Resultats - Arenas Prat, Meritxell
Arenas Prat, Meritxell
Tesis Doctorals Dirigides / Theses |
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
Títol: Metabólica y aprendizaje automático en la identificación de biomarcadores plasmáticos de cáncer de pulmón no microcítico: Impacto de la radioterapia |
Autor: Murcia Mejia, Mauricio |
Director: Camps Andreu, Jorge; Arenas Prat, Meritxell |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2024 |
País: N/D |
Autor: Murcia Mejia, Mauricio |
Director: Camps Andreu, Jorge; Arenas Prat, Meritxell; Murcia Mejia, Mauricio (Autor O Coautor) |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2024 |
País: N/D |
Títol: Novel applications of NIR spectroscopy for the optimization of monogastric animal diets |
Autor: Cruz Conesa, Andrés |
Director: Ferré Baldrich, Joan; Ruisanchez Capelastegui, María Iciar |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2023 |
País: N/D |
Títol: La radioteràpia a dosis baixes: una alternativa terapèutica en pacients ancians amb pneumònia severa causada per COVID-19 |
Autor: Piqué Smith, Berta |
Director: Parada Dominguez, David; Arenas Prat, Meritxell |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2023 |
País: N/D |
Títol: Impact of energy metabolism, paraoxonase-1, and inflammation on cancer patient's prognosis and response to treatment |
Autor: Rodriguez Tomas, Elisabet |
Director: Solà Alberich, Rosa Maria; Joven Maried, Jorge; Arenas Prat, Meritxell |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2022 |
País: N/D |
Títol: Computational Analysis of the Catalytic and Ferroelectric Properties of Polyoxometalates |
Autor: Wang, Fei |
Director: Poblet Rius, Josep Maria; De Graaf, Cornelis |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2022 |
País: N/D |
Publicacions en Revista / Papers |
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
Títol: Metabolomics and triple-negative breast cancer: A systematic review |
Autors: Arenas, M; Fargas-Saladié, M; Moreno-Solé, M; Moyano-Femenia, L; Jiménez-Franco, A; Canela-Capdevila, M; Castañé, H; Martínez-Navidad, C; Camps, J; Joven, J |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Heliyon |
País: N/D |
Títol: Metabolomics and triple-negative breast cancer: A systematic review |
Autors: Arenas, Meritxell; Fargas-Saladie, Maria; Moreno-Sole, Marta; Moyano-Femenia, Lucia; Jimenez-Franco, Andrea; Canela-Capdevila, Marta; Castane, Helena; Martinez-Navidad, Cristian; Camps, Jordi; Joven, Jorge |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Heliyon |
País: N/D |
Títol: Metabolic adaptations in severe obesity: Insights from circulating oxylipins before and after weight loss |
Autors: Jimenez-Franco, Andrea; Castane, Helena; Martinez-Navidad, Cristian; Placed-Gallego, Cristina; Hernandez-Aguilera, Anna; Fernandez-Arroyo, Salvador; Samarra, Iris; Canela-Capdevila, Marta; Arenas, Meritxell; Zorzano, Antonio; Hernandez-Alvarez, Maria Isabel; del Castillo, Daniel; Paris, Marta; Menendez, Javier A; Camps, Jordi; Joven, Jorge |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Clinical Nutrition |
País: N/D |
Títol: Preliminary Metabolomics Study Suggests Favorable Metabolic Changes in the Plasma of Breast Cancer Patients after Surgery and Adjuvant Treatment |
Autors: Jimenez-Franco, Andrea; Jimenez-Aguilar, Juan Manuel; Canela-Capdevila, Marta; Garcia-Pablo, Raquel; Castane, Helena; Martinez-Navidad, Cristian; Araguas, Pablo; Malave, Barbara; Benavides-Villarreal, Rocio; Acosta, Johana C; Onoiu, Alina Iuliana; Somaiah, Navita; Camps, Jordi; Joven, Jorge; Arenas, Meritxell |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Biomedicines |
País: N/D |
Títol: Preliminary Metabolomics Study Suggests Favorable Metabolic Changes in the Plasma of Breast Cancer Patients after Surgery and Adjuvant Treatment. |
Autors: Jiménez-Franco A; Jiménez-Aguilar JM; Canela-Capdevila M; García-Pablo R; Castañé H; Martínez-Navidad C; Araguas P; Malavé B; Benavides-Villarreal R; Acosta JC; Onoiu AI; Somaiah N; Camps J; Joven J; Arenas M |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Biomedicines |
País: N/D |
Títol: The Assisi think tank focus review on postoperative radiation for lobular breast cancer |
Autors: Kaidar-Person O; Ratosa I; Franco P; Masiello V; Marazzi F; Pedretti S; Ciabattoni A; Leonardi MC; Tramm T; Coles CE; Meattini I; Arenas M; Offersen BV; Boersma LJ; Valentini V; Dodwell D; Poortmans P; Aristei C; Borghesi S; Krug D; Montero Luis A; Nardone V; Bölükba¿i Y; Kouloulias V; Palumbo I; Perrucci E; Rivera S; Lozza L; Krengli M; Trigo L |
Any: 2024 Clau: Review |
Revista: Radiotherapy And Oncology |
País: N/D |
Títol: The Assisi think tank focus review on postoperative radiation for lobular breast cancer |
Autors: Kaidar-Person, O; Ratosa, I; Franco, P; Masiello, V; Marazzi, F; Pedretti, S; Ciabattoni, A; Leonardi, M C; Tramm, T; Coles, Ce; Meattini, I; Arenas, M; Offersen, B V; Boersma, L J; Valentini, V; Dodwell, D; Poortmans, P; Aristei, C |
Any: 2024 Clau: Review |
Revista: Radiotherapy And Oncology |
País: N/D |
Títol: Combining Metabolomics and Machine Learning to Identify Diagnostic and Prognostic Biomarkers in Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Pre- and Post-Radiation Therapy |
Autors: Murcia-Mejia, Mauricio; Canela-Capdevila, Marta; Garcia-Pablo, Raquel; Jimenez-Franco, Andrea; Jimenez-Aguilar, Juan Manuel; Badia, Joan; Benavides-Villarreal, Rocio; Acosta, Johana C; Arguis, Monica; Onoiu, Alina-Iuliana; Castane, Helena; Camps, Jordi; Arenas, Meritxell; Joven, Jorge |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Biomolecules |
País: N/D |
Títol: Combining Metabolomics and Machine Learning to Identify Diagnostic and Prognostic Biomarkers in Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Pre- and Post-Radiation Therapy. |
Autors: Murcia-Mejía M; Canela-Capdevila M; García-Pablo R; Jiménez-Franco A; Jiménez-Aguilar JM; Badía J; Benavides-Villarreal R; Acosta JC; Arguís M; Onoiu AI; Castañé H; Camps J; Arenas M; Joven J |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Biomolecules |
País: N/D |
Títol: Immunotherapy and radiotherapy for older patients with locally advanced rectal cancer unfit for surgery or decline surgery: a practical proposal by the International Geriatric Radiotherapy Group |
Autors: Nguyen NP; Mohammadianpanah M; SunMyint A; Page BR; Vinh-Hung V; Gorobets O; Arenas M; Mazibuko T; Giap H; Vasileiou M; Dutheil F; Tuscano C; Karlsson UL; Dahbi Z; Natoli E; Li E; Kim L; Oboite J; Oboite E; Bose S; Vuong T |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Frontiers In Oncology |
País: N/D |
Títol: Immunotherapy and radiotherapy for older patients with locally advanced rectal cancer unfit for surgery or decline surgery: a practical proposal by the International Geriatric Radiotherapy Group |
Autors: Nguyen, NP; Mohammadianpanah, M; SunMyint, A; Page, BR; Vinh-Hung, V; Gorobets, O; Arenas, M; Mazibuko, T; Giap, H; Vasileiou, M; Dutheil, F; Tuscano, C; Karlsson, ULFL; Dahbi, Z; Natoli, E; Li, E; Kim, L; Oboite, J; Oboite, E; Bose, S; Vuong, T |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Frontiers In Oncology |
País: N/D |
Títol: Immunotherapy and stereotactic body radiotherapy for older patients with non-metastatic renal cancer unfit for surgery or decline nephrectomy: practical proposal by the International Geriatric Radiotherapy Group |
Autors: Nguyen, Nam P; Chirila, Monica-Emilia; Page, Brandi R; Vinh-Hung, Vincent; Gorobets, Olena; Mohammadianpanah, Mohammad; Giap, Huan; Arenas, Meritxell; Bonet, Marta; Lara, Pedro Carlos; Kim, Lyndon; Dutheil, Fabien; Lehrman, David; Montes, Luis Zegarra; Tlili, Ghassen; Dahbi, Zineb; Loganadane, Gokoulakrichenane; Blanco, Sergio Calleja; Bose, Satya; Natoli, Elena; Li, Eric; Mallum, Abba; Morganti, Alessio G |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Frontiers In Oncology |
País: N/D |
Títol: Immunotherapy and Radiotherapy for Older Patients with Locally Advanced Non-Metastatic Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Who Are Not Candidates for or Decline Surgery and Chemotherapy: A Practical Proposal by the International Geriatric Radiotherapy Group |
Autors: Nguyen, Nam P; Page, Brandi R; Giap, Huan; Dahbi, Zineb; Vinh-Hung, Vincent; Gorobets, Olena; Mohammadianpanah, Mohammad; Motta, Micaela; Portaluri, Maurizio; Arenas, Meritxell; Bonet, Marta; Lara, Pedro Carlos; Kim, Lyndon; Dutheil, Fabien; Natoli, Elena; Loganadane, Gokoulakrichenane; Lehrman, David; Bose, Satya; Kaur, Sarabjot; Blanco, Sergio Calleja; Chi, Alexander |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Cancers |
País: N/D |
Títol: Immunotherapy and radiotherapy for older patients with invasive bladder cancer unfit for surgery or chemotherapy: practical proposal by the international geriatric radiotherapy group |
Autors: Nguyen, Nam Phong; Karlsson, Ulf Lennart; Page, Brandi R; Chirila, Monica-Emilia; Vinh-Hung, Vincent; Gorobets, Olena; Arenas, Meritxell; Mohammadianpanah, Mohammad; Javadinia, Seyed Alireza; Giap, Huan; Kim, Lyndon; Dutheil, Fabien; Murthy, Vedang; Mallum, Abba Aji; Tlili, Ghassen; Dahbi, Zineb; Loganadane, Gokoulakrichenane; Blanco, Sergio Calleja; Bose, Satya; Natoli, Elena; Li, Eric; Morganti, Alessio G |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Frontiers In Oncology |
País: N/D |
Títol: Treatment of COVID-19 pneumonia with low-dose radiotherapy plus standard of care versus standard of care alone in frail patients: The SEOR-GICOR IPACOVID comparative cohort trial |
Autors: Arenas M; Piqué B; Torres-Royo L; Acosta JC; Rodríguez-Tomàs E; De Febrer G; Vasco C; Araguas P; Gómez JA; Malave B; Árquez M; Algara M; Montero A; Montero M; Simó JM; Gabaldó X; Parada D; Riu F; Sabater S; Camps J; Joven J |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Strahlentherapie Und Onkologie |
País: N/D |
Títol: The 2022 Assisi Think Tank Meeting: White paper on optimising radiation therapy for breast cancer |
Autors: Aristei C; Kaidar-Person O; Boersma L; Leonardi MC; Offersen B; Franco P; Arenas M; Bourgier C; Pfeffer R; Kouloulias V; Bölükba¿¿ Y; Meattini I; Coles C; Luis AM; Masiello V; Palumbo I; Morganti AG; Perrucci E; Tombolini V; Krengli M; Marazzi F; Trigo L; Borghesi S; Ciabattoni A; Rato¿a I; Valentini V; Poortmans P |
Any: 2023 Clau: Review |
Revista: Critical Reviews In Oncology Hematology |
País: N/D |
Títol: Paraoxonase-1: How a xenobiotic detoxifying enzyme has become an actor in the pathophysiology of infectious diseases and cancer |
Autors: Camps, Jordi; Iftimie, Simona; Arenas, Meritxell; Castane, Helena; Jimenez-Franco, Andrea; Castro, Antoni; Joven, Jorge |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Chemico-Biological Interactions |
País: N/D |
Títol: Serum Arylesterase, Paraoxonase, and Lactonase Activities and Paraoxonase-1 Concentrations in Morbidly Obese Patients and Their Relationship with Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis |
Autors: Castane, Helena; Jimenez-Franco, Andrea; Martinez-Navidad, Cristian; Placed-Gallego, Cristina; Cambra-Cortes, Vicente; Perta, Adelina-Miruna; Paris, Marta; Castillo, Daniel del; Arenas, Meritxell; Camps, Jordi; Joven, Jorge |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Antioxidants |
País: N/D |
Títol: Making Radiation Oncology specialty more attractive to young medical graduates: pulling back the invisibility curtain |
Autors: Gomis Sellés E; Montero A; Arenas M |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Clinical & Translational Oncology |
País: N/D |
Títol: Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 Expression Is Associated with the Absence of Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Patients |
Autors: Lejeune, Marylene; Reverte, Laia; Gallardo, Noelia; Sauras, Esther; Bosch, Ramon; Mata, Daniel; Roso, Albert; Petit, Anna; Peg, Vicente; Riu, Francisco; Garcia-Fontgivell, Joan; Relea, Fernanda; Vieites, Begona; de la Cruz-merino, Luis; Alvaro, Tomas; Lopez, Carlos |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: International Journal Of Molecular Sciences |
País: N/D |
Títol: Prognostic Implications of the Residual Tumor Microenvironment after Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Patients without Pathological Complete Response |
Autors: Lejeune, Marylene; Reverte, Laia; Sauras, Esther; Gallardo, Noelia; Bosch, Ramon; Roso, Albert; Petit, Anna; Peg, Vicente; Riu, Francisco; Garcia-Fontgivell, Joan; Ibanez, Jose; Relea, Fernanda; Vieites, Begona; alvaro, Tomas; Lopez, Carlos |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Cancers |
País: N/D |
Títol: Prognostic Implications of the Residual Tumor Microenvironment after Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Patients without Pathological Complete Response |
Autors: Lejeune, Marylène; Reverté, Laia; Sauras, Esther; Gallardo, Noèlia; Bosch, Ramon; Roso, Albert; Petit, Anna; Peg, Vicente; Riu, Francisco; García-Fontgivell, Joan; Ibáñez, José; Relea, Fernanda; Vieites, Begoña; Bor, Catherine; de la Cruz-Merino, Luis; Arenas, Meritxell; Rodriguez, Valerie; Galera, Juana; Korzynska, Anna; Belhomme, Philippe; Plancoulaine, Benoît; Álvaro, Tomás; López, Carlos |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Cancers |
País: N/D |
Títol: Is irradiation of the primary tumor indicated in stage IV? |
Autors: Malave, B; Escuin, C; Arquez, M; Engel, O; Castaño, F; Arenas, M |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Revista De Senologia Y Patologia Mamaria |
País: N/D |
Títol: Immunotherapy and Hypofractionated Radiotherapy in Older Patients with Locally Advanced Cutaneous Squamous-Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck: A Proposed Paradigm by the International Geriatric Radiotherapy Group |
Autors: Nguyen, Nam P; Thariat, Juliette; Gorobets, Olena; Vinh-Hung, Vincent; Kim, Lyndon; Blanco, Sergio Calleja; Vasileiou, Maria; Arenas, Meritxell; Mazibuko, Thandeka; Giap, Huan; Vincent, Felix; Chi, Alexander; Loganadane, Gokoulakrichenane; Mohammadianpanah, Mohammad; Rembielak, Agata; Karlsson, Ulf; Ali, Ahmed; Bose, Satya; Page, Brandi R |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Cancers |
País: N/D |
Títol: SARS-CoV-2 Serum Viral Load and Prognostic Markers Proposal for COVID-19 Pneumonia in Low-Dose Radiation Therapy Treated Patients |
Autors: Pique, Berta; Pena, Karla; Riu, Francesc; Acosta, Johana C C; Torres-Royo, Laura; Malave, Barbara; Araguas, Pablo; Benavides, Rocio; de Febrer, Gabriel; Camps, Jordi; Joven, Jorge; Arenas, Meritxell; Parada, David |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Journal Of Clinical Medicine |
País: N/D |
Títol: A nationwide survey of the current status of radiation oncology teaching in Spanish medical schools |
Autors: Sola AB; Otón LF; Guedea F; Arenas M |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Reports Of Practical Oncology And Radiotherapy |
País: N/D |
Títol: A nationwide survey of the current status of radiation oncology teaching in Spanish medical schools |
Autors: Sola, AB; Otón, LF; Guedea, F; Arenas, M |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Reports Of Practical Oncology And Radiotherapy |
País: N/D |
Títol: Ways to improve breast cancer patients' management and clinical outcome: The 2020 Assisi Think Tank Meeting |
Autors: Aristei, Cynthia; Bolukbasi, Yasemin; Kaidar-Person, Orit; Pfeffer, Raphael; Arenas, Meritxell; Boersma, Liesbeth J; Ciabattoni, Antonella; Coles, Charlotte E; Franco, Pierfrancesco; Krengli, Marco; Leonardi, Maria Cristina; Marazzi, Fabio; Masiello, Valeria; Meattini, Icro; Montero, Angel; Offersen, Birgitte; Trigo, Maria Lurdes; Bourgier, Celine; Genovesi, Domenico; Kouloulias, Vassilis; Morganti, Alessio G; Meduri, Bruno; Pasinetti, Nadia; Pedretti, Sara; Perrucci, Elisabetta; Rivera, Sofia; Tombolini, Vincenzo; Vidali, Cristiana; Valentini, Vincenzo; Poortmans, Philip |
Any: 2022 Clau: Review |
Revista: Critical Reviews In Oncology Hematology |
País: N/D |
Títol: Evidence-based guidelines for hypofractionated radiation in breast cancer: conclusions of the Catalan expert working group |
Autors: Eraso, Arantxa; Sanz, Javier; Molla, Meritxell; Reyes, Vicky; Pedro, Agusti; Arenas, Meritxell; Martinez, Evelyn; Ballester, Rosa; Jose Cambra, Maria; Garcia, Virginia; Lluis Prades, Joan; Borras, Josep M; Algara, Manuel |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Clinical & Translational Oncology |
País: N/D |
Títol: CD68 and CD83 immune populations in non-metastatic axillary lymph nodes are of prognostic value for the survival and relapse of breast cancer patients |
Autors: Lopez, Carlos; Bosch, Ramon; Korzynska, Anna; Garcia-Rojo, Marcial; Bueno, Gloria; Francesc Garcia-Fontgivell, Joan; Martinez Gonzalez, Salome; Gras Navarro, Andrea; Sauras Colon, Esther; Casanova Ribes, Julia; Roszkowiak, Lukasz; Mata, Daniel; Arenas, Meritxell; Gomez, Junior; Roso, Albert; Berenguer, Marta; Reverte-Villarroya, Silvia; Llobera, Montserrat; Baucells, Jordi; Lejeune, Marylene |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Breast Cancer |
País: N/D |
Títol: Rate of effect of surgical margins after breast conserving surgery and estimation of direct costs. [Tasa de afectación de los márgenes quirúrgicos tras la cirugía conservadora de mama y estimación de los costes directos] |
Autors: Miriam de la Flor López; Cinthia Delgado; María Salomé Martínez González; Meritxell Arenas Prat; María Gómez; Rosaura Reig |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Cirugia Espanola |
País: N/D |
Títol: Anticipating metastasis through electrochemical immunosensing of tumor hypoxia biomarkers |
Autors: Munoz-San Martin, Cristina; Gamella, Maria; Pedrero, Maria; Montero-Calle, Ana; Perez-Gines, Victor; Camps, Jordi; Arenas, Meritxell; Barderas, Rodrigo; Pingarron, Jose M; Campuzano, Susana |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Analytical And Bioanalytical Chemistry |
País: N/D |
Títol: Effect of Low-Dose Radiotherapy on the Circulating Levels of Paraoxonase-1-Related Variables and Markers of Inflammation in Patients with COVID-19 Pneumonia |
Autors: Rodriguez-Tomas, Elisabet; Acosta, Johana C; Torres-Royo, Laura; De Febrer, Gabriel; Baiges-Gaya, Gerard; Castane, Helena; Jimenez, Andrea; Vasco, Carlos; Araguas, Pablo; Gomez, Junior; Malave, Barbara; Arquez, Miguel; Calderon, David; Pique, Berta; Algara, Manel; Montero, Angel; Simo, Josep M; Gabaldo-Barrios, Xavier; Sabater, Sebastia; Camps, Jordi; Joven, Jorge; Arenas, Meritxell |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Antioxidants |
País: N/D |
Títol: Gradient Boosting Machine Identified Predictive Variables for Breast Cancer Patients Pre- and Post-Radiotherapy: Preliminary Results of an 8-Year Follow-Up Study |
Autors: Rodriguez-Tomas, Elisabet; Arenas, Meritxell; Baiges-Gaya, Gerard; Acosta, Johana; Araguas, Pablo; Malave, Barbara; Castane, Helena; Jimenez-Franco, Andrea; Benavides-Villarreal, Rocio; Sabater, Sebastia; Sola-Alberich, Rosa; Camps, Jordi; Joven, Jorge |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Antioxidants |
País: N/D |
Títol: Could pulmonary low-dose radiation therapy be an alternative treatment for patients with COVID-19 pneumonia? Preliminary results of a multicenter SEOR-GICOR nonrandomized prospective trial (IPACOVID trial) |
Autors: Arenas, M; Algara, M; De Febrer, G; Rubio, C; Sanz, X; de la Casa, M A; Vasco, C; Marin, J; Fernandez-Leton, P; Villar, J; Torres-Royo, L; Villares, P; Membrive, I; Acosta, J; Lopez-Cano, M; Araguas, P; Quera, J; Rodriguez-Tomas, F; Montero, A |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Strahlentherapie Und Onkologie |
País: N/D |
Títol: Electrochemical immunoplatform to assist in the diagnosis and classification of breast cancer through the determination of matrix-metalloproteinase-9 |
Autors: Arevalo, Beatriz; ben Hassine, Amira; Valverde, Alejandro; Serafin, Veronica; Montero-Calle, Ana; Raouafi, Noureddine; Camps, Jordi; Arenas, Meritxell; Barderas, Rodrigo; Yanez-Sedeno, Paloma; Campuzano, Susana; Pingarron, Jose M |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Talanta |
País: N/D |
Títol: Saving time in the radiotherapy procedures for COVID-19 pneumonia treatment. A single-institution experience |
Autors: Bonet, M; Vazquez, S; Garcia, E; Visus, M; Jove, D; Ripol, O; Sole, C; Gutierrez, L; Morales-Rull, J L; Montero, A; Algara, M; Arenas, M; Mira, M |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Clinical & Translational Oncology |
País: N/D |
Títol: On the Role of Paraoxonase-1 and Chemokine Ligand 2 (C-C motif) in Metabolic Alterations Linked to Inflammation and Disease. A 2021 Update |
Autors: Camps, Jordi; Castane, Helena; Rodriguez-Tomas, Elisabet; Baiges-Gaya, Gerard; Hernandez-Aguilera, Anna; Arenas, Meritxell; Iftimie, Simona; Joven, Jorge |
Any: 2021 Clau: Review |
Revista: Biomolecules |
País: N/D |
Títol: Breast Radiotherapy-Related Cardiotoxicity. When, How, Why. Risk Prevention and Control Strategies |
Autors: Diaz-Gavela, Ana Aurora; Figueiras-Graillet, Lourdes; Luis, Angel Montero; Salas Segura, Juliana; Ciervide, Raquel; del Cerro Penalver, Elia; Counago, Felipe; Arenas, Meritxell; Lopez-Fernandez, Teresa |
Any: 2021 Clau: Review |
Revista: Cancers |
País: N/D |
Títol: Stratification and management of cardiovascular risk in cancer patients. A consensus document of the SEC, FEC, SEOM, SEOR, SEHH, SEMG, AEEMT, AEEC, and AECC |
Autors: Martin Garcia, Ana; Mitroi, Cristina; Mazon Ramos, Pilar; Garcia Sanz, Ramon; Antonio Virizuela, Juan; Arenas, Meritxell; Egocheaga Cabello, Isabel; Albert, Dimpna; Anguita Sanchez, Manuel; Arrarte Esteban, Vicente Ignacio; Ayala de la Pena, Francisco; Bonanand Lozano, Clara; Castro, Almudena; Castro Fernandez, Antonio; Cordoba, Raul; Cosin-Sales, Juan; Chaparro-Munoz, Marinela; Dalmau, Regina; Drak Hernandez, Yasmin; Deiros Bronte, Lucia; Diez-Villanueva, Pablo; Escobar Cervantes, Carlos; Fernandez Redondo, Concepcion; Garcia Rodriguez, Estibaliz; Lozano, Teresa; Marco Vera, Pascual; Martinez Monzonis, Amparo; Mesa, Dolores; Oristrell, Gerard; Gamiz, Jose Luis Palma; Pedreira, Milagros; Reinoso-Barbero, Luis; Rodriguez, Isabel; Serrano Antolin, Jose Maria; Toral, Belen; Torres Royo, Laura; Velasco del Castillo, Sonia; Vicente-Herrero, Teofila; Zatarain-Nicolas, Eduardo; Tamargo, Juan; Lopez Fernandez, Teresa |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Revista Espanola De Cardiologia |
País: N/D |
Títol: Immunotherapy and Radiotherapy for Older Cancer Patients during the COVID-19 Era: Proposed Paradigm by the International Geriatric Radiotherapy Group |
Autors: Nguyen, Nam Phong; Baumert, Brigitta G; Oboite, Eromosele; Motta, Micaela; Appalanaido, Gokula Kumar; Arenas, Meritxell; Lara, Pedro Carlos; Bonet, Marta; Zamagni, Alice; Vuong, Te; Popescu, Tiberiu; Karlsson, Ulf; Trigo, Lurdes; Sun Myint, Arthur; Thariat, Juliette; Vinh-Hung, Vincent |
Any: 2021 Clau: Review |
Revista: Gerontology |
País: N/D |
Títol: Identification of potential metabolic biomarkers of rectal cancer and of the effect of neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy |
Autors: Rodriguez-Tomas, Elisabet; Arenas, Meritxell; Gomez, Junior; Acosta, Johana; Trilla, Jordi; Lopez, Yolanda; Arquez, Miguel; Torres, Laura; Araguas, Pablo; Hernandez-Aguilera, Anna; Baiges-Gaya, Gerard; Castane, Helena; Camps, Jordi; Joven, Jorge |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Plos One |
País: N/D |
Títol: Trace elements under the spotlight: A powerful nutritional tool in cancer |
Autors: Rodriguez-Tomas, Elisabet; Baiges-Gaya, Gerard; Castane, Helena; Arenas, Meritxell; Camps, Jordi; Joven, Jorge |
Any: 2021 Clau: Review |
Revista: Journal Of Trace Elements In Medicine And Biology |
País: N/D |
Títol: MRI prostate contouring is not impaired by the use of a radiotherapy image acquisition set-up. An intra- and inter-observer paired comparative analysis with diagnostic set-up images |
Autors: Sabater, S; Pastor-Juan, M R; Andres, I; Lopez-Martinez, L; Lopez-Honrubia, V; Tercero-Azorin, M, I; Sevillano, M; Lozano-Setien, E; Jimenez-Jimenez, E; Berenguer, R; Rovirosa, A; Castro-Larefors, S; Marti-Laosa, M Magdalena; Roche, O; Martinez-Terol, F; Arenas, M |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Cancer Radiotherapie |
País: N/D |
Títol: Low dose anti-inflammatory radiotherapy for the treatment of pneumonia by covid-19: A proposal for a multi-centric prospective trial |
Autors: Algara, M; Arenas, M; Marin, J; Vallverdu, I; Fernandez-Leton, P; Villar, J; Fabrer, G; Rubio, C; Montero, A |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Clinical And Translational Radiation Oncology |
País: N/D |
Títol: Effects of radiotherapy on plasma energy metabolites in patients with breast cancer who received neoadjuvant chemotherapy |
Autors: Arenas, M; Fernandez-Arroyo, S; Rodriguez-Tomas, E; Sabater, S; Murria, Y; Gascon, M; Amillano, K; Mele, M; Camps, J; Joven, J |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Clinical & Translational Oncology |
País: N/D |
Títol: The 2018 assisi think tank meeting on breast cancer: International expert panel white paper |
Autors: Arenas, Meritxell; Selek, Ugur; Kaidar-Person, Orit; Perrucci, Elisabetta; Montero Luis, Angel; Boersma, Liesbeth; Coles, Charlotte; Offersen, Birgitte; Meattini, Icro; Bolukbasi, Yasemin; Leonardi, Maria Cristina; Pfeffer, Raphael; Cutuli, Bruno; Vidali, Cristiana; Franco, Pierfrancesco; Kouloulias, Vassilis; Masiello, Valeria; Rivera, Sofia; Bourgier, Celine; Ciabattoni, Antonella; Lancellotta, Valentina; Trigo, Lurdes; Valentini, Vincenzo; Poortmans, Philip; Aristei, Cynthia |
Any: 2020 Clau: Review |
Revista: Critical Reviews In Oncology Hematology |
País: N/D |
Títol: Radiation therapy for bone-only metastases in breast cancer patients: A GOCO survey of current clinical practice |
Autors: Bonet, Marta; Garcia, Virginia; Farre, Nuria; Algara, Manel; Farrus, Blanca; Fernandez, Jaume; Reyes, Victoria; Eraso, Arancha; Alvarez, Ana; Jose Cambra, Maria; Pedro, Agusti; Vayreda, Jordi; Lemansky, Claire; Izar, Francoise; Arenas, Meritxell |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Reports Of Practical Oncology And Radiotherapy |
País: N/D |
Títol: Impact of non-adherence to radiotherapy on 1-year survival in cancer patients in catalonia, spain |
Autors: Borras, Josep M; Font, Rebeca; Sola, Judit; Macia, Miquel; Tuset, Victoria; Arenas, Meritxell; Eraso, Arantxa; Verges, Ramona; Farre, Nuria; Pedro, Agustin; Molla, Meritxell; Algara, Manel; Sole, Josep M; Mira, Moises; Espinas, Josep A |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Radiotherapy And Oncology |
País: N/D |
Títol: Role of boost radiotherapy for local control of pure ductal carcinoma in situ after breast-conserving surgery: a multicenter, retrospective study of 622 patients |
Autors: Cambra MJ; Moreno F; Sanz X; Anglada L; Mollà M; Reyes V; Arenas M; Pedro A; Ballester R; García V; Casals J; Cusidó M; Jimenez C; Escribà JM; Macià M; Solé JM; Arcusa A; Seguí MA; Gonzalez S; Farrús B; Biete A |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
País: N/D |
Títol: Role of boost radiotherapy for local control of pure ductal carcinoma in situ after breast-conserving surgery: a multicenter, retrospective study of 622 patients |
Autors: Cambra, M J; Moreno, F; Sanz, X; Anglada, L; Molla, M; Reyes, V; Arenas, M; Pedro, A; Ballester, R; Garcia, V; Casals, J; Cusido, M; Jimenez, C; Escriba, J M; Macia, M; Sole, J M; Arcusa, A; Segui, M A; Gonzalez, S; Farrus, B; Biete, A |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Clinical & Translational Oncology |
País: N/D |
Títol: Multiplexed monitoring of a novel autoantibody diagnostic signature of colorectal cancer using HaloTag technology-based electrochemical immunosensing platform |
Autors: Garranzo-Asensio, Maria; Guzman-Aranguez, Ana; Povedano, Eloy; Ruiz-Valdepenas Montiel, Victor; Poves, Carmen; Jesus Fernandez-Acenero, Maria; Montero-Calle, Ana; Solis-Fernandez, Guillermo; Fernandez-Diez, Servando; Camps, Jordi; Arenas, Meritxell; Rodriguez-Tomas, Elisabeth; Joven, Jorge; Sanchez-Martinez, Maricruz; Rodriguez, Nuria; Dominguez, Gemma; Yanez-Sedeno, Paloma; Manuel Pingarron, Jose; Campuzano, Susana; Barderas, Rodrigo |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Theranostics |
País: N/D |
Títol: Breast tumor segmentation and shape classification in mammograms using generative adversarial and convolutional neural network |
Autors: Kumar Singh, Vivek; Rashwan, Hatem A; Romani, Santiago; Akram, Farhan; Pandey, Nidhi; Kamal Sarker, Md Mostafa; Saleh, Adel; Arenas, Meritxell; Arquez, Miguel; Puig, Domenec; Torrents-Barrena, Jordina |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Expert Systems With Applications |
País: N/D |
Títol: SKIN-COBRA (Consortium for Brachytherapy data Analysis) ontology: The first step towards interdisciplinary standardized data collection for personalized oncology in skin cancer |
Autors: Lancellotta, Valentina; Luis Guinot, Jose; Fionda, Bruno; Rembielak, Agata; Di Stefani, Alessandro; Gentileschi, Stefano; Federico, Francesco; Rossi, Ernesto; Guix, Benjamin; Chyrek, Artur Jan; Arenas, Meritxell; Rodriguez Villalba, Silvia; Colloca, Giuseppe Ferdinando; Dinapoli, Nicola; Masciocchi, Carlotta; Lenkowicz, J; Capocchiano, Nicola Dino; Damiani, Andrea; Valentini, Vincenzo; Kovacs, Gyorgy; Tagliaferri, Luca |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Journal Of Contemporary Brachytherapy |
País: N/D |
Títol: Whole-lung Low Dose Irradiation for SARS-Cov2 Induced Pneumonia in the Geriatric Population: An Old Effective Treatment for a New Disease? Recommendation of the International Geriatric Radiotherapy Group |
Autors: Lara, Pedro C; Nguyen, Nam P; Macias-Verde, David; Burgos-Burgos, Javier; Arenas, Meritxell; Zamagni, Alice; Vinh-Hung, Vincent; Baumert, Brigitta G; Motta, Micaela; Myint, Arthur Sun; Bonet, Marta; Popescu, Tiberiu; Te Vuong; Appalanaido, Gokula Kumar; Trigo, Lurdes; Karlsson, Ulf; Thariat, Juliette |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Aging And Disease |
País: N/D |
Títol: Radiotherapy is safe in patients with implantable cardiac devices. Analysis of a systematic interrogation follow-up |
Autors: Lopez-Honrubia, V; Hidalgo-Olivares, V M; Dobon-Roux, M; Marti-Laosa, M M; Castro-Larefors, S; Fernandez-Lopee, J; Andres, I; Roche, O; Rovirosa, A; Arenas, M; Martinez-Terol, F; Lopez Fernandez, T; Sabater, S |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Clinical & Translational Oncology |
País: N/D |
Títol: Systemic overexpression of C-C motif chemokine ligand 2 promotes metabolic dysregulation and premature death in mice with accelerated aging |
Autors: Luciano-Mateo, Fedra; Cabre, Noemi; Baiges-Gaya, Gerard; Fernandez-Arroyo, Salvador; Hernandez-Aguilera, Anna; Elisabet Rodriguez-Tomas, Elisabet; Arenas, Meritxell; Camps, Jordi; Menendez, Javier A; Joven, Jorge |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Aging-Us |
País: N/D |
Títol: Current functioning of cardio-oncology units in Spain |
Autors: Mitroi C; Martín-García A; Mazón Ramos P; Virizuela Echaburu JA; Arenas-Prat M; García-Sanz R; Arrarte Esteban V; García-Pinilla JM; Cosín-Sales J; López-Fernández T |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Clinical & Translational Oncology |
País: N/D |
Títol: Older Cancer Patients during the COVID-19 Epidemic: Practice Proposal of the International Geriatric Radiotherapy Group |
Autors: Nguyen, Nam P; Vinh-Hung, Vincent; Baumert, Brigitta G; Zamagni, Alice; Arenas, Meritxell; Motta, Micaela; Carlos Lara, Pedro; Myint, Arthur Sun; Bonet, Marta; Popescu, Tiberiu; Te Vuong; Appalanaido, Gokula Kumar; Trigo, Lurdes; Karlsson, Ulf; Thariat, Juliette |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Cancers |
País: N/D |
Títol: Alterations in plasma concentrations of energy-balance-related metabolites in patients with lung, or head & neck, cancers: Effects of radiotherapy |
Autors: Rodriguez-Tomas, Elisabet; Arguis, Monica; Arenas, Meritxell; Fernandez-Arroyo, Salvador; Murcia, Mauricio; Sabater, Sebastia; Torres, Laura; Baiges-Gaya, Gerard; Hernandez-Aguilera, Anna; Camps, Jordi; Joven, Jorge |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Journal Of Proteomics |
País: N/D |
Títol: Low-dose radiation therapy for COVID-19 pneumopathy: what is the evidence? |
Autors: Roedel, Franz; Arenas, Meritxell; Ott, Oliver J; Fournier, Claudia; Georgakilas, Alexandros G; Tapio, Soile; Trott, Klaus-Ruediger; Gaipl, Udo S |
Any: 2020 Clau: Review |
Revista: Strahlentherapie Und Onkologie |
País: N/D |
Títol: Fully Automated Breast Density Segmentation and Classification Using Deep Learning |
Autors: Saffari, Nasibeh; Rashwan, Hatem A; Abdel-Nasser, Mohamed; Kumar Singh, Vivek; Arenas, Meritxell; Mangina, Eleni; Herrera, Blas; Puig, Domenec |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Diagnostics |
País: N/D |
Títol: Low-Dose radiation therapy for benign pathologies |
Autors: Torres Royo L; Antelo Redondo G; Árquez Pianetta M; Arenas Prat M |
Any: 2020 Clau: Review |
Revista: Reports Of Practical Oncology And Radiotherapy |
País: N/D |
Títol: Electrochemical immunoplatform to improve the reliability of breast cancer diagnosis through the simultaneous determination of RANKL and TNF in serum |
Autors: Valverde, Alejandro; Serafin, Veronica; Garoz, Jesus; Montero-Calle, Ana; Gonzalez-Cortes, Araceli; Arenas, Meritxell; Camps, Jordi; Barderas, Rodrigo; Yanez-Sedeno, Paloma; Campuzano, Susana; Pingarron, Jose M |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Sensors And Actuators B-Chemical |
País: N/D |
Títol: Is one brachytherapy fraction of 7 Gy similar to more fractions after external beam irradiation in postoperative endometrial carcinoma? |
Autors: Zhang, Y; Ascaso, C; Herreros, A; Sanchez, J; del Pino, M; Torne, A; Li, Y; Sabater, S; Arenas, M; Biete, A; Rovirosa, A |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Clinical & Translational Oncology |
País: N/D |
Llibres / Books |
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
Capítols de Llibre / Book chapters |
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
Títol: A computer-aided diagnosis system for breast cancer molecular subtype prediction in mammographic images |
Autors: Singh VK; Rashwan HA; Abdel-Nasser M; Akram F; Haffar R; Pandey N; Arenas M; Romani S; Puig D |
Any: 2021 Clau: Book Chapters |
Altres Documents / Other documents |
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
Patents Sol.licitades / Patents |
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
Congressos / Conferences |
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |