sobre la salud de la ingesta de fibra y su adecuación a las recomendaciones en niños europeos
Autor: Susana Larrosa Capaces
Director: Escribano Subías, Joaquín
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2021
País: N/D
Títol: Efecte de la variabilitat genètica de DDR1 en la matèria blanca cerebral i en la velocitat de processament en pacients amb un trastorn de l'espectre de l'esquizofrènia i altres psicosis
Autor: Gas Prades, Maria Cinta
Director: Vilella Cuadrada, Elisabet
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2021
País: N/D
Títol: Effects of probiotics and postbiotics on cardiometabolic disease risk factors: a metagenomic approach to elucidate possible mechanisms of action and new obesity biomarkers
Autor: Companys Alemany, Judit
Director: Valls Zamora, Rosa Maria; Pedret Figuerola, Anna
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2021
País: N/D
Títol: Caracterización del papel del succinato y su receptor SUCNR1 en la fisiopatología de la obesidad y la diabetes de tipo 2
Autor: Keiran Fernández, Noelia Elizabeth
Director: Fernandez Veledo, Sonia; Vendrell Ortega, Juan José
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2021
País: N/D
Títol: Estratificación del riesgo de fibrilación auricular en pacientes de alto riesgo cardiovascular
Autor: Eulàlia Muria Subirats
Director: J; Roger Pla Farnós
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2021
País: N/D
Títol: Cognición Social en mujeres con trastorno límite de la personalidad y su relación con psicopatología y maltrato infantil
Autor: Coma González, Aser Alba
Director: Gutiérrez Zotes, José Alfonso
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2021
País: N/D
Títol: Neurotensina i Proneurotensina com biomarcador de la malaltia per fetge gras no alcohòlic
Autor: Villar Navas, Beatriz
Director: Auguet Quintilla, Maria Teresa
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2021
País: N/D
Títol: Efectos sobre la salud de la ingesta de fibra y su adecuación a las recomendaciones en niños europeos
Autor: Larrosa Capacés, Susana
Director: Closa Monasterolo, Ricardo; Luque Moreno, Verònica; Escribano Subías, Joaquín
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2021
País: N/D
Títol: Image Segmentation Methods for Automatic Detection of the Anatomical Structure of the Eye in People with Diabetic Retinopathy
Autor: Escorcia Gutierrez, José Rafael
Director: Romero Aroca, Pedro; Valls Mateu, Aïda; Puig Valls, Domènec Savi
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2021
País: N/D
Títol: Familial Hypercholesterolemia in children. From detection, characterisation and lifestyle changes.
Autor: Rodríguez Borjabad, Cèlia
Director: Plana Gil, Núria; Masana Marín, Luis
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2021
País: N/D
Títol: The tissue bioavailability, biomarkers, and effects of anthocyanins on human health. Studied through systematic reviews on anthocyanin-rich foods and a nutritional pre-clinical study with anthocyanin-rich red fleshed-apples. The AppleCOR Project.
Autor: Sandoval Ramírez, Berner Andrée
Director: Solà Alberich, Rosa Maria; Catalán Santos, Úrsula
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2021
País: N/D
Títol: Restaurant-based interventions: a new approach to promote healthier and allergy-adapted meals
Autor: Mandracchia, Floriana
Director: Solà Alberich, Rosa Maria; Tarro Sánchez, Lucía; Llauradó Ribé, Elisabet
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2021
País: N/D
Títol: Restaurant-based interventions: a new approach to promote healthier and allergy-adapted meals
Autor: Mandracchia, Floriana
Director: Solà Alberich, Rosa Maria; Tarro Sánchez, Lucía; Llauradó Ribé, Elisabet
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2021
País: N/D
Títol: Effects of hesperidin on cardiovascular disease risk biomarkers: An omics science
Autor: Pla Paga, Laura
Director: Camps Andreu, Jorge; Joven Maried, Jorge; Pedret Figuerola, Anna; Ribalta Vives, Josep; Valls Zamora, Rosa Maria
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2021
País: N/D
Títol: Effects of hesperidin on cardiovascular disease risk biomarkers: An omics science
Autor: Pla Paga, Laura
Director: Camps Andreu, Jorge; Joven Maried, Jorge; Pedret Figuerola, Anna; Ribalta Vives, Josep; Valls Zamora, Rosa Maria
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2021
País: N/D
Títol: Neurotensina i proneurotensina com biomarcador de la malaltia per fetge gras no alcohòlic
Autor: Beatriz Villar Navas
Director: Teresa Auguet
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2021
País: N/D
Títol: Comparación de los parámetros de cristalización urinaria entre pacientes asmáticos y pacientes sanos
Autor: Jaume Enjuanes Llovet
Director: Escribano Subías, Joaquín
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2021
País: N/D
Títol: Efectes dels probiòtics i prebiòtics sobre els indicadors d'obesitat abdominal com a factors de risc cardiovascualr
Autor: Judit Companys Alemany
Director: Valls Zamora, Rosa Maria
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2021
País: N/D
Títol: Effects of probiotics and postbiotics on cardiometabolic disease risk factors: a metagenomic approach to elucidate possible mechanisms of action and new obesity biomarkers
Autor: Judit Companys Alemany
Director: Rosa María Valls Zamora; Anna Pedret Figuerola
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2021
País: N/D
Títol: Restaurant-based interventions: a new approach topromote healthier and allergy-adapted meals
Autor: Floriana Mandracchia
Director: Rosa Solà I Alberich; Elisabet Llauradó Ribé; Lucía Tarro Sánchez
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2021
País: N/D
Títol: Neurotensin and pro-neurotensin as a nonalcoholic fatty liver disease biomarker
Autor: Bea Villar
Director: Auguet Quintilla, Maria Teresa
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2021
País: N/D
Títol: Familial hypercholesterolemia in children. From detection and characterization to lifestyle changes
Autor: Cèlia Rodríguez Borjabad
Director: Lluís Masana Marín; Nuria Plana Gil
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2021
País: N/D
Títol: Effects of probiotics and postbiotics on cardiometabolic disease risk factors: a metagenomic approach to elucidate possible mechanisms of action and new obesity biomarkers
Autor: Companys Alemany, Judit
Director: Valls Zamora, Rosa Maria; Pedret Figuerola, Anna
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2021
País: N/D
Títol: Effects of hesperidin on cardiovascular disease risk biomarkers: An omics science
Autor: Pla Paga, Laura
Director: Camps Andreu, Jorge; Joven Maried, Jorge; Pedret Figuerola, Anna; Ribalta Vives, Josep; Valls Zamora, Rosa Maria
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2021
País: N/D
Títol: Incidencia y variables asociadas de lesiones graves secundarias a la reanimación cardiopulmonar y estudio de su efecto hemodinámico adverso
Autor: Youcef Azeli Jarosch
Director: Bardají Ruiz, Alfredo (Autor O Coautor) ; Alfredo Bardají Ruiz
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2020
País: N/D
Autor: Azeli Jarosch, Youcef Adel
Director: Bardají Ruiz, Alfredo
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2020
País: N/D
Títol: Impact of gestational diabetes on fetal precursors and lipoprotein profile: effects on offspring
Autor: Francisco Algaba Chueca
Director: Sonia Fernández Veledo; Joan Vendrell Ortega; Ana Megía Colet
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2020
País: N/D
Títol: Utilidad de la determinación de troponina cardíaca para la predicción de mortalidad y eventos cardiovasculares en pacientes atendidos en los servicios de urgencias
Autor: Maribel González Del Hoyo
Director: Alfredo Bardají Ruiz
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2020
País: N/D
Títol: Development of Machine Learning Techniques for Diabetic Retinopathy Risk Estimation
Autor: Ali, Emran Saleh Ali
Director: Moreno Ribas, Antonio (Autor O Coautor) ; Romero Aroca, Pedro (Autor O Coautor) ; Valls Mateu, Aïda
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2020
País: N/D
Títol: Artritis reumatoide y enfermedad cardiovascular. Papel de los mirnas y factores clínicos en la detección de pacientes con riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular aumentado
Autor: Delia Taverner
Director: Lluís Masana Marín; Joan Carles Vallvé Torrente; Silvia Paredes González-Albó
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2020
País: N/D
Títol: Aplicació de tècniques òmiques per a la millora del diagnòstic en la síndrome de càncer de mama i ovari hereditari
Autor: Marta Rodríguez-Balada
Director: Lourdes Martorell Bonet; Josep Gumà Padró
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2020
País: N/D
Títol: Anàlisi de la funció mitocondrial en trastorns del neurodesenvolupament
Autor: Alba Valiente Palleja
Director: Lourdes Martorell Bonet; Yolanda Alonso Pérez
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2020
País: N/D
Títol: Aplicació de tècniques òmiques per a la millora del diagnòstic en la síndrome de càncer de mama i ovari hereditari
Autor: Marta Rodríguez-Balada
Director: Lourdes Martorell Bonet; Josep Gumà Padró
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2020
País: N/D
Títol: Cel·lularitat immune als ganglis limfàtics axil·lars negatius en pacients amb càncer de mama
Autor: R Bosch Princep
Director: Marylène Lejeune; Carlos López Pablo
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2020
País: N/D
Títol: Anàlisi de la funció mitocondrial en trastorns del neurodesenvolupament
Autor: Valiente Pallejà, Alba
Director: Martorell Bonet, Lourdes; Alonso Perez, Maria Yolanda
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2020
País: N/D
Títol: ARTRITIS REUMATOIDE Y ENFERMEDAD CARDIOVASCULAR. Papel de los miRNAs y factores clínicos en la detección de pacientes con riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular aumentado
Autor: Taverner Torrent, Delia
Director: Paredes Gonzalez-Albo, Silvia Remedios; Masana Marín, Luis; Castro Salomó, Antoni; Vallvé Torrente, Joan Carles
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2020
País: N/D
Títol: Impact of gestational diabetes on fetal precursors and lipoprotein profile: effects on offspring
Autor: Algaba Chueca, Francisco
Director: Megía Colet, Ana; Fernandez Veledo, Sonia; Vendrell Ortega, Juan José
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2020
País: N/D
Títol: ARTRITIS REUMATOIDE Y ENFERMEDAD CARDIOVASCULAR. Papel de los miRNAs y factores clínicos en la detección de pacientes con riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular aumentado
Autor: Taverner Torrent, Delia
Director: Paredes Gonzalez-Albo, Silvia Remedios; Masana Marín, Luis; Castro Salomó, Antoni; Vallvé Torrente, Joan Carles
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2020
País: N/D
Títol: Impact of gestational diabetes on fetal precursors and lipoprotein profile: effects on offspring
Autor: Algaba Chueca, Francisco
Director: Megía Colet, Ana; Fernandez Veledo, Sonia; Vendrell Ortega, Juan José
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2020
País: N/D
Títol: Utilidad de la determinación de troponina cardíaca para la predicción de mortalidad y eventos Cardiovasculares en pacientes atendidos en los servicios de urgencias
Autor: González Del Hoyo, María Isabel
Director: Bardají Ruiz, Alfredo
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2020
País: N/D
Títol: ARTRITIS REUMATOIDE Y ENFERMEDAD CARDIOVASCULAR. Papel de los miRNAs y factores clínicos en la detección de pacientes con riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular aumentado
Autor: Taverner Torrent, Delia
Director: Paredes Gonzalez-Albo, Silvia Remedios; Masana Marín, Luis; Castro Salomó, Antoni; Vallvé Torrente, Joan Carles
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2020
País: N/D
Autor: Arranz García, Sara
Director: Sánchez Gistau, Vanessa
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2020
País: N/D
Títol: New pathways for early identification of atrial fibrillation in the community
Autor: Ballesta Ors, Juan
Director: Alegret Colomé, Josep Maria
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2020
País: N/D
Títol: Cel·lularitat immune als ganglis limfàtics axil·lars negatius en pacients amb càncer de mama
Autor: Bosch Príncep, Ramon
Director: Lejeune, Marylène Marie; Lopez Pablo, Carlos
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2020
País: N/D
Títol: Aplicació de tècniques òmiques per a la millora del diagnòstic en la síndrome de càncer de mama i ovari hereditari.
Autor: Rodríguez Balada, Marta
Director: Martorell Bonet, Lourdes; Gumá Padró, José
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2020
País: N/D
Títol: Anàlisi de la funció mitocondrial en trastorns del neurodesenvolupament
Autor: Valiente Pallejà, Alba
Director: Martorell Bonet, Lourdes; Alonso Perez, Maria Yolanda
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2020
País: N/D
Autor: Gils Contreras, Anna
Director: Vendrell Ortega, Juan José; Salas Salvadó, Jorge
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2020
País: N/D
Títol: Aplicació de tècniques òmiques per a la millora del diagnòstic en la síndrome de càncer de mama i ovari hereditari.
Autor: Rodríguez Balada, Marta
Director: Martorell Bonet, Lourdes; Gumá Padró, José
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2020
País: N/D
Autor: Ortega Sanz, Laura
Director: Vilella Cuadrada, Elisabet
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2020
País: N/D
Títol: ARTRITIS REUMATOIDE Y ENFERMEDAD CARDIOVASCULAR. Papel de los miRNAs y factores clínicos en la detección de pacientes con riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular aumentado
Autor: Taverner Torrent, Delia
Director: Paredes Gonzalez-Albo, Silvia Remedios; Masana Marín, Luis; Castro Salomó, Antoni; Vallvé Torrente, Joan Carles
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2020
País: N/D
Autor: Ramírez Maldonado, Ruby Elena
Director: Jorba Martin, Rosa Maria
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2019
País: N/D
Títol: Cu(0) wire-mediated SET-LRP in biphasic systems and development of stimuli cleavable polymers
Autor: Moreno Guerra, Adrian
Director: Luque Moreno, Verònica; Galià Clua, Marina Teresa; Lligadas Puig, Gerard
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2019
País: N/D
Autor: Llàdser Navarro, Anna Núria
Director: Lopez Pablo, Carlos; Monteso Curto, Maria Pilar; Casadó Marín, Lina Cristina
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2019
País: N/D
Autor: Llàdser Navarro, Anna Núria
Director: Lopez Pablo, Carlos; Monteso Curto, Maria Pilar; Casadó Marín, Lina Cristina
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2019
País: N/D
Autor: Cabré Casares, Noemi
Director: Joven Maried, Jorge; Nadal Lomas, Martí
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2019
País: N/D
Títol: The role of chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 2 in inflammation, oxidative stress, metabolism and aging
Autor: Fedra N. Luciano Mateo
Director: Domingo Roig, José Luis; Joven Maried, Jorge
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2019
País: N/D
Títol: L´efectivitat de tractament multidisciplinarii el significat de la fibromiàlgia a través de la perspectiva de gènere: un estudi mixt
Autor: Anna Núria Llàdser Navarro
Director: Casadó Marín, Lina Cristina (Autor O Coautor) ; Lopez Pablo, Carlos (Autor O Coautor) ; Pilar Montesó Curto; Lina Casadó I Marín; Carlos López Pablo
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2019
País: N/D
Títol: Impacte de la implementació d\'una guia per al tractament de la dislipèmia en prevenció secundària de la malaltia cardiovascular sobre el control del colesterol en cardiopatia isquèmica
Autor: Emma Forcadell Drago
Director: Lopez Pablo, Carlos (Autor O Coautor) ; Carlos López Pablo; Carina Aguilar Martín; Alessandra Queiroga Gonçalves
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2019
País: N/D
Títol: L´efectivitat de tractament multidisciplinarii el significat de la fibromiàlgia a través de la perspectiva de gènere: un estudi mixt
Autor: Anna Núria Llàdser Navarro
Director: Casadó Marín, Lina Cristina (Autor O Coautor) ; Lopez Pablo, Carlos (Autor O Coautor) ; Pilar Montesó Curto; Lina Casadó I Marín; Carlos López Pablo
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2019
País: N/D
Títol: Body Composition Assessment i Pediatric Patients. Validation of New Methods of Body Composition Measurements in Obese Children
Autor: Desirée Gutiérrez Marin
Director: Luque Moreno, Verònica
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2019
País: N/D
Títol: Competencia en cirugía vitreorretiniana: evaluación de la curva de aprendizaje de la vitrectomía mediante el análisis cusum
Autor: Jordi Martín Avià
Director: Romero Aroca, Pedro (Autor O Coautor) ; Pere Romero Aroca
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2019
País: N/D
Títol: Assessing diagnostic and therapeutic targets in obesity-associated liver diseases
Autor: Noemí Cabré Casares
Director: Joven Maried, Jorge (Autor O Coautor); Jorge Joven Maried
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2019
País: N/D
Títol: The role of chemokine (c-c motif) ligand 2 in inflammation, oxidative stress, aging and metabolism
Autor: Fedra Nicaury Luciano Mateo
Director: Joven Maried, Jorge (Autor O Coautor); José Luis Domingo Roig (Director); Jorge Joven Maried
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2019
País: N/D
Autor: Roigé Castellví, Joana
Director: Vilella Cuadrada, Elisabet; Canals Sans, Josefa; Vigil Colet, Andrés
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2019
País: N/D
Títol: Validación del Cuestionario de Sesgos Cognitivos para la Psicosis (CBQp): Relación con sintomatología, insight y neurocognición
Autor: Corral Rego, Lia
Director: Gutiérrez Zotes, José Alfonso
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2019
País: N/D
Publicacions en Revista / Papers 
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Títol: Programas informáticos RETIPROGRAM y MIRA
Autors: A Valls; A Moreno; J Pascual Fontanilles; J Cristiano; D Puig; Pere Romero Aroca
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Annals D'oftalmologia: Òrgan De Les Societats D'oftalmologia De Catalunya, Valencia I Balears
País: N/D
Títol: Glaucoma Detection in Retinal Fundus Images Based on Deep Transfer Learning and Fuzzy Aggregation Operators
Autors: Ali, MYS; Jabreel, M; Valls, A; Baget, M; Abdel-Nasser, M
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal On Artificial Intelligence Tools
País: N/D
Títol: LezioSeg: Multi-Scale Attention Affine-Based CNN for Segmenting Diabetic Retinopathy Lesions in Images
Autors: Ali, MYS; Jabreel, M; Valls, A; Baget, M; Abdel-Nasser, M; Wu, HB; Wang, AL; Iwahori, Y
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Electronics
País: N/D
Títol: Glycoprotein Serum Concentrations Assessed By 1H-NMR are Increased in Patients With High Blood Pressure
Autors: Andreychuk, N; Llop, D; Moreno-Vedia, J; Girona, J; Ibarretxe, D; Rodríguez-Borjabad, C; Plana, N; Masana, L
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Hypertension
País: N/D
Títol: Glycoprotein and Lipoprotein Profiles Assessed by 1H-NMR and Its Relation to Ascending Aortic Dilatation in Bicuspid Aortic Valve Disease
Autors: Antequera-González, B; Faiges, M; Martínez-Micaelo, N; Galian-Gay, L; Ligero, C; Ferré-Vallverdú, M; Masana, L; Amigó, N; Evangelista, A; Alegret, JM
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Clinical Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Treatment of COVID-19 pneumonia with low-dose radiotherapy plus standard of care versus standard of care alone in frail patients: The SEOR-GICOR IPACOVID comparative cohort trial
Autors: Arenas M; Piqué B; Torres-Royo L; Acosta JC; Rodríguez-Tomàs E; De Febrer G; Vasco C; Araguas P; Gómez JA; Malave B; Árquez M; Algara M; Montero A; Montero M; Simó JM; Gabaldó X; Parada D; Riu F; Sabater S; Camps J; Joven J
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Strahlentherapie Und Onkologie
País: N/D
Títol: Clinical and Biomarker Profile Responses to Rehabilitation Treatment in Patients with Long COVID Characterized by Chronic Fatigue
Autors: Auguet Quintilla, Maria Teresa
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: N/D
País: N/D
Títol: Rare predicted loss-of-function variants of type I IFN immunity genes are associated with life-threatening COVID-19
Autors: Auguet Quintilla, Maria Teresa
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: N/D
País: N/D
Títol: LC/MS-Based Untargeted Metabolomics Analysis in Women with Morbid Obesity and Associated Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Autors: Auguet, T; Bertran, L; Capellades, J; Abelló, S; Aguilar, C; Sabench, F; del Castillo, D; Correig, X; Yanes, O; Richart, C
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Molecular Sciences
País: N/D
Títol: Leveraging a nationwide infection surveillance program to implement a colorectal surgical site infection reduction bundle
Autors: Badia JM; Arroyo-Garcia N; Vázquez A; Almendral A; Gomila-Grange A; Fraccalvieri D; Parés D; Abad-Torrent A; Pascual M; Solís-Peña A; Puig-Asensio M; Pera M; Gudiol F; Limón E; Pujol M; Members of the VINCat Colorectal Surveillance Team*; VINCat Program**; Members of the VINCat Colorectal Surveillance Team* and on behalf of VINCat Program**
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Surgery
País: N/D
Títol: Risk Factors for Recurrent Vitreous Hemorrhage in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients after Posterior Vitrectomy
Autors: Baget-Bernaldiz, M; Romero-Aroca, P; Mira-Puerto, A; Bautista-Perez, A; Roca-Borrut, I; Vizcarro, M; Navarro-Gil, R; Llagostera-Serra, M
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Clinical Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Risk Factors for Recurrent Vitreous Hemorrhage in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients after Posterior Vitrectomy
Autors: Baget-Bernaldiz, Marc; Romero-Aroca, Pedro; Mira-Puerto, Alejandra; Bautista-Perez, Angel; Roca-Borrut, Immaculada; Vizcarro, Montse; Navarro-Gil, Raul; Llagostera-Serra, Monica
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Clinical Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Combining Semi-Targeted Metabolomics and Machine Learning to Identify Metabolic Alterations in the Serum and Urine of Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19
Autors: Baiges-Gaya, G; Iftimie, S; Castañé, H; Rodríguez-Tomàs, E; Jiménez-Franco, A; López-Azcona, AF; Castro, A; Camps, J; Joven, J
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Biomolecules
País: N/D
Títol: Combining Semi-Targeted Metabolomics and Machine Learning to Identify Metabolic Alterations in the Serum and Urine of Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19
Autors: Baiges-Gaya, Gerard; Iftimie, Simona; Castañé, Helena; Rodríguez-Tomàs, Elisabet; Jiménez-Franco, Andrea; López-Azcona, Ana F.; Castro, Antoni; Camps, Jordi; Joven, Jorge
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Biomolecules
País: N/D
Títol: Comparison of long-term complications in cancer patients with incidental and acute symptomatic venous thromboembolism
Autors: Barca-Hernando, M; Lopez-Ruz, S; Marin-Romero, S; Elias-Hernandez, T; Otero-Candelera, R; Jara-Palomares, L
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Front Cardiovasc Med
País: N/D
Títol: Risk of recurrent cancer-associated thrombosis after discontinuation of anticoagulant therapy
Autors: Barca-Hernando, M; Lopez-Ruz, S; Marin-Romero, S; Garcia-Garcia, V; Elias-Hernandez, T; Otero-Candelera, R; Carrier, M; Jara-Palomares, L
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Res Pract Thromb Haemost
País: N/D
Títol: The Role of Olfactomedin 2 in the Adipose Tissue-Liver Axis and Its Implication in Obesity-Associated Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Autors: Barrientos-Riosalido, A; Bertran, L; Vilaró-Blay, M; Aguilar, C; Martínez, S; Paris, M; Sabench, F; Riesco, D; Binetti, J; Del Castillo, D; Richart, C; Auguet, T
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Molecular Sciences
País: N/D
Títol: Increased Hepatic ATG7 mRNA and ATG7 Protein Expression in Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Associated with Obesity
Autors: Barrientos-Riosalido, A; Real, M; Bertran, L; Aguilar, C; Martinez, S; Parada, D; Vives, M; Sabench, F; Riesco, D; Castillo, DD; Richart, C; Auguet, T
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Molecular Sciences
País: N/D
Títol: The Role of Olfactomedin 2 in the Adipose Tissue¿Liver Axis and Its Implication in Obesity-Associated Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Autors: Barrientos-Riosalido, Andrea; Bertran, Laia; Vilaró-Blay, Mercè; Aguilar, Carmen; Martínez, Salomé; Paris, Marta; Sabench, Fàtima; Riesco, David; Binetti, Jessica; Castillo, Daniel Del; Richart, Cristóbal; Auguet, Teresa
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Molecular Sciences
País: N/D
Títol: Increased Hepatic ATG7 mRNA and ATG7 Protein Expression in Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Associated with Obesity
Autors: Barrientos-Riosalido, Andrea; Real, Monica; Bertran, Laia; Aguilar, Carmen; Martínez, Salomé; Parada, David; Vives, Margarita; Sabench, Fàtima; Riesco, David; Castillo, Daniel Del; Richart, Cristóbal; Auguet, Teresa
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Molecular Sciences
País: N/D
Títol: Diagnosis of Familial Dysbetalipoproteinemia Based on the Lipid Abnormalities Driven by APOE2/E2 Genotype
Autors: Bea AM; Cenarro A; Marco-Bened V; Laclaustra M; Martn C; Ibarretxe D; Pint X; Arrobas T; Vials C; Civeira F; Olmos S
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinical Chemistry
País: N/D
Títol: Expression of STING in Women with Morbid Obesity and Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Autors: Bertran, L; Adalid, L; Vilaró-Blay, M; Barrientos-Riosalido, A; Aguilar, C; Martínez, S; Sabench, F; del Castillo, D; Porras, JA; Alibalic, A; Richart, C; Auguet, T
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Metabolites
País: N/D
Títol: LC/MS-Based Untargeted Metabolomics Study in Women with Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Associated with Morbid Obesity
Autors: Bertran, L; Capellades, J; Abelló, S; Durán-Bertran, J; Aguilar, C; Martinez, S; Sabench, F; Correig, X; Yanes, O; Auguet, T; Richart, C
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Molecular Sciences
País: N/D
Títol: Expression of STING in Women with Morbid Obesity and Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Autors: Bertran, Laia; Adalid, Laia; Vilaró-Blay, Mercè; Barrientos-Riosalido, Andrea; Aguilar, Carmen; Martínez, Salomé; Sabench, Fàtima; del Castillo, Daniel; Porras, José Antonio; Alibalic, Ajla; Richart, Cristóbal; Auguet, Teresa
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Metabolites
País: N/D
Títol: Exploring restaurant and customer needs, barriers, interests, and food choices induced by the COVID-19 pandemic in Tarragona Province (Catalonia, Spain): A cross-sectional study
Autors: Besora-Moreno, M; Queral, J; Torres, S; Llauradó, E; Tarro, L; Solà, R
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Frontiers In Public Health
País: N/D
Títol: Clinical and Biomarker Profile Responses to Rehabilitation Treatment in Patients with Long COVID Characterized by Chronic Fatigue
Autors: Binetti, Jessica; Real, Monica; Renzulli, Marcela; Bertran, Laia; Riesco, David; Perpinan, Carles; Mohedano, Alba; Segundo, Rosa San; Ortiz, Marta; Porras, Jose Antonio; Pineda, Daniela Rosanna; Auguet, Teresa
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Viruses-Basel
País: N/D
Títol: Comparative effects of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptors agonists, 4-dipeptidyl peptidase inhibitors, and metformin on metabolic syndrome
Autors: Bouzas, C; Pastor, R; Garcia, S; Monserrat-Mesquida, M; Martínez-González, MA; Salas-Salvadó, J; Corella, D; Goday, A; Martínez, JA; Alonso-Gómez, AM; Fernández-Barceló, O; Vioque, J; Romaguera, D; Lopez-Miranda, J; Estruch, R; Tinahones, FJ; Lapetra, J; Serra-Majema, L; Riquelme-Gallegop, B; Martín-Sánchez, V; Pintó, X; Delgado-Rodriguez, M; Matía, P; Vidal, J; Cardenas-Salas, JJ; Daimiel, L; Ros, E; Toledo, E; Manzanares, JM; Gonzalez-Monge, I; Muñoz, MA; Martinez-Urbistondo, D; Tojal-Sierra, L; Muñoz-Bravoaf, C; Miralles-Gisbert, S; Martin, M; García-Ríos, A; Castro-Barquero, S; Fernández-García, JC; Santos-Lozano, JM; Basterra-Gortari, FJ; Gutiérrez-Carrasquilla, L; Guillem-Saiz, P; Satorres, A; Abete, I; Sorto-Sanchez, C; Díez-Espino, J; Babio, N; Fitó, M; Tur, JA
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy
País: N/D
Títol: Cohort Profile: PISCIS, a population-based cohort of people living with HIV in Catalonia and Balearic Islands
Autors: Bruguera, A; Nomah, D; Moreno-Fornís, S; Díaz, Y; Aceitón, J; Reyes-Urueña, J; Ambrosioni, J; Llibre, JM; Falcó, V; Imaz, A; Fanjul, F; Navarro, G; Pere, D; León, E; Mera, A; Miró, JM; Casabona, J; PISCIS Cohort Grp
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Epidemiology
País: N/D
Títol: The effects of fatty acid-based dietary interventions on circulating bioactive lipid levels as intermediate biomarkers of health, cardiovascular disease, and cardiovascular disease risk factors: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials
Autors: Calderon-Perez, L; Companys, J; Sola, R; Pedret, A; Valls, RM
Any: 2023 Clau: Review
Revista: Nutrition Reviews
País: N/D
Títol: The role of experimenter familiarity in children's eyewitness identification
Autors: Calderwood, L; Ballantyne, C; Slee, K
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Psychiatry Psychology And Law
País: N/D
Títol: Paraoxonase-1: How a xenobiotic detoxifying enzyme has become an actor in the pathophysiology of infectious diseases and cancer
Autors: Camps, J; Iftimie, S; Arenas, M; Castañé, H; Jiménez-Franco, A; Castro, A; Joven, J
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Chemico-Biological Interactions
País: N/D
Títol: Widespread intra-axonal signal fraction abnormalities in bipolar disorder from multicompartment diffusion MRI: Sensitivity to diagnosis, association with clinical features and pharmacologic treatment
Autors: Canales-Rodríguez EJ; Verdolini N; Alonso-Lana S; Torres ML; Panicalli F; Argila-Plaza I; Rodriguez-Cano E; Montoro I; Garcia-Ruiz B; Jimenez E; Varo C; Lluch A; del Mar Bonnin C; Maluf S; Pujol M; Guarner NJ; Sarró S; Vieta E; Vilella E; Salvador R; Pomarol-Clotet E
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Human Brain Mapping
País: N/D
Títol: Predictive Factors of the Use of Rituximab and Belimumab in Spanish Lupus Patients
Autors: Capdevila, O; Mitjavila, F; Espinosa, G; Caminal-Montero, L; Marín-Ballvè, A; León, RG; Castro, A; Canora, J; Pinilla, B; Fonseca, E; Ruiz-Irastorza, G; RELES; Autoimmune Dis Study Grp GEAS; Spanish Soc Internal Med
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Medicina-Lithuania
País: N/D
Títol: Serum Arylesterase, Paraoxonase, and Lactonase Activities and Paraoxonase-1 Concentrations in Morbidly Obese Patients and Their Relationship with Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis
Autors: Castañe, H; Jiménez-Franco, A; Martínez-Navidad, C; Placed-Gallego, C; Cambra-Cortés, V; Perta, AM; París, M; Castillo, DD; Arenas, M; Camps, J; Joven, J
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Antioxidants
País: N/D
Títol: Coeliac Disease Case-Control Study: Has the Time Come to Explore beyond Patients at Risk?
Autors: Castillejo, G; Ochoa-Sangrador, C; Perez-Solis, D; Cilleruelo, ML; Donat, E; Garcia-Burriel, JI; Sanchez-Valverde, F; Garcia-Calatayud, S; Eizaguirre, FJ; Martinez-Ojinaga, E; Barros, P; Leis, R; Salazar, JC; Barrio, J; Pena-Quintana, L; Luque, V; Polanco, I; Ribes, C; Roman, E
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Nutrients
País: N/D
Títol: Mediterranean Diet and Lung Function in Adults Current Smokers: A Cross-Sectional Analysis in the MEDISTAR Project
Autors: Catalin, RE; Martin-Lujan, F; Salamanca-Gonzalez, P; Palleja-Millan, M; Villalobos, F; Santigosa-Ayala, A; Pedret, A; Valls-Zamora, RM; Sola, R
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Nutrients
País: N/D
Títol: Mediterranean Diet and Lung Function in Adults Current Smokers: A Cross-Sectional Analysis in the MEDISTAR Project
Autors: Catalin, Roxana-Elena; Martin-Lujan, Francisco; Salamanca-Gonzalez, Patricia; Palleja-Millan, Meritxell; Villalobos, Felipe; Santigosa-Ayala, Antoni; Pedret, Anna; Valls-Zamora, Rosa M.; Sola, Rosa; NA, NA
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Nutrients
País: N/D
Títol: Childhood and Adolescent Central Nervous System Tumours in Spain: Incidence and Survival over 20 Years: A Historical Baseline for Current Assessment
Autors: Chirlaque MD; Peris-Bonet R; Sánchez A; Cruz O; Marcos-Gragera R; Gutiérrez-Ávila G; Quirós-García JR; Almela-Vich F; López de Munain A; Sánchez MJ; Franch-Sureda P; Ardanaz E; Galceran J; Martos C; Salmerón D; Gatta G; Botta L; Cañete A; The Spanish Childhood Cancer Epidemiology Working Group
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Cancers
País: N/D
Títol: Parche de esclera en perforaciones corneales secundarias a herpes ocular. Casos clínicos
Autors: Clàudia Rovira Jaén; R Vergés Pujol; M Salvat Serra; Pere Romero Aroca
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Annals D'oftalmologia: Òrgan De Les Societats D'oftalmologia De Catalunya, Valencia I Balears
País: N/D
Títol: Ten-Year Probabilities of Death Due to Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease among Breast Cancer Patients Diagnosed in North-Eastern Spain
Autors: Clèries R; Ameijide A; Buxó M; Vilardell M; Martínez JM; Font R; Marcos-Gragera R; Puigdemont M; Viñas G; Carulla M; Espinàs JA; Galceran J; Izquierdo Á; Borràs JM
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health
País: N/D
Títol: Economic Burden Associated with the Treatment with a Cardiovascular Polypill in Secondary Prevention in Spain: Cost-Effectiveness Results of the NEPTUNO Study
Autors: Cordero, A; González-Gallarza, RD; Masana, L; Fuster, V; Castellano, JM; Olivar, JER; Zsolt, I; Sicras-Mainar, A; Juanatey, JRG
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinicoeconomics And Outcomes Research
País: N/D
Títol: Impact of physician's perception about LDL cholesterol control in clinical practice when treating patients in Spain
Autors: Cosín-Sales, J; Ruiz, RC; Díaz, JLD; Cervantes, CE; Olmo, MRF; Gómez-Doblas, JJ; Mostaza, JM; Pedro-Botet, J; Gili, NP; Valdivielso, P
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Atherosclerosis
País: N/D
Títol: 2023 Update on European Atherosclerosis Society Consensus Statement on Homozygous Familial Hypercholesterolaemia: new treatments and clinical guidance
Autors: Cuchel, M; Raal, FJ; Hegele, RA; Al-Rasadi, K; Arca, M; Averna, M; Bruckert, E; Freiberger, T; Gaudet, D; Harada-Shiba, M; Hudgins, LC; Kayikcioglu, M; Masana, L; Parhofer, KG; van Lennep, JER; Santos, RD; Stroes, ESG; Watts, GF; Wiegman, A; Stock, JK; Tokgözoglu, LS; Catapano, AL; Ray, KK
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: European Heart Journal
País: N/D
Títol: Three-Month Outcomes in Cancer Patients with Superficial or Deep Vein Thrombosis in the Lower Limbs: Results from the RIETE Registry
Autors: Debourdeau, P; Bertoletti, L; Font, C; López-Núñez, JJ; Gómez-Cuervo, C; Mahe, I; Otero-Candelera, R; Adarraga, MD; López-Miguel, P; Monreal, M
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Cancers
País: N/D
Títol: Dietary Iron, Anemia Markers, Cognition, and Quality of Life in Older Community-Dwelling Subjects at High Cardiovascular Risk
Autors: Donat-Vargas, C; Mico, V; San-Cristobal, R; Martínez-González, MA; Salas-Salvadó, J; Corella, D; Fitó, M; Alonso-Gómez, AM; Wärnberg, J; Vioque, J; Romaguera, D; López-Miranda, J; Estruch, R; Damas-Fuentes, M; Lapetra, J; Serra-Majem, L; Bueno-Cavanillas, A; Tur, JA; Cinza-Sanjurjo, S; Pintó, X; Delgado-Rodríguez, M; Matía-Martín, P; Vidal, J; Causso, C; Ros, E; Toledo, E; Manzanares, JM; Ortega-Azorín, C; Castañer, O; Peña-Orihuela, PJ; Zazo, JM; Muñoz Bravo, C; Martinez-Urbistondo, D; Chaplin, A; Casas, R; Cano Ibáñez, N; Tojal-Sierra, L; Gómez-Perez, AM; Pascual Roquet-Jalmar, E; Mestre, C; Barragán, R; Schröder, H; Garcia-Rios, A; Candela García, I; Ruiz-Canela, M; Babio, N; Malcampo, M; Daimiel, L; Martinez, A
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Nutrients
País: N/D
Títol: Consumption of health resources in older people with differentiated thyroid carcinoma: a multicenter analysis
Autors: Díez, JJ; Anda, E; Alcazar, V; Isidro, ML; Familiar, C; Paja, M; Rojas-Marcos, PM; Pérez-Corral, B; Navarro, E; Romero-Lluch, AR; Oleaga, A; Pamplona, MJ; Fernández-García, JC; Megía, A; Manjón-Miguélez, L; Sánchez-Ragnarsson, C; Iglesias, P; Sastre, J
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Endocrine
País: N/D
Títol: Effects of infant feeding with goat milk formula or cow milk formula on atopic dermatitis: protocol of the randomised controlled Goat Infant Formula Feeding and Eczema (GIraFFE) trial
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: N/D
País: N/D
Títol: Multi-omics in HIV: searching insights to understand immunological non-response in PLHIV
Autors: Espineira, S; Flores-Piñas, M; Chafino, S; Viladés, C; Negredo, E; Fernández-Arroyo, S; Mallolas, J; Villar, B; Moreno, S; Vidal, F; Rull, A; Peraire, J
Any: 2023 Clau: Review
Revista: Frontiers In Immunology
País: N/D
Títol: Compliance to Multidisciplinary Lifestyle Intervention Decreases Blood Pressure in Patients with Resistant Hypertension: A Cross-Sectional Pilot Study
Autors: Espinel, E; Azancot, MA; Gomez, A; Beneria, A; Caraben, A; Andurell, L; Delgado, P; Castane, H; Joven, J; Seron, D
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Clinical Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Compliance to Multidisciplinary Lifestyle Intervention Decreases Blood Pressure in Patients with Resistant Hypertension: A Cross-Sectional Pilot Study
Autors: Espinel, Eugenia; Azancot, María Antonia; Gomez, Alba; Beneria, Anna; Caraben, Anna; Andurell, Laura; Delgado, Pilar; Castañé, Helena; Joven, Jorge; Seron, Daniel
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Clinical Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Opportunistic genetic screening increases the diagnostic yield and is medically valuable for care of patients and their relatives with hereditary cancer
Autors: Fernandez-Castillejo, Sara; Roig, Barbara; Mele, Mireia; Serrano, Sara; Salvat, Monica; Querol, Montserrat; Brunet, Joan; Pineda, Marta; Cisneros, Adela; Parada, David; Badia, Joan; Borras, Joan; Rodriguez-Balada, Marta; Guma, Josep;
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Medical Genetics
País: N/D
Títol: Expressed Beliefs about the Cause of Pain in a Pediatric Population: A Qualitative Study
Autors: Fernández, LM; Salvat, I; Adillón, C
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Children (Basel)
País: N/D
Títol: Monitoring of Circulating Tumor DNA Predicts Response to Treatment and Early Progression in Follicular Lymphoma: Results of a Prospective Pilot Study
Autors: Fernández-Miranda, I; Pedrosa, L; Llanos, M; Franco, FF; Gómez, S; Martín-Acosta, P; García-Arroyo, FR; Gumá, J; Horcajo, B; Ballesteros, AK; Gálvez, L; Martínez, N; Marín, M; Sequero, S; Navarro, M; Yanguas-Casás, N; Calvo, V; Rueda-Domínguez, A; Provencio, M; Sánchez-Beato, M
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinical Cancer Research
País: N/D
Títol: Effects of infant feeding with goat milk formula or cow milk formula on atopic dermatitis: protocol of the randomised controlled Goat Infant Formula Feeding and Eczema (GIraFFE) trial
Autors: Ferry JM; Galera-Martínez R; Campoy C; Sáenz de Pipaón M; Jarocka-Cyrta E; Walkowiak J; Roma¿czuk B; Escribano J; Gispert M; Grattarola P; Gruszfeld D; Iglesia I; Grote V; Demmelmair H; Handel U; Gallier S; Koletzko B
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Bmj Open
País: N/D
Títol: Cirugía bariátrica revisional: ¡A escena!
Autors: Fátima Sabench Pereferrer
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Cirugia Espanola
País: N/D
Títol: Gradual Increase in Inflammation-Linked Glycoproteins and a Proatherogenic Lipoprotein Profile in the Early Stages of Psychosis as Characterized by 1H NMR Blood Analysis
Autors: Gallart-Palau, X; Muntané, G; Martorell, L; Amigó, N; Correig, X; Ribalta, J; Sánchez-Gistau, V; Labad, J; Vilella, E
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Proteome Research
País: N/D
Títol: Associations between eating speed, diet quality, adiposity, and cardiometabolic risk factors
Autors: Garcidueñas-Fimbres, TE; Paz-Graniel, I; Gómez-Martínez, C; Jurado-Castro, JM; Leis, R; Escribano, J; Moreno, LA; Navas-Carretero, S; Portoles, O; Pérez-Vega, KA; Gil-Campos, M; López-Rubio, A; Rey-Reñones, C; De Miguel-Etayo, P; Martínez, JA; Flores-Rojas, K; Vázquez-Cobela, R; Luque, V; Miguel-Berges, ML; Pastor-Villaescusa, B; Llorente-Cantarero, FJ; Salas-Salvadó, J; Babio, N
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Pediatrics
País: N/D
Títol: Report on the first two confirmed autochthonous cases of West Nile virus encephalitis in Catalonia, Spain
Autors: García-Cervera, C; Iftimie, SM; Martínez, MJ; González, AV; Parra-Pérez, S; Revuelta-López-Cordón, L; Gil-Toral, J; Vallverdú, RMV; Mateo, AM; López-Azcona, AF; Pujol-Bajador, I; Ballester-Bastardie, F; Castro-Salomó, A
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Infect Dis (Lond)
País: N/D
Títol: Assessing the Utility of Multiplexed Polymerase Chain Reaction in Detecting Microorganisms Causing Infections in Critically ill Patients
Autors: Garrido, P; Gabaldó-Barrios, X; Pujol-Bajador, I; Fernández, L; Ballester, F; Garrido, R; Cueto, P; Camps, J; Vallverdu, I
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Current Microbiology
País: N/D
Títol: Cross-sectional and longitudinal assessment of the association between DDR1 variants and processing speed in patients with early psychosis and healthy controls
Autors: Gas C; Ayesa R; Vázquez-Bourgon J; Crespo-Facorro B; García-Gavilán J; Labad J; Martorell L; Muntané G; Sanchez-Gistau V; Vilella E
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Psychiatric Research
País: N/D
Títol: Psychological symptoms in difficult-to-sedate critical care survivors
Autors: Gil Castillejos, Diana; Lourdes Rubio, Maria; Ferre, Carmen; Angeles de Gracia, Ma de Los; Bodi, Maria; Sandiumenge, Alberto;
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Nursing In Critical Care
País: N/D
Títol: Borderline Personality Disorder, Early Adverse Experiences, and Cognitive Biases: A Systematic Review
Autors: González Marín EM; Montoya Otálvaro JA; Cadavod Buitrago MA; Gaviria Gómez AM; Vilella E; Gutiérrez-Zotes A
Any: 2023 Clau: Review
Revista: Revista De Investigación E Innovación En Ciencias De La Salud (Riics)
País: N/D
Títol: Comment on Serés-Noriega et al. Use of the Steno T1 Risk Engine Identifies Preclinical Atherosclerosis Better Than Use of ESC/EASD-2019 in Adult Subjects With Type 1 Diabetes at High Risk. Diabetes Care 2022;45:2412-2421
Autors: González-Clemente, JM; Llauradó, G; Cano, A; Giménez-Palop, O; Albert, L; Vendrell, J
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Diabetes Care
País: N/D
Títol: Comment on Serés-Noriega et al. Use of the Steno T1 Risk Engine Identifies Preclinical Atherosclerosis Better Than Use of ESC/EASD-2019 in Adult Subjects With Type 1 Diabetes at High Risk. Diabetes Care 2022;45:2412¿2421
Autors: González-Clemente, José-Miguel; Llauradó, Gemma; Cano, Albert; Giménez-Palop, Olga; Albert, Lara; Vendrell, Joan
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Diabetes Care
País: N/D
Títol: Comparison of the design and methodology of Phase 3 clinical trials of bictegravir/emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide (BIC/FTC/TAF) and dolutegravir-based dual therapy (DTG) in HIV: a systematic review of the literature
Autors: Grau S; Miró JM; Olalla J; Alcalá JC; Castro A; Rubio-Rodríguez D; Rubio-Terrés C
Any: 2023 Clau: Review
Revista: Expert Review Of Anti-Infective Therapy
País: N/D
Títol: Cloxacillin plus fosfomycin versus cloxacillin alone for methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus¿aureus bacteremia: a randomized trial
Autors: Grillo, S; Pujol, M; Miró, JM; López-Contreras, J; Euba, G; Gasch, O; Boix-Palop, L; Garcia-País, MJ; Pérez-Rodríguez, MT; Gomez-Zorrilla, S; Oriol, I; López-Cortés, LE; Pedro-Botet, ML; San-Juan, R; Aguado, JM; Gioia, F; Iftimie, S; Morata, L; Jover-Sáenz, A; García-Pardo, G; Loeches, B; Izquierdo-Cárdenas, A; Goikoetxea, AJ; Gomila-Grange, A; Dietl, B; Berbel, D; Videla, S; Hereu, P; Padulles, A; Pallarès, N; Tebé, C; Cuervo, G; Carratalà, J; SAFO Study Grp
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Nature Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Metabolic Overlap between Alzheimer¿s Disease and Metabolic Syndrome Identifies the PVRL2 Gene as a New Modulator of Diabetic Dyslipidemia
Autors: Guardiola, M; Muntané, G; Martínez, I; Martorell, L; Girona, J; Ibarretxe, D; Plana, N; Bullido, MJ; Vilella, E; Ribalta, J
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Molecular Sciences
País: N/D
Títol: SEOM-GOTEL clinical guidelines on diffuse large B cell lymphoma (2022)
Autors: Guma, J; Palazon-Carrion, N; Rueda-Dominguez, A; Sequero, S; Calvo, V; Garcia-Arroyo, R; Gomez-Codina, J; Llanos, M; Martinez-Banaclocha, N; Provencio, M
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinical & Translational Oncology
País: N/D
Títol: Occupational Physical Activity and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors: A Cross-Sectional Study
Autors: Gómez-Recasens, M; Alfaro-Barrio, S; Tarro, L; Llauradó, E; Solà, R
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Nutrients
País: N/D
Títol: Occupational Physical Activity and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors: A Cross-Sectional Study
Autors: Gómez-Recasens, Montserrat; Alfaro-Barrio, Silvana; Tarro, Lucia; Llauradó, Elisabet; Solà, Rosa
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Nutrients
País: N/D
Títol: Developing a model to predict the early risk of hypertriglyceridemia based on inhibiting lipoprotein lipase (LPL): a translational study
Autors: Hernandez-Baixauli J; Chomiciute G; Alcaide-Hidalgo JM; Crescenti A; Baselga-Escudero L; Palacios-Jordan H; Foguet-Romero E; Pedret A; Valls RM; Solà R; Mulero M; Del Bas JM
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Scientific Reports
País: N/D
Títol: A specific gut microbiota signature is associated with an enhanced GLP-1 and GLP-2 secretion and improved metabolic control in patients with type 2 diabetes after metabolic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass
Autors: Hernández-Montoliu L; Rodríguez-Peña MM; Puig R; Astiarraga B; Guerrero-Pérez F; Virgili N; López-Urdiales R; Osorio J; Monseny R; Lazzara C; Sobrino L; Pérez-Maraver M; Pérez-Prieto M; Pellitero S; Fernández-Veledo S; Vendrell J; Vilarrasa N
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Frontiers In Endocrinology
País: N/D
Títol: Retrospective Analysis of Vaccination Status and Predominant Viral Variants in Patients Hospitalized with COVID-19 in Reus, Spain
Autors: Iftimie, S; López-Azcona, AF; Lozano-Olmo, MJ; Naval-Ferrando, A; Domingo-Cortés, V; Castañé, H; Jiménez-Franco, A; Hernández-Aguilera, A; Guilarte, C; Riu, F; Camps, J; Joven, J; Castro, A
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Viruses-Basel
País: N/D
Títol: Maternal factors associated with iron deficiency without anaemia in early pregnancy: ECLIPSES study
Autors: Iglesias-Vázquez, L; Gimeno, M; Coronel, P; Caspersen, IH; Basora, J; Arija, V
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Annals Of Hematology
País: N/D
Títol: Importance of Maternal Iron Status on the Improvement of Cognitive Function in Children After Prenatal Iron Supplementation
Autors: Iglesias-Vázquez, L; Voltas, N; Hernández-Martínez, C; Canals, J; Coronel, P; Gimeno, M; Basora, J; Arija, V
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: American Journal Of Preventive Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Distribution of energy and macronutrient intakes across eating occasions in European children from 3 to 8 years of age: The EU Childhood Obesity Project Study
Autors: Jaeger V; Koletzko B; Luque V; Ferré N; Gruszfeld D; Gradowska K; Verduci E; Zuccotti GV; Xhonneux A; Poncelet P; Grote V
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: European Journal Of Nutrition
País: N/D
Títol: Eating Frequency in European Children from 1 to 96 Months of Age: Results of the Childhood Obesity Project Study
Autors: Jaeger, V; Koletzko, B; Luque, V; Gruszfeld, D; Verduci, E; Xhonneux, A; Grote, V
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Nutrients
País: N/D
Títol: Inteligencia artificial en oftalmología
Autors: Javier Zarranz Ventura; Pere Romero Aroca; Miguel Ángel Zapata Victori
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Annals D'oftalmologia: Òrgan De Les Societats D'oftalmologia De Catalunya, Valencia I Balears
País: N/D
Títol: Los microARN como potenciales biomarcadores diagnósticos
Autors: Joan C Vallvé; Dídac Llop Paredes
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Medicina Clinica
País: N/D
Títol: Duodenopancreatectomía cefálica robótica (I): Estandarización de la fase resectiva en 4 pasos
Autors: Jorba, Rosa; Pavel, Mihai C.; Llàcer-Millán, Erik; Memba, Robert
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Cirugia Espanola
País: N/D
Títol: Preliminary experience with a new robotic technique to facilitate distal pancreatectomy with spleen preservation: left lateral approach in right lateral decubitus position
Autors: Jorba-Martin, R; Pavel, MC; Estalella, L; Llàcer-Millán, E; Julià, E; Ramírez-Maldonado, E; Pueyo, E; Geoghegan, J; Memba, R
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Robotic Surgery
País: N/D
Títol: Propuesta para mejorar la formación en profesionalismo y en competencias transversales en los estudios de medicina de las universidades de Cataluña
Autors: Jorge Pérez Sánchez; José Francisco Aramburu Beltrán; Ana Bofill Rodenas; Marta Elorduy; Joaquin Escribano Subías; Meritxell Girvent Montllor; Pilar Luque Gálvez; Joan Miquel Nolla Solé; Rosa M Pérez; Fátima Sabench Pereferrer; Montserrat Solanas; Josep Maria Vilaseca
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Fem. Revista De La Fundación Educación Médica
País: N/D
Títol: Analysis of DNA methylation at birth and in childhood reveals changes associated with season of birth and latitude
Autors: Kadalayil, L; Alam, MZ; White, CH; Ghantous, A; Walton, E; Gruzieva, O; Merid, SK; Kumar, A; Roy, RP; Solomon, O; Huen, K; Eskenazi, B; Rzehak, P; Grote, V; Langhendries, JP; Verduci, E; Ferre, N; Gruszfeld, D; Gao, L; Guan, WH; Zeng, XH; Schisterman, EF; Dou, JF; Bakulski, KM; Feinberg, JI; Soomro, MH; Pesce, G; Baiz, N; Isaevska, E; Plusquin, M; Vafeiadi, M; Roumeliotaki, T; Langie, SAS; Standaert, A; Allard, C; Perron, P; Bouchard, L; van Meel, ER; Felix, JF; Jaddoe, VWV; Yousefi, PD; Ramlau-Hansen, CH; Relton, CL; Tobi, EW; Starling, AP; Yang, IV; Llambrich, M; Santorelli, G; Lepeule, J; Salas, LA; Bustamante, M; Ewart, SL; Zhang, HM; Karmaus, W; Röder, S; Zenclussen, AC; Jin, JP; Nystad, W; Page, CM; Magnus, M; Jima, DD; Hoyo, C; Maguire, RL; Kvist, T; Czamara, D; Räikkönen, K; Gong, T; Ullemar, V; Rifas-Shiman, SL; Oken, E; Almqvist, C; Karlsson, R; Lahti, J; Murphy, SK; Håberg, SE; London, S; Herberth, G; Arshad, H; Sunyer, J; Grazuleviciene, R; Dabelea, D; Steegers-Theunissen, RPM; Nohr, EA; Sorensen, TIA; Duijts, L; Hivert, MF; Nelen, V; Popovic, M; Kogevinas, M; Nawrot, TS; Herceg, Z; Annesi-Maesano, I; Fallin, MD; Yeung, EDA; Breton, CV; Koletzko, B; Holland, N; Wiemels, JL; Melén, E; Sharp, GC; Silver, MJ; Rezwan, F; Holloway, JW
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinical Epigenetics
País: N/D
Títol: The ANGPTL3-4-8 Axis in Normal Gestation and in Gestational Diabetes, and Its Potential Involvement in Fetal Growth
Autors: Klid, S; Maymó-Masip, E; Algaba-Chueca, F; Ballesteros, M; Inglès-Puig, M; Guarque, A; Madeira, A; Jareño, C; Vendrell, J; Fernández-Veledo, S; Megía, A
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Molecular Sciences
País: N/D
Títol: Urinary concentrations of heavy metals in pregnant women living near a petrochemical area according to the industrial activity
Autors: Kou, XR; Iglesias-Vázquez, L; Nadal, M; Basora, J; Arija, V
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Environmental Research
País: N/D
Títol: The use of blended diets in children with enteral feeding tubes A joint position paper of the ESPGHAN Committees of Allied Health Professionals and Nutrition
Autors: Köglmeier J; Assecaira I; Banci E; De Koning B; Haiden N; Indrio F; Kastelijn W; Kennedy D; Luque V; Norsa L; Verduci E; Sugar A
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Pediatric Gastroenterology And Nutrition
País: N/D
Títol: The Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown on Adults with Major Depressive Disorder from Catalonia: A Decentralized Longitudinal Study
Autors: Lavalle R; Condominas E; Haro JM; Giné-Vázquez I; Bailon R; Laporta E; Garcia E; Kontaxis S; Alacid GR; Lombardini F; Preti A; Peñarrubia-Maria MT; Coromina M; Arranz B; Vilella E; Rubio-Alacid E; Radar-Mdd Spain ; Matcham F; Lamers F; Hotopf M; Penninx BWJH; Annas P; Narayan V; Simblett SK; Siddi S; The Radar-Cns Consortium
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health
País: N/D
Títol: The Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown on Adults with Major Depressive Disorder from Catalonia: A Decentralized Longitudinal Study
Autors: Lavalle, Raffaele; Condominas, Elena; Haro, Josep Maria; Giné-Vázquez, Iago; Bailon, Raquel; Laporta, Estela; Garcia, Ester; Kontaxis, Spyridon; Alacid, Gemma Riquelme; Lombardini, Federica; Preti, Antonio; Peñarrubia-Maria, Maria Teresa; Coromina, Marta; Arranz, Belén; Vilella, Elisabet; Rubio-Alacid, Elena; Matcham, Faith; Lamers, Femke; Hotopf, Matthew; Penninx, Brenda WJH.; Annas, Peter; Narayan, Vaibhav; Simblett, Sara K.; Siddi, Sara; NA, NA; NA, NA
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health
País: N/D
Títol: Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 Expression Is Associated with the Absence of Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Patients
Autors: Lejeune, M; Reverte, L; Gallardo, N; Sauras, E; Bosch, R; Mata, D; Roso, A; Petit, A; Peg, V; Riu, F; Garcia-Fontgivell, J; Relea, F; Vieites, B; de la Cruz-merino, L; Arenas, M; Rodriguez, V; Galera, J; Korzynska, A; Plancoulaine, B; Alvaro, T; Lopez, C
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Molecular Sciences
País: N/D
Títol: Prognostic Implications of the Residual Tumor Microenvironment after Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Patients without Pathological Complete Response
Autors: Lejeune, M; Reverté, L; Sauras, E; Gallardo, N; Bosch, R; Roso, A; Petit, A; Peg, V; Riu, F; García-Fontgivell, J; Ibáñez, J; Relea, F; Vieites, B; Bor, C; de la Cruz-Merino, L; Arenas, M; Rodriguez, V; Galera, J; Korzynska, A; Belhomme, P; Plancoulaine, B; Alvaro, T; López, C
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Cancers
País: N/D
Títol: Influence of body mass index on recurrence of atrial fibrillation after electrical cardioversion
Autors: Ligero C; Bazan V; Guerra JM; Rodríguez-Mañero M; Viñolas X; Alegret JM
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Plos One
País: N/D
Títol: Plasma levels of neurology-related proteins are associated with cognitive performance in an older population with overweight/obesity and metabolic syndrome
Autors: Llaurador-Coll, M; Rios, S; García-Gavilán, JF; Babio, N; Vilella, E; Salas-Salvadó, J
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Geroscience
País: N/D
Títol: A panel of plasma microRNAs improves the assessment of surrogate markers of cardiovascular disease in rheumatoid arthritis patients
Autors: Llop D; Ibarretxe D; Plana N; Rosales R; Taverner D; Masana L; Vallvé JC; Paredes S
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Rheumatology
País: N/D
Títol: Lipoprotein profile assessed by 1H NMR, BMI and blood pressure are associated with vascular alterations in children with familial hypercholesterolaemia
Autors: Llop, D; Feliu, A; Ibarretxe, D; Escribano, J; Plana, N; Borjabad-Rodríguez, C; Masana, L; Vallvé, JC
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Nutrition Metabolism And Cardiovascular Diseases
País: N/D
Títol: Plasma Expression of Carotid Plaque Presence-Related MicroRNAs Is Associated with Inflammation in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
Autors: Llop, D; Paredes, S; Ibarretxe, D; Taverner, D; Plana, N; Rosales, R; Masana, L; Vallvé, JC
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Molecular Sciences
País: N/D
Títol: Comparison between Comprehensive Complication Index (CCI®) and Clavien-Dindo Classification for laparoscopic single-stage treatment of choledocholithiasis with concomitant cholelithiasis
Autors: Llàcer-Millán E; Pavel MC; Memba R; Coronado D; González S; Achalandabaso M; Estalella L; Julià-Verdaguer E; Padilla-Zegarra E; Collins C; Jorba R
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Langenbecks Archives Of Surgery
País: N/D
Títol: Randomised clinical trial to test the phenolization in sacrococcygeal pilonidal disease
Autors: Lopez, JE; Perez, JE; Mallafre, RS; Villaro, FF; Tarrago, AC; Perez, BE; Serafini, JF; Martin, RJ
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: International Wound Journal
País: N/D
Títol: Plant-derived nootropics and human cognition: A systematic review
Autors: Lorca C; Mulet M; Arévalo-Caro C; Sanchez MÁ; Perez A; Perrino M; Bach-Faig A; Aguilar-Martínez A; Vilella E; Gallart-Palau X; Serra Maqueda A
Any: 2023 Clau: Review
Revista: Critical Reviews In Food Science And Nutrition
País: N/D
Títol: The NDDG criteria versus the IADPSG or the ADA criteria for diagnosing early-onset gestational diabetes mellitus or abnormal glucose tolerance
Autors: Luisa Gonzalez-Gonzalez, Nieves; Gonzalez-Davila, Enrique; Megia, Ana; Pintado, Pilar; Vega, Begona; Padron, Erika; Perez-Conde, Laura; Villalba, Nazaret; Bugatto, Fernando;
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Gynecology & Obstetrics
País: N/D
Títol: Multi-Class Fuzzy-LORE: A Method for Extracting Local and Counterfactual Explanations Using Fuzzy Decision Trees
Autors: Maaroof, N; Moreno, A; Valls, A; Jabreel, M; Romero-Aroca, P
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Electronics
País: N/D
Títol: Multi-Class Fuzzy-LORE: A Method for Extracting Local and Counterfactual Explanations Using Fuzzy Decision Trees
Autors: Maaroof, Najlaa; Moreno, Antonio; Valls, Aida; Jabreel, Mohammed; Romero-Aroca, Pedro
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Electronics
País: N/D
Títol: Assessment of human inter-individual variability of phloretin metabolites in urine after apple consumption. AppleCOR study
Autors: Macià A; Romero MP; Pedret A; Solà R; Clifford MN; Rubió-Piqué L
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Food & Function
País: N/D
Títol: Timing of intubation and ICU mortality in COVID-19 patients: a retrospective analysis of 4198 critically ill patients during the first and second waves
Autors: Manrique S; Claverias L; Magret M; Masclans JR; Bodi M; Trefler S; Canadell L; Díaz E; Sole-Violan J; Bisbal-Andrés E; Natera RG; Moreno AA; Vallverdu M; Ballesteros JC; Socias L; Vidal FG; Sancho S; Martin-Loeches I; Rodriguez A
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Bmc Anesthesiology
País: N/D
Títol: Aspectos éticos y legales de la inteligencia artificial
Autors: Marc Baget Bernaldiz; Jesús Téllez Vázquez; Pere Romero Aroca
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Annals D'oftalmologia: Òrgan De Les Societats D'oftalmologia De Catalunya, Valencia I Balears
País: N/D
Títol: Conceptos básicos utilizados en la inteligencia artificial
Autors: Marc Baget Bernaldiz; Pere Romero Aroca
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Annals D'oftalmologia: Òrgan De Les Societats D'oftalmologia De Catalunya, Valencia I Balears
País: N/D
Títol: Cribado de la retinopatía diabética mediante la inteligencia artificial
Autors: Marc Baget Bernaldiz; Pere Romero Aroca
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Annals D'oftalmologia: Òrgan De Les Societats D'oftalmologia De Catalunya, Valencia I Balears
País: N/D
Títol: The concentrations of essential/toxic elements in serum of COVID-19 patients are not directly related to the severity of the disease
Autors: Marquès, M; Iftimie, S; Camps, J; Joven, J; Domingo, JL
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Trace Elements In Medicine And Biology
País: N/D
Títol: Protective effects of the succinate/SUCNR1 axis on damaged hepatocytes in NAFLD
Autors: Marsal-Beltran, A; Rodríguez-Castellano, A; Astiarraga, B; Calvo, E; Rada, P; Madeira, A; Rodríguez-Peña, MM; Llauradó, G; Núñez-Roa, C; Gómez-Santos, B; Maymó-Masip, E; Bosch, R; Frutos, MD; Moreno-Navarrete, JM; Ramos-Molina, B; Aspichueta, P; Joven, J; Fernández-Real, JM; Quera, JC; Valverde, AM; Pardo, A; Vendrell, J; Ceperuelo-Mallafré, V; Fernández-Veledo, S
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Metabolism-Clinical And Experimental
País: N/D
Títol: Mitochondrial RNA methyltransferase TRMT61B is a new, potential biomarker and therapeutic target for highly aneuploid cancers
Autors: Martín A; Epifano C; Vilaplana-Marti B; Hernández I; Macías RIR; Martínez-Ramírez Á; Cerezo A; Cabezas-Sainz P; Garranzo-Asensio M; Amarilla-Quintana S; Gómez-Domínguez D; Caleiras E; Camps J; Gómez-López G; Gómez de Cedrón M; Ramírez de Molina A; Barderas R; Sánchez L; Velasco-Miguel S; Pérez de Castro I
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Cell Death And Differentiation
País: N/D
Títol: Effectiveness of the spirometry-based motivational intervention to quit smoking: RESET randomised trial
Autors: Martín-Luján, F; Santigosa-Ayala, A; Pallejà-Millán, M; Rey-Reñones, C; Villalobos, F; Solà, R; RESET Study
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: European Journal Of General Practice
País: N/D
Títol: Expanding HIV clinical monitoring: the role of CD4, CD8, and CD4/CD8 ratio in predicting non-AIDS events
Autors: Martínez-Sanz, J; Diaz-alvarez, J; Rosas, M; Ron, R; Iribarren, JA; Bernal, E; Gutiérrez, F; Sancho, AR; Cabello, N; Olalla, J; Moreno, S; Serrano-Villar, S
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Ebiomedicine
País: N/D
Títol: Lipid lowering combination therapy: From prevention to atherosclerosis plaque treatment
Autors: Masana, L; Plana, N; Andreychuk, N; Ibarretxe, D
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Pharmacological Research
País: N/D
Títol: Rare predicted loss-of-function variants of type I IFN immunity genes are associated with life-threatening COVID-19
Autors: Matuozzo, Daniela; Talouarn, Estelle; Marchal, Astrid; Zhang, Peng; Manry, Jeremy; Seeleuthner, Yoann; Zhang, Yu; Bolze, Alexandre; Chaldebas, Matthieu; Milisavljevic, Baptiste; Gervais, Adrian; Bastard, Paul; Asano, Takaki; Bizien, Lucy; Barzaghi, Federica; Abolhassani, Hassan; Abou Tayoun, Ahmad; Aiuti, Alessandro; Alavi Darazam, Ilad; Allende, Luis M; Alonso-Arias, Rebeca; Arias, Andres Augusto; Aytekin, Gokhan; Bergman, Peter; Bondesan, Simone; Bryceson, Yenan T; Bustos, Ingrid G; Cabrera-Marante, Oscar; Carcel, Sheila; Carrera, Paola; Casari, Giorgio; Chaibi, Khalil; Colobran, Roger; Condino-Neto, Antonio; Covill, Laura E; Delmonte, Ottavia M; El Zein, Loubna; Flores, Carlos; Gregersen, Peter K; Gut, Marta; Haerynck, Filomeen; Halwani, Rabih; Hancerli, Selda; Hammarstroem, Lennart; Hatipoglu, Nevin; Karbuz, Adem; Keles, Sevgi; Kyheng, Christele; Leon-Lopez, Rafael; Franco, Jose Luis; Mansouri, Davood; Martinez-Picado, Javier; Metin Akcan, Ozge; Migeotte, Isabelle; Morange, Pierre-Emmanuel; Morelle, Guillaume; Martin-Nalda, Andrea; Novelli, Giuseppe; Novelli, Antonio; Ozcelik, Tayfun; Palabiyik, Figen; Pan-Hammarstroem, Qiang; de Diego, Rebeca Perez; Planas-Serra, Laura; Pleguezuelo, Daniel E; Prando, Carolina; Pujol, Aurora; Reyes, Luis Felipe; Riviere, Jacques G; Rodriguez-Gallego, Carlos; Rojas, Julian; Rovere-Querini, Patrizia; Schlueter, Agatha; Shahrooei, Mohammad; Sobh, Ali; Soler-Palacin, Pere; Tandjaoui-Lambiotte, Yacine; Tipu, Imran; Tresoldi, Cristina; Troya, Jesus; van de Beek, Diederik; Zatz, Mayana; Zawadzki, Pawel; Al-Muhsen, Saleh Zaid; Alosaimi, Mohammed Faraj; Alsohime, Fahad M; Baris-Feldman, Hagit; Butte, Manish J; Constantinescu, Stefan N; Cooper, Megan A; Dalgard, Clifton L; Fellay, Jacques; Heath, James R; Lau, Yu-Lung; Lifton, Richard P; Maniatis, Tom; Mogensen, Trine H; von Bernuth, Horst; Lermine, Alban; Vidaud, Michel; Boland, Anne; Deleuze, Jean-Francois; Nussbaum, Robert; Kahn-Kirby, Amanda; Mentre, France; Tubiana, Sarah; Gorochov, Guy; Tubach, Florence; Hausfater, Pierre; Meyts, Isabelle; Puel, Anne; Notarangelo, Luigi D; Boisson-Dupuis, Stephanie; Su, Helen C; Boisson, Bertrand; Jouanguy, Emmanuelle; Casanova, Jean-Laurent; Zhang, Qian; Abel, Laurent; Cobat, Aurelie
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Genome Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Management of Mechanical Nasal Obstruction Isolated or Associated to Upper Airway Inflammatory Diseases in Real Life: Use of both Subjective and Objective Criteria
Autors: Merma-Linares C; Martinez MD; Gonzalez M; Alobid I; Figuerola E; Mullol J
Any: 2023 Clau: Review
Revista: Current Allergy And Asthma Reports
País: N/D
Títol: Syndemic conditions and quality of life in the PISCIS Cohort of people living with HIV in Catalonia and the Balearic Islands: a cross sectional study
Autors: Mesías-Gazmuri, J; Folch, C; Palacio-Vieira, J; Bruguera, A; Egea-Cortés, L; Forero, CG; Hernández, J; Miró, JM; Navarro, J; Riera, M; Peraire, J; Alonso-García, L; Díaz, Y; Casabona, J; Reyes-Urueña, J
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Health And Quality Of Life Outcomes
País: N/D
Títol: Maladaptive personality traits in patients with recent-onset psychosis: A case-control study using the Personality Inventory for the DSM-5 (PID-5)
Autors: Miralles C; Alonso Y; Algora MJ; López-Sánchez L; Sánchez-Gistau V; Vilella E; Baillès E; Gutiérrez-Zotes A; Martorell L
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Schizophrenia Research
País: N/D
Títol: Comparison of various prognostic scores for identification of patients with intermediate-high risk pulmonary embolism
Autors: Mirambeaux, R; Rodríguez, C; Muriel, A; González, S; Briceño, W; Duran, D; Retegui, A; Otero, R; Bikdeli, B; Jiménez, D
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Thrombosis Research
País: N/D
Títol: The Treatment of Pediatric Pain in Spain: A Survey Study
Autors: Miró J; Solé E; Castarlenas E; Ingelmo P; Nolla MdC; Escribano J; Reinoso-Barbero F
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health
País: N/D
Títol: The Treatment of Pediatric Pain in Spain: A Survey Study
Autors: Miró, Jordi; Solé, Ester; Castarlenas, Elena; Ingelmo, Pablo; Nolla, Maria del Carme; Escribano, Joaquín; Reinoso-Barbero, Francisco
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health
País: N/D
Títol: J-chronic total occlusion score predictive capacity for percutaneous coronary intervention success of chronic total occlusion: Results from a European single center cohort with progressive experience over time
Autors: Mohandes, M; Moreno, C; Rojas, S; Doblas, V; Fuertes, M; Fernández, F; Pernigotti, A; Guarinos, J; Camprubi, M; Bardají, A
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Cardiology Journal
País: N/D
Títol: Physical Activity and Exercise Experience in Spanish and US Men with Fibromyalgia: A Qualitative Cross-Cultural Study
Autors: Montesó-Curto P; Toussaint L; Kueny A; Ruschak I; Lunn S; Rosselló L; Campoy C; Clark S; Luedtke C; Gonçalves AQ; Martín CA; Vincent A; Mohabbat AB
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health
País: N/D
Títol: Nurses' Perceptions of Patient Fibromyalgia Illness Experiences after Performing Group-Based Problem-Solving Therapy: A Qualitative Research Study
Autors: Montesó-Curto, P; Panisello-Chavarria, ML; Sarrió-Colás, L; Toussaint, L
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Healthcare (Basel)
País: N/D
Títol: Maximal Sensitivity to Child Maltreatment at the Ages of 6 and 11 Years is Associated with the Risk of Bipolar Disorder
Autors: Montoro I; Moreno L; Mulet P; Miró C; Leunda A; Llaurador-Coll M; Muntané G; Teicher MH; Vilella E; Gutiérrez-Zotes A
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Interpersonal Violence
País: N/D
Títol: Effectiveness of prolonged versus standard-course of oseltamivir in critically ill patients with severe influenza infection: A multicentre cohort study
Autors: Moreno G; Carbonell R; Díaz E; Martín-Loeches I; Restrepo MI; Reyes LF; Solé-Violán J; Bodí M; Canadell L; Guardiola J; Trefler S; Vidaur L; Papiol E; Socias L; Correig E; Marín-Corral J; Rodríguez A; GETGAG Working Group
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Medical Virology
País: N/D
Títol: A differential therapeutic consideration for use of corticosteroids according to established COVID-19 clinical phenotypes in critically ill patients [Una consideración terapéutica diferencial para el uso de corticoesteroides en COVID-19 según los diferentes fenotipos clínicos establecidos en pacientes críticos]
Autors: Moreno, G; Ruiz-Botella, M; Martin-Loeches, I; Alvarez, JG; Herrera, MJ; Bodí, M; Armestar, F; Parra, AM; Estella, A; Trefler, S; García, RJ; Paya, JM; Cortes, PV; Díaz, E; Ferrer, R; Albaya-Moreno, A; Socias-Crespi, L; Goytisolo, JMB; Chinesta, SS; Loza, A; Espina, LF; Laderas, JCP; DeAlba-Aparicio, M; Montori, LS; Perapoch, IV; Hidalgo, V; Gutiérrez, VF; Ortega, AMC; Serrano, FM; Nieto, M; Cortes, MB; Marín-Corral, J; Solé-Violán, J; Rodríguez, A
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Medicina Intensiva
País: N/D
Títol: High blood levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) mRNA in early psychosis are associated with inflammatory markers
Autors: Moreno, I; Stojanovic-Pérez, A; Bulduk, B; Sánchez-Gistau, V; Algora, MJ; Ortega, L; Muntané, G; Vilella, E; Labad, J; Martorell, L
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Psychiatric Research
País: N/D
Títol: Serum branch-chained amino acids are increased in type 2 diabetes and associated with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease
Autors: Moreno-Vedia, J; Llop, D; Rodríguez-Calvo, R; Plana, N; Amigó, N; Rosales, R; Esteban, Y; Girona, J; Masana, L; Ibarretxe, D
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Cardiovascular Diabetology
País: N/D
Títol: A Comparison of Attitudes and Knowledge Towards Autism Based on Adult Sibling Experiences
Autors: Morris, V; Hendry, G; Wilson, C; Gillespie-Smith, K; Ballantyne, C
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Adult Development
País: N/D
Títol: Prenatal Factors Associated with Maternal Cardiometabolic Risk Markers during Pregnancy: The ECLIPSES Study
Autors: Motevalizadeh, E; Díaz-López, A; Martín-Luján, F; Basora, J; Arija, V
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Nutrients
País: N/D
Títol: Diagnosis accuracy of waist-to-height ratio to predict cardiometabolic risk in children with obesity
Autors: Munoz-Hernando, Judit; Luque, Veronica; Ferre, Natalia; Feliu, Albert; Closa-Monasterolo, Ricardo; Gutierrez-Marin, Desiree; Basora, Josep; Pedraza, Ana; Salvado, Olga; Vidal-Piedra, Susana; Escribano, Joaquin
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Pediatric Research
País: N/D
Títol: Polygenic risk scores enhance prediction of body mass index increase in individuals with a first episode of psychosis
Autors: Muntané, G; Vázquez-Bourgon, J; Sada, E; Martorell, L; Papiol, S; Bosch, E; Navarro, A; Crespo-Facorro, B; Vilella, E
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: European Psychiatry
País: N/D
Títol: Splice variants of mitofusin 2 shape the endoplasmic reticulum and tether it to mitochondria
Autors: Naón, D; Hernández-Alvarez, MI; Shinjo, S; Wieczor, M; Ivanova, S; Martins de Brito, O; Quintana, A; Hidalgo, J; Palacín, M; Aparicio, P; Castellanos, J; Lores, L; Sebastián, D; Fernández-Veledo, S; Vendrell, J; Joven, J; Orozco, M; Zorzano, A; Scorrano, L
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Science
País: N/D
Títol: Nutrition and Intestinal Rehabilitation of Children With Short Bowel Syndrome: A Position Paper of the ESPGHAN Committee on Nutrition. Part 1: From Intestinal Resection to Home Discharge
Autors: Norsa L; Goulet O; Alberti D; DeKooning B; Domellöf M; Haiden N; Hill S; Indrio F; K?glmeier J; Lapillonne A; Luque V; Moltu SJ; Saenz De Pipaon M; Savino F; Verduci E; Bronsky J
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Pediatric Gastroenterology And Nutrition
País: N/D
Títol: Nutrition and Intestinal Rehabilitation of Children With Short Bowel Syndrome: A Position Paper of the ESPGHAN Committee on Nutrition. Part 2: Long-Term Follow-Up on Home Parenteral Nutrition
Autors: Norsa L; Goulet O; Alberti D; DeKooning B; Domellöf M; Haiden N; Hill S; Indrio F; K?glmeier J; Lapillonne A; Luque V; Moltu SJ; Saenz De Pipaon M; Savino F; Verduci E; Bronsky J
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Pediatric Gastroenterology And Nutrition
País: N/D
Títol: Early Management of Severe Biliary Infection in the Era of the Tokyo Guidelines
Autors: Nve, E; Badia, JM; Amillo-Zaragueeta, M; Juvany, M; Mourelo-Fariña, M; Jorba, R
Any: 2023 Clau: Review
Revista: Journal Of Clinical Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: GCIMS: An R package for untargeted gas chromatography ¿ Ion mobility spectrometry data processing
Autors: Oller-Moreno S; Mallafré-Muro C; Fernandez L; Caballero E; Blanco A; Gumà J; Marco S; Pardo A
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Chemometrics And Intelligent Laboratory Systems
País: N/D
Títol: Feasibility of a screening algorithm for chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension: The OSIRIS study
Autors: Otero, R; Lobo, JL; López, R; Fernández, C; Jiménez, D; Muriel, A; Alfonso, M; Ballaz, A; Núñez-Ares, A; Rodríguez-Matute, C; de Miguel-Díez, J; Rodríguez-Chiaradía, DA; Alcalde, M; Elías, T; Jara-Palomares, L; Rivas, A; Alonso, A; García-Ortega, A; Sancho, T; Morillo, R; García-Bragado, F; Hernández-Blasco, L; Uresandi, F; Madridano, O; Agüero, R; Monreal, M
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Thrombosis Research
País: N/D
Títol: NMR-based metabolomic profiling identifies inflammation and muscle-related metabolites as predictors of incident type 2 diabetes mellitus beyond glucose: the Di@bet
Autors: Ozcariz, E; Guardiola, M; Amigó, N; Rojo-Martínez, G; Valdés, S; Rehues, P; Masana, L; Ribalta, J
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Diabetes Research And Clinical Practice
País: N/D
Títol: Análisis de adherencia a un protocolo de movilización precoz en una unidad de cuidados intensivos: datos recopilados prospectivamente durante un periodo de tres años por el sistema de información clínica
Autors: P Perelló; J Gómez; J Mariné; MT Cabas; A Arasa; Z Ramos; D Moya; I Reynals; M Bodí; Mònica Magret Iglesias
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Medicina Intensiva
País: N/D
Títol: Effect of Protein Intake Early in Life on Kidney Volume and Blood Pressure at 11 Years of Age
Autors: Parada-Ricart, E; Ferre, N; Luque, V; Gruszfeld, D; Gradowska, K; Closa-Monasterolo, R; Koletzko, B; Grote, V; Subías, JE
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Nutrients
País: N/D
Títol: Effect of Protein Intake Early in Life on Kidney Volume and Blood Pressure at 11 Years of Age
Autors: Parada-Ricart, Ester; Ferre, Natalia; Luque, Veronica; Gruszfeld, Dariusz; Gradowska, Kinga; Closa-Monasterolo, Ricardo; Koletzko, Berthold; Grote, Veit; Escribano Subías, Joaquin
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Nutrients
País: N/D
Títol: Low HDL-c levels at admission are associated with greater severity and worse clinical outcomes in patients with COVID-19 disease
Autors: Parra, S; Saballs, M; DiNubile, M; Feliu, M; Iftimie, S; Revuelta, L; Pavón, R; Avila, A; Levinson, S; Castro, A
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Atherosclerosis Plus
País: N/D
Títol: Fucosylated N-glycans as early biomarkers of COVID-19 severity
Autors: Paton, B; Herrero, P; Peraire, J; del Pino, A; Chafino, S; Martinez-Picado, J; Gómez-Bertomeu, F; Rull, A; Canela, N; Suárez, M
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Frontiers In Immunology
País: N/D
Títol: Impact of neoadjuvant chemotherapy on post-hepatectomy regeneration for patients with colorectal cancer liver metastasis ¿ Systematic review and meta-analysis
Autors: Pavel, MC; Casanova, R; Estalella, L; Memba, R; Llacer-Millán, E; Juliá, E; Merino, S; Geoghegan, J; Jorba, R
Any: 2023 Clau: Review
Revista: Ejso
País: N/D
Títol: The Impact of Molecular Biology in the Seeding, Treatment Choices and Follow-Up of Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastases¿A Narrative Review
Autors: Pavel, MC; Ramirez-Maldonado, E; Pueyo-Périz, E; Memba, R; Merino, S; Geoghegan, J; Jorba, R
Any: 2023 Clau: Review
Revista: International Journal Of Molecular Sciences
País: N/D
Títol: Predicción y progresión de retinopatía diabética
Autors: Pere Romero Aroca; Marc Baget Bernaldiz; A Valls; E García Curto; J Pascual Fontanilles; Ramon Sagarra Alamo
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Annals D'oftalmologia: Òrgan De Les Societats D'oftalmologia De Catalunya, Valencia I Balears
País: N/D
Títol: Telemedicina
Autors: Pere Romero Aroca; Marc Baget Bernaldiz; I Méndez Marín; Ramon Sagarra Alamo
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Annals D'oftalmologia: Òrgan De Les Societats D'oftalmologia De Catalunya, Valencia I Balears
País: N/D
Títol: Analysis of adherence to an early mobilization protocol in an intensive care unit: Data collected prospectively over a period of three years by the clinical information system
Autors: Perelló, P; Gómez, J; Mariné, J; Cabas, MT; Arasa, A; Ramos, Z; Moya, D; Reynals, I; Bodí, M; Magret, M
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Medicina Intensiva
País: N/D
Títol: SARS-CoV-2 Serum Viral Load and Prognostic Markers Proposal for COVID-19 Pneumonia in Low-Dose Radiation Therapy Treated Patients
Autors: Piqué, B; Peña, K; Riu, F; Acosta, JC; Torres-Royo, L; Malave, B; Araguas, P; Benavides, R; de Febrer, G; Camps, J; Joven, J; Arenas, M; Parada, D
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Clinical Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: SARS-CoV-2 Serum Viral Load and Prognostic Markers Proposal for COVID-19 Pneumonia in Low-Dose Radiation Therapy Treated Patients
Autors: Piqué, Berta; Peña, Karla; Riu, Francesc; Acosta, Johana C.; Torres-Royo, Laura; Malave, Barbara; Araguas, Pablo; Benavides, Rocío; de Febrer, Gabriel; Camps, Jordi; Joven, Jorge; Arenas, Meritxell; Parada, David
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Clinical Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: [Use of isoflurane as treatment for super-refractory status epilepticus]
Autors: Plans-Galván O; Daniel X; Rosich S; Blázquez-Alcaide V; Gil-Castillejos D; Bodí M
Any: 2023 Clau: Review
Revista: Revista De Neurologia
País: N/D
Títol: Functional foods and nutraceuticals in the treatment of hypercholesterolemia: Statement of the Spanish Society of Arteriosclerosis 2023
Autors: Pérez-Martínez P; Ros E; Botet JP; Civeira F; Pascual V; Garcés C; Solá R; Pérez-Jiménez F; Mostaza JM
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinica E Investigacion En Arteriosclerosis
País: N/D
Títol: Home care/outpatient versus hospital admission in mild acute pancreatitis: protocol of a multicentre, randomised controlled trial (PADI_2 trial)
Autors: Ramírez-Maldonado E; Rodrigo-Rodrigo M; Lopez Gordo S; Sanchez A; Coronado Llanos D; Sanchez R; Vaz J; Fondevila C; Jorba-Martin R
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Bmj Open
País: N/D
Títol: PCSK9 Inhibitors Have Apolipoprotein C-III-Related Anti-Inflammatory Activity, Assessed by 1H-NMR Glycoprotein Profile in Subjects at High or very High Cardiovascular Risk
Autors: Rehues, P; Girona, J; Guardiola, M; Plana, N; Scicali, R; Piro, S; Muñiz-Grijalvo, O; Díaz-Díaz, JL; Recasens, L; Pinyol, M; Rosales, R; Esteban, Y; Amigó, N; Masana, L; Ibarretxe, D; Ribalta, J
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Molecular Sciences
País: N/D
Títol: PCSK9 Inhibitors Have Apolipoprotein C-III-Related Anti-Inflammatory Activity, Assessed by 1H-NMR Glycoprotein Profile in Subjects at High or very High Cardiovascular Risk
Autors: Rehues, Pere; Girona, Josefa; Guardiola, Montse; Plana, Núria; Scicali, Roberto; Piro, Salvatore; Muñiz-Grijalvo, Ovidio; Díaz-Díaz, José Luis; Recasens, Lluís; Pinyol, Marta; Rosales, Roser; Esteban, Yaiza; Amigó, Núria; Masana, Lluís; Ibarretxe, Daiana; Ribalta, Josep
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Molecular Sciences
País: N/D
Títol: Human genetic adaptation related to cellular zinc homeostasis
Autors: Roca-Umbert, A; Garcia-Calleja, J; Vogel-González, M; Fierro-Villegas, A; Ill-Raga, G; Herrera-Fernández, V; Bosnjak, A; Muntané, G; Gutiérrez, E; Campelo, F; Vicente, R; Bosch, E
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Plos Genetics
País: N/D
Títol: Clinical and Microbiological Impact of Implementing a Decision Support Algorithm through Microbiologic Rapid Diagnosis in Critically Ill Patients: An Epidemiological Retrospective Pre-/Post-Intervention Study
Autors: Rodriguez, A; Gomez, F; Sarvise, C; Gutierrez, C; Giralt, MG; Guerrero-Torres, MD; Pardo-Granell, S; Pico-Plana, E; Benavent-Bofill, C; Trefler, S; Berrueta, J; Canadell, L; Claverias, L; Pitarch, EE; Olona, M; Pardo, GG; Teixido, X; Bordonado, L; Sans, MT; Bodi, M; Blasi, FB
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Biomedicines
País: N/D
Títol: Ischemic Conditioning in the Right Colon and Terminal Ileum: An Experimental Rat Model
Autors: Rodriguez-Leon, G; Estremiana, F; Miro, M; Bettonica, C; Aranda, H; Farran, L; de Oca, J; Sabench, F; Jorba, R
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: European Surgical Research
País: N/D
Títol: Association between Nordic and Mediterranean diets with lipoprotein phenotype assessed by 1HNMR in children with familial hypercholesterolemia
Autors: Rodríguez-Borjabad, C; Narveud, I; Christensen, JJ; Ibarretxe, D; Andreychuk, N; Girona, J; Torvik, K; Folkedal, G; Bogsrud, MP; Retterstol, K; Plana, N; Masana, L; Holven, KB
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Atherosclerosis
País: N/D
Títol: Association between Nordic and Mediterranean diets with lipoprotein phenotype assessed BY 1H NMR in children with familial hypercholesterolemia
Autors: Rodríguez-Borjabad, Cèlia; Narveud, Ingunn; Christensen, Jacob Juel; Ibarretxe, Daiana; Andreychuk, Natalia; Girona, Josefa; Torvik, Kristin; Folkedal, Guro; Bogsrud, Martin P.; Retterstøl, Kjetil; Plana, Núria; Masana, Luis; Holven, Kirsten B.
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Atherosclerosis
País: N/D
Títol: Fatty Acid Binding Proteins 3 and 4 Predict Both All-Cause and Cardiovascular Mortality in Subjects with Chronic Heart Failure and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Autors: Rodríguez-Calvo, R; Granado-Casas, M; de Oca, APM; Julian, MT; Domingo, M; Codina, P; Santiago-Vacas, E; Cediel, G; Julve, J; Rossell, J; Masana, L; Mauricio, D; Lupón, J; Bayes-Genis, A; Alonso, N
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Antioxidants
País: N/D
Títol: Fatty Acid Binding Proteins 3 and 4 Predict Both All-Cause and Cardiovascular Mortality in Subjects with Chronic Heart Failure and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Autors: Rodríguez-Calvo, Ricardo; Granado-Casas, Minerva; Pérez-Montes de Oca, Alejandra; Julian, María Teresa; Domingo, Mar; Codina, Pau; Santiago-Vacas, Evelyn; Cediel, Germán; Julve, Josep; Rossell, Joana; Masana, Lluís; Mauricio, Didac; Lupón, Josep; Bayes-Genis, Antoni; Alonso, Núria
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Antioxidants
País: N/D
Títol: Pregnancy homocysteine and cobalamin status predict childhood metabolic health in the offspring
Autors: Rojas-Gómez A; Solé-Navais P; Cavallé-Busquets P; Ornosa-Martin G; Grifoll C; Ramos-Rodriguez C; Fernandez-Ballart J; Masana L; Ballesteros M; Ueland PM; Murphy MM
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Pediatric Research
País: N/D
Títol: Effect of Lipids on Diabetic Retinopathy in a Large Cohort of Diabetic Patients after 10 Years of Follow-Up
Autors: Romero-Aroca, P; Verges, R; Pascual-Fontanilles, J; Valls, A; Franch, J; Barrot, J; Mundet, X; La Torre, A; Moreno, A; Sagarra, R; Basora, J; Garcia-Curto, E; Baget-Bernaldiz, M
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Clinical Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Genomic diversity and signals of selection processes in wild and farm-reared red-legged partridges (Alectoris rufa)
Autors: Ros-Freixedes R; Pena RN; Richart C; Nadal J
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Genomics
País: N/D
Títol: Duodenopancreatectomia cefalica robotica (I): Estandarizacion de la fase resectiva en 4 pasos
Autors: Rosa Jorba *, Mihai C. Pavel, Erik Lla` cer-Milla´n y Robert MembaUnidad de
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: N/D
País: N/D
Títol: Preliminary experience with a new robotic technique to facilitate distal pancreatectomy with spleen preservation: left lateral approach in right lateral decubitus position
Autors: Rosa Jorba-Martin1 · Mihai C. Pavel1 · Laia Estalella1 · Erik Llàcer-Millán1 · Elisabet Julià1 ·Elena Ramírez-Maldonado1 · Eva Pueyo1 · Justin Geoghegan2 · Robert Memba1
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: N/D
País: N/D
Títol: Fibromyalgia Syndrome Pain in Men and Women: A Scoping Review
Autors: Ruschak, I; Montesó-Curto, P; Rosselló, L; Martín, CA; Sánchez-Montesó, L; Toussaint, L
Any: 2023 Clau: Review
Revista: Healthcare (Basel)
País: N/D
Títol: Fibromyalgia Syndrome Pain in Men and Women: A Scoping Review
Autors: Ruschak, Ilga; Montesó-Curto, Pilar; Rosselló, Lluís; Aguilar Martín, Carina; Sánchez-Montesó, Laura; Toussaint, Loren
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Healthcare (Basel)
País: N/D
Títol: Common genetic variants contribute to heritability of age at onset of schizophrenia
Autors: Sada-Fuente, E; Aranda, S; Papiol, S; Heilbronner, U; Moltó, MD; Aguilar, EJ; González-Peñas, J; Andreu-Bernabeu, A; Arango, C; Crespo-Facorro, B; González-Pinto, A; Fañanás, L; Arias, B; Bobes, J; Costas, J; Martorell, L; Schulze, TG; Kalman, JL; Vilella, E; Muntané, G
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Translational Psychiatry
País: N/D
Títol: TCA cycle metabolites associated with adverse outcomes after acute coronary syndrome: mediating effect of renal function
Autors: Sanchez-Gimenez, R; Peiró, OM; Bonet, G; Carrasquer, A; Fragkiadakis, GA; Bulló, M; Papandreou, C; Bardaji, A
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Front Cardiovasc Med
País: N/D
Títol: Cognitive biases in first-episode psychosis with and without attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
Autors: Sanchez-Gistau, Vanessa; Cabezas, Angel; Manzanares, Nuria; Sole, Montse; Corral, Lia; Vilella, Elisabet; Gutierrez-Zotes, Alfonso;
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Frontiers In Psychology
País: N/D
Títol: Spanish mental health residents' perspectives about residency education on the genetics of psychiatric disorders: A cross-sectional survey
Autors: Saura P; García-Virumbrales J; Carrasco JP; Pérez-Carasol M; Colomer L; Camacho-Rubio J; Zorilla I; Vilella E
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinical Genetics
País: N/D
Títol: Real life data: follow-up assessment on Spanish Gaucher disease patients treated with eliglustat
Autors: Serrano-Gonzalo I; de Frutos LL; Lahoz-Gil C; Delgado-Mateos F; Fernández-Galán MÁ; Morales-Conejo M; Calle-Gordo MV; Ibarretxe-Gerediaga D; Madinaveitia-Ochoa A; Albarracin-Arraigosa A; Balanzat-Muñoz J; Correcher-Medina P; García-Frade LJ; Hernández-Rivas JM; Labbadia F; López-Dupla JM; Lozano-Almela ML; Mora-Casterá E; Noya-Pereira MS; Ruíz-Guinaldo MÁ; Del Mar Tormo-Díaz M; Vitoria-Miñana I; Arévalo-Vargas I; Andrade-Campos M; Giraldo P
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Orphanet Journal Of Rare Diseases
País: N/D
Títol: DDR1 and Its Ligand, Collagen IV, Are Involved in In Vitro Oligodendrocyte Maturation
Autors: Silva, ME; Hernández-Andrade, M; Abasolo, N; Espinoza-Cruells, C; Mansilla, JB; Reyes, CR; Aranda, S; Esteban, Y; Rodriguez-Calvo, R; Martorell, L; Muntane, G; Rivera, FJ; Vilella, E
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Molecular Sciences
País: N/D
Títol: Anticlockwise metamorphic paths at ca. 890-790 Ma from the NE Baidrag block, Mongolia, indicate back-arc compression at the Rodinia periphery
Autors: Stipska, Pavla; Peresty, Vit; Soejono, Igor; Schulmann, Karel; Kylander-Clark, R. C. Andrew; Aguilar, Carmen; Collett, Stephen; Racek, Martin; Mikova, Jitka; Dorjsuren, Otgonbaatar; Novotna, Nikol;
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Geoscience Frontiers
País: N/D
Títol: Effectiveness and tolerability of dolutegravir/lamivudine for the treatment of HIV-1 infection in clinical practice
Autors: Suárez-García, I; Alejos, B; Hernando, V; Viñuela, L; García, MV; Rial-Crestelo, D; Elías, MJP; Iglesias, HA; Peraire, J; Tiraboschi, J; Díaz, A; Moreno, S; Jarrin, I
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
País: N/D
Títol: Mitochondrial dysfunction, lipids metabolism, and amino acid biosynthesis are key pathways for COVID-19 recovery
Autors: Sánchez, A; García-Pardo, G; Gómez-Bertomeu, F; López-Dupla, M; Foguet-Romero, E; Buzón, MJ; Almirante, B; Olona, M; Fernández-Veledo, S; Vidal, F; Chafino, S; Rull, A
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Iscience
País: N/D
Títol: Prediction of serious complications in patients with pulmonary thromboembolism and solid cancer: Validation of the EPIPHANY Index in a prospective cohort of patients from the PERSEO study
Autors: Sánchez-Cánovas, M; Jimenez-Fonseca, P; Garay, DF; Solís, MC; Elía, DC; Salvans, EC; Vacas, ID; Sánchez, DG; Montés, AF; Giménez, RM; de Tejada, MBG; Arrula, VA; López, SS; Candelera, RO; Cendra, CS; de la Peña, MJ; Muñoz, DM; Sarmiento, MO; de Castro, EM; Escobar, IG; Vidal, AB; Moran, LO; Martín, AJM; Bayona, RS; Ortiz, MJM; de la Peña, FA; Vicente, V; Carmona-Bayonas, A
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Plos One
País: N/D
Títol: ¿Geographical distribution of risk genotypes in pediatric patients with celiac disease in Spain¿
Autors: Sánchez-Valverde F; Martínez-Ojinaga E; Donat E; Bodas A; Bandrés E; Torres R; Ibáñez B; Cilleruelo ML; Castillejo G; Pérez-Solis D; Ochoa C; Eizaguirre FJ; García S; García JI; Barrio J; Vecino R; Miranda MdC; Juste M; Salazar JC; Armas H; Ortigosa L; Urruzuno P; García Z; Balmaseda E; Martínez C; La Orden E; Codoñer P; Roca A; Trillo C; Sebastian M; García R; Peña-Quintana L; Barros P; Soria M; García R; Pérez-Moneo B; Polanco I; Ribes C; Román E; Pich M; Arévalo A; Fernández S; Gil D; Oliver P; Manuel Bartolomé J; Vicente Arcos J; Pérez F; Expósito H; Rizo JM; Manuel Navas V; González de Caldas R; Jesús Balboa M; Molinos C; Alonso L; Lorenzo H; Bernardo González J; Lluïsa Masiques M; Isabel Ruiz A; Ignacio Olazábal J
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Human Immunology
País: N/D
Títol: Transient viral rebound in children with perinatally acquired HIV-1 induces a unique soluble immunometabolic signature associated with decreased CD4/CD8 ratio
Autors: Tarancon-Diez, L; Peraire, J; de Ory, SJ; Guirro, M; Escosa, L; Tato, LMP; Antón, MP; Piqueras, AI; Pérez, AV; Gavilán, C; Bustillo-Alonso, M; Navarro, ML; Viladés, C; Vidal, F; Rull, A; Muñoz-Fernández, MA
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of The Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society
País: N/D
Títol: Impact of an Intervention on Healthy Offerings and Allergenic Food Management in Restaurants: A Parallel Randomized Controlled Study
Autors: Tarro, L; Mandracchia, F; Queral, J; Besora-Moreno, M; Vilanova, N; Valls, RM; Pedret, A; Solà, R; Llauradó, E
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Nutrients
País: N/D
Títol: Bacillus coagulans GBI-30, 6086 (BC30) improves lactose digestion in rats exposed to a high-lactose meal
Autors: Teichenné, J; Catalán, U; Mariné-Casadó, R; Domenech-Coca, C; Mas-Capdevila, A; Alcaide-Hidalgo, JM; Chomiciute, G; Rodríguez-García, A; Hernández, A; Gutierrez, V; Puiggròs, F; Del Bas, JM; Caimari, A
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: European Journal Of Nutrition
País: N/D
Títol: Effectiveness, Safety and Choroidal Changes of a Fovea-Sparing Technique for the Treatment of Chronic Central Serous Chorioretinopathy with Yellow Subthreshold Laser
Autors: Torrellas, B; Filloy, A; Wu, L; Chhablani, J; Romero-Aroca, P
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Clinical Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Effectiveness, Safety and Choroidal Changes of a Fovea-Sparing Technique for the Treatment of Chronic Central Serous Chorioretinopathy with Yellow Subthreshold Laser
Autors: Torrellas, Beatriz; Filloy, Alejandro; Wu, Lihteh; Chhablani, Jay; Romero-Aroca, Pedro
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Clinical Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Implications of ACC/AHA Versus ESC/EAS LDL-C Recommendations for Residual Risk Reduction in ASCVD: A Simulation Study From DA VINCI
Autors: Vallejo-Vaz, Antonio J.; Bray, Sarah; Villa, Guillermo; Brandts, Julia; Kiru, Gaia; Murphy, Jennifer; Banach, Maciej; De Servi, Stefano; Gaita, Dan; Gouni-Berthold, Ioanna; Hovingh, G. Kees; Jozwiak, Jacek J.; Jukema, J. Wouter; Kiss, Robert Gabor; Kownator, Serge; Iversen, Helle K.; Maher, Vincent; Masana, Luis; Parkhomenko, Alexander; Peeters, Andre; Clifford, Piers; Raslova, Katarina; Siostrzonek, Peter; Romeo, Stefano; Tousoulis, Dimitrios; Vlachopoulos, Charalambos; Vrablik, Michal; Catapano, Alberico L.; Poulter, Neil R.; Ray, Kausik K.;DA VINCI Study Investigators
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Cardiovascular Drugs And Therapy
País: N/D
Títol: Emotional intelligence: a comparison between patients after first episode mania and those suffering from chronic bipolar disorder type I
Autors: Varo C; Amoretti S; Sparacino G; Jiménez E; Solé B; Mar Bonnin CD; Montejo L; Serra M; Torrent C; Salagre E; Benabarre A; Salgado-Pineda P; Salvatierra IM; Sáiz PA; García-Portilla MP; Sánchez-Gistau V; Pomarol-Clotet E; Ramos-Quiroga JA; Pacchiarotti I; Garcia-Rizo C; Undurraga J; Reinares M; Martinez-Aran A; Vieta E; Verdolini N
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Psychological Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Shared genetic architecture between attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and lifespan
Autors: Vilar-Ribó, L; Cabana-Domínguez, J; Martorell, L; Ramos-Quiroga, JA; Sanchez-Roige, S; Palmer, AA; Vilella, E; Ribasés, M; Muntané, G; Artigas, MS
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Neuropsychopharmacology
País: N/D
Títol: A Metabolites Merging Strategy (MMS): Harmonization to Enable Studies' Intercomparison
Autors: Villalba, H; Llambrich, M; Gumà, J; Brezmes, J; Cumeras, R
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Metabolites
País: N/D
Títol: A Metabolites Merging Strategy (MMS): Harmonization to Enable Studies¿ Intercomparison
Autors: Villalba, H; Llambrich, M; Gumà, J; Brezmes, J; Cumeras, R
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Metabolites
País: N/D
Títol: SUCNR1 signaling in adipocytes controls energy metabolism by modulating circadian clock and leptin expression
Autors: Villanueva-Carmona, T; Cedó, L; Madeira, A; Ceperuelo-Mallafré, V; Rodríguez-Peña, MM; Núñez-Roa, C; Maymó-Masip, E; Repollés-de-Dalmau, M; Badia, J; Keiran, N; Mirasierra, M; Pimenta-Lopes, C; Sabadell-Basallote, J; Bosch, R; Caubet, L; Escolà-Gil, JC; Fernández-Real, JM; Vilarrasa, N; Ventura, F; Vallejo, M; Vendrell, J; Fernández-Veledo, S
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Cell Metabolism
País: N/D
Títol: Clinical Outcomes in Patients With Bicuspid Aortic Valves and Ascending Aorta ¿50 mm Under Surveillance
Autors: Ye Z; Lane CE; Beachey JD; Medina-Inojosa J; Galian-Gay L; Dentamaro I; Rodriguez-Palomares J; Calvo-Iglesias F; Paz RC; Alegret JM; Sanchez V; Moral S; Bellino M; Citro R; Enriquez-Sarano M; Bagnati RP; Garcia Duran AB; Evangelista A; Michelena HI
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Jacc: Advances
País: N/D
Títol: Women with familial hypercholesterolemia phenotype are undertreated and poorly controlled compared to men
Autors: Zamora, A; Ramos, R; Comas-Cufi, M; García-Gil, M; Martí-Lluch, R; Plana, N; Alves-Cabratosa, L; Ponjoan, A; Rodríguez-Borjabad, C; Ibarretxe, D; Roman-Degano, I; Marrugat, J; Elosua, R; Martín-Urda, A; Masana, L
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Scientific Reports
País: N/D
Títol: "Som la Pera," a School-Based, Peer-Led Social Marketing Intervention to Engage Spanish Adolescents in a Healthy Lifestyle: A Parallel-Cluster Randomized Controlled Study
Autors: Aceves-Martins, Magaly; Llaurado, Elisabet; Tarro, Lucia; Papell-Garcia, Ignasi; Prades-Tena, Jordi; Kettner-Hoeberg, Helle; Puiggros, Francesc; Arola, Lluis; Davies, Amy; Giralt, Montse; Sola, Rosa;
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Childhood Obesity
País: N/D
Títol: Ankle Joint Dorsiflexion Reference Values in Non-Injured Youth Federated Basketball Players: A Cross-Sectional Study
Autors: Adillon, Cristina; Gallegos, Montse; Trevino, Silvia; Salvat, Isabel;
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health
País: N/D
Títol: Detection of Neuromuscular Deficits in Movement Pattern among Uninjured Federated Youth Basketball Players: A Cross-Sectional Study
Autors: Adillón C; Gallegos M; Treviño S; Salvat I
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health
País: N/D
Títol: A polygenic approach to the association between smoking and schizophrenia
Autors: Al-Soufi, Laila; Martorell, Lourdes; Molto, M. Dolores; Gonzalez-Penas, Javier; Garcia-Portilla, Ma Paz; Arrojo, Manuel; Rivero, Olga; Gutierrez-Zotes, Alfonso; Nacher, Juan; Muntane, Gerard; Paz, Eduardo; Paramo, Mario; Bobes, Julio; Arango, Celso; Sanjuan, Julio; Vilella, Elisabet; Costas, Javier;
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Addiction Biology
País: N/D
Títol: Perfil lipoproteico por espectroscopia nuclear magnética en pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca crónica comparado con controles emparejados
Autors: Albert Teis; Mélida Esmeralda Castelblanco Echavarría; Germán Cediel Calderón; Núria Amigó; Josep Julve; Josep Ribalta Vives; Montse Guardiola; Josep Franch Nadal; Marcelino Bermúdez López; Pau Codina; Josep Lupón Rosés; Didac Mauricio Puente; Nuria Alonso; Antoni Bayes Genis
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Revista Espanola De Cardiologia
País: N/D
Títol: Gut microbiota is associated with metabolic health in children with obesity
Autors: Alcazar, M; Escribano, J; Ferre, N; Closa-Monasterolo, R; Selma-Royo, M; Feliu, A; Castillejo, G; Luque, V
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinical Nutrition
País: N/D
Títol: Cord Blood Advanced Lipoprotein Testing Reveals an Interaction between Gestational Diabetes and Birth-Weight and Suggests a New Early Biomarker of Infant Obesity
Autors: Algaba-Chueca F; Maymó-Masip E; Ballesteros M; Guarque A; Majali-Martínez A; Freixes O; Amigó N; Fernández-Veledo S; Vendrell J; Megía A
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Biomedicines
País: N/D
Títol: Cord Blood Advanced Lipoprotein Testing Reveals an Interaction between Gestational Diabetes and Birth-Weight and Suggests a New Early Biomarker of Infant Obesity
Autors: Algaba-Chueca, Francisco; Maymó-Masip, Elsa; Ballesteros, Mónica; Guarque, Albert; Majali-Martínez, Alejandro; Freixes, Olga; Amigó, Núria; Fernández-Veledo, Sonia; Vendrell, Joan; Megía, Ana
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Biomedicines
País: N/D
Títol: Risk factors for metabolic syndrome in individuals with recent-onset psychosis at disease onset and after 1-year follow-up
Autors: Alonso Y; Miralles C; Algora MJ; Valiente-Pallejà A; Sánchez-Gistau V; Muntané G; Labad J; Vilella E; Martorell L
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Scientific Reports
País: N/D
Títol: Polygenic contribution to the relationship of loneliness and social isolation with schizophrenia
Autors: Andreu-Bernabeu Á; Díaz-Caneja CM; Costas J; De Hoyos L; Stella C; Gurriarán X; Alloza C; Fañanás L; Bobes J; González-Pinto A; Crespo-Facorro B; Martorell L; Vilella E; Muntané G; Nacher J; Molto MD; Aguilar EJ; Parellada M; Arango C; González-Peñas J
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Nature Communications
País: N/D
Títol: Diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular risk: an update of the recommendations of the Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease Working Group of the Spanish Society of Diabetes (SED, 2021) [Diabetes mellitus y riesgo cardiovascular: actualización de las recomendaciones del Grupo de Trabajo de Diabetes y Enfermedad Cardiovascular de la Sociedad Española de Diabetes (SED, 2021)]
Autors: Arrieta F; Pedro-Botet J; Iglesias P; Obaya JC; Montanez L; Maldonado GF; Becerra A; Navarro J; Perez JC; Petrecca R; Pardo JL; Ribalta J; Sánchez V; Duran S; Tébar FJ; Aguilar M
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinica E Investigacion En Arteriosclerosis
País: N/D
Títol: An interventional nationwide surveillance program lowers postoperative infection rates in elective colorectal surgery. A cohort study (2008¿2019)
Autors: Arroyo-Garcia N; Badia JM; Vázquez A; Pera M; Parés D; Limón E; Almendral A; Piriz M; Díez C; Fraccalvieri D; López-Contreras J; Pujol M
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Surgery
País: N/D
Títol: The risk of COVID-19 death is much greater and age dependent with type I IFN autoantibodies
Autors: Auguet Quintilla, Maria Teresa
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: N/D
País: N/D
Títol: Are Ingested or Inhaled Microplastics Involved in Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease?
Autors: Auguet T; Bertran L; Barrientos-Riosalido A; Fabregat B; Villar B; Aguilar C; Sabench F
Any: 2022 Clau: Review
Revista: International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health
País: N/D
Títol: Lipocalin, Resistin and Gut Microbiota-Derived Propionate Could Be Used to Predict Metabolic Bariatric Surgery Selected Outcomes
Autors: Auguet, T; Lopez-Dupla, M; Ramos, J; Bertran, L; Riesco, D; Aguilar, C; Ardévol, A; Pinent, M; Sabench, F; Del Castillo, D; Richart, C
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Processes
País: N/D
Títol: Chest wall mechanics during mechanical chest compression and its relationship to CPR-related injuries and survival
Autors: Azeli Y; Barbería E; Fernández A; García-Vilana S; Bardají A; Hardig BM
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Resuscitation Plus
País: N/D
Títol: Decreased Mortality among Patients with Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infections at Catalan Hospitals (2010-2019)
Autors: Badia-Cebada L; Peñafiel J; López-Contreras J; Pomar V; Martínez JA; Santana G; Cuquet J; Montero MM; Hidalgo-López C; Andrés M; Gimenez M; Quesada MD; Vaqué M; Iftimie S; Gudiol C; Pérez R; Coloma A; Marron A; Barrufet P; Marimon M; Lérida A; Clarós M; Ramírez-Hidalgo MF; Garcia Pardo G; Martinez MJ; Chamarro EL; Jiménez-Martínez E; Hornero A; Limón E; López M; Calbo E; Pujol M; Gasch O
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Hospital Infection
País: N/D
Títol: Combining Dietary Intervention with Metformin Treatment Enhances Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis Remission in Mice Fed a High-Fat High-Sucrose Diet
Autors: Baiges-Gaya G; Rodríguez-Tomàs E; Castañé H; Jiménez-Franco A; Amigó N; Camps J; Joven J
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Biomolecules
País: N/D
Títol: DNA Methylation in Gestational Diabetes and its Predictive Value for Postpartum Glucose Disturbances
Autors: Ballesteros, Monica; Gil-Lluis, Pilar; Ejarque, Miriam; Diaz-Perdigones, Cristina; Martinez-Guasch, Laia; Fernandez-Veledo, Sonia; Vendrell, Joan; Megia, Ana;
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism
País: N/D
Títol: Diabetic retinopathy as a predictor of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in subjects with type 2 diabetes
Autors: Barrot, J; Real, J; Vlacho, B; Romero-Aroca, P; Simo, R; Mauricio, D; Mata-Cases, M; Castelblanco, E; Mundet-Tuduri, X; Franch-Nadal, J
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Frontiers Of Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Immunohistochemical Algorithm for the Classification of Muscle-Invasive Urinary Bladder Carcinoma with Lymph Node Metastasis: An Institutional Study
Autors: Beatriz Pena, Karla; Riu, Francesc; Guma, Josep; Martinez-Madueno, Francisca; Miranda, Maria Jose; Vidal, Anna; Grifoll, Marc; Badia, Joan; Rodriguez-Balada, Marta; Parada, David;
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Clinical Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: New Insights of OLFM2 and OLFM4 in Gut-Liver Axis and Their Potential Involvement in Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Autors: Bertran, Laia; Jorba-Martin, Rosa; Barrientos-Riosalido, Andrea; Portillo-Carrasquer, Marta; Aguilar, Carmen; Riesco, David; Martinez, Salome; Vives, Margarita; Sabench, Fatima; Del Castillo, Daniel; Richart, Cristobal; Auguet, Teresa;
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Molecular Sciences
País: N/D
Títol: Increased Secreted Frizzled-Related Protein 5 mRNA Expression in the Adipose Tissue of Women with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Associated with Obesity
Autors: Bertran, Laia; Portillo-Carrasquer, Marta; Barrientos-Riosalido, Andrea; Aguilar, Carmen; Riesco, David; Martinez, Salome; Culebradas, Amada; Vives, Margarita; Sabench, Fatima; Del Castillo, Daniel; Richart, Cristobal; Auguet, Teresa;
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Molecular Sciences
País: N/D
Títol: Increased Secreted Frizzled-Related Protein 5 mRNA Expression in the Adipose Tissue of Women with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Associated with Obesity
Autors: Bertran, Laia; Portillo-Carrasquer, Marta; Barrientos-Riosalido, Andrea; Aguilar, Carmen; Riesco, David; Martínez, Salomé; Culebradas, Amada; Vives, Margarita; Sabench, Fàtima; Castillo, Daniel Del; Richart, Cristóbal; Auguet, Teresa
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Molecular Sciences
País: N/D
Títol: Antioxidant-rich foods, antioxidant supplements, and sarcopenia in old-young adults ¿55 years old: A systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies and randomized controlled trials
Autors: Besora-Moreno M; Llauradó E; Valls RM; Tarro L; Pedret A; Solà R
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinical Nutrition
País: N/D
Títol: Venous Thrombosis within 30 Days after Vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 in a Multinational Venous Thromboembolism Registry
Autors: Bikdeli B; Jiménez D; Demelo-Rodriguez P; Galeano-Valle F; Porras JA; Barba R; Ay C; Malý R; Braester A; Imbalzano E; Rosa V; Lecumberri R; Siniscalchi C; Fidalgo Á; Ortiz S; Monreal M
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Viruses-Basel
País: N/D
Títol: Clinical Presentation and Short- and Long-term Outcomes in Patients With Isolated Distal Deep Vein Thrombosis vs Proximal Deep Vein Thrombosis in the RIETE Registry
Autors: Bikdeli, Behnood; Caraballo, Cesar; Trujillo-Santos, Javier; Galanaud, Jean Philippe; di Micco, Pierpaolo; Rosa, Vladimir; Vidal Cusido, Gemma; Schellong, Sebastian; Mellado, Meritxell; del Valle Morales, Maria; Gavin-Sebastian, Olga; Mazzolai, Lucia; Krumholz, Harlan M.; Monreal, Manuel;RIETE Investigators
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Jama Cardiology
País: N/D
Títol: A Case Series Assessing the Effects of Lomitapide on Carotid Intima-Media Thickness in Adult Patients with Homozygous Familial Hypercholesterolaemia in a Real-World Setting
Autors: Blom DJ; Gaudet D; Hegele RA; Patel DS; Cegla J; Kolovou G; Marin LM
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Advances In Therapy
País: N/D
Títol: Application of emerging technologies to obtain legume protein isolates with improved techno-functional properties and health effects
Autors: Bou, Ricard; Navarro-Vozmediano, Paola; Dominguez, Ruben; Lopez-Gomez, Miguel; Pinent, Montserrat; Ribas-Agusti, Albert; Benedito, Jose J.; Lorenzo, Jose M.; Terra, Ximena; Garcia-Perez, Jose, V; Pateiro, Mirian; Herrera-Cervera, Jose A.; Jorba-Martin, Rosa;
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Comprehensive Reviews In Food Science And Food Safety
País: N/D
Títol: Muscular carnosine is a marker for cardiorespiratory fitness and cardiometabolic risk factors in men with type 1 diabetes
Autors: Brugnara L; García AI; Murillo S; Ribalta J; Fernandez G; Marquez S; Rodriguez MA; Vinaixa M; Amigó N; Correig X; Kalko S; Pomes J; Novials A
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: European Journal Of Applied Physiology
País: N/D
Títol: Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy in Patients with Severe Obesity Restores Adaptive Responses Leading to Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis
Autors: Cabre, Noemi; Luciano-Mateo, Fedra; Chapski, Douglas J.; Baiges-Gaya, Gerard; Fernandez-Arroyo, Salvador; Hernandez-Aguilera, Anna; Castane, Helena; Rodriguez-Tomas, Elisabet; Paris, Marta; Sabench, Fatima; Del Castillo, Daniel; del Bas, Josep M.; Tome, Mercedes; Bodineau, Clement; Sola-Garcia, Alejandro; Lopez-Miranda, Jose; Martin-Montalvo, Alejandro; Duran, Raul, V; Vondriska, Thomas M.; Rosa-Garrido, Manuel; Camps, Jordi; Menendez, Javier A.; Joven, Jorge;
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Molecular Sciences
País: N/D
Títol: Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy in Patients with Severe Obesity Restores Adaptive Responses Leading to Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis
Autors: Cabré, Noemí; Luciano-Mateo, Fedra; Chapski, Douglas J.; Baiges-Gaya, Gerard; Fernández-Arroyo, Salvador; Hernández-Aguilera, Anna; Castañé, Helena; Rodríguez-Tomàs, Elisabet; París, Marta; Sabench, Fàtima; Castillo, Daniel Del; del Bas, Josep M.; Tomé, Mercedes; Bodineau, Clément; Sola-García, Alejandro; López-Miranda, José; Martín-Montalvo, Alejandro; Durán, Raúl V.; Vondriska, Thomas M.; Rosa-Garrido, Manuel; Camps, Jordi; Menéndez, Javier A.; Joven, Jorge
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Molecular Sciences
País: N/D
Títol: Serum lysophospholipidome of dietary origin as a suitable susceptibility/risk biomarker of human hypercholesterolemia: A cross-sectional study
Autors: Calderón-Pérez L; Suárez-García S; Pedret A; Suárez M; Llauradó E; Rubió L; del Bas JM; Caimari A; Puiggrós F; Arola L; Solà R; Valls RM
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinical Nutrition
País: N/D
Títol: Vitamin K dietary intake is associated with cognitive function in an older adult Mediterranean population
Autors: Camacho-Barcia L; García-Gavilán J; Martínez-González MÁ; Fernández-Aranda F; Galié S; Corella D; Cuenca-Royo A; Romaguera D; Vioque J; Alonso-Gómez ÁM; Wärnberg J; Martínez JA; Serra-Majem L; Estruch R; Bernal-López MR; Lapetra J; Pintó X; Tur JA; Garcia-Rios A; Bueno-Cavanillas A; Delgado-Rodríguez M; Matía-Martín P; Daimiel L; Martín-Sánchez V; Vidal J; Vázquez C; Ros E; Canela MR; Sorlí JV; de la Torre R; Konieczna J; Oncina-Cánovas A; Tojal-Sierra L; Pérez-López J; Abete I; Sánchez-Villegas A; Casas R; Muñoz-Garach A; Santos-Lozano JM; Bouzas C; Razquin C; Martínez-Lacruz R; Castañer O; Yañez AM; Valls-Enguix R; Belló-Mora MC; Basterra-Gortari J; Basora J; Salas-Salvadó J; Bulló M
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Age And Ageing
País: N/D
Títol: Coronary artery fistulas after paediatric heart transplantation
Autors: Camprubi-Tubella, Elisabet; Gran-Ipina, Ferran; Betrian-Blasco, Pedro;
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Cardiology In The Young
País: N/D
Títol: Negative predictive value of procalcitonin to rule out bacterial respiratory co-infection in critical covid-19 patients
Autors: Carbonell, Raquel; Urgeles, Silvia; Salgado, Melina; Rodriguez, Alejandro; Reyes, Luis Felipe; Fuentes, Yuliv.; Serrano, CristianC.; Caceres, Ederl.; Bodi, Maria; Martin-Loeches, Ignacio; Sole-Violan, Jordi; Diaz, Emili; Gomez, Josep; Trefler, Sandra; Vallverdu, Montserrat; Murcia, Josefa; Albaya, Antonio; Loza, Ana; Socias, Lorenzo; Ballesteros, Juan Carlos; Papiol, Elisabeth; Vina, Lucia; Sancho, Susana; Nieto, Mercedes; Del, M.; Lorente, Carmen; Badallo, Oihane; Fraile, Virginia; Armestar, Fernando; Estella, Angel; Abanses, Paula; Sancho, Isabel; Guasch, Neus; Moreno, Gerard;Covid-19 Semicyuc Working Grp; Liven-Covid-19 Invest
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Infection
País: N/D
Títol: Proportion and stage distribution of screen-detected and non-screen-detected colorectal cancer in nine European countries: an international, population-based study
Autors: Cardoso, Rafael; Guo, Feng; Heisser, Thomas; De Schutter, Harlinde; Van Damme, Nancy; Nilbert, Mef Christina; Tybjerg, Anne Julie; Bouvier, Anne-Marie; Bouvier, Véronique; Launoy, Guy; Woronoff, Anne-Sophie; Cariou, Mélanie; Robaszkiewicz, Michel; Delafosse, Patricia; Poncet, Florence; Walsh, Paul M; Senore, Carlo; Rosso, Stefano; Lemmens, Valery E P P; Elferink, Marloes A G; Tom¿i?, Sonja; ¿agar, Tina; Lopez de Munain Marques, Arantza; Marcos-Gragera, Rafael; Puigdemont, Montse; Galceran, Jaume; Carulla, Marià; Sánchez-Gil, Antonia; Chirlaque, María-Dolores; Hoffmeister, Michael; Brenner, Hermann
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology
País: N/D
Títol: Situación en 2020 de los requerimientos para la utilización de inhibidores de PCSK9 en España: resultados de una encuesta nacional
Autors: Carlos Guijarro; Fernando Civeira Murillo; José López Miranda; Lluís Masana Marín; Juan Pedro-Botet Montoya; Xavier Pintó Sala; Pedro Valdivielso Felices; José María Mostaza Prieto
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinica E Investigacion En Arteriosclerosis
País: N/D
Títol: Machine learning and semi-targeted lipidomics identify distinct serum lipid signatures in hospitalized COVID-19-positive and COVID-19-negative patients
Autors: Castañé, H; Iftimie, S; Baiges-Gaya, G; Rodríguez-Tomás, E; Jiménez-Franco, A; López-Azcona, AF; Garrido, P; Castro, A; Camps, J; Joven, J
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Metabolism-Clinical And Experimental
País: N/D
Títol: Red-Fleshed Apples Rich in Anthocyanins and White-Fleshed Apples Modulate the Aorta and Feart Proteome in Hypercholesterolaemic Rats. The AppleCOR Study
Autors: Catalán, Úrsula; Pedret, Anna; Yuste, Silvia; Rubió, Laura; Piñol, Carme; Sandoval-Ramírez, Berner Andrée; Companys, Judit; Foguet, Elisabet; Herrero, Pol; Canela, Núria; Motilva, Maria-Jose; Solà, Rosa
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Nutrients
País: N/D
Títol: Circulating pyruvate is a potent prognostic marker for critical COVID-19 outcomes
Autors: Ceperuelo-Mallafre, Victoria; Reverte, Laia; Peraire, Joaquim; Madeira, Ana; Maymo-Masip, Elsa; Lopez-Dupla, Miguel; Gutierrez-Valencia, Alicia; Ruiz-Mateos, Ezequiel; Buzon, Maria Jose; Jorba, Rosa; Vendrell, Joan; Auguet, Teresa; Olona, Montserrat; Vidal, Francesc; Rull, Anna; Fernandez-Veledo, Sonia;COVIDOMICS Study Grp
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Frontiers In Immunology
País: N/D
Títol: Impact of Aspergillus spp. isolation in the first 24 hours of admission in critically ill patients with severe influenza virus pneumonia
Autors: Claverias, L.; Daniel, X.; Martin-Loeches, I; Vidal-Cortez, P.; Gomez-Bertomeu, F.; Trefler, S.; Zaragoza, R.; Borges-Sa, M.; Reyes, L. F.; Quindos, G.; Peman, J.; Bodi, M.; Diaz, E.; Sarvise, C.; Pico, E.; Papiol, E.; Sole-Violan, J.; Marin-Corral, J.; Guardiola, J. J.; Rodriguez, A.;GETGAG SEMICYUC Working Grp
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Medicina Intensiva
País: N/D
Títol: National Survey: How Do We Approach the Patient at Risk of Clinical Deterioration outside the ICU in the Spanish Context?
Autors: Clemente Vivancos Á; León Castelao E; Castellanos Ortega Á; Bodi Saera M; Gordo Vidal F; Martin Delgado MC; Jorge-Soto C; Fernandez Mendez F; Igeño Cano JC; Trenado Alvarez J; Caballero Lopez J; Parraga Ramirez MJ
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health
País: N/D
Títol: Effects of enriched seafood sticks (heat-inactivated B. animalis subsp. lactis CECT 8145, inulin, omega-3) on cardiometabolic risk factors and gut microbiota in abdominally obese subjects: randomized controlled trial
Autors: Companys, Judit; Calderon-Perez, Lorena; Pla-Paga, Laura; Llaurado, Elisabet; Andree Sandoval-Ramirez, Berner; Jose Gosalbes, Maria; Arregui, Ainara; Barandiaran, Maddi; Caimari, Antoni; Maria del Bas, Josep; Arola, Lluis; Valls, Rosa M.; Sola, Rosa; Pedret, Anna;
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: European Journal Of Nutrition
País: N/D
Títol: Hesperidin Bioavailability Is Increased by the Presence of 2S-Diastereoisomer and Micronization-A Randomized, Crossover and Double-Blind Clinical Trial
Autors: Crescenti, Anna; Caimari, Antoni; Maria Alcaide-Hidalgo, Juan; Marine-Casado, Roger; Valls, Rosa M.; Companys, Judit; Salamanca, Patricia; Calderon-Perez, Lorena; Pla-Paga, Laura; Pedret, Anna; Delpino-Rius, Antoni; Herrero, Pol; Samarra, Iris; Arola, Lluis; Sola, Rosa; Del Bas, Josep M.;
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Nutrients
País: N/D
Títol: Metabolomic and Mitochondrial Fingerprinting of the Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) in Non-Tumorigenic and Tumorigenic Human Breast Cells
Autors: Cuyas, Elisabet; Fernandez-Arroyo, Salvador; Verdura, Sara; Lupu, Ruth; Joven, Jorge; Menendez, Javier A.;
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Cancers
País: N/D
Títol: Registration of Urothelial Tumours in Cancer Registries: How to Improve and Make It More Useful?
Autors: Daubisse-Marliac L; Grosclaude P; Carulla M; Parada D; Vilardell L; Ameijide A; Marcos-Gragera R; Galceran J
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health
País: N/D
Títol: Adjunctive Recombinant Human Plasma Gelsolin for Severe Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pneumonia
Autors: DiNubile MJ; Parra S; Salomó AC; Levinson SL
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Open Forum Infectious Diseases
País: N/D
Títol: Prenatal adherence to the Mediterranean diet decreases the risk of having a small-for-gestational-age baby, ECLIPSES study
Autors: Diaz-Lopez, Andres; Diaz-Torres, Sandra; Martin-Lujan, Francisco; Basora, Josep; Arija, Victoria;
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Scientific Reports
País: N/D
Títol: Increased Circulating Levels of Growth Differentiation Factor 15 in Association with Metabolic Disorders in People Living with HIV Receiving Combined Antiretroviral Therapy
Autors: Domingo P; Mateo MG; Villarroya J; Cereijo R; Torres F; Domingo JC; Campderrós L; Gallego-Escuredo JM; Gutierrez MDM; Mur I; Corbacho N; Vidal F; Villarroya F; Giralt M
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Clinical Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Differentiated thyroid carcinoma in the elderly: influence of age on disease-free and overall survival
Autors: Díez JJ; Anda E; Alcazar V; Isidro ML; Familiar C; Paja M; Rojas Marcos P; Pérez-Corral B; Navarro E; Romero-Lluch AR; Oleaga A; Pamplona MJ; Fernández-García JC; Megía A; Manjón L; Sánchez-Ragnarsson C; Iglesias P; Sastre J
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Endocrine
País: N/D
Títol: Outpatient management of acute uncomplicated appendicitis after laparoscopic appendectomy: a randomized controlled trial
Autors: Elvira López J; Sales Mallafré R; Padilla Zegarra E; Carrillo Luna L; Ferreres Serafini J; Tully R; Memba Ikuga R; Jorba Martin R
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: World Journal Of Emergency Surgery
País: N/D
Títol: A feature selection strategy to optimize retinal vasculature segmentation
Autors: Escorcia-Gutierrez J; Torrents-Barrena J; Gamarra M; Madera N; Romero-Aroca P; Valls A; Puig D
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Cmc-Computers Materials & Continua
País: N/D
Títol: Impact of Phenol-Enriched Olive Oils on Serum Metabonome and Its Relationship with Cardiometabolic Parameters: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Cross-Over, Controlled Trial
Autors: Farras, Marta; Swann, Jonathan Richard; Rowland, Ian; Rubio, Laura; Subirana, Isaac; Catalan, Ursula; Jose Motilva, Maria; Sola, Rosa; Covas, Maria Isabel; Blanco-Vaca, Francisco; Fito, Montserrat; Mayneris-Perxachs, Jordi;
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Antioxidants
País: N/D
Títol: Dexamethasone as risk-factor for ICU-acquired respiratory tract infections in severe COVID-19
Autors: Felipe Reyes, Luis; Rodriguez, Alejandro; Bastidas, Alirio; Parra-Tanoux, Daniela; Fuentes, Yuli, V; Garcia-Gallo, Esteban; Moreno, Gerard; Ospina-Tascon, Gustavo; Hernandez, Gleen; Silva, Edwin; Diaz, Ana Maria; Jibaja, Manuel; Vera-Alarcon, Magdalena; Diaz, Emilio; Bodi, Maria; Sole-Violan, Jordi; Ferrer, Ricard; Albaya-Moreno, Antonio; Socias, Lorenzo; Estella, Angel; Loza-Vazquez, Ana; Jorge-Garcia, Ruth; Sancho, Isabel; Martin-Loeches, Ignacio;LIVEN-COVID-19 Investigators; COVID-19 SEMICYUC Study Grp
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Critical Care
País: N/D
Títol: A Fluorescence-Based In Vitro Method to Assess Cholesterol Efflux
Autors: Fernández-Castillejo S; Pedret A; Catalán Santos Ú; Solà R
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Methods In Molecular Biology
País: N/D
Títol: Monitoring the Anisotropy and Fluidity of the HDL Monolayer as Surrogates of HDL Functionality
Autors: Fernández-Castillejo S; Pedret Figuerola A; Catalán Santos Ú; Motta C; Solà R
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Methods In Molecular Biology
País: N/D
Títol: Monitoring of circulating tumor DNA predicts response to treatment and early progression in follicular lymphoma: results of a prospective pilot study
Autors: Fernández-Miranda, Ismael; Pedrosa, Lucia; Llanos, Marta; Franco, Fernando F.; Gómez, Sagrario; Martín-Acosta, Paloma; García-Arroyo, Francisco R.; Gumà, Josep; Horcajo, Beatriz; Ballesteros, Ana K.; Gálvez, Laura; Martínez, Natividad; Marín, Miguel; Sequero, Silvia; Navarro, Marta; Yanguas-Casás, Natalia; Calvo, Virginia; Rueda-Domínguez, Antonio; Provencio, Mariano; Sánchez-Beato, Margarita
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinical Cancer Research
País: N/D
Títol: Pharmacological interventions for preventing complications in patients with idiopathic hypercalciuria: A systematic review
Autors: Ferre, Natalia; Parada, Ester; Balaguer, Albert; Feliu, Albert; Roque-Figuls, Marta; Franco, Juan Victor A.; Escribano, Joaquin;
Any: 2022 Clau: Review
Revista: Nefrologia
País: N/D
Títol: Optimization of a GC-MS Injection-Port Derivatization Methodology to Enhance Metabolomics Analysis Throughput in Biological Samples
Autors: Foguet-Romero E; Samarra I; Guirro M; Riu M; Joven J; Menendez JA; Canela N; Delpino-Rius A; Fernández-Arroyo S; Herrero P
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Proteome Research
País: N/D
Títol: ? Proportion and stage distribution of screen-detected and non-screen-detected colorectal cancer in nine European countries: an international, population-based study.
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: N/D
País: N/D
Títol: Usefulness of the Measurement of Serum Paraoxonase-1 Arylesterase Activity in the Diagnoses of COVID-19
Autors: Gabaldó, X; Juanpere, M; Castañé, H; Rodríguez-Tomàs, E; López-Azcona, AF; Baiges-Gaya, G; Castro, L; Valverde-Díaz, E; Muñoz-Blázquez, A; Giménez-Cuenca, L; Felipo-Balada, L; Ballester, F; Pujol, I; Simó, JM; Castro, A; Iftimie, S; Camps, J; Joven, J
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Biomolecules
País: N/D
Títol: Pigmentación segmentaria de iris y enfermedad de Hirschsprung: a propósito de un caso
Autors: Gibet Benejam Torren; E Santos Blanco; Pere Romero Aroca
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Annals D'oftalmologia: Òrgan De Les Societats D'oftalmologia De Catalunya, Valencia I Balears
País: N/D
Títol: Impact of difficult sedation on the management and outcome of critically ill patients
Autors: Gil Castillejos, Diana; Lourdes Rubio, Maria; Ferre, Carmen; de los Angeles de Gracia, Ma; Bodi, Maria; Sandiumenge, Alberto;
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Nursing In Critical Care
País: N/D
Títol: Remission of obesity and insulin resistance is not sufficient to restore mitochondrial homeostasis in visceral adipose tissue
Autors: Gonzalez-Franquesa A; Gama-Perez P; Kulis M; Szczepanowska K; Dahdah N; Moreno-Gomez S; Latorre-Pellicer A; Fernández-Ruiz R; Aguilar-Mogas A; Hoffman A; Monelli E; Samino S; Miró-Blanch J; Oemer G; Duran X; Sanchez-Rebordelo E; Schneeberger M; Obach M; Montane J; Castellano G; Chapaprieta V; Sun W; Navarro L; Prieto I; Castaño C; Novials A; Gomis R; Monsalve M; Claret M; Graupera M; Soria G; Wolfrum C; Vendrell J; Fernández-Veledo S; Enríquez JA; Carracedo A; Perales JC; Nogueiras R; Herrero L; Trifunovic A; Keller MA; Yanes O; Sales-Pardo M; Guimerà R; Blüher M; Martín-Subero JI; Garcia-Roves PM
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Redox Biology
País: N/D
Títol: Fasting Glucose for the Diagnosis of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Autors: González González NL; González Dávila E; Bugatto F; Vega-Guedes B; Pintado P; Tascón L; Villalba Martin N; Plasencia W; Megía A
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Nutrients
País: N/D
Títol: Fasting Glucose for the Diagnosis of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Autors: González González, Nieves Luisa; González Dávila, Enrique; Bugatto, Fernando; Vega-Guedes, Begoña; Pintado, Pilar; Tascón, L.; Villalba Martin, Nazaret; Plasencia, Walter; Megía, Ana
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Nutrients
País: N/D
Títol: Comment on Fahrmann et al. Modification of the Association Between Severe Hypoglycemia and Ischemic Heart Disease by Surrogates of Vascular Damage Severity in Type 1 Diabetes During ¿30 Years of Follow-up in the DCCT/EDIC Study. Diabetes Care 2021;44;2132-2139
Autors: González-Clemente JM; Llauradó G; Romero A; Giménez-Palop O; Berlanga E; Vendrell J
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Diabetes Care
País: N/D
Títol: The CNIC-Polypill reduces recurrent major cardiovascular events in real-life secondary prevention patients in Spain: The NEPTUNO study
Autors: González-Juanatey JR; Cordero A; Castellano JM; Masana L; Dalmau R; Ruiz E; Sicras-Mainar A; Fuster V
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Cardiology
País: N/D
Títol: Can COVID-19 vaccines relieve severe tension-type headache and migraine?
Autors: González-Menacho J; Villas-Roca M; Castañé H; Joven J; Camps J; Iftimie S
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Medical Hypotheses
País: N/D
Títol: DNA methylation pattern of hypertriglyceridemic subjects. [Patrón de metilación en ADN de sujetos hipertrigliceridémicos]
Autors: Guardiola M; Ibarretxe D; Plana N; Masana L; Ribalta J
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinica E Investigacion En Arteriosclerosis
País: N/D
Títol: Sleep duration and problem behaviour in 8-year-old children in the Childhood Obesity Project
Autors: Guerlich, Kathri; Gruszfeld, Dariusz; Czech-Kowalska, Justyna; Ferre, Natalia; Closa-Monasterolo, Ricardo; Martin, Francoise; Poncelet, Pascale; Verduci, Elvira; Koletzko, Berthold; Grote, Veit;
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
País: N/D
Títol: Situación en 2020 de los requerimientos para la utilización de inhibidores de PCSK9 en España: resultados de una encuesta nacional
Autors: Guijarro C; Civeira F; López-Miranda J; Masana L; Pedro-Botet J; Pintó X; Valdivielso P; Mostaza JM
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinica E Investigacion En Arteriosclerosis
País: N/D
Títol: Utility of ctDNA Liquid Biopsies from Cancer Patients: An Institutional Study of 285 ctDNA Samples
Autors: Gumà J; Peña K; Riu F; Guilarte C; Hernandez A; Lucía C; Martínez-Madueño F; Miranda MJ; Cabezas I; Grifoll M; Peralta S; Serrano S; Muñoz F; Delamo L; Roig B; Borràs J; Badia J; Rodriguez-Balada M; Parada D
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Cancers
País: N/D
Títol: Orally administered Odoribacter laneus improves glucose control and inflammatory profile in obese mice by depleting circulating succinate
Autors: Huber-Ruano, Isabel; Calvo, Enrique; Mayneris-Perxachs, Jordi; Rodriguez-Pena, M-Mar; Ceperuelo-Mallafre, Victoria; Cedo, Lidia; Nunez-Roa, Catalina; Miro-Blanch, Joan; Arnoriaga-Rodriguez, Maria; Balvay, Aurelie; Maudet, Claire; Garcia-Roves, Pablo; Yanes, Oscar; Rabot, Sylvie; Grimaud, Ghjuvan Micaelu; De Prisco, Annachiara; Amoruso, Angela; Fernandez-Real, Jose Manuel; Vendrell, Joan; Fernandez-Veledo, Sonia;
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Microbiome
País: N/D
Títol: Characteristics of hospitalized patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection during successive waves of the COVID-19 pandemic in a reference hospital in Spain
Autors: Iftimie, S; López-Azcona, AF; Lozano-Olmo, MJ; Hernández-Aguilera, A; Sarrà-Moretó, S; Joven, J; Camps, J; Castro, A
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Scientific Reports
País: N/D
Títol: Measurement of Plasma Galectin-3 Concentrations in Patients with Catheter Infections: A Post Hoc Retrospective Cohort Study
Autors: Iftimie, Simona; Hernandez-Aguilera, Anna; Lopez-Azcona, Ana F.; Castane, Helena; Rodriguez-Tomas, Elisabet; Baiges-Gaya, Gerard; Camps, Jordi; Castro, Antoni; Joven, Jorge;
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Diagnostics
País: N/D
Títol: Pacientes con afectación ganglionar inicial por cáncer de mama que han recibido quimioterapia neoadyuvante: técnica combinada ganglio centinela-cirugía radioguiada del ganglio patológico
Autors: J Fuertes Manuel; S Kohan; M Jordá Solé; I Mateu Hidalgo; M Miralles Curto; O Aguiló Sagristá; Esther Aguilar Aloma; K B Peña González; M Melé Olivé; J Repkova; M J Montero Jaime; Josep Gumà Padró
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Revista Espanola De Medicina Nuclear E Imagen Molecular
País: N/D
Títol: Time of Dietary Energy and Nutrient Intake and Body Mass Index in Children: Compositional Data Analysis from the Childhood Obesity Project (CHOP) Trial
Autors: Jaeger, Vanessa; Koletzko, Berthold; Luque, Veronica; Gispert-Llaurado, Mariona; Gruszfeld, Dariusz; Socha, Piotr; Verduci, Elvira; Zuccotti, Gian Vincenzo; Etienne, Louise; Grote, Veit;
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Nutrients
País: N/D
Títol: Recomendaciones SER sobre el manejo de los pacientes con fibromialgia. Parte I: diagnóstico y tratamiento
Autors: Javier Rivera Redondo; Petra Díaz del Campo; Cayetano Alegre de Miquel; Miriam Almirall; Benigno Casanueva; Cristina Castillo Ojeda; Antonio Collado Cruz; Pilar Montesó Curto; Angela Palao Tarreros; Eva Trillo Calvo; Miguel A Vallejo; Noé Brito García; Carol Merino Argumánez; MN Plana Farrás
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Reumatologia Clinica
País: N/D
Títol: Recomendaciones SER sobre el manejo de los pacientes con fibromialgia. Parte II: educación del paciente y formación de los profesionales
Autors: Javier Rivera Redondo; Petra Díaz del Campo; Cayetano Alegre de Miquel; Miriam Almirall; Benigno Casanueva; Cristina Castillo Ojeda; Antonio Collado Cruz; Pilar Montesó Curto; Angela Palao Tarreros; Eva Trillo Calvo; Miguel A Vallejo; Noé Brito García; Carol Merino Argumánez; MN Plana Farrás
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Reumatologia Clinica
País: N/D
Títol: Randomised controlled trial of a prognostic assessment and management pathway to reduce the length of hospital stay in normotensive patients with acute pulmonary embolism
Autors: Jimenez, David; Rodriguez, Carmen; Leon, Francisco; Jara-Palomares, Luis; Lopez-Reyes, Raquel; Ruiz-Artacho, Pedro; Elias, Teresa; Otero, Remedios; Garcia-Ortega, Alberto; Rivas-Guerrero, Agustina; Abelaira, Jaime; Jimenez, Sonia; Muriel, Alfonso; Morillo, Raquel; Barrios, Deisy; Le Mao, Raphael; Yusen, Roger D.; Bikdeli, Behnood; Monreal, Manuel; Luis Lobo, Jose;IPEP Investigators
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: European Respiratory Journal
País: N/D
Títol: Estándares SEA 2022 para el control global del riesgo cardiovascular
Autors: José María Mostaza Prieto; Xavier Pintó Sala; Pedro Armario García; Lluís Masana Marín; José Tomás Real Collado; Pedro Valdivielso Felices; Teresa Arrobas Velilla; Ramón Baeza Trinidad; Pilar Calmarza; Jesús Cebollada Muro; Miguel Civera Andrés; José I Cuende; José Luis Díaz Díaz; Jacinto Fernández Pardo; Carlos Guijarro; Carlos Jericó Alba; Martín Laclaustra; Carlos Lahoz Rallo; José López Miranda; Sergio Martínez Hervás; Ovidio Muñiz Grijalvo; José Antonio Páramo Fernández; V Pascual; Juan Pedro-Botet Montoya; Pablo Pérez Martínez; Núria Plana Gil; José Puzo Foncillas; Miguel Ángel Sánchez Chaparro; Lluís Vila Ballester
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinica E Investigacion En Arteriosclerosis
País: N/D
Títol: Identification of the Potential Molecular Mechanisms Linking RUNX1 Activity with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, by Means of Systems Biology
Autors: Laia Bertran, Ailende Eigbefoh-Addeh, Marta Portillo-Carrasquer, Andrea Barrientos-Riosalido, Jessica Binetti, Carmen Aguilar, Javier Ugarte Chicote, Helena Bartra, Laura Artigas, Mireia Coma,Cristóbal Richart and Teresa Auguet
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Biomedicines
País: N/D
Títol: Adolescents encouraging healthy lifestyles through a peer-led social marketing intervention: Training and key competencies learned by peer leaders
Autors: Llaurado, Elisabet; Aceves-Martins, Magaly; Prades-Tena, Jordi; Besora-Moreno, Maria; Papell-Garcia, Ignasi; Giralt, Montse; Davies, Amy; Tarro, Lucia; Sola, Rosa;
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Health Expectations
País: N/D
Títol: Measurement of Serum N-Glycans in the Assessment of Early Vascular Aging (Arterial Stiffness) in Adults With Type 1 Diabetes
Autors: Llauradó G; Amigó N; Fuertes-Martín R; Romero A; Cano A; Albert L; Giménez-Palop O; Berlanga E; Fernández-Veledo S; Correig X; Vendrell J; González-Clemente JM
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Diabetes Care
País: N/D
Títol: Measurement of Serum N-Glycans in the Assessment of Early Vascular Aging (Arterial Stiffness) in Adults With Type 1 Diabetes
Autors: Llauradó, Gemma; Amigó, Núria; Fuertes-Martín, Rocío; Romero, Ana; Cano, Albert; Albert, Lara; Giménez-Palop, Olga; Berlanga, Eugenio; Fernández-Veledo, Sonia; Correig, Xavier; Vendrell, Joan; González-Clemente, José-Miguel
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Diabetes Care
País: N/D
Títol: Multidisciplinary rehabilitation treatments for patients with fibromyalgia: a systematic review
Autors: Llàdser AN, Montesó-Curto P, López C, Rosselló L, Lear S, Toussaint L, Casado LC.
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: European Journal Of Physical And Rehabilitation Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: HTE 3.0: Knowledge-based systems in cascade for familial hypercholesterolemia detection and dyslipidemia treatment
Autors: Lopez, Beatriz; Torrent-Fontbona, Ferran; Masana Marin, Luis; Zamora, Alberto;
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Expert Systems
País: N/D
Títol: CD68 and CD83 immune populations in non-metastatic axillary lymph nodes are of prognostic value for the survival and relapse of breast cancer patients
Autors: Lopez, Carlos; Bosch, Ramon; Korzynska, Anna; Garcia-Rojo, Marcial; Bueno, Gloria; Francesc Garcia-Fontgivell, Joan; Martinez Gonzalez, Salome; Gras Navarro, Andrea; Sauras Colon, Esther; Casanova Ribes, Julia; Roszkowiak, Lukasz; Mata, Daniel; Arenas, Meritxell; Gomez, Junior; Roso, Albert; Berenguer, Marta; Reverte-Villarroya, Silvia; Llobera, Montserrat; Baucells, Jordi; Lejeune, Marylene
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Breast Cancer
País: N/D
Títol: Multi-institutional expert update on the use of laparoscopic bile duct exploration in the management of choledocholithiasis: Lesson learned from 3950 procedures
Autors: Lopez-Lopez V; Gil-Vazquez PJ; Ferreras D; Nassar AHM; Bansal VK; Topal B; Zhu JG; Chuang SH; Jorba R; Bekheit M; Martinez-Cecilia D; Parra-Membrives P; Sgourakis G; Mattila A; Bove A; Quaresima S; Barreras González JE; Sharma A; Ruiz JJ; Sánchez-Bueno F; Robles-Campos R; Martinez-Isla A
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Sciences
País: N/D
Títol: Reply ¿ Letter to the editor ¿comment on gut microbiota is associated with metabolic health in children with obesity¿
Autors: M, Alcazar; J, Escribano; N, Ferré; Closa-Monasterolo, R.; Selma-Royo, M.; V, Luque
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinical Nutrition
País: N/D
Títol: Phenol metabolic fingerprint and selection of intake biomarkers after acute and sustained consumption of red-fleshed apple versus common apple in humans. The AppleCOR study
Autors: Macià A; Romero MP; Yuste S; Ludwig I; Pedret A; Valls RM; Salamanca P; Solà R; José Motilva M; Rubió L
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Food Chemistry
País: N/D
Títol: The ¿Healthy Meals¿ web app for the assessment of nutritional content and food allergens in restaurant meals: Development, evaluation and validation
Autors: Mandracchia, Floriana; Tarro, Lucia; Llauradó, Elisabet; Valls, Rosa M.; Solà, Rosa
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Digit Health
País: N/D
Títol: Secondary use of data extracted from a clinical information system to assess the adherence of tidal volume and its impact on outcomes
Autors: Manrique S; Ruiz-Botella M; Rodríguez A; Gordo F; Guardiola JJ; Bodí M; Gómez J
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Medicina Intensiva
País: N/D
Títol: The risk of COVID-19 death is much greater and age dependent with type I IFN autoantibodies
Autors: Manry J; Bastard P; Gervais A; Le Voyer T; Rosain J; Philippot Q; Michailidis E; Hoffmann HH; Eto S; Garcia-Prat M; Bizien L; Parra-Martínez A; Yang R; Haljasmägi L; Migaud M; Särekannu K; Maslovskaja J; de Prost N; Tandjaoui-Lambiotte Y; Luyt CE; Amador-Borrero B; Gaudet A; Poissy J; Morel P; Richard P; Cognasse F; Troya J; Trouillet-Assant S; Belot A; Saker K; Garçon P; Rivière JG; Lagier JC; Gentile S; Rosen LB; Shaw E; Morio T; Tanaka J; Dalmau D; Tharaux PL; Sene D; Stepanian A; Mégarbane B; Triantafyllia V; Fekkar A; Heath JR; Franco JL; Anaya JM; Solé-Violán J; Imberti L; Biondi A; Bonfanti P; Castagnoli R; Delmonte OM; Zhang Y; Snow AL; Holland SM; Biggs CM; Moncada-Vélez M; Arias AA; Lorenzo L; Boucherit S; Anglicheau D; Planas AM; Haerynck F; Duvlis S; Ozcelik T; Keles S; Bousfiha AA; El Bakkouri J; Ramirez-Santana C; Paul S; Pan-Hammarström Q; Hammarström L; Dupont A; Kurolap A; Metz CN; Aiuti A; Casari G; Lampasona V; Ciceri F; Barreiros LA; Dominguez-Garrido E; Vidigal M; Zatz M; van de Beek D; Sahanic S; Tancevski I; Stepanovskyy Y; Boyarchuk O; Nukui Y; Tsumura M; Vidaur L; Tangye SG; Burrel S; Duffy D; Quintana-Murci L; Klocperk A; Kann NY; Shcherbina A; Lau YL; Leung D; Coulongeat M; Marlet J; Koning R; Reyes LF; Chauvineau-Grenier A; Venet F; Monneret G; Nussenzweig MC; Arrestier R; Boudhabhay I; Baris-Feldman H; Hagin D; Wauters J; Meyts I; Dyer AH; Kennelly SP; Bourke NM; Halwani R; Sharif-Askari FS; Dorgham K; Sallette J; Sedkaoui SM; AlKhater S; Rigo-Bonnin R; Morandeira F; Roussel L; Vinh DC; Erikstrup C; Condino-Neto A; Prando C; Bondarenko A; Spaan AN; Gilardin L; Fellay J; Lyonnet S; Bilguvar K; Lifton RP; Mane S; HGID Lab; COVID Clinicians; COVID-STORM Clinicians; NIAID Immune Response to COVID Group; NH-COVAIR Study Group; Danish CHGE; Danish Blood Donor Study; StJames's Hospital; SARS CoV2 Interest Group; French COVID Cohort Study Group; Imagine COVID-Group; Milieu Intérieur Consortium; CoV-Contact Cohort; Amsterdam UMC Covid-19 Biobank Investigators; COVID Human Genetic Effort; CP-COVID-19 Group; CONSTANCES cohort; 3C-Dijon Study; Cerba Health-Care; Etablissement Français du Sang Study group; Anderson MS; Boisson B; Béziat V; Zhang SY; Andreakos E; Hermine O; Pujol A; Peterson P; Mogensen TH; Rowen L; Mond J; Debette S; de Lamballerie X; Burdet C; Bouadma L; Zins M; Soler-Palacin P; Colobran R; Gorochov G; Solanich X; Susen S; Martinez-Picado J; Raoult D; Vasse M; Gregersen PK; Piemonti L; Rodríguez-Gallego C; Notarangelo LD; Su HC; Kisand K; Okada S; Puel A; Jouanguy E; Rice CM; Tiberghien P; Zhang Q; Casanova JL; Abel L; Cobat A HGID Lab; COVID Clinicians; COVID-STORM Clinicians; NIAID Immune Response to COVID Group; NH-COVAIR Study Group; Danish CHGE; Danish Blood Donor Study; StJames's Hospital; SARS CoV2 Interest Group; French COVID Cohort Study Group; Imagine COVID-Group; Milieu Intérieur Consortium; CoV-Contact Cohort; Amsterdam UMC Covid-19 Biobank Investigators; COVID Human Genetic Effort; CP-COVID-19 Group; CONSTANCES cohort; 3C-Dijon Study; Cerba Health-Care; Etablissement Français du Sang Study group
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America
País: N/D
Títol: Long-term exposure to PM10 above WHO guidelines exacerbates COVID-19 severity and mortality
Autors: Marquès M; Correig E; Ibarretxe D; Anoro E; Antonio Arroyo J; Jericó C; Borrallo RM; Miret M; Näf S; Pardo A; Perea V; Pérez-Bernalte R; Ramírez-Montesinos R; Royuela M; Soler C; Urquizu-Padilla M; Zamora A; Pedro-Botet J; Masana L; Domingo JL
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Environment International
País: N/D
Títol: Cholesterol dysregulation in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of Alzheimer's disease
Autors: Martín-Montes A; Recuero M; Sastre I; Vilella E; Rosich-Estragó M; Atienza M; Cantero JL; Frank-García A; Bullido MJ
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Neuroimmunology
País: N/D
Títol: Role of NAFLD on the Health Related QoL Response to Lifestyle in Patients With Metabolic Syndrome: The PREDIMED Plus Cohort
Autors: Martínez-Urbistondo D; San Cristóbal RS; Villares P; Martínez-González MÁ; Babio N; Corella D; del Val JL; Ordovás JM; Alonso-Gómez ÁM; W?rnberg J; Vioque J; Romaguera D; López-Miranda J; Estruch R; Tinahones FJ; Lapetra J; Serra-Majem JL; Bueno-Cavanillas A; Tur JA; Marcos A; Pintó X; Delgado-Rodríguez M; Matía-Martín P; Vidal J; Vázquez C; Ros E; Bullón Vela MV; Palau A; Masagué M; Abete I; Moreno-Rodríguez A; Candela-García I; Konieczna J; García-Ríos A; Juárez OL; Martín P; Goday A; Zulet MÁ; Vaquero-Luna J; Orea MdCS; Megías I; Baltasar E; Martínez JA; Daimiel L
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Frontiers In Endocrinology
País: N/D
Títol: Effect of statin therapy on SARS-CoV-2 infection-related mortality in hospitalized patients
Autors: Masana L; Correig E; Rodríguez-Borjabad C; Anoro E; Arroyo JA; Jericó C; Pedragosa A; Miret M; Näf S; Pardo A; Perea V; Pérez-Bernalte R; Plana N; Ramírez-Montesinos R; Royuela M; Soler C; Urquizu-Padilla M; Zamora A; Pedro-Botet J
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: European Heart Journal-Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy
País: N/D
Títol: Magnetic resonance-assessed lipoprotein profile. The time has come for its clinical use [Perfil lipoproteico determinado por resonancia magnética. El momento de su utilización clínica ha llegado]
Autors: Masana L; Ibarretxe D
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Revista Espanola De Cardiologia
País: N/D
Títol: Combination therapy in the guidelines: from high-intensity statins to high-intensity lipid-lowering therapies
Autors: Masana, Luis; Ibarretxe, Daiana; Andreychuk, Natalia; Royuela, Meritxell; Rodríguez-Borjabad, Celia; Plana, Nuria
Any: 2022 Clau: Review
Revista: European Atherosclerosis Journal
País: N/D
Títol: Elevated ¿-Ketoglutaric Acid Concentrations and a Lipid-Balanced Signature Are the Key Factors in Long-Term HIV Control
Autors: Masip J; Rallón N; Yeregui E; Olona M; Resino S; Benito JM; Viladés C; García-Pardo G; Alcamí J; Ruiz-Mateos E; Gómez-Bertomeu F; Vargas M; Navarro M; Oteo JA; Pineda JA; Martí A; Alba V; Vidal F; Peraire J; Rull A
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Frontiers In Immunology
País: N/D
Títol: Lipoprotein Profile in Immunological Non-Responders PLHIV after Antiretroviral Therapy Initiation
Autors: Masip, Jenifer; Jorba, Rosa; Lopez-Dupla, Miguel; Domingo, Pere; Maria Pacheco, Yolanda; Garcia-Pardo, Graciano; Martinez, Esteban; Vilades, Consuelo; Veloso, Sergi; Alba, Veronica; Olona, Montserrat; Vidal, Francesc; Gomez-Bertomeu, Frederic; Peraire, Joaquim; Rull, Anna;
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Molecular Sciences
País: N/D
Títol: ESPGHAN position paper on management and follow-up of children and adolescents with coeliac disease
Autors: Mearin ML; Agardh D; Antunes H; Al-Toma A; Auricchio R; Castillejo G; Catassi C; Ciacci C; Discepolo V; Dolinsek J; Donat E; Gillett P; Guandalini S; Husby Md DMSc S; Koletzko Md S; Koltai T; Korponay-Szabó IR; Kurppa K; Lionetti E; Mårild K; Martinez Ojinaga E; Meijer C; Monachesi C; Polanco I; Popp A; Roca M; Rodriguez-Herrera A; Shamir R; Stordal K; Troncone R; Valitutti F; Vreugdenhil A; Wessels M; Whiting P; ESPGHAN Special Interest Group on Celiac Disease
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Pediatric Gastroenterology And Nutrition
País: N/D
Títol: Prevention of Incisional Hernia after Open Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Surgery: A Systematic Review
Autors: Memba R; Morató O; Estalella L; Pavel MC; Llàcer-Millán E; Achalandabaso M; Julià E; Padilla E; Olona C; O'Connor D; Jorba R
Any: 2022 Clau: Review
Revista: Digestive Surgery
País: N/D
Títol: A Case of an Elderly Patient With Recurrent Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection
Autors: Miranda, HRG; Alegret, JM; Valdovinos, P; Tajes, H
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Cureus
País: N/D
Títol: The Gut Microbiota Metabolite Succinate Promotes Adipose Tissue Browning in Crohn's Disease
Autors: Monfort-Ferre, Diandra; Caro, Aleidis; Menacho, Margarita; Marti, Marc; Espina, Beatriz; Boronat-Toscano, Albert; Nunez-Roa, Cati; Seco, Jesus; Bautista, Michelle; Espin, Eloy; Megia, Ana; Vendrell, Joan; Fernandez-Veledo, Sonia; Serena, Carolina;
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Crohns & Colitis
País: N/D
Títol: Family perceptions and experiences of living with patients with fibromyalgia syndrome
Autors: Monteso-Curto, Pilar; Teresa Cubi-Guillen, Maria; Lladser Navarro, Anna Nuria; Llobet, Montserrat Puig; Toussaint, Loren;
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Disability And Rehabilitation
País: N/D
Títol: Spanish National Registry of Major Osteoporotic Fractures (REFRA) seen at Fracture Liaison Services (FLS): objectives and quality standards
Autors: Montoya-Garcia MJ; Carbonell-Abella C; Cancio-Trujillo JM; Moro-Álvarez MJ; Mora-Fernández J; Izquierdo-Avino R; Nogues X; Mesa-Ramos M; San Segundo-Mozo RM; Calero-Muñoz E; Naves-Diaz M; Olmo-Montes FJ; Duaso E; GRUPO REFRA-FLS
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Archives Of Osteoporosis
País: N/D
Títol: New Life Transition of Former Caregivers: Positive Mental Health Approach
Autors: Mora-Lopez, Gerard; Berenguer-Poblet, Marta; Berbis-Morello, Carme; Albacar-Rioboo, Nuria; Monteso-Curto, Pilar; Aguaron-Garcia, Maria Jesus; Ferre-Grau, Carme
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Frontiers In Psychology
País: N/D
Títol: Triglyceride-Rich Lipoproteins and Glycoprotein A and B Assessed by 1H-NMR in Metabolic-Associated Fatty Liver Disease
Autors: Moreno-Vedia, J; Rosales, R; Ozcariz, E; Llop, D; Lahuerta, M; Benavent, M; Rodriguez-Calvo, R; Plana, N; Pedragosa, A; Masana, L; Castro, A; Ibarretxe, D; Girona, J
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Frontiers In Endocrinology
País: N/D
Títol: Unveiling the Role of the Fatty Acid Binding Protein 4 in the Metabolic-Associated Fatty Liver Disease
Autors: Moreno-Vedia, Juan; Girona, Josefa; Ibarretxe, Daiana; Masana, Lluis; Rodriguez-Calvo, Ricardo;
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Biomedicines
País: N/D
Títol: SEA 2022 Standards for Global Control of Cardiovascular Risk
Autors: Mostaza JM; Pintó X; Armario P; Masana L; Real JT; Valdivielso P; Arrobas-Velilla T; Baeza-Trinidad R; Calmarza P; Cebollada J; Civera-Andrés M; Cuende Melero JI; Díaz-Díaz JL; Fernández Pardo J; Guijarro C; Jericó C; Laclaustra M; Lahoz C; López-Miranda J; Martínez-Hervás S; Muñiz-Grijalvo O; Páramo JA; Pascual V; Pedro-Botet J; Pérez-Martínez P; Plana N; Puzo J; Sánchez Chaparro M; Vila L
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinica E Investigacion En Arteriosclerosis
País: N/D
Títol: Anticipating metastasis through electrochemical immunosensing of tumor hypoxia biomarkers
Autors: Munoz-San Martin, Cristina; Gamella, Maria; Pedrero, Maria; Montero-Calle, Ana; Perez-Gines, Victor; Camps, Jordi; Arenas, Meritxell; Barderas, Rodrigo; Pingarron, Jose M.; Campuzano, Susana;
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Analytical And Bioanalytical Chemistry
País: N/D
Títol: Usefulness of the waist-to-height ratio for predicting cardiometabolic risk in children and its suggested boundary values
Autors: Muñoz-Hernando J; Escribano J; Ferré N; Closa-Monasterolo R; Grote V; Koletzko B; Gruszfeld D; ReDionigi A; Verduci E; Xhonneux A; Luque V
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinical Nutrition
País: N/D
Títol: Clinical Presentation and Short- and Long-term Outcomes in Patients With Isolated Distal Deep Vein Thrombosis vs Proximal Deep Vein Thrombosis in the RIETE Registry
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: N/D
País: N/D
Títol: Lenalidomide plus R-GDP (R2-GDP) in Relapsed/Refractory Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma: Final Results of the R2-GDP-GOTEL Trial and Immune Biomarker Subanalysis
Autors: Palazón-Carrión N; Martín García-Sancho A; Nogales-Fernández E; Jiménez-Cortegana C; Carnicero-González F; Ríos-Herranz E; de la Cruz-Vicente F; Rodríguez-García G; Fernández-Álvarez R; Martínez-Banaclocha N; Gumà-Padrò J; Gómez-Codina J; Salar-Silvestre A; Rodríguez-Abreu D; Gálvez-Carvajal L; Labrador J; Guirado-Risueño M; García-Domínguez DJ; Hontecillas-Prieto L; Espejo-García P; Fernández-Román I; Provencio-Pulla M; Sánchez-Beato M; Navarro M; Marylene L; Álvaro-Naranjo T; Casanova-Espinosa M; Sánchez-Margalet V; Rueda-Domínguez A; de la Cruz-Merino L
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinical Cancer Research
País: N/D
Títol: Lenalidomide plus R-GDP (R2-GDP) in Relapsed/Refractory Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma. Final Results of the R2-GDP-GOTEL Trial and Immune Biomarker Subanalysis
Autors: Palazón-Carrión, Natalia; Martín García-Sancho, Alejandro; Nogales-Fernández, Esteban; Jiménez-Cortegana, Carlos; Carnicero-González, Fernando; Ríos-Herranz, Eduardo; de la Cruz-Vicente, Fátima; Rodríguez-García, Guillermo; Fernández-Álvarez, Rubén; Martínez-Banaclocha, Natividad; Gumà-Padrò, Josep; Gómez-Codina, José; Salar-Silvestre, Antonio; Rodríguez-Abreu, Delvys; Gálvez-Carvajal, Laura; Labrador, Jorge; Guirado-Risueño, María; García-Domínguez, Daniel J.; Hontecillas-Prieto, Lourdes; Espejo-García, Pablo; Fernández-Román, Isabel; Provencio-Pulla, Mariano; Sánchez-Beato, Margarita; Navarro, Marta; Marylene, Lejeune; Álvaro-Naranjo, Tomás; Casanova-Espinosa, Maria; Sánchez-Margalet, Victor; Rueda-Domínguez, Antonio; de la Cruz-Merino, Luis
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinical Cancer Research
País: N/D
Títol: Effect of maternal smoking during pregnancy on child blood pressure in a European cohort
Autors: Parada-Ricart E; Luque V; Zaragoza M; Ferre N; Closa-Monasterolo R; Koletzko B; Grote V; Gruszfeld D; Verduci E; Xhonneux A; Escribano J
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Scientific Reports
País: N/D
Títol: A New Deep Learning Algorithm with Activation Mapping for Diabetic Retinopathy: Backtesting after 10 Years of Tele-Ophthalmology
Autors: Pareja-Rios, Alicia; Ceruso, Sabato; Romero-Aroca, Pedro; Bonaque-Gonzalez, Sergio;
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Clinical Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: A New Deep Learning Algorithm with Activation Mapping for Diabetic Retinopathy: Backtesting after 10 Years of Tele-Ophthalmology
Autors: Pareja-Ríos, Alicia; Ceruso, Sabato; Romero-Aroca, Pedro; Bonaque-González, Sergio
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Clinical Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Continuous Dynamic Update of Fuzzy Random Forests
Autors: Pascual-Fontanilles, Jordi; Valls, Aida; Moreno, Antonio; Romero-Aroca, Pedro;
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Computational Intelligence Systems
País: N/D
Títol: Near infrared indocyanine green fluorescent cholangiography versus intraoperative cholangiography to improve safety in laparoscopic cholecystectomy for gallstone disease-a systematic review protocol
Autors: Pavel MC; Boira MA; Bashir Y; Memba R; Llácer E; Estalella L; Julià E; Conlon KC; Jorba R
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Systematic Reviews
País: N/D
Títol: Level of understanding and consumption of ultra-processed food in a mediterranean population: A cross-sectional study
Autors: Pedro-Botet L; Muns MD; Solà R; Fontané L; Climent E; Benaiges D; Flores-Le Roux JA; Pedro-Botet J
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Nutrition Metabolism And Cardiovascular Diseases
País: N/D
Títol: An MMP-degraded and cross-linked fragment of type III collagen as a non-invasive biomarker of hepatic fibrosis resolution
Autors: Pehrsson M; Manon-Jensen T; Sun S; Villesen IF; Castañé H; Joven J; Patel K; Goodman Z; Nielsen MJ; Bay-Jensen AC; Leeming DJ; Mortensen JH; Karsdal MA
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Liver International
País: N/D
Títol: Performance of Coronary Angiography in the Detection of Coronary Artery Disease in Patients with Systolic Left Ventricular Dysfunction and No Prior Ischemic Heart Disease
Autors: Peiró ÓM; Ferrero M; Romeu A; Carrasquer A; Bonet G; Mohandes M; Pernigotti A; Bardají A
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Clinical Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Addition of intermittently scanned continuous glucose monitoring to standard care in a cohort of pregnant women with type 1 diabetes: effect on glycaemic control and pregnancy outcomes
Autors: Perea, Veronica; Picon, Maria Jose; Megia, Ana; Goya, Maria; Wagner, Ana Maria; Vega, Begona; Segui, Nuria; Montanez, Maria Dolores; Vinagre, Irene;
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Diabetologia
País: N/D
Títol: Predicting Ovarian-Cancer Burden in Catalonia by 2030: An Age¿Period¿Cohort Modelling
Autors: Peremiquel-Trillas P; Frias-Gomez J; Alemany L; Ameijide A; Vilardell M; Marcos-Gragera R; Paytubi S; Ponce J; Martínez JM; Pineda M; Brunet J; Matías-Guiu X; Carulla M; Galceran J; Izquierdo Á; Borràs JM; Costas L; Clèries R
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health
País: N/D
Títol: Resistin and IL-15 as Predictors of Invasive Mechanical Ventilation in COVID-19 Pneumonia Irrespective of the Presence of Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome
Autors: Perpiñan, C; Bertran, L; Terra, X; Aguilar, C; Binetti, J; Lopez-Dupla, M; Rull, A; Reverté, L; Yeregui, E; Gómez-Bertomeu, F; Peraire, J; Auguet, T
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: J Pers Med
País: N/D
Títol: Immunohistochemical Algorithm for the Classification of Muscle-Invasive Urinary Bladder Carcinoma with Lymph Node Metastasis: An Institutional Study
Autors: Peña, Karla Beatríz; Riu, Francesc; Gumà, Josep; Martínez-Madueño, Francisca; Miranda, Maria José; Vidal, Anna; Grifoll, Marc; Badia, Joan; Rodriguez-Balada, Marta; Parada, David
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Clinical Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Prior influenza vaccine is not a risk factor for bacterial coinfection in patients admitted to the ICU due to severe influenza
Autors: Proaños NJ; Reyes LF; Bastidas A; Martín-Loeches I; Díaz E; Suberviola B; Moreno G; Bodí M; Nieto M; Estella A; Sole-Violán J; Curcio D; Papiol E; Guardiola J; Rodríguez A
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Medicina Intensiva
País: N/D
Títol: Prior influenza vaccine is not a risk factor for bacterial coinfection in patients admitted to the ICU due to severe influenza
Autors: Proaños NJ; Reyes LF; Bastidas A; Martín-Loeches I; Díaz E; Suberviola B; Moreno G; Bodí M; Nieto M; Estella A; Sole-Violán J; Curcio D; Papiol E; Guardiola J; Rodríguez A; on behalf GETGAG SEMICYUC Working Group
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Med Intensiva (Engl Ed)
País: N/D
Títol: Biomechanical modelling of the pelvic system: improving the accuracy of the location of neoplasms in MRI-TRUS fusion prostate biopsy
Autors: Qasim M; Puigjaner D; Herrero J; López JM; Olivé C; Fortuny G; Garcia-Bennett J
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Bmc Cancer
País: N/D
Títol: Combination lipid-lowering therapy as first-line strategy in very high-risk patients
Autors: Ray, Kausik K; Reeskamp, Laurens F; Laufs, Ulrich; Banach, Maciej; Mach, François; Tokgözo?lu, Lale S; Connolly, Derek L; Gerrits, Anja J; Stroes, Erik S G; Masana, Luis; Kastelein, John J P
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: European Heart Journal
País: N/D
Títol: Characterization of the lps and 3ohfa contents in the lipoprotein fractions and lipoprotein particles of healthy men
Autors: Rehues, P; Rodríguez, M; Alvarez, J; Jiménez, M; Melià, A; Sempere, M; Balsells, C; Castillejo, G; Guardiola, M; Castro, A; Ribalta, J
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Biomolecules
País: N/D
Títol: DBP rs7041 and DHCR7 rs3829251 are Linked to CD4(+) Recovery in HIV Patients on Antiretroviral Therapy
Autors: Resino, Salvador; Jimenez-Sousa, Maria Angeles; Blanco, Julia; Pacheco, Yolanda M.; del Romero, Jorge; Peraire, Joaquim; Virseda-Berdices, Ana; Munoz-Gomez, Maria Jose; Galera-Penaranda, Carlos; Garcia-Fraile, Lucio Jesus; Benito, Jose M.; Rallon, Norma;Epiclin, SARNPR
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Frontiers In Pharmacology
País: N/D
Títol: Application of emerging technologies to obtain legume protein isolates with improved techno-functional properties and health effects
Autors: Ricard Bou,Paola Navarro-Vozmediano,Rubén Domínguez,Miguel López-Gómez,Montserrat Pinent,Albert Ribas-Agustí,José J. Benedito,José M. Lorenzo,Ximena Terra,José V. García-Pérez,Mirian Pateiro,José A. Herrera-Cervera,Rosa Jorba-Martín
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: N/D
País: N/D
Títol: Dexamethasone to prevent kidney scarring in acute pyelonephritis: a randomized clinical trial
Autors: Rius-Gordillo N; Ferré N; González JD; Ibars Z; Parada-Ricart E; Fraga MG; Chocron S; Samper M; Vicente C; Fuertes J; Escribano J
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Pediatric Nephrology
País: N/D
Títol: Recommendations by the Spanish Society of Rheumatology on the Management of Patients with Fibromyalgia. Part II [Recomendaciones SER sobre el manejo de los pacientes con fibromialgia. Parte II]
Autors: Rivera Redondo J; Díaz del Campo Fontecha P; Alegre de Miquel C; Almirall Bernabé M; Casanueva Fernández B; Castillo Ojeda C; Collado Cruz A; Montesó-Curto P; Palao Tarrero Á; Trillo Calvo E; Vallejo Pareja MÁ; Brito García N; Merino Argumánez C; Plana Farras MN
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Reumatologia Clinica
País: N/D
Títol: Effect of Low-Dose Radiotherapy on the Circulating Levels of Paraoxonase-1-Related Variables and Markers of Inflammation in Patients with COVID-19 Pneumonia
Autors: Rodriguez-Tomas, Elisabet; Acosta, Johana C.; Torres-Royo, Laura; De Febrer, Gabriel; Baiges-Gaya, Gerard; Castane, Helena; Jimenez, Andrea; Vasco, Carlos; Araguas, Pablo; Gomez, Junior; Malave, Barbara; Arquez, Miguel; Calderon, David; Pique, Berta; Algara, Manel; Montero, Angel; Simo, Josep M.; Gabaldo-Barrios, Xavier; Sabater, Sebastia; Camps, Jordi; Joven, Jorge; Arenas, Meritxell;
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Antioxidants
País: N/D
Títol: Distribution of seven ApoC-III glycoforms in plasma, VLDL, IDL, LDL and HDL of healthy subjects
Autors: Rodríguez M; Rehues P; Iranzo V; Mora J; Balsells C; Guardiola M; Ribalta J
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Proteomics
País: N/D
Títol: Gradient Boosting Machine Identified Predictive Variables for Breast Cancer Patients Pre- and Post-Radiotherapy: Preliminary Results of an 8-Year Follow-Up Study
Autors: Rodríguez-Tomàs E; Arenas M; Baiges-Gaya G; Acosta J; Araguas P; Malave B; Castañé H; Jiménez-Franco A; Benavides-Villarreal R; Sabater S; Solà-Alberich R; Camps J; Joven J
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Antioxidants
País: N/D
Títol: Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Metabolic Control of Diabetic Patients in Diabetic Retinopathy and Its Screening
Autors: Romero-Aroca P; Baget-Bernaldiz M; Sagarra R; Hervás E; Blasco R; Molina J; Moreno EF; Garcia-Curto E
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Clinical Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Ocular Complications of Diabetes and Therapeutic Approaches
Autors: Romero-Aroca, Pedro
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Clinical Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Validation of an Algorithm for the Prediction of Diabetic Retinopathy in Type 1 Diabetic Patients in a Spanish Population
Autors: Romero-Aroca, Pedro; Baget-Bernaldiz, Marc; Navarro-Gil, Raul; Feliu, Albert; Maarof, Najla; Moreno, Antonio; Cristiano, Julián; Valls, Aida
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinical Ophthalmology (Auckland, N.Z.)
País: N/D
Títol: Changes in the Epidemiology of Diabetic Retinopathy in Spain: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Autors: Romero-Aroca, Pedro; Lopez-Galvez, Maribel; Asuncion Martinez-Brocca, Maria; Pareja-Rios, Alicia; Artola, Sara; Franch-Nadal, Josep; Fernandez-Ballart, Joan; Andonegui, Jose; Baget-Bernaldiz, Marc;
Any: 2022 Clau: Review
Revista: Healthcare (Basel)
País: N/D
Títol: Changes in the Epidemiology of Diabetic Retinopathy in Spain: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Autors: Romero-Aroca, Pedro; López-Galvez, Maribel; Martinez-Brocca, Maria Asuncion; Pareja-Ríos, Alicia; Artola, Sara; Franch-Nadal, Josep; Fernandez-Ballart, Joan; Andonegui, José; Baget-Bernaldiz, Marc
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Healthcare (Basel)
País: N/D
Títol: Differences in Multifocal Electroretinogram Study in Two Populations of Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients without Diabetic Retinopathy
Autors: Romero-Aroca, Pedro; Navarro-Gil, Raul; Benejam, Gibet; Vizcarro, Montse; Baget-Bernaldiz, Marc;
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Clinical Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Real-world outcomes of a clinical decision support system for diabetic retinopathy in Spain
Autors: Romero-Aroca, Pedro; Verges, Raquel; Maarof, Najlaa; Vallas-Mateu, Aida; Latorre, Alex; Moreno-Ribas, Antonio; Sagarra-Alamo, Ramon; Basora-Gallisa, Josep; Cristiano, Julian; Baget-Bernaldiz, Marc;
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Bmj Open Ophthalmol
País: N/D
Títol: Evolving mortality and clinical outcomes of hospitalized subjects during successive COVID-19 waves in Catalonia, Spain
Autors: Roso-Llorach A; Serra-Picamal X; Cos FX; Pallejà-Millán M; Mateu L; Rosell A; Almirante B; Ferrer J; Gasa M; Gudiol C; Moreno AM; Morales-Rull JL; Rexach M; Sabater G; Auguet T; Vidal F; Lerida A; Rebull J; Khunti K; Argimon JM; Paredes R
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Global Epidemiology
País: N/D
Títol: Rationale and design of the pragmatic clinical trial tREatment with Beta-blockers after myOcardial infarction withOut reduced ejection fracTion (REBOOT)
Autors: Rossello X, Raposeiras-Roubin S , Latini R, Dominguez-Rodriguez A, Barrabés JA, Sánchez PL, Anguita M, Fernández-Vázquez F, Pascual-Figal D, De la Torre Hernandez JM, Ferraro S, Vetrano A, Pérez-Rivera JA, Prada-Delgado O, Escalera N, Staszewsky L, Pizarro G, Agüero J, Pocock S, Ottani F, Fuster V, Ibáñez B; REBOOT-CNIC investigators
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: European Heart Journal-Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy
País: N/D
Títol: Rationale and design of the pragmatic clinical trial tREatment with Beta-blockers after myOcardial infarction withOut reduced ejection fracTion (REBOOT)
Autors: Rossello X; Raposeiras-Roubin S; Latini R; Dominguez-Rodriguez A; Barrabés JA; Sánchez PL; Anguita M; Fernández-Vázquez F; Pascual-Figal D; De la Torre Hernandez JM; Ferraro S; Vetrano A; Pérez-Rivera JA; Prada-Delgado O; Escalera N; Staszewsky L; Pizarro G; Agüero J; Pocock S; Ottani F; Fuster V; Ibáñez B; REBOOT-CNIC investigators REBOOT-CNIC investigators
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: N/D
País: N/D
Títol: Polyphenol intake and cardiovascular risk in the PREDIMED-Plus trial. A comparison of different risk equations
Autors: Rubín-García M; Vitelli-Storelli F; Toledo E; Castro-Barquero S; Tresserra-Rimbau A; Martínez-González MÁ; Salas-Salvadó J; Corella D; Hernáez Á; Martínez JA; Alonso-Gómez ÁM; Wärnberg J; Vioque J; Romaguera D; López-Miranda J; Estruch R; Bernal-López MR; Lapetra J; Serra-Majem L; Bueno-Cavanillas A; Tur JA; Álvarez-Álvarez L; Pintó X; Gaforio JJ; Matía-Martín P; Vidal J; Vázquez C; Daimiel L; Ros E; Gea A; Manzanares JM; Sorlí JV; Schröder H; Abete I; Tojal-Sierra L; Crespo-Oliva E; González-Botella A; Rayó E; García-Rios A; Gómez-Pérez AM; Santos-Lozano JM; Bartolomé Resano R; Murphy MM; Ortega-Azorin C; Medrano C; Zulet MÁ; Sorto-Sanchez C; Babio N; Fitó M; Lamuela-Raventós RM; Martín-Sánchez V
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Revista Espanola De Cardiologia
País: N/D
Títol: Association Among Polyphenol Intake, Uric Acid, and Hyperuricemia: A Cross-Sectional Analysis in a Population at High Cardiovascular Risk
Autors: Rubín-García M; Vitelli-Storelli F; Álvarez-álvarez L; Martínez-González MÁ; Salas-Salvadó J; Corella D; Hernáez Á; Martínez JA; Alonso-Gómez ÁM; Wärnberg J; Vioque J; Romaguera D; López-Miranda J; Estruch R; Tinahones FJ; Serra-Majem LI; Cano-Ibañez N; Tur JA; Marcos-Delgado A; Tresserra-Rimbau A; Pintó X; Delgado-Rodríguez M; Matía-Martín P; Vidal J; Vázquez C; Daimiel L; Ros E; Vázquez-Ruiz Z; Babio N; Barragán R; Castañer-Niño O; Razquin C; Tojal-Sierra L; Gómez-Gracia E; González-Palacios S; Morey M; García-Rios A; Castro-Barquero S; Bernal-López MR; Santos-Lozano JM; Ruiz-Canela M; Castro-Salomó A; Pascual-Castelló EC; Moldon V; Bullón-Vela V; Sorto-Sanchez C; Cenoz-Osinaga JC; Gutiérrez L; Mengual M; Lamuela-Raventós RM; Martín-Sánchez V
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of The American Heart Association
País: N/D
Títol: Hemolytic Anemia After Surgical Mitral Valve Repair Treated With Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Device
Autors: Ruiz-López A; Li C-HP; Valdovinos P; Rodríguez Á; Bonet A; Tauron M; Ligero C; Millan X; Alegret JM; Viladés D; Arzamendi D
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Jacc Case Rep
País: N/D
Títol: Hemolytic Anemia After Surgical Mitral Valve Repair Treated With Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Device
Autors: Ruiz-López A; Li CHP; Valdovinos P; Rodríguez Á; Bonet A; Tauron M; Ligero C; Millan X; Alegret JM; Viladés D; Arzamendi D
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Jacc Case Rep
País: N/D
Títol: Symptomatology of Fibromyalgia Syndrome in Men: A Mixed-Method Pilot Study
Autors: Ruschak I; Toussaint L; Rosselló L; Martín CA; Fernández-Sáez J; Montesó-Curto P
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health
País: N/D
Títol: NASH Presence is Associated with a Lower Weight Loss One and 2 Years After Bariatric Surgery in Women with Severe Obesity
Autors: Sabench F; Bertran L; Vives M; París M; Aguilar C; Martínez S; Binetti J; Real M; Alibalic A; Richart C; del Castillo D; Auguet T
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Obesity Surgery
País: N/D
Títol: Gut Microbiota-Derived Metabolites and Cardiovascular Disease Risk: A Systematic Review of Prospective Cohort Studies
Autors: Sanchez-Gimenez, Raul; Ahmed-Khodja, Wahiba; Molina, Yesica; Peiro, Oscar M.; Bonet, Gil; Carrasquer, Anna; Fragkiadakis, George A.; Bullo, Monica; Bardaji, Alfredo; Papandreou, Christopher;
Any: 2022 Clau: Review
Revista: Nutrients
País: N/D
Títol: Plasma trimethylamine-N-oxide, its precursors and risk of cardiovascular events in patients with acute coronary syndrome: Mediating effects of renal function
Autors: Sanchez-Gimenez, Raul; Peiro, Oscar M.; Bonet, Gil; Carrasquer, Anna; Fragkiadakis, Georgios A.; Bullo, Monica; Papandreou, Christopher; Bardaji, Alfredo;
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Front Cardiovasc Med
País: N/D
Títol: The health benefits of anthocyanins: an umbrella review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses of observational studies and controlled clinical trials
Autors: Sandoval-Ramírez, Berner-Andrée; Catalán, Úrsula; Llauradó, Elisabet; Valls, Rosa-María; Salamanca, Patricia; Rubió, Laura; Yuste, Silvia; Solà, Rosa
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Nutrition Reviews
País: N/D
Títol: Traditional dishes, online tools, and public engagement: A feasible and scalable method to evaluate local recipes on nutritional content, sustainability, and health risks. Insight from Abruzzo, Italy
Autors: Santangelo C; Mandracchia F; Bondi D; Piccinelli R; Catasta G; Llauradó E; Tarro L; Verratti V; Cichelli A; Sette S; Pietrangelo T
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Food Composition And Analysis
País: N/D
Títol: The experiences of parents as caregivers of adolescents with mental illnesses, the impact of the crisis and the admission to a day hospital
Autors: Sarrió-Colas L; Ferré-Grau C; Monteso-Curto P; Adell-Lleixà M; Albacar-Riobóo N; Lleixá-Fortuño M
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Archives Of Psychiatric Nursing
País: N/D
Títol: Cross-cultural adaptation of the SCORE survey and evaluation of the impact of Real-Time Random Safety Audits in organizational culture: A multicenter study
Autors: Sirgo G; Olona M; Martín-Delgado MC; Gordo F; Trenado J; García M; Bodí M
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Med Intensiva (Engl Ed)
País: N/D
Títol: Cross-cultural adaptation of the SCORE survey and evaluation of the impact of Real-Time Random Safety Audits in organizational culture: A multicenter study
Autors: Sirgo G; Olona M; Martín-Delgado MC; Gordo F; Trenado J; García M; Bodí M
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Medicina Intensiva
País: N/D
Títol: Meta-analysis of epigenome-wide association studies in newborns and children show widespread sex differences in blood DNA methylation
Autors: Solomon, O; Huen, K; Yousefi, P; Küpers, LK; González, JR; Suderman, M; Reese, SE; Page, CM; Gruzieva, O; Rzehak, P; Gao, L; Bakulski, KM; Novoloaca, A; Allard, C; Pappa, I; Llambrich, M; Vives, M; Jima, DD; Kvist, T; Baccarelli, A; White, C; Rezwan, FI; Sharp, GC; Tindula, G; Bergström, A; Grote, V; Dou, JF; Isaevska, E; Magnus, MC; Corpeleijn, E; Perron, P; Jaddoe, VWV; Nohr, EA; Maitre, L; Foraster, M; Hoyo, C; Håberg, SE; Lahti, J; DeMeo, DL; Zhang, HM; Karmaus, W; Kull, I; Koletzko, B; Feinberg, JI; Gagliardi, L; Bouchard, L; Ramlau-Hansen, CH; Tiemeier, H; Santorelli, G; Maguire, RL; Czamara, D; Litonjua, AA; Langhendries, JP; Plusquin, M; Lepeule, J; Binder, EB; Verduci, E; Dwyer, T; Carracedo, A; Ferre, N; Eskenazi, B; Kogevinas, M; Nawrot, TS; Munthe-Kaas, MC; Herceg, Z; Relton, C; Melén, E; Gruszfeld, D; Breton, C; Fallin, MD; Ghantous, A; Nystad, W; Heude, B; Snieder, H; Hivert, MF; Felix, JF; Sorensen, TIA; Bustamante, M; Murphy, SK; Raikkönen, K; Oken, E; Holloway, JW; Arshad, SH; London, SJ; Holland, N
Any: 2022 Clau: Review
Revista: Mutation Research-Reviews In Mutation Research
País: N/D
Títol: 1H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy lipoprotein profile in patients with chronic heart failure versus matched controls
Autors: Teis A; Castelblanco E; Cediel G; Amigó N; Julve J; Ribalta J; Guardiola M; Franch J; Bermúdez-López M; Codina P; Lupón J; Mauricio D; Alonso N; Bayés-Genís A
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Revista Espanola De Cardiologia
País: N/D
Títol: Glycogen accumulation in adipocyte precursors from elderly and obese subjects triggers inflammation via SIRT1/6 signaling
Autors: Terron-Puig, Margarida; Huber-Ruano, Isabel; Sabadell-Basallote, Joan; Ejarque, Miriam; Nunez-Roa, Catalina; Maymo-Masip, Elsa; Jorba, Rosa; Serena, Carolina; Vendrell, Joan; Fernandez-Veledo, Sonia;
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Aging Cell
País: N/D
Títol: An ESPGHAN Position Paper on the Use of Low-FODMAP Diet in Pediatric Gastroenterology
Autors: Thomassen RA; Luque V; Assa A; Borrelli O; Broekaert I; Dolinsek J; Martin-de-Carpi J; Mas E; Miele E; Norsa L; Ribes-Koninckx C; Saccomani MD; Thomson M; Tzivinikos C; Verduci E; Bronsky J; Haiden N; Köglmeier J; de Koning B; Benninga MA
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Pediatric Gastroenterology And Nutrition
País: N/D
Títol: Different protein intake in the first year and its effects on adiposity rebound and obesity throughout childhood: 11 years follow-up of a randomized controlled trial
Autors: Totzauer, Martina; Escribano, Joaquin; Closa-Monasterolo, Ricardo; Luque, Veronica; Verduci, Elvira; ReDionigi, Alice; Langhendries, Jean-Paul; Martin, Francoise; Xhonneux, Annick; Gruszfeld, Dariusz; Socha, Piotr; Grote, Veit; Koletzko, Berthold;European Childhood Obesity Trial S
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Pediatric Obesity
País: N/D
Títol: Mapping genomic loci implicates genes and synaptic biology in schizophrenia
Autors: Trubetskoy, V; Pardinas, AF; Qi, T; Panagiotaropoulou, G; Awasthi, S; Bigdeli, TB; Bryois, J; Chen, CY; Dennison, CA; Hall, LS; Lam, M; Watanabe, K; Frei, O; Ge, T; Harwood, JC; Koopmans, F; Magnusson, S; Richards, AL; Sidorenko, J; Wu, Y; Zeng, J; Grove, J; Kim, M; Li, ZQ; Voloudakis, G; Zhang, W; Adams, M; Agartz, I; Atkinson, EG; Agerbo, E; Al Eissa, M; Albus, M; Alexander, M; Alizadeh, BZ; Alptekin, K; Als, TD; Amin, F; Arolt, V; Arrojo, M; Athanasiu, L; Azevedo, MH; Bacanu, SA; Bass, NJ; Begemann, M; Belliveau, RA; Bene, J; Benyamin, B; Bergen, SE; Blasi, G; Bobes, J; Bonassi, S; Braun, A; Bressan, RA; Bromet, EJ; Bruggeman, R; Buckley, PF; Buckner, RL; Bybjerg-Grauholm, J; Cahn, W; Cairns, MJ; Calkins, ME; Carr, VJ; Castle, D; Catts, SV; Chambert, KD; Chan, RCK; Chaumette, B; Cheng, W; Cheung, EFC; Chong, SA; Cohen, D; Consoli, A; Cordeiro, Q; Costas, J; Curtis, C; Davidson, M; Davis, KL; de Haan, L; Degenhardt, F; DeLisi, LE; Demontis, D; Dickerson, F; Dikeos, D; Dinan, T; Djurovic, S; Duan, JB; Ducci, G; Dudbridge, F; Eriksson, JG; Fananas, L; Faraone, SV; Fiorentino, A; Forstner, A; Frank, J; Freimer, NB; Fromer, M; Frustaci, A; Gadelha, A; Genovese, G; Gershon, ES; Giannitelli, M; Giegling, I; Giusti-Rodriguez, P; Godard, S; Goldstein, JI; Penas, JG; Gonzalez-Pinto, A; Gopal, S; Gratten, J; Green, MF; Greenwood, TA; Guillin, O; Guloksuz, S; Gur, RE; Gur, RC; Gutierrez, B; Hahn, E; Hakonarson, H; Haroutunian, V; Hartmann, AM; Harvey, C; Hayward, C; Henskens, FA; Herms, S; Hoffmann, P; Howrigan, DP; Ikeda, M; Iyegbe, C; Joa, I; Julia, A; Kahler, AK; Kam-Thong, T; Kamatani, Y; Karachanak-Yankova, S; Kebir, O; Keller, MC; Kelly, BJ; Khrunin, A; Kim, SW; Klovins, J; Kondratiev, N; Konte, B; Kraft, J; Kubo, M; Kucinskas, V; Kucinskiene, ZA; Kusumawardhani, A; A-Ptackova, HK; Landi, S; Lazzeroni, LC; Lee, PH; Legge, SE; Lehrer, DS; Lencer, R; Lerer, B; Li, MX; Lieberman, J; Light, GA; Limborska, S; Liu, CM; Lonnqvist, J; Loughland, CM; Lubinski, J; Luykx, JJ; Lynham, A; Macek, M; Mackinnon, A; Magnusson, PKE; Maher, BS; Maier, W; Malaspina, D; Mallet, J; Marder, SR; Marsal, S; Martin, AR; Martorell, L; Mattheisen, M; McCarley, RW; McDonald, C; McGrath, JJ; Medeiros, H; Meier, S; Melegh, B; Melle, I; Mesholam-Gately, RI; Metspalu, A; Michie, PT; Milani, L; Milanova, V; Mitjans, M; Molden, E; Molina, E; Molto, MD; Mondelli, V; Moreno, C; Morley, CP; Muntane, G; Murphy, KC; Myin-Germeys, I; Nenadic, I; Nestadt, G; Nikitina-Zake, L; Noto, C; Nuechterlein, KH; O'Brien, NL; O'Neill, FA; Oh, SY; Olincy, A; Ota, VK; Pantelis, C; Papadimitriou, GN; Parellada, M; Paunio, T; Pellegrino, R; Periyasamy, S; Perkins, DO; Pfuhlmann, B; Pietilainen, O; Pimm, J; Porteous, D; Powell, J; Quattrone, D; Quested, D; Radant, AD; Rampino, A; Rapaport, MH; Rautanen, A; Reichenberg, A; Roe, C; Roffman, JL; Roth, J; Rothermundt, M; Rutten, BPF; Saker-Delye, S; Salomaa, V; Sanjuan, J; Santoro, ML; Savitz, A; Schall, U; Scott, RJ; Seidman, LJ; Sharp, SI; Shi, JX; Siever, LJ; Sigurdsson, E; Sim, K; Skarabis, N; Slominsky, P; So, HC; Sobell, JL; Soderman, E; Stain, HJ; Steen, NE; Steixner-Kumar, AA; Stogmann, E; Stone, WS; Straub, RE; Streit, F; Strengman, E; Stroup, TS; Subramaniam, M; Sugar, CA; Suvisaari, J; Svrakic, DM; Swerdlow, NR; Szatkiewicz, JP; Ta, TMT; Takahashi, A; Terao, C; Thibaut, F; Toncheva, D; Tooney, PA; Torretta, S; Tosato, S; Tura, GB; Turetsky, BI; Ucok, A; Vaaler, A; van Amelsvoort, T; van Winkel, R; Veijola, J; Waddington, J; Walter, H; Waterreus, A; Webb, BT; Weiser, M; Williams, NM; Witt, SH; Wormley, BK; Wu, JQ; Xu, ZD; Yolken, R; Zai, CC; Zhou, W; Zhu, F; Zimprich, F; Ayub, M; Benner, C; Bertolino, A; Black, DW; Bray, NJ; Breen, G; Buccola, NG; Byerley, WF; Chen, WJ; Cloninger, CR; Crespo-Facorro, B; Donohoe, G; Freedman, R; Galletly, C; Gandal, MJ; Gennarelli, M; Hougaard, DM; Hwu, HG; Jablensky, AV; McCarroll, SA; Moran, JL; Mors, O; Mortensen, PB; Muller-Myhsok, B; Neil, AL; Nordentoft, M; Pato, MT; Petryshen, TL; Pirinen, M
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Nature
País: N/D
Títol: Virtual simulation of the biomechanics of the abdominal wall with different stoma locations
Autors: Tuset L; López-Cano M; Fortuny G; López JM; Herrero J; Puigjaner D
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Scientific Reports
País: N/D
Títol: Phenotypic, morphological, and metabolic characterization of vascular-spheres from human vascular mesenchymal stem cells
Autors: Valente, Sabrina; Ciavarella, Carmen; Hernandez-Aguilera, Anna; Salvador, Fernandez-Arroyo; Buzzi, Marina; Joven, Jorge; Pasquinelli, Gianandrea;
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Microscopy Research And Technique
País: N/D
Títol: Comprehensive summary of mitochondrial DNA alterations in the postmortem human brain: A systematic review
Autors: Valiente-Pallejà A; Tortajada J; Bulduk BK; Vilella E; Garrabou G; Muntané G; Martorell L
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Ebiomedicine
País: N/D
Títol: Longitudinal association of dietary acid load with kidney function decline in an older adult population with metabolic syndrome
Autors: Valle-Hita C; Becerra-Tomás N; Díaz-López A; Vázquez-Ruiz Z; Megías I; Corella D; Goday A; Martínez JA; Alonso-Gómez ÁM; Wärnberg J; Vioque J; Romaguera D; López-Miranda J; Estruch R; Tinahones FJ; Lapetra J; Serra-Majem L; Bueno-Cavanillas A; Tur JA; Martín-Sánchez V; Pintó X; Gaforio JJ; Matía-Martín P; Vidal J; Amengual-Galbarte A; Daimiel L; Ros E; García-Arellano A; Barragán R; Fitó M; Peña-Orihuela PJ; Asencio-Aznar A; Gómez-Gracia E; Martinez-Urbistondo D; Morey M; Casas R; Garrido-Garrido EM; Tojal-Sierra L; Damas-Fuentes M; Goñi E; Ortega-Azorín C; Castañer O; Garcia-Rios A; Gisbert-Sellés C; Sayón-Orea C; Schröder H; Salas-Salvadó J; Babio N
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Front Nutr
País: N/D
Títol: Effects of an Optimized Aged Garlic Extract on Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in Moderate Hypercholesterolemic Subjects: A Randomized, Crossover, Double-Blind, Sustainedand Controlled Study
Autors: Valls RM; Companys J; Calderón-Pérez L; Salamanca P; Pla-Pagà L; Sandoval-Ramírez BA; Bueno A; Puzo J; Crescenti A; Del Bas JM; Caimari A; Salamanca A; Espinel AE; Pedret A; Arola L; Solà R
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Nutrients
País: N/D
Títol: Silibinin Suppresses the Hyperlipidemic Effects of the ALK-Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Lorlatinib in Hepatic Cells
Autors: Verdura, Sara; Antonio Encinar, Jose; Fernandez-Arroyo, Salvador; Joven, Jorge; Cuyas, Elisabet; Bosch-Barrera, Joaquim; Menendez, Javier A.;
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Molecular Sciences
País: N/D
Títol: Silibinin Suppresses the Hyperlipidemic Effects of the ALK-Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Lorlatinib in Hepatic Cells
Autors: Verdura, Sara; Encinar, José Antonio; Fernández-Arroyo, Salvador; Joven, Jorge; Cuyàs, Elisabet; Bosch-Barrera, Joaquim; Menendez, Javier A.
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Molecular Sciences
País: N/D
Títol: Recomendaciones para el manejo de los pacientes críticos con COVID-19 en las Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos
Autors: Vidal-Cortés P; Díaz Santos E; Aguilar Alonso E; Amezaga Menéndez R; Ballesteros M; Bodí MA; Bordejé Laguna ML; Garnacho Montero J; García Sánchez M; López Sánchez M; Martín-Loeches I; Ochagavía Calvo A; Ramírez Galleymore P; Alcántara Carmona S; Andaluz Ojeda D; Badallo Arébalo O; Barrasa González H; Borges Sa M; Castellanos-Ortega ; Estella ; Ferrer Roca R; Fraile Gutiérrez V; Fuset Cabanes M; Giménez-Esparza Vich C; González Iglesias C; Hernández-Tejedor A; Igeño Cano JC; Iglesias Posadilla D; Jiménez Rivera JJ; Llanos Jorge C; Llompart-Pou JA; López Camps V; Lorencio Cárdenas C; Marcos Neira P; Martín Delgado MC; Martín-Macho González M; Martín Villén L; Nuvials Casals X; Ortiz Suñer A; Quintana Díaz M; Rascado Sedes P; Recuerda Núñez M; del Río Carbajo L; Rodríguez Aguirregabiria M; Rodríguez Oviedo A; Seijas Betolaza I; Soriano Cuesta C; Suberviola Cañas B; Vera Ching C; Vidal González ; Zapata Fenor L; Zaragoza Crespo R
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Medicina Intensiva
País: N/D
Títol: Increased quality of life in patients with breakthrough cancer pain after individualized therapy: the CAVIDIOM study
Autors: Villarroel, PG; Padro, JG; Marquina, G; Janez, NM; Gonzalez, EE; Anton, A; Sanchez, MB; Caceres, AR; Lopez-Lopez, R; Cornejo, RE; Garcia, PB; Fabregat, RM; Fernandez, BC; Bermudo, CL; Camps, C
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Future Oncology
País: N/D
Títol: Genetics of early-life head circumference and genetic correlations with neurological, psychiatric and cognitive outcomes
Autors: Vogelezang S, Bradfield JP; Early Growth Genetics Consortium, Grant SFA, Felix JF, Jaddoe VWV
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: N/D
País: N/D
Títol: Genetics of early-life head circumference and genetic correlations with neurological, psychiatric and cognitive outcomes
Autors: Vogelezang, Suzanne; Bradfield, Jonathan P.; Grant, Struan F. A.; Felix, Janine F.; Jaddoe, Vincent W. V.;Early Growth Genetics Consortium
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Bmc Medical Genomics
País: N/D
Títol: Non-invasive oxygenation support in acutely hypoxemic COVID-19 patients admitted to the ICU: a multicenter observational retrospective study
Autors: Wendel-Garcia PD; Mas A; González-Isern C; Ferrer R; Máñez R; Masclans JR; Sandoval E; Vera P; Trenado J; Fernández R; Sirvent JM; Martínez M; Ibarz M; Garro P; Lopera JL; Bodí M; Yébenes-Reyes JC; Triginer C; Vallverdú I; Baró A; Bodí F; Saludes P; Valencia M; Roche-Campo F; Huerta A; Cambra FJ; Barberà C; Echevarria J; Peñuelas Ó; Mancebo J; Ferrer R; Roca O; Nuvials X; Ruiz JC; Papiol E; Máñez R; Gumicio VD; Sandoval E; Muñoz G; Toapanta D; Castro P; Osorio J; Masclans JR; Muñoz-Bermúdez R; Parrilla F; Pérez-Teran P; Marin-Corral J; Mas A; Cancio B; Hernández-Marín S; Koborzan MR; Briones CA; Trenado J; Fernández R; Sirvent JM; Sebastian P; Saiz X; Martínez M; Ibarz M; Garro P; Pedrós C; Vendrell E; Lopera JL; Bodí M; Rodríguez A; Moreno G; Yébenes-Reves JC; Triginer C; Vallverdú I; Baró A; Morales M; Bodí F; Saludes P; Cervelló JR; Valencia M; Roche-Campo F; Franch-Llasat D; Huerta A; Santigosa P; Cambra FJ; Benito S; Barberà C; Echevarría J; Mancebo J; Vera P; Santos JA; Baldirà J; Betbesé AJ; Izura M; Morán I; Suárez JC; Zapata L; Rodríguez N; Torrens M; Cordón A; Gomila C; Flores M; Segarra A; Morales M; Mateo L; Martos M & González-Isern C
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Critical Care
País: N/D
Títol: Follow-up practices for children and adolescents with celiac disease: results of an international survey
Autors: Wessels M; Dolinsek J; Castillejo G; Donat E; Riznik P; Roca M; Valitutti F; Veenvliet A; Mearin ML
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: European Journal Of Pediatrics
País: N/D
Títol: Obesity Partially Mediates the Diabetogenic Effect of Lowering LDL Cholesterol
Autors: Wu P; Moon JY; Daghlas I; Franco G; Porneala BC; Ahmadizar F; Richardson TG; Isaksen JL; Hindy G; Yao J; Sitlani CM; Raffield LM; Yanek LR; Feitosa MF; Cuadrat RRC; Qi Q; Ikram MA; Ellervik C; Ericson U; Goodarzi MO; Brody JA; Lange L; Mercader JM; Vaidya D; An P; Schulze MB; Masana L; Ghanbari M; Olesen MS; Cai J; Guo X; Floyd JS; Jager S; Province MA; Kalyani RR; Psaty BM; Orho-Melander M; Ridker PM; Kanters JK; Uitterlinden A; Smith GD; Gill D; Kaplan RC; Kavousi M; Raghavan S; Chasman DI; Rotter JI; Meigs JB; Florez JC; Dupuis J; Liu CT; Merino J
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Diabetes Care
País: N/D
Títol: Parental Perception of Body Weight Status of Their 8-year-old Children: Findings from the European CHOP Study
Autors: Xhonneux, Annick; Langhendries, Jean-Paul; Martin, Francoise; Seidel, Laurence; Albert, Adelin; Dain, Elena; Totzauer, Martina; Grote, Veit; Luque, Veronica; Closa-Monasterolo, Ricardo; Dionigi, Alice Re; Verduci, Elvira; Gruszfeld, Darius; Socha, Piotr; Koletzko, Berthold;European Childhood Obesity
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Maternal And Child Health Journal
País: N/D
Títol: Adipokines as New Biomarkers of Immune Recovery: Apelin Receptor, RBP4 and ZAG Are Related to CD4+ T-Cell Reconstitution in PLHIV on Suppressive Antiretroviral Therapy
Autors: Yeregui E; Masip J; Viladés C; Domingo P; Pacheco YM; Blanco J; Mallolas J; Alba V; Vargas M; García-Pardo G; Negredo E; Olona M; Vidal-González J; Peraire M; Martí A; Reverté L; Gómez-Bertomeu F; Leal M; Vidal F; Peraire J; Rull A
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Molecular Sciences
País: N/D
Títol: Longitudinal relationships between depressive symptom severity and phone-measured mobility: dynamic structural equation modeling study
Autors: Zhang, Yuezhou; Folarin, Amos A; Sun, Shaoxiong; Cummins, Nicholas; Vairavan, Srinivasan; Bendayan, Rebecca; Ranjan, Yatharth; Rashid, Zulqarnain; Conde, Pauline; Stewart, Callum; Laiou, Petroula; Sankesara, Heet; Matcham, Faith; White, Katie M; Oetzmann, Carolin; Ivan, Alina; Lamers, Femke; Siddi, Sara; Vilella, Elisabet; Simblett, Sara; Rintala, Aki; Bruce, Stuart; Mohr, David C; Myin-Germeys, Inez; Wykes, Til; Haro, Josep Maria; Penninx, Brenda WJH; Narayan, Vaibhav A; Annas, Peter; Hotopf, Matthew; Dobson, Richard JB; RADAR-CNS consortium
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Jmir Mental Health
País: N/D
Títol: Predictors of low-level HIV viraemia and virological failure in the era of integrase inhibitors: A Spanish nationwide cohort
Autors: Álvarez H; Rava M; Martínez C; Portilla J; Peraire J; Rivero A; Cervero M; Mariño A; Poveda E; Llibre JM; CoRIS Study Group
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Hiv Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Orally administered Odoribacter laneus improves glucose control and inflammatory profile in obese mice by depleting circulating succinate
Autors: null
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: N/D
País: N/D
Títol: Near Infra-Red Indocyanine Green Fluorescent Cholangiography Versus Intraoperative Cholangiography to Improve Safety in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy for Gallstone Disease ¿ A Systematic Review Protocol
Any: 2021 Clau: Review
Revista: Am J Transplant
País: N/D
Títol: Mcf-7 drug resistant cell lines switch their lipid metabolism to triple negative breast cancer signature
Autors: Adriá-Cebrián J; Guaita-Esteruelas S; Lam EW-F; Rodríguez-Balada M; Capellades J; Girona J; Jimenez-Santamaria AM; Yanes O; Masana L; Gumà J
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Cancers
País: N/D
Títol: MCF-7 Drug Resistant Cell Lines Switch Their Lipid Metabolism to Triple Negative Breast Cancer Signature
Autors: Adriá-Cebrián, Jose; Guaita-Esteruelas, Sandra; Lam, Eric W.-F.; Rodríguez-Balada, Marta; Capellades, Jordi; Girona, Josefa; Jimenez-Santamaria, Ana Maria; Yanes, Oscar; Masana, Luís; Gumà, Josep
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Cancers
País: N/D
Títol: Lifetime Victimization in Children and Adolescents With ADHD
Autors: Aguado-Gracia J, Mundo-Cid P, Lopez-Seco F, Acosta-García S, Cortes-Ruiz MJ, Vilella E, Masana-Marín A
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Interpersonal Violence
País: N/D
Títol: Fibrilación auricular en pacientes con COVID-19. Utilidad de la puntuación CHA2DS2-VASc: un análisis del registro internacional HOPE COVID-19
Autors: Aitor Uribarri; Iván Javier Núñez Gil; Álvaro Aparisi; Ramón Arroyo Espliguero; Charbel Maroun Eid; Rodolfo Romero Pareja; Víctor Manuel Becerra Muñoz; Gisela Feltes; María Molina; Marcos García Aguado; Enrico Cerrato; Thamar Capel Astrua; Emilio Alfonso Rodríguez; Alex F Castro Mejía; Sergio Raposeiras Roubín; Carolina Espejo Paeres; Nerea Pérez Solé; Alfredo Bardají Ruiz; Francisco Marín; Óscar Fabregat Andrés; Fabrizio D'Ascenzo; Francesco Santoro; Ibrahim Akin; Vicente Estrada Pérez; Antonio Fernández-Ortiz; Carlos Macaya Miguel
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Revista Espanola De Cardiologia
País: N/D
Títol: El rastreo masivo de datos es una segunda oportunidad para mejorar el manejo de los pacientes con fenotipo de hipercolesterolemia familiar
Autors: Alberto Zamora; Guillem Paluzie Ávila; Joan Garcia Vilches; Oriol Alonso Gisbert; Ana Inés Méndez Martínez; Núria Plana Gil; Cèlia Rodríguez Borjabad; Daiana Ibarretxe; Anabel Martín Urda; Lluís Masana Marín
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinica E Investigacion En Arteriosclerosis
País: N/D
Títol: Implicaciones pronósticas del daño miocárdico en pacientes con y sin diagnóstico confirmado de COVID-19 atendidos en un hospital universitario
Autors: Alfredo Bardají Ruiz; Anna Carrasquer; Raúl Sánchez Giménez; Nisha Lal-Trehan; Víctor del Moral Ronda; Óscar M Peiró; Gil Bonet; Gislaine Castilho; Isabel Fort Gallifa; Clara Benavent; Gemma Recio; Cristina Gutiérrez; Christian Villavicencio Chávez; Teresa Auguet; Carmen Boqué
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Revista Espanola De Cardiologia
País: N/D
Títol: Glycoprotein Profile Measured by a H-1-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Based on Approach in Patients with Diabetes: A New Robust Method to Assess Inflammation
Autors: Amigo, Nuria; Fuertes-Martin, Rocio; Malo, Ana Irene; Plana, Nuria; Ibarretxe, Daiana; Girona, Josefa; Correig, Xavier; Masana, Lluis;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Life
País: N/D
Títol: Glycoprotein Profile Measured by a 1H-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Based on Approach in Patients with Diabetes: A New Robust Method to Assess Inflammation
Autors: Amigó, Núria; Fuertes-Martín, Rocío; Malo, Ana Irene; Plana, Núria; Ibarretxe, Daiana; Girona, Josefa; Correig, Xavier; Masana, Lluís
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Life
País: N/D
Títol: Implicaciones pronóstico del Índice de Charlson y del daño miocárdico en pacientes COVID-19 atendidos en urgencias
Autors: Anna Carrasquer; Óscar M Peiró; Raúl Sánchez Giménez; Nisha Lal-Trehan; Víctor del Moral Ronda; Alfredo Bardají Ruiz
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Emergencias: Revista De La Sociedad Española De Medicina De Urgencias Y Emergencias
País: N/D
Títol: Patterns of relapse and treatment outcome after active surveillance or adjuvant carboplatin for stage I seminoma: a retrospective study of the Spanish Germ Cell Cancer Group
Autors: Aparicio J; García del Muro X; Maroto P; Terrasa J; Castellano D; Bastús R; Gumà J; Sagastibeltza N; Durán I; Ochenduszko S; Meana JA; García-Sánchez J; Arranz JA; Gironés R; Germà JR
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinical & Translational Oncology
País: N/D
Títol: A systematic review on genome-wide association studies exploring comorbidity in bipolar disorder
Autors: Aranda S; Jiménez E; Martorell L; Muntané G; Vieta E; Vilella E
Any: 2021 Clau: Review
Revista: Journal Of Affective Disorders Reports
País: N/D
Títol: Electrochemical immunoplatform to assist in the diagnosis and classification of breast cancer through the determination of matrix-metalloproteinase-9
Autors: Arévalo B; ben Hassine A; Valverde A; Serafín V; Montero-Calle A; Raouafi N; Camps J; Arenas M; Barderas R; Yáñez-Sedeño P; Campuzano S; Pingarrón JM
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Talanta
País: N/D
Títol: X-linked recessive TLR7 deficiency in similar to 1% of men under 60 years old with life-threatening COVID-19
Autors: Asano, Takaki; Boisson, Bertrand; Onodi, Fanny; Matuozzo, Daniela; Moncada-Velez, Marcela; Renkilaraj, Majistor Raj Luxman Maglorius; Zhang, Peng; Meertens, Laurent; Bolze, Alexandre; Materna, Marie; Korniotis, Sarantis; Gervais, Adrian; Talouarn, Estelle; Bigio, Benedetta; Seeleuthner, Yoann; Bilguvar, Kaya; Zhang, Yu; Neehus, Anna-Lena; Ogishi, Masato; Pelham, Simon J.; Le Voyer, Tom; Rosain, Jeremie; Philippot, Quentin; Soler-Palacin, Pere; Colobran, Roger; Martin-Nalda, Andrea; Riviere, Jacques G.; Tandjaoui-Lambiotte, Yacine; Chaibi, Khalil; Shahrooei, Mohammad; Darazam, Ilad Alavi; Olyaei, Nasrin Alipour; Mansouri, Davood; Palabiyik, Figen; Ozcelik, Tayfun; Novelli, Giuseppe; Novelli, Antonio; Casari, Giorgio; Aiuti, Alessandro; Carrera, Paola; Bondesan, Simone; Barzaghi, Federica; Rovere-Querini, Patrizia; Tresoldi, Cristina; Franco, Jose Luis; Rojas, Julian; Reyes, Luis Felipe; Bustos, Ingrid G.; Arias, Andres Augusto; Morelle, Guillaume; Kyheng, Christele; Troya, Jesus; Planas-Serra, Laura; Schluter, Agatha; Gut, Marta; Pujol, Aurora; Allende, Luis M.; Rodriguez-Gallego, Carlos; Flores, Carlos; Cabrera-Marante, Oscar; Pleguezuelo, Daniel E.; de Diego, Rebeca Perez; Keles, Sevgi; Aytekin, Gokhan; Akcan, Ozge Metin; Bryceson, Yenan T.; Bergman, Peter; Brodin, Petter; Smole, Daniel; Smith, C. I. Edvard; Norlin, Anna-Carin; Campbell, Tessa M.; Covill, Laura E.; Hammarstrom, Lennart; Pan-Hammarstrom, Qiang; Abolhassani, Hassan; Mane, Shrikant; Marr, Nico; Ata, Manar; Al Ali, Fatima; Khan, Taushif; Spaan, Andras N.; Dalgard, Clifton L.; Bonfanti, Paolo; Biondi, Andrea; Tubiana, Sarah; Burdet, Charles; Nussbaum, Robert; Kahn-Kirby, Amanda; Snow, Andrew L.; Bustamante, Jacinta; Puel, Anne; Boisson-Dupuis, Stephanie; Zhang, Shen-Ying; Beziat, Vivien; Lifton, Richard P.; Bastard, Paul; Notarangelo, Luigi D.; Abel, Laurent; Su, Helen C.; Jouanguy, Emmanuelle; Amara, Ali; Soumelis, Vassili; Cobat, Aurelie; Zhang, Qian; Casanova, Jean-Laurent;COVID Human Genetic Efft; COVID-STORM Cliniciano; COVID Clinicians; Imagine COVID Grp; French COVID Cohort Study Grp; Cov-Contact Cohort; Amsterdam UMC Covid-19 Biobank; NIAID-USUHS Covid Study Grp
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Science Immunology
País: N/D
Títol: Fetuin-A, inter-¿-trypsin inhibitor, glutamic acid and ChoE (18:0) are key biomarkers in a panel distinguishingmild from critical coronavirus disease 2019 outcomes
Autors: Auguet Quintilla, Maria Teresa
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: N/D
País: N/D
Títol: Influence of total sugar intake on metabolic blood markers at 8 years of age in the Childhood Obesity Project
Autors: Aumueller N, Gruszfeld D, Gradowska K, Escribano J, Ferré N, Martin F, Poncelet P, Verduci E, ReDionigi A, Koletzko B, Grote V
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: European Journal Of Nutrition
País: N/D
Títol: Practical guidance for combination lipid-modifying therapy in high- and very-high-risk patients: A statement from a European Atherosclerosis Society Task Force
Autors: Averna, Maurizio; Banach, Maciej; Bruckert, Eric; Drexel, Heinz; Farnier, Michel; Gaita, Dan; Magni, Paolo; Maerz, Winfried; Masana, Luis; Mello e Silva, Alberto; Reiner, Zeljko; Ros, Emilio; Vrablik, Michal; Zambon, Alberto; Zamorano, Jose L.; Stock, Jane K.; Tokgozoglu, Lale S.; Catapano, Alberico L.;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Atherosclerosis
País: N/D
Títol: Clinical outcomes and safety of passive leg raising in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: a randomized controlled trial
Autors: Azeli Y; Bardají A; Barbería E; Lopez-Madrid V; Bladé-Creixenti J; Fernández-Sender L; Bonet G; Rica E; Álvarez S; Fernández A; Axelsson C; Jiménez-Herrera MF
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Critical Care
País: N/D
Títol: Testing a Deep Learning Algorithm for Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy in a Spanish Diabetic Population and with MESSIDOR Database
Autors: Baget-Bernaldiz, Marc; Pedro, Romero-Aroca; Santos-Blanco, Esther; Navarro-Gil, Raul; Valls, Aida; Moreno, Antonio; Rashwan, Hatem A.; Puig, Domenec;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Diagnostics
País: N/D
Títol: Hepatic metabolic adaptation and adipose tissue expansion are altered in mice with steatohepatitis induced by high-fat high sucrose diet
Autors: Baiges-Gaya G; Fernández-Arroyo S; Luciano-Mateo F; Cabré N; Rodríguez-Tomàs E; Hernández-Aguilera A; Castañé H; Romeu M; Nogués MR; Camps J; Joven J
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Nutritional Biochemistry
País: N/D
Títol: Insights into the treatment of postsleeve gastrectomy leak: analysis of the results of 105 cases on a national register
Autors: Balagué C; Ruiz de Adana JC; Ibarzabal A; Del Castillo D; Puche JJ; Vilallonga R
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Surgery For Obesity And Related Diseases
País: N/D
Títol: Case-Control Analysis of the Impact of Anemia on Quality of Life in Patients with Cancer: A Qca Study Analysis
Autors: Barca-Hernando, Maria; Munoz-Martin, Andres J.; Rios-Herranz, Eduardo; Garcia-Escobar, Ignacio; Beato, Carmen; Font, Carme; Oncala-Sibajas, Estefania; Revuelta-Rodriguez, Alfonso; Areses, Maria Carmen; Rivas-Jimenez, Victor; Ballaz-Quincoces, Aitor; Moreno-Santos, Maria Angeles; Lopez-Saez, Juan-Bosco; Gallego-Gallego, Iria; Elias-Hernandez, Teresa; Asensio-Cruz, Maria Isabel; Chasco-Eguilaz, Leyre; Garcia-Gonzalez, Gonzalo; Estevez-Garcia, Purificacion; Marin-Barrera, Lucia; Otero-Candelera, Remedios; Lopez-Ruz, Sergio; Lima-Alvarez, Jorge; Sanchez-Diaz, Jose Maria; Real-Dominguez, Macarena; Borrego-Delgado, Maria Carmen; Marin-Romero, Samira; Jara-Palomares, Luis;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Cancers
País: N/D
Títol: Prognostic implications of myocardial injury in patients with and without COVID-19 infection treated in a university hospital
Autors: Bardají A; Carrasquer A; Sánchez-Giménez R; Lal-Trehan N; del-Moral-Ronda V; Peiró ÓM; Bonet G; Castilho G; Fort-Gallifa I; Benavent C; Recio G; Gutiérrez C; Villavicencio C; Auguet T; Boqué C
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Revista Espanola De Cardiologia
País: N/D
Títol: Deprivation index and lifestyle: Baseline cross-sectional analysis of the predimed-plus catalonia study
Autors: Basora J; Villalobos F; Pallejà-Millán M; Babio N; Goday A; Zomeño MD; Pintó X; Sacanella E; Salas-Salvadó J
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Nutrients
País: N/D
Títol: Autoantibodies neutralizing type I IFNs are present in ~4% of uninfected individuals over 70 years old and account for ~20% of COVID-19 deaths
Autors: Bastard P; Gervais A; Voyer TL; Rosain J; Philippot Q; Manry J; Michailidis E; Hoffmann HH; Eto S; Garcia-Prat M; Bizien L; Parra-Martínez A; Yang R; Haljasmägi L; Migaud M; Särekannu K; Maslovskaja J; De Prost N; Tandjaoui-Lambiotte Y; Luyt CE; Amador-Borrero B; Gaudet A; Poissy J; Morel P; Richard P; Cognasse F; Troya J; Trouillet-Assant S; Belot A; Saker K; Garçon P; Rivière JG; Lagier JC; Gentile S; Rosen LB; Shaw E; Morio T; Tanaka J; Dalmau D; Tharaux PL; Sene D; Stepanian A; Megarbane B; Triantafyllia V; Fekkar A; Heath JR; Franco JL; Anaya JM; Solé-Violán J; Imberti L; Biondi A; Bonfanti P; Castagnoli R; Delmonte OM; Zhang Y; Snow AL; Holland SM; Biggs CM; Moncada-Vélez M; Arias AA; Lorenzo L; Boucherit S; Coulibaly B; Anglicheau D; Planas AM; Haerynck F; Duvlis S; Nussbaum RL; Ozcelik T; Keles S; Bousfiha AA; El Bakkouri J; Ramirez-Santana C; Paul S; Pan-Hammarström Q; Hammarström L; Dupont A; Kurolap A; Metz CN; Aiuti A; Casari G; Lampasona V; Ciceri F; Barreiros LA; Dominguez-Garrido E; Vidigal M; Zatz M; Van De Beek D; Sahanic S; Tancevski I; Stepanovskyy Y; Boyarchuk O; Nukui Y; Tsumura M; Vidaur L; Tangye SG; Burrel S; Duffy D; Quintana-Murci L; Klocperk A
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Science Immunology
País: N/D
Títol: Autoantibodies neutralizing type I IFNs are present in ~ 4% of uninfected individuals over 70 years old and account for ~ 20% of COVID-19 deaths
Autors: Bastard, Paul; Gervais, Adrian; Le Voyer, Tom; Rosain, Jeremie; Philippot, Quentin; Manry, Jeremy; Michailidis, Eleftherios; Hoffmann, Hans-Heinrich; Eto, Shohei; Garcia-Prat, Marina; Bizien, Lucy; Parra-Martinez, Alba; Yang, Rui; Haljasmagi, Liis; Migaud, Melanie; Sarekannu, Karita; Maslovskaja, Julia; de Prost, Nicolas; Tandjaoui-Lambiotte, Yacine; Luyt, Charles-Edouard; Amador-Borrero, Blanca; Gaudet, Alexandre; Poissy, Julien; Morel, Pascal; Richard, Pascale; Cognasse, Fabrice; Troya, Jesus; Trouillet-Assant, Sophie; Belot, Alexandre; Saker, Kahina; Garcon, Pierre; Riviere, Jacques G.; Lagier, Jean-Christophe; Gentile, Stephanie; Rosen, Lindsey B.; Shaw, Elana; Morio, Tomohiro; Tanaka, Junko; Dalmau, David; Tharaux, Pierre-Louis; Sene, Damien; Stepanian, Alain; Megarbane, Bruno; Triantafyllia, Vasiliki; Fekkar, Arnaud; Heath, James R.; Franco, Jose Luis; Anaya, Juan-Manuel; Sole-Violan, Jordi; Imberti, Luisa; Biondi, Andrea; Bonfanti, Paolo; Castagnoli, Riccardo; Delmonte, Ottavia M.; Zhang, Yu; Snow, Andrew L.; Holland, Steven M.; Biggs, Catherine M.; Moncada-Velez, Marcela; Arias, Andres Augusto; Lorenzo, Lazaro; Boucherit, Soraya; Coulibaly, Boubacar; Anglicheau, Dany; Planas, Anna M.; Haerynck, Filomeen; Duvlis, Sotirija; Nussbaum, Robert L.; Ozcelik, Tayfun; Keles, Sevgi; Bousfiha, Ahmed A.; El Bakkouri, Jalila; Ramirez-Santana, Carolina; Paul, Stephane; Pan-Hammarstrom, Qiang; Hammarstrom, Lennart; Dupont, Annabelle; Kurolap, Alina; Metz, Christine N.; Aiuti, Alessandro; Casari, Giorgio; Lampasona, Vito; Ciceri, Fabio; Barreiros, Lucila A.; Dominguez-Garrido, Elena; Vidigal, Mateus; Zatz, Mayana; van de Beek, Diederik; Sahanic, Sabina; Tancevski, Ivan; Stepanovskyy, Yurii; Boyarchuk, Oksana; Nukui, Yoko; Tsumura, Miyuki; Vidaur, Loreto; Tangye, Stuart G.; Burrel, Sonia; Duffy, Darragh; Quintana-Murci, Lluis; Klocperk, Adam; Kann, Nelli Y.; Shcherbina, Anna; Lau, Yu-Lung; Leung, Daniel; Coulongeat, Matthieu; Marlet, Julien; Koning, Rutger; Reyes, Luis Felipe; Chauvineau-Grenier, Angelique; Venet, Fabienne; Monneret, Guillaume; Nussenzweig, Michel C.; Arrestier, Romain; Boudhabhay, Idris; Baris-Feldman, Hagit; Hagin, David; Wauters, Joost; Meyts, Isabelle; Dyer, Adam H.; Kennelly, Sean P.; Bourke, Nollaig M.; Halwani, Rabih; Sharif-Askari, Narjes Saheb; Dorgham, Karim; Sallette, Jerome; Sedkaoui, Souad Mehlal; AlKhater, Suzan; Rigo-Bonnin, Raul; Morandeira, Francisco; Roussel, Lucie; Vinh, Donald C.; Ostrowski, Sisse Rye; Condino-Neto, Antonio; Prando, Carolina; Bondarenko, Anastasiia; Spaan, Andras N.; Gilardin, Laurent; Fellay, Jacques; Lyonnet, Stanislas; Bilguvar, Kaya; Lifton, Richard P.; Mane, Shrikant; Anderson, Mark S.; Boisson, Bertrand; Beziat, Vivien; Zhang, Shen-Ying; Andreakos, Evangelos; Hermine, Olivier; Pujol, Aurora; Peterson, Part; Mogensen, Trine H.; Rowen, Lee; Mond, James; Debette, Stephanie; de Lamballerie, Xavier; Duval, Xavier; Mentre, France; Zins, Marie; Soler-Palacin, Pere; Colobran, Roger; Gorochov, Guy; Solanich, Xavier; Susen, Sophie; Martinez-Picado, Javier; Raoult, Didier; Vasse, Marc; Gregersen, Peter K.; Piemonti, Lorenzo; Rodriguez-Gallego, Carlos; Notarangelo, Luigi D.; Su, Helen C.; Kisand, Kai; Okada, Satoshi; Puel, Anne; Jouanguy, Emmanuelle; Rice, Charles M.; Tiberghien, Pierre; Zhang, Qian; Cobat, Aurelie; Abel, Laurent; Casanova, Jean-Laurent;HGID Lab; COVID Clinicians; COVID-STORM Clinicians; NIAID Immune Response Covid Grp; NH-COVAIR Study Grp; Danish CHGE; Danish Blood Donor Study; St Jamess Hosp Sars CoV2 Interest; French COVID Cohort Study Grp; Imagine COVID-Grp; Milieu Interieur Consortium; CoV-Contact Cohort; Amsterdam Umc Covid-19 Biobank Inv; COVID Human Genetic Efft; CONSTANCES Cohort; 3C-Dijon Study; Cerba HealthCare; Etab Sang Study Grp
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Science Immunology
País: N/D
Títol: Caffeinated coffee consumption and risk of atrial fibrillation in two Spanish cohorts
Autors: Bazal P; Gea A; Navarro AM; Salas-Salvadó J; Corella D; Alonso-Gómez A; Fitó M; Muñoz-Bravo C; Estruch R; Fiol M; Lapetra J; Serra-Majem L; Ros E; Rekondo J; Muñoz MA; Basora J; Sorlí JV; Toledo E; Martínez-González MA; Ruiz-Canela M
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: European Journal Of Preventive Cardiology
País: N/D
Títol: Seeking an Initial-Weight-Independent Metric in a Mediterranean Cohort of Gastric Bypass Patients: the %AWL Revisited
Autors: Beisani, Marc; Sabench Pereferrer, Fatima; Vilallonga, Ramon; Gonzalez Lopez, Oscar; Molina Lopez, Alicia; del Castillo Dejardin, Daniel; Ruiz de Gordejuela, Amador Garcia; Fort Lopez-Barajas, Jose Manuel; Armengol Carrasco, Manel;Spanish Surg Assoc Collaborative G
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Obesity Surgery
País: N/D
Títol: Survivin drives tumor-associated macrophage reprogramming: a novel mechanism with potential impact for obesity
Autors: Benaiges E; Ceperuelo-Mallafré V; Madeira A; Bosch R; Núñez-Roa C; Ejarque M; Maymó-Masip E; Huber-Ruano I; Lejeune M; Vendrell J; Fernández-Veledo S
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Cellular Oncology
País: N/D
Títol: Prevalence and factors associated with SARS-CoV-2 seropositivity in the Spanish HIV Research Network Cohort
Autors: Berenguer, J; Diez, C; Martin-Vicente, M; Mican, R; Perez-Elias, MJ; Garcia-Fraile, LJ; Vidal, F; Suarez-Garcia, I; Podzamczer, D; Del Romero, J; Pulido, F; Iribarren, JA; Gutierrez, F; Poveda, E; Galera, C; Izquierdo, R; Asensi, V; Portilla, J; Lopez, JC; Arribas, JR; Moreno, S; Gonzalez-Garcia, J; Resino, S; Jarrin, I
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinical Microbiology And Infection
País: N/D
Títol: The potential protective role of runx1 in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
Autors: Bertran L; Pastor A; Portillo-Carrasquer M; Binetti J; Aguilar C; Martínez S; Vives M; Sabench F; Porras JA; Riesco D; Castillo DD; Richart C; Auguet T
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Molecular Sciences
País: N/D
Títol: Deregulation of secreted frizzled-related protein 5 in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease associated with obesity
Autors: Bertran L; Portillo-Carrasquer M; Aguilar C; Porras JA; Riesco D; Martínez S; Vives M; Sabench F; Gonzalez E; Del Castillo D; Richart C; Auguet T
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Molecular Sciences
País: N/D
Títol: Expression of Jejunal Taste Receptors in Women with Morbid Obesity
Autors: Bertran, L; Portillo-Carrasquer, M; Martínez, S; Aguilar, C; Lopez-Dupla, M; Riesco, D; Binetti, J; Vives, M; Sabench, F; Del Castillo, D; Richart, C; Auguet, T
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Nutrients
País: N/D
Títol: Automatic generation of minimum dataset and quality indicators from data collected routinely by the clinical information system in an intensive care unit
Autors: Bodí M; Claverias L; Esteban F; Sirgo G; De Haro L; Guardiola JJ; Gracia R; Rodríguez A; Gómez J
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Medical Informatics
País: N/D
Títol: Clinical characteristics and prognostic implications of diabetes and myocardial injury in patients admitted to the emergency room
Autors: Bonet, Gil; Carrasquer, Anna; Peiro, Oscar M.; Sanchez-Gimenez, Raul; Lal-Trehan, Nisha; del-Moral-Ronda, Victor; Fort-Gallifa, Isabel; Bardaji, Alfredo;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Bmc Cardiovascular Disorders
País: N/D
Títol: Relative absorption of silicon from different formulations of dietary supplements: a pilot randomized, double-blind, crossover post-prandial study
Autors: Boque, N.; Valls, R. M.; Pedret, A.; Puiggros, F.; Arola, L.; Sola, R.;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Scientific Reports
País: N/D
Títol: SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients with primary Sjögren syndrome: Characterization and outcomes of 51 patients
Autors: Brito-Zerón P; Brito-Zerón P; Melchor S; Seror R; Seror R; Priori R; Priori R; Solans R; Solans R; Kostov B; Kostov B; Baldini C; Carubbi F; Carubbi F; Callejas JL; Guisado-Vasco P; Hernández-Molina G; Hernández-Molina G; Pasoto SG; Pasoto SG; Valim V; Valim V; Sisó-Almirall A; Sisó-Almirall A; Mariette X; Carreira P; Ramos-Casals M; Brito-Zerón P; Morcillo C; Flores-Chávez A; Acar-Denizli N; Horvath IF; Szanto A; Tarr T; Mandl T; Olsson P; Li X; Xu B; Baldini C; Bombardieri S; Gottenberg JE; Gandolfo S; De Vita S; Giardina F; Sánchez-Guerrero J; Kruize AA; Hinrichs A; Isenberg D; Rischmueller M; Downie-Doyle S; Kwok SK; Park SH; Nordmark G; Suzuki Y; Kawano M; Giacomelli R; Devauchelle-Pensec V; Saraux A; Hofauer B; Knopf A; Bootsma H; Vissink A; Morel J; Vollenveider C; Atzeni F; Retamozo S; Moça Trevisano V; Armagan B; Kilic L; Kalyoncu U; Consani-Fernández S; Callejas JL; López-Dupla M; Pérez-Alvarez R; Akasbi M; Sánchez I
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Rheumatology
País: N/D
Títol: SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients with primary Sjogren syndrome: characterization and outcomes of 51 patients
Autors: Brito-Zerón, P; Melchor, S; Seror, R; Priori, R; Solans, R; Kostov, B; Baldini, C; Carubbi, F; Callejas, JL; Guisado-Vasco, P; Hernández-Molina, G; Pasoto, SG; Valim, V; Sisó-Almirall, A; Mariette, X; Carreira, P; Ramos-Casals, M
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Rheumatology
País: N/D
Títol: Has the Fourth Universal Definition of Myocardial Infarction led to better diagnosis and risk stratification?
Autors: Bueno, Hector; Rossello, Xavier; Bardaji, Alfredo;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: European Heart Journal
País: N/D
Títol: Glutaminolysis-induced mTORC1 activation drives non-alcoholic steatohepatitis progression
Autors: Cabré N, Luciano-Mateo F, Chapski DJ, Baiges-Gaya G, Fernández-Arroyo S, Hernández-Aguilera A, Castañé H, Rodríguez-Tomàs E, París M, Sabench F, Del Castillo D, Del Bas JM, Tomé M, Bodineau C, Sola-García A, López-Miranda J, Martín-Montalvo A, Durán RV, Vondriska TM, Rosa-Garrido M, Camps J, Menéndez JA, Joven J.
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Hepatology
País: N/D
Títol: Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy alters 1H-NMR-measured lipoprotein and glycoprotein profile in patients with severe obesity and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
Autors: Cabré N; Gil M; Amigó N; Luciano-Mateo F; Baiges-Gaya G; Fernández-Arroyo S; Rodríguez-Tomàs E; Hernández-Aguilera A; Castañé H; París M; Sabench F; Del Castillo D; Camps J; Joven J
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Scientific Reports
País: N/D
Títol: Acute Effects of Turmeric Extracts on Knee Joint Pain: A Pilot, Randomized Controlled Trial
Autors: Calderon-Perez, Lorena; Llaurado, Elisabet; Companys, Judit; Pla-Paga, Laura; Boque, Noemi; Puiggros, Francesc; Valls, Rosa-M; Pedret, Anna; Manuel Llabres, Josep; Arola, Lluis; Sola, Rosa;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Medicinal Food
País: N/D
Títol: Interplay between dietary phenolic compound intake and the human gut microbiome in hypertension: A cross-sectional study
Autors: Calderón-Pérez L; Llauradó E; Companys J; Pla-Pagà L; Pedret A; Rubió L; Gosalbes MJ; Yuste S; Solà R; Valls RM
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Food Chemistry
País: N/D
Títol: Effects of stem cells from inducible brown adipose tissue on diet-induced obesity in mice
Autors: Calvo, Enrique; Keiran, Noelia; Nunez-Roa, Catalina; Maymo-Masip, Elsa; Ejarque, Miriam; Sabadell-Basallote, Joan; Del Mar Rodriguez-Pena, Maria; Ceperuelo-Mallafre, Victoria; Seco, Jesus; Benaiges, Ester; Michalopoulou, Theodora; Jorba, Rosa; Vendrell, Joan; Fernandez-Veledo, Sonia;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Scientific Reports
País: N/D
Títol: Prognostic value of ambulatory blood pressure values in elderly patients with heart failure. Results of the DICUMAP study
Autors: Camafort, M; Jhund, PS; Formiga, F; Castro-Salomo, A; Arevalo-Lorido, JC; Sobrino-Martinez, J; Manzano, L; Diez-Manglano, J; Aramburu, O; Perez-Barquerof, MM
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Revista Clinica Espanola
País: N/D
Títol: Coronary artery fistulas after paediatric heart transplantation
Autors: Camprubi-Tubella, Elisabet; Gran-Ipiña, Ferrán; Betrián-Blasco, Pedro
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Cardiology In The Young
País: N/D
Títol: On the Role of Paraoxonase-1 and Chemokine Ligand 2 (C-C motif) in Metabolic Alterations Linked to Inflammation and Disease. A 2021 Update
Autors: Camps, Jordi; Castane, Helena; Rodriguez-Tomas, Elisabet; Baiges-Gaya, Gerard; Hernandez-Aguilera, Anna; Arenas, Meritxell; Iftimie, Simona; Joven, Jorge;
Any: 2021 Clau: Review
Revista: Biomolecules
País: N/D
Títol: Age- and gender-related differences in brain tissue microstructure revealed by multi-component T-2 relaxometry
Autors: Canales-Rodriguez, Erick Jorge; Alonso-Lana, Silvia; Verdolini, Norma; Sarro, Salvador; Feria, Isabel; Montoro, Irene; Garcia-Ruiz, Beatriz; Jimenez, Esther; Varo, Cristina; Albacete, Auria; Argila-Plaza, Isabel; Lluch, Anna; Bonnin, C. Mar; Vilella, Elisabet; Vieta, Eduard; Pomarol-Clotet, Edith; Salvador, Raymond;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Neurobiology Of Aging
País: N/D
Títol: Prognostic Value of Procalcitonin and C-Reactive Protein in 1608 Critically Ill Patients with Severe Influenza Pneumonia
Autors: Carbonell, Raquel; Moreno, Gerard; Martin-Loeches, Ignacio; Gomez-Bertomeu, Frederic; Sarvise, Carolina; Gomez, Josep; Bodi, Maria; Diaz, Emili; Papiol, Elisabeth; Trefler, Sandra; Nieto, Mercedes; Estella, Angel; Jimenez Herrera, Maria; Vidal Cortes, Pablo; Guardiola, Juan Jose; Sole-Violan, Jordi; Rodriguez, Alejandro;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Antibiotics
País: N/D
Títol: Mortality comparison between the first and second/third waves among 3,795 critical COVID-19 patients with pneumonia admitted to the ICU: A multicentre retrospective cohort study
Autors: Carbonell, Raquel; Urgeles, Silvia; Rodriguez, Alejandro; Bodi, Maria; Martin-Loeches, Ignacio; Sole-Violan, Jordi; Diaz, Emili; Gomez, Josep; Trefler, Sandra; Vallverdu, Montserrat; Murcia, Josefa; Albaya, Antonio; Loza, Ana; Socias, Lorenzo; Carlos Ballesteros, Juan; Papiol, Elisabeth; Vina, Lucia; Sancho, Susana; Nieto, Mercedes; del Carmen Lorente, Maria; Badallo, Oihane; Fraile, Virginia; Armestar, Fernando; Estella, Angel; Sanchez, Laura; Sancho, Isabel; Margarit, Antonio; Moreno, Gerard;COVID-19 SEMICYUC Working Grp
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: The Lancet Regional Health - Europe
País: N/D
Títol: Lack of Association of Initial Viral Load in SARS-CoV-2 Patients with In-Hospital Mortality
Autors: Carrasquer, Anna; Peiro, Oscar M.; Sanchez-Gimenez, Raul; Lal-Trehan, Nisha; del-Moral-Ronda, Victor; Bonet, Gil; Gutierrez, Cristina; Fort-Gallifa, Isabel; Martin-Grau, Carla; Benavent, Clara; Vidal, Francesc; Bardaji, Alfredo;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: American Journal Of Tropical Medicine And Hygiene
País: N/D
Títol: Role of Gastrointestinal Hormones as a Predictive Factor for Long-Term Diabetes Remission: Randomized Trial Comparing Metabolic Gastric Bypass, Sleeve Gastrectomy, and Greater Curvature Plication
Autors: Casajoana A; Guerrero-Pérez F; García Ruiz de Gordejuela A; Admella V; Sorribas M; Vidal-Alabró A; Virgili N; Urdiales RL; Montserrat M; Pérez-Maraver M; Monasterio C; Salord N; Pellitero S; Fernández-Veledo S; Vendrell J; Gebelli JP; Vilarrasa N
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Obesity Surgery
País: N/D
Títol: Coupling Machine Learning and Lipidomics as a Tool to Investigate Metabolic Dysfunction-Associated Fatty Liver Disease. A General Overview
Autors: Castane, Helena; Baiges-Gaya, Gerard; Hernandez-Aguilera, Anna; Rodriguez-Tomas, Elisabet; Fernandez-Arroyo, Salvador; Herrero, Pol; Delpino-Rius, Antoni; Canela, Nuria; Menendez, Javier A.; Camps, Jordi; Joven, Jorge;
Any: 2021 Clau: Review
Revista: Biomolecules
País: N/D
Títol: Educational Needs and Resources for Teachers Working with Students with Chronic Pain: Results of a Delphi Study
Autors: Castarlenas, Elena; Roy, Ruben; Salvat, Isabel; Monteso-Curto, Pilar; Miro, Jordi;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Sustainability
País: N/D
Títol: Epigenome-wide association study of COVID-19 severity with respiratory failure
Autors: Castro de Moura, Manuel; Davalos, Veronica; Planas-Serra, Laura; Alvarez-Errico, Damiana; Arribas, Carles; Ruiz, Montserrat; Aguilera-Albesa, Sergio; Troya, Jesus; Valencia-Ramos, Juan; Velez-Santamaria, Valentina; Rodriguez-Palmero, Agusti; Villar-Garcia, Judit; Horcajada, Juan P.; Albu, Sergiu; Casasnovas, Carlos; Rull, Anna; Reverte, Laia; Dietl, Beatriz; Dalmau, David; Arranz, Maria J.; Llucia-Carol, Laia; Planas, Anna M.; Perez-Tur, Jordi; Fernandez-Cadenas, Israel; Villares, Paula; Tenorio, Jair; Colobran, Roger; Martin-Nalda, Andrea; Soler-Palacin, Pere; Vidal, Francesc; Pujol, Aurora; Esteller, Manel;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Ebiomedicine
País: N/D
Títol: The Beginning of the Trend Change in Lung Cancer Mortality Trends in Spain, 1980¿2018
Autors: Cayuela L; López-Campos JL; Otero R; Rodriguez Portal JA; Rodríguez-Domínguez S; Cayuela A
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Archivos De Bronconeumologia
País: N/D
Títol: Support to the organization of the Intensive Care Units during the pandemic through maps created from the Clinical Information Systems
Autors: Claverías L; Gómez J; Rodríguez A; Albiol J; Esteban F; Bodí M
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Medicina Intensiva
País: N/D
Títol: Functional impairment of HIV-specific CD8+ T cells precedes aborted spontaneous control of viremia
Autors: Collins DR; Urbach JM; Racenet ZJ; Arshad U; Power KA; Newman RM; Mylvaganam GH; Ly NL; Lian X; Rull A; Rassadkina Y; Yanez AG; Peluso MJ; Deeks SG; Vidal F; Lichterfeld M; Yu XG; Gaiha GD; Allen TM; Walker BD
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Immunity
País: N/D
Títol: Gut microbiota profile and its association with clinical variables and dietary intake in overweight/obese and lean subjects: A cross-sectional study
Autors: Companys J; Gosalbes MJ; Pla-Pagà L; Calderón-Pérez L; Llauradó E; Pedret A; Valls RM; Jiménez-Hernández N; Sandoval-Ramirez BA; Del Bas JM; Caimari A; Rubió L; Solà R
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Nutrients
País: N/D
Títol: Fermented dairy foods rich in probiotics and cardiometabolic risk factors: a narrative review from prospective cohort studies
Autors: Companys J; Pedret A; Valls RM; Solà R; Pascual V
Any: 2021 Clau: Review
Revista: Critical Reviews In Food Science And Nutrition
País: N/D
Títol: Variation of Cancer Incidence between and within GRELL Countries
Autors: Contiero, Paolo; Tagliabue, Giovanna; Gatta, Gemma; Galceran, Jaume; Bulliard, Jean-Luc; Bertoldi, Martina; Scaburri, Alessandra; Crocetti, Emanuele;GRELL Geographic Anal Working Grp
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health
País: N/D
Títol: The pharmacological management of cardiovascular disease in people living with HIV (PLWH)
Autors: Corbacho N; Mur I; Molas ME; Vidal F; Domingo P
Any: 2021 Clau: Review
Revista: Expert Opinion On Pharmacotherapy
País: N/D
Títol: Cognitive Biases Questionnaire for Psychosis (CBQp): Spanish Validation and Relationship With Cognitive Insight in Psychotic Patients
Autors: Corral, Lia; Labad, Javier; Ochoa, Susana; Cabezas, Angel; Muntane, Gerard; Valero, Joaquin; Sanchez-Gistau, Vanessa; Ahuir, Maribel; Gallardo-Pujol, David; Crosas, Josep Maria; Palao, Diego; Vilella, Elisabet; Gutierrez-Zotes, Alfonso;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Frontiers In Psychiatry
País: N/D
Títol: Methods and measures to quantify ICU patient heterogeneity
Autors: Cuadrado, David; Riano, David; Gomez, Josep; Rodriguez, Alejandro; Bodi, Maria;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Biomedical Informatics
País: N/D
Títol: Risk factors for teen suicide and bullying: An international integrative review
Autors: Cuesta, Inka; Monteso-Curto, Pilar; Sawin, Erika Metzler; Jimenez-Herrera, Maria; Puig-Llobet, Montserrat; Seabra, Paulo; Toussaint, Loren;
Any: 2021 Clau: Review
Revista: International Journal Of Nursing Practice
País: N/D
Títol: Lifetime psychopathology in child and adolescent offspring of parents diagnosed with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder: a 2-year follow-up study
Autors: De la Serna E, Ilzarbe D, Sugranyes G, Baeza I, Moreno D, Rodríguez-Toscano E, Espliego A, Ayora M, Romero S, Sánchez-Gistau V, Castro-Fornieles J
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
País: N/D
Títol: High and Low Haemoglobin Levels in Early Pregnancy Are Associated to a Higher Risk of Miscarriage: A Population-Based Cohort Study
Autors: Diaz-Lopez, Andres; Ribot, Blanca; Basora, Josep; Arija, Victoria;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Nutrients
País: N/D
Títol: COVID-19 in hospitalized HIV-positive and HIV-negative patients: A matched study
Autors: Diez, Cristina; Del Romero-Raposo, Jorge; Mican, Rafael; Lopez, Juan C.; Blanco, Jose R.; Calzado, Sonia; Samperiz, Gloria; Portilla, Joaquin; Garcia-Fraile, Lucio J.; Gutierrez, Felix; Gomez-Sirvent, Juan L.; Suarez-Garcia, Ines; Amador, Concha; Novella, Maria; Arribas, Jose R.; Moreno, Santiago; Gonzalez-Garcia, Juan; Jarrin, Inmaculada; Berenguer, Juan;CoRIS
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Hiv Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Recovery of parathyroid function in patients with thyroid cancer treated by total thyroidectomy: An analysis of 685 patients with hypoparathyroidism at discharge of surgery
Autors: Díez JJ; Anda E; Sastre J; Pérez-Corral B; Álvarez-Escolá C; Manjón L; Paja M; Sambo M; Santiago-Fernández P; Blanco-Carrera C; Galofré JC; Navarro E; Zafón C; Sanz E; Oleaga A; Bandrés O; Donnay S; Megía A; Picallo M; Sánchez-Ragnarsson C; Baena-Nieto G; Fernández-García JC; Lecumberri B; Vega MSdl; Romero-Lluch AR; Iglesias P
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Endocrinologia Diabetes Y Nutricion
País: N/D
Títol: Prognosis impact of diabetes in elderly women and men with non-st elevation acute coronary syndrome
Autors: Díez-Villanueva P; García-Acuña JM; Raposeiras-Roubin S; Barrabés JA; Cordero A; Martínez-Sellés M; Bardají A; Marín F; Ruiz-Nodar JM; Vicente-Ibarra N; Alonso Salinas GL; Cid-Alvárez B; Assi EA; Formiga F; Núñez J; Núñez E; Ariza-Solé A; Sanchis J
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Clinical Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Adipose tissue is a key organ for the beneficial effects of GLP-2 metabolic function
Autors: Ejarque, Miriam; Sabadell-Basallote, Joan; Beiroa, Daniel; Calvo, Enrique; Keiran, Noelia; Nunez-Roa, Catalina; Rodriguez, Maria del Mar; Sabench, Fatima; del Castillo, Daniel; Jimenez, Veronica; Bosch, Fatima; Nogueiras, Ruben; Vendrell, Joan; Fernandez-Veledo, Sonia;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: British Journal Of Pharmacology
País: N/D
Títol: Pharmacological Cardioversion after Pre-Treatment with Antiarrythmic Drugs Prior to Electrical Cardioversion in Persistent Atrial Fibrillation: Impact on Maintenance of Sinus Rhythm
Autors: El Amrani, A; Viñolas, X; Arias, MA; Bazan, V; Valdovinos, P; Alegret, JM
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Clinical Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Lliçons apreses de la pandèmia: la solitud dels malalts
Autors: Emilio Sacanella; Ferran Masanés Torán; Teresa Auguet; Patricia Beroiz Groh; Ferran Nonell Gregori; Alejandra Fernandez Trujillo
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Annals De Medicina
País: N/D
Títol: A color fusion model based on Markowitz portfolio optimization for optic disc segmentation in retinal images
Autors: Escorcia-Gutierrez, Jose; Torrents-Barrena, Jordina; Gamarra, Margarita; Romero-Aroca, Pedro; Valls, Aida; Puig, Domenec;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Expert Systems With Applications
País: N/D
Títol: A Machine Learning decision-making tool for extubation in Intensive Care Unit patients
Autors: Fabregat A; Magret M; Ferré JA; Vernet A; Guasch N; Rodríguez A; Gómez J; Bodí M
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Computer Methods And Programs In Biomedicine
País: N/D
Títol: Comparative Analysis of Mammal Genomes Unveils Key Genomic Variability for Human Life Span
Autors: Farre, X; Molina, R; Barteri, F; Timmers, PRHJ; Joshi, PK; Oliva, B; Acosta, S; Esteve-Altava, B; Navarro, A; Muntane, G
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Molecular Biology And Evolution
País: N/D
Títol: Rethinking succinate: an unexpected hormone-like metabolite in energy homeostasis
Autors: Fernandez-Veledo, Sonia; Ceperuelo-Mallafre, Victoria; Vendrell, Joan;
Any: 2021 Clau: Review
Revista: Trends In Endocrinology And Metabolism
País: N/D
Títol: Virgin Olive Oil Phenolic Compounds Modulate the HDL Lipidome in Hypercholesterolaemic Subjects: A Lipidomic Analysis of the VOHF Study
Autors: Fernández-Castillejo S; Pedret A; Catalán Ú; Valls RM; Farràs M; Rubió L; Castañer O; Macià A; Fitó M; Motilva MJ; Covas MI; Giera M; Remaley AT; Solà R
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Molecular Nutrition & Food Research
País: N/D
Títol: Performance of the 2019 ACR/EULAR classification criteria for IgG4-related disease and clinical phenotypes in a Spanish multicentre registry (REERIGG4)
Autors: Fernández-Codina A; Pinilla B; Pinal-Fernández I; Carballo I; Feijoo-Massó C; Toledano-Macías M; De Miguel-Campo B; Fonseca-Aizpuru E; Sáez-Comet L; López-Dupla M; Hernández-Rodríguez J; Martínez-Valle F
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Rheumatology
País: N/D
Títol: Performance of the 2019 ACR/EULAR classification criteria for IgG4-related disease and clinical phenotypes in a Spanish multicentre registry (REERIGG4)
Autors: Fernández-Codina, A; Pinilla, B; Pinal-Fernández, I; Carballo, I; Feijoo-Massó, C; Toledano-Macías, M; De Miguel-Campo, B; Fonseca-Aizpuru, E; Sáez-Comet, L; López-Dupla, M; Hernández-Rodríguez, J; Martínez-Valle, F
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Rheumatology
País: N/D
Títol: Pharmacological interventions for preventing complications in patients with idiopathic hypercalciuria: A systematic review
Autors: Ferre N, Parada E, Balaguer A, Feliu A, Roqué-Figuls M, Franco JVA, Escribano J
Any: 2021 Clau: Review
Revista: Nefrologia
País: N/D
Títol: Association of Protein Intake during the Second Year of Life withWeight Gain-Related Outcomes in Childhood: A Systematic Review
Autors: Ferre, N; Luque, V.; Closa-Monasterolo, R.; Zaragoza-Jordana, M; Gispert-Llaurado, M: Grote, V; Koletzko, B; Escribnao, J
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Nutrients
País: N/D
Títol: Association of Protein Intake during the Second Year of Life with Weight Gain-Related Outcomes in Childhood: A Systematic Review
Autors: Ferre, Natalia; Luque, Veronica; Closa-Monasterolo, Ricardo; Zaragoza-Jordana, Marta; Gispert-Llaurado, Mariona; Grote, Veit; Koletzko, Berthold; Escribano, Joaquin;
Any: 2021 Clau: Review
Revista: Nutrients
País: N/D
Títol: Pharmacological interventions for preventing complications in patients with idiopathic hypercalciuria: A systematic review
Autors: Ferre, Natalia; Parada, Ester; Balaguer, Albert; Feliu, Albert; Roqué-Figuls, Marta; Franco, Juan Victor A.; Escribano, Joaquín
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Nefrologia
País: N/D
Títol: Improvement in Atrial Fibrillation-Related Symptoms After Cardioversion: Role of NYHA Functional Class and Maintenance of Sinus Rhythm
Autors: Ferre-Vallverdu, M; Ligero, C; Vidal-Perez, R; Martinez-Rubio, A; Vinolas, X; Alegret, JM
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinical Interventions In Aging
País: N/D
Títol: The role of childhood trauma, HPA axis reactivity and FKBP5 genotype on cognition in healthy individuals
Autors: Ferrer, Alex; Soria, Virginia; Salvat-Pujol, Neus; Martorell, Lourdes; Armario, Antonio; Urretavizcaya, Mikel; Gutierrez-Zotes, Alfonso; Monreal, Jose Antonio; Crespo, Jose Manuel; Massaneda, Clara; Vilella, Elisabet; Palao, Diego; Menchon, Jose Manuel; Labad, Javier;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Psychoneuroendocrinology
País: N/D
Títol: Multicenter Study of the Seroprevalence of Antibodies against Covid-19 in Patients with Lymphoma: An Analysis of the Oncological Group for the Treatment and Study of Lymphomas (Gotel)
Autors: Franco, Fernando; Guirado, Maria; Martinez-Banaclocha, Natividad; Guma, Josep; Lavernia, Javier; Gomez-Codina, Jose; Rodriguez-Abreu, Delvys; Martinez, Fani; Barrajon, Enrique; Mendez, Miriam; Calvo, Virginia; Provencio, Mariano
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Current Oncology
País: N/D
Títol: Predicting the rising incidence and mortality of endometrial cancers among women aged 65-74 years in Catalonia
Autors: Frias-Gomez J; Peremiquel-Trillas P; Alemany L; Ameijide A; Marcos-Gragera R; Ponce J; Brunet J; Matias-Guiu X; Galceran J; Izquierdo Á; Borràs JM; Costas L; Clèries R
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Maturitas
País: N/D
Títol: Clinical performance of the Elecsys (R) anti-SARS-CoV-2 combined in an algorithm with two specific anti-IgG immunoassays for the evaluation of the serological response of patients with COVID-19 in a population with a high prevalence of infection
Autors: Gabaldó-Barrios, X; Iftimie, S; Hernández-Aguilera, A; Pujol, I; Ballester, F; Fernández, L; Cladellas, S; Castro, A; Joven, J; Camps, J; Simó, JM
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Annals Of Clinical Biochemistry
País: N/D
Títol: Targeting body composition in an older population: do changes in movement behaviours matter? Longitudinal analyses in the PREDIMED-Plus trial
Autors: Galmes-Panades AM; Konieczna J; Varela-Mato V; Abete I; Babio N; Fiol M; Antonio de Paz J; Casas R; Olbeyra R; Ruiz-Canela M; Palau-Galindo A; Castañer O; Martín-García A; Estruch R; Vidal J; Buil-Cosiales P; Wärnberg J; Salas-Salvadó J; Martínez JA; Romaguera D; Martin V; Pedret-Llaberia R; Gonzalez R; Sagarra-Álamo R; París-Palleja F; Balsells J; Roca JM; Basora-Gallisa T; Vizcaino J; Llobet-Alpizarte P; Anguera-Perpiñá C; Llauradó-Vernet M; Caballero C; Garcia-Barco M; Morán-Martínez MD; García-Rosselló J; del Pozo A; Poblet-Calaf C; Arcelin-Zabal P; Floresví X
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Bmc Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Fatty liver index as a predictor for type 2 diabetes in subjects with normoglycemia in a nationwide cohort study
Autors: Garcia-Escobar, E.; Valdes, S.; Soriguer, F.; Vendrell, J.; Urrutia-Etxebarria, I. M.; Maldonado-Araque, C.; Ortega, E.; Ocon, P.; Montanya, E.; Menendez, E.; Lago-Sampedro, A.; Gonzalez-Frutos, T.; Gomis, R.; Goday, A.; Garcia-Serrano, S.; Galan-Garcia, J. L.; Castell, C.; Bordiu, E.; Badia, R.; Aguilera-Venegas, G.; Girbes, J.; Gaztambide, S.; Delgado, E.; Chaves, F. J.; Castano, L.; Calle-Pascual, A.; Rojo-Martinez, G.; Franch-Nadal, J.;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Scientific Reports
País: N/D
Títol: DDR1 methylation is associated with bipolar disorder and the isoform expression and methylation of myelin genes
Autors: Garcia-Ruiz, Beatriz; de Moura, Manuel Castro; Muntane, Gerard; Martorell, Lourdes; Bosch, Elena; Esteller, Manel; J Canales-Rodriguez, Erick; Pomarol-Clotet, Edith; Jimenez, Esther; Vieta, Eduard; Vilella, Elisabet;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Epigenomics
País: N/D
Títol: U-Shaped Association between Dietary Acid Load and Risk of Osteoporotic Fractures in 2 Populations at High Cardiovascular Risk
Autors: García-Gavilán JF; Martínez A; Konieczna J; Mico-Perez R; García-Arellano A; Basora J; Barrubés L; Goday A; Canudas S; Salas-Salvadó J; Bulló M
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Nutrition
País: N/D
Títol: Changes in the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) of University Schools of Medicine during COVID-19. Experience with a computer-based case simulation OSCE (CCS-OSCE) [Cambios en el examen clínico objetivo y estructurado (ECOE) de las facultades de Medicina durante la COVID-19. Experiencia de una ECOE de casos-clínicos computarizados simulados (ECOE-CCS) conjunta]
Autors: García-Seoane JJ; Ramos-Rincón JM; Lara-Muñoz JP; López-Román A; Cardoner-Álvarez N; Lorenzo-Peñuelas A; Párraga-Ramírez M; Jiménez-Reina L; Sanz-Álvarez EJ; Naranjo-Hernández A; Valdivielso-Felices P; Ramos-Rincón JM; Adánez-Martínez G; García-Salom M; Martínez-Ibargüen A; Lafuente-Sánchez JV; Fernández-Agulló T; Castro-Salomó A; Sancho-Sánchez MC; Hermida-Ameijeiras Á; Ambrosiani-Fernández J; el grupo de trabajo de la ECOE-CCS de la CNDFME; Miembros del grupo de trabajo de la ECOE-CCS de la CNDFME (por orden alfabetico de Universidad)
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Revista Clinica Espanola
País: N/D
Títol: Early identification of metabolic syndrome risk: A review of reviews and proposal for defining pre-metabolic syndrome status
Autors: Gesteiro, Eva; Megia, Ana; Guadalupe-Grau, Amelia; Fernandez-Veledo, Sonia; Vendrell, Joan; Gonzalez-Gross, Marcela;
Any: 2021 Clau: Review
Revista: Nutrition Metabolism And Cardiovascular Diseases
País: N/D
Títol: Elective cancer surgery in Covid-19-free surgical pahtways during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: An international, multicenter, comparative cohort study
Autors: Glasbey, James C.; Nepogodiev, Dmitri; Simoes, Joana F. F.; Omar, Omar; Li, Elizabeth; Venn, Mary L.; Abou Chaar, Mohammad K.; Capizzi, Vita; Chaudhry, Daoud; Desai, Anant; Edwards, Jonathan G.; Evans, Jonathan P.; Fiore, Marco; Videria, Jose Flavio; Ford, Samuel J.; Ganly, Ian; Griffiths, Ewen A.; Gujjuri, Rohan R.; Kolias, Angelos G.; Kaafarani, Haytham M. A.; Minaya-Bravo, Ana; McKay, Siobhan C.; Mohan, Helen M.; Roberts, Keith J.; San Miguel-Mendez, Carlos; Pockney, Peter; Shaw, Richard; Smart, Neil J.; Stewart, Grant D.; Sundar, Sudha; Vidya, Raghavan; Bhangu, Aneel A.; COVIDSurg Collaborative
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Clinical Oncology
País: N/D
Títol: Arterial Stiffness in Type 1 Diabetes: The Case for the Arterial Wall Itself as a Target Organ
Autors: Gonzalez-Clemente, Jose-Miguel; Cano, Albert; Albert, Lara; Gimenez-Palop, Olga; Romero, Ana; Berlanga, Eugenio; Vendrell, Joan; Llaurado, Gemma;
Any: 2021 Clau: Review
Revista: Journal Of Clinical Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Protective properties of grape-seed proanthocyanidins in human ex vivo acute colonic dysfunction induced by dextran sodium sulfate
Autors: Gonzalez-Quilen, Carlos; Grau-Bove, Carme; Jorba-Martin, Rosa; Caro-Tarrago, Aleidis; Pinent, Montserrat; Ardevol, Anna; Beltran-Debon, Raul; Terra, Ximena; Blay, M. Teresa;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: European Journal Of Nutrition
País: N/D
Títol: Multicentre, randomised, open-label, phase IV-III study to evaluate the efficacy of cloxacillin plus fosfomycin versus cloxacillin alone in adult patients with methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia: study protocol for the SAFO trial
Autors: Grillo, Sara; Cuervo, Guillermo; Carratala, Jordi; San-Juan, Rafael; Aguado, Jose M.; Morata, Laura; Gomez-Zorrilla, Silvia; Lopez-Contreras, Joaquin; Gasch, Oriol; Gomila-Grange, Aina; Iftimie, Simona; Garcia-Pardo, Graciano; Calbo, Esther; Boix-Palop, Lucia; Orio, Isabel; Jover-Saenz, Alfredo; Eduardo Lopez-Cortes, Luis; Euba, Gorane; Aguirregabiria, Malen; Jose Garcia-pais, Maria; Gioia, Francesca; Ramon Pano, Jose; Luisa Pedro-Botet, Maria; Maria Benitez, Rosa; Teresa Perez-Rodriguez, Maria; Meije, Yolanda; Belen Loeches-Yague, Maria; Horna, Gertrudis; Berbel, Damaris; Angeles Dominguez, Maria; Padulles, Ariadna; Cobo, Sara; Hereu, Pilar; Videla, Sebastian; Tebe, Cristian; Pallares, Natalia; Miro, Josep M.; Pujol, Miquel;Safo Study Grp; Spanish Network Res Infect Dis
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Bmj Open
País: N/D
Títol: Effect of milk protein content in Toddler formula on later BMI and obesity risk: protocol of the multicentre randomised controlled Toddler Milk Intervention (ToMI) trial.
Autors: Grote V, Jaeger V, Escribano J, Zaragoza M, Gispert M, Grathwohl D, Koletzko B
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Bmj Open
País: N/D
Títol: Effect of milk protein content in Toddler formula on later BMI and obesity risk: protocol of the multicentre randomised controlled Toddler Milk Intervention (ToMI) trial
Autors: Grote, Veit; Jaeger, Vanessa; Escribano, Joaquin; Zaragoza, Marta; Gispert, Mariona; Grathwohl, Dominik; Koletzko, Berthold;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Bmj Open
País: N/D
Títol: Trends in lung cancer incidence by age, sex and histology from 2012 to 2025 in Catalonia (Spain)
Autors: Guarga, Laura; Ameijide, Alberto; Marcos-Gragera, Rafael; Carulla, Maria; Delgadillo, Joaquim; Borras, Josep Maria; Galceran, Jaume;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Scientific Reports
País: N/D
Títol: Altered Serum Metabolic Profile Assessed by Advanced 1H-NMR in Breast Cancer Patients
Autors: Guma, Josep; Adria-Cebrian, Jose; Ruiz-Aguado, Belen; Albacar, Cinta; Girona, Josefa; Rodriguez-Calvo, Ricardo; Martinez-Micaelo, Neus; Lam, Eric W. F.; Masana, Luis; Guaita-Esteruelas, Sandra;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Cancers
País: N/D
Títol: Pharmacological considerations for the treatment of COVID-19 in people living with HIV (PLWH)
Autors: Gutierrez, Maria Del Mar; Mur, Isabel; Mateo, Maria Gracia; Vidal, Francesc; Domingo, Pere;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Expert Opinion On Pharmacotherapy
País: N/D
Títol: A novel approach to assess body composition in children with obesity from density of the fat-free mass
Autors: Gutierrez-Marin, Desiree; Escribano, Joaquin; Closa-Monasterolo, Ricardo; Ferre, Natalia; Venables, Michelle; Singh, Priya; Wells, Jonathan C K; Munoz-Hernando, Judit; Zaragoza-Jordana, Marta; Gispert-Llaurado, Mariona; Rubio-Torrents, Carmen; Alcazar, Mireia; Nunez-Roig, Merce; Monne-Gelonch, Raquel; Feliu, Albert; Basora, Josep; Alejos, Ana M; Luque, Veronica
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinical Nutrition
País: N/D
Títol: Validation of bioelectrical impedance analysis for body composition assessment in children with obesity aged 8-14y
Autors: Gutierrez-Marin, Desiree; Escribano, Joaquin; Closa-Monasterolo, Ricardo; Ferre, Natalia; Venables, Michelle; Singh, Priya; Wells, Jonathan Ck; Munoz-Hernando, Judit; Zaragoza-Jordana, Marta; Gispert-Llaurado, Mariona; Rubio-Torrents, Carme; Alcazar, Mireia; Nunez-Roig, Merce; Feliu, Albert; Basora, Josep; Gonzalez-Hidalgo, Rosa; Dieguez, Monica; Salvado, Olga; Pedraza, Ana; Luque, Veronica
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinical Nutrition
País: N/D
Títol: Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Modifies Serum Iron-Related Variables in Patients with Morbid Obesity
Autors: Hernandez-Aguilera, Anna; Casacuberta, Nuria; Castane, Helena; Fibla, Montserrat; Fernandez-Arroyo, Salvador; Fort-Gallifa, Isabel; Paris, Marta; Sabench, Fatima; Del Castillo, Daniel; Baiges-Gaya, Gerard; Rodriguez-Tomas, Elisabet; Sans, Teresa; Camps, Jordi; Joven, Jorge;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Biological Trace Element Research
País: N/D
Títol: Triglyceride metabolism and classification of hypertriglyceridemias
Autors: Ibarretxe, Daiana; Masana, Lluis;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinica E Investigacion En Arteriosclerosis
País: N/D
Títol: Influence of Surgical Procedures on Serum Paraoxonase-1-Related Variables and Markers of Inflammation in Hospitalized Patients
Autors: Iftimie, S; Escribano, A; Díez-Sans, A; Albiciuc, I; Hernández-Aguilera, A; Fort-Gallifa, I; López-Azcona, AF; Camps, J; Joven, J; Castro, A
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Investigative Surgery
País: N/D
Títol: First and second waves of coronavirus disease-19: A comparative study in hospitalized patients in Reus, Spain
Autors: Iftimie, S; López-Azcona, AF; Vallverdú, I; Hernández-Flix, S; de Febrer, G; Parra, S; Hernández-Aguilera, A; Riu, F; Joven, J; Andreychuk, N; Baiges-Gaya, G; Ballester, F; Benavent, M; Burdeos, J; Català, A; Castañé, E; Castañé, H; Colom, J; Feliu, M; Gabaldó, X; Garrido, D; Garrido, P; Gil, J; Guelbenzu, P; Lozano, C; Marimon, F; Pardo, P; Pujol, I; Rabassa, A; Revuelta, L; Ríos, M; Rius-Gordillo, N; Rodríguez-Tomàs, E; Rojewski, W; Roquer-Fanlo, E; Sabaté, N; Teixidó, A; Vasco, C; Camps, J; Castro, A
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Plos One
País: N/D
Títol: Myocardial injury as a prognostic factor in mid-and long-term follow-up of covid-19 survivors
Autors: Izquierdo A; Mojón D; Bardají A; Carrasquer A; Calvo-Fernández A; Carreras-Mora J; Giralt T; Pérez-Fernández S; Farré N; Soler C; Solà-Richarte C; Cabero P; Vaquerizo B; Marrugat J; Ribas N
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Clinical Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Myocardial Injury as a Prognostic Factor in Mid- and Long-Term Follow-Up of COVID-19 Survivors
Autors: Izquierdo, Andrea; Mojón, Diana; Bardají, Alfredo; Carrasquer, Anna; Calvo-Fernández, Alicia; Carreras-Mora, José; Giralt, Teresa; Pérez-Fernández, Sílvia; Farré, Núria; Soler, Cristina; Solà-Richarte, Clàudia; Cabero, Paula; Vaquerizo, Beatriz; Marrugat, Jaume; Ribas, Núria
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Clinical Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Randomised controlled trial of a prognostic assessment and management pathway to reduce the length of hospital stay in normotensive patients with acute pulmonary embolism
Autors: Jiménez, David; Rodríguez, Carmen; León, Francisco; Jara-Palomares, Luis; López-Reyes, Raquel; Ruiz-Artacho, Pedro; Elías, Teresa; Otero, Remedios; García-Ortega, Alberto; Rivas-Guerrero, Agustina; Abelaira, Jaime; Jiménez, Sonia; Muriel, Alfonso; Morillo, Raquel; Barrios, Deisy; Le Mao, Raphael; Yusen, Roger D.; Bikdeli, Behnood; Monreal, Manuel; Lobo, José Luis
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: European Respiratory Journal
País: N/D
Títol: Nutrients and dietary approaches in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease: A narrative review
Autors: Jiménez-Cortegana C; Iglesias P; Ribalta J; Vilariño-García T; Montañez L; Arrieta F; Aguilar M; Durán S; Obaya JC; Becerra A; Pedro-Botet J; Sánchez-Margalet V
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Nutrients
País: N/D
Títol: Contemporary management of concomitant gallstones and common bile duct stones: a survey of Spanish surgeons
Autors: Jorba R; Pavel MC; Llàcer-Millán E; Estalella L; Achalandabaso M; Julià-Verdaguer E; Nve E; Padilla-Zegarra ED; Badia JM; O¿Connor DB; Memba R
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Surgical Endoscopy And Other Interventional Techniques
País: N/D
Títol: Patterns of relapse and treatment outcome after active surveillance or adjuvant carboplatin for stage I seminoma: a retrospective study of the Spanish Germ Cell Cancer Group
Autors: Jorge Aparicio Urtasun; Xavier García del Muro Solans; Pablo Maroto Rey; Josefa Terrasa Pons; Daniel Castellano; Romà Bastus Piulats; Josep Gumà Padró; N Sagastibeltza; Ignacio Durán Martínez; S Ochenduszko; José Andrés Meana; José García Sánchez; J A Arranz Arija; Regina Gironés Sarrió; Josep Ramon Germà Lluch
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinical & Translational Oncology
País: N/D
Títol: Adolescents with bicuspid aortic valve: Which criteria should we use for aortic dilation?
Autors: Jose M Siurana, Anna Sabaté-Rotés, Ariadna Ayerza, Lorenzo Jimenez, Marc Figueras-Coll, María Aránzazu Gonzalez on behalf of the Pediatric Bicuspid Aortic Valve Spanish Registry (Pediatric REVAB)
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Cardiology
País: N/D
Títol: Recovery of parathyroid function in patients with thyroid cancer treated by total thyroidectomy: An analysis of 685 patients with hypoparathyroidism at discharge of surgery
Autors: Juan J Díez; Enma Anda Apiñániz; Julia Sastre Marcos; Begoña Pérez Corral; Cristina Álvarez Escolá; Laura Manjón; Miguel Paja Fano; Marcel Sambo Salas; Piedad Santiago Fernández; Concepción Blanco Carrera; Juan Carlos Galofré Ferrater; Elena Navarro González; Carles Zafón Llopis; Eva Sanz; Amelia Oleaga Alday; Orosia Bandrés Nivela; Sergio Donnay Candil; Ana Megía Colet; María Picallo; Cecilia Sanchez Ragnarson; Gloria Baena Nieto; José Carlos Fernández García; Beatriz Lecumberri Santamaría; Manuel Sahun de la Vega; Ana Romero Lluch; Pedro Iglesias Lozano
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Endocrinologia Diabetes Y Nutricion
País: N/D
Títol: Temperatura corporal y temperatura de calentamiento en el cuidado de pacientes grandes quemados
Autors: Juan Manuel Alonso Fernández; Carlos López Pablo
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Enfermeria Global
País: N/D
Títol: Carga de comorbilidad y beneficio de la revascularización en ancianos con síndrome coronario agudo
Autors: Juan Sanchis Forés; José María García Acuña; Sergio Raposeiras Roubín; José A Barrabés; Alberto Cordero Fort; Manuel Martínez-Sellés; Alfredo Bardají Ruiz; P Díez Villanueva; Francisco Marín; Juan Miguel Ruiz Nodar; Nuria Vicente Ibarra; Gonzalo Luis Alonso Salinas; Pedro Rigueiro Veloso; Emad Abu Assi; Francesc Formiga Pérez; Julio Núñez Villota; Eduardo Núñez; Albert Ariza Solé
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Revista Espanola De Cardiologia
País: N/D
Títol: Usefulness of the waist-to-height ratio for predicting cardiometabolic risk in children and its suggested boundary values
Autors: Judit Muñoz-Hernando; Joaquin Escribano; Natalia Ferré; Ricardo Closa-Monasterolo; Veit Grote; Berthold Koletzko; Dariusz Gruszfeld; Alice ReDionigi; Elvira Verduci; Annick Xhonneux; Veronica Luque
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinical Nutrition
País: N/D
Títol: Walnuts, Long-Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids, and Adolescent Brain Development: Protocol for the Walnuts Smart Snack Dietary Intervention Trial
Autors: Julvez, Jordi; Gignac, Florence; Fernandez-Barres, Silvia; Romaguera, Dora; Sala-Vila, Aleix; Ranzani, Otavio T.; Persavento, Cecilia; Delgado, Anna; Carol, Albert; Torrent, Jaume; Gonzalez, Judith; Roso, Eduard; Barrera-Gomez, Jose; Lopez-Vicente, Monica; Garcia-Esteban, Raquel; Boucher, Olivier; Forns, Joan; Burgaleta, Miguel; Sebastian, Nuria; Canals, Josefina; Arija, Victoria; Basagana, Xavier; Ros, Emilio; Vendrell, Joan; Salas-Salvado, Jordi; Sunyer, Jordi;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Frontiers In Pediatrics
País: N/D
Títol: The angiogenic properties of human amniotic membrane stem cells are enhanced in gestational diabetes and associate with fetal adiposity
Autors: Klid, Sergiy; Algaba-Chueca, Francisco; Maymo-Masip, Elsa; Guarque, Albert; Ballesteros, Monica; Diaz-Perdigones, Cristina; Gutierrez, Cristina; Vendrell, Joan; Megia, Ana; Fernandez-Veledo, Sonia;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Stem Cell Research & Therapy
País: N/D
Títol: Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (4th edition)
Autors: Klionsky, Daniel J.; Abdel-Aziz, Amal Kamal; Abdelfatah, Sara; Abdellatif, Mahmoud; Abdoli, Asghar; Abel, Steffen; Abeliovich, Hagai; Abildgaard, Marie H.; Abudu, Yakubu Princely; Acevedo-Arozena, Abraham; Adamopoulos, Iannis E.; Adeli, Khosrow; Adolph, Timon E.; Adornetto, Annagrazia; Aflaki, Elma; Agam, Galila; Agarwal, Anupam; Aggarwal, Bharat B.; Agnello, Maria; Agostinis, Patrizia; Agrewala, Javed N.; Agrotis, Alexander; Aguilar, Patricia, V; Ahmad, S. Tariq; Ahmed, Zubair M.; Ahumada-Castro, Ulises; Aits, Sonja; Aizawa, Shu; Akkoc, Yunus; Akoumianaki, Tonia; Akpinar, Hafize Aysin; Al-Abd, Ahmed M.; Al-Akra, Lina; Al-Gharaibeh, Abeer; Alaoui-Jamali, Moulay A.; Alberti, Simon; Alcocer-Gomez, Elisabet; Alessandri, Cristiano; Ali, Muhammad; Al-Bari, M. Abdul Alim; Aliwaini, Saeb; Alizadeh, Javad; Almacellas, Eugenia; Almasan, Alexandru; Alonso, Alicia; Alonso, Guillermo D.; Altan-Bonnet, Nihal; Altieri, Dario C.; Alves, Sara; da Costa, Cristine Alves; Alzaharna, Mazen M.; Amadio, Marialaura; Amantini, Consuelo; Amaral, Cristina; Ambrosio, Susanna; Amer, Amal O.; Ammanathan, Veena; An, Zhenyi; Andersen, Stig U.; Andrabi, Shaida A.; Andrade-Silva, Magaiver; Andres, Allen M.; Angelini, Sabrina; Ann, David; Anozie, Uche C.; Ansari, Mohammad Y.; Antas, Pedro; Antebi, Adam; Anton, Zurine; Anwar, Tahira; Apetoh, Lionel; Apostolova, Nadezda; Araki, Toshiyuki; Araki, Yasuhiro; Arasaki, Kohei; Araujo, Wagner L.; Araya, Jun; Arden, Catherine; Arevalo, Maria-Angeles; Arguelles, Sandro; Arias, Esperanza; Arikkath, Jyothi; Arimoto, Hirokazu; Ariosa, Aileen R.; Armstrong-James, Darius; Arnaune-Pelloquin, Laetitia; Aroca, Angeles; Arroyo, Daniela S.; Arsov, Ivica; Artero, Ruben; Asaro, Dalia Maria Lucia; Aschner, Michael; Ashrafizadeh, Milad; Ashur-Fabian, Osnat; Atanasov, Atanas G.; Au, Alicia K.; Auberger, Patrick; Auner, Holger W.; Aurelian, Laure; Autelli, Riccardo; Avagliano, Laura; Avalos, Yenniffer; Aveic, Sanja; Aveleira, Celia Alexandra; AvinWittenberg, Tamar; Aydin, Yucel; Ayton, Scott; Ayyadevara, Srinivas; Azzopardi, Maria; Baba, Misuzu; Backer, Jonathan M.; Backues, Steven K.; Bae, Dong-Hun; Bae, Ok-Nam; Bae, Soo Han; Baehrecke, Eric H.; Baek, Ahruem; Baek, Seung-Hoon; Baek, Sung Hee; Bagetta, Giacinto; Bagniewska-Zadworna, Agnieszka; Bai, Hua; Bai, Jie; Bai, Xiyuan; Bai, Yidong; Bairagi, Nandadulal; Baksi, Shounak; Balbi, Teresa; Baldari, Cosima T.; Balduini, Walter; Ballabio, Andrea; Ballester, Maria; Balazadeh, Salma; Balzan, Rena; Bandopadhyay, Rina; Banerjee, Sreeparna; Banerjee, Sulagna; Bao, Yan; Baptista, Mauricio S.; Baracca, Alessandra; Barbati, Cristiana; Bargiela, Ariadna; Barila, Daniela; Barlow, Peter G.; Barmada, Sami J.; Barreiro, Esther; Barreto, George E.; Bartek, Jiri; Bartel, Bonnie; Bartolome, Alberto; Barve, Gaurav R.; Basagoudanavar, Suresh H.; Bassham, Diane C.; Bast, Robert C., Jr.; Basu, Alakananda; Batoko, Henri; Batten, Isabella; Baulieu, Etienne E.; Baumgarner, Bradley L.; Bayry, Jagadeesh; Beale, Rupert; Beau, Isabelle; Beaumatin, Florian; Bechara, Luiz R. G.; Beck, George R., Jr.; Beers, Michael F.; Begun, Jakob; Behrends, Christian; Behrens, Georg M. N.; Bei, Roberto; Bejarano, Eloy; Bel, Shai; Behl, Christian; Belaid, Amine; Belgareh-Touze, Naima; Bellarosa, Cristina; Belleudi, Francesca; Bello Perez, Melissa; Bello-Morales, Raquel; de Oliveira Beltran, Jackeline Soares; Beltran, Sebastian; Benbrook, Doris Mangiaracina; Bendorius, Mykolas; Benitez, Bruno A.; Benito-Cuesta, Irene; Bensalem, Julien; Berchtold, Martin W.; Berezowska, Sabina; Bergamaschi, Daniele; Bergami, Matteo; Bergmann, Andreas; Berliocchi, Laura; Berlioz-Torrent, Clarisse; Bernard, Amelie; Berthoux, Lionel; Besirli, Cagri G.; Besteiro, Sebastien; Betin, Virginie M.; Beyaert, Rudi; Bezbradica, Jelena S.; Bhaskar, Kiran; Bhatia-Kissova, Ingrid; Bhattacharya, Resham; Bhattacharya, Sujoy; Bhattacharyya, Shalmoli; Bhuiyan, Md Shenuarin; Bhutia, Sujit Kumar; Bi, Lanrong; Bi, Xiaolin; Biden, Trevor J.; Bijian, Krikor; Billes, Viktor A
Any: 2021 Clau: Review
Revista: Autophagy
País: N/D
Títol: Fibromyalgia Pain and Fatigue Symptoms in Spanish and U.S. Men
Autors: Kueny A; Montesó-Curto P; Lunn S; Mohabbat AB; Clark S; Luedtke C; Vincent A; Ruschak I; Mateu-Gil ML; Panisello-Chavarria ML; Rosselló L; Guerrero CC; Gonçalves AQ; Martín CA; Toussaint L
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Pain Management Nursing
País: N/D
Títol: Fibre intake is associated with cardiovascular health in european children
Autors: Larrosa S; Luque V; Grote V; Closa-Monasterolo R; Ferré N; Koletzko B; Verduci E; Gruszfeld D; Xhonneux A; Escribano J
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Nutrients
País: N/D
Títol: How the variability between computer-assisted analysis procedures evaluating immune markers can influence patients' outcome prediction
Autors: Lejeune, Marylene; Plancoulaine, Benoit; Elie, Nicolas; Bosch, Ramon; Fontoura, Laia; de Villasante, Izar; Korzynska, Anna; Navarro, Andrea Gras; Colon, Esther Sauras; Lopez, Carlos;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Histochemistry And Cell Biology
País: N/D
Títol: Predictors of Ascending Aorta Enlargement and Valvular Dysfunction Progression in Patients with Bicuspid Aortic Valve
Autors: Lopez, A; Dentamaro, I; Galian, L; Calvo, F; Alegret, JM; Sanchez, V; Citro, R; Moreo, A; Chirillo, F; Colonna, P; Carrero, MC; Bossone, E; Moral, S; Sao-Aviles, A; Gutierrez, L; Teixido-Tura, G; Rodriguez-Palomares, J; Evangelista, A
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Clinical Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Predictors of Ascending Aorta Enlargement and Valvular Dysfunction Progression in Patients with Bicuspid Aortic Valve
Autors: Lopez, Angela; Dentamaro, Ilaria; Galian, Laura; Calvo, Francisco; Alegret, Josep M.; Sanchez, Violeta; Citro, Rodolfo; Moreo, Antonella; Chirillo, Fabio; Colonna, Paolo; Carrero, María Celeste; Bossone, Eduardo; Moral, Sergio; Sao-Aviles, Augusto; Gutiérrez, Laura; Teixido-Tura, Gisela; Rodríguez-Palomares, Jose; Evangelista, Arturo
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Clinical Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Differences in the Immune Response of the Nonmetastatic Axillary Lymph Nodes between Triple-Negative and Luminal A Breast Cancer Surrogate Subtypes
Autors: Lopez, Carlos; Gibert-Ramos, Albert; Bosch, Ramon; Korzynska, Anna; Garcia-Rojo, Marcial; Bueno, Gloria; Francesc Garcia-Fontgivell, Joan; Martinez Gonzalez, Salome; Fontoura, Laia; Gras Navarro, Andrea; Sauras Colon, Esther; Casanova Ribes, Julia; Roszkowiak, Lukasz; Roso, Albert; Berenguer, Marta; Llobera, Montserrat; Baucells, Jordi; Lejeune, Marylene
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: American Journal Of Pathology
País: N/D
Títol: Dietary patterns acquired in early life are associated with cardiometabolic markers at school age
Autors: Luque, Veronica; Closa-Monasterolo, Ricardo; Grote, Veit; Ambrosini, Gina L.; Zaragoza-Jordana, Marta; Ferre, Natalia; Theurich, Melissa; Koletzko, Berthold; Verduci, Elvira; Gruszfeld, Dariusz; Xhonneux, Annick; Escribano, Joaquin;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinical Nutrition
País: N/D
Títol: Crohn's Disease Increases the Mesothelial Properties of Adipocyte Progenitors in the Creeping Fat
Autors: Madeira, Ana; Serena, Carolina; Ejarque, Miriam; Maymo-Masip, Elsa; Millan, Monica; Navarro-Ruiz, M. Carmen; Guzman-Ruiz, Rocio; Malagon, Maria M.; Espin, Eloy; Marti, Marc; Menacho, Margarita; Megia, Ana; Vendrell, Joan; Fernandez-Veledo, Sonia;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Molecular Sciences
País: N/D
Títol: Comprehensive volatilome and metabolome signatures of colorectal cancer in urine: A systematic review and meta¿analysis
Autors: Mallafré-Muro, C; Llambrich, M; Cumeras, R; Pardo, A; Brezmes, J; Marco, S; Gumà, J
Any: 2021 Clau: Review
Revista: Cancers
País: N/D
Títol: Statistical mediation of the relationships between chronological age and lipoproteins by nonessential amino acids in healthy men
Autors: Mallol R; Vallvé JC; Solà R; Girona J; Bergmann S; Correig X; Rock E; Winklhofer-Roob BM; Rehues P; Guardiola M; Masana L; Ribalta J
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Computational And Structural Biotechnology Journal
País: N/D
Títol: Evolution of Serum Acute-Phase Glycoproteins Assessed by H-1-NMR in HIV Elite Controllers
Autors: Malo, AI; Peraire, J; Ruiz-Mateos, E; Masip, J; Amigó, N; Alcamí, J; Moreno, S; Girona, J; García-Pardo, G; Reig, R; Vidal, F; Castro, A; Masana, L; Rull, A
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Frontiers In Immunology
País: N/D
Títol: Serum glycoproteins A and B assessed by H-1-NMR in familial hypercholesterolemia
Autors: Malo, Ana-Irene; Girona, Josefa; Ibarretxe, Daiana; Rodriguez-Borjabad, Celia; Amigo, Nuria; Plana, Nuria; Masana, Lluis;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Atherosclerosis
País: N/D
Títol: Interventions to promote healthy meals in full-service restaurants and canteens: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Autors: Mandracchia F; Tarro L; Llauradó E; Valls RM; Solà R
Any: 2021 Clau: Review
Revista: Nutrients
País: N/D
Títol: Evaluating Mediterranean Diet-Adherent, Healthy and Allergen-Free Meals Offered in Tarragona Province Restaurants (Catalonia, Spain): A Cross-Sectional Study
Autors: Mandracchia, Floriana; Llauradó, Elisabet; Valls, Rosa Maria; Tarro, Lucia; Solà, Rosa
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Nutrients
País: N/D
Títol: High Fruit and Vegetable Consumption and Moderate Fat Intake Are Associated with Higher Carotenoid Concentration in Human Plasma
Autors: Marhuenda-Munoz, Maria; Rinaldi de Alvarenga, Jose Fernando; Hernaez, Alvaro; Tresserra-Rimbau, Anna; Martinez-Gonzalez, Miguel Angel; Salas-Salvado, Jordi; Corella, Dolores; Malcampo, Mireia; Martinez, Jose Alfredo; Alonso-Gomez, Angel M.; Warnberg, Julia; Vioque, Jesus; Romaguera, Dora; Lopez-Miranda, Jose; Estruch, Ramon; Tinahones, Francisco J.; Lapetra, Jose; Serra-Majem, J. Lluis; Bueno-Cavanillas, Aurora; Tur, Josep A.; Sanchez, Vicente Martin; Pinto, Xavier; Delgado-Rodriguez, Miguel; Matia-Martin, Pilar; Vidal, Josep; Vazquez, Clotilde; Daimiel, Lidia; Ros, Emilio; Serra-Mir, Merce; Vazquez-Ruiz, Zenaida; Nishi, Stephanie K.; Sorli, Jose V.; Zomeno, Maria Dolores; Zulet, Maria Angeles; Vaquero-Luna, Jessica; Carabano-Moral, Rosa; Notario-Barandiaran, Leyre; Morey, Marga; Garcia-Rios, Antonio; Gomez-Perez, Ana M.; Santos-Lozano, Jose Manuel; Buil-Cosiales, Pilar; Basora, Josep; Portoles, Olga; Schroder, Helmut; Abete, Itziar; Salaverria-Lete, Itziar; Toledo, Estefania; Babio, Nancy; Fito, Montse; Martinez-Huelamo, Miriam; Lamuela-Raventos, Rosa M.;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Antioxidants
País: N/D
Títol: Demographic, clinical, and functional determinants of antithrombotic treatment in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation
Autors: Maria Mostaza, Jose; Suarez, Carmen; Maria Cepeda, Jose; Manzano, Luis; Sanchez, Demetrio;PERFILA Study Investigators
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Bmc Cardiovascular Disorders
País: N/D
Títol: Bempedoic acid. Mechanism of action and pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties
Autors: Marin, Lluis Masana; Gil, Nuria Plana;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinica E Investigacion En Arteriosclerosis
País: N/D
Títol: Nutriepigenomics and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: potential role of dietary and epigenetics factors in disease development and management
Autors: Marin-Hinojosa, Carmen; Eraso, Candelaria Caballero; Sanchez-Lopez, Veronica; Hernandez, Laura Carrasco; Otero-Candelera, Remedios; Lopez-Campos, Jose Luis;
Any: 2021 Clau: Review
Revista: American Journal Of Clinical Nutrition
País: N/D
Títol: Effectiveness of a motivational intervention based on spirometry results to achieve smoking cessation in primary healthcare patients: randomised, parallel, controlled multicentre study
Autors: Martin-Lujan F; Basora-Gallisa J; Villalobos F; Martin-Vergara N; Aparicio-Llopis E; Pascual-Palacios I; Santigosa-Ayala A; Catalin RE; Rey-Reñones C; Solà R; ESPITAP Study Group Investigators
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Epidemiology And Community Health
País: N/D
Títol: Weight changes after antiretroviral therapy initiation in CoRIS (Spain): a prospective multicentre cohort study
Autors: Martínez-Sanz J; Blanco JR; Muriel A; Pérez-Elías MJ; Rubio-Martín R; Berenguer J; Peraire J; Bernal E; Martínez OJ; Serrano-Villar S; Moreno S
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of The International Aids Society
País: N/D
Títol: Low HDL and high triglycerides predict COVID-19 severity
Autors: Masana, Lluis; Correig, Eudald; Ibarretxe, Daiana; Anoro, Eva; Arroyo, Juan Antonio; Jerico, Carlos; Guerrero, Carolina; la Miret, Marcel; Naf, Silvia; Pardo, Anna; Perea, Veronica; Perez-Bernalte, Rosa; Plana, Nuria; Ramirez-Montesinos, Rafael; Royuela, Meritxell; Soler, Cristina; Urquizu-Padilla, Maria; Zamora, Alberto; Pedro-Botet, Juan;STACOV-XULA Res Grp
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Scientific Reports
País: N/D
Títol: Dyslipemias and pregnancy, an update
Autors: Mauri M; Calmarza P; Ibarretxe D
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinica E Investigacion En Arteriosclerosis
País: N/D
Títol: Safety and efficacy of coronary laser ablation as an adjunctive therapy in percutaneous coronary intervention: a single-centre experience
Autors: Mohandes, Mohsen; Fernandez, Laura; Rojas, Sergio; Moreno, Cristina; Fuertes, Monica; Fernandez, Francisco; Pernigotti, Alberto; Gonzalez-del-Hoyo, Maribel; Guarinos, Jordi; Sanz, Esther; Bardaji, Alfredo;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Coronary Artery Disease
País: N/D
Títol: Angiographic Characteristics and Outcomes of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention of Reattempted Chronic Total Occlusion: Potential Contributing Factors to Procedural Success
Autors: Mohandes, Mohsen; Moreno, Cristina; Fuertes, Monica; Rojas, Sergio; Pernigotti, Alberto; Zambrano, Diego; Guillen, Marta; Guarinos, Jordi; Bardaji, Alfredo;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Clinical Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Systematic review of the prognostic utility of D-dimer, disseminated intravascular coagulation, and anticoagulant therapy in COVID-19 critically ill patients
Autors: Moreno, G.; Carbonell, R.; Bodi, M.; Rodriguez, A.;
Any: 2021 Clau: Review
Revista: Medicina Intensiva
País: N/D
Títol: Corticosteroid treatment and mortality in mechanically ventilated COVID-19-associated acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) patients: a multicentre cohort study
Autors: Moreno, Gerard; Carbonell, Raquel; Martin-Loeches, Ignacio; Sole-Violan, Jordi; Fraga, Eudald Correig, I; Gomez, Josep; Ruiz-Botella, Manuel; Trefler, Sandra; Bodi, Maria; Paya, Josefa Murcia; Diaz, Emili; Vidal-Cortes, Pablo; Papiol, Elisabeth; Albaya Moreno, Antonio; Sancho Chinesta, Susana; Socias Crespi, Lorenzo; Del Carmen Lorente, Maria; Loza Vazquez, Ana; Vara Arlanzon, Rebeca; Teresa Recio, Maria; Carlos Ballesteros, Juan; Ferrer, Ricard; Fernandez Rey, Elisabeth; Restrepo, Marcos, I; Estella, Angel; Margarit Ribas, Antonio; Guasch, Neus; Reyes, Luis F.; Marin-Corral, Judith; Rodriguez, Alejandro;COVID-19 SEMICYUC Working Grp
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Annals Of Intensive Care
País: N/D
Títol: Early oseltamivir treatment improves survival in critically ill patients with influenza pneumonia
Autors: Moreno, Gerard; Rodriguez, Alejandro; Sole-Violan, Jordi; Martin-Loeches, Ignacio; Diaz, Emili; Bodi, Maria; Reyes, Luis F.; Gomez, Josep; Guardiola, Juan; Trefler, Sandra; Vidaur, Loreto; Papiol, Elisabet; Socias, Lorenzo; Garcia-Vidal, Carolina; Correig, Eudald; Marin-Corral, Judith; Restrepo, Marcos, I; Nguyen-Van-Tam, Jonathan S.; Torres, Antoni;GETGAG Working Grp
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Erj Open Research
País: N/D
Títol: Coexpression of the discoidin domain receptor 1 gene with oligodendrocyte-related and schizophrenia risk genes in the developing and adult human brain
Autors: Muntane, Gerard; Chillida, Marc; Aranda, Selena; Navarro, Arcadi; Vilella, Elisabet;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Brain And Behavior
País: N/D
Títol: The shared genetic architecture of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and lifespan
Autors: Muntané G; Farré X; Bosch E; Martorell L; Navarro A; Vilella E
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Human Genetics
País: N/D
Títol: Impact of age at type 2 diabetes mellitus diagnosis on mortality and vascular complications: systematic review and meta-analyses
Autors: Nanayakkara, Natalie; Curtis, Andrea J.; Heritier, Stephane; Gadowski, Adelle M.; Pavkov, Meda E.; Kenealy, Timothy; Owens, David R.; Thomas, Rebecca L.; Song, Soon; Wong, Jencia; Chan, Juliana C. -N.; Luk, Andrea O. -Y.; Penno, Giuseppe; Ji, Linong; Mohan, Viswanathan; Amutha, Anandakumar; Romero-Aroca, Pedro; Gasevic, Danijela; Magliano, Dianna J.; Teede, Helena J.; Chalmers, John; Zoungas, Sophia;
Any: 2021 Clau: Review
Revista: Diabetologia
País: N/D
Títol: Association of Protein Intake during the Second Year of Life with Weight Gain-Related Outcomes in Childhood: A Systematic Review
Autors: Natalia Ferré, Verónica Luque, Ricardo Closa-Monasterolo, Marta Zaragoza-Jordana, Mariona Gispert-Llauradó, Veit Grote, Berthold Koletzko, Joaquín Escribano
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Nutrients
País: N/D
Títol: Long-term follow-up of patients with nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma: A report from the Spanish Lymphoma Oncology Group
Autors: Nunez-Garcia, Beatriz; Rodriguez-Pertierra, Marta; Sequero, Silvia; Carvajal, Laura G.; Ruano-Ravina, Alberto; Aguiar, David; Guma, Josep; Blanco, Cristina Q.; Garcia Arroyo, Francisco R.; Garitaonaindia, Yago; Provencio, Zaida; Calvo, Virginia; Gonzalez-San Segundo, Carmen; Provencio, Mariano;
Any: 2021 Clau: Review
Revista: Hematological Oncology
País: N/D
Títol: Underlying heart diseases and acute COVID-19 outcomes
Autors: Nunez-Gil, Ivan J.; Fernandez-Ortiz, Antonio; Maroud Eid, Charbel; Huang, Jia; Romero, Rodolfo; Manuel Becerra-Munoz, Victor; Uribarri, Aitor; Feltes, Gisela; Trabatoni, Daniela; Fernandez-Rozas, Inmaculada; Viana-Llamas, Maria C.; Pepe, Martino; Cerrato, Enrico; Bertaina, Maurizio; Astrua, Thamar Capel; Alfonso, Emilio; Castro-Mejia, Alex F.; Raposeiras-Roubin, Sergio; D'Ascenzo, Fabrizio; Espejo Paeres, Carolina; Signes-Costa, Jaime; Bardaji, Alfredo; Fernandez-Perez, Cristina; Marin, Francisco; Fabregat-Andres, Oscar; Akin, Ibrahim; Estrada, Vicente; Macaya, Carlos;Hope COVID-19 Investigators
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Cardiology Journal
País: N/D
Títol: Mortality risk assessment in Spain and Italy, insights of the HOPE COVID-19 registry
Autors: Nunez-Gil, Ivan J.; Fernandez-Perez, Cristina; Estrada, Vicente; Becerra-Munoz, Victor M.; El-Battrawy, Ibrahim; Uribarri, Aitor; Fernandez-Rozas, Inmaculada; Feltes, Gisela; Viana-Llamas, Maria C.; Trabattoni, Daniela; Lopez-Pais, Javier; Pepe, Martino; Romero, Rodolfo; Castro-Mejia, Alex F.; Cerrato, Enrico; Astrua, Thamar Capel; D'Ascenzo, Fabrizio; Fabregat-Andres, Oscar; Moreu, Jose; Guerra, Federico; Signes-Costa, Jaime; Marin, Francisco; Buosenso, Danilo; Bardaji, Alfredo; Raposeiras-Roubin, Sergio; Elola, Javier; Molino, Angel; Gomez-Doblas, Juan J.; Abumayyaleh, Mohammad; Aparisi, Alvaro; Molina, Maria; Guerri, Asuncion; Arroyo-Espliguero, Ramon; Assanelli, Emilio; Mapelli, Massimo; Garcia-Acuna, Jose M.; Brindicci, Gaetano; Manzone, Edoardo; Ortega-Armas, Maria E.; Bianco, Matteo; Trung, Chinh Pham; Nunez, Maria Jose; Castellanos-Lluch, Carmen; Garcia-Vazquez, Elisa; Cabello-Clotet, Noemi; Jamhour-Chelh, Karim; Tellez, Maria J.; Fernandez-Ortiz, Antonio; Macaya, Carlos;HOPE COVID-19 Investigators
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Internal And Emergency Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Perceived stress, social functioning and quality of life in first-episode psychosis: A 1-year follow-up study
Autors: Ortega L; Montalvo I; Monseny R; Burjales-Martí MD; Martorell L; Sanchez-Gistau V; Vilella E; Labad J
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Early Intervention In Psychiatry
País: N/D
Títol: Elevated plasma succinate levels are linked to higher cardiovascular disease risk factors in young adults
Autors: Osuna-Prieto, Francisco J.; Martinez-Tellez, Borja; Ortiz-Alvarez, Lourdes; Di, Xinyu; Jurado-Fasoli, Lucas; Xu, Huiwen; Ceperuelo-Mallafre, Victoria; Nunez-Roa, Catalina; Kohler, Isabelle; Segura-Carretero, Antonio; Garcia-Lario, Jose, V; Gil, Angel; Aguilera, Concepcion M.; Llamas-Elvira, Jose M.; Rensen, Patrick C. N.; Vendrell, Joan; Ruiz, Jonatan R.; Fernandez-Veledo, Sonia;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Cardiovascular Diabetology
País: N/D
Títol: Intensive low-density lipoprotein cholesterol lowering in cardiovascular disease prevention: opportunities and challenges
Autors: Packard, Chris; Chapman, M. John; Sibartie, Mahendra; Laufs, Ulrich; Masana, Luis;
Any: 2021 Clau: Review
Revista: Heart
País: N/D
Títol: Incidental finding of abdominal textiloma simulating GIST tumor
Autors: Padilla Zegarra ED, Olona Casas C, Adalid Llansa L, Jorba Martin R.
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Cirugia Espanola
País: N/D
Títol: Strategies to reengage patients lost to follow up in HIV care in high income countries, a scoping review
Autors: Palacio-Vieira, Jorge; Maria Reyes-Uruena, Juliana; Imaz, Arkaitz; Bruguera, Andreu; Force, Luis; Orti Llaveria, Amat; Llibre, Josep M.; Vilaro, Ingrid; Homar Borras, Francesc; Falco, Vicenc; Riera, Melchor; Domingo, Pere; de Lazzari, Elisa; Miro, Josep M.; Casabona, Jordi;PICIS Study Grp
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Bmc Public Health
País: N/D
Títol: Analysis of LDL and HDL size and number by nuclear magnetic resonance in a healthy working population: The LipoLab Study
Autors: Pallares-Carratala, Vicente; Quesada, Jose A.; Orozco-Beltran, Domingo; Amigo-Grau, Nuria; Lopez-Pineda, Adriana; Fernandez Gimenez, Antonio; Gil-Guillen, Vicente F.; Correig, Xavier; Masana, Lluis; Monleon, Daniel; Redon, Josep; Pascual, Reyes; Carratala-Munuera, Concepcion;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Clinical Practice
País: N/D
Títol: Liquid-based cytological and immunohistochemical study of nasopharyngeal swab from persons under investigation for SARS-CoV-2 infection
Autors: Parada D D; Peña KB; Gumá J; Guilarte C; Riu F
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Histopathology
País: N/D
Títol: Phosphoproteomic Analysis and Protein-Protein Interaction of Rat Aorta GJA1 and Rat Heart FKBP1A after Secoiridoid Consumption from Virgin Olive Oil: A Functional Proteomic Approach
Autors: Pedret A; Catalán Ú; Rubió L; Baiges I; Herrero P; Piñol C; Rodríguez-Calvo R; Canela N; Fernández-Castillejo S; Motilva MJ; Solà R
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Agricultural And Food Chemistry
País: N/D
Títol: Biomarkers and short-term prognosis in COVID-19
Autors: Peiró ÓM; Carrasquer A; Sánchez-Gimenez R; Lal-Trehan N; del-Moral-Ronda V; Bonet G; Fort-Gallifa I; Picó-Plana E; Bastón-Paz N; Gutiérrez C; Bardaji A
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Biomarkers
País: N/D
Títol: Total Tumor Load of mRNA Cytokeratin 19 in the Sentinel Lymph Node as a Predictive Value of Axillary Lymphadenectomy in Patients with Neoadjuvant Breast Cancer
Autors: Pena, Karla B.; Kepa, Amillano; Cochs, Alba; Riu, Francesc; Parada, David; Guma, Josep;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Genes
País: N/D
Títol: HIV/HBV coinfection: temporal trends and patient characteristics, Spain, 2002 to 2018
Autors: Perez-Latorre, Leire; Berenguer, Juan; Mican, Rafael; Montero, Marta; Cifuentes, Carmen; Puig, Teresa; Sanz, Jose; Ferrero, Oscar L.; de la Fuente, Belen; Rodriguez, Carmen; Reus, Sergio; Hernandez-Quero, Jose; Gaspar, Gabriel; Perez-Martinez, Laura; Garcia, Coral; Force, Luis; Veloso, Sergio; De Miguel, Marta; Jarrin, Inmaculada; Gonzalez-Garcia, Juan;Gesida Study Grp
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Eurosurveillance
País: N/D
Títol: Impact of comorbidities in the decision of using invasive management in elderly patients with NSTEACS
Autors: Pernias V; Garcia Acuna JM; Raposeiras-Roubin S; Barrabes JA; Cordero A; Martinez-Selles M; Bardaji A; Diez-Villanueva P; Marin F; Ruiz-Nodar JM; Vicente-Ibarra N; Alonso Salinas GL; Rigueiro P; Abu-Assi E; Formiga F; Nunez J; Nunez E; Ariza-Sole A; Sanchis J
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Rec Interventional Cardiology
País: N/D
Títol: Predictive biomarkers of COVID-19 severity in SARS-CoV-2 infected patients with obesity and metabolic syndrome
Autors: Perpiñan, C; Bertran, L; Terra, X; Aguilar, C; Lopez-Dupla, M; Alibalic, A; Riesco, D; Camaron, J; Perrone, F; Rull, A; Reverté, L; Yeregui, E; Marti, A; Vidal, F; Auguet, T
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: J Pers Med
País: N/D
Títol: Study of the Plasma and Buffy Coat in Patients with SARS-CoV-2 Infection-A Preliminary Report
Autors: Peña, KB; Riu, F; Gumà, J; Guilarte, C; Pique, B; Hernandez, A; Avila, A; Parra, S; Castro, A; Rovira, C; Cueto, P; Vallverdu, I; Parada, D
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Pathogens
País: N/D
Títol: Effects of Hesperidin Consumption on the Cardiovascular System in Pre- and Stage 1 Hypertensive Subjects: Targeted and Non-Targeted Metabolomic Approaches (CITRUS Study)
Autors: Pla-Paga, L.; Pedret, A.; Valls, R. M.; Calderon-Perez, L.; Llaurado, E.; Companys, J.; Martin-Lujan, F.; Moragas, A.; Canela, N.; Puiggros, F.; Caimari, A.; del Bas, J. M.; Arola, L.; Sola, R.; Mayneris-Perxachs, J.;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Molecular Nutrition & Food Research
País: N/D
Títol: Effect of the consumption of hesperidin in orange juice on the transcriptomic profile of subjects with elevated blood pressure and stage 1 hypertension: A randomized controlled trial (CITRUS study)
Autors: Pla-Paga, Laura; Valls, Rosa M; Pedret, Anna; Calderon-Perez, Lorena; Llaurado, Elisabet; Companys, Judit; Domenech-Coca, Cristina; Canela, Nuria; del Bas, Josep M; Caimari, Antoni; Puiggros, Francesc; Covas; Arola, Lluis; Sola, Rosa
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinical Nutrition
País: N/D
Títol: Informed choice in breast cancer screening: the role of education
Autors: Pons-Rodríguez A., Martínez-Alonso M., Rué M., Perestelo-Pérez L., Sala M., Garcia M., Cardona À., ÀreaQ , Toledo A., Feijoo-Cid M., García M., Vidal C., Buil S., Viñals C., Viñals L., Ortega M., Pla S., Soler J., Carles-Lavila M., Pérez-Lacasta M.J., Pla R., Burón A., Castells X., Romero A., Codern N.
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Gaceta Sanitaria
País: N/D
Títol: Immediate Oral Refeeding in Patients With Mild and Moderate Acute Pancreatitis: A Multicenter, Randomized Controlled Trial (PADI trial).
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Annals Of Surgery
País: N/D
Títol: Colorectal cancer incidence, mortality, and stage distribution in European countries in the colorectal cancer screening era: an international population-based study
Autors: Rafael Cardoso, Feng Guo, Thomas Heisser, Monika Hackl, Petra Ihle, Harlinde De Schutter, Nancy Van Damme, Zdravka Valerianova, Trajan Atanasov, Ondr¿ej Májek, Jan Mu¿ík, Mef Christina Nilbert, Anne Julie Tybjerg, Kaire Innos, Margit Mägi, Nea Malila, Anne-Marie Bouvier, Véronique Bouvier, Guy Launoy, Anne-Sophie Woronoff, Mélanie Cariou, Michel Robaszkiewicz, Patricia Delafosse, Florence Poncet, Alexander Katalinic, Paul M Walsh, Carlo Senore, Stefano Rosso, Ieva Vincer¿evskien¿, Valery E P P Lemmens, Marloes A G Elferink, Tom Børge Johannesen, Hartwig Kørner, Frank Pfeffer, Maria José Bento, Jessica Rodrigues, Filipa Alves da Costa, Ana Miranda, Vesna Zadnik, Tina ¿agar, Arantza Lopez de Munain Marques, Rafael Marcos-Gragera, Montse Puigdemont, Jaume Galceran, Marià Carulla, María-Dolores Chirlaque, Monica Ballesta, Kristina Sundquist, Jan Sundquist, Marco Weber, Andrea Jordan, Christian Herrmann, Mohsen Mousavi, Anton Ryzhov, Michael Hoffmeister, Hermann Brenner
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Lancet Oncology
País: N/D
Títol: Immediate Oral Refeeding in Patients With Mild and Moderate Acute Pancreatitis A Multicenter, Randomized Controlled Trial (PADI trial)
Autors: Ramirez-Maldonado, Elena; Gordo, Sandra Lopez; Pueyo, Eva M.; Sanchez-Garcia, Ariadna; Mayol, Susana; Gonzalez, Sergio; Elvira, Jordi; Memba, Robert; Fondevila, Constantino; Jorba, Rosa;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Annals Of Surgery
País: N/D
Títol: Obesidad y SARS-CoV-2: consideraciones sobre la cirugía bariátrica y recomendaciones para el inicio de la actividad quirúrgica
Autors: Raquel Sánchez Santos; Amador García Ruiz de Gordejuela; Irene Bretón Lesmes; Albert Lecube Torelló; Violeta Moizé; Juan José Arroyo Martín; Enric Fernández Alsina; Esteban Martín Antona; Miguel Angel Rubio Herrera; Fátima Sabench Pereferrer; Andrés Sánchez Pernaute; Ramón Vilallonga Puy
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Cirugia Espanola
País: N/D
Títol: EU-Wide Cross-Sectional Observational Study of Lipid-Modifying Therapy Use in Secondary and Primary Care: the DA VINCI study
Autors: Ray, Kausik K.; Molemans, Bart; Schoonen, W. Marieke; Giovas, Periklis; Bray, Sarah; Kiru, Gaia; Murphy, Jennifer; Banach, Maciej; De Servi, Stefano; Gaita, Dan; Gouni-Berthold, Ioanna; Hovingh, G. Kees; Jozwiak, Jacek J.; Jukema, J. Wouter; Kiss, Robert Gabor; Kownator, Serge; Iversen, Helle K.; Maher, Vincent; Masana, Luis; Parkhomenko, Alexander; Peeters, Andre; Clifford, Piers; Raslova, Katarina; Siostrzonek, Peter; Romeo, Stefano; Tousoulis, Dimitrios; Vlachopoulos, Charalambos; Vrablik, Michal; Catapano, Alberico L.; Poulter, Neil R.;DA VINCI study
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: European Journal Of Preventive Cardiology
País: N/D
Títol: Influence of the age at diagnosis in the disease expression of primary Sjögren's syndrome. Analysis of 12,753 patients from the Sjögren Big Data Consortium
Autors: Retamozo S; Acar-Denizli N; Horváth IF; Ng W-F; Rasmussen A; Dong X; Li X; Baldini C; Olsson P; Priori R; Seror R; Gottenberg J-E; Kruize AA; Hernandez-Molina G; Vissink A; Sandhya P; Armagan B; Quartuccio L; Sebastian A; Praprotnik S; Bartoloni E; Kwok S-K; Kvarnstrom M; Rischmueller M; Soláns-Laqué R; Sene D; Pasoto SG; Suzuki Y; Isenberg DA; Valim V; Nordmark G; Nakamura H; Trevisani VFM; Hofauer B; Sisó-Almirall A; Giacomelli R; Devauchelle-Pensec V; Bombardieri M; Atzeni F; Hammenfors D; Maure B; Carsons SE; Gheita T; Sánchez-Berná I; López-Dupla M; Morel J; Inanç N; Fonseca-Aizpuru E; Morcillo C; Vollenweider C; Melchor S; Vázquez M; Díaz-Cuiza E; Consani-Fernández S; De-Miguel-Campo B; Szántó A; Bombardieri S; Gattamelata A; Hinrichs A; Sánchez-Guerrero J; Danda D; Kilic L; De Vita S; Wiland P; Gerli R; Park S-H; Wahren-Herlenius M; Bootsma H; Mariette X; Ramos-Casals M; Brito-Zerón P
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinical And Experimental Rheumatology
País: N/D
Títol: Influence of the age at diagnosis in the disease expression of primary Sjögren's syndrome. Analysis of 12,753 patients from the Sjögren Big Data Consortium
Autors: Retamozo S; Acar-Denizli N; Horváth IF; Ng WF; Rasmussen A; Dong X; Li X; Baldini C; Olsson P; Priori R; Seror R; Gottenberg JE; Kruize AA; Hernandez-Molina G; Vissink A; Sandhya P; Armagan B; Quartuccio L; Sebastian A; Praprotnik S; Bartoloni E; Kwok SK; Kvarnstrom M; Rischmueller M; Soláns-Laqué R; Sene D; Pasoto SG; Suzuki Y; Isenberg DA; Valim V; Nordmark G; Nakamura H; Trevisani VFM; Hofauer B; Sisó-Almirall A; Giacomelli R; Devauchelle-Pensec V; Bombardieri M; Atzeni F; Hammenfors D; Maure B; Carsons SE; Gheita T; Sánchez-Berná I; López-Dupla M; Morel J; Inanç N; Fonseca-Aizpuru E; Morcillo C; Vollenweider C; Melchor S; Vázquez M; Díaz-Cuiza E; Consani-Fernández S; De-Miguel-Campo B; Szántó A; Bombardieri S; Gattamelata A; Hinrichs A; Sánchez-Guerrero J; Danda D; Kilic L; De Vita S; Wiland P; Gerli R; Park SH; Wahren-Herlenius M; Bootsma H; Mariette X; Ramos-Casals M; Brito-Zerón P
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinical And Experimental Rheumatology
País: N/D
Títol: Spanish Influenza Score (SIS): Usefulness of machine learning in the development of an early mortality prediction score in severe influenza
Autors: Rodriguez, Alejandro; Diaz, Emili; Trefler, Sandra; Marin-Corral, Judth; Claverias, Laura; Martin Loeches, Ignacio; Bodi, Maria; Sole-Violan, Jordi; Garnacho-Montero, Jose; Ruiz Botella, Manuel; Gomez, Josep; Albiol, Jordi; Mallol, Eduard; Moreno, Gerard; Samper, Manuel; Barrios, Ariel; Carlos Yebenes, Juan; Torres, Antoni; Ramirez, Paula; Garnacho Montero, Jose; Ferrer, Ricard; Felipe Reyes, Luis; Guardiola, JUan; Restrepo, Marcos, I;Soc Espanola Med Intensiva Critica
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Medicina Intensiva
País: N/D
Títol: Identification of potential metabolic biomarkers of rectal cancer and of the effect of neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy
Autors: Rodriguez-Tomas, Elisabet; Arenas, Meritxell; Gomez, Junior; Acosta, Johana; Trilla, Jordi; Lopez, Yolanda; Arquez, Miguel; Torres, Laura; Araguas, Pablo; Hernandez-Aguilera, Anna; Baiges-Gaya, Gerard; Castane, Helena; Camps, Jordi; Joven, Jorge;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Plos One
País: N/D
Títol: Deploying unsupervised clustering analysis to derive clinical phenotypes and risk factors associated with mortality risk in 2022 critically ill patients with COVID-19 in Spain
Autors: Rodríguez A; Ruiz-Botella M; Martín-Loeches I; Jimenez Herrera M; Solé-Violan J; Gómez J; Bodí M; Trefler S; Papiol E; Díaz E; Suberviola B; Vallverdu M; Mayor-Vázquez E; Albaya Moreno A; Canabal Berlanga A; Sánchez M; del Valle Ortíz M; Ballesteros JC; Martín Iglesias L; Marín-Corral J; López Ramos E; Hidalgo Valverde V; Vidaur Tello LV; Sancho Chinesta S; Gonzáles de Molina FJ; Herrero García S; Sena Pérez CC; Pozo Laderas JC; Rodríguez García R; Estella A; Ferrer R; Loza A; Zapata DM; Torres ID; Cuadros SI; Nuñez MR; Pérez MLC; Ramos JG; Casas AV; Cantón ML
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Critical Care
País: N/D
Títol: Distribution of seven ApoC-III glycoforms in plasma, VLDL, IDL, LDL and HDL of healthy subjects
Autors: Rodríguez M, Rehues P, Iranzo V, Mora J, Balsells C, Guardiola M, Ribalta J
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: J Proteomics
País: N/D
Títol: Dietary intake and lipid levels in Norwegian and Spanish children with familial hypercholesterolemia
Autors: Rodríguez-Borjabad C; Narveud I; Christensen JJ; Ulven SM; Malo AI; Ibarretxe D; Girona J; Torvik K; Bogsrud MP; Retterstøl K; Plana N; Masana L; Holven KB
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Nutrition Metabolism And Cardiovascular Diseases
País: N/D
Títol: Relationship Between Fatty Acid Binding Protein 4 and Liver Fat in Individuals at Increased Cardiometabolic Risk
Autors: Rodríguez-Calvo R; Moreno-Vedia J; Girona J; Ibarretxe D; Martínez-Micaelo N; Merino J; Plana N; Masana L
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Frontiers In Physiology
País: N/D
Títol: Low-density lipoprotein from active SLE patients is more atherogenic to endothelial cells than low-density lipoprotein from the same patients during remission
Autors: Rodríguez-Calvo, R; Guardiola, M; Oliva, I; Arrando, H; Arranz, I; Ferré, A; Pellicer, P; Parra, S; Ribalta, J; Castro, A
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Rheumatology
País: N/D
Títol: Trace elements under the spotlight: A powerful nutritional tool in cancer
Autors: Rodríguez-Tomàs E; Baiges-Gaya G; Castañé H; Arenas M; Camps J; Joven J
Any: 2021 Clau: Review
Revista: Journal Of Trace Elements In Medicine And Biology
País: N/D
Títol: Clinical performance of paraoxonase-1-related variables and novel markers of inflammation in coronavirus disease-19. A machine learning approach
Autors: Rodríguez-Tomàs, E; Iftimie, S; Castañé, H; Baiges-Gaya, G; Hernández-Aguilera, A; González-Viñas, M; Castro, A; Camps, J; Joven, J
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Antioxidants
País: N/D
Títol: Changes in glucagon?like peptide 1 and 2 levels in people with obesity after a diet?induced weight?loss intervention are related to a specific microbiota signature: A prospective cohort study
Autors: Rodríguez?Peña, M?Mar; Astiarraga, Brenno; Seco, Jesus; Ceperuelo?Mallafré, Victoria; Caballé, Adrià; Pérez?Brocal, Vicente; Attolini, Camille Stephan?Otto; Moya, Andrés; Llauradó, Gemma; Megía, Ana; Pellitero, Silvia; Vilarrasa, Núria; Fernández?Veledo, Sonia; Vendrell, Joan
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinical And Translational Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Statistical mediation of the relationships between chronological age and lipoproteins by nonessential amino acids in healthy men
Autors: Roger Mallol, Joan Carles Vallvé, Rosa Solà, Josefa Girona, Sven Bergmann, Xavier Correig, Edmond Rock, Brigitte M Winklhofer-Roob, Pere Rehues, Montse Guardiola, Lluís Masana, Josep Ribalta.
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Comput Struct Biotechnol J .
País: N/D
Títol: The effect of hba1c variability as a risk measure for microangiopathy in type 1 diabetes mellitus
Autors: Romero-Aroca P; Navarro-Gil R; Feliu A; Valls A; Moreno A; Baget-Bernaldiz M
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Diagnostics
País: N/D
Títol: Validation of a Diagnostic Support System for Diabetic Retinopathy Based on Clinical Parameters
Autors: Romero-Aroca, Pedro; Verges-Pujol, Raquel; Santos-Blanco, Esther; Maarof, Najlaa; Valls, Aida; Mundet, Xavier; Moreno, Antonio; Galindo, Luis; Baget-Bernaldiz, Marc;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Translational Vision Science & Technology
País: N/D
Títol: Variation in the Methylation of Caffeoylquinic Acids and Urinary Excretion of 3 '-methoxycinnamic acid-4 '-Sulfate After Apple Consumption by Volunteers
Autors: Rubio, Laura; Romero, Maria Paz; Sola, Rosa; Motilva, Maria Jose; Clifford, Michael N.; Macia, Alba;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Molecular Nutrition & Food Research
País: N/D
Títol: Population-based risk assessment of second primary cancers following a first head and neck cancer: patterns of association and difficulties of its analysis
Autors: Rubió-Casadevall J; Galceran J; Ameijide A; Puigdemont M; Llauradó L; Marruecos J; Izquierdo A; Carulla M; Borràs JL; Marcos-Gragera R; Gumà J
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinical & Translational Oncology
País: N/D
Títol: Liquid Biopsy-Based Exo-oncomiRNAs Can Predict Prostate Cancer Aggressiveness
Autors: Ruiz-Plazas, Xavier; Altuna-Coy, Antonio; Alves-Santiago, Marta; Vila-Barja, Jose; Garcia-Fontgivell, Joan Francesc; Martinez-Gonzalez, Salome; Segarra-Tomas, Jose; Chacon, Matilde R.;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Cancers
País: N/D
Títol: The experiences of parents as caregivers of adolescents with mental illnesses, the impact of the crisis and the admission to a day hospital
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Archives Of Psychiatric Nursing
País: N/D
Títol: Skin melanoma deaths within 1 or 3 years from diagnosis in Europe
Autors: Sacchetto L; Rosso S; Comber H; Bouchardy C; Broganelli P; Galceran J; Hackl M; Katalinic A; Louwman M; Robsahm TE; Tryggvadottir L; Tumino R; Van Eycken E; Walsh PM; Zadnik V; Zanetti R
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Cancer
País: N/D
Títol: Effectiveness of a Motivational Nutritional Intervention through Social Networks 2.0 to Increase Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and Improve Lung Function in Active Smokers: The DIET Study, a Randomized, Controlled and Parallel Clinical Trial in Primary Care
Autors: Salamanca-Gonzalez, Patricia; Valls-Zamora, Rosa Maria; Pedret-Figuerola, Anna; Sorli-Aguilar, Mar; Santigosa-Ayala, Antoni; Catalin, Roxana-Elena; Palleja-Millan, Meritxell; Sola-Alberich, Rosa; Martin-Lujan, Francisco; CENIT Res Grp Investigators;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Nutrients
País: N/D
Títol: Effectiveness of a Motivational Nutritional Intervention through Social Networks 2.0 to Increase Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and Improve Lung Function in Active Smokers: The DIET Study, a Randomized, Controlled and Parallel Clinical Trial in Primary Care
Autors: Salamanca-González, Patricia; Valls-Zamora, Rosa Maria; Pedret-Figuerola, Anna; Sorlí-Aguilar, Mar; Santigosa-Ayala, Antoni; Catalin, Roxana-Elena; Pallejà-Millán, Meritxell; Solà-Alberich, Rosa; Martin-Lujan, Francisco; NA, NA
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Nutrients
País: N/D
Títol: Paraoxonase-1 and-3 Protein Expression in the Brain of the Tg2576 Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease
Autors: Salazar, Jose Gregorio; Marsillach, Judit; Reverte, Ingrid; Mackness, Bharti; Mackness, Michael; Joven, Jorge; Camps, Jordi; Colomina, Maria Teresa;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Antioxidants
País: N/D
Títol: Development of the conceptualization of pain questionnaire: A measure to study how children conceptualize pain
Autors: Salvat I; Adillón C; Andrés EM; Monterde S; Miró J
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health
País: N/D
Títol: Standard Tone Stability as a Manipulation of Precision in the Oddball Paradigm: Modulation of Prediction Error Responses to Fixed-Probability Deviants
Autors: SanMiguel, Iria; Costa-Faidella, Jordi; Lugo, Zulay R.; Vilella, Elisabet; Escera, Carles;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Frontiers In Human Neuroscience
País: N/D
Títol: Obesity and SARS-CoV-2: Considerations on bariatric surgery and recommendations for the start of surgical activity
Autors: Sanchez Santos, Raquel; Ruiz de Gordejuela, Amador Garcia; Breton Lesmes, Irene; Lecube Torello, Albert; Moize Arcone, Violeta; Arroyo Martin, Juan Jose; Fernandez Alsina, Enric; Martin Antona, Esteban; Rubio Herrera, Miguel Angel; Sabench Pereferrer, Fatima; Sanchez Pernaute, Andres; Vilallonga Puy, Ramon;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Cirugia Espanola
País: N/D
Títol: Comorbidity burden and revascularization benefit in elderly patients with acute coronary syndrome
Autors: Sanchis J, García Acuña JM, Raposeiras S, Barrabés JA, Cordero A, Martínez-Sellés M, Bardají A, Díez-Villanueva P, Marín F, Ruiz-Nodar JM, Vicente-Ibarra N, Alonso Salinas GL, Rigueiro P, Abu-Assi E, Formiga F, Núñez J, Núñez E, Ariza-Solé A
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Revista Espanola De Cardiologia
País: N/D
Títol: Exploring the effects of phenolic compounds to reduce intestinal damage and improve the intestinal barrier integrity: A systematic review of in vivo animal studies
Autors: Sandoval-Ramírez BA; Catalán Ú; Pedret A; Valls RM; Motilva MJ; Rubió L; Solà R
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinical Nutrition
País: N/D
Títol: A simple combination of biomarkers for risk stratification in octogenarians with acute myocardial infarction
Autors: Sanz-Girgas, Esther; Peiro, Oscar M.; Bonet, Gil; Rodriguez-Lopez, Judit; Scardino, Claudia; Ferrero-Guillem, Maria; Vasquez, Karla; Romeu-Nieto, Alba; Bardaji, Alfredo;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Reviews In Cardiovascular Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Understanding critically ill sepsis patients with normal serum lactate levels: results from US and European ICU cohorts
Autors: Sauer, Christopher M.; Gomez, Josep; Botella, Manuel Ruiz; Ziehr, David R.; Oldham, William M.; Gavidia, Giovana; Rodriguez, Alejandro; Elbers, Paul; Girbes, Armand; Bodi, Maria; Celi, Leo Anthony;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Scientific Reports
País: N/D
Títol: The complex interaction of genetics and delirium: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Autors: Sepulveda, Esteban; Adamis, Dimitrios; Franco, Jose G.; Meagher, David; Aranda, Selena; Vilella, Elisabet;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: European Archives Of Psychiatry And Clinical Neuroscience
País: N/D
Títol: Validation of the Delirium Diagnostic Tool-Provisional (DDT-Pro) in a skilled nursing facility and comparison to the 4 ¿A's test (4AT)
Autors: Sepúlveda E; Bermúdez E; González D; Cotino P; Viñuelas E; Palma J; Ciutat M; Grau I; Vilella E; Trzepacz PT; Franco JG
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: General Hospital Psychiatry
País: N/D
Títol: How do women living with HIV experience menopause? Menopausal symptoms, anxiety and depression according to reproductive age in a multicenter cohort
Autors: Suarez-Garcia, Ines; Alejos, Belen; Perez-Elias, Maria-Jesus; Iribarren, Jose-Antonio; Hernando, Asuncion; Ramirez, Margarita; Tasias, Maria; Pascual, Mario; Jarrin, Inma; Hernando, Victoria;CoRIS Cohort
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Bmc Womens Health
País: N/D
Títol: Single-incision versus four-port laparoscopic cholecystectomy in an ambulatory surgery setting: A prospective randomised double-blind controlled trial.
Autors: Subirana H, Rey FJ, Barri J, Robres J, Parra L, Martín M, Memba R, Mullerat JM, Jorba R.
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Minimal Access Surgery
País: N/D
Títol: Impaired mRNA splicing and proteostasis in preadipocytes in obesity related metabolic disease
Autors: Sánchez-Ceinos J; Guzmán-Ruiz R; Rangel-Zúñiga OA; López-Alcalá J; Moreno-Caño E; Del Río-Moreno M; Romero-Cabrera JL; Pérez-Martínez P; Maymo-Masip E; Vendrell J; Fernández-Veledo S; Fernández-Real JM; Laurencikiene J; Rydén M; Membrives A; Luque RM; López-Miranda J; Malagón MM
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Elife
País: N/D
Títol: Circulating miRNAs as Potential Biomarkers for Celiac Disease Development
Autors: Tan IL; Coutinho de Almeida R; Modderman R; Stachurska A; Dekens J; Barisani D; Meijer CR; Roca M; Martinez-Ojinaga E; Shamir R; Auricchio R; Korponay-Szabó IR; Castillejo G; Szajewska H; Koletzko S; Zhernakova A; Kumar V; Li Y; Visschedijk MC; Weersma RK; Troncone R; Mearin ML; Wijmenga C; Jonkers I; Withoff S
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Frontiers In Immunology
País: N/D
Títol: Early antiretroviral therapy initiation effect on metabolic profile in vertically HIV-1-infected children
Autors: Tarancón-Diez L; Rull A; Herrero P; Vazquez-Alejo E; Peraire J; Guillén S; Navarro-Gomez ML; Viladés C; Muñoz-Fernandez MªÁ; Vidal F
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
País: N/D
Títol: Plasma expression of microRNA-425-5p and microRNA-451a as biomarkers of cardiovascular disease in rheumatoid arthritis patients
Autors: Taverner, Delia; Llop, Didac; Rosales, Roser; Ferre, Raimon; Masana, Luis; Vallve, Joan-Carles; Paredes, Silvia;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Scientific Reports
País: N/D
Títol: Real world effectiveness of standard of care triple therapy versus two-drug combinations for treatment of people living with HIV
Autors: Teira, Ramon; Diaz-Cuervo, Helena; Aragao, Filipa; Marguet, Sophie; de la Fuente, Belen; Jose Munoz, Maria; Abdulghani, Nadia; Ribera, Esteban; Domingo, Pere; Deig, Elisabeth; Peraire, Joaquim; Roca, Bernardino; Montero, Marta; Jose Galindo, Maria; Romero, Alberto; Espinosa, Nuria; Lozano, Fernando; Dolores Merino, Maria; Martinez, Elisa; Geijo, Paloma; Estrada, Vicente; Garcia, Josefina; Antonia Sepulveda, M.; Berenguer, Juan;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Plos One
País: N/D
Títol: eGFR-EPI changes among HIV patients who switch from F/TDF to F/TAF while maintaining the same third agent in the Spanish VACH cohort
Autors: Teira, Ramon; Diaz-Cuervo, Helena; Aragao, Filipa; Munoz, Josefa; Galindo, Pepa; Merino, MariaDolores; de la Fuente, Belen; Sepulveda, Maria Antonia; Domingo, Pere; Garcia, Josefina; Castano, Manuel; Ribera, Esteve; Geijo, Paloma; Romero, Alberto; Peraire, Joaquim; Deig, Elisabeth; Roca, Bernardino; Martinez, Elisa; Estrada, Vicente; Montero, Marta; Berenguer, Juan; Espinosa, Nuria;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Hiv Research And Clinical Practice
País: N/D
Títol: <sup>1</sup>H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy lipoprotein profile in patients with chronic heart failure versus matched controls
Autors: Teis A, Castelblanco E, Cediel G, Amigó N, Julve J, Ribalta J, Guardiola M, Franch J, Bermúdez-López M, Codina P, Lupón J, Mauricio D, Alonso N, Bayés-Genís A
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Rev Esp Cardiol (Engl Ed)
País: N/D
Títol: Succinate Pathway in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Potential as a Diagnostic and Prognostic Marker
Autors: Terra, Ximena; Ceperuelo-Mallafre, Victoria; Merma, Carla; Benaiges, Ester; Bosch, Ramon; Castillo, Paola; Flores, Joan Carles; Leon, Xavier; Valduvieco, Izaskun; Baste, Neus; Camara, Marina; Lejeune, Marylene; Guma, Josep; Vendrell, Joan; Vilaseca, Isabel; Fernandez-Veledo, Sonia; Aviles-Jurado, Francesc Xavier;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Cancers
País: N/D
Títol: Emergency handover of critical patients. A systematic review
Autors: Tortosa-Alted, Ruth; Reverte-Villarroya, Silvia; Martinez-Segura, Estrella; Lopez-Pablo, Carlos; Berenguer-Poblet, Marta
Any: 2021 Clau: Review
Revista: International Emergency Nursing
País: N/D
Títol: Metformin Is a Pyridoxal-5 '-phosphate (PLP)-Competitive Inhibitor of SHMT2
Autors: Tramonti, Angela; Cuyas, Elisabet; Encinar, Jose; Pietzke, Matthias; Paone, Alessio; Verdura, Sara; Arbusa, Aina; Martin-Castillo, Begona; Giardina, Giorgio; Joven, Jorge; Vazquez, Alexei; Contestabile, Roberto; Cutruzzola, Francesca; Menendez, Javier;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Cancers
País: N/D
Títol: Effects of hesperidin in orange juice on blood and pulse pressures in mildly hypertensive individuals: a randomized controlled trial (Citrus study)
Autors: Valls, Rosa M.; Pedret, Anna; Calderon-Perez, Lorena; Llaurado, Elisabet; Pla-Paga, Laura; Companys, Judit; Moragas, Ana; Martin-Lujan, Francisco; Ortega, Yolanda; Giralt, Montse; Romeu, Marta; Rubio, Laura; Mayneris-Perxachs, Jordi; Canela, Nuria; Puiggros, Francesc; Caimari, Antoni; Del Bas, Josep M.; Arola, Lluis; Sola, Rosa;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: European Journal Of Nutrition
País: N/D
Títol: Hesperidin in orange juice improves human endothelial function in subjects with elevated blood pressure and stage 1 hypertension: A randomized, controlled trial (Citrus study)
Autors: Valls, Rosa M.; Pedret, Anna; Calderon-Perez, Lorena; Llaurado, Elisabet; Pla-Paga, Laura; Companys, Judit; Moragas, Ana; Martin-Lujan, Francisco; Ortega, Yolanda; Giralt, Montse; Rubio, Laura; Canela, Nuria; Puiggros, Francesc; Caimari, Antoni; Del Bas, Josep M.; Arola, Lluis; Sola, Rosa;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Functional Foods
País: N/D
Títol: Effects of Stress on Performance during Highly Demanding Tasks in Student Pilots
Autors: Vallès-Català T; Pedret A; Ribes D; Medina D; Traveria M
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Aerospace Psychology
País: N/D
Títol: Lung Cancer Management with Silibinin: A Historical and Translational Perspective
Autors: Verdura, Sara; Cuyas, Elisabet; Ruiz-Torres, Veronica; Micol, Vicente; Joven, Jorge; Bosch-Barrera, Joaquim; Menendez, Javier A.;
Any: 2021 Clau: Review
Revista: Pharmaceuticals
País: N/D
Títol: Influencia de las comorbilidades en la decisión del tratamiento invasivo en ancianos con SCASEST
Autors: Vicente Pernias Escrig; José María García Acuña; Sergio Raposeiras Roubín; José A Barrabés; Alberto Jesús Cordero Díaz; Manuel Martínez-Sellés; Alfredo Bardají Ruiz; P Díez Villanueva; Francisco Marín; Juan M Ruiz-Nodar; Nuria Vicente Ibarra; Gonzalo Luis Alonso Salinas; Pedro Rigueiro Veloso; Emad Abu Assi; Francesc Formiga Pérez; Julio Núñez Feltrer; Eduardo Núñez; Albert Ariza Solé; JM Sanchís García
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Rec: Interventional Cardiology
País: N/D
Títol: History of Medicine (1963)
Autors: Vidal, F
Any: 2021 Clau: Review
Revista: Dynamis
País: N/D
Títol: The body and its reasons
Autors: Vidal, F
Any: 2021 Clau: Review
Revista: Dynamis
País: N/D
Títol: Circulating Levels of Pro-Neurotensin and Its Relationship with Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis and Hepatic Lipid Metabolism
Autors: Villar, Beatriz; Bertran, Laia; Aguilar, Carmen; Binetti, Jessica; Martinez, Salome; Sabench, Fatima; Real, Monica; Riesco, David; Paris, Marta; Del Castillo, Daniel; Richart, Cristobal; Auguet, Teresa;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Metabolites
País: N/D
Títol: Obesity Partially Mediates the Diabetogenic Effect of Lowering LDL Cholesterol
Autors: Wu, Peitao; Moon, Jee-Young; Daghlas, Iyas; Franco, Giulianini; Porneala, Bianca C.; Ahmadizar, Fariba; Richardson, Tom G.; Isaksen, Jonas L.; Hindy, Georgy; Yao, Jie; Sitlani, Colleen M.; Raffield, Laura M.; Yanek, Lisa R.; Feitosa, Mary F.; Cuadrat, Rafael R.C.; Qi, Qibin; Arfan Ikram, M.; Ellervik, Christina; Ericson, Ulrika; Goodarzi, Mark O.; Brody, Jennifer A.; Lange, Leslie; Mercader, Josep M.; Vaidya, Dhananjay; An, Ping; Schulze, Matthias B.; Masana, Lluis; Ghanbari, Mohsen; Olesen, Morten S.; Cai, Jianwen; Guo, Xiuqing; Floyd, James S.; Jäger, Susanne; Province, Michael A.; Kalyani, Rita R.; Psaty, Bruce M.; Orho-Melander, Marju; Ridker, Paul M.; Kanters, Jørgen K.; Uitterlinden, Andre; Davey Smith, George; Gill, Dipender; Kaplan, Robert C.; Kavousi, Maryam; Raghavan, Sridharan; Chasman, Daniel I.; Rotter, Jerome I.; Meigs, James B.; Florez, Jose C.; Dupuis, Josée; Liu, Ching-Ti; Merino, Jordi
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Diabetes Care
País: N/D
Títol: Metabolic Fate and Cardiometabolic Effects of Phenolic Compounds from Red-Fleshed Apple in Hypercholesterolemic Rats: A Comparative Study with Common White-Fleshed Apple: The AppleCOR Study
Autors: Yuste, Silvia; Ludwig, Iziar A.; Romero, Maria-Paz; Pinol-Felis, Carme; Catalan, Ursula; Pedret, Anna; Valls, Rosa M.; Fernandez-Castillejo, Sara; Motilva, Maria-Jose; Macia, Alba; Rubio, Laura;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Molecular Nutrition & Food Research
País: N/D
Títol: Massive data screening is a second opportunity to improve the management of patients with familial hypercholesterolemia phenotype
Autors: Zamora, Alberto; Paluzie, Guillem; Garcia-Vilches, Joan; Alonso Gisbert, Oriol; Mendez Martinez, Ana Ines; Plana, Nuria; Rodriguez-Borjabad, Celia; Ibarretxe, Daiana; Martin-Urda, Anabel; Masana, Luis;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinica E Investigacion En Arteriosclerosis
País: N/D
Títol: Comparative Analysis of Dalbavancin versus Other Antimicrobial Options for Gram-Positive Cocci Infections: Effectiveness, Hospital Stay and Mortality
Autors: de Pablo-Miro, Mar; Pujol-Ruiz, Sergi; Iftimie, Simona; Arenas-Miras, Maria del Mar; Lopez-Montesinos, Inmaculada; Duran-Jorda, Xavier; Angles, Albert; Grau, Santiago; Horcajada, Juan P.;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Antibiotics
País: N/D
Títol: Obstrucción intestinal producida por Anisakis
Autors: Èlia Bartra Balcells; Joan Doménech Calvet; Daniel del Castillo Déjardin
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Revista Espanola De Enfermedades Digestivas
País: N/D
Títol: Utility of Amiodarone Pre-Treatment as a Facilitator of the Acute Success of Electrical Cardioversion in Persistent Atrial Fibrillation
Autors: Alegret, JM; Viñolas, X; Tajes, H; Valdovinos, P; Palomares, R; Arias, MA; Bazán, V
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Cardiovascular Drugs And Therapy
País: N/D
Títol: Gestational diabetes impacts fetal precursor cell responses with potential consequences for offspring
Autors: Algaba-Chueca F., Maymó-Masip E., Ejarque M., Ballesteros M., Llauradó G., López C., Guarque A., Serena C., Martínez-Guasch L., Gutiérrez C., Bosch R., Vendrell J., Megía A., Fernández-Veledo S.
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Stem Cells Translational Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: How good is online information on fibromyalgia? An analysis of quality and readability of websites on fibromyalgia in Spanish
Autors: Alioshkin Cheneguin A; Salvat Salvat I; Romay Barrero H; Torres Lacomba M
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Bmj Open
País: N/D
Títol: High frequency of clinical conditions commonly associated with mitochondrial disorders in schizophrenia
Autors: Alonso Y; Valiente-Pallejà A; Verge B; Vilella E; Martorell L
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Acta Neuropsychiatrica
País: N/D
Títol: Bicuspid Aortic Valve and Endothelial Dysfunction: Current Evidence and Potential Therapeutic Targets
Autors: Antequera-González, B; Martínez-Micaelo, N; Alegret, JM
Any: 2020 Clau: Review
Revista: Frontiers In Physiology
País: N/D
Títol: Nutrient intake during pregnancy and post-partum: ECLIPSES study
Autors: Aparicio E; Jardí C; Bedmar C; Pallejà M; Basora J; Arija V
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Nutrients
País: N/D
Títol: Circulating microbiota-derived metabolites: a ¿liquid biopsy?
Autors: Aragonès G, Colom-Pellicer M, Aguilar C, Guiu-Jurado E, Martínez S, Sabench F, Antonio Porras J, Riesco D, Del Castillo D, Richart C, Auguet T
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Obesity
País: N/D
Títol: Effects of radiotherapy on plasma energy metabolites in patients with breast cancer who received neoadjuvant chemotherapy
Autors: Arenas, M.; Fernandez-Arroyo, S.; Rodriguez-Tomas, E.; Sabater, S.; Murria, Y.; Gascon, M.; Amillano, K.; Mele, M.; Camps, J.; Joven, J.;
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinical & Translational Oncology
País: N/D
Títol: Comparison between a morocco and a native-born population, in a sample of first episode psychosis
Autors: Arranz S; Camacho J; Andrés C; Niubó I; Sanchez Gistau V
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Revista De Psiquiatria Y Salud Mental
País: N/D
Títol: The impact of sex and cannabis on clinical features in first¿admitted patients with psychosis
Autors: Arranz S; Mané A; Bergé D; Monserrat C; cabezas A; Vilella E; Sanchez-Gistau V
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: European Neuropsychopharmacology
País: N/D
Títol: Impaired Succinate Response to a Mixed Meal in Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes Is Normalized After Metabolic Surgery
Autors: Astiarraga B, Martínez L, Ceperuelo-Mallafré V, Llauradó G, Terrón-Puig M, Rodríguez MM, Casajoana A, Pellitero S, Megía A, Vilarrasa N, Vendrell J, Fernández-Veledo S
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Diabetes Care
País: N/D
Títol: Relationship between IL-8 Circulating Levels and TLR2 Hepatic Expression in Women with Morbid Obesity and Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis
Autors: Auguet T; Bertran L; Binetti J; Aguilar C; Martínez S; Sabench F; Lopez-Dupla JM; Porras JA; Riesco D; Del Castillo D; Richart C
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Molecular Sciences
País: N/D
Títol: Relationship between IL-8 Circulating Levels and TLR2 Hepatic Expression in Women with Morbid Obesity and Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis
Autors: Auguet, T; Bertran, L.; Binetti, J: Aguilar, C; Martinez, S.; Sabench, F.; López-Dupla, JM.; Porras, JA.; Riesco, D.; Del Castillo, D.; Richart, C
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Molecular Sciences
País: N/D
Títol: Hepatocyte Notch Signaling Deregulation Related to Lipid Metabolism in Women with Obesity and Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver
Autors: Auguet, Teresa; Bertran, Laia; Binetti, Jessica; Aguilar, Carmen; Martinez, Salome; Guiu-Jurado, Esther; Sabench, Fatima; Adalid, Laia; Antonio Porras, Jose; Riesco, David; Del Castillo, Daniel; Richart, Cristobal;
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Obesity
País: N/D
Títol: Associations of sugar intake with anthropometrics in children from ages 2 until 8 years in the EU Childhood Obesity Project
Autors: Aumueller, Nicole; Gruszfeld, Dariusz; Gradowska, Kinga; Escribano, Joaquin; Ferre, Natalia; Rousseaux, Deborah; Hoyos, Joana; Verduci, Elvira; ReDionigi, Alice; Koletzko, Berthold; Grote, Veit;
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: European Journal Of Nutrition
País: N/D
Títol: D-dimer levels and risk of recurrence following provoked venous thromboembolism: findings from the RIETE registry
Autors: Avnery O, Martin M, Bura-Riviere A, Barillari G, Mazzolai L, Mahé I, Marchena PJ, Verhamme P, Monreal M, Ellis MH, RIETE Investigators
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Internal Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Results, barriers and enablers in atrial fibrillation case finding: barriers in opportunistic atrial fibrillation case finding-a cross-sectional study
Autors: Ballesta-Ors, Juan; Clua-Espuny, Josep L; Gentille-Lorente, Delicia, I; Lechuga-Duran, Inigo; Fernandez-Saez, Jose; Muria-Subirats, Eulalia; Blasco-Mulet, Maria; Lorman-Carbo, Blanca; Alegret, Josep M
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Family Practice
País: N/D
Títol: Recommendations of the Working Groups from the Spanish Society of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine and Coronary Units (SEMICYUC) for the management of adult critically ill patients in the coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
Autors: Ballesteros Sanz M; Hernández-Tejedor A; Estella ; Jiménez Rivera JJ; González de Molina Ortiz FJ; Sandiumenge Camps A; Vidal Cortés P; de Haro C; Aguilar Alonso E; Bordejé Laguna L; García Sáez I; Bodí M; García Sánchez M; Párraga Ramírez MJ; Alcaraz Peñarrocha RM; Amézaga Menéndez R; Burgueño Laguía P; Rubio Sanchiz O; Rodríguez Yago MÁ; Fraile Gutiérrez V; Fuset Cabanes MP; Zapata Fenor L; Montesinos de la Peña MG; Ortega Montes A; Navas Pérez A; Arias Verdú MD; Pont Castellana T; Maraví Poma E; Rubio Muñoz JJ; del Río Gallegos F; Catalán González M; Díaz Santos E; Iglesias Posadilla D; Riera Sagrera M; Vera-Ching C; Lorencio Cárdenas C; González Iglesias C; Riveiro Vilaboa M; Enríquez Giraudo P; Igeño Cano JC; Ballesteros Sanz M; Hernández-Tejedor A; Estella ; Jiménez Rivera JJ; González de Molina Ortiz FJ; Sandiumenge Camps A; Vidal Cortés P; de Haro C; Aguilar Alonso E; Bordejé Laguna L; García Sáez I; Bodí M; García Sánchez M; Párraga Ramírez MJ; Alcaraz Peñarrocha RM; Amézaga Menéndez R; Burgueño Laguía P; Rubio Sanchiz O; Rodríguez Yago MÁ; Fraile Gutiérrez V; Fuset Cabanes MP; Zapata Fenor L; Montesinos de la Peña MG; Ortega Montes A; Navas Pérez A
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Medicina Intensiva
País: N/D
Títol: Association between anti-thyroid antibodies and negative symptoms in early psychosis
Autors: Barbero JD, Palacín A, Serra P, Solé M, Ortega L, Cabezas Á, Montalvo I, Algora MJ, Martorell L, Vilella E, Sánchez-Gistau V, Labad J
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Early Intervention In Psychiatry
País: N/D
Títol: Revascularisation in older adult patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome: effect and impact on 6-month mortality
Autors: Bardaji, Alfredo; Barrabes, Jose A.; Ribera, Aida; Bueno, Hector; Fernandez-Ortiz, Antonio; Marrugat, Jaume; Oristrell, Gerard; Ferreira-Gonzalez, Ignacio;
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: European Heart Journal-Acute Cardiovascular Care
País: N/D
Títol: Association between the potential influence of a lifestyle intervention in older individuals with excess weight and metabolic syndrome on untreated household cohabitants and their family support: The predimed-plus study
Autors: Basora, J; Villalobos, F; Pallejà-Millán, M; Babio, N; Goday, A; Castañer, O; Fitó, M; Zomeño, MD; Pintó, X; Sacanella, E; Paz-Graniel, I; Salas-Salvadó, J
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Nutrients
País: N/D
Títol: Auto-antibodies against type I IFNs in patients with life-threatening COVID-19
Autors: Bastard P; Rosen LB; Zhang Q; Michailidis E; Hoffmann HH; Zhang Y; Dorgham K; Philippot Q; Rosain J; Béziat V; Manry J; Shaw E; Haljasmägi L; Peterson P; Lorenzo L; Bizien L; Trouillet-Assant S; Dobbs K; de Jesus AA; Belot A; Kallaste A; Catherinot E; Tandjaoui-Lambiotte Y; Le Pen J; Kerner G; Bigio B; Seeleuthner Y; Yang R; Bolze A; Spaan AN; Delmonte OM; Abers MS; Aiuti A; Casari G; Lampasona V; Piemonti L; Ciceri F; Bilguvar K; Lifton RP; Vasse M; Smadja DM; Migaud M; Hadjadj J; Terrier B; Duffy D; Quintana-Murci L; van de Beek D; Roussel L; Vinh DC; Tangye SG; Haerynck F; Dalmau D; Martinez-Picado J; Brodin P; Nussenzweig MC; Boisson-Dupuis S; Rodríguez-Gallego C; Vogt G; Mogensen TH; Oler AJ; Gu J; Burbelo PD; Cohen J; Biondi A; Bettini LR; D'Angio M; Bonfanti P; Rossignol P; Mayaux J; Rieux-Laucat F; Husebye ES; Fusco F; Ursini MV; Imberti L; Sottini A; Paghera S; Quiros-Roldan E; Rossi C; Castagnoli R; Montagna D; Licari A; Marseglia GL; Duval X; Ghosn J; HGID Lab; NIAID-USUHS Immune Response to COVID Group; COVID Clinicians; COVID-STORM Clinicians; Imagine COVID Group; French COVID Cohort Study Group; Milieu Intérieur Consortium; CoV-Contact Cohort; Amsterdam UMC Covid-19 Biobank; COVID Human Genetic Effort; Tsang JS; Goldbach-Mansky R; Kisand K; Lionakis MS; Puel A; Zhang SY; Holland SM; Gorochov G; Jouanguy E; Rice CM; Cobat A; Notarangelo LD; Abel L; Su HC; Casanova JL
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Science
País: N/D
Títol: Cross-sectional association between non-soy legume consumption, serum uric acid and hyperuricemia: the PREDIMED-Plus study
Autors: Becerra-Tomas, N; Mena-Sanchez, G; Diaz-Lopez, A; Martinez-Gonzalez, MA; Babio, N; Corella, D; Freixer, G; Romaguera, D; Vioque, J; Alonso-Gomez, AM; Warnberg, J; Martinez, JA; Serra-Majem, L; Estruch, R; Fernandez-Garcia, JC; Lapetra, J; Pinto, X; Tur, JA; Lopez-Miranda, J; Bueno-Cavanillas, A; Gaforio, JJ; Matia-Martin, P; Daimiel, L; Martin-Sanchez, V; Vidal, J; Vazquez, C; Ros, E; Razquin, C; Cano, IA; Sorli, JV; Torres, L; Morey, M; Navarrete-Munoz, EM; Sierra, LT; Crespo-Oliva, E; Zulet, MA; Sanchez-Villegas, A; Casas, R; Bernal-Lopez, MR; Santos-Lozano, JM; Corbella, E; Bibiloni, MD; Ruiz-Canela, M; Fernandez-Carrion, R; Quifer, M; Prieto, RM; Fernandez-Brufal, N; Lete, IS; Cenoz, JC; Llimona, R; Salas-Salvado, J
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: European Journal Of Nutrition
País: N/D
Títol: Breast-Milk Microbiota Linked to Celiac Disease Development in Children: A Pilot Study From the PreventCD Cohort
Autors: Benítez-Páez A; Olivares M; Szajewska H; Pie¿cik-Lech M; Polanco I; Castillejo G; Nuñez M; Ribes-Koninckx C; Korponay-Szabó IR; Koletzko S; Meijer CR; Mearin ML; Sanz Y
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Frontiers In Microbiology
País: N/D
Títol: Social and economic factors and malnutrition or the risk of malnutrition in the elderly: A systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies
Autors: Besora-Moreno M; Llauradó E; Tarro L; Solà R
Any: 2020 Clau: Review
Revista: Nutrients
País: N/D
Títol: Nutrient adequacy and diet quality in a Mediterranean population with metabolic syndrome: A cross-sectional study
Autors: Bibiloni MdM; Bouzas C; Abbate M; Martínez-González MA; Corella D; Salas-Salvadó J; Zomeño MD; Vioque J; Romaguera D; Martínez JA; Wärnberg J; López-Miranda J; Estruch R; Bueno-Cavanillas A; Alonso-Gómez Á; Tinahones F; Serra-Majem L; Martín V; Lapetra J; Vázquez C; Pintó X; Vidal J; Daimiel L; Delgado-Rodríguez M; Matía P; Ros E; Fernández-Carrión R; Garcia-Rios A; Zulet MA; Asensio A; Schröder H; Fitó M; Becerra-Tomás N; Basora J; Cenoz JC; Diez-Espino J; Toledo E; Tur JA
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinical Nutrition
País: N/D
Títol: Reasons for low cervical cancer survival in new accession European Union countries: a EUROCARE-5 study
Autors: Bielska-Lasota M, Rossi S, Krzy?ak M, Haelens A, Domenic A, De Angelis R, Maciejczyk A, Rodríguez-Barranco M, Zadnik V, Minicozzi P, EUROCARE-5 Working Group
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Archives Of Gynecology And Obstetrics
País: N/D
Títol: Deregulated serotonin pathway in women with morbid obesity and nafld
Autors: Binetti J; Bertran L; Riesco D; Aguilar C; Martínez S; Sabench F; Porras JA; Camaron J; Del Castillo D; Richart C; Auguet T
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Life
País: N/D
Títol: Bicuspid Aortic Valve and Endothelial Dysfunction: Current Evidence and Potential Therapeutic Targets
Autors: Borja Antequera-González; Neus Martínez-Micaelo; Josep M Alegret
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Frontiers In Physiology
País: N/D
Títol: Low-density lipoproteins cause atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease: pathophysiological, genetic, and therapeutic insights: a consensus statement from the European Atherosclerosis Society Consensus Panel
Autors: Borén J; Chapman MJ; Krauss RM; Packard CJ; Bentzon JF; Binder CJ; Daemen MJ; Demer LL; Hegele RA; Nicholls SJ; Nordestgaard BG; Watts GF; Bruckert E; Fazio S; Ference BA; Graham I; Horton JD; Landmesser U; Laufs U; Masana L; Pasterkamp G; Raal FJ; Ray KK; Schunkert H; Taskinen MR; van de Sluis B; Wiklund O; Tokgozoglu L; Catapano AL; Ginsberg HN
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: European Heart Journal
País: N/D
Títol: Quantitation of endogenous amount of ethanol, methanol and acetaldehyde in ripe fruits of different Spanish olive varieties
Autors: Boudebouz A; Romero A; Boqué R; Aceña L; Busto O; Mestres M
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of The Science Of Food And Agriculture
País: N/D
Títol: Adherence to the mediterranean lifestyle and desired body weight loss in a mediterranean adult population with overweight: A predimed¿plus study
Autors: Bouzas C., Bibiloni M.D.M., Julibert A., Ruiz?canela M., Salas?salvadó J., Corella D., Zomeño M.D., Romaguera D., Vioque J., Alonso?gómez Á.M., Wärnberg J., Alfredo Martínez J., Serra?majem L., Estruch R., Tinahones F.J., Lapetra J., Pintó X., Ríos A.G., Bueno?cavanillas A., Gaforio J.J., Matía?martín P., Daimiel L., Martín?sánchez V., Vidal J., Vázquez C., Ros E., Fernandez?lázaro C.I., Becerra?tomás N., Gimenez?alba I.M., Muñoz J., Morey M., Oncina?canovas A., Tojal?sierra L., Pérez?lópez J., Abete I., Casañas?quintana T., Castro?barquero S., Rosa Bernal?López M., Santos?lozano J.M., Galera A., Bouzas C., Bibiloni M.D.M., Julibert A., Ruiz?canela M., Salas?salvadó J., Corella D., Zomeño M.D., Romaguera D., Vioque J., Alonso?gómez Á.M., Wärnberg J., Alfredo Martínez J.
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Nutrients
País: N/D
Títol: Laparoscopic Treatment of a patient with perforated jejunal diverticulitis
Autors: Buils F., Sanchez JJ., Domenech J., Prieto R., Homs E., Bartra E., Mertinez P., Morales C., Garcia M. Del Castillo Déjardin D.
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Medical Research And Surgery
País: N/D
Títol: A placebo-controlled proof-of-concept study of alirocumab on postprandial lipids and vascular elasticity in insulin-treated patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
Autors: Burggraaf, Benjamin; Pouw, Nadine M. C.; Fernandez Arroyo, Salvador; van Vark-van der Zee, Leonie C.; van de Geijn, Gert-Jan M.; Birnie, Erwin; Huisbrink, Jeannine; van der Zwan, Ellen M.; Mulder, Monique T.; Rensen, Patrick C. N.; de Herder, Wouter W.; Cabezas, Manuel Castro;
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Diabetes Obesity & Metabolism
País: N/D
Títol: Plasma metabolic alterations in patients with severe obesity and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis
Autors: Cabré N; Luciano-Mateo F; Baiges-Gayà G; Fernández-Arroyo S; Rodríguez-Tomàs E; Hernández-Aguilera A; París M; Sabench F; Del Castillo D; López-Miranda J; Menéndez JA; Camps J; Joven J
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics
País: N/D
Títol: Gut metagenomic and short chain fatty acids signature in hypertension: a cross-sectional study
Autors: Calderón-Pérez L; Gosalbes MJ; Yuste S; Valls RM; Pedret A; Llauradó E; Jimenez-Hernandez N; Artacho A; Pla-Pagà L; Companys J; Ludwig I; Romero MP; Rubió L; Solà R
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Scientific Reports
País: N/D
Títol: Utility of Insulin Resistance in Estimating Cardiovascular Risk in Subjects with Type 1 Diabetes According to the Scores of the Steno Type 1 Risk Engine
Autors: Cano, Albert; Llaurado, Gemma; Albert, Lara; Mazarico, Isabel; Astiarraga, Brenno; Gonzalez-Sastre, Montserrat; Martinez, Laia; Fernandez-Veledo, Sonia; Simo, Rafael; Vendrell, Joan; Gonzalez-Clemente, Jose-Miguel;
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Clinical Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Diet quality and nutrient density in subjects with metabolic syndrome: Influence of socioeconomic status and lifestyle factors. A cross-sectional assessment in the PREDIMED-Plus study
Autors: Cano-Ibáñez N; Gea A; Ruiz-Canela M; Corella D; Salas-Salvadó J; Schröder H; Navarrete-Muñoz EM; Romaguera D; Martínez JA; Barón-López FJ; López-Miranda J; Estruch R; Riquelme-Gallego B; Alonso-Gómez Á; Tur JA; Tinahones FJ; Serra-Majem L; Martín V; Lapetra J; Vázquez C; Pintó X; Vidal J; Daimiel L; Gaforio JJ; Matía P; Ros E; Fernández-Carrión R; Díaz-López A; Zomeño MD; Candela I; Konieczna J; Abete I; Buil-Cosiales P; Basora J; Fitó M; Martínez-González MA; Bueno-Cavanillas A
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinical Nutrition
País: N/D
Títol: Recomendaciones para mejorar el control lipídico. Documento de consenso de la Sociedad Española de Cardiología
Autors: Carlos Escobar; Manuel Anguita Sánchez; Vicente Arrarte Esteban; Vivencio Barrios Alonso; Angel Cequier; Juan Cosín Sales; María Isabel Egocheaga Cabello; Esteban López de Sá; Lluís Masana Marín; Vicente Pallarés Carratalá; Leopoldo Pérez de Isla; Xavier Pintó Sala
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Revista Espanola De Cardiologia
País: N/D
Títol: Lactant amb estancament ponderal i alteració hidroelectrolítica
Autors: Carolina Valle Mateo; N Rius Gordillo; Joaquin Escribano Subías
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Pediatria Catalana
País: N/D
Títol: Moderately elevated first trimester fasting plasma total homocysteine is associated with increased probability of miscarriage. The Reus-Tarragona Birth Cohort Study
Autors: Cavallé-Busquets P; Inglès-Puig M; Fernandez-Ballart JD; Haro-Barceló J; Rojas-Gómez A; Ramos-Rodriguez C; Ballesteros M; Meyer K; Ueland PM; Murphy MM
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Biochimie
País: N/D
Títol: Phenol-Enriched Virgin Olive Oil Promotes Macrophage-Specific Reverse Cholesterol Transport In Vivo
Autors: Cedo, Lidia; Fernandez-Castillejo, Sara; Rubio, Laura; Metso, Jari; Santos, David; Munoz-Aguayo, Daniel; Rivas-Urbina, Andrea; Tondo, Mireia; Mendez-Lara, Karen Alejandra; Farras, Marta; Jauhiainen, Matti; Motilva, Maria-Jose; Fito, Montserrat; Blanco-Vaca, Francisco; Sola, Rosa; Escola-Gil, Joan Carles;
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Biomedicines
País: N/D
Títol: LDL Receptor Regulates the Reverse Transport of Macrophage-Derived Unesterified Cholesterol via Concerted Action of the HDL-LDL Axis Insight From Mouse Models
Autors: Cedo, Lidia; Metso, Jari; Santos, David; Garcia-Leon, Annabel; Plana, Nuria; Sabate-Soler, Sonia; Rotllan, Noemi; Rivas-Urbina, Andrea; Mendez-Lara, Karen A.; Tondo, Mireia; Girona, Josefa; Julve, Josep; Pallares, Victor; Benitez-Amaro, Aleyda; Llorente-Cortes, Vicenta; Perez, Antonio; Gomez-Coronado, Diego; Ruotsalainen, Anna-Kaisa; Levonen, Anna-Liisa; Luis Sanchez-Quesada, Jose; Masana, Luis; Kovanen, Petri T.; Jauhiainen, Matti; Lee-Rueckert, Miriam; Blanco-Vaca, Francisco; Carles Escola-Gil, Joan;
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Circulation Research
País: N/D
Títol: Excess mortality among breast cancer patients in early stages in Tarragona and Gerona (Spain) [Exceso de mortalidad en las pacientes con cáncer de mama en estadios precoces en Tarragona y Gerona (España)]
Autors: Clèries R., Ameijide A., Buxó M., Vilardell M., Martínez J.M., Marcos-Gragera R., Vilardell M.L., Carulla M., Espinàs J.A., Galceran J., Borràs J.M., Izquierdo Á.
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Gaceta Sanitaria
País: N/D
Títol: Update of the hyperglycemia Gestational diagnosis during the COVID-19 pandemic
Autors: Codina, Merce; Corcoy, Rosa; Goya, Maria M.;Grp Espanol Diabet Embarazo GEDE
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Endocrinologia Diabetes Y Nutricion
País: N/D
Títol: Fermented Dairy Products, Probiotic Supplementation, and Cardiometabolic Diseases: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Autors: Companys J, Pla-Pagà L, Calderón-Pérez L, Llauradó E, Solà R, Pedret A, Valls RM.
Any: 2020 Clau: Review
Revista: Adv Nutr
País: N/D
Títol: Fermented Dairy Products, Probiotic Supplementation, and Cardiometabolic Diseases: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Autors: Companys, Judit; Pla-Paga, Laura; Calderon-Perez, Lorena; Llaurado, Elisabet; Sola, Rosa; Pedret, Anna; Valls, Rosa M.;
Any: 2020 Clau: Review
Revista: Advances In Nutrition
País: N/D
Títol: A population perspective on the use of external beam radiotherapy in Catalonia, Spain
Autors: Corral J., Solà J., Galceran J., Marcos-Gragera R., Carulla M., Izquierdo , Vilardell L., Llauradó L., Espinàs J.A., Borras J.M.
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinical & Translational Oncology
País: N/D
Títol: Incidence and regression of metabolic syndrome in a representative sample of the Spanish population: results of the cohort di@bet
Autors: Cuesta M; Fuentes M; Rubio M; Bordiu E; Barabash A; Garcia de la Torre N; Rojo-Martinez G; Valdes S; Soriguer F; Vendrell JJ; Urrutia IM; Ortega E; Montanya E; Menendez E; Lago-Sampedro A; Gomis R; Goday A; Castell C; Badia-Guillen R; Girbés J; Gaztambide S; Franch-Nadal J; Delgado Álvarez E; Chaves FJ; Castano L; Calle-Pascual AL
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Bmj Open Diabetes Research & Care
País: N/D
Títol: Lipidomics Reveals Reduced Inflammatory Lipid Species and Storage Lipids after Switching from EFV/FTC/TDF to RPV/FTC/TDF: A Randomized Open-Label Trial
Autors: Curran A; Rull A; Navarro J; Vidal-González J; Martin-Castillo M; Burgos J; Falcó V; Ribera E; Torrella A; Planas B; Peraire J; Crespo M
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Clinical Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Hepatopancreatoduodenectomy ¿a controversial treatment for bile duct and gallbladder cancer from a European perspective
Autors: D'Souza MA; Valdimarsson VT; Campagnaro T; Cauchy F; Chatzizacharias NA; D'Hondt M; Dasari B; Ferrero A; Franken LC; Fusai G; Guglielmi A; Hagendoorn J; Hidalgo Salinas C; Hoogwater FJH; Jorba R; Karanjia N; Knoefel WT; Kron P; Lahiri R; Langella S; Le Roy B; Lehwald-Tywuschik N; Lesurtel M; Li J; Lodge JPA; Martinou E; Molenaar IQ; Nikov A; Poves I; Rassam F; Russolillo N; Soubrane O; Stättner S; van Dam RM; van Gulik TM; Serrablo A; Gallagher TM; Sturesson C
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Hpb
País: N/D
Títol: Impact of Phenol-Enriched Virgin Olive Oils on the Postprandial Levels of Circulating microRNAs Related to Cardiovascular Disease
Autors: Daimiel L; Micó V; Valls RM; Pedret A; Motilva MJ; Rubió L; Fitó M; Farrás M; Covas MI; Solá R; Ordovás JM
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Molecular Nutrition & Food Research
País: N/D
Títol: Quantitative and topographic analysis by immunohistochemical expression of ghrelin gastric cells in patients with morbid obesity
Autors: David Parada D; Peña G KB; Vives M; Molina A; Mayayo E; Riu F; Sabench F; del Castillo D
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Diabetes Metabolic Syndrome And Obesity-Targets And Therapy
País: N/D
Títol: Incidence of unilateral and bilateral benign paroxysmal positional vertigo when the left and right Dix-Hallpike manoeuvres are positive: a model based on the sense of torsional nystagmus
Autors: Domenech-Vadillo, Esther; Alvarez-Morujo De Sande, Maria Guadalupe; Gonzalez-Aguado, Rocio; Guerra-Jimenez, Gloria; Galera-Ruiz, Hugo; Ramos-Macias, Antonio; Morales-Angulo, Carmelo; Jose Martin-Mateos, Antonio; Figuerola-Massana, Enric; Dominguez-Duran, Emilio;
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Acta Otorhinolaryngologica Italica
País: N/D
Títol: Impact of implementing a dyslipidemia management guideline on cholesterol control for secondary prevention of ischemic heart disease in primary care
Autors: Drago EF; Llorca MRD; Martín CA; Ferreira-González I; Rojas ZH; Gonçalves AQ; López-Pablo C
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health
País: N/D
Títol: Prevalence and risk factors of hypovitaminosis D in pregnant Spanish women
Autors: Díaz-López A; Jardí C; Villalobos M; Serrat N; Basora J; Arija V
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Scientific Reports
País: N/D
Títol: Permanent postoperative hypoparathyroidism: an analysis of prevalence and predictive factors for adequacy of control in a cohort of 260 patients
Autors: Díez JJ; Anda E; Sastre J; Pérez Corral B; Álvarez-Escolá C; Manjón L; Paja M; Sambo M; Fernández PS; Carrera CB; Galofré JC; Navarro E; Zafón C; Sanz E; Oleaga A; Bandrés O; Donnay S; Megía A; Picallo M; Ragnarsson CS; Baena-Nieto G; Fernández-García JC; Lecumberri B; Vega MSdl; Romero-Lluch AR; Iglesias P
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Gland Surgery
País: N/D
Títol: Impact of Life's Simple 7 on the incidence of major cardiovascular events in high-risk Spanish adults in the PREDIMED study cohort
Autors: Díez-Espino J; Buil-Cosiales P; Babio N; Toledo E; Corella D; Ros E; Fitó M; Gómez-Gracia E; Estruch R; Fiol M; Lapetra J; Alonso-Gómez A; Serra-Majem L; Pintó X; Sorlí JV; Muñoz MA; Basora J; Martínez-González M
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
País: N/D
Títol: Impact of Life's Simple 7 on the incidence of major cardiovascular events in high-risk Spanish adults in the PREDIMED study cohort.
Autors: Díez-Espino J; Buil-Cosiales P; Babio N; Toledo E; Corella D; Ros E; Fitó M; Gómez-Gracia E; Estruch R; Fiol M; Lapetra J; Alonso-Gómez A; Serra-Majem L; Pintó X; Sorlí JV; Muñoz MA; Basora J; Martínez-González MÁ
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Revista Espanola De Cardiologia
País: N/D
Títol: Recommendations to improve lipid control. Consensus document of the Spanish Society of Cardiology.
Autors: Escobar C, Anguita M, Arrarte V, Barrios V, Cequier Á, Cosín-Sales J, Egocheaga I, López de Sa E, Masana L, Pallarés V, Pérez de Isla L, Pintó X, Expert reviewers
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Revista Espanola De Cardiologia
País: N/D
Títol: Recommendations to improve lipid control. Consensus document of the Spanish Society of Cardiology
Autors: Escobar C; Anguita M; Arrarte V; Barrios V; Cequier Á; Cosín-Sales J; Egocheaga I; López de Sa E; Masana L; Pallarés V; Pérez de Isla L; Pintó X; González Juanatey JR; Zamorano JL
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Revista Espanola De Cardiologia
País: N/D
Títol: Convexity shape constraints for retinal blood vessel segmentation and foveal avascular zone detection
Autors: Escorcia-Gutierrez J; Torrents-Barrena J; Gamarra M; Romero-Aroca P; Valls A; Puig D
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Computers In Biology And Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Activation of nuclear factor-kappa B subunits c-Rel, p65 and p50 by plasma lipids and fatty acids across the menstrual cycle
Autors: Faustmann G; Tiran B; Trajanoski S; Obermayer-Pietsch B; Gruber HJ; Ribalta J; Roob JM; Winklhofer-Roob BM
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Free Radical Biology And Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Precipitated sdLDL: An easy method to estimate LDL particle size
Autors: Fernandez-Cidon, Barbara; Candas-Estebanez, Beatriz; Ribalta, Josep; Rock, Edmond; Guardiola-Guionnet, Montserrat; Amigo, Nuria; Padro-Miquel, Ariadna; Alia-Ramos, Pedro; Pinto-Sala, Xavier;
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Clinical Laboratory Analysis
País: N/D
Títol: Association Between Lifestyle and Hypertriglyceridemic Waist Phenotype in the PREDIMED-Plus Study
Autors: Fernandez-Garcia, Jose Carlos; Munoz-Garach, Araceli; Martinez-Gonzalez, Miguel angel; Salas-Salvado, Jordi; Corella, Dolores; Hernaez, Alvaro; Romaguera, Dora; Vioque, Jesus; Alonso-Gomez, Angel M.; Warnberg, Julia; Martinez, J. Alfredo; Serra-Majem, Luis; Estruch, Ramon; Lapetra, Jose; Pinto, Xavier; Tur, Josep A.; Garcia-Rios, Antonio; Garcia Molina, Laura; Gaforio, Jose Juan; Matia-Martin, Pilar; Daimiel, Lidia; Martin Sanchez, Vicente; Vidal, Josep; Prieto, Lucia; Ros, Emilio; Goni, Nuria; Babio, Nancy; Ortega-Azorin, Carolina; Castaner, Olga; Konieczna, Jadwiga; Notario Barandiaran, Leyre; Vaquero-Luna, Jessica; Benavente-Marin, Juan Carlos; Zulet, M. Angeles; Sanchez-Villegas, Almudena; Sacanella, Emilio; Gomez Huelgas, Ricardo; Miro-Moriano, Leticia; Gimenez-Gracia, Mariano; Julibert, Alicia; Razquin, Cristina; Basora, Josep; Portoles, Olga; Goday, Albert; Galmes-Panades, Aina M.; Lopez-Garcia, Carmen M.; Moreno-Rodriguez, Anai; Toledo, Estefania; Diaz-Lopez, Andres; Fito, Montserrat; Tinahones, Francisco J.; Bernal-Lopez, M. Rosa;PREDIMED-Plus Investigators
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Obesity
País: N/D
Títol: Cambio en la causa de muerte e influencia de la mejora terapéutica con el tiempo en pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca y fracción de eyección reducida
Autors: Fernández Vázquez, David; Ferrero, Andreu; Álvarez García, Jesús; Gómez Otero, Inés; Vázquez García, Rafael; Delgado Jiménez, Juan; Worner Diz, Fernando; Bardají Ruiz, Alfredo; García Pavía, Pablo; Bayes Genis, Antoni; González Juanatey, José Ramón; Cinca, Juan; Pascual Figal, Domingo Andrés
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Revista Espanola De Cardiologia
País: N/D
Títol: Changes in causes of death and influence of therapeutic improvement over time in patients with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction
Autors: Fernández-Vázquez D; Ferrero-Gregori A; Álvarez-García J; Gómez-Otero I; Vázquez R; Delgado Jiménez J; Worner Diz F; Bardají A; García-Pavía P; Bayés-Genís A; González-Juanatey JR; Cinca J; Pascual Figal DA
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Revista Espanola De Cardiologia
País: N/D
Títol: Subthreshold yellow laser for fovea-involving diabetic macular edema in a series of patients with good vision: effectiveness and safety of a fovea-sparing technique
Autors: Filloy, Alejandro; Chong, Victor; Sole, Eduard;
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Bmc Ophthalmology
País: N/D
Títol: Análisis de la pérdida ponderal a medio plazo después del bypass gastroyeyunal en Y de Roux y de la gastrectomía vertical:: propuesta de gráficos de percentiles del porcentaje de peso total perdido para su uso en la práctica clínica diaria
Autors: Fátima Sabench Pereferrer; Alicia Molina López; Débora Acín Gándara; Juan José Arroyo Martín; Javier Baltar Boilève; Antonio Barranco Moreno; Norberto Cassinello Fernández; Daniel del Castillo Déjardin; Enric Fernández Alsina; Manuel Ferrer Márquez; Esther Mans; Ester Martín García Almenta; Amador García Ruiz de Gordejuela
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Cirugia Espanola
País: N/D
Títol: Leisure-Time Physical Activity, Sedentary Behaviour and Diet Quality are Associated with Metabolic Syndrome Severity: The PREDIMED-Plus Study
Autors: Gallardo-Alfaro L; Del Mar Bibiloni M; Mascaró CM; Montemayor S; Ruiz-Canela M; Salas-Salvadó J; Corella D; Fitó M; Romaguera D; Vioque J; Alonso-Gómez ÁM; Wärnberg J; Martínez JA; Serra-Majem L; Estruch R; Fernández-García JC; Lapetra J; Pintó X; Ríos AG; Bueno-Cavanillas A; Gaforio JJ; Matía-Martín P; Daimiel L; Micó-Pérez RM; Vidal J; Vázquez C; Ros E; Fernandez-Lázaro CI; Becerra-Tom N; Gimenez-Alba IM; Zomeño MD; Konieczna J; Compañ-Gabucio L; Tojal-Sierra L; Pérez-López J; Zulet MÁ; Casañas-Quintana T; Castro-Barquero S; Gómez-Pérez AM; Santos-Lozano JM; Gallardo-Alfaro L; Del Mar Bibiloni M; Mascaró CM; Montemayor S; Ruiz-Canela M; Salas-Salvad J; Corella D; Fitó M; Romaguera D; Vioque J; Alonso-Gómez ÁM; Wärnberg J
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Nutrients
País: N/D
Títol: Leukocyte and brain DDR1 hypermethylation is altered in psychosis and is correlated with stress and inflammatory markers
Autors: Garcia-Ruiz B; Moreno L; Muntané G; Sánchez-Gistau V; Gutiérrez-Zotes A; Martorell L; Labad J; Vilella E
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Epigenomics
País: N/D
Títol: Multiplexed monitoring of a novel autoantibody diagnostic signature of colorectal cancer using HaloTag technology-based electrochemical immunosensing platform
Autors: Garranzo-Asensio M; Guzmán-Aránguez A; Povedano E; Montiel VRV; Poves C; Fernandez-Aceñero MJ; Montero-Calle A; Solís-Fernández G; Fernandez-Diez S; Camps J; Arenas M; Rodríguez-Tomàs E; Joven J; Sanchez-Martinez M; Rodriguez N; Dominguez G; Yáñez-Sedeño P; Pingarrón JM; Campuzano S; Barderas R
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Theranostics
País: N/D
Títol: The role of personality dimensions, depressive symptoms and other psychosocial variables in predicting postpartum suicidal ideation: a cohort study
Autors: Gelabert E; Gutierrez-Zotes A; Navines R; Labad J; Puyané M; Donadon MF; Guillamat R; Mayoral F; Jover M; Canellas F; Gratacós M; Guitart M; Gornemann I; Roca M; Costas J; Ivorra JL; Subirà S; de Diego Y; Osorio FL; Garcia-Esteve L; Sanjuan J; Vilella E; Martin-Santos R
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Archives Of Womens Mental Health
País: N/D
Títol: Incidence of major adverse cardiovascular events among patients with provoked and unprovoked venous thromboembolism: Findings from the Registro Informatizado de Enfermedad Tromboembólica Registry
Autors: Golemi I, Cote L, Iftikhar O, Brenner B, Tafur A, Bikdeli B, Fernández-Capitán C, Pedrajas JM, Otero R, Quintavalla R, Monreal M, Registro Informatizado de Enfermedad Tromboembólica Investigators
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Vascular Surgery-Venous And Lymphatic Disorders
País: N/D
Títol: The role of social relatedness and self-beliefs in social functioning in first-episode psychosis: Are we overestimating the contribution of illness-related factors?
Autors: Gonzalez-Blanch, Cesar; Medrano, Leonardo A.; Bendall, Sarah; D'Alfonso, Simon; Cagliarini, Daniela; McEnery, Carla; O'Sullivan, Shaunagh; Valentine, Lee; Gleeson, John F.; Alvarez-Jimenez, Mario;
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: European Psychiatry
País: N/D
Títol: Effects of flavanols on enteroendocrine secretion
Autors: Grau-bové C; González-quilen C; Terra X; Teresa Blay M; Beltrán-Debón R; Jorba-martín R; Espina B; Pinent M; Ardévol A
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Biomolecules
País: N/D
Títol: The algorithm used for the interpretation of doravirine transmitted drug resistance strongly influences clinical practice and guideline recommendations
Autors: Guerrero-Beltrán C, Martínez-Sanz J, Álvarez M, Olalla J, García-Álvarez M, Iribarren JA, Masiá M, Montero M, García-Bujalance S, Blanco JR, Rivero M, García-Fraile LJ, Espinosa N, Rodríguez C, Aguilera A, Vidal-Ampurdanes MC, Martínez M, Iborra A, Imaz A, Gómez-Sirvent JL, Peraire J, Portilla J, Caballero E, Alejos B, García F, Moreno S, CoRIS
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
País: N/D
Títol: Changes in Bone Mineral Density in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes After Different Bariatric Surgery Procedures and the Role of Gastrointestinal Hormones
Autors: Guerrero-Pérez F, Casajoana A, Gómez-Vaquero C, Virgili N, López-Urdiales R, Hernández-Montoliu L, Pujol-Gebelli J, Osorio J, Alves C, Perez-Maraver M, Pellitero S, Vidal-Alabró A, Fernández-Veledo S, Vendrell J, Vilarrasa N
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Obesity Surgery
País: N/D
Títol: Long-Term Effects in Bone Mineral Density after Different Bariatric Procedures in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: Outcomes of a Randomized Clinical Trial
Autors: Guerrero-Pérez F, Casajoana A, Gómez-Vaquero C, Virgili N, López-Urdiales R, Hernández-Montoliu L, Pujol-Gebelli J, Osorio J, Prats A, Vidal-Alabró A, Pérez-Maraver M, Fernández-Veledo S, Vendrell J, Vilarrasa N
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Clinical Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Interaction between the functional SNP rs2070951 in NR3C2 gene and high levels of plasma corticotropin-releasing hormone associates to postpartum depression
Autors: Gutiérrez-Zotes A; Díaz-Peña R; Costas J; Martorell L; Gelabert E; Sans T; Navinés R; Albacar G; Ímaz ML; García-Esteve L; Sanjuan J; Martín-Santos R; Carracedo A; Vilella E
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Archives Of Womens Mental Health
País: N/D
Títol: New signatures of poor CD4 cell recovery after suppressive antiretroviral therapy in HIV-1-infected individuals: involvement of miR-192, IL-6, sCD14 and miR-144
Autors: Hernandez-Walias, Francisco; Ruiz-de-Leon, Maria J.; Rosado-Sanchez, Isaac; Vazquez, Esther; Leal, Manuel; Moreno, Santiago; Vidal, Francesc; Blanco, Julia; Pacheco, Yolanda M.; Vallejo, Alejandro;
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Scientific Reports
País: N/D
Títol: Relationship between School Backpacks and Musculoskeletal Pain in Children 8 to 10 Years of Age: An Observational, Cross-Sectional and Analytical Study
Autors: Hernández TL; Ferré MC; Martí SG; Salvat IS
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health
País: N/D
Títol: Chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 2 and coronary artery disease: Tissue expression of functional and atypical receptors
Autors: Hernández-Aguilera A; Fibla M; Cabré N; Luciano-Mateo F; Camps J; Fernández-Arroyo S; Martín-Paredero V; Menendez J; Sirvent J; Joven J
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Cytokine
País: N/D
Títol: Quercetin metabolites from Hibiscus sabdariffa contribute to alleviate glucolipotoxicity-induced metabolic stress in vitro
Autors: Herranz-López M; Olivares-Vicente M; Rodríguez Gallego E; Encinar JA; Pérez-Sánchez A; Ruiz-Torres V; Joven J; Roche E; Micol V
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Food And Chemical Toxicology
País: N/D
Títol: Maternal Obesity Alters Placental Cell Cycle Regulators in the First Trimester of Human Pregnancy: New Insights for BRCA1
Autors: Hoch, Denise; Bachbauer, Martina; Poechlauer, Caroline; Algaba-Chueca, Francisco; Tandl, Veronika; Novakovic, Boris; Megia, Ana; Gauster, Martin; Saffery, Richard; Glasner, Andreas; Desoye, Gernot; Majali-Martinez, Alejandro;
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Molecular Sciences
País: N/D
Títol: Effects of raloxifene on cognition in postmenopausal women with schizophrenia: a 24-week double-blind, randomized, parallel, placebo-controlled trial
Autors: Huerta-Ramos E, Labad J, Cobo J, Núñez C, Creus M, García-Parés G, Cuadras D, Franco J, Miquel E, Reyes JC, Marcó-García S,, Usall J RALOPSYCAT Group
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: European Archives Of Psychiatry And Clinical Neuroscience
País: N/D
Títol: European Society Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition Guidelines for Diagnosing Coeliac Disease 2020
Autors: Husby S; Koletzko S; Korponay-Szabó I; Kurppa K; Mearin ML; Ribes-Koninckx C; Shamir R; Troncone R; Auricchio R; Castillejo G; Christensen R; Dolinsek J; Gillett P; Hróbjartsson A; Koltai T; Maki M; Nielsen SM; Popp A; Størdal K; Werkstetter K; Wessels M
Any: 2020 Clau: Review
Revista: Journal Of Pediatric Gastroenterology And Nutrition
País: N/D
Títol: Long-term protection of HPV test in women at risk of cervical cancer
Autors: Ibáñez R, Roura E, Monfil L, Rodríguez LA, Sardà M, Crespo N, Pascual A, Martí C, Fibla M, Gutiérrez C, Lloveras B, Oliveras G, Torrent A, Català I, Bosch FX, Bruni L, de Sanjosé S
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Plos One
País: N/D
Títol: Risk factors associated with mortality in hospitalized patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection. A prospective, longitudinal, unicenter study in Reus, Spain
Autors: Iftimie, S; López-Azcona, AF; Vicente-Miralles, M; Descarrega-Reina, R; Hernández-Aguilera, A; Riu, F; Simó, JM; Garrido, P; Joven, J; Camps, J; Castro, A
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Plos One
País: N/D
Títol: Polyphasic identification of three new species in Alternaria section Infectoriae causing human cutaneous infection
Autors: Iturrieta-Gonzalez, Isabel; Pujol, Isabel; Iftimie, Simona; Garcia, Dania; Morente, Vanesa; Queralt, Rosana; Guevara-Suarez, Marcela; Alastruey-Izquierdo, Ana; Ballester, Frederic; Hernandez-Restrepo, Margarita; Gene, Josepa;
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Mycoses
País: N/D
Títol: The LifeCycle Project-EU Child Cohort Network: a federated analysis infrastructure and harmonized data of more than 250,000 children and parents
Autors: Jaddoe, Vincent W. V.; Felix, Janine F.; Andersen, Anne-Marie Nybo; Charles, Marie-Aline; Chatzi, Leda; Corpeleijn, Eva; Donner, Nina; Elhakeem, Ahmed; Eriksson, Johan G.; Foong, Rachel; Grote, Veit; Haakma, Sido; Hanson, Mark; Harris, Jennifer R.; Heude, Barbara; Huang, Rae-Chi; Inskip, Hazel; Jarvelin, Marjo-Riitta; Koletzko, Berthold; Lawlor, Deborah A.; Lindeboom, Maarten; McEachan, Rosemary R. C.; Mikkola, Tuija M.; Nader, Johanna L. T.; de Moira, Angela Pinot; Pizzi, Costanza; Richiardi, Lorenzo; Sebert, Sylvain; Schwalber, Ameli; Sunyer, Jordi; Swertz, Morris A.; Vafeiadi, Marina; Vrijheid, Martine; Wright, John; Duijts, Liesbeth;LifeCycle Project Grp
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: European Journal Of Epidemiology
País: N/D
Títol: Impacto de Life's Simple 7 en la incidencia de eventos cardiovasculares mayores en adultos españoles con alto riesgo de la cohorte del estudio PREDIMED
Autors: Javier Díez Espino; Pilar Buil Cosiales; Nancy Babio; Estefanía Toledo Atucha; Dolores Corella Piquer; Emilio Ros; Montserrat Fitó; Enrique Gómez Gracia; Ramón Estruch Riba; Miquel Fiol; José Lapetra Peralta; Angel Alonso; Lluís Serra Majem; Xavier Pintó Sala; José Vicente Sorlí Guerola; Miguel Ángel Muñoz; Josep Basora Gallisà; Miguel Ángel Martínez González
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Revista Espanola De Cardiologia
País: N/D
Títol: Prevalence, clinical profile and prognostic implications of interatrial block in patients admitted for heart failure
Autors: Jesús Álvarez García; María Jesús Valero Masa; Eduard Solé González; Andreu Ferrero; Miquel Vives Borrás; Rafael Vázquez García; José Ramón González Juanatey; Pablo García Pavía; Domingo Andrés Pascual Figal; Ramón Bover Freire; Ramón Bascompte Claret; Juan F Delgado Jiménez; Alfredo Bardají Ruiz; Félix Pérez Villa; José Luis Zamorano Gómez; María Generosa Crespo-Leiro; Pedro Luis Sánchez Fernández; Álvaro García-Osuna; Luis Alberto Robledo-Escobar; A Bayés de Luna; Manuel Martínez-Sellés; Juan Cinca
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Rec: Cardioclinics
País: N/D
Títol: Results, barriers and enablers in atrial fibrillation case finding: barriers in opportunistic atrial fibrillation case finding-a cross-sectional study
Autors: Juan Ballesta-Ors; José Luis Clua-espuny; Delicia Gentile-Lorente; Iñigo lechuga-Duran; J Fernandez-Saez; E Muria-Subirats; M Blasco-Mulet; B Lorman-Carbó
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
País: N/D
Títol: Impact of infant protein supply and other early life factors on plasma metabolome at 5
Autors: Kirchberg FF, Hellmuth C, Totzauer M, Uhl O, Closa-Monasterolo R, Escribano J, Gruszfeld D, Gradowska K, Verduci E, Mariani B, Moretti M, Rousseaux D, Koletzko B, European Childhood Obesity Trial Study Group
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Obesity
País: N/D
Títol: Early Rhythm-Control Therapy in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation
Autors: Kirchhof P; Camm AJ; Goette A; Brandes A; Eckardt L; Elvan A; Fetsch T; van Gelder IC; Haase D; Haegeli LM; Hamann F; Heidbüchel H; Hindricks G; Kautzner J; Kuck KH; Mont L; Ng GA; Rekosz J; Schoen N; Schotten U; Suling A; Taggeselle J; Themistoclakis S; Vettorazzi E; Vardas P; Wegscheider K; Willems S; Crijns HJGM; Breithardt G; EAST-AFNET 4 Trial Investigators
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: New England Journal Of Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function and exposure to stress factors and cannabis use in recent-onset psychosis
Autors: Labad J, Ortega L, Cabezas Á, Montalvo I, Arranz S, Algora MJ, Solé M, Martorell L, Vilella E, Sánchez-Gistau V
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: World Journal Of Biological Psychiatry
País: N/D
Títol: The role of sleep quality, trait anxiety and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis measures in cognitive abilities of healthy individuals
Autors: Labad J; Salvat-Pujol N; Armario A; Cabezas Á; de Arriba-Arnau A; Nadal R; Martorell L; Urretavizcaya M; Monreal JA; Crespo JM; Vilella E; Palao DJ; Menchón JM; Soria V
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health
País: N/D
Títol: Lipid-lowering therapy and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol goal achievement in patients with acute coronary syndromes: The ACS patient pathway project
Autors: Landmesser, Ulf; Pirillo, Angela; Farnier, Michel; Jukema, J. Wouter; Laufs, Ulrich; Mach, Francois; Masana, Luis; Pedersen, Terje R.; Schiele, Francois; Steg, Gabriel; Tubaro, Marco; Zaman, Azfar; Zamorano, Pepe; Catapano, Alberico L.;
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Atherosclerosis Supplements
País: N/D
Títol: Comentarios a la guía ESC/EAS 2019 sobre el tratamiento de las dislipemias
Autors: Leopoldo Pérez de Isla; Lluís Masana Marín; R Argüeso Armesto; Raquel Campuzano; María Isabel Egocheaga Cabello; Carlos Escobar; Lorenzo Fácila Rubio; Pedro Mata; Miriam Rossi López; Carmen Rus
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Revista Espanola De Cardiologia
País: N/D
Títol: Emotional regulation for adolescents: A group-based treatment pilot study through the STEPPS programme
Autors: Llorens Ruiz I; Lopez Seco F; Masana Marín A; San Martín Águila E; Martínez Pinar D; Martín Alonso S; Vilella E; Gutierrez-Zotes A
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Behavioural And Cognitive Psychotherapy
País: N/D
Títol: Perfil clínico de los pacientes tratados con evolocumab en unidades de lípidos/medicina interna en España. Estudio observacional (RETOSS-IMU)
Autors: Lluís Masana Marín; José López Miranda; Fernando Civeira Murillo; Leonardo Reinares García; Carlos Guijarro; Núria Plana Gil; Rafael Cuenca; Demetrio Sánchez Fuentes; José Luis Hernández; Raimundo Andrés Cañas; Agustín Blanco Echevarría; Santiago Villamayor
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinica E Investigacion En Arteriosclerosis
País: N/D
Títol: The Immune Response in Nonmetastatic Axillary Lymph Nodes Is Associated with the Presence of Axillary Metastasis and Breast Cancer Patient Outcome
Autors: Lopez, Carlos; Bosch, Ramon; Orero, Guifre; Korzynska, Anna; Garcia-Rojo, Marcial; Bueno, Gloria; del Milagro Fernandez-Carrobles, Maria; Gibert-Ramos, Albert; Roszkowiak, Lukasz; Callau, Cristina; Fontoura, Laia; Salvado, Maria-Teresa; Alvaro, Tomas; Jaen, Joaquin; Roso-Llorach, Albert; Llobera, Montserrat; Gil, Julia; Onyos, Montserrat; Plancoulaine, Benoit; Baucells, Jordi; Lejeune, Marylene;
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: American Journal Of Pathology
País: N/D
Títol: Peritumoral immune infiltrates in primary tumours are not associated with the presence of axillary lymph node metastasis in breast cancer: a retrospective cohort study
Autors: Lopez, Carlos; Bosch-Princep, Ramon; Orero, Guifre; Fontoura Balaguero, Laia; Korzynska, Anna; Garcia-Rojo, Marcial; Bueno, Gloria; del Milagro Fernandez-Carrobles, Maria; Roszkowiak, Lukasz; Callau Casanova, Cristina; Teresa Salvado-Usach, M.; Jaen Martinez, Joaquin; Gibert-Ramos, Albert; Roso-Llorach, Albert; Gras Navarro, Andrea; Berenguer-Poblet, Marta; Llobera, Montse; Gil Garcia, Julia; Tomas, Barbara; Gesti, Vanessa; Laine, Eeva; Plancoulaine, Benoit; Baucells, Jordi; Lejeune, Marylene;
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Peerj
País: N/D
Títol: Systemic overexpression of C-C motif chemokine ligand 2 promotes metabolic dysregulation and premature death in mice with accelerated aging
Autors: Luciano-Mateo F; Cabré N; Baiges-Gaya G; Fernandez-Arroyo S; Hernandez-Aguilera A; Rodriguez-Tomas E; Arenas M; Camps J; Menendez JA; Joven J
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Aging-Us
País: N/D
Títol: Systemic overexpression of C-C motif chemokine ligand 2 promotes metabolic dysregulation and premature death in mice with accelerated aging
Autors: Luciano-Mateo F; Cabré N; Baiges-Gaya G; Fernández-Arroyo S; Hernández-Aguilera A; Elisabet Rodríguez-Tomàs E; Arenas M; Camps J; Menéndez JA; Joven J
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Aging-Us
País: N/D
Títol: Chemokine C-C motif ligand 2 overexpression drives tissue-specific metabolic responses in the liver and muscle of mice
Autors: Luciano-Mateo, Fedra; Cabre, Noemi; Fernandez-Arroyo, Salvador; Baiges-Gaya, Gerard; Hernandez-Aguilera, Anna; Rodriguez-Tomas, Elisabet; Munoz-Pinedo, Cristina; Menendez, Javier A.; Camps, Jordi; Joven, Jorge;
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Scientific Reports
País: N/D
Títol: Practice of lipoprotein apheresis and short-term efficacy in children with homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia: Data from an international registry
Autors: Luirink IK; Hutten BA; Greber-Platzer S; Kolovou GD; Dann EJ; de Ferranti SD; Taylan C; Bruckert E; Saheb S; Oh J; Driemeyer J; Farnier M; Pape L; Schmitt CP; Novoa FJ; Maeser M; Masana L; Shahrani A; Wiegman A; Groothoff JW
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Atherosclerosis
País: N/D
Títol: Effect of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus on the Hypoxia-Inducible Factor 1-Alpha Expression. Is There a Relationship with the Clock Genes?
Autors: López-Cano C, Gutiérrez-Carrasquilla L, Barbé F, Sánchez E, Hernández M, Martí R, Ceperuelo-Mallafre V, Dalmases M, Fernández-Veledo S, Vendrell J, Hernández C, Simó R, Lecube A
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Clinical Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Effects of radiotherapy on plasma energy metabolites in patients with breast cancer who received neoadjuvant chemotherapy
Autors: M. Arenas, S. Fernández Arroyo, E. Rodríguez Tomàs, S. Sabater, Y. Murria, M. Gascón, K. Amillano, Mireia Mele, J. Camps, Jorge Joven Maried
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
País: N/D
Títol: Glycoprotein Profile Assessed by 1H-NMR as a Global Inflammation Marker in Patients with HIV Infection. A Prospective Study
Autors: Malo AI, Rull A, Girona J, Domingo P, Fuertes-Martín R, Amigó N, Rodríguez-Borjabad C, Martínez-Micaelo N, Leal M, Peraire J, Correig X, Vidal F, Masana L
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Clinical Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Mobile Phone Apps for Food Allergies or Intolerances in App Stores: Systematic Search and Quality Assessment Using the Mobile App Rating Scale (MARS)
Autors: Mandracchia F; Llauradó E; Tarro L; Valls RM; Solà R
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Jmir Mhealth And Uhealth
País: N/D
Títol: A Case-Control Analysis of the Impact of Venous Thromboembolic Disease on Quality of Life of Patients with Cancer: Quality of Life in Cancer (Qca) Study
Autors: Marin-Barrera, Lucia; Munoz-Martin, Andres J.; Rios-Herranz, Eduardo; Garcia-Escobar, Ignacio; Beato, Carmen; Font, Carme; Oncala-Sibajas, Estefania; Revuelta-Rodriguez, Alfonso; Carmen Areses, Maria; Rivas-Jimenez, Victor; Angeles Moreno-Santos, Maria; Ballaz-Quincoces, Aitor; Lopez-Saez, Juan-Bosco; Gallego, Iria; Elias-Hernandez, Teresa; Isabel Asensio-Cruz, Maria; Chasco-Eguilaz, Leyre; Garcia-Gonzalez, Gonzalo; Estevez-Garcia, Purificacion; Otero, Remedios; Lima-Alvarez, Jorge; Jara-Palomares, Luis;
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Cancers
País: N/D
Títol: Asesoramiento contraceptivo en cirugía bariátrica
Autors: Marta Coll; Adriana Ayats Caminade; María Teresa Gavaldà Pellicé; Daniel del Castillo Déjardin; Pere Cavallé i Busquets
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Progresos En Obstetricia Y Ginecologia
País: N/D
Títol: Polygenic markers in patients diagnosed of autosomal dominant hypercholesterolemia in Catalonia: Distribution of weighted LDL-c-raising SNP scores and refinement of variant selection
Autors: Martín-Campos JM; Ruiz-Nogales S; Ibarretxe D; Ortega E; Sánchez-Pujol E; Royuela-Juncadella M; Vila À; Guerrero C; Zamora A; Soler i Ferrer C; Arroyo JA; Carreras G; Martínez-Figueroa S; Roig R; Plana N; Blanco-Vaca F
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Biomedicines
País: N/D
Títol: Plasma Metabolomic Profiling Associates Bicuspid Aortic Valve Disease and Ascending Aortic Dilation with a Decrease in Antioxidant Capacity dagger
Autors: Martínez-Micaelo, N; Ligero, C; Antequera-González, B; Junza, A; Yanes, O; Alegret, JM
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Clinical Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Reasons Why Combination Therapy Should Be the New Standard of Care to Achieve the LDL-Cholesterol Targets: Lipid-lowering combination therapy
Autors: Masana L; Ibarretxe D; Plana N
Any: 2020 Clau: Review
Revista: Current Cardiology Reports
País: N/D
Títol: Clinical profile of patients treated with evolocumab in lipid/internal medicine units of Spain. Observational study (RETOSS-IMU)
Autors: Masana Marín, Lluís; López Miranda, José; Civeira Murillo, Fernando; Reinares García, Leonardo; Guijarro, Carlos; Plana Gil, Núria; Cuenca, Rafael; Sánchez Fuentes, Demetrio; Hernández, José Luis; Andrés Cañas, Raimundo; Blanco Echevarría, Agustín; Villamayor, Santiago
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinica E Investigacion En Arteriosclerosis
País: N/D
Títol: Gastrointestinally Digested Protein from the InsectAlphitobius diaperinusStimulates a Different Intestinal Secretome than Beef or Almond, Producing a Differential Response in Food Intake in Rats
Autors: Miguens-Gomez, Alba; Grau-Bove, Carme; Sierra-Cruz, Marta; Jorba-Martin, Rosa; Caro, Aleidis; Rodriguez-Gallego, Esther; Beltran-Debon, Raul; Blay, M. Teresa; Terra, Ximena; Ardevol, Anna; Pinent, Montserrat;
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Nutrients
País: N/D
Títol: Glycated Haemoglobin Is Associated With Poorer Cognitive Performance in Patients With Recent-Onset Psychosis
Autors: Montalvo, Itziar; Gonzalez-Rodriguez, Alexandre; Cabezas, Angel; Gutierrez-Zotes, Alfonso; Sole, Montse; Algora, Maria Jose; Ortega, Laura; Martorell, Lourdes; Sanchez-Gistau, Vanessa; Vilella, Elisabet; Labad, Javier;
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Frontiers In Psychiatry
País: N/D
Títol: Incidence and Risk Assessment for Atrial Fibrillation at 5 Years: Hypertensive Diabetic Retrospective Cohort
Autors: Muria-Subirats E; Clua-Espuny JL; Ballesta-Ors J; Lorman-Carbo B; Lechuga-Duran I; Fernández-Saez J; Pla-Farnos R; On Behalf Members Of Africat Group
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health
País: N/D
Títol: Perceived stress, social functioning and quality of life in first-episode psychosis: A 1-year follow-up study
Autors: Ortega L; Montalvo I; Monseny R; Burjales-Martí MD; Martorell L; Sanchez-Gistau V; Vilella E; Labad J
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Early Intervention In Psychiatry
País: N/D
Títol: Relationship between childhood trauma and social adaptation in a sample of young people attending an early intervention service for psychosis
Autors: Ortega L; Montalvo I; Solé M; Creus M; Cabezas Á; Gutiérrez-Zotes A; Sánchez-Gistau V; Vilella E; Labad J
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Revista De Psiquiatria Y Salud Mental
País: N/D
Títol: Gelsolin: a new biomarker of disease activity in SLE patients associated with HDL-c
Autors: Parra, S; Heras, M; Herrero, P; Amigó, N; Garcés, E; Girona, J; Correig, X; Canela, N; Castro, A
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Rheumatology
País: N/D
Títol: Uncovered p1 and p2 waves preceding the N3 vestibular evoked neurogenic potential in profound sensorineural hearing loss
Autors: Pascual-Rubio V; Domènech-Vadillo E; Cárdenas-Escalante P; Avilés-Jurado FX; Pellisé-Guinjoan A; Figuerola-Massana E
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Physiological Reports
País: N/D
Títol: The effect of preoperative chemotherapy on liver regeneration after portal vein embolization/ligation or liver resection in patients with colorectal liver metastasis: a systematic review protocol
Autors: Pavel MC; Casanova R; Estalella L; Memba R; Llàcer-Millán E; Achalandabaso M; Julià E; Geoghegan J; Jorba R
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Systematic Reviews
País: N/D
Títol: Overall Mortality and LDL Cholesterol Reduction in Secondary Prevention Trials of Cardiovascular Disease
Autors: Pedro-Botet, Juan; Lopez-Miranda, Jose; Badimon, Lina; Civeira, Fernando; Guijarro, Carlos; Millan, Jesus; Mostaza, Jose M.; Pinto, Xavier; Valdivielso, Pedro; Masana, Luis;Expert Grp Spanish
Any: 2020 Clau: Review
Revista: American Journal Of Cardiovascular Drugs
País: N/D
Títol: Soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor as a long-term prognostic biomarker in acute coronary syndromes
Autors: Peiro, Oscar Manuel; Cediel, German; Bonet, Gil; Rojas, Sergio; Quintern, Veronica; Carrasquer, Anna; Gonzalez-Del-Hoyo, Maribel; Sanz, Esther; Bardaji, Alfredo;
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Biomarkers
País: N/D
Títol: A single nucleotide deletion resulting in a frameshift in exon 4 of TAB2 is associated with a polyvalular syndrome
Autors: Permanyer, Eduard; Laurie, Steven; Blasco-Lucas, Arnau; Maldonado, Giuliana; Amador-Catalan, Amaya; Ferrer-Curriu, Gemma; Fuste, Berta; Perez, Maria L.; Gonzalez-Alujas, Teresa; Beltran, Sergi; Comas-Riu, Jaume; Bardaji, Alfredo; Evangelista, Artur; Galinanes, Manuel;
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: European Journal Of Medical Genetics
País: N/D
Títol: An Infant Formula with Partially Hydrolyzed Whey Protein Supports Adequate Growth and Is Safe and Well-Tolerated in Healthy, Term Infants: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Equivalence Trial
Autors: Picaud, Jean-Charles; Pajek, Barbara; Arciszewska, Malgorzata; Tarczon, Izabela; Escribano, Joaquin; Porcel, Rocio; Adelt, Thomas; Hassink, Elly; Rijnierse, Anneke; Abrahamse-Berkeveld, Marieke; Korczowski, Bartosz; Mazela, Jan; Schlembach, Dietmar; Oudshoorn, Annemarie; Kalach, Nicolas; Pastor Rosado, Jose; Closa, Ricardo; Nermes, Merja; Laitinen, Kirsi;TENUTO Study Grp
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Nutrients
País: N/D
Títol: Consensus document of an expert group from the Spanish Society of Arteriosclerosis (SEA) on the clinical use of nuclear magnetic resonance to assess lipoprotein metabolism (Liposcale®)
Autors: Pintó X; Masana L; Civeira F; Real J; Ibarretxe D; Candas B; Puzo J; Díaz JL; Amigó N; Esteban M; Valdivielso P
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinica E Investigacion En Arteriosclerosis
País: N/D
Títol: Proteomic Analysis of Heart and Kidney Tissues in Healthy and Metabolic Syndrome Rats after Hesperidin Supplementation
Autors: Pla-Pagà L; Guirro M; Gual-Grau A; Gibert-Ramos A; Foguet-Romero E; Catalán Ú; Mayneris-Perxachs J; Canela N; Valls RM; Arola L; Solà R; Pedret A
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Molecular Nutrition & Food Research
País: N/D
Títol: Recommendations of the Spanish Society of Paediatric Cardiology and Congenital Heart Disease as regards the use of drugs in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children and adolescents with a known heart disease, as well as in the general paediatric population: Position statement by the Spanish Paediatric Association
Autors: Pérez-Lescure Picarzo J; Centeno Malfaz F; Collell Hernández R; Crespo Marcos D; Fernández Soria T; Manso García B; Rojo Sombrero H; Sabaté Rotés A; Sarquella-Brugada G
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Anales De Pediatria
País: N/D
Títol: Chronic Pulmonary Thromboembolic Disease
Autors: Ramirez, Purification; Otero, Remedios; Barbera, Joan Albert;
Any: 2020 Clau: Review
Revista: Archivos De Bronconeumologia
País: N/D
Títol: Derivation and validation of SIDIAP-FHP score: A new risk model predicting cardiovascular disease in familial hypercholesterolemia phenotype
Autors: Ramos, Rafel; Masana, Luis; Comas-Cufi, Marc; Garcia-Gil, Maria; Marti-Lluch, Ruth; Ponjoan, Anna; Plana, Nuria; Alves-Cabratosa, Lia; Marrugat, Jaume; Elosua, Roberto; Degano, Irene R.; Gomez-Marcos, Mauel A.; Zamora, Alberto;
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Atherosclerosis
País: N/D
Títol: EULAR recommendations for the management of Sjogren's syndrome with topical and systemic therapies
Autors: Ramos-Casals, M Brito-Zeron, P; Bombardieri, S; Bootsma, H; De Vita, S; Dörner, T; Fisher, BA; Gottenberg, JE; Hernandez-Molina, G; Kocher, A; Kostov, B; Kruize, AA; Mandl, T; Ng, WF; Retamozo, S; Seror, R; Shoenfeld, Y; Siso-Almirall, A; Tzioufas, AG; Vitali, C; Bowman, S; Mariette, X
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Annals Of The Rheumatic Diseases
País: N/D
Títol: Contingency plan for the intensive care services for the COVID-19 pandemic
Autors: Rascado Sedes, P.; Ballesteros Sanz, M. A.; Bodi Saera, M. A.; Carrasco Rodriguez-Rey, L. F.; Castellanos Ortega, A.; Catalan Gonzalez, M.; de Haro Lopez, C.; Diaz Santos, E.; Escriba Barcena, A.; Frade Mera, M. J.; Igeno Cano, J. C.; Martin Delgado, M. C.; Martinez Estalella, G.; Raimondi, N.; Roca i Gas, O.; Rodriguez Oviedo, A.; Romero San Pio, E.; Trenado Alvarez, J.;SEMICYUC; SEEIUC
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Medicina Intensiva
País: N/D
Títol: Coping strategies, quality of life, and neurological outcome in patients treated with mechanical thrombectomy after an acute ischemic stroke
Autors: Reverte-Villarroya, Silvia; Davalos, Antoni; Font-Mayolas, Silvia; Berenguer-Poblet, Marta; Sauras-Colon, Esther; Lopez-Pablo, Carlos; Sanjuan-Menendez, Estela; Munoz-Narbona, Lucia; Suner-Soler, Rosa
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health
País: N/D
Títol: Prognostic Significance of Thyroglobulin Antibodies in Differentiated Thyroid Cancer
Autors: Reverter, Jordi L.; Rosas-Allende, Irene; Puig-Jove, Carlos; Zafon, Carles; Megia, Ana; Castells, Ignasi; Pizarro, Eduarda; Puig-Domingo, Manel; Granada, M. Luisa;
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Thyroid Research
País: N/D
Títol: Association between serum ferritin and acute coronary heart disease: A population-based cohort study
Autors: Reyes C; Pons N; Reñones C; Gallisà J; Val V; Tebé C; Mateo G
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Atherosclerosis
País: N/D
Títol: Niveles plasmáticos de glucosa, triglicéridos, VLDL, leptina y resistina como potenciales biomarcadores de la grasa miocárdica en ratones
Autors: Ricardo Rodríguez Calvo; Sara Samino; Sandra Guaita Esteruelas; Neus Martínez Micaelo; Mercedes Heras; Josefa Girona Tell; Oscar Yanes; Xavier Correig; Lluís Masana Marín
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinica E Investigacion En Arteriosclerosis
País: N/D
Títol: Evaluation of the chylomicron-TG to VLDL-TG ratio for type I hyperlipoproteinemia diagnostic
Autors: Rioja J; Ariza MJ; García-Casares N; Coca-Prieto I; Arrobas T; Muñiz-Grijalvo O; Mangas A; Ibarretxe D; Sánchez-Chaparro MÁ; Valdivielso P
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: European Journal Of Clinical Investigation
País: N/D
Títol: Severe infection due to the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus: Experience of a tertiary hospital with COVID-19 patients during the 2020 pandemic
Autors: Rodriguez, A.; Moreno, G.; Gomez, J.; Carbonell, R.; Pico-Plana, E.; Benavent Bofill, C.; Sanchez Parrilla, R.; Trefler, S.; Esteve Pitarch, E.; Canadell, L.; Teixido, X.; Claverias, L.; Bodi, M.;HJ23-Covid-19 Working Grp
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Medicina Intensiva
País: N/D
Títol: Identification of germline pathogenic variants in DNA damage repair genes by a next-generation sequencing multigene panel in BRCAX patients
Autors: Rodriguez-Balada, Marta; Roig, Barbara; Mele, Mireia; Albacar, Cinta; Serrano, Sara; Salvat, Monica; Querol, Montserrat; Borras, Joan; Martorell, Lourdes; Guma, Josep;
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinical Biochemistry
País: N/D
Títol: Efficacy of therapeutic lifestyle changes on lipid profiles assessed by NMR in children with familial and non-familial hypercholesterolemia
Autors: Rodríguez-Borjabad C, Malo AI, Ibarretxe D, Girona J, Heras M, Ferré R, Feliu A, Salvadó M, Varela A, Amigó N, Masana L, Plana N, DECOPIN Group, DECOPIN GROUP Investigators who have participated in patient recruitment
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinica E Investigacion En Arteriosclerosis
País: N/D
Títol: Plasma glucose, triglycerides, VLDL, leptin and resistin levels as potential biomarkers for myocardial fat in mice.
Autors: Rodríguez-Calvo R, Samino S, Guaita-Esteruelas S, Martínez-Micaelo N, Heras M, Girona J, Yanes O, Correig X, Masana L
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinica E Investigacion En Arteriosclerosis
País: N/D
Títol: Hepatic lipidomics and molecular imaging in a murine non-alcoholic fatty liver disease model: Insights into molecular mechanisms
Autors: Rodríguez-Calvo R; Samino S; Girona J; Martínez-Micaelo N; Ràfols P; García-Altares M; Guaita-Esteruelas S; Junza A; Heras M; Yanes O; Correig X; Masana L
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Biomolecules
País: N/D
Títol: Alterations in plasma concentrations of energy-balance-related metabolites in patients with lung, or head & neck, cancers: Effects of radiotherapy
Autors: Rodríguez-Tomàs E, Arguís M, Arenas M, Fernández-Arroyo S, Murcia M, Sabater S, Torres L, Baiges-Gayà G, Hernández-Aguilera A, Camps J, Joven J
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Proteomics
País: N/D
Títol: The effect of prenatal smoke exposure on child neuropsychological function: a prospective mother-child cohort study
Autors: Roigé-Castellví J, Murphy M, Hernández-Martínez C, Solé-Navais P, Cavallé-Busquets P, Fernández-Ballart J, Ballesteros M, Canals J
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Reproductive And Infant Psychology
País: N/D
Títol: Cost-effectiveness of direct oral anticoagulants versus vitamin K antagonist in atrial fibrillation: A study protocol using Real-World Data from Catalonia (FantasTIC Study)
Autors: Rojas, ZH; Llorca, MRD; Martín, CA; Gonçalves, AQ; Casajuana, M; Fernández-Sáez, J; Cumplido, DR; Drago, EF; Carrasco-Querol, N; Vilaubí, JMP; Alegret, JM
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Incidence of diabetes mellitus in Spain as results of the nation-wide cohort study
Autors: Rojo-Martínez G; Valdés S; Soriguer F; Vendrell J; Urrutia I; Pérez V; Ortega E; Ocón P; Montanya E; Menéndez E; Lago-Sampedro A; González- Frutos T; Gomis R; Goday A; García-Serrano S; García-Escobar E; Galán-García JL; Castell C; Badía-Guillén R; Aguilera-Venegas G; Girbés J; Gaztambide S; Franch-Nadal J; Delgado E; Chaves FJ; Castaño L; Calle-Pascual A
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Scientific Reports
País: N/D
Títol: Validation of a Deep Learning Algorithm for Diabetic Retinopathy
Autors: Romero-Aroca, Pedro; Verges-Puig, Raquel; de la Torre, Jordi; Valls, Aida; Relano-Barambio, Naiara; Puig, Domenec; Baget-Bernaldiz, Marc;
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Telemedicine And E-Health
País: N/D
Títol: Venous Thromboembolism in Patients With Autoimmune Disorders: Findings From the RIETE Registry
Autors: Ruiz Sada, Pablo; Lopez-Nunez, Juan J.; Samperiz, Angel; Jose Soto, Maria; Maria Pedrajas, Jose; Antonio Porras, Jose; Luisa Peris, Maria; Debourdeau, Philippe; Pace, Federica; Monreal, Manuel; Adarraga, M. D.; Agud, M.; Aibar, M. A.; Alfonso, J.; Amado, C.; Arcelus, J. I.; Ballaz, A.; Barba, R.; Barbagelata, C.; Barron, M.; Barron-Andres, B.; Blanco-Molina, A.; Camon, A. M.; Canas, I.; Carrasco, C.; Castro, J.; Cerda, P.; de Ancos, C.; del Toro, J.; Demelo, P.; Diaz-Pedroche, C.; Diaz-Peromingo, J. A.; Diaz-Simon, R.; Encabo, M.; Escribano, J. C.; Esposito, F.; Falga, C.; Farfan, I.; Fernandez-Capitan, C.; Fernandez-Criado, M. C.; de Roitegui, K. Fernandez; Fidalgo, M. A.; Font, C.; Font, L.; Furest, I.; Garcia, M. A.; Garcia-Bragado, F.; Garcia-Raso, A.; Gavin-Blanco, O.; Gavin-Sebastian, O.; Gayol, M. C.; Gil-Diaz, A.; Gomez, V.; Gomez-Cuervo, C.; Gonzalez-Martinez, J.; Grau, E.; Gutierrez, J.; Hernandez-Blasco, L. M.; Iglesias, M.; Jara-Palomares, L.; Jaras, M. J.; Jimenez, D.; Jimenez, R.; Joya, M. D.; Jou, I.; Lecumberri, R.; Lima, J.; Llamas, P.; Lobo, J. L.; Lopez-Jimenez, L.; Lopez-Miguel, P.; Lopez-Nunez, J. J.; Lopez-Reyes, R.; Lopez-Saez, J. B.; Lorente, M. A.; Lorenzo, A.; Loring, M.; Lumbierres, M.; Madridano, O.; Maestre, A.; Marchena, P. J.; del Pozo, M. Martin; Martin-Fortea, P.; Martin-Martos, F.; Martin-Romero, M.; Martinez-Baquerizo, C.; Martinez-Garcia, M. A.; Martinez-Gonzalez, L.; Mella, C.; Mellado, M.; Monreal, M.; Montesa, C.; Morales, M. V.; Nieto, J. A.; Nunez, M. J.; Olivares, M. C.; Olivera, P. E.; Otalora, S.; Otero, R.; Panadero-Macia, M.; Pedrajas, J. M.; Pellejero, G.; Perez-Ductor, C.; Perez-Rus, G.; Peris, M. L.; Porras, J. A.; Riera-Mestre, A.; Rivas, A.; Rodriguez-Cobo, A.; Rodriguez-Hernandez, A.; Rosa, V.; Rubio, C. M.; Ruiz-Artacho, P.; Ruiz-Ruiz, J.; Ruiz-Sada, P.; Sahuquillo, J. C.; Sala-Sainz, M. C.; Salgueiro, G.; Samperiz, A.; Sanchez-Munoz-Torrero, J. F.; Sancho, T.; Soler, S.; Suarez, S.; Surinach, J. M.; Tolosa, C.; Torres, M. I.; Trujillo-Santos, J.; Uresandi, F.; Valle, R.; Vela, J. R.; Vidal, G.; Vilar, C.; Villares, P.; Gutierrez, P.; Vazquez, F. J.; Vilaseca, A.; Vanassche, T.; Vandenbriele, C.; Verhamme, P.; Hirmerova, J.; Maly, R.; Celis, G.; Salgado, E.; Benzidia, I.; Bertoletti, L.; Bura-Riviere, A.; Debourdeau, P.; Farge-Bancel, D.; Helfer, H.; Hij, A.; Mahe, I.; Moustafa, F.; Schellong, S.; Braester, A.; Brenner, B.; Tzoran, I.; Sharif-Kashani, B.; Barillari, G.; Bilora, F.; Bortoluzzi, C.; Brandolin, B.; Ceccanti, G.; Ciammaichella, M.; Dentali, F.; Di Micco, P.; Imbalzano, E.; Landolfi, R.; Lessiani, G.; Maida, R.; Mastroiacovo, D.; Pace, F.; Pesavento, R.; Pomero, F.; Prandoni, P.; Quintavalla, R.; Rocci, A.; Siniscalchi, C.; Tufano, A.; Visona, A.; Hong, N. Vo; Zalunardo, B.; Gibietis, V.; Kigitovica, D.; Skride, A.; Bosevski, M.; Zdraveska, M.; Bounameaux, H.; Fresa, M.; Mazzolai, L.; Ney, B.; Prandoni, Paolo; Brenner, Benjamin; Farge-Bancel, Dominique; Barba, Raquel; Di Micco, Pierpaolo; Bertoletti, Laurent; Schellong, Sebastian; Tzoran, Inna; Reis, Abilio; Bosevski, Marijan; Bounameaux, Henri; Maly, Radovan; Verhamme, Peter; Caprini, Joseph A.; Hanh My Bui;RIETE Investigators
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Angiology
País: N/D
Títol: Analysis of mid-term weight loss after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy: Proposed percentile charts for total weight loss percentages to be used in daily clinical practice
Autors: Sabench Pereferrer F; Molina López A; Acín Gándara D; Arroyo Martín J; Baltar Boileve J; Barranco Moreno A; Cassinello Fernández N; del Castillo Déjardin D; Fernández Alsina E; Ferrer-Márquez M; Mans Muntwyler E; Martín García-Almenta E; García Ruiz de Gordejuela A
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Cirugia Espanola
País: N/D
Títol: The impact of flushing with pre-filled saline syringes on the incidence of peripheral venous catheter failure: A quasi-experimental study
Autors: Saliba, Patrick; Cuervo, Guillermo; Hornero, Ana; De Carli, Gabriella; Marani, Alessandra; Puro, Vincenzo; Felisa Lopez, Ana; Iftimie, Simona; Castro, Antoni; Diaz-Brito Fernandez, Vicens; Alvarez Moya, Maria Carmen; Jimenez De La Rosa, Cristina; Martinez-Sanchez, Jose; Jimenez, Emilio; Carratala, Jordi; Pujol, Miquel;
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Vascular Access
País: N/D
Títol: Multivariate Brain Functional Connectivity Through Regularized Estimators
Autors: Salvador R; Verdolini N; Garcia-Ruiz B; Jiménez E; Sarró S; Vilella E; Vieta E; Canales-Rodríguez EJ; Pomarol-Clotet E; Voineskos AN
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Frontiers In Neuroscience
País: N/D
Títol: Multivariate Brain Functional Connectivity Through Regularized Estimators
Autors: Salvador R; Verdolini N; Garcia-Ruiz B; Jiménez E; Sarró S; Vilella E; Vieta E; Canales-Rodríguez EJ; Pomarol-Clotet E; Voineskos AN
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Frontiers In Neuroscience
País: N/D
Títol: Clinical and cognitive correlates of childhood attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in first-episode psychosis: A controlled study
Autors: Sanchez¿Gistau V; Manzanares N; Cabezas A; Sole M; Algora MJ; Vilella E
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: European Neuropsychopharmacology
País: N/D
Títol: On-line education about end-of-life care and the donation process after brain death and circulatory death
Autors: Sandiumenge A, Lomero Martinez MDM, Sánchez Ibáñez J, Seoane Pillado T, Montaña-Carreras X, Molina-Gomez JD, Llauradó-Serra M, Dominguez-Gil B, Masnou N, Bodi M, Pont T
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Transplant International
País: N/D
Títol: The effects and associations of whole-apple intake on diverse cardiovascular risk factors. A narrative review
Autors: Sandoval-Ramirez, Berner Andree; Catalan, Ursula; Calderon-Perez, Lorena; Companys, Judit; Pla-Paga, Laura; Ludwig, Iziar A.; Romero, Ma Paz; Sola, Rosa;
Any: 2020 Clau: Review
Revista: Critical Reviews In Food Science And Nutrition
País: N/D
Títol: Cyanidin-3-glucoside as a possible biomarker for anthocyanin-rich berry intake in body fluids of healthy humans: a systematic review of clinical trials.
Autors: Sandoval-Ramírez BA, Catalán Ú, Fernández-Castillejo S, Pedret A, Llauradó E, Solà R.
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Nutrition Reviews
País: N/D
Títol: Effects of screen time and playing outside on anthropometric measures in preschool aged children
Autors: Schwarzfischer P; Gruszfeld D; Socha P; Luque V; Closa-Monasterolo R; Rousseaux D; Moretti M; ReDionigi A; Verduci E; Koletzko B; Grote V
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Plos One
País: N/D
Títol: Adipose stem cells from patients with Crohn's disease show a distinctive DNA methylation pattern
Autors: Serena C; Millan M; Ejarque M; Saera-Vila A; Maymó-Masip E; Núñez-Roa C; Monfort-Ferré D; Terrón-Puig M; Bautista M; Menacho M; Martí M; Espin E; Vendrell J; Fernández-Veledo S
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinical Epigenetics
País: N/D
Títol: Microbial Signature in Adipose Tissue of Crohn's Disease Patients
Autors: Serena, Carolina; Queipo-Ortuno, Maribel; Millan, Monica; Sanchez-Alcoholado, Lidia; Caro, Aleidis; Espina, Beatriz; Menacho, Margarita; Bautista, Michelle; Monfort-Ferre, Diandra; Terron-Puig, Margarida; Nunez-Roa, Catalina; Maymo-Masip, Elsa; Mar Rodriguez, M.; Tinahones, Francisco J.; Espin, Eloy; Marti, Marc; Fernandez-Veledo, Sonia; Vendrell, Joan;
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Clinical Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Multicenter Controlled Study of Intracorporeal Mechanical Side-to-Side Isoperistaltic Anastomosis versus Extracorporeal Anastomosis in Laparoscopic Right Hemicolectomy: HEMI-D-TREND-Study.
Autors: Serra-Aracil X, Pascua-Solé M, Mora-López L, Vallverdú H, Serracant A, Espina B, Ruiz C, Merichal M, Sánchez A, Romagnolo L, Veo C
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Digestive Surgery
País: N/D
Títol: Multicenter Controlled Study of Intracorporeal Mechanical Side-to-Side Isoperistaltic Anastomosis versus Extracorporeal Anastomosis in Laparoscopic Right Hemicolectomy: HEMI-D-TREND-Study
Autors: Serra-Aracil, Xavier; Pascua-Solé, Mireia; Mora-López, Laura; Vallverdú, Helena; Serracant, Anna; Espina, Beatriz; Ruiz, Cristina; Merichal, Mireia; Sánchez, Antonio; Romagnolo, Luis; Veo, Carlos; NA, NA
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Digestive Surgery
País: N/D
Títol: Physicians' opinions on generic antiretroviral drugs and single-tablet regimen de-simplification for the treatment of HIV infection: a multicentre survey in Spain
Autors: Suarez-Garcia, Ines; Ruiz-Alguero, Marta; Garcia Yubero, Cristina; Moreno, Cristina; Jose Belza, Maria; Estebanez, Miriam; de los Santos, Ignacio; Masia, Mar; Samperiz Abad, Gloria; Munoz Sanchez, Josefa; Omar, Mohamed; Jarrin, Inma;Cohort Spanish HIV AIDS Res Networ
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
País: N/D
Títol: Novel loci for childhood body mass index and shared heritability with adult cardiometabolic traits
Autors: Suzanne Vogelezang ,Jonathan P. Bradfield ,Tarunveer S. Ahluwalia,John A. Curtin,Timo A. Lakka,Niels Grarup,Markus Scholz,Peter J. van der Most,Claire Monnereau,Evie Stergiakouli,Anni Heiskala,Momoko Horikoshi,Iryna O. Fedko,Natalia Vilor-Tejedor,Diana L. Cousminer,Marie Standl,Carol A. Wang,Jorma Viikari,Frank Geller,Carmen Íñiguez,Niina Pitkänen,Alessandra Chesi,Jonas Bacelis,Loic Yengo,Maties Torrent,Ioanna Ntalla,Øyvind Helgeland,Saskia Selzam,Judith M. Vonk,Mohammed H. Zafarmand,Barbara Heude,Ismaa Sadaf Farooqi,Akram Alyass,Robin N. Beaumont,Christian T. Have,Peter Rzehak,Jose Ramon Bilbao,Theresia M. Schnurr,Inês Barroso,Klaus Bønnelykke,Lawrence J. Beilin,Lisbeth Carstensen,Marie-Aline Charles,Bo Chawes,Karine Clément,Ricardo Closa-Monasterolo,Adnan Custovic,Johan G. Eriksson,Joaquin Escribano,Maria Groen-Blokhuis,Veit Grote,Dariusz Gruszfeld,Hakon Hakonarson,Torben Hansen,Andrew T. Hattersley,Mette Hollensted,Jouke-Jan Hottenga,Elina Hyppönen,Stefan Johansson,Raimo Joro,Mika Kähönen,Ville Karhunen,Wieland Kiess,Bridget A. Knight,Berthold Koletzko,Andreas Kühnapfel,Kathrin Landgraf,Jean-Paul Langhendries,Terho Lehtimäki,Jaakko T. Leinonen,Aihuali Li,Virpi Lindi ¿,Estelle Lowry,Mariona Bustamante,Carolina Medina-Gomez,Mads Melbye,Kim F. Michaelsen,Camilla S. Morgen,Trevor A. Mori,Tenna R. H. Nielsen,Harri Niinikoski,Albertine J. Oldehinkel,Katja Pahkala,Kalliope Panoutsopoulou,Oluf Pedersen,Craig E. Pennell,Christine Power,Sijmen A. Reijneveld,Fernando Rivadeneira,Angela Simpson,Peter D. Sly,Jakob Stokholm,Kook K. Teo,Elisabeth Thiering,Nicholas J. Timpson,André G. Uitterlinden,Catharina E. M. van Beijsterveldt,Barbera D. C. van Schaik,Marc Vaudel,Elvira Verduci,Rebecca K. Vinding,Mandy Vogel,Eleftheria Zeggini,Sylvain Sebert,Mads V. Lind,Christopher D. Brown,Loreto Santa-Marina,Eva Reischl,Christine Frithioff-Bøjsøe,David Meyre,Eleanor Wheeler,Ken Ong,Ellen A. Nohr,Tanja G. M. Vrijkotte,Gerard H. Koppelman,Robert Plomin,Pål R. Njølstad,George D. Dedoussis,Philippe Froguel,Thorkild I. A. Sørensen,Bo Jacobsson,Rachel M. Freathy,Babette S. Zemel,Olli Raitakari,Martine Vrijheid,Bjarke Feenstra,Leo-Pekka Lyytikäinen,Harold Snieder,Holger Kirsten,Patrick G. Holt,Joachim Heinrich,Elisabeth Widén,Jordi Sunyer,Dorret I. Boomsma,Marjo-Riitta Järvelin,Antje Körner,George Davey Smith,Jens-Christian Holm,Mustafa Atalay,Clare Murray,Hans Bisgaard,Mark I. McCarthy ,Early Growth Genetics Consortium,Vincent W. V. Jaddoe
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: N/D
País: N/D
Títol: Effect of obstructive sleep apnoea and its treatment with continuous positive airway pressure on the prevalence of cardiovascular events in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ISAACC study): a randomised controlled trial
Autors: Sánchez-de-la-Torre M; Sánchez-de-la-Torre A; Bertran S; Abad J; Duran-Cantolla J; Cabriada V; Mediano O; Masdeu MJ; Alonso ML; Masa JF; Barceló A; de la Peña M; Mayos M; Coloma R; Montserrat JM; Chiner E; Perelló S; Rubinós G; Mínguez O; Pascual L; Cortijo A; Martínez D; Aldomà A; Dalmases M; McEvoy RD; Barbé F; Abad L; Muñoz A; Zamora E; Vicente I; Inglés S; Egea C; Marcos J; Fernández A; Ullate J; Durán Carro J; Rodríguez JL; Mendoza MJ; Labeaga R; Diez D
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Lancet Respiratory Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Effectiveness of workplace interventions for improving absenteeism, productivity, and work ability of employees: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Autors: Tarro L; Llauradó E; Ulldemolins G; Hermoso P; Solà R
Any: 2020 Clau: Review
Revista: International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health
País: N/D
Títol: Commercial complementary food use amongst European infants and children: results from the EU Childhood Obesity Project
Autors: Theurich MA; Zaragoza-Jordana M; Luque V; Gruszfeld D; Gradowska K; Xhonneux A; Riva E; Verduci E; Poncelet P; Damianidi L; Koletzko B; Grote V
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: European Journal Of Nutrition
País: N/D
Títol: Neuropsychological profile of children and adolescents with psychosis risk syndrome: the CAPRIS study
Autors: Tor J, Dolz M, Sintes-Estevez A, de la Serna E, Puig O, Muñoz-Samons D, Pardo M, Rodríguez-Pascual M, Sugranyes G, Sánchez-Gistau V, Baeza I
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
País: N/D
Títol: Impact of renal function on admission in COVID-19 patients: an analysis of the international HOPE COVID-19 (Health Outcome Predictive Evaluation for COVID 19) Registry
Autors: Uribarri, Aitor; Nunez-Gil, Ivan J.; Aparisi, Alvaro; Becerra-Munoz, Victor M.; Feltes, Gisela; Trabattoni, Daniela; Fernandez-Rozas, Inmaculada; Viana-Llamas, Maria C.; Pepe, Martino; Cerrato, Enrico; Capel-Astrua, Thamar; Romero, Rodolfo; Castro-Mejia, Alex F.; El-Battrawy, Ibrahim; Lopez-Pais, Javier; D'Ascenzo, Fabrizio; Fabregat-Andres, Oscar; Bardaji, Alfredo; Raposeiras-Roubin, Sergio; Marin, Francisco; Fernandez-Ortiz, Antonio; Macaya, Carlos; Estrada, Vicente;HOPE COVID-19 Investigators
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Nephrology
País: N/D
Títol: Increased blood lactate levels during exercise and mitochondrial DNA alterations converge on mitochondrial dysfunction in schizophrenia
Autors: Valiente-Pallejà A; Torrell H; Alonso Y; Vilella E; Muntané G; Martorell L
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Schizophrenia Research
País: N/D
Títol: . Effects of hesperidin in orange juice on blood and pulse pressures in mildly hypertensive individuals: a randomized controlled trial (Citrus study).
Autors: Valls RM, Pedret A, Calderón-Pérez L, Llauradó E, Pla-Pagà L, Companys J, Moragas A, Martín-Luján F, Ortega Y, Giralt M, Romeu M, Rubió L, Mayneris-Perxachs J, Canela N, Puiggrós F, Caimari A, Del Bas JM, Arola L, Solà R.
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Eur J Nutr
País: N/D
Títol: Effects of Stress on Performance during Highly Demanding Tasks in Student Pilots
Autors: Vallès-Català T; Pedret A; Ribes D; Medina D; Traveria M
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Aerospace Psychology
País: N/D
Títol: DNA methylation and body mass index from birth to adolescence: meta-analyses of epigenome-wide association studies
Autors: Vehmeijer FOL; Küpers LK; Sharp GC; Salas LA; Lent S; Jima DD; Tindula G; Reese S; Qi C; Gruzieva O; Page C; Rezwan FI; Melton PE; Nohr E; Escaramís G; Rzehak P; Heiskala A; Gong T; Tuominen ST; Gao L; Ross JP; Starling AP; Holloway JW; Yousefi P; Aasvang GM; Beilin LJ; Bergström A; Binder E; Chatzi L; Corpeleijn E; Czamara D; Eskenazi B; Ewart S; Ferre N; Grote V; Gruszfeld D; Håberg SE; Hoyo C; Huen K; Karlsson R
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Genome Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Evaluation of incidence and risk profile for suffering Covid-19 infection by underlying conditions among middle-aged and older adults in Tarragona
Autors: Vila-Corcoles, Angel; Ochoa-Gondar, Olga; Torrente-Fraga, Cristina; Vila-Rovira, Angel; Satue-Gracia, Eva; Hospital-Guardiola, Immaculada; De Dicgo-Cabanes, Cinta; Gomez-Bertomeu, Frederic; Basora-Gallisa, Josep;
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Revista Espanola De Salud Publica
País: N/D
Títol: Missing data imputation and synthetic data simulation through modeling graphical probabilistic dependencies between variables (ModGraProDep): An application to breast cancer survival
Autors: Vilardell M, Buxó M, Clèries R, Martínez JM, Garcia G, Ameijide A, Font R, Civit S,, Marcos-Gragera R, Vilardell ML, Carulla M, Espinàs JA, Galceran J, Izquierdo A, Borràs JM BreCanSurvCat working group
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Artificial Intelligence In Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: The LifeCycle Project¿EU Child Cohort Network: a federated analysis infrastructure and harmonized data of more than 250,000 children and parents
Autors: Vincent W V Jaddoe, Janine F Felix, Liesbeth Duijts, Hanan El Marroun, Romy Gaillard, Susana Santos, Madelon L Geurtsen, Marjolein N Kooijman, Sara M Mensink-Bout, Florianne O L Vehmeijer, Ellis Voerman, Martine Vrijheid, Jordi Sunyer, Mark Nieuwenhuijsen, Xavier Basagaña, Mariona Bustamante, Maribel Casas, Montserrat de Castro, Lourdes E Cirugeda, Sílvia Fernández-Barrés, Serena Fossati, Raquel Garcia, Jordi Júlvez, Aitana C Lertxundi, Nerea Lertxundi, Sabrina Llop, Mònica López-Vicente, Maria-Jose B Lopez-Espinosa, Lea Maitre, Mario Murcia, Jose Lea, H Urquiza, Charline Warembourg, Lorenzo Richiardi, Costanza Pizzi, Daniela Zugna, Maja Popovic, Elena Isaevska, Milena Maule, Chiara Moccia, Giovenale Moirano, Davide Rasella, Mark A Hanson, Hazel M Inskip, Chandni Maria Jacob, Theodosia Salika, Deborah A Lawlor, Ahmed Elhakeem, Tim Cadman, Anne-Marie Nybo Andersen, Angela Pinot de Moira, Katrine M Strandberg-Larsen, Marie Pedersen, Johan L Vinther, John Wright, Rosemary R C McEachan, Paul Wilson, Dan Mason, Tiffany C Yang, Morris A Swertz, Eva Corpeleijn, Sido Haakma, Marloes Cardol, Esther van Enckevoort, Eleanor Hyde, Salome Scholtens, Harold Snieder, Chris H L Thio, Marina Vafeiadi, Lida Chatzi, Katerina C A Margetaki, Theano Roumeliotaki, Jennifer R Harris, Johanna L Nader, Gun Peggy Knudsen, Per Magnus, Marie-Aline Charles, Barbara Heude, Lidia Panico, Mathieu Ichou, Blandine de Lauzon-Guillain, Patricia Dargent-Molina, Maxime Cornet, Sandra M Florian, Faryal Harrar, Johanna Lepeule, Sandrine Lioret, Maria Melchior, Sabine Plancoulaine, Marjo-Riitta Järvelin, Sylvain Sebert, Minna Männikkö, Priyanka Parmar, Nina Rautio, Justiina Ronkainen, Mimmi Tolvanen, Johan G Eriksson, Tuija M Mikkola, Berthold Koletzko, Veit Grote, Nicole Aumüller, Ricardo Closa-Monasterolo, Joaquin Escribano, Natalia Ferré, Dariusz Gruszfeld, Kathrin Gürlich, Jean-Paul Langhendries, Veronica Luque, Enrica Riva, Phillipp Schwarzfischer, Martina Totzauer, Elvira Verduci, Annick Xhonneux, Marta Zaragoza-Jordana, Maarten Lindeboom, Amelie Schwalber, Nina Donner, Rae-Chi Huang, Rachel E Foong, Graham L Hall, Ashleigh Lin, Jennie Carson, Phillip Melton, Sebastian Rauschert
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: European Journal Of Epidemiology
País: N/D
Títol: Novel loci for childhood body mass index and shared heritability with adult cardiometabolic traits
Autors: Vogelezang S; Bradfield JP; Ahluwalia TS; Curtin JA; Lakka TA; Grarup N; Scholz M; van der Most PJ; Monnereau C; Stergiakouli E; Heiskala A; Horikoshi M; Fedko IO; Vilor-Tejedor N; Cousminer DL; Standl M; Wang CA; Viikari J; Geller F; Íñiguez C; Pitkänen N; Chesi A; Bacelis J; Yengo L; Torrent M; Ntalla I; Helgeland Ø; Selzam S; Vonk JM; Zafarmand MH; Heude B; Farooqi IS; Alyass A; Beaumont RN; Have CT; Rzehak P; Bilbao JR; Schnurr TM; Barroso I; Bønnelykke K
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Plos Genetics
País: N/D
Títol: Effect of vitamin d status during pregnancy on infant neurodevelopment: The eclipses study
Autors: Voltas N; Canals J; Hernández-Martínez C; Serrat N; Basora J; Arija V
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Nutrients
País: N/D
Títol: Hypercholesterolemia and cardiovascular disease: Focus on high cardiovascular risk patients
Autors: Watts, Gerald F.; Catapano, Alberico L.; Masana, Luis; Zambon, Alberto; Pirillo, Angela; Tokgozoglu, Lale;
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Atherosclerosis Supplements
País: N/D
Títol: Documento de consenso de un grupo de expertos de la Sociedad Española de Arteriosclerosis (SEA) sobre el uso clínico de la resonancia magnética nuclear en el estudio del metabolismo lipoproteico (Liposcale)
Autors: Xavier Pintó Sala; Lluís Masana Marín; Fernando Civeira Murillo; José Tomás Real Collado; Daiana Ibarretxe; Beatriz Candás Estébanez; José Puzo Foncillas; José Luis Díaz Díaz; Núria Amigó; Margarita Esteban Salán; Pedro Valdivielso Felices
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinica E Investigacion En Arteriosclerosis
País: N/D
Títol: Mendelian randomization analysis does not support causal associations of birth weight with hypertension risk and blood pressure in adulthood
Autors: Yan Zheng, Tao Huang, Tiange Wang , Zhendong Mei 6, Zhonghan Sun 6, Tao Zhang , Christina Ellervik , Jin-Fang Chai, Xueling Sim , Rob M van Dam , E-Shyong Tai , Woon-Puay Koh , Rajkumar Dorajoo , Seang-Mei Saw , Charumathi Sabanayagam , Tien Yin Wong , Preeti Gupta, Peter Rossing, Tarunveer S Ahluwalia, Rebecca K Vinding, Hans Bisgaard, Klaus Bønnelykke, Yujie Wang, Mariaelisa Graff, Trudy Voortman, Frank J A van Rooij, Albert Hofman, Diana van Heemst, Raymond Noordam, Angela C Estampador, Tibor V Varga, Cornelia Enzenbach, Markus Scholz, Joachim Thiery, Ralph Burkhardt, Marju Orho-Melander, Christina-Alexandra Schulz, Ulrika Ericson, Emily Sonestedt, Michiaki Kubo, Masato Akiyama, Ang Zhou, Tuomas O Kilpeläinen, Torben Hansen, Marcus E Kleber, Graciela Delgado Mark McCarthy, Rozenn N Lemaitre, Janine F Felix, Vincent W V Jaddoe, Ying Wu, Karen L Mohlke, Terho Lehtimäki, Carol A Wang, Craig E Pennell, Heribert Schunkert, Thorsten Kessler, Lingyao Zeng, Christina Willenborg, Annette Peters, Wolfgang Lieb, Veit Grote, Peter Rzehak, Berthold Koletzko, Jeanette Erdmann, Matthias Munz, Tangchun Wu, Meian He, Caizheng Yu, Cécile Lecoeur, Philippe Froguel, Dolores Corella, Luis A Moreno, Chao-Qiang Lai, Niina Pitkänen, Colin A Boreham, Paul M Ridker, Frits R Rosendaal, Renée de Mutsert, Chris Power, Lavinia Paternoster, Thorkild I A Sørensen, Anne Tjønneland, Kim Overvad, Luc Djousse, Fernando Rivadeneira, Nanette R Lee, Olli T Raitakari, Mika Kähönen, Jorma Viikari, Jean-Paul Langhendries, Joaquin Escribano, Elvira Verduci, George Dedoussis, Inke König, Beverley Balkau, Oscar Coltell, Jean Dallongeville, Aline Meirhaeghe, Philippe Amouyel, Frédéric Gottrand, Katja Pahkala, Harri Niinikoski, Elina Hyppönen, Winfried März, David A Mackey , Dariusz Gruszfeld, Katherine L Tucker, Frédéric Fumeron, Ramon Estruch, Jose M Ordovas, Donna K Arnett, Dennis O Mook-Kanamori, Dariush Mozaffarian , Bruce M Psaty , Kari E North , Daniel I Chasman , Lu Qi
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: European Journal Of Epidemiology
País: N/D
Títol: High circulating SDF-1and MCP-1 levels and genetic variations in CXCL12, CCL2 and CCR5: Prognostic signature of immune recovery status in treated HIV-positive patients
Autors: Yeregui E; Viladés C; Domingo P; Ceausu A; Pacheco YM; Veloso S; Inciarte A; Vidal-González J; Peraire M; Perpiñán C; Falcó V; Masip J; Alba V; Vargas M; Martí A; Reverté L; Mallolas J; Vidal F; Peraire J; Rull A
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Ebiomedicine
País: N/D
Títol: Thermal and non-thermal processing of red-fleshed apple: how are (poly)phenol composition and bioavailability affected?
Autors: Yuste, Silvia; Macia, Alba; Motilva, Maria-Jose; Prieto-Diez, Neus; Romero, Maria-Paz; Pedret, Anna; Sola, Rosa; Ludwig, Iziar A.; Rubio, Laura;
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Food & Function
País: N/D
Títol: Inborn errors of type I IFN immunity in patients with life-threatening COVID-19
Autors: Zhang Q, Bastard P, Liu Z, Le Pen J, Moncada-Velez M, Chen J, Ogishi M, Sabli IKD, Hodeib S, Korol C, Rosain J, Bilguvar K, Ye J, Bolze A, Bigio B, Yang R, Arias AA, Zhou Q, Zhang Y, Onodi F, Korniotis S, Karpf L, Philippot Q, Chbihi M, Bonnet-Madin L, Dorgham K, Smith N, Schneider WM, Razooky BS, Hoffmann HH, Michailidis E, Moens L, Han JE, Lorenzo L, Bizien L, Meade P, Neehus AL, Ugurbil AC, Corneau A, Kerner G, Zhang P, Rapaport F, Seeleuthner Y, Manry J, Masson C, Schmitt Y, Schlüter A, Le Voyer T, Khan T, Li J, Fellay J, Roussel L, Shahrooei M, Alosaimi MF, Mansouri D, Al-Saud H, Al-Mulla F, Almourfi F, Al-Muhsen SZ, Alsohime F, Al Turki S, Hasanato R, van de Beek D, Biondi A, Bettini LR, D'Angio M, Bonfanti P, Imberti L, Sottini A, Paghera S, Quiros-Roldan E, Rossi C, Oler AJ, Tompkins MF, Alba C, Vandernoot I, Goffard JC, Smits G, Migeotte I, Haerynck F, Soler-Palacin P, Martin-Nalda A, Colobran R, Morange PE, Keles S, Çölkesen F, Ozcelik T, Yasar KK, Senoglu S, Karabela ?N, Gallego CR, Novelli G, Hraiech S, Tandjaoui-Lambiotte Y, Duval X, Laouénan C,, Snow AL, Dalgard CL, Milner J, Vinh DC, Mogensen TH, Marr N, Spaan AN, Boisson B, Boisson-Dupuis S, Bustamante J, Puel A, Ciancanelli M, Meyts I, Maniatis T, Soumelis V, Amara A, Nussenzweig M, García-Sastre A, Krammer F, Pujol A, Duffy D, Lifton R, Zhang SY, Gorochov G, Béziat V, Jouanguy E, Sancho-Shimizu V, Rice CM, Abel L, Notarangelo LD, Cobat A, Su HC, Casanova JL COVID-STORM Clinicians, COVID Clinicians, Imagine COVID Group, French COVID Cohort Study Group, CoV-Contact Cohort, Amsterdam UMC Covid-19, Biobank, COVID Human Genetic Effort, NIAID-USUHS, TAGC COVID Immunity Group
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Science
País: N/D
Títol: Mendelian randomization analysis does not support causal associations of birth weight with hypertension risk and blood pressure in adulthood
Autors: Zheng Y; Huang T; Wang T; Mei Z; Sun Z; Zhang T; Ellervik C; Chai JF; Sim X; van Dam RM; Tai ES; Koh WP; Dorajoo R; Saw SM; Sabanayagam C; Wong TY; Gupta P; Rossing P; Ahluwalia TS; Vinding RK; Bisgaard H; Bønnelykke K; Wang Y; Graff M; Voortman T; van Rooij FJA; Hofman A; van Heemst D; Noordam R; Estampador AC; Varga TV; Enzenbach C; Scholz M; Thiery J; Burkhardt R; Orho-Melander M; Schulz CA; Ericson U; Sonestedt E; Kubo M
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: European Journal Of Epidemiology
País: N/D
Títol: Cost-effectiveness of direct oral anticoagulants versus vitamin K antagonist in atrial fibrillation: A study protocol using Real-World Data from Catalonia (FantasTIC Study)
Autors: Zojaina Hernández Rojas; Maria Rosa Dalmau Llorca; Carina Aguilar Martín; Alessandra Queiroga Gonçalves; Marc Casajuana; José Fernández Saez; Dolores Rodríguez Cumplido; Emma Forcadell Drago; Noelia Carrasco Querol; Josep Maria Pepió Vilaubí; Josep M Alegret
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Medicine (Baltimore)
País: N/D
Títol: Correlation between short-term air pollution exposure and unprovoked lung embolism. Prospective observational (Contamina-TEP Group)
Autors: de Miguel-Diez, Javier; Blasco-Esquivias, Isabel; Rodriguez-Matute, Consolacion; Bedate-Diaz, Pedro; Lopez-Reyes, Raquel; Fernandez-Capitan, Carmen; Garcia-Fuika, Sophe; Luis Lobo-Beristain, Jose; Garcia-Lozaga, Amaia; Andres Quezada, Carlos; Murga-Arizabaleta, Igor; Garcia-Ortega, Alberto; Angeles Rodriguez-Davila, Ma; Marin-Barrera, Lucia; Otero-Candelera, Remedios; Manuel Praena-Fernandez, Juan; Jara-Palomares, Luis;
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Thrombosis Research
País: N/D
Títol: Effect of intensive nutritional intervention in patients refractory to weight loss
Autors: Álvarez-Álvarez L; Rubín-García M; Vitelli Storelli F; Fernández-Vázquez JP; Basora J; Fitó M
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Semergen
País: N/D
Títol: Association of Birth Weight With Type 2 Diabetes and Glycemic Traits: A Mendelian Randomization Study
Autors: , Huang T, Wang T, Zheng Y, Ellervik C, Li X, Gao M, Fang Z, Chai JF, Ahluwalia TVS, Wang Y, Voortman T, Noordam R, Frazier-Wood A, Scholz M, Sonestedt E, Akiyama M, Dorajoo R, Zhou A, Kilpeläinen TO, Kleber ME, Crozier SR, Godfrey KM, Lemaitre R, Felix JF, Shi Y, Gupta P, Khor CC, Lehtimäki T, Wang CA, Tiesler CMT, Thiering E, Standl M, Rzehak P, Marouli E, He M, Lecoeur C, Corella D, Lai CQ, Moreno LA, Pitkänen N, Boreham CA, Zhang T, Saw SM, Ridker PM, Graff M, van Rooij FJA, Uitterlinden AG, Hofman A, van Heemst D, Rosendaal FR, de Mutsert R, Burkhardt R, Schulz CA, Ericson U, Kamatani Y, Yuan JM, Power C, Hansen T, Sørensen TIA, Tjønneland A, Overvad K, Delgado G, Cooper C, Djousse L, Rivadeneira F, Jameson K, Zhao W, Liu J, Lee NR, Raitakari O, Kähönen M, Viikari J, Grote V, Langhendries JP, Koletzko B, Escribano J, Verduci E, Dedoussis G, Yu C, Tham YC, Lim B, Lim SH, Froguel P, Balkau B, Fink NR, Vinding RK, Sevelsted A, Bisgaard H, Coltell O, Dallongeville J, Gottrand F, Pahkala K, Niinikoski H, Hyppönen E, Pedersen O, März W, Inskip H, Jaddoe VWV, Dennison E, Wong TY, Sabanayagam C, Tai ES, Mohlke KL, Mackey DA, Gruszfeld D, Deloukas P, Tucker KL, Fumeron F, Bønnelykke K, Rossing P, Estruch R, Ordovas JM, Arnett DK, Meirhaeghe A, Amouyel P, Cheng CY, Sim X, Teo YY, van Dam RM, Koh WP, Orho-Melander M, Loeffler M, Kubo M, Thiery J, Mook-Kanamori DO, Mozaffarian D, Psaty BM, Franco OH, Wu T, North KE, Davey Smith G, Chavarro JE, Chasman DI, Qi L BIRTH-GENE (BIG) Study Working Group
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Jama Network Open
País: N/D
Títol: Involving young people in health promotion, research and policy-making: Practical recommendations
Autors: Aceves-Martins M; Aleman-Diaz AY; Giralt M; Solà R
Any: 2019 Clau: Review
Revista: International Journal For Quality In Health Care
País: N/D
Títol: Perfil clínico y pronóstico del paciente muy anciano con síndrome coronario agudo tratado con ticagrelor. Datos del registro LONGEVO-SCA
Autors: Albert Ariza Solé; Francesc Formiga Pérez; Alfredo Bardají Ruiz; Ana Viana Tejedor; Oriol Alegre; Fernando Frutos-Vivar
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Revista Espanola De Cardiologia
País: N/D
Títol: Estimación del porcentaje de pacientes con enfermedad coronaria estable candidatos a recibir inhibidores de PCSK9. Respuesta
Autors: Alberto Zamora; Lluís Masana Marín; Núria Plana Gil; Rafael Ramos Blanes
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Revista Espanola De Cardiologia
País: N/D
Títol: Oclusión coronaria total crónica.: Perspectiva del clínico
Autors: Alfredo Bardají Ruiz
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Rec: Interventional Cardiology
País: N/D
Títol: Surveillance of transmitted drug resistance to integrase inhibitors in Spain: implications for clinical practice.
Autors: Alvarez M, Casas P, de Salazar A, Chueca N, Guerrero-Beltran C, Rodríguez C, Imaz A, Espinosa N, García-Bujalance S, Pérez-Elías MJ, García-Alvarez M, Iribarren JA, Santos J, Dalmau D, Aguilera A, Vinuesa D, Gutiérrez F, Piérola B, Molina JM, Peraire J, Portilla I, Gómez-Sirvent JL, Olalla J, Galera C, Blanco JR, Riera M, García-Fraile L, Navarro G, Curran A, Poveda E, García F, CoRIS
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
País: N/D
Títol: Cause-specific mortality after a breast cancer diagnosis: a cohort study of 10,195 women in Girona and Tarragona.
Autors: Ameijide A, Clèries R, Carulla M, Buxó M, Marcos-Gragera R, Martínez JM, Vilardell ML, Vilardell M, Espinàs JA, Borràs JM, Izquierdo Á, Galceran J
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinical & Translational Oncology
País: N/D
Títol: Diabetes gestacional precoz: ¿es útil la glucemia en ayunas?
Autors: Ana Megía Colet
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Endocrinologia Diabetes Y Nutricion
País: N/D
Títol: Tratamiento compartido de las enfermedades cardiovasculares entre atención primaria y cardiología (II): cardiopatía isquémica
Autors: Antonio Sánchez Hidalgo; Amparo Mena; Cosme García García; Alfredo Bardají Ruiz; Mariano de la Fuera von Wichmann; Ramón Bascompte Claret; José María Lobos Bejarano
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Fmc Formacion Medica Continuada En Atencion Primaria
País: N/D
Títol: Gut Microbiota-Derived Mediators as Potential Markers in Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Autors: Aragonès G, González-García S, Aguilar C, Richart C, Auguet T.
Any: 2019 Clau: Review
Revista: Biomed Research International
País: N/D
Títol: Evaluation of lung parenchyma, blood vessels, and peripheral blood lymphocytes as a potential source of acute phase reactants in patients with COPD
Autors: Arellano-Orden, Elena; Calero, Carmen; Lopez-Ramirez, Cecilia; Sanchez-Lopez, Veronica; Luis Lopez-Villalobos, Jose; Abad Arranz, Maria; Blanco-Orozco, Ana; Otero-Candelera, Remedios; Luis Lopez-Campos, Jose;
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
País: N/D
Títol: Serious injuries secondary to cardiopulmonary resuscitation: incidence and associated factors
Autors: Azeli Y, Barbería E, Jiménez-Herrera M, Ameijide A, Axelsson C, Bardaj A
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Emergencias: Revista De La Sociedad Española De Medicina De Urgencias Y Emergencias
País: N/D
Títol: Understanding the Adverse Hemodynamic Effects of Serious Thoracic Injuries During Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: A Review and Approach Based on the Campbell Diagram
Autors: Azeli, Youcef; Lorente Olazabal, Juan Victor; Monge Garcia, Manuel Ignacio; Bardaji, Alfredo;
Any: 2019 Clau: Review
Revista: Frontiers In Physiology
País: N/D
Títol: Association of Birth Weight With Type 2 Diabetes and Glycemic Traits: A Mendelian Randomization Study.
Autors: BIRTH-GENE (BIG) Study Working Group, Huang T, Wang T, Zheng Y, Ellervik C, Li X, Gao M, Fang Z, Chai JF, Ahluwalia TVS, Wang Y, Voortman T, Noordam R, Frazier-Wood A, Scholz M, Sonestedt E, Akiyama M, Dorajoo R, Zhou A, Kilpeläinen TO, Kleber ME, Crozier SR, Godfrey KM, Lemaitre R, Felix JF, Shi Y, Gupta P, Khor CC, Lehtimäki T, Wang CA, Tiesler CMT, Thiering E, Standl M, Rzehak P, Marouli E, He M, Lecoeur C, Corella D, Lai CQ, Moreno LA, Pitkänen N, Boreham CA, Zhang T, Saw SM, Ridker PM, Graff M, van Rooij FJA, Uitterlinden AG, Hofman A, van Heemst D, Rosendaal FR, de Mutsert R, Burkhardt R, Schulz CA, Ericson U, Kamatani Y, Yuan JM, Power C, Hansen T, Sørensen TIA, Tjønneland A, Overvad K, Delgado G, Cooper C, Djousse L, Rivadeneira F, Jameson K, Zhao W, Liu J, Lee NR, Raitakari O, Kähönen M, Viikari J, Grote V, Langhendries JP, Koletzko B, Escribano J, Verduci E, Dedoussis G, Yu C, Tham YC, Lim B, Lim SH, Froguel P, Balkau B, Fink NR, Vinding RK, Sevelsted A, Bisgaard H, Coltell O, Dallongeville J, Gottrand F, Pahkala K, Niinikoski H, Hyppönen E, Pedersen O, März W, Inskip H, Jaddoe VWV, Dennison E, Wong TY, Sabanayagam C, Tai ES, Mohlke KL, Mackey DA, Gruszfeld D, Deloukas P, Tucker KL, Fumeron F, Bønnelykke K, Rossing P, Estruch R, Ordovas JM, Arnett DK, Meirhaeghe A, Amouyel P, Cheng CY, Sim X, Teo YY, van Dam RM, Koh WP, Orho-Melander M, Loeffler M, Kubo M, Thiery J, Mook-Kanamori DO, Mozaffarian D, Psaty BM, Franco OH, Wu T, North KE, Davey Smith G, Chavarro JE, Chasman DI, Qi L.
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
País: N/D
Títol: Clinical Features and Prognosis of Patients with Acute and Chronic Myocardial Injury Admitted to the Emergency Department
Autors: Bardaji, Alfredo; Bonet, Gil; Carrasquer, Anna; Gonzalez-del Hoyo, Maribel; Vasquez-Nunez, Karla; Ali, Samuel; Boque, Carme; Cediel, German
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: American Journal Of Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Is Family Medicine attractive as a profession?
Autors: Basora Gallisà J
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Atencion Primaria
País: N/D
Títol: Real-World Outcomes with Lomitapide Use in Paediatric Patients with Homozygous Familial Hypercholesterolaemia.
Autors: Ben-Omran T, Masana L, Kolovou G, Ariceta G, Nóvoa FJ, Lund AM, Bogsrud MP, Araujo M, Hussein O, Ibarretxe D, Sanchez-Hernández RM, Santos RD
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Advances In Therapy
País: N/D
Títol: Exploring family members' experiences during a death process in the emergency department: A grounded theory study
Autors: Berbis-Morello, Carme; Mora-Lopez, Gerard; Berenguer-Poblet, Marta; Raigal-Aran, Laia; Monteso-Curto, Pilar; Ferre-Grau, Carme
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Clinical Nursing
País: N/D
Títol: Effect of rooster comb extract, rich in hyaluronic acid, on isokinetic parameters in adults with mild knee pain
Autors: Bernal G; Solà R; Casajuana M; Pérez-Merino L; Faba J; González R; Astilleros A; Giralt M
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Archivos De Medicina Del Deporte
País: N/D
Títol: Clinical and Administrative Data on the Research of Acute Coronary Syndrome in Spain. Minimum Basic Data Set Validity
Autors: Bernal J.L., Barrabés J.A., Íñiguez A., Fernández-Ortiz A., Fernández-Pérez C., Bardají A., Elola F.J.
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Revista Espanola De Cardiologia
País: N/D
Títol: Nut Consumptions as a Marker of Higher Diet Quality in a Mediterranean Population at High Cardiovascular Risk.
Autors: Bibiloni MDM, Julibert A, Bouzas C, Martínez-González MA, Corella D, Salas-Salvadó J, Zomeño MD, Vioque J, Romaguera D, Martínez JA, Wärnberg J, López-Miranda J, Estruch R, Bueno-Cavanillas A, Arós F, Tinahones F, Serra-Majem L, Martín V, Lapetra J, Vázquez C, Pintó X, Vidal J, Daimiel L, Delgado-Rodríguez M, Matía P, Ros E, Fernández-Carrión R, Garcia-Rios A, Zulet MA, Orozco-Beltrán D, Schröder H, Fitó M, Bulló M, Basora J, Cenoz JC, Diez-Espino J, Toledo E, Tur JA
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Nutrients
País: N/D
Títol: Factors related to limitation of life support within 48 h of intensive care unit admission: A multicenter study [Factores relacionados con la limitación del tratamiento de soporte vital en las primeras 48 h de ingreso en unidades de cuidados intensivos: estudio multicéntrico]
Autors: Blazquez V; Rodríguez A; Sandiumenge A; Oliver E; Cancio B; Ibañez M; Miró G; Navas E; Badía M; Bosque MD; Jurado MT; López M; Llauradó M; Masnou N; Pont T; Bodí M
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Medicina Intensiva
País: N/D
Títol: Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy reverses non-alcoholic fatty liver disease modulating oxidative stress and inflammation
Autors: Cabré N; Luciano-Mateo F; Fernández-Arroyo S; Baiges-Gayà G; Hernández-Aguilera A; Fibla M; Fernández-Julià R; París M; Sabench F; Castillo DD; Menéndez JA; Camps J; Joven J
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Metabolism-Clinical And Experimental
País: N/D
Títol: Dairy products intake and the risk of incident cataracts surgery in an elderly Mediterranean population: results from the PREDIMED study
Autors: Camacho-Barcia L; Bulló M; García-Gavilán J; Martínez-González M; Corella D; Estruch R; Fitó M; Gómez-Gracia E; Arós F; Fiol M; Santos-Lozano J; Serra-Majem L; Pintó X; Basora J; Toledo E; Muñoz M; Zanon-Moreno V; García-Layana A; Salas-Salvadó J
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: European Journal Of Nutrition
País: N/D
Títol: Growth Factor Screening in Dystrophic Muscles Reveals PDGFB/PDGFRB-Mediated Migration of Interstitial Stem Cells
Autors: Camps, Jordi; Grosemans, Hanne; Gijsbers, Rik; Maes, Christa; Sampaolesi, Maurilio;
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Molecular Sciences
País: N/D
Títol: Dietary Diversity and Nutritional Adequacy among an Older Spanish Population with Metabolic Syndrome in the PREDIMED-Plus Study: A Cross-Sectional Analysis.
Autors: Cano-Ibáñez N, Gea A, Martínez-González MA, Salas-Salvadó J, Corella D, Zomeño MD, Romaguera D, Vioque J, Aros F, Wärnberg J, Martínez JA, Serra-Majem L, Estruch R, Tinahones FJ, Lapetra J, Pintó X, Tur JA, García-Ríos A, Riquelme-Gallego B, Delgado-Rodríguez M, Matía P, Daimiel L, Martín V, Vidal J, Vázquez C, Ros E, Buil-Cosiales P, Díaz-López A, Fernández-Carrión R, Fitó M, Konieczna J, Notario-Barandiaran L, Alonso-Gómez ÁM, Contreras-Fernández E, Abete I, Sánchez-Villegas A, Casas R, Muñoz-Garach A, Santos-Lozano JM, Gallardo-Alfaro L, Basora J, Portoles O, Muñoz MÁ, Moñino M, Miralles Gisbert S, Moreno Rodríguez A, Ruiz-Canela M, Palau Galindo A, Pérez-Vega KA, Bueno-Cavanillas A
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Nutrients
País: N/D
Títol: La asignación de factor impacto a Clínica e Investigación en Arteriosclerosis. Un objetivo cada vez más cercano
Autors: Carlos Lahoz Rallo; Josep Ribalta Vives; Xavier Pintó Sala
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinica E Investigacion En Arteriosclerosis
País: N/D
Títol: Nutritrauma: A Key Concept for Minimising the Harmful Effects of the Administration of Medical Nutrition Therapy
Autors: Carlos Yebenes, Juan; Campins, Lluis; Martinez de Lagran, Itziar; Bordeje, Lluisa; Lorencio, Carol; Grau, Teodoro; Carlos Montejo, Juan; Bodi, Maria; Serra-Prat, Mateu;Spanish Soc Critical Care
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Nutrients
País: N/D
Títol: Long-term results of a prospective randomized trial of midline laparotomy closure with onlay mesh
Autors: Caro-Tarrago A; Olona C; Millán M; Olona M; Espina B; Jorba R
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Hernia
País: N/D
Títol: Aqueous Stable Gold Nanostar/ZIF-8 Nanocomposites for Light Triggered Release of Active Cargo Inside Living Cells
Autors: Carrillo-Carrión C, Martínez R, Navarro Poupard MF, Pelaz B, Polo E, Arenas-Vivo A, Olgiati A, Taboada P, Soliman MG, Catalán Ú, Fernández-Castillejo S, Solà R, Parak WJ, Horcajada P, Alvarez-Puebla RA, Del Pino P
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Angewandte Chemie (International Ed. Print)
País: N/D
Títol: IL-7/IL-7R gene variants impact circulating IL-7/IL-7R homeostasis and ART-associated immune recovery status
Autors: Ceausu A, Rodríguez-Gallego E, Peraire J, López-Dupla M, Domingo P, Viladés C, Vidal-Gonzalez J, Peraire M, Perpiñán C, Pacheco YM, Veloso S, Alba V, Vargas M, Castellano AJ, Ruiz-Mateos E, Mallolas J, Vidal F, Rull A
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Scientific Reports
País: N/D
Títol: Clinical Acceptance of the Universal Definition of Myocardial Infarction
Autors: Cediel G, González-Del-Hoyo M, Bonet G, Carrasquer A, Boqué C, Bardají A.
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Revista Espanola De Cardiologia
País: N/D
Títol: Risk Estimation in Type 2 Myocardial Infarction and Myocardial Injury: The TARRACO Risk Score
Autors: Cediel G, Sandoval Y, Sexter A, Carrasquer A, González-Del-Hoyo M, Bonet G, Boqué C, Schulz K, Smith SW, Bayes-Genis A, Apple FS, Bardaji A.
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: American Journal Of Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Preoperative circulating succinate levels as a biomarker for diabetes remission after bariatric surgery
Autors: Ceperuelo-Mallafre V; Llaurado G; Keiran N; Benaiges E; Astiarraga B; Martinez L; Pellitero S; Gonzalez-Clemente JM; Rodriguez A; Fernandez-Real JM; Lecube A; Megia A; Vilarrasa N; Vendrell J; Fernandez-Veledo S
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Diabetes Care
País: N/D
Títol: Prospective longitudinal study: use of faecal gluten immunogenic peptides to monitor children diagnosed with coeliac disease during transition to a gluten-free diet
Autors: Comino, Isabel; Segura, Veronica; Ortigosa, Luis; Espin, Beatriz; Castillejo, Gemma; Antonio Garrote, Jose; Sierra, Carlos; Millan, Antonio; Ribes-Koninckx, Carmen; Roman, Enriqueta; Rodriguez-Herrera, Alfonso; Diaz, Jacobo; Silvester, Jocelyn Anne; Cebolla, Angel; Sousa, Carolina;
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics
País: N/D
Títol: The C Allele of ATM rs11212617 Associates With Higher Pathological Complete Remission Rate in Breast Cancer Patients Treated With Neoadjuvant Metformin
Autors: Cuyas, Elisabet; Buxo, Maria; Ferri Iglesias, Maria Jose; Verdura, Sara; Pemas, Sonia; Dorca, Joan; Alvarez, Isabel; Martinez, Susana; Perez-Garcia, Jose Manuel; Batista-Lopez, Norberto; Rodriguez-Sanchez, Cesar A.; Amillano, Kepa; Dominguez, Severina; Luque, Maria; Morilla, Idoia; Stradella, Agostina; Vinas, Gemma; Cortes, Javier; Joven, Jorge; Brunet, Joan; Lopez-Bonet, Eugeni; Garcia, Margarita; Saidani, Samiha; Queralt Moles, Xavier; Martin-Castillo, Begona; Menendez, Javier A.;
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Frontiers In Oncology
País: N/D
Títol: Computational de-orphanization of the olive oil biophenol oleacein: Discovery of new metabolic and epigenetic targets
Autors: Cuyàs E., Castillo D., Llorach-Parés L., Lozano-Sánchez J., Verdura S., Nonell-Canals A., Brunet J., Bosch-Barrera J., Joven J., Valdés R., Sanchez-Martinez M., Segura-Carretero A., Menendez J.
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Food And Chemical Toxicology
País: N/D
Títol: Metformin induces a fasting- and antifolate-mimicking modification of systemic host metabolism in breast cancer patients
Autors: Cuyàs E., Fernández-Arroyo S., Buxó M., Pernas S., Dorca J., Álvarez I., Martínez S., Pérez-Garcia J.M., Batista-López N., Rodríguez-Sánchez C.A., Amillano K., Domínguez S., Luque M., Morilla I., Stradella A., Viñas G., Cortés J., Verdura S., Brunet J., López-Bonet E., Garcia M., Saidani S., Joven J., Martin-Castillo B., Menendez J.A.
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Aging-Us
País: N/D
Títol: Revisiting silibinin as a novobiocin-like Hsp90?C-terminal inhibitor: Computational modeling and experimental validation
Autors: Cuyàs E; Verdura S; Micol V; Joven J; Bosch-Barrera J; Encinar J; Menendez J
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Food And Chemical Toxicology
País: N/D
Títol: Effectiveness of a network of automatically activated trained volunteers on the reduction of cardiopulmonary resuscitation manoueuvers initiation time: Study protocol
Autors: Del Pozo, A; Villalobos, F; Rey-Reñones, C; Granado, E; Sabaté, D; Poblet, C; Calvet, A; Basora, J; Castro, A; Flores, G
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Bmc Public Health
País: N/D
Títol: Budget Impact Analysis of Molecular Lymph Node Staging Versus Conventional Histopathology Staging in Colorectal Carcinoma
Autors: Diaz-Mercedes, Sherley; Archilla, Ivan; Camps, Jordi; de Lacy, Antonio; Gorostiaga, Inigo; Momblan, Dulce; Ibarzabal, Ainitze; Maurel, Joan; Chic, Nuria; Antoni Bombi, Josep; Balaguer, Francesc; Castells, Antoni; Aldecoa, Iban; Maria Borras, Josep; Cuatrecasas, Miriam;
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Applied Health Economics And Health Policy
País: N/D
Títol: Prevalence and risk factors for hypoparathyroidism following total thyroidectomy in Spain: a multicentric and nation-wide retrospective analysis
Autors: Díez JJ; Anda E; Sastre J; Pérez Corral B; Álvarez-Escolá C; Manjón L; Paja M; Sambo M; Santiago Fernández P; Blanco Carrera C; Galofré JC; Navarro E; Zafón C; Sanz E; Oleaga A; Bandrés O; Donnay S; Megía A; Picallo M; Sánchez Ragnarsson C; Baena-Nieto G; García JCF; Lecumberri B; de la Vega MS; Romero-Lluch AR; Iglesias P
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Endocrine
País: N/D
Títol: End-of-life care for patients hospitalised in internal medicine departments.
Autors: Díez-Manglano J, Isasi de Isasmendi Pérez S, Rubio Gómez M, Formiga F, Sánchez Muñoz LÁ, Castiella Herrero J, Casariego Vales E, Torres Bonafonte OH, y los investigadores del estudio UDVIMI, del Grupo de Paciente Pluripatológico y Edad Avanzada de la Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna, Investigadores del estudio UDVIMI
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Revista Clinica Espanola
País: N/D
Títol: Adipose tissue mitochondrial dysfunction in human obesity is linked to a specific DNA methylation signature in adipose-derived stem cells
Autors: Ejarque M, Ceperuelo-Mallafré V, Serena C, Maymo-Masip E, Duran X, Díaz-Ramos A, Millan-Scheiding M, Núñez-Álvarez Y, Núñez-Roa C, Gama P, Garcia-Roves PM, Peinado MA, Gimble JM, Zorzano A, Vendrell J, Fernández-Veledo S
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Obesity
País: N/D
Títol: Role of adipose tissue GLP-1R expression in metabolic improvement after bariatric surgery in patients with type 2 diabetes.
Autors: Ejarque M, Guerrero-Pérez F, de la Morena N, Casajoana A, Virgili N, López-Urdiales R, Maymó-Masip E, Pujol Gebelli J, Garcia Ruiz de Gordejuela A, Perez-Maraver M, Pellitero S, Fernández-Veledo S, Vendrell J, Vilarrasa N
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Scientific Reports
País: N/D
Títol: Mental performance in 8-year-old children fed reduced protein content formula during the 1st year of life: safety analysis of a randomized clinical trial
Autors: Escribano J, Luque V, Canals-Sans J, Ferré N, Koletzko B, Grote V, Weber M, Gruszfeld D, Szott K, Verduci E, Riva E, Brasselle G, Poncelet P, Closa-Monasterolo R, EU Childhood Obesity Project Group.
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: British Journal Of Nutrition
País: N/D
Títol: Effect of radiotherapy on the expression of cardiovascular disease-related miRNA-146a, -155, -221 and -222 in blood of women with breast cancer
Autors: Esplugas R; Arenas M; Serra N; Bellés M; Bonet M; Gascón M; Vallvé J; Linares V
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Plos One
País: N/D
Títol: Effect of Radiation on the Expression of CVD-related miRNAs, Inflammation and Endothelial Dysfunction of HUVECs
Autors: Esplugas, R; Bellés, M; Serra, N; Arenas, M; Hernández, V; Vallvé, JC; Linares, V
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Anticancer Research
País: N/D
Títol: Effect of a high-fat Mediterranean diet on bodyweight and waist circumference: a prespecified secondary outcomes analysis of the PREDIMED randomised controlled trial.
Autors: Estruch R, Martínez-González MA, Corella D, Salas-Salvadó J, Fitó M, Chiva-Blanch G, Fiol M, Gómez-Gracia E, Arós F, Lapetra J, Serra-Majem L, Pintó X, Buil-Cosiales P, Sorlí JV, Muñoz MA, Basora-Gallisá J, Lamuela-Raventós RM, Serra-Mir M, Ros E, PREDIMED Study Investigators
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology
País: N/D
Títol: Gestational diabetes mellitus impacts fetal progenitor cell responses with implications for offspring
Autors: F Algaba Chueca; Ana Megía Colet; Elsa Maymó Masip; M Ballesteros; A Guarque; Joan Vendrell Ortega; Sonia Fernández Veledo
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Endocrinologia Diabetes Y Nutricion
País: N/D
Títol: 2019 international clinical practice guidelines for the treatment and prophylaxis of venous thromboembolism in patients with cancer
Autors: Farge D; Frere C; Connors JM; Ay C; Khorana AA; Munoz A; Brenner B; Kakkar A; Rafii H; Solymoss S; Brilhante D; Monreal M; Bounameaux H; Pabinger I; Douketis J; Ageno W; Ajauro F; Al-Aboudi KR; Alcindor T; Andre T; Angchaisuksiri P; Antic D; Arcelus JI; Assenat E; Bauer KA; Bazarbachii A; Benzidia I; Beyer-Westendorf J; Bitsadze V; Blickstein D; Blostein M; Bogalho I; Bournet B; Casais P; Carpentier AF; Cesarman-Maus G; Chakbrabartty J; Clemente H; Connault J; Doucet L; Farge D; Frere C; Connors JM; Ay C; Khorana AA; Munoz A; Brenner B; Kakkar A; Rafii H; Solymoss S; Brilhante D; Monreal M; Bounameaux H; Pabinger I; Douketis J; Ageno W; Ajauro F; Al-Aboudi KR; Alcindor T; Andre T; Angchaisuksiri P; Antic D; Arcelus JI; Assenat E; Bauer KA; Bazarbachii A; Benzidia I; Beyer-Westendorf J; Bitsadze V; Blickstein D; Blostein M; Bogalho I; Bournet B; Casais P; Carpentier AF; Cesarman-Maus G; Chakbrabartty J; Clemente H; Connault J; Doucet L; Farge D; Frere C; Connors JM; Ay C; Khorana AA; Munoz A; Brenner B; Kakkar A; Rafii H; Solymoss S; Brilhante D; Monreal M; Bounameaux H; Pabinger I; Douketis J; Ageno W; Ajauro F; Al-Aboudi KR; Alcindor T
Any: 2019 Clau: Review
Revista: Lancet Oncology
País: N/D
Títol: A Functional Virgin Olive Oil Enriched with Olive Oil and Thyme Phenolic Compounds Improves the Expression of Cholesterol Efflux-Related Genes: A Randomized, Crossover, Controlled Trial
Autors: Farràs M, Arranz S, Carrión S, Subirana I, Muñoz-Aguayo D, Blanchart G, Kool M, Solà R, Motilva MJ, Escolà-Gil JC, Rubió L, Fernández-Castillejo S, Pedret A, Estruch R, Covas MI, Fitó M, Hernáez Á, Castañer O
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Nutrients
País: N/D
Títol: Effect of Vitamin D3 on the Postprandial Lipid Profile in Obese Patients: A Non-Targeted Lipidomics Study
Autors: Fernández-Arroyo S, Hernández-Aguilera A, de Vries MA, Burggraaf B, van der Zwan E, Pouw N, Joven J, Cabezas MC
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Nutrients
País: N/D
Títol: Endothelial cells deconjugate resveratrol metabolites to free resveratrol: a possible role in tissue factor modulation
Autors: Fernández-Castillejo S, Macià A, Motilva MJ, Catalán Ú, Solà R
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Molecular Nutrition & Food Research
País: N/D
Títol: Gut microbiota-derived succinate: Friend or foe in human metabolic diseases?
Autors: Fernández-Veledo S; Vendrell J
Any: 2019 Clau: Review
Revista: Reviews In Endocrine & Metabolic Disorders
País: N/D
Títol: Prognostic Factors for Thrombosis in Cancer Patients
Autors: Ferrer Galván M; Sánchez López V; Otero Candelera R
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Archivos De Bronconeumologia
País: N/D
Títol: Influence of adherence to adjuvant endocrine therapy on disease-free and overall survival: a population-based study in Catalonia, Spain.
Autors: Font R, Espinas JA, Barnadas A, Izquierdo A, Galceran J, Saladie F, Marcos-Gragera R, Torrent A, Manchon-Walsh P, Borras JM
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Breast Cancer Research And Treatment
País: N/D
Títol: Indications of PCSK9 inhibitors in clinical practice. Recommendations of the Spanish Sociey of Arteriosclerosis (SEA), 2019
Autors: Francisco Ascaso, Juan; Civeira, Fernando; Guijarro, Carlos; Lopez Miranda, Jose; Masana, Luis; Maria Mostaza, Jose; Pedro-Botet, Juan; Pinto, Xavier; Valdivielso, Pedro;
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinica E Investigacion En Arteriosclerosis
País: N/D
Títol: Distinguishing characteristics of delirium in a skilled nursing facility in Spain: Influence of baseline cognitive status
Autors: Franco J; Trzepacz P; Gaviria A; Sepúlveda E; Viñuelas E; Palma J; Grau I; Vilella E
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Geriatric Psychiatry
País: N/D
Títol: Dietary inflammatory index and all-cause mortality in large cohorts: The SUN and PREDIMED studies
Autors: Garcia-Arellano A, Martínez-González MA, Ramallal R, Salas-Salvadó J, Hébert JR, Corella D, Shivappa N, Forga L, Schröder H, Muñoz-Bravo C, Estruch R, Fiol M, Lapetra J, Serra-Majem L, Ros E, Rekondo J, Toledo E, Razquin C, Ruiz-Canela M, SUN and PREDIMED Study Investigators
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinical Nutrition
País: N/D
Títol: Genetic Variants Associated With Cancer Therapy-Induced Cardiomyopathy
Autors: Garcia-Pavia, Pablo; Kim, Yuri; Alejandra Restrepo-Cordoba, Maria; Lunde, Ida G.; Wakimoto, Hiroko; Smith, Amanda M.; Toepfer, Christopher N.; Getz, Kelly; Gorham, Joshua; Patel, Parth; Ito, Kaoru; Willcox, Jonathan A.; Arany, Zoltan; Li, Jian; Owens, Anjali T.; Govind, Risha; Nunez, Beatriz; Mazaika, Erica; Bayes-Genis, Antoni; Walsh, Roddy; Finkelman, Brian; Lupon, Josep; Whiffin, Nicola; Serrano, Isabel; Midwinter, William; Wilk, Alicja; Bardaji, Alfredo; Ingold, Nathan; Buchan, Rachel; Tayal, Upasana; Pascual-Figal, Domingo A.; de Marvao, Antonio; Ahmad, Mian; Manuel Garcia-Pinilla, Jose; Pantazis, Antonis; Dominguez, Fernando; Baksi, A. John; O'Regan, Declan P.; Rosen, Stuart D.; Prasad, Sanjay K.; Lara-Pezzi, Enrique; Provencio, Mariano; Lyon, Alexander R.; Alonso-Pulpon, Luis; Cook, Stuart A.; DePalma, Steven R.; Barton, Paul J. R.; Aplenc, Richard; Seidman, Jonathan G.; Ky, Bonnie; Ware, James S.; Seidman, Christine E.;
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Circulation
País: N/D
Títol: Discoidin domain receptor 1 gene variants are associated with decreased white matter fractional anisotropy and decreased processing speed in schizophrenia
Autors: Gas, Cinta Jorge Canales-Rodriguez, Erick Radua, Joaquim Abasolo, Nerea Jose Cortes, Maria Salvado, Ester Muntane, Gerard Aleman-Gomez, Yasser Julia, Toni Marsal, Sara Sanjuan, Julio Guitart, Miriam Costas, Javier Martorell, Lourdes Pomarol-Clotet, Edith Vilella, Elisabet
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Psychiatric Research
País: N/D
Títol: Epidemiology of rare cancers and inequalities in oncologic outcomes
Autors: Gatta G, Trama A, Capocaccia R, RARECARENet Working Group
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Ejso
País: N/D
Títol: Reconstrucción de la vida cotidiana de los postcuidadores familiares: afrontando el duelo del cuidador
Autors: Gerard Mora López; Mª Carmen Berbís Morelló; Estrella Martínez Segura; Pilar Montesó Curto; Carme Ferré Grau
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Index De Enfermeria
País: N/D
Títol: Aceptación clínica de la definición universal del infarto de miocardio
Autors: Germán Cediel Calderón; Maribel González del Hoyo; Gil Bonet; Anna Carrasquer; Carmen Boqué; Alfredo Bardají Ruiz
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Revista Espanola De Cardiologia
País: N/D
Títol: Immune response profile of primary tumour, sentinel and non-sentinel axillary lymph nodes related to metastasis in breast cancer: an immunohistochemical point of view
Autors: Gibert-Ramos A, López C, Bosch R, Fontoura L, Bueno G, García-Rojo M, Berenguer M, Lejeune M
Any: 2019 Clau: Review
Revista: Histochemistry And Cell Biology
País: N/D
Títol: HDL Triglycerides: A New Marker of Metabolic and Cardiovascular Risk.
Autors: Girona J, Amigó N, Ibarretxe D, Plana N, Rodríguez-Borjabad C, Heras M, Ferré R, Gil M, Correig X, Masana L
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Molecular Sciences
País: N/D
Títol: Palmitate decreases migration and proliferation and increases oxidative stress and inflammation in smooth muscle cells. Role of the Nrf2 signaling pathway.
Autors: Girona J, Rosales R, Saavedra P, Masana L, Vallvé JC
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: American Journal Of Physiology-Cell Physiology
País: N/D
Títol: The Circulating GRP78/BiP Is a Marker of Metabolic Diseases and Atherosclerosis: Bringing Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress into the Clinical Scenario
Autors: Girona, Josefa; Rodriguez-Borjabad, Celia; Ibarretxe, Daiana; Vallve, Joan-Carles; Ferre, Raimon; Heras, Mercedes; Rodriguez-Calvo, Ricardo; Guaita-Esteruelas, Sandra; Martinez-Micaelo, Neus; Plana, Nuria; Masana, Lluis;
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Clinical Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Prognostic implications of troponin I elevation in emergency department patients with tachyarrhythmia
Autors: González-Del-Hoyo M; Cediel G; Carrasquer A; Bonet G; Vásquez-Nuñez K; Boqué C; Alí S; Bardají A
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinical Cardiology
País: N/D
Títol: Variation and Interdependencies of Human Milk Macronutrients, Fatty Acids, Adiponectin, Insulin, and IGF-II in the European PreventCD Cohort
Autors: Grunewald M, Hellmuth C, Kirchberg FF, Mearin ML, Auricchio R, Castillejo G, Korponay-Szabo IR, Polanco I, Roca M, Vriezinga SL, Werkstetter K, Koletzko B, Demmelmair H
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Nutrients
País: N/D
Títol: Healing criteria: How should an episode of benign paroxistic positional vertigo of posterior semicircular canal¿s resolution be defined? Prospective observational study
Autors: Guerra-Jiménez G; Domènech-Vadillo E; Álvarez-Morujo de Sande M; González-Aguado R; Galera-Ruiz H; Morales Angulo C; Martín-Mateos A; Figuerola-Massana E; Ramos-Macías; Domínguez-Durán E
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinical Otolaryngology
País: N/D
Títol: Associations of age and body mass index with hydration and density of fat-free mass from 4 to 22 years
Autors: Gutierrez-Marin, Desiree; Luque, Veronica; Ferre, Natalia; Fewtrell, Mary S; Williams, Jane E; Wells, Jonathan C K
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: European Journal Of Clinical Nutrition
País: N/D
Títol: An individual participant data meta-analysis on metabolomics profiles for obesity and insulin resistance in European children
Autors: Hellmuth C; Kirchberg FF; Brandt S; Moß A; Walter V; Rothenbacher D; Brenner H; Grote V; Gruszfeld D; Socha P; Closa-Monasterolo R; Escribano J; Luque V; Verduci E; Mariani B; Langhendries JP; Poncelet P; Heinrich J; Lehmann I; Standl M; Uhl O; Koletzko B; Thiering E; Wabitsch M
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Scientific Reports
País: N/D
Títol: Translation, adaptation and validation in Catalan of a questionnaire about patient safety culture: The MOSPSC (Medical Office Survey on Patient Safety Culture) questionnaire
Autors: Hernández Vidal N; Satué Gracia E; Basora Gallisà J; Flores Mateo G; Gens Barberà M
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Healthcare Quality Research
País: N/D
Títol: Deficient Endoplasmic Reticulum-Mitochondrial Phosphatidylserine Transfer Causes Liver Disease
Autors: Hernández-Alvarez MI; Sebastián D; Vives S; Ivanova S; Bartoccioni P; Kakimoto P; Plana N; Veiga SR; Hernández V; Vasconcelos N; Peddinti G; Adrover A; Jové M; Pamplona R; Gordaliza-Alaguero I; Calvo E; Cabré N; Castro R; Kuzmanic A; Boutant M; Sala D; Hyotylainen T; Ore¿i? M; Fort J; Errasti-Murugarren E; Rodrígues CMP; Orozco M; Joven J; Cantó C; Palacin M; Fernández-Veledo S; Vendrell J; Zorzano A
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Cell
País: N/D
Títol: DALBACEN cohort: dalbavancin as consolidation therapy in patients with endocarditis and/or bloodstream infection produced by gram-positive cocci
Autors: Hidalgo-Tenorio, Carmen; Vinuesa, David; Plata, Antonio; Davila, Pilar Martin; Iftimie, Simona; Sequera, Sergio; Loeches, Belen; Eduardo Lopez-Cortes, Luis; Carmen Farinas, Mari; Fernandez-Roldan, Concepcion; Javier-Martinez, Rosario; Munoz, Patricia; del Mar Arenas-Miras, Maria; Javier Martinez-Marcos, Francisco; Maria Miro, Jose; Herrero, Carmen; Bereciartua, Elena; De Jesus, Samantha E.; Pasquau, Juan;
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Annals Of Clinical Microbiology And Antimicrobials
País: N/D
Títol: Does the fortified milk with high iron dose improve the neurodevelopment of healthy infants? Randomized controlled trial
Autors: Iglesias Vázquez L, Canals J, Voltas N, Jardí C, Hernández C, Bedmar C, Escribano J, Aranda N, Jiménez R, Barroso JM, Ribot B, Arija V
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
País: N/D
Títol: Does the fortified milk with high iron dose improve the neurodevelopment of healthy infants? Randomized controlled trial
Autors: Iglesias Vázquez L, Canals J, Voltas N, Jardí C, Hernández C, Bedmar C, Escribano J, Aranda N, Jiménez R, Barroso JM, Ribot B, Arija V
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Bmc Pediatrics
País: N/D
Títol: Mesothelioma and thymic tumors: Treatment challenges in (outside) a network setting
Autors: Imbimbo M, Maury JM, Garassino M, Girard N, RARECAREnet Working Group
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Ejso
País: N/D
Títol: Datos clínicos y administrativos en la investigación de resultados del síndrome coronario agudo en España. Validez del Conjunto Mínimo Básico de Datos
Autors: JL Bernal Sobrino; José A Barrabés; A Íñiguez Romo; Antonio Fernández-Ortiz; Cristina Fernández Pérez; Alfredo Bardají Ruiz; J Elola Somoza
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Revista Espanola De Cardiologia
País: N/D
Títol: Comparison of seven prognostic tools to identify low-risk pulmonary embolism in patients aged <50 years
Autors: Jara-Palomares L, Alfonso M, Maestre A, Jimenez D, Garcia-Bragado F, Font C, Reyes RL, Blasco LH, Vidal G, Otero R, Monreal M, RIETE investigators
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Scientific Reports
País: N/D
Títol: Food consumption during pregnancy and post-partum. ECLIPSES study
Autors: Jardí C; Aparicio E; Bedmar C; Aranda N; Abajo S; March G; Basora J; Arija V
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Nutrients
País: N/D
Títol: Durability of first-line antiretroviral regimens in the era of integrase inhibitors: A cohort of HIV-positive individuals in Spain, 2014-2015
Autors: Jarrin I, Suarez-Garcia I, Moreno C, Tasias M, Del Romero J, Palacios R, Peraire J, Gorgolas M, Moreno S, Cohort of the Spanish HIV/AIDS Research Network (CoRIS)
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Antiviral Therapy
País: N/D
Títol: El tratamiento del dolor en población infantojuvenil en España: Datos de una encuesta sobre los programas especializados existentes
Autors: Jordi Miró; Francisco Reinoso Barbero; Joaquin Escribano Subías; Lorena Martí Yáñez
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Revista Espanola De Salud Publica
País: N/D
Títol: Indicaciones de los inhibidores de PCSK9 en la práctica clínica. Recomendaciones de la Sociedad Española de Arteriosclerosis (SEA), 2019
Autors: Juan Francisco Ascaso Gimilio; Fernando Civeira Murillo; Carlos Guijarro; José López Miranda; Lluís Masana Marín; José María Mostaza Prieto; Juan Pedro-Botet Montoya; Xavier Pintó Sala; Pedro Valdivielso Felices
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinica E Investigacion En Arteriosclerosis
País: N/D
Títol: La troponina cardiaca de alta sensibilidad en la evaluación del paciente con sospecha de SCA: ¿verdadera o falsa amiga?
Autors: Juan Sanchis Forés; Aitor Alquezar; Jorge Ordóñez Llanos; Alfredo Bardají Ruiz
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Revista Espanola De Cardiologia
País: N/D
Títol: A comparison of very old patients admitted to intensive care unit after acute versus elective surgery or intervention
Autors: Jung, Christian; Wernly, Bernhard; Muessig, Johanna M.; Kelm, Malte; Boumendil, Ariane; Morandi, Alessandro; Andersen, Finn H.; Artigas, Antonio; Bertolini, Guido; Cecconi, Maurizio; Christensen, Steffen; Faraldi, Loredana; Fjolner, Jesper; Lichtenauer, Michael; Bruno, Raphael Romano; Marsh, Brian; Moreno, Rui; Oeyen, Sandra; Ohman, Christina Agvald; Pinto, Bernadro Bollen; Soliman, Ivo W.; Szczeklik, Wojciech; Valentin, Andreas; Watson, Ximena; Zafeiridis, Tilemachos; De Lange, Dylan W.; Guidet, Bertrand; Flaatten, Hans; Schmutz, Rene; Wimmer, Franz; Eller, Philipp; Joannidis, Michael; De Buysscher, Pieter; De Neve, Nikolaas; Swinnen, Walter; Abraham, Paul; Hergafi, Leila; Schefold, Joerg C.; Biskup, Ewelina; Piza, Petr; Taliadoros, Ioannis; Dey, Nilanjan; Solling, Christoffer; Rasmussen, Bodil Steen; Forceville, Xavier; Besch, Guillaume; Mentec, Herve; Michel, Philippe; Mateu, Philippe; Vettoretti, Lucie; Bourenne, Jeremy; Marin, Nathalie; Guillot, Max; Aissaoui, Naida; Goulenok, Cyril; Thieulot-Rolin, Nathalie; Messika, Jonathan; Lamhaut, Lionel; Charron, Cyril; Lauten, Alexander; Sacher, Anna Lena; Brenner, Thorsten; Franz, Marcus; Bloos, Frank; Ebelt, Henning; Schaller, Stefan J.; Fuest, Kristina; Rabe, Christian; Dieck, Thorben; Steiner, Stephan; Graf, Tobias; Nia, Amir M.; Janosi, Rolf Alexander; Meybohm, Patrick; Simon, Philipp; Utzolino, Stefan; Rahmel, Tim; Barth, Eberhard; Schuster, Michael; Aidoni, Zoi; Aloizos, Stavros; Tasioudis, Polychronis; Lampiri, Kleri; Zisopoulou, Vasiliki; Ravani, Ifigenia; Pagaki, Eumorfia; Antoniou, Angela; Katsoulas, Theodoros A.; Kounougeri, Aikaterini; Marinakis, George; Tsimpoukas, Fotios; Spyropoulou, Anastasia; Zygoulis, Paris; Kyparissi, Aikaterini; Gupta, Manish; Gurjar, Mohan; Maji, Ismail M.; Hayes, Ivan; Kelly, Yvelynne; Westbrook, Andrew; Fitzpatrick, Gerry; Maheshwari, Darshana; Motherway, Catherine; Negri, Giovanni; Spadaro, Savino; Nattino, Giuseppe; Pedeferri, Matteo; Boscolo, Annalisa; Rossi, Simona; Calicchio, Giuseppe; Cubattoli, Lucia; Di Lascio, Gabriella; Barbagallo, Maria; Berruto, Francesco; Codazzi, Daniela; Bottazzi, Andrea; Fumagalli, Paolo; Negro, Giancarlo; Lupi, Giuseppe; Savelli, Flavia; Vulcano, Giuseppe A.; Fumagalli, Roberto; Marudi, Andrea; Lefons, Ugo; Lembo, Rita; Babini, Maria; Paggioro, Alessandra; Parrini, Vieri; Zaccaria, Maria; Clementi, Stefano; Gigliuto, Carmelo; Facondini, Francesca; Pastorini, Simonetta; Munaron, Susanna; Calamai, Italo; Bocchi, Anna; Adorni, Adele; Bocci, Maria Grazia; Cortegiani, Andrea; Casalicchio, Tiziana; Mellea, Serena; Graziani, Elia; Barattini, Massimo; Brizio, Elisabetta; Rossi, Maurizio; Hahn, Michael; Kemmerer, Nicolai; Strietzel, Hans Frank; Dybwik, Knut; Legernaes, Terje; Klepstad, Pal; Olaussen, Even Braut; Olsen, Knut Inge; Brresen, Ole Marius; Bjorsvik, Geir; Maini, Sameer; Fehrle, Lutz; Czuczwar, Miroslaw; Krawczyk, Pawel; Zietkiewicz, Miroslaw; Nowak, Lukasz R.; Kotfis, Katarzyna; Cwyl, Katarzyna; Gajdosz, Ryszard; Biernawska, Jowita; Bohatyrewicz, Romuald; Gawda, Ryszard; Grudzien, Pawel; Nasilowski, Pawel; Popek, Natalia; Cyrankiewicz, Waldemar; Wawrzyniak, Katarzyna; Wnuk, Marek; Maciejewski, Dariusz; Studzinska, Dorota; Zukowski, Maciej; Bernas, Szymon; Piechota, Mariusz; Nowak, Ilona; Fronczek, Jakub; Serwa, Marta; Machala, Waldemar; Stefaniak, Jan; Wujtewicz, Maria; Maciejewski, Pawel; Szymkowiak, Malgorzata; Adamik, Barbara; Catorze, Nuno; Branco, Miguel Castelo; Barros, Ines; Barros, Nelson; Krystopchuk, Andriy; Honrado, Teresa; Sousa, Cristina; Munoz, Francisco; Rebelo, Marta; Gomes, Rui; Nunes, Jorge; Dias, Celeste; Fernandes, Ana Margarida; Petrisor, Cristina; Bodolea, Constantin; Belskiy, Vladislav; Boskholov, Boris; Rodriguez, Enver; Rebollo, Sergio; Aguilar, Gerardo; Masdeu, Gaspar; Irazabal Jaimes, Marian; Prado Mira, Angela; Bodi, Maria A.; Barea Mendoza, Jesus A.; Lopez-Cuenca, Sonia; Homez Guzman, Marcela; Rico-Feijoo, Jesus; Ibarz, Mercedes; Trenado Alvarez, Josep; Kawati, Rafael; Sivik,
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Critical Care
País: N/D
Títol: SUCNR1 controls an anti-inflammatory program in macrophages to regulate the metabolic response to obesity
Autors: Keiran N, Ceperuelo-Mallafré V, Calvo E, Hernández-Alvarez MI, Ejarque M, Núñez-Roa C, Horrillo D, Maymó-Masip E, Rodríguez MM, Fradera R, de la Rosa JV, Jorba R, Megia A, Zorzano A, Medina-Gómez G, Serena C, Castrillo A, Vendrell J, Fernández-Veledo S
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Nature Immunology
País: N/D
Títol: Are all Breastfed Infants Equal? Clustering Metabolomics Data to Identify Predictive Risk Clusters for Childhood Obesity
Autors: Kirchberg FF, Grote V, Gruszfeld D, Socha P, Closa-Monasterolo R, Escribano J, Verduci E, Mariani B, Langhendries JP, Poncelet P, Koletzko B, Hellmuth C, European Childhood Obesity Trial Study Group
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Pediatric Gastroenterology And Nutrition
País: N/D
Títol: Nutrition During Pregnancy, Lactation and Early Childhood and its Implications for Maternal and Long-Term Child Health: The Early Nutrition Project Recommendations
Autors: Koletzko, Berthold; Godfrey, K. M.; Poston, Lucilla; Szajewska, Hania; van Goudoever, Johannes B.; de Waard, Marita; Brands, Brigitte; Grivell, Rosalie M.; Deussen, Andrea R.; Dodd, Jodie M.; Patro-Golab, Bernadeta; Zalewski, Bartlomiej M.; Alberdi, G.; Buonocore, G.; Campoy, C.; Demmelmair, H.; Desoye, G.; Diaz Gomez, M.; Escribano, J.; Geraghty, A.; Gil, A.; Hanson, M.; Inskip, H. M.; Larque, E.; Lassel, T.; Luque, V; Mader, S.; Manios, Y.; Mearin, L. M.; Oddy, W. H.; Reynolds, R. M.; Rueda, R.; Sherry, C.; Socha, P.; Taylor, P.; Van der Beek, E. M.; Weber, M.; Crespo-Escobar, P.; Gutser, M.; Kouwenhoven, S. M. P.; Calvo-Lerma, J.; Veldhorst, M.;EarlyNutr Project Systematic Revie
Any: 2019 Clau: Review
Revista: Annals Of Nutrition And Metabolism
País: N/D
Títol: Spatiotemporal Characteristics of the Largest HIV-1 CRF02_AG Outbreak in Spain: Evidence for Onward Transmissions
Autors: Kostaki, Evangelia-Georgia; Flampouris, Andreas; Karamitros, Timokratis; Chueca, Natalia; Alvarez, Marta; Casas, Paz; Alejos, Belen; Hatzakis, Angelos; Garcia, Federico; Paraskevis, Dimitrios; Moreno, Santiago; Jarrin, Inma; Dalmau, David; Navarro, Maria Luisa; Gonzalez, Maria Isabel; Blanco, Jose Luis; Rubio, Rafael; Gutierrez, Felix; Vidal, Francesc; Berenguer, Juan; Gonzalez, Juan; Hernando, Victoria; Moreno, Cristina; Iniesta, Carlos; Sousa, Luis Miguel Garcia; Perez, Nieves Sanz; Angeles Munoz-Fernandez, M.; Maria Garcia-Merino, Isabel; Consuegra Fernandez, Irene; Gomez Rico, Coral; Gallego de la Fuente, Jorge; Palau Concejo, Paula; Portilla, Joaquin; Merino, Esperanza; Reus, Sergio; Boix, Vicente; Giner, Livia; Gadea, Carmen; Portilla, Irene; Pampliega, Maria; Diez, Marcos; Carlos Rodriguez, Juan; Sanchez-Paya, Jose; Luis Gomez, Juan; Hernandez, Jehovana; Remedios Aleman, Maria; del Mar Alonso, Maria; Inmaculada Hernandez, Maria; Diaz-Flores, Felicitas; Garcia, Dacil; Pelazas, Ricardo; Lopez Lirola, Ana; Sanz Moreno, Jose; Arranz Caso, Alberto; Hernandez Gutierrez, Cristina; Novella Mena, Maria; Pulido, Federico; Bisbal, Otilia; Hernando, Asuncion; Dominguez, Lourdes; Rial Crestelo, David; Bermejo, Laura; Santacreu, Mireia; Antonio Iribarrena, Jose; Arrizabalaga, Julio; Jose Aramburu, Maria; Camino, Xabier; Rodriguez-Arrondo, Francisco; Angel von Wichmann, Miguel; Pascual Tome, Lidia; Angel Goenaga, Miguel; Jesus Bustinduy, Ma; Azkune, Harkaitz; Ibarguren, Maialen; Lizardi, Aitziber; Kortajarena, Xabier; Masia, Mar; Padilla, Sergio; Navarro, Andres; Montolio, Fernando; Robledano, Catalina; Gregori Colome, Joan; Adsuar, Araceli; Pascual, Rafael; Fernandez, Marta; Garcia, Elena; Alberto Garcia, Jose; Barber, Xavier; Bernaldo de Quiros, Juan Carlos Lopez; Gutierrez, Isabel; Ramirez, Margarita; Padilla, Belen; Gijon, Paloma; Aldamiz-Echevarria, Teresa; Tejerina, Francisco; Jose Parras, Francisco; Balsalobre, Pascual; Diez, Cristina; Perez Latorre, Leire; Peraire, Joaquin; Vilades, Consuelo; Veloso, Sergio; Vargas, Montserrat; Lopez-Dupla, Miguel; Olona, Montserrat; Rull, Anna; Rodriguez-Gallego, Esther; Alba, Veronica; Montero Alonso, Marta; Lopez Aldeguer, Jose; Blanes Julia, Marino; Tasias Pitarch, Maria; Castro Hernandez, Ivan; Calabuig Munoz, Eva; Cuellar Tovar, Sandra; Salavert Lleti, Miguel; Fernandez Navarro, Juan; Miguel Molina, Jose; Gonzalez-garcia, Juan; Arnalich, Francisco; Ramon Arribas, Jose; Bernardino de la Serna, Jose Ignacio; Miguel Castro, Juan; Escosa, Luis; Herranz, Pedro; Hontanon, Victor; Garcia-Bujalance, Silvia; Garcia Lopez-Hortelano, Milagros; Gonzalez-Baeza, Alicia; Luz Martin-Carbonero, Maria; Mayoral, Mario; Jose Mellado, Maria; Esteban Mican, Rafael; Montejano, Rocio; Luisa Montes, Maria; Moreno, Victoria; Perez-Valero, Ignacio; Rodes, Berta; Sainz, Talia; Sendagorta, Elena; Stella Alcariz, Natalia; Valencia, Eulalia; Ramon Blanco, Jose; Antonio Oteo, Jose; Ibarra, Valvanera; Metola, Luis; Sanz, Mercedes; Perez-Martinez, Laura; Jaen, Angels; Sanmarti, Montse; Cairo, Mireia; Martinez-Lacasa, Javier; Velli, Pablo; Font, Roser; Xercavins, Mariona; Alonso, Noemi; Rivero, Maria; Reparaz, Jesus; Ruiz de Alda, Maria Gracia; de Leon Cano, Maria Teresa; Ruiz de Galarreta, Beatriz Pierola; de los Santos, Ignacio; Sanz Sanz, Jesus; Salas Aparicio, Ana; Sarria Cepeda, Cristina; Garcia-Fraile Fraile, Lucio; Martin Gayo, Enrique; Luis Casado, Jose; Dronda, Fernando; Moreno, Ana; Perez Elias, Maria Jesus; Gomez Ayerbe, Cristina; Gutierrez, Carolina; Madrid, Nadia; del Campo Terron, Santos; Marti, Paloma; Ansa, Uxua; Serrano, Sergio; Jesus Vivancos, Maria; Bernal, Enrique; Cano, Alfredo; Alcaraz Garcia, Antonia; Bravo Urbieta, Joaquin; Munoz, Angeles; Jose Alcaraz, Maria; del Carmen Villalba, Maria; Garciaa, Federico; Hernandez, Jose; Pena, Alejandro; Munoz, Leopoldo; Vinuesa, David; Martinez-Montes, Clara; Garcia, Fernando; Guerrero-Beltran, Carlos; Del Romero, Jorge; Rodriguez, Carmen; Puerta, Teresa; Carlos
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Frontiers In Microbiology
País: N/D
Títol: Assigning an impact factor to the journal Clínica e Investigación en Arteriosclerosis. An increasingly achievable objective
Autors: Lahoz C; Ribalta J; Pintó X
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinica E Investigacion En Arteriosclerosis
País: N/D
Títol: Participation of the immigrant population in breast cancer screening in Tarragona, Spain [Participación de la población inmigrante en el cribado de cáncer de mama de Tarragona, España]
Autors: Laroussy L., Ameijide A., Saladié F., Espinàs J.A., Borràs J.M., Galceran J.
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Gaceta Sanitaria
País: N/D
Títol: Experiencia de los adolescentes al ingreso en un hospital de dia de salud mental: descubriendo el estigma internalizado
Autors: Lidia Sarrió Colás; Carme Ferré Grau; Pilar Montesó Curto; Núria Albacar Riobóo; Mar Lleixà Fortuño
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Revista De Enfermeria (Barcelona, Spain)
País: N/D
Títol: Arterial stiffness is highly correlated with the scores obtained from the Steno Type 1 Risk Engine in subjects with T1DM
Autors: Llauradó G; Cano A; Albert L; Ballesta S; Mazarico I; Luchtenberg MF; González-Sastre M; Megía A; Simó R; Vendrell J; González-Clemente JM
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Plos One
País: N/D
Títol: Discontinuation of dolutegravir, elvitegravir/cobicistat and raltegravir because of toxicity in a prospective cohort.
Autors: Llibre JM, Montoliu A, Miró JM, Domingo P, Riera M, Tiraboschi J, Curran A, Homar F, Ambrosioni J, Abdulghani N, Force L, Peraire J, Casabona J, PISCIS Cohort group
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Hiv Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Tratar la dislipemia, algo más que dar estatinas
Autors: Lluís Masana Marín
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinica E Investigacion En Arteriosclerosis
País: N/D
Títol: Actualización de las tablas de planificación terapéutica hipocolesterolemiante orientadas a la obtención de los objetivos terapéuticos
Autors: Lluís Masana Marín, Núria Plana Gil
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinica E Investigacion En Arteriosclerosis
País: N/D
Títol: Neoadjuvant Metformin Added to Systemic Therapy Decreases the Proliferative Capacity of Residual Breast Cancer.
Autors: Lopez-Bonet E, Buxó M, Cuyàs E, Pernas S, Dorca J, Álvarez I, Martínez S, Pérez-Garcia JM, Batista-López N, Rodríguez-Sánchez CA, Amillano K, Domínguez S, Luque M, Morilla I, Stradella A, Viñas G, Cortés J, Oliveras G, Meléndez C, Castillo L, Verdura S, Brunet J, Joven J, Garcia M, Saidani S, Martin-Castillo B, Menendez JA
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Clinical Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Criteria for admitting elderly patients with acute coronary syndrome to critical care units from Spanish hospital emergency departments: a LONGEVO-SCA cohort study
Autors: Lorente V; Ariza-Solé A; Jacob J; Formiga FF; Marín F; Martínez-Sellés M; Viana-Tejedor A; Bardají AB; Sionis A; Palau-Vendrell A; Díez-Villanueva P; Aboal J; González-Salvado V; Bueno HB
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Emergencias: Revista De La Sociedad Española De Medicina De Urgencias Y Emergencias
País: N/D
Títol: Criteria for admitting elderly patients with acute coronary syndrome to critical care units from Spanish hospital emergency departments: a LONGEVO-SCA cohort study
Autors: Lorente, Victoria; Ariza-Sole, Albert; Jacob, Javier; Formiga, Francesc; Marin, Francisco; Martinez-Selles, Manuel; Viana-Tejedor, Ana; Bardaji, Alfredo; Sionis, Alessandro; Palau-Vendrell, Anna; Diez-Villanueva, Pablo; Aboal, Jaime; Gonzalez-Salvado, Violeta; Bueno, Hector;Representacion Investigadores Reg
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Emergencias: Revista De La Sociedad Española De Medicina De Urgencias Y Emergencias
País: N/D
Títol: Chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 2 gene ablation protects low-density lipoprotein and paraoxonase-1 double deficient mice from liver injury, oxidative stress and inflammation
Autors: Luciano-Mateo F; Cabré N; Fernández-Arroyo S; Baiges-Gaya G; Hernández-Aguilera A; Rodríguez-Tomàs E; Mercado-Gómez M; Menendez J; Camps J; Joven J
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Molecular Basis Of Disease
País: N/D
Títol: The Obemat2.0 Study: A Clinical Trial of a Motivational Intervention for Childhood Obesity Treatment
Autors: Luque, Veronica; Feliu, Albert; Escribano, Joaquin; Ferre, Natalia; Flores, Gemma; Monne, Raquel; Gutierrez-Marin, Desiree; Guillen, Nuria; Munoz-Hernando, Judit; Zaragoza-Jordana, Marta; Gispert-Llaurado, Mariona; Rubio-Torrents, Carme; Nunez-Roig, Merce; Alcazar, Mireia; Ferre, Raimon; Basora, Josep M; Hsu, Pablo; Alegret-Basora, Clara; Arasa, Francesc; Venables, Michelle; Singh, Priya; Closa-Monasterolo, Ricardo
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Nutrients
País: N/D
Títol: Treatment challenges in and outside a specialist network setting: Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours
Autors: Lykoudis PM, Partelli S, Muffatti F, Caplin M, Falconi M, Fusai GK, RARECARENet Working Group
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Ejso
País: N/D
Títol: Potential Use of Mobile Phone Applications for Self-Monitoring and Increasing Daily Fruit and Vegetable Consumption: A Systematized Review
Autors: Mandracchia F, Llauradó E, Tarro L, Del Bas J, Valls R, Pedret A, Radeva P, Arola L, Solà R, Boqué N
Any: 2019 Clau: Review
Revista: Nutrients
País: N/D
Títol: Experimental myofascial trigger point creation in rodents
Autors: Margalef R, Sisquella M, Bosque M, Romeu C, Mayoral O, Monterde S, Priego M, Guerra-Perez R, Ortiz N, Tomàs J, Santafe M
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Applied Physiology
País: N/D
Títol: Gynaecological malignancies after breast cancer diagnosis: A population based study
Autors: Maria Pilar Barretina-Ginesta, Jaume Galceran, Helena Pla, Cristina Meléndez, Anna Carbo Bague, Alberto Ameijide, Marià Carulla, Jordi Barretina, Angel Izquierdo, Rafael Marcos-Gragera
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinical Journal Of Obstetrics And Gynecology
País: N/D
Títol: Risk Of Recurrence After Withdrawal Of Anticoagulation In Patients With Unprovoked Venous Thromboembolism: External Validation Of The Vienna Nomogram And The Dash Prediction Score
Autors: Marin-Romero, Samira; Elias-Hernandez, Teresa; Isabel Asensio-Cruz, Maria; Ortega-Rivera, Rocio; Morillo-Guerrero, Raquel; Toral, Javier; Montero, Emilio; Sanchez, Veronica; Arellano, Elena; Sanchez-Diaz, Jose Maria; Real-Dominguez, Macarena; Otero-Candelera, Remedios; Jara-Palomares, Luis;
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Archivos De Bronconeumologia
País: N/D
Títol: A clinical trial to evaluate the effect of the Mediterranean diet on smokers lung function
Autors: Martin-Lujan, Francisco; Catalin, Roxana-Elena; Salamanca-Gonzalez, Patricia; Sorli-Aguilar, Mar; Santigosa-Ayala, Antoni; Maria Valls-Zamora, Rosa; Martin-Vergara, Nuria; Canela-Armengol, Teresa; Arija-Val, Victoria; Sola-Alberich, Rosa;
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Npj Primary Care Respiratory Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Genetics and genetic counseling in psychiatry: Results from an opinion survey of professionals and users
Autors: Martorell L, Sanfeliu A, Blázquez A, Lojo E, Cortés MJ, de Pablo J, Vilella E
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Molecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Increased levels of serum leptin in the early stages of psychosis
Autors: Martorell, Lourdes; Muntane, Gerard; Porta-Lopez, Sara; Moreno, Irene; Ortega, Laura; Montalvo, Itziar; Sanchez-Gistau, Vanessa; Monseny, Rosa; Labad, Javier; Vilella, Elisabet;
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Psychiatric Research
País: N/D
Títol: Ten-year follow-up of clinical governance implementation in primary care: Improving screening, diagnosis and control of cardiovascular risk factors
Autors: Martín CA; Gonçalves AQ; López-Pablo C; Fernández-Sáez J; Drago EF; Rojas ZH; Vilaubí JMP; Cumplido DR; Piñol JL; Bladé-Creixenti J; Llorca MRD
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health
País: N/D
Títol: Cohort Profile: Design and methods of the PREDIMED-Plus randomized trial.
Autors: Martínez-González MA, Buil-Cosiales P, Corella D, Bulló M, Fitó M, Vioque J, Romaguera D, Martínez JA, Wärnberg J, López-Miranda J, Estruch R, Bueno-Cavanillas A, Arós F, Tur JA, Tinahones F, Serra-Majem L, Martín V, Lapetra J, Vázquez C, Pintó X, Vidal J, Daimiel L, Delgado-Rodríguez M, Matía P, Ros E, Fernández-Aranda F, Botella C, Portillo MP, Lamuela-Raventós RM, Marcos A, Sáez G, Gómez-Gracia E, Ruiz-Canela M, Toledo E, Alvarez-Alvarez I, Díez-Espino J, Sorlí JV, Basora J, Castañer O, Schröder H, Navarrete-Muñoz EM, Zulet MA, García-Rios A, Salas-Salvadó J, PREDIMED-Plus Study Investigators
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Epidemiology
País: N/D
Títol: Extracellular FABP4 uptake by endothelial cells is dependent on cytokeratin 1 expression
Autors: Martínez-Micaelo N, Rodríguez-Calvo R, Guaita-Esteruelas S, Heras M, Girona J, Masana L
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Molecular And Cell Biology Of Lipids
País: N/D
Títol: Satisfacción de los usuarios de un centro de hemodiálisis tras una innovación organizacional
Autors: María Darás Fenollosa; Sara Romaguera Genís; Pilar Montesó Curto
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Metas De Enfermería
País: N/D
Títol: Treating dyslipidemia: something more than giving statins.
Autors: Masana L
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinica E Investigacion En Arteriosclerosis
País: N/D
Títol: Toward a new clinical classification of patients with familial hypercholesterolemia: One perspective from Spain.
Autors: Masana L, Ibarretxe D, Rodríguez-Borjabad C, Plana N, Valdivielso P, Pedro-Botet J, Civeira F, López-Miranda J, Guijarro C, Mostaza J, Pintó X, Expert group from the Spanish Arteriosclerosis Society
Any: 2019 Clau: Review
Revista: Atherosclerosis
País: N/D
Títol: Update of therapeutic planning tables oriented towards obtaining therapeutic objectives
Autors: Masana L, Plana N
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinica E Investigacion En Arteriosclerosis
País: N/D
Títol: Incidence of Cardiovascular Disease in Patients with Familial Hypercholesterolemia Phenotype: Analysis of 5 Years Follow-Up of Real-World Data from More than 1
Autors: Masana L, Zamora A, Plana N, Comas-Cufí M, Garcia-Gil M, Martí-Lluch R, Ponjoan A, Alves-Cabratosa L, Elosua R, Marrugat J, Dégano IR, Ramos R
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Clinical Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Evolving understanding of cardiovascular, cerebrovascular and peripheral arterial disease in people living with HIV and role of novel biomarkers
Autors: Masiá M, Padilla S, García JA, García-Abellán J, Fernández M, Bernardino I, Montero M, Peraire J, Pernas B, Gutiérrez F
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Plos One
País: N/D
Títol: Rate and duration of hospitalisation for acute pulmonary embolism in the real-world clinical practice of different countries: analysis from the RIETE registry.
Autors: Mastroiacovo D, Dentali F, di Micco P, Maestre A, Jiménez D, Soler S, Sahuquillo JC, Verhamme P, Fidalgo Á, López-Sáez JB, Skride A, Monreal M, RIETE Investigators, Coordinator of the RIETE Registry: Manuel Monreal (Spain). RIETE Steering Committee Members:, Members of the RIETE Group are as follows. Spain:
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: European Respiratory Journal
País: N/D
Títol: Sex-specific association between the cortisol awakening response and obsessive-compulsive symptoms in healthy individuals
Autors: Melia C; Soria V; Salvat-Pujol N; Cabezas Á; Nadal R; Urretavizcaya M; Gutiérrez-Zotes A; Monreal J; Crespo J; Alonso P; Vilella E; Palao D; Menchón J; Labad J
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Biology Of Sex Differences
País: N/D
Títol: Vena cava filters in patients presenting with major bleeding during anticoagulation for venous thromboembolism
Autors: Mellado M, Trujillo-Santos J, Bikdeli B, Jiménez D, Núñez MJ, Ellis M, Marchena PJ, Vela JR, Clara A, Moustafa F, Monreal M, RIETE Investigators
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Internal And Emergency Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Single-stage approach for the management of choledocolithiasis with concomitant cholelithiasis. Implementation of a protocol in a secondary hospital
Autors: Memba R; González S; Coronado D; González V; Mata F; Rodríguez JA; Mühlenberg C; Sala J; Ribas R; Pueyo E; Mata A; O'Connor DB; Conlon KC; Jorba R
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Surgeon-Journal Of The Royal Colleges Of Surgeons Of Edinburgh And Ireland
País: N/D
Títol: In silico clinical trials for anti-aging therapies
Autors: Menendez J; Cuyàs E; Folguera-Blasco N; Verdura S; Martin-Castillo B; Joven J; Alarcón T
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Aging-Us
País: N/D
Títol: [Treatment for children and adolescents with pain in Spain: data from a survey on current specialized programs]
Autors: Miró J, Reinoso-Barbero F, Escribano Subías J, Martí Yáñez L
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Revista Espanola De Salud Publica
País: N/D
Títol: Pain curricula across healthcare professions undergraduate degrees: A cross-sectional study in Catalonia, Spain
Autors: Miró J; Castarlenas E; Solé E; Martí L; Salvat I; Reinoso-Barbero F
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Bmc Medical Education
País: N/D
Títol: Reconstrucción de la vida cotidiana de los postcuidadores familiares: afrontando el duelo del cuidador
Autors: Mora López, Gerard; Carmen Berbís Morelló; Martínez Segura, Estrella; MONTESO CURTO, MARIA PILAR; FERRÉ GRAU, CARMEN
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Index De Enfermeria
País: N/D
Títol: Implementing evidence-based practices on the therapeutic relationship in inpatient psychiatric care: A participatory action research
Autors: Moreno-Poyato AR; Delgado-Hito P; Leyva-Moral JM; Casanova-Garrigós G; Montesó-Curto P
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Clinical Nursing
País: N/D
Títol: Standards for global cardiovascular risk management arteriosclerosis.
Autors: Mostaza JM, Pintó X, Armario P, Masana L, Ascaso JF, Valdivielso P, en nombre de la Sociedad Española de Arteriosclerosis, Miembros de la Sociedad Española de Arteriosclerosis
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinica E Investigacion En Arteriosclerosis
País: N/D
Títol: Dissemination of health technologies: Trends in the use of diagnostic test in breast cancer screening [Difusión de tecnologías sanitarias: tendencias en el uso de pruebas de confirmación diagnóstica en los programas de cribado poblacional de cáncer de mama]
Autors: Natal C., Fernandez-Somoano A., Torá-Rocamora I., Vidal C., Castells X., Tardón A., Buron A., Corominas J.M., Domingo L., Rodr?guez-Arana A., Roman M., Servitja S., Sala M., Vernet M., Andreu M.B.X., Benito L., Quintana M.J., Sola-Roca J., Sanchez M., Galceran J., Saladie F., Ferrer J., Espinas J.A.
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Healthcare Quality Research
País: N/D
Títol: Testicular germ-cell tumours and penile squamous cell carcinoma: Appropriate management makes the difference
Autors: Nicolai N, Biasoni D, Catanzaro MA, Colecchia M, Trama A, RARECAREnet Working Group
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Ejso
País: N/D
Títol: Big data and machine learning in critical care: Opportunities for collaborative research
Autors: Nunez Reiz, Antonio; Sanchez Garcia, Miguel; Martinez Sagasti, Fernando; Alvarez Gonzalez, Manuel; Blesa Malpica, Antonio; Martin Benitez, Juan Carlos; Nieto Cabrera, Mercedes; del Pino Ramirez, Angela; Gil Perdomo, Jose Miguel; Prada Alonso, Jesus; Ceti, Leo Anthony; de la Hoz, Miguel Angel Armengol; Deliberato, Rodrigo; Paik, Kenneth; Pollard, Tom; Raffa, Jesse; Torres, Felipe; Mayol, Julio; Chafer, Joan; Gonzalez Ferrer, Arturo; Rey, Angel; Gonzalez Luengo, Henar; Fico, Giuseppe; Lombroni, Ivana; Hernandez, Liss; Lopez, Laura; Merino, Beatriz; Fernanda Cabrera, Maria; Teresa Arredondo, Maria; Bodi, Maria; Gomez, Josep; Rodriguez, Alejandro;Organizing Comm Madrid 2017 Critic
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Medicina Intensiva
País: N/D
Títol: Malestares en femenino: itinerarios terapéuticos de seis mujeres con fibromialgia
Autors: Núria Llàdser Navarro; Lina Casadó i Marín; Carlos López Pablo; Lluís Roselló i Aubach; Anna Llàdser Navarro; Pilar Montesó Curto
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Index De Enfermeria
País: N/D
Títol: Document on the state of affairs of the Spanish model of Intensive Care Medicine. SEMICYUC Strategic Plan 2018-2022
Autors: Olaechea Astigarraga, P. M.; Bodi Saera, M.; Martin Delgado, M. C.; Holanda Pena, M. S.; Garcia de Lorenzo y Mateos, A.; Gordo Vidal, F.;Soc Espanola Med Intensiva Critica
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Medicina Intensiva
País: N/D
Títol: Rivaroxaban Versus Vitamin K Antagonist in Antiphospholipid Syndrome A Randomized Noninferiority Trial
Autors: Ordi-Ros, Josep; Saez-Comet, Luis; Perez-Conesa, Mercedes; Vidal, Xavier; Riera-Mestre, Antoni; Castro-Salomo, Antoni; Cuquet-Pedragosa, Jordi; Ortiz-Santamaria, Vera; Mauri-Plana, Montserrat; Sole, Cristina; Cortes-Hernandez, Josefina;
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Annals Of Internal Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Treatment challenges in and outside a network setting: Head and neck cancers
Autors: Orlandi E, Alfieri S, Simon C, Trama A, Licitra L, RARECAREnet Working Group
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Ejso
País: N/D
Títol: Perceived stress mediates the relationship between social adaptation and quality of life in individuals at ultra high risk of psychosis
Autors: Ortega L; Montalvo I; Monseny R; Vilella E; Labad J
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Early Intervention In Psychiatry
País: N/D
Títol: Patients with systemic lupus erythematosus show an increased arterial stiffness that is predicted by IgM anti-&#946;[2] -Glycoprotein I and small dense high-density lipoprotein particles
Autors: Parra, S; Lopez-Dupla, M; Ibarretxe, D; de las Heras, M; Amigó, N; Català, A; Benavent, M; Garcés, E; Navarro, A; Castro, A
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Arthritis Care & Research
País: N/D
Títol: SEA/SEMERGEN consensus document 2019: Dietary recommendations in the prevention of cardiovascular disease
Autors: Pascual V, Perez Martinez P, Fernández JM, Solá R, Pallarés V, Romero Secín A, Pérez Jiménez F, Ros E
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinica E Investigacion En Arteriosclerosis
País: N/D
Títol: [SEA/SEMERGEN consensus document 2019: Dietary recommendations in the prevention of cardiovascular disease]
Autors: Pascual V, Perez Martinez P, Fernández JM, Solá R, Pallarés V, Romero Secín A, Pérez Jiménez F, Ros E
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Semergen
País: N/D
Títol: Treatment challenges in and outside a network setting: Soft tissue sarcomas
Autors: Pasquali S, Bonvalot S, Tzanis D, Casali PG, Trama A, Gronchi A, RARECARENet Working Group
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Ejso
País: N/D
Títol: Effects of daily consumption of the probiotic Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis CECT 8145 on anthropometric adiposity biomarkers in abdominally obese subjects: a randomized controlled trial
Autors: Pedret A; Valls R; Calderón-Pérez L; Llauradó E; Companys J; Pla-Pagà L; Moragas A; Martín-Luján F; Ortega Y; Giralt M; Caimari A; Chenoll E; Genovés S; Martorell P; Codoñer F; Ramón D; Arola L; Solà R
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Obesity
País: N/D
Títol: Stromal cell derived factor-1 and long-term prognosis in acute coronary syndrome
Autors: Peiro, Oscar M.; Farre, Nuria; Cediel, German; Bonet, Gil; Rojas, Sergio; Quintern, Veronica; Bardaji, Alfredo;
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Biomarkers In Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Long-term prognostic value of growth differentiation factor-15 in acute coronary syndromes
Autors: Peiró ÓM; García-Osuna Á; Ordóñez-Llanos J; Cediel G; Bonet G; Rojas S; Quintern V; Bardají A
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinical Biochemistry
País: N/D
Títol: Stratification of cancer and diabetes based on circulating levels of formate and glucose
Autors: Pietzke, Matthias; Fernandez Arroyo, Salvador; Sumpton, David; Mackay, Gillian M.; Martin-Castillo, Begona; Camps, Jordi; Joven, Jorge; Menendez, Javier A.; Vazquez, Alexei; Pernas, Sonia; Dorca, Joan; Alvarez-Lopez, Isabel; Martinez, Susana; Manuel Perez-Garcia, Jose; Batista Lopez, Norberto; Rodriguez-Sanchez, Cesar A.; Amillano, Kepa; Dominguez Fernandez, Severina; Luque-Cabal, Maria; Morilla, Idoia; Vinas, Gemma; Cortes, Javier;METTEN Study Grp
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Cancer Metab
País: N/D
Títol: Molecular predictors of prevention of recurrence in HCC with sorafenib as adjuvant treatment and prognostic factors in the phase 3 STORM trial
Autors: Pinyol, Roser; Montal, Robert; Bassaganyas, Laia; Sia, Daniela; Takayama, Tadatoshi; Chau, Gar-Yang; Mazzaferro, Vincenzo; Roayaie, Sasan; Lee, Han Chu; Kokudo, Norihiro; Zhang, Zhongyang; Torrecilla, Sara; Moeini, Agrin; Rodriguez-Carunchio, Leonardo; Gane, Edward; Verslype, Chris; Croitoru, Adina Emilia; Cillo, Umberto; de la Mata, Manuel; Lupo, Luigi; Strasser, Simone; Park, Joong-Won; Camps, Jordi; Sole, Manel; Thung, Swan N.; Villanueva, Augusto; Pena, Carol; Meinhardt, Gerold; Bruix, Jordi; Llovet, Josep M.;
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Gut
País: N/D
Títol: Effects of hesperidin consumption on cardiovascular risk biomarkers: a systematic review of animal studies and human randomized clinical trials
Autors: Pla-Pagà L, Companys J, Calderón-Pérez L, Llauradó E, Solà R, Valls RM, Pedret A.
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Nutrition Reviews
País: N/D
Títol: Versatile Electroanalytical Bioplatforms for Simultaneous Determination of Cancer-Related DNA 5-Methyl- and 5-Hydroxymethyl-Cytosines at Global and Gene-Specific Levels in Human Serum and Tissues
Autors: Povedano E; Montiel V; Valverde A; Navarro-Villoslada F; Yánez-Sedeno P; Pedrero M; Montero-Calle A; Barderas R; Peláez-García A; Mendiola M; Hardisson D; Feliú J; Camps J; Rodríguez-Tomàs E; Joven J; Arenas M; Campuzano S; Pingarrón J
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Acs Sensors
País: N/D
Títol: Genetic identification of a war-evacuated child in search of his own identity for more than seventy years
Autors: Puig, Pere; Barcelo, Anna; Lahoz, Roger; Niubo, Angels; Jimenez, Jimi; Soler-Lopez, Montserrat; Donovan, Michael J.; Navarro, Joaquima; Camps, Jordi; Garcia-Caldes, Montserrat; Etxeberria, Francisco; Miro, Rosa;
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Forensic Science International
País: N/D
Títol: Systemic phenotype of sarcoidosis associated with radiological stages. Analysis of 1230 patients
Autors: Pérez-Alvarez R; Brito-Zerón P; Kostov B; Feijoo-Massó C; Fraile G; Gómez-de-la-Torre R; De-Escalante B; López-Dupla M; Alguacil A; Chara-Cervantes J; Pérez-Conesa M; Rascón J; Garcia-Morillo JS; Perez-Guerrero P; Fonseca-Aizpuru E; Akasbi M; Bonet M; Callejas JL; Pallarés L; Ramos-Casals M; De-la-Red G; Calvo E; Soler C; Peral-Gutiérrez E; Gómez-Cerezo JF; Cruz-Caparrós G; Rodríguez-Fernández S; Pinilla B; Gato A; Chamorro AJ; Morcillo C; Robles A; Ojeda I; Vives MJ; de Miguel-Campo B; Penadés M; De-Vicente M; Bosch X; Pérez-de-Lis M; González-García A; Yllera C; Gracia-Tello B; Perez-Gonzalez A; Pedrosa-Aragón M; Tolosa C; Sisó-Almirall A
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: European Journal Of Internal Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Systemic phenotype of sarcoidosis associated with radiological stages. Analysis of 1230 patients
Autors: Pérez-Alvarez, R; Brito-Zerón, P; Kostov, B; Feijoo-Massó, C; Fraile, G; Gómez-de-la-Torre, R; De-Escalante, B; López-Dupla, M; Alguacil, A; Chara-Cervantes, J; Pérez-Conesa, M; Rascón, J; Garcia-Morillo, JS; Perez-Guerrero, P; Fonseca-Aizpuru, E; Akasbi, M; Bonet, M; Callejas, JL; Pallarés, L; Ramos-Casals, M; De-la-Red, G; Calvo, E; Soler, C; Peral-Gutiérrez, E; Gómez-Cerezo, JF; Cruz-Caparrós, G; Rodríguez-Fernández, S; Pinilla, B; Gato, A; Chamorro, AJ; Morcillo, C; Robles, A; Ojeda, I; Vives, MJ; de Miguel-Campo, B; Penadés, M; De-Vicente, M; Bosch, X; Pérez-de-Lis, M; González-García, A; Yllera, C; Gracia-Tello, B; Perez-Gonzalez, A; Pedrosa-Aragón, M; Tolosa, C; Sisó-Almirall, A
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: European Journal Of Internal Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Cultural effects on neurodevelopmental testing in children from six European countries: an analysis of NUTRIMENTHE Global Database
Autors: Pérez-García M, Luna JD, Torres-Espínola FJ, Martínez-Zaldívar C, Anjos T, Steenweg-de Graaff J, Weber M, Grote V, Gruszfeld D, Verduci E, Poncelet P, Escribano J, Tiemeier H, Koletzko B, Campoy C.
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: British Journal Of Nutrition
País: N/D
Títol: Intestinal permeability study of clinically relevant formulations of silibinin in caco-2 cell monolayers
Autors: Pérez-Sánchez A; Cuyàs E; Ruiz-Torres V; Agulló-Chazarra L; Verdura S; González-álvarez I; Bermejo M; Joven J; Micol V; Bosch-Barrera J; Menendez J
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Molecular Sciences
País: N/D
Títol: Rectal Aberrant Crypt Foci in Humans Are Not Surrogate Markers for Colorectal Cancer Risk
Autors: Quintanilla, Isabel; Lopez-Ceron, Maria; Jimeno, Mireya; Cuatrecasas, Miriam; Zabalza, Michel; Moreira, Leticia; Alonso, Virginia; Rodriguez de Miguel, Cristina; Munoz, Jennifer; Castellvi-Bel, Sergi; Llach, Josep; Castells, Antoni; Balaguer, Francesc; Camps, Jordi; Pellise, Maria;
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinical And Translational Gastroenterology
País: N/D
Títol: Pérdidas de seguimiento de personas con infección por el VIH en la cohorte española VACH en el periodo 2013-2014: importancia de los factores sociodemográficos
Autors: Ramón Teira; Nuria Isabel Espinosa Aguilera; M Mar Gutiérrez; Marta Montero; Elisa Martínez; Francisco González; Fernando Lozano de León; Francisco de Paula Téllez Pérez; María José Galindo Puerto; José Joaquín Peraire Forner; Elisabet Deig Comerma; Josefa Muñoz Sánchez
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Enfermedades Infecciosas Y Microbiologia Clinica
País: N/D
Títol: Validation Of Cancer Diagnoses In Electronic Health Records: Results From The Information System For Research In Primary Care (SIDIAP) In Northeast Spain
Autors: Recalde, Martina; Manzano-Salgado, Cyntia B.; Diaz, Yesika; Puente, Diana; Del Mar Garcia-Gil, Maria; Marcos-Gragera, Rafael; Ribes-Puig, Josefa; Galceran, Jaume; Posso, Margarita; Macia, Francesc; Duarte-Salles, Talita;
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinical Epidemiology
País: N/D
Títol: The landscape of genomic copy number alterations in colorectal cancer and their consequences on gene expression levels and disease outcome
Autors: Ried, Thomas; Meijer, Gerrit A.; Harrison, David J.; Grech, Godfrey; Franch-Exposito, Sebastia; Briffa, Romina; Carvalho, Beatriz; Camps, Jordi;
Any: 2019 Clau: Review
Revista: Molecular Aspects Of Medicine
País: N/D
Títol: Natural history of patients with venous thromboembolism and hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia. Findings from the RIETE registry
Autors: Riera-Mestre, Antoni; Maria Mora-Lujan, Jose; Trujillo-Santos, Javier; Del Toro, Jorge; Nieto, Jose Antonio; Pedrajas, Jose Maria; Lopez-Reyes, Raquel; Soler, Silvia; Ballaz, Aitor; Cerda, Pau; Monreal, Manel; Monreal, Manuel; Prandoni, Paolo; Brenner, Benjamin; Farge-Bancel, Dominique; Barba, Raquel; Di Micco, Pierpaolo; Bertoletti, Laurent; Schellong, Sebastian; Tzoran, Inna; Reis, Abiiio; Bosevski, Marian; Bounameaux, Henri; Maly, Radovan; Verhamme, Peter; Caprini, Joseph A.; Hanh My Bui; Adarraga, M. D.; Agud, M.; Aibar, M. A.; Alcalde-Manero, M.; Alfonso, J.; Amado, C.; Arcelus, J., I; Ballaz, A.; Barba, R.; Barbagelata, C.; Barron, M.; Barron-Andres, B.; Blanco-Molina, A.; Camon, A. M.; Canas, I; Castro, J.; Cerda, P.; de Miguel, J.; del Toro, J.; Demelo, P.; Diaz-Pedroche, C.; Diaz-Peromingo, J. A.; Dominguez, Im; Escribano, J. C.; Falga, C.; Fernandez-Capitan, C.; Fernandez-Criado, M. C.; Fidalgo, M. A.; Flores, K.; Font, C.; Font, L.; Furest, I; Garcia, M. A.; Garcia-Bragado, F.; Garcia-Raso, A.; Gavin-Bianco, O.; Gavin-Sebastian, O.; Gil-Diaz, A.; Godoy-Diaz, D.; Gomez, V; Gomez-Cuelvo, C.; Gonzalez-Martinez, J.; Grau, E.; Guirado, L.; Gutierrez, J.; Hernandez-Blasco, L. M.; Jara-Palomares, L.; Jaras, M. J.; Jimenez, D.; Joya, M. D.; Jou, I; Lalueza, A.; Lecumberri, R.; Lima, J.; Llamas, P.; Lobo, J. L.; Lopez-Jimenez, L.; Lopez-Meseguer, M.; Lopez-Miguel, P.; Lopez-Nunez, J. J.; Lopez-Reyes, R.; Lopez-Saez, J. B.; Lorente, M. A.; Loring, M.; Lumbierres, M.; Madridano, O.; Maestre, A.; Marchena, P. J.; Martin-Martos, F.; Martinez-Baquerizo, C.; Martinez-Garcia, M. A.; Mellado, M.; Moises, J.; Monreal, M.; Morales, M., V; Munoz-Bianco, A.; Nieto, J. A.; Nunez, M. J.; Olivares, M. C.; Olivera, P. E.; Ortega, C.; Osorio, J.; Otalora, S.; Otero, R.; Panadero-Macia, M.; Parra, V; Pedrajas, J. M.; Pellejero, G.; Perez-Ductor, C.; Perez-Rus, G.; Penis, M. L.; Pesantez, D.; Porras, J. A.; Riera-Mestre, A.; Rivas, A.; Rodriguez-Cobo, A.; Rodriguez-Matute, C.; Rosa, V; Rubio, C. M.; Ruiz-Artacho, P.; Ruiz-Sada, P.; Sahuquillo, J. C.; Sala-Sainz, M. C.; Salgueiro, G.; Samperiz, A.; Sanchez-Martinez, R.; Sanchez-Munoz-Torrero, J. F.; Segui, E.; Soler, S.; Suarez, S.; Surinach, J. M.; Tolosa, C.; Torres, M., I; Trujillo-Santos, J.; Uresandi, F.; Valero, B.; Valle, R.; Vidal, G.; Aar, C.; Villares, P.; Gutierrez, P.; Vazquez, F. J.; Vilaseca, A.; Vanassche, T.; Vandenbriele, C.; Verhamme, P.; Hirmerova, J.; Maly, R.; Salgado, E.; Benzidia, I; Bertoletti, L.; Bura-Riviere, A.; Debourdeau, P.; Courtois, M. C.; Farge-Bancel, D.; Helfer, H.; Hij, A.; Mahe, I; Moustafa, F.; Schellong, S.; Braester, A.; Brenner, B.; Tzoran, I; Bilora, F.; Bortoluzzi, C.; Ciammaichella, M.; Dentali, F.; Di Micco, P.; Fermi, P.; Imbaizano, E.; Lodigiani, C.; Maida, R.; Mastroiacovo, D.; Mumoli, N.; Pace, F.; Pesavento, R.; Pomero, F.; Prandoni, P.; Quintavalla, R.; Rocci, A.; Rota, L.; Siniscalchi, C.; Tiraferri, E.; Tufano, A.; Visona, A.; Hong, Vo N.; Zalunardo, B.; Kalejs, R., V; Kigitovica, D.; Skride, A.; Bosevski, M.; Zdraveska, M.; Bounameaux, H.; Mazzola, L.; Capnini, J. A.; Tafur, A. J.; Bui, H. M.;RIETE Investigators
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Orphanet Journal Of Rare Diseases
País: N/D
Títol: Review of the scientific evolution of gene therapy for the treatment of homozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia: past, present and future perspectives.
Autors: Rodriguez-Calvo R, Masana L
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Medical Genetics
País: N/D
Títol: Serum Paraoxonase-1-Related Variables and Lipoprotein Profile in Patients with Lung or Head and Neck Cancer: Effect of Radiotherapy
Autors: Rodriguez-Tomas, Elisabet; Murcia, Mauricio; Arenas, Meritxell; Arguis, Monica; Gil, Miriam; Amigo, Nuria; Correig, Xavier; Torres, Laura; Sabater, Sebastia; Baiges-Gaya, Gerard; Cabre, Noemi; Luciano-Mateo, Fedra; Hernandez-Aguilera, Anna; Fort-Gallifa, Isabel; Camps, Jordi; Joven, Jorge;
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Antioxidants
País: N/D
Títol: Low-density lipoprotein net charge is a risk factor for atherosclerosis in lupus patients independent of lipid concentrations
Autors: Rodríguez, M; Guardiola, M; Oliva, I; Vallvé, JC; Ferré, R; Masana, L; Parra, S; Ribalta, J; Castro, A
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Rheumatic Diseases
País: N/D
Títol: Fatty acid binding protein 4 (FABP4) as a potential biomarker reflecting myocardial lipid storage in type 2 diabetes
Autors: Rodríguez-Calvo R; Girona J; Rodríguez M; Samino S; Barroso E; de Gonzalo-Calvo D; Guaita-Esteruelas S; Heras M; van der Meer R; Lamb H; Yanes O; Correig X; Llorente-Cortés V; Vázquez-Carrera M; Masana L
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Metabolism-Clinical And Experimental
País: N/D
Títol: Proteomic Profile Associated With Loss of Spontaneous Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Elite Control
Autors: Rodríguez-Gallego E, Tarancón-Diez L, García F, Del Romero J, Benito JM, Alba V, Herrero P, Rull A, Dominguez-Molina B, Martinez-Madrid O, Martin-Pena L, Pulido F, León A, Rodríguez C, Rallón N, Peraire J, Viladés C, Leal M, Vidal F, Ruiz-Mateos E, HIV-1 Elite Controllers Study Group (ECRIS), Spanish AIDS Research Network
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Infectious Diseases
País: N/D
Títol: A Clinical Decision Support System for Diabetic Retinopathy Screening: Creating a Clinical Support Application
Autors: Romero-Aroca P; Valls A; Moreno A; Sagarra-Alamo R; Basora-Gallisa J; Saleh E; Baget-Bernaldiz M; Puig D
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Telemedicine And E-Health
País: N/D
Títol: Changes in mammographic density over time and the risk of breast cancer: An observational cohort study.
Autors: Román M, Sala M, Baré M, Posso M, Vidal C, Louro J, Sánchez M, Peñalva L, Castells X, BELE study group
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Breast
País: N/D
Títol: Glutaminolysis and lipoproteins are key factors in late immune recovery in successfully treated HIV-infected patients
Autors: Rosado-Sánchez I, Rodríguez-Gallego E, Peraire J, Viladés C, Herrero P, Fanjul F, Gutiérrez F, Bernal E, Pelazas R, Leal M, Veloso S, López-Dupla M, Blanco J, Vidal F, Pacheco YM, Rull A
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinical Science
País: N/D
Títol: Accuracy of new recommendations for adrenal incidentalomas in the evaluation of excessive cortisol secretion and follow-up
Autors: Ruiz, Ana; Michalopoulou, Theodora; Megia, Ana; Naf, Silvia; Simon-Muela, Inmaculada; Solano, Esther; Martinez, Laia; Vendrell, Joan;
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: European Journal Of Clinical Investigation
País: N/D
Títol: Lower expression of plasma-derived exosome miR-21 levels in HIV-1 elite controllers with decreasing CD4 T cell count.
Autors: Ruiz-de-León MJ, Jiménez-Sousa MA, Moreno S, García M, Gutiérrez-Rivas M, León A, Montero-Alonso M, González-García J, Resino S, Rallón N, Benito JM, Vallejo A, ECRIS Network integrated in the Spanish AIDS Research Network
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Microbiology Immunology And Infection
País: N/D
Títol: Effect of a Lifestyle Intervention Program With Energy-Restricted Mediterranean Diet and Exercise on Weight Loss and Cardiovascular Risk Factors: One-Year Results of the PREDIMED-Plus Trial.
Autors: Salas-Salvadó J, Díaz-López A, Ruiz-Canela M, Basora J, Fitó M, Corella D, Serra-Majem L, Wärnberg J, Romaguera D, Estruch R, Vidal J, Martínez JA, Arós F, Vázquez C, Ros E, Vioque J, López-Miranda J, Bueno-Cavanillas A, Tur JA, Tinahones FJ, Martín V, Lapetra J, Pintó X, Daimiel L, Delgado-Rodríguez M, Matía P, Gómez-Gracia E, Díez-Espino J, Babio N, Castañer O, Sorlí JV, Fiol M, Zulet MÁ, Bulló M, Goday A, Martínez-González MÁ, PREDIMED-Plus investigators
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Diabetes Care
País: N/D
Títol: High-sensitivity Cardiac Troponin for the Evaluation of Patients With Suspected ACS: A True or a False Friend?
Autors: Sanchis J, Alquézar-Arbé A, Ordóñez-Llanos J, Bardají A
Any: 2019 Clau: Editorial
Revista: Revista Espanola De Cardiologia
País: N/D
Títol: Effect of a Nutritional and Behavioral Intervention on Energy-Reduced Mediterranean Diet Adherence among Patients with Metabolic Syndrome: Interim Analysis of the PREDIMED-Plus Randomized Clinical Trial
Autors: Sayón-Orea C; Razquin C; Bulló M; Corella D; Fitó M; Romaguera D; Vioque J; Alonso-Gómez ÁM; Wärnberg J; Martínez JA; Serra-Majem L; Estruch R; Tinahones FJ; Lapetra J; Pintó X; Tur JA; López-Miranda J; Bueno-Cavanillas A; Delgado-Rodríguez M; Matía-Martín P; Daimiel L; Sánchez VM; Vidal J; Vázquez C; Ros E; Ruiz-Canela M; Sorlí JV; Castañer O; Fiol M; Navarrete-Muñoz EM; Arós F; Gómez-Gracia E; Zulet MA; Sánchez-Villegas A; Casas R; Bernal-López R; Santos-Lozano JM; Corbella E; Bouzas C; García-Arellano A; Sayón-Orea C; Razquin C; Bulló M; Corella D; Fitó M; Romaguera D; Vioque J; Alonso-Gómez ÁM; Wärnberg J; Martínez JA; Serra-Majem L
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Jama-Journal Of The American Medical Association
País: N/D
Títol: Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior From 6 to 11 Years.
Autors: Schwarzfischer P, Gruszfeld D, Stolarczyk A, Ferre N, Escribano J, Rousseaux D, Moretti M, Mariani B, Verduci E, Koletzko B, Grote V.
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
País: N/D
Títol: Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior From 6 to 11 Years
Autors: Schwarzfischer P; Gruszfeld D; Stolarczyk A; Ferre N; Escribano J; Rousseaux D; Moretti M; Mariani B; Verduci E; Koletzko B; Grote V
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Pediatrics
País: N/D
Títol: Delirium clinical correlates and underdiagnosis in a skilled nursing home
Autors: Sepúlveda E; Franco JG; Leunda A; Moreno L; Grau I; Vilella E
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: European Journal Of Psychiatry
País: N/D
Títol: IgA Nephropathy in Elderly Patients
Autors: Sevillano AM, Diaz M, Caravaca-Fontán F, Barrios C, Bernis C, Cabrera J, Calviño J, Castillo L, Cobelo C, Delgado-Mallén P, Espinosa M, Fernandez-Juarez G, Fernandez-Reyes MJ, Garcia-Osuna R, Garcia P, Goicoechea M, Gonzalez-Cabrera F, Guzmán DA, Heras M, Martín-Reyes G, Martinez A, Olea T, Peña JK, Quintana LF, Rabasco C, López Revuelta K, Rodas L, Rodriguez-Mendiola N, Rodriguez E, San Miguel L, Sanchez de la Nieta MD, Shabaka A, Sierra M, Valera A, Velo M, Verde E, Ballarin J, Noboa O, Moreno JA, Gutiérrez E, Praga M, Spanish Group for the Study of Glomerular Diseases (GLOSEN)
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Clinical Journal Of The American Society Of Nephrology
País: N/D
Títol: Impact of a training program on the surveillance of Clostridioiaes difficile infection
Autors: Sopena, N; Freixas, N; Bella, F; Pérez, J; Hornero, A; Limon, E; Gudiol, F; Pujol, M; Salgado, X; Lora, M; Martos, P; Niubó, J; Fernández, G; Castellà, L; Valls, S; Santana, G; López, M; Calbo, E; Falgueras, L; Piriz, M; Horcajada, JP; Sorlí, L; López-Contreras, J; Cotura, MA; Jover-Sáenz, A; Ramírez-Hidalgo, M; García, G; Picó, E; Pérez, MO; Domenech, MF; Mas, D; Pérez, R; Coloma, A; Grau, L; Andrés, M; Vilamala, A; Martínez, MJ; Cuquet, J; Vásquez, R; Castro, A; Iftimie, S; Sánchez, I; Clarós, M; Vilaró, I; Jofre, M; Garcia, G; Coll, R; Brugués, M; Marrón, A; Sauca, G; Barrufet, MP; Marimón, M; Tortajada, S; Gallardo, M; Vaque, M; Meije, Y; Berbel, C; Garcia, I; Serrat, J; Palau, E; Garcia, A; Gallés, C; Laborda, R; Martínez, A; Burgas, MC; Girbal, P; Sala, C; Moreno, MJ; Ros, MT; Angas, J; Smithson, A; Bastida, MT; de la Fuente, JC; Rovira, M; Martin-Urda, A; Aliu, T; Diaz-Brito, V; Moreno, E; Agusti, C; Peña, I; Grau, J; Benítez, RM; Blancas, D; Moreno, E; Martínez, S; Ferrer, R; Capdevila, E; Sanfeliu, E; Blasco, MM; Monzón, H; Sancliment, S; Hernández, S; Castander, D; Montardit, I; Sanz, M; Sabaté, S; Gesé, T; Hernández, PJ; Tricas, JM; Redón, E; Panisello, M; Ferré, RM; Cuscó, M; Gabarró, L; Farguell, J; Calaf, E; Fernández, MC; Oviedo, E; Gudiol, C; Albasanz-Puig, A; Jiménez, M; Rodrigues, G
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Epidemiology And Infection
País: N/D
Títol: Immunometabolism is a key factor for the persistent spontaneous elite control of HIV-1 infection
Autors: Tarancon-Diez L, Rodríguez-Gallego E, Rull A, Peraire J, Viladés C, Portilla I, Jimenez-Leon MR, Alba V, Herrero P, Leal M, Ruiz-Mateos E, Vidal F, ECRIS integrated in the Spanish AIDS Research Network
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Ebiomedicine
País: N/D
Títol: Impact of a youth-led social marketing intervention run by adolescents to encourage healthy lifestyles among younger school peers (EYTO-Kids project): a parallel-cluster randomised controlled pilot study.
Autors: Tarro L, Llauradó E, Aceves-Martins M, Moriña D, Papell-Garcia I, Arola L, Giralt M, Solà R
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Epidemiology And Community Health
País: N/D
Títol: Assessment of arterial stiffness variables in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: A mediation analysis.
Autors: Taverner, D; Paredes, S; Ferré, R; Masana, L; Castro, A; Vallvé, JC
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Scientific Reports
País: N/D
Títol: Losses to follow-up of HIV-infected people in the Spanish VACH cohort over the period between 2013 and 2014: The importance of sociodemographic factors
Autors: Teira R, Espinosa N, Gutiérrez MM, Montero M, Martínez E, González F, Lozano de León F, Téllez F, Galindo MJ, Peraire J, Deig E, Muñoz-Sánchez P, para el Grupo de estudio VACH
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Enfermedades Infecciosas Y Microbiologia Clinica
País: N/D
Títol: Análisis descriptivo de pacientes con carcinomas adrenales diagnosticados en el hospital Joan XXIII en los últimos 9 años
Autors: Theodora Michalopoulou Alevras; Ana Megía Colet; L Martínez Guasch; Silvia Daniela Naf Cortés; E Solano Fraile; Immaculada Simón Muela; Joan Vendrell Ortega
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Endocrinologia Diabetes Y Nutricion
País: N/D
Títol: Long lasting behavioural effects on cuprizone fed mice after neurotoxicant withdrawal.
Autors: Tomas-Roig J, Torrente M, Cabré M, Vilella E, Colomina MT
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Behavioural Brain Research
País: N/D
Títol: Quantitative analysis of somatically acquired and constitutive uniparental disomy in gastrointestinal cancers
Autors: Torabi, Keyvan; Erola, Pau; Isabel Alvarez-Mora, Maria; Diaz-Gay, Marcos; Ferrer, Queralt; Castells, Antoni; Castellvi-Bel, Sergi; Mila, Montserrat; Jose Lozano, Juan; Miro, Rosa; Ried, Thomas; Ponsa, Immaculada; Camps, Jordi;
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Cancer
País: N/D
Títol: An olive oil phenolic is a new chemotype of mutant isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1) inhibitors.
Autors: Verdura S, Cuyàs E, Lozano-Sánchez J, Bastidas-Velez C, Llorach-Parés L, Fernández-Arroyo S, Hernández-Aguilera A, Joven J, Nonell-Canals A, Bosch-Barrera J, Martin-Castillo B, Vellon L, Sanchez-Martinez M, Segura-Carretero A, Menendez JA
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Carcinogenesis
País: N/D
Títol: Expression of DDR1 in the CNS and in myelinating oligodendrocytes
Autors: Vilella E; Gas C; Garcia-Ruiz B; Rivera F
Any: 2019 Clau: Review
Revista: Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Molecular Cell Research
País: N/D
Títol: Lay People Training in CPR and in the Use of an Automated External Defibrillator, and Its Social Impact: A Community Health Study
Autors: Villalobos, F; Del Pozo, A; Rey-Reñones, C; Granado-Font, E; Sabaté-Lissner, D; Poblet-Calaf, C; Basora, J; Castro, A; Flores-Mateo, G
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health
País: N/D
Títol: Physical activity and health-related quality of life in adults: The "Pas a Pas" community intervention programme
Autors: Villalobos, Felipe; Vinuesa, Angels; Pedret, Roser; Basora, Teresa; Basora, Josep; Arija, Victoria;
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Mental Health And Physical Activity
País: N/D
Títol: Basic critical care echocardiography training of intensivists allows reproducible and reliable measurements of cardiac output
Autors: Villavicencio C; Leache J; Marin J; Oliva I; Rodriguez A; Bodí M; Soni NJ
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Critical Ultrasound Journal
País: N/D
Títol: The effectiveness of different doses of iron supplementation and the prenatal determinants of maternal iron status in pregnant spanish women: ECLIPSES study
Autors: Vázquez LI; Arija V; Aranda N; Aparicio E; Serrat N; Fargas F; Ruiz F; Pallejà M; Coronel P; Gimeno M; Basora J
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Nutrients
País: N/D
Títol: Induced Chromosomal Aneuploidy Results in Global and Consistent Deregulation of the Transcriptome of Cancer Cells
Autors: Wangsa, Darawalee; Braun, Rudiger; Stuelten, Christina H.; Brown, Markus; Bauer, Kerry M.; Emons, Georg; Weston, Leigh A.; Hu, Yue; Yang, Howard H.; Vila-Casadesus, Maria; Lee, Maxwell P.; Brauer, Philip; Warner, Lidia; Upender, Madhvi; Hummon, Amanda B.; Camps, Jordi; Ried, Thomas;
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Neoplasia
País: N/D
Títol: Incidencia y variables asociadas a lesiones graves secundarias a reanimación cardiopulmonar
Autors: Youcef Azeli, Eneko Barbería, María Jiménez-Herrera, Alberto Ameijide, Christer Axelsson, Alfredo Bardají
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Emergencias: Revista De La Sociedad Española De Medicina De Urgencias Y Emergencias
País: N/D
Títol: In vivo biotransformation of (poly)phenols and anthocyanins of red-fleshed apple and identification of intake biomarkers
Autors: Yuste S; Ludwig I; Rubió L; Romero M; Pedret A; Valls R; Solà R; Motilva M; Macià A
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Functional Foods
País: N/D
Títol: Metabolic pathways proposal 1 and identification of potential intake biomarkers of red-fleshed apple (poly)phenols in an acute human intake
Autors: Yuste, Sílvia; Ludwig, Izíar; Rubió, Laura; Romero, Maria-Paz; Pedret, Anna; Valls, Rosa-María; Solà, Rosa; Motilva, Maria-José; Macià, Alba
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
País: N/D
Títol: Different behavior of polyphenols in energy metabolism of lipopolysaccharide-stimulated cells
Autors: de la Luz Cádiz-Gurrea M; Micol V; Joven J; Segura-Carretero A; Fernández-Arroyo S
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Food Research International
País: N/D
Llibres / Books 
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Títol: Programa per al tractament de l'obesitat infantil. Fitxes de material motivacional i educatiu
Autors: Veronica Luque, Albert Feliu, Nuria Guillen, Ricardo Closa, Joaquín Escribano, Natalia Ferré, Desirée Gutierrez
Any: 2020 Clau: Books
Títol: Obemat 2.0. Programa para el tratamiento de la obesidad infantil: fichas de material motivacional y educativo
Autors: Veronica Luque, Albert Feliu, Núria Guillen, Ricardo Closa Monasterolo, Joaquín Escribano, Natalia Ferré, Desirée Gutiérrez Marín
Any: 2020 Clau: Books
Títol: Síndromes de sensibilización central y actividad física
Autors: Lluís Roselló i Aubach (ed. lit.), Pilar Montesó Curto (ed. lit.)
Any: 2019 Clau: Books
Capítols de Llibre / Book chapters 
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Títol: Efficacy of Cognitive Restructuring in People with Depressive Symptoms: a Scoping Review Protocol
Autors: Bruno Santos Maia; Celso Silva; Cármen Garrido; Regina Maria Ferreira Pires; Pilar Montesó Curto; Carlos Sequeira
Any: 2023 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: The Impact of Microbial Metabolites on Host Health and Disease
Autors: Fernández-Veledo Sonia; Marsal-Beltran, Anna; Ceperuelo-Mallafré, Victòria; Astiarraga, Brenno & Cedó, Lídia
Any: 2023 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: Early nutrition: Effects of specific nutrient intake on growth, development, and long-term health
Autors: Closa-Monasterolo R; Subias JE; Moreno VL; Pallas NF
Any: 2022 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: La dotación nefronal. Manifestaciones renales a largo plazo relacionadas con la prematuridad y el bajo peso al nacimiento
Autors: Joaquin Escribano Subias
Any: 2021 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: La dotación nefronal. Manifestaciones renales a largo plazo relacionadas con prematuridad y el bajo peso al nacimiento
Autors: Joaquin Escribano Subías
Any: 2021 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: Anomalías morfológicas renales asociadas a litiasis renal
Autors: María I Luis Yanes; Joaquin Escribano Subías; Víctor Manuel García Nieto
Any: 2021 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: Anomalías morfológicas renales asociadas a litiasis renal
Autors: Mª Isabel Luis Yanes, Joaquin Escribano Subias, Victor Garcia Nieto
Any: 2021 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: Iterative Update of a Random Forest Classifier for Diabetic Retinopathy
Autors: Pascual-Fontanilles J; Valls A; Moreno A; Romero-Aroca P
Any: 2021 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: Intestinal Dysbiosis and Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Autors: Teresa Auguet, Laia Bertran i Jessica Binetti
Any: 2020 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: Ejercicios aeróbicos como elemento de abordaje terapéutico en pacientes con fibromialgia
Autors: Ainhoa Fuster Pellicer, Pilar Montesó Curto
Any: 2019 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: El ejercicio físico como herramienta imprescindible del tratamiento multimodal de la fibromialgia
Autors: Carlos López Pablo; Lluís Roselló i Aubach; Pilar Montesó Curto; Núria Llàdser Navarro; Lina Casadó i Marín; Núria Llàdser
Any: 2019 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: Fibromialgia y actividad física
Autors: Lluís Roselló i Aubach, Pilar Montesó Curto
Any: 2019 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: Dysbiosis in benign and malignant diseases of the exocrine pancreas
Autors: Memba R; Duggan SN; Jorba R; Conlon KC
Any: 2019 Clau: Book Chapters
Títol: Percepción del ejercicio físico en hombres que padecen fibromialgia
Autors: Pilar Montesó Curto; Angela M Kueni; Lluís Roselló i Aubach; Carme Campoy Guerrero; María Luisa Panisello Chavarría; María Luisa Mateu Gil; Carina Aguilar Martín; Alessandra Queiroga Gonçalves; Shannon Lunn; Ilga Ruschak; Anna Llàdser Navarro; Loren L Toussaint
Any: 2019 Clau: Book Chapters
Altres Documents / Other documents 
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Títol: Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (4th edition)1
Any: 2021 Clau: Guide
Patents Sol.licitades / Patents 
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Congressos / Conferences 
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Títol: Cure rate following radioguided minimally invasive parathyroidectomy
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Poster
Any: 2023
Autor/a: Albeerto Ameijide, Visitación de Castro, Marta de la Cruz, Rafael Marcos-Gragera, Miguel Rodríguez-Barranco, Josefina Perucha, Patricia Ruíz, María Dolores Chirlaque, Eva Ardanaz, Marià Carulla, Katia del Pozo, José Ramón Quirós, Araceli Alemán, Dolores Rojas, Ana Vizcaino, Matilde Chico, Ana Isabel Marcos, Arantza López, Jaume Galceran
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Speaker
Any: 2021
Autor/a: CM. Cristina Miracle, MV. Marta Vilaró, YL. Yolanda López, AA. Anna Alimbau, MS. Montserrat Sánchez, SV. Sílvia Vilanova, CP. Clàudia Pla, JG. Jaume Galceran
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Poster
Any: 2021
Autor/a: Elisabet Llauradó and Lucia Tarro
Títol: Science Engagement to Empower Disadvantatged adoleScents: SEEDS project
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Poster
Any: 2021
Autor/a: J. Galceran, AI. Marcos, A. López de Munain, V. de Castro, M. de la Cruz, R. Marcos- Gragera, D. Redondo-Sánchez, C. Sánchez-Contador, MD. Chirlaque, et al.
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Speaker
Any: 2021
Autor/a: Jaume Galceran
Títol: Impacto de la pandemia COVID-19 en el cáncer
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Speaker
Any: 2021
Autor/a: MV. Marta Vilaró, CM. Cristina Miracle, MS. Montserrat Sánchez, SV. Sílvia Vilanova, YL. Yolanda López, AA. Anna Alimbau, FS. Francina Saladié, JG. Jaume Galceran
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Speaker
Any: 2021
Autor/a: Marta Solans, Ruben Sabido, Alberto Ameijide, Visitación de Castro, Maria Dolores Chirlaque, José Ramón Quirós, Mª Carmen San Sebastián, Dolores Rojas, Daysi Yoe-Ling, Araceli Alemán, Carmen Sánchez, Marcela Guevara, Consol Sabater, Arantza López, Josefina Perucha, Matilde Chico, Ana Isabel Marcos, Jaume Galceran, Rafael Marcos-Gragera, group and REDECAN
Títol: Incidence of myeloid neoplasms in Spain (2002-2013): a population-based study of the Spanish Network of Cancer Registries (REDECAN)
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Speaker
Any: 2021
Autor/a: Montse Guardiola, Daiana Ibarretxe, Núria Plana, Lluís Masana, Josep Ribalta
Títol: Methylation pattern in hypertriglyceridemic subjects
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Poster
Any: 2021
Autor/a: M. Guevara, A. Molinuevo, D. Salmerón, R. Marcos-Gragera, M.D. Chirlaque, J. Galceran, E. Ardanaz, N. Larrañaga, REDECAN*  * J.R. Quirós, A. Alemán, D. Rojas, C. Sabater, M. Chico, R. Jiménez, A. López de Munain, V. de Castro, M.J. Sánchez, J. Perucha, M. Carulla, C. Sánchez-Contador.
Títol: Supervivencia de cáncer en España, 2002¿2013: un estudio poblacional de la Red Española de Registros de Cáncer (REDECAN)
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Speaker
Any: 2020
Autor/a: Carulla M; Miracle C; Vilaró M; Vilanova S; López Y; Sánchez M; Salvadó M; Pérez A, Galceran J
Títol: Atención telefónica de un programa de cribado de cáncer de colon y recto: motivos y características
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Poster
Any: 2019
Títol: New Data, New Use, New methods for cancer registry
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Speaker
Any: 2019
Títol: Programa de detecció precoç del càncer colorectal a les Terres de l'Ebre
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Speaker
Any: 2019
Títol: Validation Of Cancer Diagnoses In Electronic Health Records In Catalonia: Preliminary Results From The Information System For Research In Primary Care
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Poster
Any: 2019
Autor/a: Galceran J
Títol: ¿ Estimates of Cancer Incidence in Spain, 2019
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Speaker
Any: 2019
Autor/a: Ilga Ruschak, Pilar Montesó, Lluís Roselló, Angela Kueni, Loren Toussaint, Shannon Lunn, Marisa Mateu, Marisa Panisello, Carina Aguilar
Títol: Fibromialgia en hombres: la web como recurso para la difusión de información y crowfunding
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Poster
Any: 2019
Autor/a: M.Guardiola, I.Oliva, M.Sanchez, N.Plana, L.Masana, D.Monk, J.Ribalta
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Poster
Any: 2019
Títol: Compartir experiencias, combatir el dolor: una visión de la fibromialgia desde el ámbito bio-psico-social
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Speaker
Any: 2019
Autor/a: Marsal J; Sánchez M; García MF; Carulla M; Miracle C; Galceran J; Martínez FJ
Títol: Resultats de la primera ronda del Programa de Cribratge poblacional de càncer de còlon i recte al Baix Camp-Priorat
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Poster
Any: 2019
Autor/a: Miracle C; Vilaró M; Carulla M; Giné JJ; Navas N; López Y; Saladié F; Sánchez M; Galceran J
Títol: Diferencias en la tasa de detección de adenomas en tres rondas de cribado de cáncer colorrectal
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Speaker
Any: 2019
Autor/a: Mora P, Collell R, Marimon C, Albert D, Rosés F, Escribano J
Títol: Impacto de las consultas de telemedicina en Cardiología Pediátrica: 10 años de experiencia
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Speaker
Any: 2019
Autor/a: Saladié F; Mallafré J; Victorio C; Miracle C; Bigorra J; Ameijide A; Cardó X; Carulla M; Galceran J
Títol: Tendencias de la incidencia y mortalidad del cáncer de mama por edad en Tarragona, 1982-2013
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Speaker
Any: 2019
Autor/a: Shannon Lunn, Angela Kueny, Loren Toussaint from Luther College. Pilar Montesó-Curto, Ilga Ruschak, from Rovira i virgili University Connie Luedtke, Stephanie Clark, Ann Vincent & Arya Mohabbat from Mayo Clinic
Títol: United States and Spanish Men's Experiences with Fibromyalgia
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Poster
Any: 2019
Autor/a: Vilaró M; Carulla M; Miracle C; Villar M; Junyent R; Vilanova S; Saladié F; Sánchez M; Galceran J
Títol: Seguimiento a 5 años de pacientes con adenoma de bajo riesgo en un cribado de cáncer colorrectal
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Poster
Any: 2019
Autor/a: Wyatt H. Anians, Maren A.Phalen, shannon Lunn, Angela Kueny & Pilar Montesó Curto. Faculty advisor: Loren toussaint, Angela Kueny, Pilar Montesó-Curto
Títol: Differences in Fibromyalgia Symptoms and Experiences Across Unnited States and Spanish Men
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Poster
Any: 2019
Autor/a: del Castillo Dejardin, Daniel
Títol: Gastrectomía vertical en l' Obesitat Mòrbida, Grelina i Helicobacter pylori: implicacions metagenòmiques, metabolòmiques i inmunohistoquímiques
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Speaker
Any: 2019