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Resultats - Díaz González, Francisco Manuel

Díaz González, Francisco Manuel

Tesis Doctorals Dirigides / Theses 
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Títol: Infrared lasers with novel geometries
Autor: Alles Leal, Adrian
Director: Rosell Llompart, Joan; Díaz González, Francisco Manuel; Mateos Ferré, Xavier; Serres Serres, Josep Maria
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2023
País: N/D
Títol: Characterization of graphene oxide obtained from modifications of Hummers' method and its application for reinforcing textiles
Autor: Aixart Forés, Jordi
Director: Rosell Llompart, Joan; Díaz González, Francisco Manuel
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2021
País: N/D
Títol: Gut microbiota: a link between diet and cardiometabolic health
Autor: Galiè, Serena
Director: Bulló Bonet, Mònica
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2021
País: N/D
Títol: Characterization of graphene oxide obtained from modifications of hummers¿ method and its application for reinforcing textiles
Autor: Jordi Aixart Forés
Director: Francesc Díaz I González; Joan Rosell Llompart
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2021
País: N/D
Títol: Development and application of photonic technologies for industry 4.0
Autor: Llamas Martinez, Victor
Director: Serres Serres, Josep Maria; Díaz González, Francisco Manuel; Mateos Ferré, Xavier
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2021
País: N/D
Títol: Development and application of photonic technologies for industry 4.0
Autor: M Victoria Llamas Martínez
Director: Francesc Díaz I González; Josep Maria Serres Serres; Xavier Mateos Ferré
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2021
País: N/D
Publicacions en Revista / Papers 
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Títol: Computational and experimental microfluidics: Total analysis system for mixing, sorting, and concentrating particles and cells
Autors: Coral, David; Attard, Matthew; Pedrol, Eric; Sole, Rosa Maria; Diaz, Francesc; Aguilo, Magdalena; Mateos, Xavier
Any: 2024 Clau: Article
Revista: Apl Bioengineering
País: N/D
Títol: Temperature sensing by means of a near-infrared luminescent Ca8NaBi(PO4)6F2:Nd3+ fluorapatite phosphor
Autors: Douzi, Abir; Slimi, Sami; Loiko, Pavel; Llamas, Victor; Sole, Rosa Maria; Aguilo, Magdalena; Diaz, Francesc; Ben Salem, Ezzedine; Mateos, Xavier
Any: 2024 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Materials Science-Materials In Electronics
País: N/D
Títol: Growth, spectroscopy and 2 ¿m laser operation of monoclinic Tm3+:ZnWO4 crystal
Autors: Elabedine, Ghassen Zin; Subbotin, Kirill; Loiko, Pavel; Pan, Zhongben; Eremeev, Kirill; Zimina, Yulia; Didenko, Yana; Pavlov, Sergei; Titov, Anatoly; Dunina, Elena; Fomicheva, Liudmila; Braud, Alain; Sole, Rosa Maria; Aguilo, Magdalena; Diaz, Francesc; Chen, Weidong; Volkov, Pavel; Mateos, Xavier
Any: 2024 Clau: Article
Revista: Optical Materials
País: N/D
Títol: Engineering yttrium oxide antioxidant nanoagents
Autors: Nexha A; Díaz F; Aguiló M; Pujol MC; Carvajal JJ
Any: 2024 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Alloys And Compounds
País: N/D
Títol: Cryogenic Tm:LiYF4 laser around 2 µm
Autors: Alles, Adrian; Jambunathan, Venkatesan; Slimi, Sami; Serres, Josep M; Aguilo, Magdalena; Diaz, Francesc; Mateos, Xavier; Smrz, Martin; Mocek, Tomas
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Applied Physics B-Lasers And Optics
País: N/D
Títol: Microfluidic Device for the Manipulation of Microparticles for Flow Cytometry Application
Autors: Attard, M; Coral, D; Pedrol, E; Aguiló, M; Díaz, F; Mateos, X
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Particle & Particle Systems Characterization
País: N/D
Títol: Synthesis, crystals structures and theoretical studies of novel alkali copper indium orthophosphates ACuIn(PO4)2 (A = Na, K and Rb)
Autors: Badri, A; Slimi, S; Mokni, I; Dege, N; Solé, RM; Aguiló, M; Díaz, F; Mateos, X; Ben Amara, M
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Solid State Chemistry
País: N/D
Títol: Liquid phase epitaxy growth and visible emission of Tb3+,Gd3+:LiYF4 layers
Autors: Baillard, A; Brasse, G; Loiko, P; Solé, RM; Aguiló, M; Díaz, F; Mateos, X; Benayad, A; Ménard, V; Braud, A; Camy, P
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Optical Materials Express
País: N/D
Títol: Structure and luminescence properties of Dy3+ doped quaternary tungstate Li3Ba2Gd3(WO4)8 for application in wLEDs
Autors: Douzi, Abir; Slimi, Sami; Madirov, Eduard; Turshatov, Andrey; Richards, Bryce S S; Sole, Rosa Maria; Aguilo, Magdalena; Diaz, Francesc; Ben Salem, Ezzedine; Mateos, Xavier
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Rsc Advances
País: N/D
Títol: Cascade laser optimization for 3H4 ¿ 3H5 and 3F4 ¿ 3H6 sequent transitions in Tm3+-doped materials
Autors: Dupont, H; Guillemot, L; Loiko, P; Solé, RM; Mateos, X; Aguiló, M; Díaz, F; Braud, A; Camy, P; Georges, P; Druon, F
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Optics Express
País: N/D
Títol: Tm,Ho:Ca(Gd,Lu)AlO4 crystals: Polarized spectroscopy and laser operation
Autors: Pan, ZB; Loiko, P; Serres, JM; Yuan, HL; Wang, YC; Wang, L; Zhao, YG; Sole, RM; Aguilo, M; Diaz, F; Camy, P; Chen, WD; Griebner, U; Petrov, V; Mateos, X
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Luminescence
País: N/D
Títol: Cryogenic laser operation of a ¿mixed¿ Yb:LuYAG garnet crystal
Autors: Slimi S; Jambunathan V; Pan M; Wang Y; Chen W; Loiko P; Solé RM; Aguiló M; Díaz F; Smrz M; Mocek T; Mateos X
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Applied Physics B-Lasers And Optics
País: N/D
Títol: Growth, Structure, Spectroscopy, and Laser Operation of a ¿Mixed¿ Yb:(Y,Lu)3Al5O12 Garnet Crystal
Autors: Slimi, S; Loiko, P; Pan, MY; Lehoux, P; Jambunathan, V; Smrz, M; Mocek, T; Wang, YC; Chen, WD; Petrov, V; Solé, RM; Aguiló, M; Díaz, F; Camy, P; Mateos, X
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Crystals
País: N/D
Títol: Growth, Structure, Spectroscopy, and Laser Operation of a Mixed Yb:(Y,Lu)3Al5O12 Garnet Crystal
Autors: Slimi, Sami; Loiko, Pavel; Pan, Mingyan; Lehoux, Pauline; Jambunathan, Venkatesan; Smrz, Martin; Mocek, Tomas; Wang, Yicheng; Chen, Weidong; Petrov, Valentin; Sole, Rosa Maria; Aguilo, Magdalena; Diaz, Francesc; Camy, Patrice; Mateos, Xavier
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Crystals
País: N/D
Títol: Growth, structure refinement, thermal expansion and optical spectroscopy of Tm3+-doped MgMoO4
Autors: Subbotin K; Titov A; Lis D; Zimina Y; Didenko Y; Elabedine GZ; Eremeev K; Solé RM; Aguiló M; Volkov P; Popov P; Chernova E; Díaz F; Camy P; Loiko P; Mateos X
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Optical Materials
País: N/D
Títol: Excited-state absorption and upconversion pumping of Tm3+-doped potassium lutetium double tungstate
Autors: Tyazhev, A; Loiko, P; Guillemot, L; Kouta, A; Sole, RM; Mateos, X; Aguilo, M; Diaz, F; Dupont, H; Georges, P; Druon, F; Braud, A; Camy, P; Hideur, A
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Optics Express
País: N/D
Títol: Multi-gigahertz mode-locked femtosecond Yb:KLuW waveguide lasers
Autors: Bae, Ji Eun; Mateos, Xavier; Aguilo, Magdalena; Diaz, Francesc; Ajates, Javier Garcia; Romero, Carolina; Rotermund, Fabian;
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Photonics Research
País: N/D
Títol: Liquid phase epitaxy growth and structural characterization of highly-doped Er3+:LiYF4 thin films
Autors: Basyrova L; Brasse G; Loiko P; Grygiel C; Solé RM; Aguiló M; Díaz F; Mateos X; Benayad A; Doualan JL; Camy P
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Optical Materials
País: N/D
Títol: Excitation power density dependence of a primary luminescent thermometer based on Er3+, Yb3+: GdVO4 microcrystals operating in the visible
Autors: Bhiri, Nisrin Mohamed; Dammak, Mohamed; Carvajal, Joan Josep; Aguilo, Magdalena; Diaz, Francesc; Pujol, Maria Cinta
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Alloys And Compounds
País: N/D
Títol: Stoichiometric dependence and laser heating effect on the luminescence thermometric performance of Er3+, Yb3+: YuGdwVO4 microparticles in the non-saturation regime
Autors: Mohamed Bhiri, Nisrin; Dammak, Mohamed; Josep Carvajal, Joan; Aguilo, Magdalena; Diaz, Francesc; Cinta Pujol, Maria
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Materials Research Bulletin
País: N/D
Títol: Synthesis and characterization of a novel alkali mixed magnesium-aluminum phosphate with a layered structure¿KMgAl(PO4)2
Autors: Mokni I; Badri A; Slimi S; Omri K; Loiko P; Solé RM; Aguiló M; Díaz F; Mateos X; Amara MB
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Molecular Structure
País: N/D
Títol: Luminescence nanothermometry via white light emission in Ho3+, Tm3+:Y2O3 colloidal nanocrystals
Autors: Nexha, Albenc; Cinta Pujol, Maria; Josep Carvajal, Joan; Diaz, Francesc; Aguilo, Magdalena
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Luminescence
País: N/D
Títol: Luminescence nanothermometry using self-assembled Er3+, Yb3+ doped Y2O3 nanodiscs: Might the upconversion mechanism condition their use as primary thermometers?
Autors: Nexha, Albenc; Pujol, Maria Cinta; Diaz, Francesc; Aguilo, Magdalena; Carvajal, Joan J
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Optical Materials
País: N/D
Títol: Polarized spectroscopy and diode-pumped laser operation of disordered Yb:Ca3Gd2(BO3)4 crystal
Autors: Pan Z; Lin ZL; Loiko P; Zhang G; Zeng HJ; Xue WZ; Camy P; Petrov V; Slimi S; Mateos X; Díaz F; Lin H; Wang L; Chen W
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Optical Materials Express
País: N/D
Títol: Tm,Ho:Ca(Gd,Lu)AlO4 crystals: Crystal growth, structure refinement and Judd-Ofelt analysis
Autors: Pan Z; Loiko P; Slimi S; Yuan H; Wang Y; Zhao Y; Camy P; Dunina E; Kornienko A; Fomicheva L; Wang L; Chen W; Griebner U; Petrov V; Solé RM; Díaz F; Aguiló M; Mateos X
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Luminescence
País: N/D
Títol: Structure and luminescent properties of Dy3+ activated NaLa9(SiO4)6O2 yellow-emitting phosphors for application in white LEDs
Autors: Slimi S; Loiko P; Bogdanov K; Volokitina A; Solé RM; Aguiló M; Díaz F; Ben Salem E; Mateos X
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Alloys And Compounds
País: N/D
Títol: Structure, optical properties and preferential site substitution of Eu3+ activated Ca8NaBi(PO4)6F2 red emitting phosphors prepared by modified Pechini process
Autors: Slimi S; Loiko P; Volokitina A; Bogdanov K; Solé RM; Aguiló M; Díaz F; Salem EB; Mateos X
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Luminescence
País: N/D
Títol: Growth, structure, and polarized spectroscopy of monoclinic Er3+:MgWO4 crystal
Autors: Zhang L; Basyrova L; Loiko P; Camy P; Lin Z; Zhang G; Slimi S; Sole RM; Mateos X; Aguilo M; Diaz F; Dunina E; Kornienko A; Griebner U; Petrov V; Wang L; Chen W
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Optical Materials Express
País: N/D
Títol: Increasing reaction time in Hummers¿ method towards well exfoliated graphene oxide of low oxidation degree
Autors: Aixart, Jordi; Diaz, Francesc; Llorca, Jordi; Rosell-Llompart, Joan
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Ceramics International
País: N/D
Títol: Tm3+-doped calcium lithium tantalum gallium garnet (Tm:CLTGG): novel laser crystal
Autors: Alles, Adrian; Pan, Zhongben; Loiko, Pavel; Serres, Josep Maria; Slimi, Sami; Yingming, Shawuti; Tang, Kaiyang; Wang, Yicheng; Zhao, Yongguang; Dunina, Elena; Kornienko, Alexey; Camy, Patrice; Chen, Weidong; Wang, Li; Griebner, Uwe; Petrov, Valentin; Sole, Rosa Maria; Aguilo, Magdalena; Diaz, Francesc; Mateos, Xavier
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Optical Materials Express
País: N/D
Títol: Spectroscopy and efficient laser operation around 2.8 mu m of Er:(Lu,Sc)(2)O-3 sesquioxide ceramics
Autors: Basyrova, Liza; Loiko, Pavel; Jing, Wei; Wang, Yicheng; Huang, Hui; Dunina, Elena; Kornienko, Alexey; Fomicheva, Liudmila; Viana, Bruno; Griebner, Uwe; Petrov, Valentin; Aguilo, Magdalena; Diaz, Francesc; Mateos, Xavier; Camy, Patrice
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Luminescence
País: N/D
Títol: Comparative study of Yb:Lu3Al5O12 and Yb:Lu2O3 laser ceramics produced from laser-ablated nanopowders
Autors: Basyrova, Liza; Loiko, Pavel; Maksimov, Roman; Shitov, Vladislav; Serres, Josep Maria; Griebner, Uwe; Petrov, Valentin; Aguilo, Magdalena; Diaz, Francesc; Mateos, Xavier;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Ceramics International
País: N/D
Títol: Spectroscopy and laser operation of highly-doped 10 at.% Yb:(Lu, Sc)(2)O-3 ceramics
Autors: Jing, Wei; Loiko, Pavel; Basyrova, Liza; Wang, Yicheng; Huang, Hui; Camy, Patrice; Griebner, Uwe; Petrov, Valentin; Serres, Josep Maria; Sole, Rosa Maria; Aguilo, Magdalena; Diaz, Francesc; Mateos, Xavier;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Optical Materials
País: N/D
Títol: Tm3+ and Ho3+ colasing in in-band pumped waveguides fabricated by femtosecond laser writing
Autors: Kifle, Esrom; Loiko, Pavel; Romero, Carolina; de Aldana, Javier Rodriguez Vazquez; Zakharov, Viktor; Gurova, Yulia; Veniaminov, Andrey; Petrov, Valentin; Griebner, Uwe; Thouroude, Romain; Laroche, Mathieu; Camy, Patrice; Aguilo, Magdalena; Diaz, Francesc; Mateos, Xavier;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Optics Letters
País: N/D
Títol: Growth, spectroscopy and laser operation of monoclinic Nd:CsGd(MoO4)2 crystal with a layered structure
Autors: Loiko P; Pavlyuk A; Slimi S; Solé RM; Ben Salem E; Dunina E; Kornienko A; Camy P; Griebner U; Petrov V; Díaz F; Aguiló M; Mateos X
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Luminescence
País: N/D
Títol: Highly efficient 2.3 mu m thulium lasers based on a high-phonon-energy crystal: evidence of vibronic-assisted emissions
Autors: Loiko, Pavel; Kifle, Esrom; Guillemot, Lauren; Doualan, Jean-Louis; Starecki, Florent; Braud, Alain; Aguilo, Magdalena; Diaz, Francesc; Petrov, Valentin; Mateos, Xavier; Camy, Patrice;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of The Optical Society Of America B-Optical Physics
País: N/D
Títol: Tailoring Wettability Properties of GaN Epitaxial Layers through Surface Porosity Induced during CVD Deposition
Autors: Mena, Josue; Carvajal, Joan J; Zubialevich, Vitaly; Parbrook, Peter J; Diaz, Francesc; Aguilo, Magdalena
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Langmuir
País: N/D
Títol: Synthesis of monoclinic Ho,Tm:KLu(WO4)(2) microrods with high photothermal conversion efficiency via a thermal decomposition-assisted method
Autors: Nexha, Albenc; Carvajal, Joan J; Cinta Pujol, Maria; Diaz, Francesc; Aguilo, Magdalena
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Materials Chemistry c
País: N/D
Títol: Lanthanide doped luminescence nanothermometers in the biological windows: strategies and applications
Autors: Nexha, Albenc; Carvajal, Joan Josep; Pujol, Maria Cinta; Diaz, Francesc; Aguilo, Magdalena
Any: 2021 Clau: Review
Revista: Nanoscale
País: N/D
Títol: Effect of the size and shape of Ho, Tm:KLu(WO4)2 nanoparticles on their self-assessed photothermal properties
Autors: Nexha, Albenc; Pujol, Maria Cinta; Carvajal, Joan Josep; Diaz, Francesc; Aguilo, Magdalena
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Nanomaterials
País: N/D
Títol: Disordered Tm3+,Ho3+-codoped CNGG garnet crystal: Towards efficient laser materials for ultrashort pulse generation at ¿2 ¿m
Autors: Pan Z; Loiko P; Wang Y; Zhao Y; Yuan H; Tang K; Dai X; Cai H; Serres JM; Slimi S; Ben Salem E; Dunina E; Kornienko A; Fomicheva L; Doualan JL; Camy P; Chen W; Griebner U; Petrov V; Aguiló M; Díaz F; Solé RM; Mateos X
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Alloys And Compounds
País: N/D
Títol: Monoclinic zinc monotungstate Yb3+,Li+:ZnWO4: Part II. Polarized spectroscopy and laser operation
Autors: Volokitina A; David SP; Loiko P; Subbotin K; Titov A; Lis D; Solé RM; Jambunathan V; Lucianetti A; Mocek T; Camy P; Chen W; Griebner U; Petrov V; Aguiló M; Díaz F; Mateos X
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Luminescence
País: N/D
Títol: Single crystal growth, optical absorption and luminescence properties under VUV-UV synchrotron excitation of type III Pr3+:KGd(PO3)4
Autors: Adell, Irina; Cinta Pujol, Maria; Maria Sole, Rosa; Lancry, Matthieu; Ollier, Nadege; Aguilo, Magdalena; Diaz, Francesc
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Scientific Reports
País: N/D
Títol: Radioluminescence properties under X-ray excitation of type III Ce3+- and Pr3+-doped KGd(PO3)4 single crystals
Autors: Adell, Irina; Pujol, Maria Cinta; Sole, Rosa Maria; Aguilo, Magdalena; Diaz, Francesc
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Luminescence
País: N/D
Títol: Carbon nanotube Q-switched Yb:KLuW surface channel waveguide lasers
Autors: Bae J; Park T; Kifle E; Mateos X; Aguiló M; Díaz F; Romero C; De Aldana J; Lee H; Rotermund F
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Optics Letters
País: N/D
Títol: Transition of pulsed operation from Q-switching to continuous-wave mode-locking in a Yb:KLuW waveguide laser
Autors: Bae JE; Mateos X; Aguiló M; Díaz F; De Aldana JRV; Romero C; Lee H; Rotermund F
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Optics Express
País: N/D
Títol: Carbon nanotube Q-switched Yb:KLuW surface channel waveguide lasers
Autors: Bae, Ji Eun; Park, Tae Gwan; Kifle, Esrom; Mateos, Xavier; Aguilo, Magdalena; Diaz, Francesc; Romero, Carolina; Vazquez de Aldana, Javier Rodriguez; Lee, Hansuek; Rotermund, Fabian;
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
País: N/D
Títol: Fluorite-type Tm3+:KY3F10: A promising crystal for watt-level lasers at ¿1.9¿¿m
Autors: Chen M; Loiko P; Serres J; Veronesi S; Tonelli M; Aguiló M; Díaz F; Choi S; Bae J; Rotermund F; Dai S; Chen Z; Griebner U; Petrov V; Mateos X
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Alloys And Compounds
País: N/D
Títol: Watt-level ultrafast laser inscribed thulium waveguide lasers
Autors: Kifle E; Loiko P; Romero C; Vázquez de Aldana JR; Aguiló M; Díaz F; Camy P; Griebner U; Petrov V; Mateos X
Any: 2020 Clau: Review
Revista: Progress In Quantum Electronics
País: N/D
Títol: Ultrafast Laser Inscription and similar to 2 mu m Laser Operation of Y-Branch Splitters in Monoclinic Crystals
Autors: Kifle, Esrom; Loiko, Pavel; Romero, Carolina; de Aldana, Javier Rodriguez Vazquez; Zakharov, Viktor; Veniaminov, Andrey; Griebner, Uwe; Petrov, Valentin; Camy, Patrice; Braud, Alain; Aguilo, Magdalena; Diaz, Francesc; Mateos, Xavier;
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Lightwave Technology
País: N/D
Títol: Low-loss fs-laser-written surface waveguide lasers at > 2 mu m in monoclinic Tm3+:MgWO4
Autors: Kifle, Esrom; Loiko, Pavel; Vazquez de Aldana, Javier Rodriguez; Romero, Carolina; Llamas, Victor; Maria Serres, Josep; Aguilo, Magdalena; Diaz, Francesc; Zhang, Lizhen; Lin, Zhoubin; Lin, Haifeng; Zhang, Ge; Zakharov, Viktor; Veniaminov, Andrey; Petrov, Valentin; Griebner, Uwe; Mateos, Xavier; Wang, Li; Chen, Weidong
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Optics Letters
País: N/D
Títol: Ultrafast laser inscribed waveguide lasers in Tm:CALGO with depressed-index cladding
Autors: Llamas, Victor; Loiko, Pavel; Kifle, Esrom; Romero, Carolina; Vazquez de Aldana, Javier R; Pan, Zhongben; Maria Serres, Josep; Yuan, Hualei; Dai, Xiaojun; Cai, Huaqiang; Wang, Yicheng; Zhao, Yongguang; Zakharov, Viktor; Veniaminov, Andrey; Thouroude, Romain; Laroche, Mathieu; Gilles, Herve; Aguilo, Magdalena; Diaz, Francesc; Griebner, Uwe; Petrov, Valentin; Camy, Patrice; Mateos, Xavier
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Optics Express
País: N/D
Títol: Spectroscopy and high-power laser operation of a monoclinic Yb3+:MgWO4 crystal
Autors: Loiko P; Chen M; Serres JM; Aguiló M; Díaz F; Lin H; Zhang G; Zhang L; Lin Z; Camy P; Dai SB; Chen Z; Zhao Y; Wang L; Chen W; Griebner U; Petrov V; Mateos X
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Optics Letters
País: N/D
Títol: Stokes and anti-Stokes operating conditions dependent luminescence thermometric performance of Er3+-doped and Er3+, Yb3+ co-doped GdVO4 microparticles in the non-saturation regime
Autors: Mohamed Bhiri, Nisrin; Dammak, M; Aguilo, Magdalena; Diaz, Francesc; Carvajal, Joan J; Pujol, M C
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Alloys And Compounds
País: N/D
Títol: Short-wavelength infrared self-assessed photothermal agents based on Ho,Tm:KLu(WO4)2 nanocrystals operating in the third biological window (1.45-1.96 ¿m wavelength range)
Autors: Nexha, Albenc; Carvajal, Joan J; Pujol, Maria Cinta; Diaz, Francesc; Aguilo, Magdalena
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Materials Chemistry c
País: N/D
Títol: Study of local inertial focusing conditions for spherical particles in asymmetric serpentines
Autors: Pedrol, Eric; Massons, Jaume; Diaz, Francesc; Aguilo, Magdalena
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Fluids
País: N/D
Títol: Bifunctional Tm3+,Yb3+:GdVO4@SiO2 Core-Shell Nanoparticles in HeLa Cells: Upconversion Luminescence Nanothermometry in the First Biological Window and Biolabelling in the Visible
Autors: Savchuk, Oleksandr; Carvajal Marti, Joan Josep; Cascales, Concepcion; Haro-Gonzalez, Patricia; Sanz-Rodriguez, Francisco; Aguilo, Magdalena; Diaz, Francesc
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Nanomaterials
País: N/D
Títol: Monoclinic zinc monotungstate Yb3+,Li+:ZnWO4: Part I. Czochralski growth, structure refinement and Raman spectra
Autors: Subbotin K; Loiko P; Slimi S; Volokitina A; Titov A; Lis D; Chernova E; Kuznetsov S; Solé RM; Griebner U; Petrov V; Aguiló M; Díaz F; Camy P; Zharikov E; Mateos X
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of Luminescence
País: N/D
Títol: Spectroscopy and efficient laser operation of cleaving Yb: KY(MoO4)2 crystal
Autors: Volokitina A; Loiko P; Pavlyuk A; Serres JM; Slimi S; Salem EB; Kifle E; Griebner U; Petrov V; Wang L; Chen W; Solé RM; Aguiló M; Díaz F; Mateos X
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Optical Materials Express
País: N/D
Títol: Laser operation of cleaved single-crystal plates and films of Tm:KY(MoO4)2
Autors: Volokitina A; Loiko P; Pavlyuk A; Slimi S; Solé RM; Salem EB; Kifle E; Serres JM; Griebner U; Petrov V; Aguiló M; Díaz F; Mateos X
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Optics Express
País: N/D
Títol: Spectroscopy and diode-pumped continuous-wave laser operation of Tm:Y2O3 transparent ceramic at cryogenic temperatures
Autors: Yue, Fangxin; Jambunathan, Venkatesan; Paul David, Samuel; Mateos, Xavier; Aguilo, Magdalena; Diaz, Francesc; Sulc, Jan; Lucianetti, Antonio; Mocek, Tomas
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Applied Physics B-Lasers And Optics
País: N/D
Títol: Spectroscopy and diode-pumped laser operation of transparent Tm:Lu3Al5O12 ceramics produced by solid-state sintering
Autors: Yue, Fangxin; Loiko, Pavel; Chen, Mengting; Maria Serres, Josep; Wang, Yicheng; Li, Jiang; Basyrova, Liza; Dunina, Elena; Kornienko, Alexey; Fomicheva, Liudmila; Dai, Shibo; Chen, Zhenqiang; Eun, Ji; Park, Tae Gwan; Rotermund, Fabian; Jambunathan, Venkatesan; Lucianetti, Antonio; Mocek, Tomas; Aguil, Magdalena; Diaz, Francesc; Griebner, Uwe; Petrov, Valentin; Mateos, Xavier
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Optics Express
País: N/D
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