Resultats - Cano Lira, José Francisco
Cano Lira, José Francisco
Tesis Doctorals Dirigides / Theses |
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
Títol: Memòries de la guerra de les Vespres (1282-1285). Controvèrsies ideològiques i conflictes polítics a la Mediterrània occidental |
Autor: Colomer Pérez, Guifré |
Director: Bonet Donato, Maria |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2022 |
País: N/D |
Títol: Taxonomía y filogenia molecular de hongos procedentes de material vegetal sumergido de España |
Autor: Magaña Dueñas, Viridiana |
Director: Stchigel Glikman, Alberto Miguel; Cano Lira, José Francisco |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2022 |
País: N/D |
Títol: Caracterización fenotípica y filogenia molecular de hongos extremófilos |
Autor: Ernesto Rodríguez Andrade |
Director: Cano Lira, José Francisco; Alberto Miguel Stchigel; Josep Guarro Artigas; José Francisco Cano Lira |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2020 |
País: N/D |
Títol: Caracterización fenotípica y filogenia molecular de hongos extremófilos |
Autor: Rodríguez Andrade, Ernesto |
Director: Stchigel Glikman, Alberto Miguel; Guarro Artigas, Josep; Cano Lira, José Francisco |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2020 |
País: N/D |
Publicacions en Revista / Papers |
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
Títol: A New Genus of the Microascaceae (Ascomycota) Family from a Hypersaline Lagoon in Spain and the Delimitation of the Genus Wardomyces |
Autors: Barnes-Guirado, Maria; Stchigel, Alberto Miguel; Cano-Lira, Jose Francisco |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: J Fungi (Basel) |
País: N/D |
Títol: A New Genus of the Microascaceae (Ascomycota) Family from a Hypersaline Lagoon in Spain and the Delimitation of the Genus Wardomyces |
Autors: Barnés-Guirado M; Stchigel AM; Cano-Lira JF |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: J Fungi (Basel) |
País: N/D |
Títol: Sunken Riches: Ascomycete Diversity in the Western Mediterranean Coast through Direct Plating and Flocculation, and Description of Four New Taxa |
Autors: Daniel Guerra-Mateo; J. Cano; Ana Fernández-Bravo; Josepa Gené |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: N/D |
País: N/D |
Títol: Genomic Sequencing and Functional Analysis of the Ex-Type Strain of Malbranchea zuffiana. |
Autors: Granados-Casas AO; Fernández-Bravo A; Stchigel AM; Cano-Lira JF |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: J Fungi (Basel) |
País: N/D |
Títol: Genomic Sequencing and Functional Analysis of the Ex-Type Strain of Malbranchea zuffiana |
Autors: Granados-Casas, Alan Omar; Fernandez-Bravo, Ana; Stchigel, Alberto Miguel; Cano-Lira, Jose Francisco |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: J Fungi (Basel) |
País: N/D |
Títol: Sunken Riches: Ascomycete Diversity in the Western Mediterranean Coast through Direct Plating and Flocculation, and Description of Four New Taxa |
Autors: Guerra-Mateo, Daniel; Cano-Lira, Jose F; Fernandez-Bravo, Ana; Gene, Josepa |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: J Fungi (Basel) |
País: N/D |
Títol: Diversity of Rock-Inhabiting Fungi in Tarragona Province, Spain. |
Autors: Sastoque AP; Cano-Lira JF; Stchigel AM |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Journal of fungi (Basel, Switzerland) |
País: N/D |
Títol: Diversity of Rock-Inhabiting Fungi in Tarragona Province, Spain |
Autors: Sastoque, Angie Paola; Cano-Lira, Jose Francisco; Stchigel, Alberto Miguel |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: J Fungi (Basel) |
País: N/D |
Títol: A new endophytic species of Microthecium (Melanosporales, Sordariomycetes, Pezizomycotina, Ascomycota) from Mallorca (Balearic Islands, Spain) |
Autors: Stchigel AM; Cano-Lira JF; Pintos-Amengual Á |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Revista Iberoamericana De Micologia |
País: N/D |
Títol: A new endophytic species of Microthecium (Melanosporales, Sordariomycetes, Pezizomycotina, Ascomycota) from Mallorca (Balearic Islands, Spain) |
Autors: Stchigel, Alberto M; Cano-Lira, Jose F; Pintos-Amengual, Angel |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Revista Iberoamericana De Micologia |
País: N/D |
Títol: Hybrid De Novo Whole-Genome Assembly, Annotation, and Identification of Secondary Metabolite Gene Clusters in the Ex-Type Strain of Chrysosporium keratinophilum |
Autors: Granados-Casas, Alan Omar; Sastoque, Angie Paola; Stchigel, Alberto Miguel; Fernandez-Bravo, Ana; Cano-Lira, Jose Francisco |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: J Fungi (Basel) |
País: N/D |
Títol: Hybrid De Novo Whole-Genome Assembly, Annotation, and Identification of Secondary Metabolite Gene Clusters in the Ex-Type Strain of Chrysosporium keratinophilum |
Autors: Granados-Casas, Alan Omar; Sastoque, Angie Paola; Stchigel, Alberto Miguel; Fernández-Bravo, Ana; Cano-Lira, José Francisco |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: J Fungi (Basel) |
País: N/D |
Títol: Phylogeny and Taxonomy of the Genus Amphichorda (Bionectriaceae): An Update on Beauveria-like Strains and Description of a Novel Species from Marine Sediments |
Autors: Guerra-Mateo, Daniel; Gene, Josepa; Baulin, Vladimir; Cano-Lira, Jose Francisco |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Diversity |
País: N/D |
Títol: Global consortium for the classification of fungi and fungus-like taxa |
Autors: Hyde, K D; Abdel-Wahab, M A; Abdollahzadeh, J; Abeywickrama, P D; Absalan, S; Afshari, N; Ainsworth, A M; Akulov, O Y; Aleoshin, V V; Al-Sadi, A M; Alvarado, P; Alves, A; Alves-Silva, G; Amalfi, M; Amira, Y; Amuhenage, T B; Anderson, J L; Antonin, V; Aouali, S; Aptroot, A; Apurillo, C C S; Araujo, J P M; Ariyawansa, H A; Armand, A; Arumugam, E; Asghari, R; Assis, D M A; Atienza, V; Avasthi, S; Azevedo, E; Bahkali, A H; Bakhshi, M; Banihashemi, Z; Bao, D F; Baral, H O; Barata, M; Barbosa, F R; Barbosa, R N; Barreto, R W; Baschien, C; Belamesiatseva, D B; Bennett Reuel, M; Bera, I; Bezerra, J D P; Bezerra, J L; Bhat, D J; Bhunjun, C S; Bianchinotti, M, V; Blaszkowski, J; Blondelle, A; Boekhout, T; Bonito, G; Boonmee, S; Boonyuen, N; Bregant, C; Buchanan, P; Bundhun, D; Burgaud, G; Burgess, T; Buyck, B; Cabarroi-Hernandez, M; Caceres, M E S; Caeiro, M F; Cai, L; Cai, M F; Calabon, M S; Calaca, F J S; Callalli, M; Camara, M P S; Cano-Lira, J F; Cantillo, T; Cao, B; Carlavilla, J R; Carvalho, A; Castaneda-Ruiz, R F; Castlebury, L; Castro-Jauregui, O; Catania, M D, V; Cavalcanti, L H; Cazabonne, J; Cedeno-Sanchez, M L; Chaharmiri-Dokhaharani, S; Chaiwan, N; Chakraborty, N; Chaverri, P; Cheewangkoon, R; Chen, C; Chen, C Y; Chen, K H; Chen, J; Chen, Q; Chen, W H; Chen, Y P; Chethana, K W T; Coleine, C; Conde, T O; Corazon-Guivin, M A; Cortes-Perez, A; Costa-Rezende, D H; Courtecuisse, R; Crouch, J A; Crous, P W; Cui, B K; Cui, Y Y; da Silva, D K A; da Silva, G A; da Silva, I R; da Silva, R M F; da Silva Santos, A C; Dai, D Q; Dai, Y C; Damm, U; Darmostuk, V; Zoha, Daroodi; Das, K; Davoodian, N; Davydov, E A; Dayarathne, M C; Decock, C; de Groot, M D; De Kesel, A; dela Cruz, T E E; De Lange, R; Delgado, G; Denchev, C M; Denchev, T T; de Oliveira, N T; de Silva, N, I; de Souza, F A; Dentinger, B; Devadatha, B; Dianese, J C; Dima, B; Diniz, A G; Dissanayake, A J; Dissanayake, L S; Dogan, H H; Doilom, M; Dolatabadi, S; Dong, W; Dong, Z Y; Dos Santos, L A; Drechsler-Santos, E R; Du, T Y; Dubey, M K; Dutta, A K; Egidi, E; Elliott, T F; Elshahed, M S; Erdogdu, M; Ertz, D; Etayo, J; Evans, H C; Fan, X L; Fan, Y G; Fedosova, A G; Fell, J; Fernandes, I; Firmino, A L; Fiuza, P O; Flakus, A; Fragoso de Souza, C A; Frisvad, J C; Fryar, S C; Gabaldon, T; Gajanayake, A J; Galindo, L J; Gannibal, P B; Garcia, D; Garcia-Sandoval, S R; Garrido-Benavent, I; Garzoli, L; Gautam, A K; Ge, Z-W; Gene, D J; Gentekaki, E; Ghobad-Nejhad, M; Giachini, A J; Gibertoni, T B; Goes-Neto, A; Gomdola, D; Gomes de Farias, A R; Gorjon, S P; Goto, B T; Granados-Montero, M M; Griffith, G W; Groenewald, J Z; Groenewald, M; Grossart, H P; Gueidan, C; Gunarathne, A; Gunaseelan, S; Gusmao, L F P; Gutierrez, A C; Guzman-Davalos, L; Haelewaters, D; Halling, R; Han, Y F; Hapuarachchi, K K; Harder, C B; Harrington, T C; Hattori, T; He, M Q; He, S; He, S H; Healy, R; Herandez-Restrepo, M; Heredia, G; Hodge, K T; Holgado-Rojas, M; Hongsanan, S; Horak, E; Hosoya, T; Houbraken, J; Huang, S K; Huanraluek, N; Hur, J S; Hurdeal, V G; Hustad, V P; Iotti, M; Iturriaga, T; Jafar, E; Janik, P; Jany, J L; Jayalal, R G U; Jayasiri, S C; Jayawardena, R S; Jeewon, R; Jeronimo, G H; Jesus, A L; Jin, J; Johnston, P R; Jones, E B G; Joshi, Y; Justo, A; Kaishian, P; Kakishima, M; Kaliyaperumal, M; Kang, G P; Kang, J C; Karakehian, J M; Karimi, O; Karpov, S A; Karunarathna, S C; Kaufmann, M; Kemler, M; Kezo, K; Khyaju, S; Kirchmair, M; Kirk, P M; Kitaura, M J; Klawonn, I; Kolarik, M; Kong, A; Kuhar, F; Kukwa, M; Kumar, S; Kusan, I; Lado, C; Larsson, K H; Latha, K P D; Lee, H B; Leonardi, M; Leontyev, D L; Lestari, A S; Li, C J Y; Li, D W; Li, H; Li, H Y; Li, L; Li, Q R; Li, Q; Li, W L; Li, Y; Li, Y C; Li, Y X; Liao, C F; Liimatainen, K; Lim, Y W; Lin, C G; Linaldeddu, B T; Linde, C C; Linn, M M; Liu, F; Liu, J K; Liu, N G; Liu, S; Liu, S L; Liu, X F; Liu, X Y; Liu, X Z; Liu, Z B; Lu, L; Lu, Y Z; Luangharn, T; Luangsa-ard, J J; Lumbsch, H T; Lumyong, S; Luo, L; Luo, M; Luo, Z L; Ma, J; Machado, A R; M |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Mycosphere |
País: N/D |
Títol: Una nueva especie endófita de Microthecium (Melanosporales, Sordariomycetes, Pezizomycotina, Ascomycota) de Mallorca (Islas Baleares, España |
Autors: Miguel Stchigel Alberto; José Francisco Cano Lira; Ángel Pintos Amengual |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Revista Iberoamericana De Micologia |
País: N/D |
Títol: Insights into Some Onygenalean Fungi from Freshwater Sediments in Spain and Description of Novel Taxa |
Autors: Torres-Garcia, D; Gené, J; García, D; Cano-Lira, JF |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: J Fungi (Basel) |
País: N/D |
Títol: Insights into Some Onygenalean Fungi from Freshwater Sediments in Spain and Description of Novel Taxa |
Autors: Torres-Garcia, Daniel; Gene, Josepa; Garcia, Dania; Cano-Lira, Jose F |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: J Fungi (Basel) |
País: N/D |
Títol: Two Novel Genera, Neostemphylium and Scleromyces (Pleosporaceae) from Freshwater Sediments and Their Global Biogeography |
Autors: Gene, Josepa |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: J Fungi (Basel) |
País: N/D |
Títol: Novel Freshwater Ascomycetes from Spain |
Autors: Magana-Duenas, Viridiana; Francisco Cano-Lira, Jose; Miguel Stchigel, Alberto |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: J Fungi (Basel) |
País: N/D |
Títol: Novel Freshwater Ascomycetes from Spain |
Autors: Magaña-Dueñas, Viridiana; Cano-Lira, José Francisco; Stchigel, Alberto Miguel |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: J Fungi (Basel) |
País: N/D |
Títol: Taxonomy of Aspergillus series Versicolores: species reduction and lessons learned about intraspecific variability |
Autors: Sklenar, F; Glassnerova, K; Jurjevic, Z; Houbraken, J; Samson, RA; Visagie, CM; Yilmaz, N; Gene, J; Cano, J; Chen, AJ; Novakova, A; Yaguchi, T; Kolarfk, M; Hubka, V |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Studies In Mycology |
País: N/D |
Títol: Two Novel Genera, Neostemphylium and Scleromyces (Pleosporaceae) from Freshwater Sediments and Their Global Biogeography |
Autors: Torres-Garcia, Daniel; García, Dania; Cano-Lira, José F.; Gené, Josepa |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: J Fungi (Basel) |
País: N/D |
Títol: First report of an invasive infection by cephalotrichum gorgonifer in a neutropenic patient with hematological malignancy under chemotherapy |
Autors: Alvarez-Uria, Ana; Escribano, Pilar; Parra-Blanco, Veronica; Cano-Lira, Jose Francisco; Stchigel, Alberto Miguel; Oarbeascoa, Gillen; Munoz, Patricia; Guinea, Jesus |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: J Fungi (Basel) |
País: N/D |
Títol: Apophysomyces variabilis, an emerging and worrisome cause of primary cutaneous necrotizing infections in India |
Autors: Chander J; Singla N; Kaur M; Punia RPS; Attri AK; Alastruey-Izquierdo A; Stchigel A; Cano-Lira JF; Guarro J |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Journal De Mycologie Medicale |
País: N/D |
Títol: Fungal Planet description sheets: 1284-1382 |
Autors: Crous, P W; Osieck, E R; Jurjevi, Z; Boers, J; Van Iperen, A L; Starink-Willemse, M; Dima, B; Balashov, S; Bulgakov, T S; Johnston, P R; Morozova, O, V; Pinruan, U; Sommai, S; Alvarado, P; Decock, C A; Lebel, T; McMullan-Fisher, S; Moreno, G; Shivas, R G; Zhao, L; Abdollahzadeh, J; Abrinbana, M; Ageev, D, V; Akhmetova, G; Alexandrova, A, V; Altes, A; Amaral, A G G; Angelini, C; Antonin, V; Arenas, F; Asselman, P; Badali, F; Baghela, A; Banares, A; Barreto, R W; Baseia, I G; Bellanger, J-M; Berraf-Tebbal, A; Biketova, A Yu; Bukharova, N, V; Burgess, T, I; Cabero, J; Camara, M P S; Cano-Lira, J F; Ceryngier, P; Chavez, R; Cowan, D A; de Lima, A F; Oliveira, R L; Denman, S; Dang, Q N; Dovana, F; Duarte, I G; Eichmeier, A; Erhard, A; Esteve-Raventos, F; Fellin, A; Ferisin, G; Ferreira, R J; Ferrer, A; Finy, P; Gaya, E; Geering, A D W; Gil-Duran, C; Glaessnerova, K; Glushakova, A M; Gramaje, D; Guarnizo, A L; Haelewaters, D; Halling, R E; Hill, R; Hirooka, Y; Hubka, V; Iliushin, V A; Ivanova, D D; Ivanushkina, N E; Jangsantear, P; Justo, A; Kachalkin, A, V; Kato, S; Khamsuntorn, P; Kirtsideli, I Y; Knapp, D G; Kochkina, G A; Koukol, O; Kovacs, G M; Kruse, J; Kumar, T K A; Kusan, I; Laessoe, T; Larsson, E; Lebeuf, R; Levican, G; Loizides, M; Marinho, P; Luangsa-ard, J J; Lukina, E G; Magana-Duenas, V; Maggs-Koelling, G; Malysheva, E F; Malysheva, V F; Martin, B; Martin, M P; Matocec, N; McTaggart, A R; Mehrabi-Koushki, M; Mesic, A; Miller, A N; Mironova, P; Moreau, P-A; Morte, A; Mueller, K; Nagy, L G; Nanu, S; Navarro-Rodenas, A; Nel, W J; Nguyen, T H; Nobrega, T F; Noordeloos, M E; Olariaga, I; Overton, B E; Ozerskaya, S M; Palani, P; Pancorbo, F; Papp, V; Pawlowska, J; Pham, T Q; Phosri, C; Popov, E S; Portugal, A; Posta, A; Reschke, K; Reul, M; Ricci, G M; Rodriguez, A; Romanowski, J; Ruchikachorn, N; Saar, I; Safi, A; Sakolrak, B; Salzmann, F; Sandoval-Denis, M; Sangwichein, E; Sanhueza, L; Sato, T; Sastoque, A; Senn-Irlet, B; Shibata, A; Siepe, K; Somrithipol, S; Spetik, M; Sridhar, P; Stchigel, A M; Stuskova, K; Suwannasai, N; Tan, Y P; Thangavel, R; Tiago, I; Tiwari, S; Tkalcec, Z; Tomashevskaya, M A; Tonegawa, C; Tran, H X; Tran, N T; Trovao, J; Trubitsyn, V E; Van Wyk, J; Vieira, W A S; Vila, J; Visagie, C M; Vizzini, A; Volobuev, S V; Vu, D T; Wangsawat, N; Yaguchi, T; Ercole, E; Ferreira, B W; de Souza, A P; Vieira, B S; Groenewald, J Z |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Persoonia |
País: N/D |
Títol: Phylogenomic analysis of a 55.1-kb 19-gene dataset resolves a monophyletic fusarium that includes the fusarium solani species complex |
Autors: Geiser, David M; Al-Hatmi, Abdullah M S; Aoki, Takayuki; Arie, Tsutomu; Balmas, Virgilio; Barnes, Irene; Bergstrom, Gary C; Bhattacharyya, Madan K; Blomquist, Cheryl L; Bowden, Robert L; Brankovics, Balazs; Brown, Daren W; Burgess, Lester W; Bushley, Kathryn; Busman, Mark; Cano-Lira, Jose F; Carrillo, Joseph D; Chang, Hao-Xun; Chen, Chi-Yu; Chen, Wanquan; Chilvers, Martin; Chulze, Sofia; Coleman, Jeffrey J; Cuomo, Christina A; de Beer, Z Wilhelm; de Hoog, G Sybren; Del Castillo-Munera, Johanna; Del Ponte, Emerson M; Dieguez-Uribeondo, Javier; Di Pietro, Antonio; Edel-Hermann, Veronique; Elmer, Wade H; Epstein, Lynn; Eskalen, Akif; Esposto, Maria Carmela; Everts, Kathryne L; Fernandez-Pavia, Sylvia P; da Silva, Gilvan Ferreira; Foroud, Nora A; Fourie, Gerda; Frandsen, Rasmus J N; Freeman, Stanley; Freitag, Michael; Frenkel, Omer; Fuller, Kevin K; Gagkaeva, Tatiana; Gardiner, Donald M; Glenn, Anthony E; Gold, Scott E; Gordon, Thomas R; Gregory, Nancy F; Gryzenhout, Marieka; Guarro, Josep; Gugino, Beth K; Gutierrez, Santiago; Hammond-Kosack, Kim E; Harris, Linda J; Homa, Monika; Hong, Cheng-Fang; Hornok, Laszlo; Huang, Jenn-Wen; Ilkit, Macit; Jacobs, Adriaana; Jacobs, Karin; Jiang, Cong; Jimenez-Gasco, Maria Del Mar; Kang, Seogchan; Kasson, Matthew T; Kazan, Kemal; Kennell, John C; Kim, Hye-Seon; Kistler, H Corby; Kuldau, Gretchen A; Kulik, Tomasz; Kurzai, Oliver; Laraba, Imane; Laurence, Matthew H; Lee, Theresa; Lee, Yin-Won; Lee, Yong-Hwan; Leslie, John F; Liew, Edward C Y; Lofton, Lily W; Logrieco, Antonio F; Lopez-Berges, Manuel S; Luque, Alicia G; Lysoe, Erik; Ma, Li-Jun; Marra, Robert E; Martin, Frank N; May, Sara R; McCormick, Susan P; McGee, Chyanna; Meis, Jacques F; Migheli, Quirico; Nor, N M I Mohamed; Monod, Michel; Moretti, Antonio; Mostert, Diane; Mule, Giuseppina; Munkvold, Gary P; Nicholson, Paul; Nucci, Marcio; O'Donnell, Kerry; Pasquali, Matias; Pfenning, Ludwig H; Prigitano, Anna; Proctor, Robert H; Ranque, Stephane; Rehner, Stephen A; Rep, Martijn; Rodriguez-Alvarado, Gerardo; Rose, Lindy Joy; Roth, Mitchell G; Ruiz-Roldan, Carmen; Saleh, Amgad A; Salleh, Baharuddin; Sang, Hyunkyu; Scandiani, Maria Mercedes; Scauflaire, Jonathan; Schmale, David G, III; Short, Dylan P G; Sisic, Adnan; Smith, Jason A; Smyth, Christopher W; Son, Hokyoung; Spahr, Ellie; Stajich, Jason E; Steenkamp, Emma; Steinberg, Christian; Subramaniam, Rajagopal; Suga, Haruhisa; Summerell, Brett A; Susca, Antonella; Swett, Cassandra L; Toomajian, Christopher; Torres-Cruz, Terry J; Tortorano, Anna M; Urban, Martin; Vaillancourt, Lisa J; Vallad, Gary E; van der Lee, Theo A J; Vanderpool, Dan; van Diepeningen, Anne D; Vaughan, Martha M; Venter, Eduard; Vermeulen, Marcele; Verweij, Paul E; Viljoen, Altus; Waalwijk, Cees; Wallace, Emma C; Walther, Grit; Wang, Jie; Ward, Todd J; Wickes, Brian L; Wiederhold, Nathan P; Wingfield, Michael J; Wood, Ana K M; Xu, Jin-Rong; Yang, Xiao-Bing; Yli-Mattila, Tapani; Yun, Sung-Hwan; Zakaria, Latiffah; Zhang, Hao; Zhang, Ning; Zhang, Sean X; Zhang, Xue |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Phytopathology |
País: N/D |
Títol: New dothideomycetes from freshwater habitats in Spain |
Autors: Magana-Duenas, Viridiana; Cano-Lira, Jose Francisco; Stchigel, Alberto Miguel |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: J Fungi (Basel) |
País: N/D |
Títol: First Report of Sardiniella urbana (Botryosphaeriaceae) Causing Decline of Celtis australis in Mallorca Island (Balearic Islands, Spain) |
Autors: Pintos-Amengual, Ángel; Stchigel, Alberto M.; Cano-Lira, José F. |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Plant Disease |
País: N/D |
Títol: A revision of malbranchea-like fungi from clinical specimens in the United States of America reveals unexpected novelty |
Autors: Rodriguez-Andrade, Ernesto; Cano-Lira, Jose F; Wiederhold, Nathan; Perez-Cantero, Alba; Guarro, Josep; Stchigel, Alberto M |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Ima Fungus |
País: N/D |
Títol: New Xerophilic Species of Penicillium from Soil |
Autors: Rodriguez-Andrade, Ernesto; Stchigel, Alberto M; Cano-Lira, Jose E |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: J Fungi (Basel) |
País: N/D |
Títol: New Coelomycetous Fungi from Freshwater in Spain |
Autors: Stchigel, Alberto Miguel |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: J Fungi (Basel) |
País: N/D |
Títol: A new pleosporalean fungus isolated from superficial to deep human clinical specimens |
Autors: Valenzuela-Lopez, Nicomedes; Teresa Martin-Gomez, M.; Los-Arcos, Ibai; Stchigel, Alberto M.; Guarro, Josep; Cano-Lira, Jose F.; |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Medical Mycology |
País: N/D |
Títol: Histopathology, Molecular Identification and Antifungal Susceptibility Testing ofNannizziopsis arthrosporioidesfrom a Captive Cuban Rock Iguana (Cyclura nubila) |
Autors: Chen, Yen-Han; Chi, Meng-Jou; Sun, Pei-Lun; Yu, Pin-Huan; Liu, Chen-Hsuan; Cano-Lira, Jose F.; Li, Wen-Ta; |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Mycopathologia |
País: N/D |
Títol: Fungal Planet description sheets: 1042-1111 |
Autors: Crous, P W; Wingfield, M J; Chooi, Y -H; Gilchrist, C L M; Lacey, E; Pitt, J I; Roets, F; Swart, W J; Cano-Lira, J F; Valenzuela-Lopez, N; Hubka, V; Shivas, R G; Stchigel, A M; Holdom, D G; Jurjevic, Z; Kachalkin, A V; Lebel, T; Lock, C; Martin, M P; Tan, Y P; Tomashevskaya, M A; Vitelli, J S; Baseia, I G; Bhatt, V K; Brandrud, T E; De Souza, J T; Dima, B; Lacey, H J; Lombard, L; Johnston, P R; Morte, A; Papp, V; Rodriguez, A; Rodriguez-Andrade, E; Semwal, K C; Tegart, L; Abad, Z G; Akulov, A; Alvarado, P; Alves, A; Andrade, J P; Arenas, F; Asenjo, C; Ballara, J; Barrett, M D; Berna, L M; Berraf-Tebbal, A; Bianchinotti, M V; Bransgrove, K; Burgess, T I; Carmo, F S; Chavez, R; Cmokova, A; Dearnaley, J D W; Santiago, A L C M de A; Freitas-Neto, J F; Denman, S; Douglas, B; Dovana, F; Eichmeier, A; Esteve-Raventos, F; Farid, A; Fedosova, A G; Ferisin, G; Ferreira, R J; Ferrer, A; Figueiredo, C N; Figueiredo, Y F; Reinoso-Fuentealba, C G; Garrido-Benavent, I; Canete-Gibas, C F; Gil-Duran, C; Glushakova, A M; Goncalves, M F M; Gonzalez, M; Gorczak, M; Gorton, C; Guarnizo, A L; Guarro, J; Gutierrez, M; Hamal, P; Hien, L T; Hocking, A D; Houbraken, J; Hunter, G C; Inacio, C A; Jourdan, M; Kapitonov, V I; Kelly, L; Khanh, T N; Kislo, K; Kiss, L; Kiyashko, A; Kolarik, M; Kruse, J; Kubatova, A; Kucera, V; Kucerova, I; Kusan, I; Lee, H B; Levican, G; Lewis, A; Liem, N V; Liimatainen, K; Lim, H J; Lyons, M N; Macia-Vicente, J G; Magana-Duenas, V; Mahiques, R; Malysheva, E F; Marbach, P A S; Marinho, P; Matocec, N; McTaggart, A R; Mesic, A; Morin, L; Munoz-Mohedano, J M; Navarro-Rodenas, A; Nicolli, C P; Oliveira, R L; Otsing, E; Ovrebo, C L; Pankratov, T A; Panos, A; Paz-Conde, A; Perez-Sierra, A; Phosri, C; Pintos, A; Posta, A; Prencipe, S; Rubio, E; Saitta, A; Sales, L S; Sanhueza, L; Shuttleworth, L A; Smith, J; Smith, M E; Spadaro, D; Spetik, M; Sochor, M; Sochorova, Z; Sousa, J O; Suwannasai, N; Tedersoo, L; Thanh, H M; Thao, L D; Tkalcec, Z; Vaghefi, N; Venzhik, A S; Verbeken, A; Vizzini, A; Voyron, S; Wainhouse, M; Whalley, A J S; Wrzosek, M; Zapata, M; Zeil-Rolfe, I; Groenewald, J Z |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Persoonia |
País: N/D |
Títol: Phylogenomic Analysis of a 55.1-kb 19-Gene Dataset Resolves a Monophyletic Fusarium that Includes the Fusarium solani Species Complex |
Autors: Geiser, David M.; Al-Hatmi, Abdullah MS.; Aoki, Takayuki; Arie, Tsutomu; Balmas, Virgilio; Barnes, Irene; Bergstrom, Gary C.; Bhattacharyya, Madan K.; Blomquist, Cheryl L.; Bowden, Robert L.; Brankovics, Balázs; Brown, Daren W.; Burgess, Lester W.; Bushley, Kathryn; Busman, Mark; Cano-Lira, José F.; Carrillo, Joseph D.; Chang, Hao-Xun; Chen, Chi-Yu; Chen, Wanquan; Chilvers, Martin; Chulze, Sofia; Coleman, Jeffrey J.; Cuomo, Christina A.; de Beer, ZWilhelm; de Hoog, GSybren; Del Castillo-Múnera, Johanna; Del Ponte, Emerson M.; Diéguez-Uribeondo, Javier; Di Pietro, Antonio; Edel-Hermann, Véronique; Elmer, Wade H.; Epstein, Lynn; Eskalen, Akif; Esposto, Maria Carmela; Everts, Kathryne L.; Fernández-Pavía, Sylvia P.; da Silva, Gilvan Ferreira; Foroud, Nora A.; Fourie, Gerda; Frandsen, Rasmus JN.; Freeman, Stanley; Freitag, Michael; Frenkel, Omer; Fuller, Kevin K.; Gagkaeva, Tatiana; Gardiner, Donald M.; Glenn, Anthony E.; Gold, Scott E.; Gordon, Thomas R.; Gregory, Nancy F.; Gryzenhout, Marieka; Guarro, Josep; Gugino, Beth K.; Gutierrez, Santiago; Hammond-Kosack, Kim E.; Harris, Linda J.; Homa, Mónika; Hong, Cheng-Fang; Hornok, László; Huang, Jenn-Wen; Ilkit, Macit; Jacobs, Adriaana; Jacobs, Karin; Jiang, Cong; Jiménez-Gasco, María del Mar; Kang, Seogchan; Kasson, Matthew T.; Kazan, Kemal; Kennell, John C.; Kim, Hye-Seon; Kistler, HCorby; Kuldau, Gretchen A.; Kulik, Tomasz; Kurzai, Oliver; Laraba, Imane; Laurence, Matthew H.; Lee, Theresa; Lee, Yin-Won; Lee, Yong-Hwan; Leslie, John F.; Liew, Edward CY.; Lofton, Lily W.; Logrieco, Antonio F.; SLópez-Berges, Manuel; Luque, Alicia G.; Lysøe, Erik; Ma, Li-Jun; Marra, Robert E.; Martin, Frank N.; May, Sara R.; McCormick, Susan P.; McGee, Chyanna; Meis, Jacques F.; Migheli, Quirico; Mohamed Nor, NMI.; Monod, Michel; Moretti, Antonio; Mostert, Diane; Mulè, Giuseppina; Munaut, Françoise; Munkvold, Gary P.; Nicholson, Paul; Nucci, Marcio; O¿Donnell, Kerry; Pasquali, Matias; Pfenning, Ludwig H.; Prigitano, Anna; Proctor, Robert H.; Ranque, Stéphane; Rehner, Stephen A.; Rep, Martijn; Rodríguez-Alvarado, Gerardo; Rose, Lindy Joy; Roth, Mitchell G.; Ruiz-Roldán, Carmen; Saleh, Amgad A.; Salleh, Baharuddin; Sang, Hyunkyu; Scandiani, María Mercedes; Scauflaire, Jonathan; Schmale, David G.; Short, Dylan PG.; ¿i¿i?, Adnan; Smith, Jason A.; Smyth, Christopher W.; Son, Hokyoung; Spahr, Ellie; Stajich, Jason E.; Steenkamp, Emma; Steinberg, Christian; Subramaniam, Rajagopal; Suga, Haruhisa; Summerell, Brett A.; Susca, Antonella; Swett, Cassandra L.; Toomajian, Christopher; Torres-Cruz, Terry J.; Tortorano, Anna M.; Urban, Martin; Vaillancourt, Lisa J.; Vallad, Gary E.; van der Lee, Theo AJ.; Vanderpool, Dan; van Diepeningen, Anne D.; Vaughan, Martha M.; Venter, Eduard; Vermeulen, Marcele; Verweij, Paul E.; Viljoen, Altus; Waalwijk, Cees; Wallace, Emma C.; Walther, Grit; Wang, Jie; Ward, Todd J.; Wickes, Brian L.; Wiederhold, Nathan P.; Wingfield, Michael J.; Wood, Ana KM.; Xu, Jin-Rong; Yang, Xiao-Bing; Yli-Mattila, Tapani; Yun, Sung-Hwan; Zakaria, Latiffah; Zhang, Hao; Zhang, Ning; Zhang, Sean X.; Zhang, Xue |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Phytopathology |
País: N/D |
Títol: Species diversity in Penicillium and Talaromyces from herbivore dung, and the proposal of two new genera of penicillium-like fungi in Aspergillaceae |
Autors: Guevara-Suarez M, García D, Cano-Lira JF, Guarro J, Gené J. |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Fungal Systematics And Evolution |
País: N/D |
Títol: Re-evaluation of the order sordariales: Delimitation of lasiosphaeriaceae s. str., and introduction of the new families diplogelasinosporaceae, naviculisporaceae, and schizotheciaceae |
Autors: Marin-Felix, Yasmina; Miller, Andrew N; Cano-Lira, Jose F; Guarro, Josep; Garcia, D; Stadler, Marc; Huhndorf, Sabine M; Stchigel, Alberto M |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Microorganisms |
País: N/D |
Títol: Biodiversity of heat-resistant ascomycetes from semi-arid soils in Argentina |
Autors: Maris Romero, Stella; Irene Romero, Andrea; Miguel Stchigel, Alberto; Rodriguez Andrade, Ernesto; Andrea Barrera, Viviana; Francisco Cano, Jose; Comerio, Ricardo; |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Mycotaxon |
País: N/D |
Títol: No to Neocosmospora: Phylogenomic and Practical Reasons for Continued Inclusion of the Fusarium solani Species Complex in the Genus Fusarium |
Autors: O'Donnell, Kerry; Al-Hatmi, Abdullah M S; Aoki, Takayuki; Brankovics, Balazs; Cano-Lira, Jose F; Coleman, Jeffrey J; de Hoog, G Sybren; Di Pitro, Antonio; Frandsen, Rasmus J N; Geiser, David M; Gibas, Connie F C; Guarro, Josep; Kim, Hye-Seon; Kistler, H Corby; Laraba, Imane; Leslie, John F; Lopez-Berges, Manuel S; Lysoe, Erik; Meis, Jacques F; Monod, Michel; Proctor, Robert H; Rep, Martijn; Ruiz-Roldan, Carmen; Sisic, Adnan; Stajich, Jason E; Steenkamp, Emma T; Sumnerell, Brett A; van der Lee, Theo A J; van Diepeningen, Anne D; Verweij, Paul E; Waalwijk, Cees; Ward, Todd J; Wickes, Brian L; Wiederhold, Nathan P; Wingfleld, Michael J; Zhang, Ning; Zhang, Sean X |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Msphere |
País: N/D |
Títol: Fungal diversity of deteriorated sparkling wine and cork stoppers in catalonia, Spain |
Autors: Stchigel, Alberto M |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Microorganisms |
País: N/D |
Títol: New taxa of the family amniculicolaceae (Pleosporales, dothideomycetes, ascomycota) from freshwater habitats in Spain |
Autors: Stchigel, Alberto M |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Microorganisms |
País: N/D |
Llibres / Books |
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
Capítols de Llibre / Book chapters |
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
Altres Documents / Other documents |
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
Patents Sol.licitades / Patents |
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
Congressos / Conferences |
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
Autor/a: Alan Omar Granados Casas, José Francisco Cano Lira, Alberto Miguel Stchigel, Fanny Lanternier, Dea Garcia-Hermoso |
Títol: Delimitation of Nannizziopsis obscura species complex by whole genome sequencing¿ assembly¿ and phylogenomic comparison |
Congrés/acte: N/D |
Congrés/acte: Paper |
Any: 2024 |
Autor/a: Granados Casas, Alan Omar; Barnés Guirado, María |
Títol: Comparative study of the fungal biota of a hypersaline and a freshwater lagoon in Spain |
Congrés/acte: N/D |
Congrés/acte: Speaker |
Any: 2023 |
Autor/a: Granados Casas, Alan Omar; FERNÁNDEZ BRAVO, ANA |
Títol: Anotacion del genoma y analisis AntiSMASH de Aphanoascus keratinophilus (sin. Chrysosporium keratinophilum) obtenido mediante ensamblado hibrido |
Congrés/acte: N/D |
Congrés/acte: Poster |
Any: 2022 |
Autor/a: Granados Casas, Alan Omar; Sastoque Martínez, Angie Paola |
Títol: Average Nucleotide Identity (ANI) como herramienta de clasificación taxonómica en el orden Onygenales |
Congrés/acte: N/D |
Congrés/acte: Speaker |
Any: 2022 |
Autor/a: Granados Casas AO; Barnés Guirado M; Fernández-Bravo A; Schitgel MA; Cano-Lira JF |
Títol: Biodiversidad fúngica y metagenómica |
Congrés/acte: N/D |
Congrés/acte: Discussion board |
Any: 2021 |
Autor/a: Granados Casas, Alan Omar; STCHIGEL GLIKMAN, ALBERTO MIGUEL |
Títol: Rhizosphere plant microbiome: a keystone for promoting sustainability in agriculture |
Congrés/acte: N/D |
Congrés/acte: Speaker |
Any: 2021 |