Resultats - Chemometrics and Sensorics for Analytical Solutions
Chemometrics and Sensorics for Analytical Solutions
Tesis Doctorals Dirigides / Theses |
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
Títol: Simplifying electrochemical sensing: Novel configurations for distributed analysis |
Autor: Clua Estivill, Marc |
Director: Blondeau, Pascal Jean Claude Leon; Andrade, Francisco Javier |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2024 |
País: N/D |
Títol: Evaluation of Beer Sensory Quality and Shelf Life Stability Using Multivariate Analysis Techniques |
Autor: De Lima E Silva, Ana Carolina |
Director: Boqué Martí, Ricard; Aceña Muñoz, Laura; Mestres Solé, Maria Montserrat |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2024 |
País: N/D |
Títol: Determination of diesel properties by infrared spectroscopy and multivariate calibration |
Autor: Rodriguez Barrios, Maria Suliany |
Director: Larrechi García, Maria Soledad; Ferré Baldrich, Joan |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2024 |
País: N/D |
Títol: Development and validaton of multivariate strategies for food quality control |
Autor: Rovira Garrido, Glòria |
Director: Callao Lasmarias, María Pilar; Ruisanchez Capelastegui, María Iciar |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2024 |
País: N/D |
Títol: Novel applications of NIR spectroscopy for the optimization of monogastric animal diets |
Autor: Cruz Conesa, Andrés |
Director: Ferré Baldrich, Joan; Ruisanchez Capelastegui, María Iciar |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2023 |
País: N/D |
Títol: Quantifying variability in grape and wine quality: a multivariate analysis perspective |
Autor: Schorn García, Daniel |
Director: Boqué Martí, Ricard; Giussani, Barbara; Mestres Solé, Maria Montserrat |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2023 |
País: N/D |
Títol: Organic electrochemical devices for decentralized healthcare applications |
Autor: Ait Yazza, Adil |
Director: Blondeau, Pascal Jean Claude Leon; Andrade, Francisco Javier |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2022 |
País: N/D |
Títol: Effect of agronomic and technological factors on the formation of ethyl esters in virgin olive oil in catalonia |
Autor: Abdelaziz Boudebouz |
Director: Ricard Boqué Martí; Agustí Romero Aroca; Montserrat Mestres |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2021 |
País: N/D |
Títol: Importancia de los procesos productivos en la composición química, la estabilidad y las características organolépticas del vino |
Autor: Ana María Mislata |
Director: Raúl Ferrer Gallego; Montserrat Mestres |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2021 |
País: N/D |
Títol: Effect of Agronomic and technological factors on the formation of ethyl esters in virgin olive oil in Cataluña |
Autor: Boudebouz, Abdelaziz |
Director: Boqué Martí, Ricard; Mestres Solé, Maria Montserrat |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2021 |
País: N/D |
Títol: Monitoring wine fermentation using ATR-MIR spectroscopy and chemometric techniques. |
Autor: Cavaglia Pietro, Julieta |
Director: Mestres Solé, Maria Montserrat; Boqué Martí, Ricard |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2021 |
País: N/D |
Títol: Monitoring wine fermentation using atr - mir spectroscopy and chemometric t echniques |
Autor: Julieta Cavaglia Pietro |
Director: Ricard Boqué Martí; Montserrat Mestres |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2021 |
País: N/D |
Títol: Poesia catalana completa de Joaquim Rubió i Ors. Estudi i edició |
Autor: Mestres Emilió, Albert |
Director: Sunyer Molné, Magí |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2021 |
País: N/D |
Títol: Importancia de los procesos productivos en la composición química, la estabilidad y las características organolépticas del vino |
Autor: Mislata Rodríguez, Ana María |
Director: Mestres Solé, Maria Montserrat |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2021 |
País: N/D |
Títol: Development of electrochemical sensors for hydrogen peroxide determination |
Autor: Borras Brull, Marta |
Director: Blondeau, Pascal Jean Claude Leon; Riu Rusell, Jordi |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2020 |
País: N/D |
Publicacions en Revista / Papers |
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
Títol: A highly sensitive ¿-AKBA-Ag-based fluorescent "turn off" chemosensor for rapid detection of abamectin in tomatoes |
Autors: Ahmad, Touqeer; Mabood, Fazal; Sarwar, Rizwana; Khan, Ajmal; Halim, Sobia Ahsan; Rehman, Najeeb Ur; Csuk, Rene; Boque, Ricard; Al-Harrasi, Ahmed |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Green Processing And Synthesis |
País: N/D |
Títol: Exploring the relevance of the type of horizontal separator to optimize the extraction efficacy for the Arbequina variety |
Autors: Boudebouz, Abdelaziz; Hermoso, Juan-F; Marti, Esteve; Ninot, Antonia; Boque, Ricard; Mestres, Montserrat; Acena, Laura; Veneziani, Gianluca; Selvaggini, Roberto; Servili, Maurizio; Romero, Agusti |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Frontiers In Plant Science |
País: N/D |
Títol: Yoghurt standardization using real-time NIR prediction of milk fat and protein content |
Autors: Castro-Reigía, D.; Ezenarro, J.; Azkune, M.; Ayesta, I.; Ostra, M.; Amigo, J.M.; García, I.; Ortiz, M.C. |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Journal Of Food Composition And Analysis |
País: N/D |
Títol: Ion-selective organic electrochemical transistors for the determination of potassium in clinical samples |
Autors: Estivill, MC; Yazza, AA; Blondeau, P; Andrade, FJ |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Sensors And Actuators B-Chemical |
País: N/D |
Títol: Electrochemical Pixels: Semi-open electrochemical cells with a vertically stacked design |
Autors: Estivill, Marc Clua; Baez, Jhonattan F; Blondeau, Pascal; Andrade, Francisco J |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Biosensors & Bioelectronics |
País: N/D |
Títol: Ion-selective organic electrochemical transistors for the determination of potassium in clinical samples |
Autors: Estivill, Marc Clua; Yazza, Adil Ait; Blondeau, Pascal; Andrade, Francisco J |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Sensors And Actuators B-Chemical |
País: N/D |
Títol: ProSpecTool: A MATLAB toolbox for spectral preprocessing selection |
Autors: Ezenarro, J.; Schorn-García, D.; Busto, O.; Boqué, R. |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Chemometrics And Intelligent Laboratory Systems |
País: N/D |
Títol: Measurement errors and implications for preprocessing in miniaturised near-infrared spectrometers: Classification of sweet and bitter almonds as a case of study |
Autors: Ezenarro, Jokin; Riu, Jordi; Ahmed, Hawbeer Jamal; Busto, Olga; Giussani, Barbara; Boque, Ricard |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Talanta |
País: N/D |
Títol: ProSpecTool: A MATLAB toolbox for spectral preprocessing selection |
Autors: Ezenarro, Jokin; Schorn-Garcia, Daniel; Busto, Olga; Boque, Ricard |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Chemometrics And Intelligent Laboratory Systems |
País: N/D |
Títol: Characterisation of Position-Dependant Ripening Dynamics of Nectarines Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and ASCA |
Autors: Ezenarro, Jokin; Schorn-Garcia, Daniel; Palou, Anna; Mestres, Montserrat; Acena, Laura; Abadias, Maribel; Aguilo-Aguayo, Ingrid; Busto, Olga; Boque, Ricard |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Journal Of Chemometrics |
País: N/D |
Títol: Feasibility of Using Secondary Attributes in Sensory Analysis to Characterize Protected Designation of Origin of Olive Oil |
Autors: Garcia-Pizarro, Angel; Romero, Agusti; Marti, Esteve; Hermoso, Juan F; Ninot, Antonia; Acena, Laura; Mestres, Montserrat |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Agronomy-Basel |
País: N/D |
Títol: From spectroscopic data variability to optimal preprocessing: leveraging multivariate error in almond powder adulteration of different grain size. |
Autors: Giussani B; Monti M; Riu J |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Analytical And Bioanalytical Chemistry |
País: N/D |
Títol: Navigating the complexity: Managing multivariate error and uncertainties in spectroscopic data modelling |
Autors: Giussani, Barbara; Gorla, Giulia; Ezenarro, Jokin; Riu, Jordi; Boque, Ricard |
Any: 2024 Clau: Review |
Revista: Trac-Trends In Analytical Chemistry |
País: N/D |
Títol: Navigating the Complexity: Managing Multivariate Error and Uncertainties in Spectroscopic Data Modelling |
Autors: Giussani, Barbara; Gorla, Giulia; Ezenarro, Jokin; Riu, Jordi; Boqué, Ricard |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Trac Trends In Analytical Chemistry |
País: N/D |
Títol: Analytical Chemistry Strategies in the Use of Miniaturised NIR Instruments: An Overview |
Autors: Giussani, Barbara; Gorla, Giulia; Riu, Jordi |
Any: 2024 Clau: Review |
Revista: Critical Reviews In Analytical Chemistry |
País: N/D |
Títol: Influence of the thickness of oak alternatives on the composition and quality of red wines |
Autors: Gombau, Jordi; Sole-Clua, Ignasi; Sabate, Judit; Mena-Morales, Adela; Garcia-Romero, Esteban; Giordanengo, Thomas; Biolou, Thomas; Mourey, Nicolas; Cabanillas, Pedro; Fort, Francesca; Canals, Joan Miquel; Zamora, Fernando |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: European Food Research And Technology |
País: N/D |
Títol: Comparison of ancestral and traditional methods for elaborating sparkling wines |
Autors: Just-Borras, Arnau; Moroz, Ekaterina; Gimenez, Pol; Gombau, Jordi; Ribe, Elisa; Collado, Angels; Cabanillas, Pedro; Marangon, Matteo; Fort, Francesca; Canals, Joan M; Zamora, Fernando |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Current Research In Food Science (Crfs) |
País: N/D |
Títol: Comparison of ancestral and traditional methods for elaborating sparkling wines |
Autors: Just-Borràs A; Moroz E; Giménez P; Gombau J; Ribé E; Collado A; Cabanillas P; Marangon M; Fort F; Canals JM; Zamora F |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Current Research In Food Science (Crfs) |
País: N/D |
Títol: A Rapid Method to Predict Beer Shelf Life Using an MS-Based e-Nose |
Autors: Lima, A.C. de; Aceña, L.; Mestres, M.; Boqué, R. |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Beverages |
País: N/D |
Títol: Energy-Resolved Mass Spectrometry and Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy for Purity Assessment of a Synthetic Peptide Cyclised by Intramolecular Huisgen Click Chemistry. |
Autors: Maroto A; Boqué R; Jeanne Dit Fouque D; Memboeuf A |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Methods And Protocols |
País: N/D |
Títol: Energy-Resolved Mass Spectrometry and Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy for Purity Assessment of a Synthetic Peptide Cyclised by Intramolecular Huisgen Click Chemistry |
Autors: Maroto, Alicia; Boque, Ricard; Fouque, Dany Jeanne Dit; Memboeuf, Antony |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Methods And Protocols |
País: N/D |
Títol: Radiological characterization related to lithology and risk assessment of bottled natural mineral water |
Autors: Martinez, Joana; Penalver, Alejandra; Riu, Jordi; Aguilar, Carme; Borrull, Francesc |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Environmental Monitoring And Assessment |
País: N/D |
Títol: Radiological characterization related to lithology and risk assessment of bottled natural mineral water. |
Autors: Martínez J; Peñalver A; Riu J; Aguilar C; Borrull F |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Environmental Monitoring And Assessment |
País: N/D |
Títol: Exploring New Horizons for Wine Grapes: Modulating Functional Effects by Varying Harvest Timing and Solar Exposure |
Autors: Rico, D.; Schorn-García, D.; Aceña, L.; García-Casas, M.J.; Busto, O.; Boqué, R.; Mestres, M.; Martín-Diana, A.B. |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Foods |
País: N/D |
Títol: Exploring New Horizons for Wine Grapes: Modulating Functional Effects by Varying Harvest Timing and Solar Exposure |
Autors: Rico, Daniel; Schorn-Garcia, Daniel; Acena, Laura; Garcia-Casas, Maria Jesus; Busto, Olga; Boque, Ricard; Mestres, Montserrat; Martin-Diana, Ana Belen |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Foods |
País: N/D |
Títol: Analytical chemistry meets art: The transformative role of chemometrics in cultural heritage preservation |
Autors: Riu J; Giussani B |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Chemometrics And Intelligent Laboratory Systems |
País: N/D |
Títol: Analytical chemistry meets art: The transformative role of chemometrics in cultural heritage preservation |
Autors: Riu, J; Giussani, B |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Chemometrics And Intelligent Laboratory Systems |
País: N/D |
Títol: Applicability domain of a calibration model based on neural networks and infrared spectroscopy |
Autors: Rodriguez-Barrios, M Suliany; Ferre, Joan; Larrechi, M Soledad; Ruiz, Enric |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Chemometrics And Intelligent Laboratory Systems |
País: N/D |
Títol: Comparative analysis of the performance of different approaches for the adaptation of a calibration model for diesel analysis |
Autors: Rodriguez-Barrios, Suliany; Ruiz, Enric; Larrechi, M Soledad; Ferre, Joan |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Infrared Physics & Technology |
País: N/D |
Títol: A New Index to Detect Process Deviations Using IR Spectroscopy and Chemometrics Process Tools |
Autors: Schorn-Garcia, Daniel; Ezenarro, Jokin; Busto, Olga; Acena, Laura; Boque, Ricard; Mestres, Montserrat; Giussani, Barbara |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Food And Bioprocess Technology |
País: N/D |
Títol: Air monitoring with passive samplers for volatile organic compounds in atmospheres close to petrochemical industrial areas. The case study of Tarragona (2019-2021) |
Autors: Vallecillos, Laura; Riu, Jordi; Marce, Rosa Maria; Borrull, Francesc |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Atmospheric Pollution Research |
País: N/D |
Títol: Adaptation of the Folin-Ciocalteu and Fast Blue BB spectrophotometric methods to digital image analysis for the determination of total phenolic content: Reduction of reaction time, interferences and sample analysis |
Autors: Zugazua-Ganado, M.; Bordagay, A.; Ezenarro, J.; García-Arrona, R.; Ostra, M.; Vidal, M. |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Lwt - Food Science And Technology |
País: N/D |
Títol: Multivariate Analysis of the Influence of Microfiltration and Pasteurisation on the Quality of Beer during Its Shelf Life |
Autors: de Lima, AC; Brandao, LR; Botelho, BG; Rosa, CA; Aceña, L; Mestres, M; Boqué, R |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Foods |
País: N/D |
Títol: A Rapid Method to Predict Beer Shelf Life Using an MS-Based e-Nose |
Autors: de Lima, Ana Carolina; Acena, Laura; Mestres, Montserrat; Boque, Ricard |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Beverages |
País: N/D |
Títol: Multivariate Analysis of the Influence of Microfiltration and Pasteurisation on the Quality of Beer during Its Shelf Life |
Autors: de Lima, Ana Carolina; Brandao, Luciana R; Botelho, Bruno G; Rosa, Carlos A; Acena, Laura; Mestres, Montserrat; Boque, Ricard |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Foods |
País: N/D |
Títol: Feasibility of Using Secondary Attributes in Sensory Analysis to Characterize Protected Designation of Origin of Olive Oil |
Autors: Ángel García-Pizarro; A. Romero; Esteve Martí; J.F. Hermoso; A. Ninot; Laura Aceña; Montserrat Mestres |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Agronomy |
País: N/D |
Títol: Rapid detection of pork gelatin in ice cream samples by using non-destructive FT-NIR spectroscopy and Partial least squares-discriminant analysis |
Autors: Alsaqri SN; Mabood F; Boqué R; Jabeen F; Ahmad A; Hussain J; Sohail M; Syed MG; Melhi S; Shahzad A; Khan MN; Al-Amri I; Shah R; Din IU |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Food Chemistry Advances |
País: N/D |
Títol: Rapid detection of pork gelatin in ice cream samples by using non-destructive FT-NIR spectroscopy and Partial least squares-discriminant analysis |
Autors: Alsaqri SN; Mabood F; Boqué R; Jabeen F; Ahmad A; Hussain J; Sohail M; Syed MG; Melhi S; Shahzad A; Khan MN; Al-Amri I; Shah R; Din IU |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Food Chemistry Advances |
País: N/D |
Títol: The potential of the spatially offset Raman spectroscopy (SORS) for implementing rapid and non-invasive in-situ authentication methods of plastic-packaged commodity foods ¿ Application to sliced cheeses |
Autors: Arroyo-Cerezo, Alejandra; Jimenez-Carvelo, Ana M; Gonzalez-Casado, Antonio; Ruisanchez, Itziar; Cuadros-Rodriguez, Luis |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Food Control |
País: N/D |
Títol: P-Stereogenic Ir-MaxPHOX: A Step toward Privileged Catalysts for Asymmetric Hydrogenation of Nonchelating Olefins |
Autors: Biosca M; de la Cruz-Sánchez P; Faiges J; Margalef J; Salomó E; Riera A; Verdaguer X; Ferré J; Maseras F; Besora M; Pàmies O; Diéguez M |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Acs Catalysis |
País: N/D |
Títol: Effect of Hopper Loading on the Formation of Alkyl Alcohols in Olive Fruits and Its Relationship with Sensory Quality Losses of Virgin Olive Oil |
Autors: Boudebouz, Abdelaziz; Romero, Agusti; Hermoso, Juan-F; Boque, Ricard; Mestres, Montserrat |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Foods |
País: N/D |
Títol: Seafood consumption as a source of exposure to high production volume chemicals: A comparison between catalonia and the Canary Islands |
Autors: Castro, Oscar; Borrull, Silvia; Riu, Jordi; Gimeno-Monforte, Sandra; Montesdeoca-Esponda, Sarah; Sosa-Ferrera, Zoraida; Santana-Rodriguez, Jose Juan; Pocurull, Eva; Borrull, Francesc |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Food And Chemical Toxicology |
País: N/D |
Títol: Selection of reference samples for updating multivariate calibration models used in the analysis of pig faeces |
Autors: Cruz-Conesa, Andres; Ferre, Joan; Ruisanchez, Itziar; Perez-Vendrell, Anna M |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Chemometrics And Intelligent Laboratory Systems |
País: N/D |
Títol: Analysing olive ripening with digital image RGB histograms |
Autors: Ezenarro, Jokin; Garcia-Pizarro, Angel; Busto, Olga; de Juan, Anna; Boque, Ricard |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Analytica Chimica Acta |
País: N/D |
Títol: J-Score: A new joint parameter for PLSR model performance evaluation of spectroscopic data |
Autors: Ezenarro, Jokin; Schorn-Garcia, Daniel; Acena, Laura; Mestres, Montserrat; Busto, Olga; Boque, Ricard |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Chemometrics And Intelligent Laboratory Systems |
País: N/D |
Títol: Miniaturized NIR Spectrometers in a Nutshell: Shining Light over Sources of Variance |
Autors: Gorla, Giulia; Taborelli, Paolo; Ahmed, Hawbeer Jamal; Alamprese, Cristina; Grassi, Silvia; Boque, Ricard; Riu, Jordi; Giussani, Barbara |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Chemosensors (Basel) |
País: N/D |
Títol: Miniaturized NIR Spectrometers in a Nutshell: Shining Light over Sources of Variance |
Autors: Gorla, Giulia; Taborelli, Paolo; Ahmed, Hawbeer Jamal; Alamprese, Cristina; Grassi, Silvia; Boqué, Ricard; Riu, Jordi; Giussani, Barbara |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Chemosensors (Basel) |
País: N/D |
Títol: Multicentric and collaborative study of Spanish neurosurgical management of pediatric craniopharyngiomas: |
Autors: Iglesias S; Munarriz PM; Saceda J; Catalán-Uribarrena G; Miranda P; Vidal JM; Fustero D; Giménez-Pando J; Rius F |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Neurocirugia |
País: N/D |
Títol: Data standardization strategy to correct the effect of seasonality in the authentication of virgin olive oil |
Autors: Rovira G; Ruisánchez I; Callao MP |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Microchemical Journal |
País: N/D |
Títol: Data standardization strategy to correct the effect of seasonality in the authentication of virgin olive oil |
Autors: Rovira, Gloria; Ruisanchez, Itziar; Callao, M Pilar |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Microchemical Journal |
País: N/D |
Títol: One-class model with two decision thresholds for the rapid detection of cashew nuts adulteration by other nuts |
Autors: Rovira, Gloria; Whei Miaw, Carolina Sheng; Campos Martins, Mario Lucio; Sena, Marcelo Martins; Carvalho de Souza, Scheilla Vitorino; Callao, M Pilar; Ruisanchez, Itziar |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Talanta |
País: N/D |
Títol: Spatially Offset Raman Spectroscopic (SORS) Analysis of Wine Alcoholic Fermentation: A Preliminary Study |
Autors: Schorn-Garcia, Daniel; Ezenarro, Jokin; Acena, Laura; Busto, Olga; Boque, Ricard; Giussani, Barbara; Mestres, Montserrat |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Fermentation |
País: N/D |
Títol: Methodologies based on ASCA to elucidate the influence of a subprocess: Vinification as a case of study |
Autors: Schorn-Garcia, Daniel; Giussani, Barbara; Busto, Olga; Acena, Laura; Mestres, Montserrat; Boque, Ricard |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Journal Of Chemometrics |
País: N/D |
Títol: Assessment of Variability Sources in Grape Ripening Parameters by Using FTIR and Multivariate Modelling |
Autors: Schorn-Garcia, Daniel; Giussani, Barbara; Garcia-Casas, Maria Jesus; Rico, Daniel; Martin-Diana, Ana Belen; Acena, Laura; Busto, Olga; Boque, Ricard; Mestres, Montserrat |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Foods |
País: N/D |
Títol: A New Index to Detect Process Deviations Using IR Spectroscopy and Chemometrics Process Tools |
Autors: Schorn-García D; Ezenarro J; Busto O; Aceña L; Boqué R; Mestres M; Giussani B |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Food And Bioprocess Technology |
País: N/D |
Títol: Assessment of Variability Sources in Grape Ripening Parameters by Using FTIR and Multivariate Modelling |
Autors: Schorn-García, Daniel; Giussani, Barbara; García-Casas, María Jesús; Rico, Daniel; Martin-Diana, Ana Belén; Aceña, Laura; Busto, Olga; Boqué, Ricard; Mestres, Montserrat |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Foods |
País: N/D |
Títol: Monitoring the Evolution of the Aroma Profile of Lager Beer in Aluminium Cans and Glass Bottles during the Natural Ageing Process by Means of HS-SPME/GC-MS and Multivariate Analysis |
Autors: de Lima, Ana Carolina; Acena, Laura; Mestres, Montserrat; Boque, Ricard |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Molecules |
País: N/D |
Títol: Combining computer vision and deep learning to classify varieties of Prunus dulcis for the nursery plant industry |
Autors: Borraz-Martinez, Sergio; Simo, Joan; Gras, Anna; Mestre, Mariangela; Boque, Ricard; Tarres, Francesc |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Journal Of Chemometrics |
País: N/D |
Títol: Varietal quality control in the nursery plant industry using computer vision and deep learning techniques |
Autors: Borraz-Martinez, Sergio; Tarres, Francesc; Boque, Ricard; Mestre, Mariangela; Simo, Joan; Gras, Anna |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Journal Of Chemometrics |
País: N/D |
Títol: An Overview of the Application of Multivariate Analysis to the Evaluation of Beer Sensory Quality and Shelf-Life Stability |
Autors: Carolina de Lima, Ana; Acena, Laura; Mestres, Montserrat; Boque, Ricard |
Any: 2022 Clau: Review |
Revista: Foods |
País: N/D |
Títol: Detection of bacterial spoilage during wine alcoholic fermentation using ATR-MIR and MCR-ALS |
Autors: Cavaglia, Julieta; Garcia, Silvia Mas; Roger, Jean-Michel; Mestres, Montserrat; Boqué, Ricard |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Food Control |
País: N/D |
Títol: Potentiometric detection of creatinine in the presence of nicotine: Molecular recognition, sensing and quantification through multivariate regression |
Autors: Corba, Alessandro; Sierra, Andres F; Blondeau, Pascal; Giussani, Barbara; Riu, Jordi; Ballester, Pablo; Andrade, Francisco J |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Talanta |
País: N/D |
Títol: Use of visible-near infrared spectroscopy to predict nutrient composition of poultry excreta |
Autors: Cruz-Conesa, Andres; Ferre, Joan; Perez-Vendrell, Anna M; Callao, M Pilar; Ruisanchez, Itziar |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Animal Feed Science And Technology |
País: N/D |
Títol: Selection of reference samples for updating multivariate calibration models used in the analysis of pig faeces |
Autors: Cruz-Conesa, Andrés; Ferré, Joan; Ruisánchez, Itziar; Pérez-Vendrell, Anna M. |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Chemometrics And Intelligent Laboratory Systems |
País: N/D |
Títol: Controlled One-pot Synthesis of PdAg Nanoparticles and Their Application in the Semi-hydrogenation of Acetylene in Ethylene-rich Mixtures |
Autors: Delgado, Jorge A; Benkirane, Olivia; Lachaux, Suzanne; Claver, Carmen; Ferre, Joan; Curulla-Ferre, Daniel; Godard, Cyril |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Chemnanomat |
País: N/D |
Títol: Unravelling error sources in miniaturized NIR spectroscopic measurements: The case study of forages |
Autors: Gorla G; Taiana A; Boqué R; Bani P; Gachiuta O; Giussani B |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Analytica Chimica Acta |
País: N/D |
Títol: Complexed Biopolymer of Whey Protein and Carboxymethyl Cellulose to Enhance the Chemical Stability of Lemon Oil-in-Water Emulsions |
Autors: Kaade, Wael; Mendez-Sanchez, Carmen; Guell, Carme; De Lamo-Castellvi, Silvia; Mestres, Monsterrat; Ferrando, Montse |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Acs Food Science And Technology |
País: N/D |
Títol: Complexed Biopolymer of Whey Protein and Carboxymethyl Cellulose to Enhance the Chemical Stability of Lemon Oil-in-Water Emulsions |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: N/D |
País: N/D |
Títol: Influence of different types of LEDs lights on the formation of volatile sulfur compounds in white and rosé wines |
Autors: Mislata, A M; Puxeu, M; Nadal, M; de Lamo, S; Mestres, M; Ferrer-Gallego, R |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Food Chemistry |
País: N/D |
Títol: Exploring the Analytical Complexities in Insect Powder Analysis Using Miniaturized NIR Spectroscopy |
Autors: Riu, Jordi; Vega, Alba; Boque, Ricard; Giussani, Barbara |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Foods |
País: N/D |
Títol: In-depth chemometric strategy to detect up to four adulterants in cashew nuts by IR spectroscopic techniques |
Autors: Rovira, Gloria; Miaw, Carolina Sheng Whei; Martins, Mario Lucio Campos; Sena, Marcelo Martins; de Souza, Scheilla Vitorino Carvalho; Ruisanchez, Itziar; Callao, M Pilar |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Microchemical Journal |
País: N/D |
Títol: Multivariate qualitative methodology for semi-quantitative information. A case study: Adulteration of olive oil with sunflower oil |
Autors: Ruisanchez, Itziar; Rovira, Gloria; Callao, M Pilar |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Analytica Chimica Acta |
País: N/D |
Títol: Simple Approach for Building High Transconductance Paper-Based Organic Electrochemical Transistor (OECT) for Chemical Sensing |
Autors: Ait Yazza, Adil; Blondeau, Pascal; Andrade, Francisco J |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Acs Applied Electronic Materials |
País: N/D |
Títol: Use of visible-near infrared spectroscopy to predict nutrient composition of poultry excreta |
Autors: Andrés Cruz-Conesa; Joan Ferré;Anna M. Pérez-Vendrell; M. Pilar Callao; Itziar Ruisánchez |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Animal Feed Science And Technology |
País: N/D |
Títol: Acid number, viscosity and end-point detection in a multiphase high temperature polymerisation process using an online miniaturised MEMS Fabry-Pérot interferometer |
Autors: Avila, Claudio; Mantzaridis, Christos; Ferre, Joan; Rocha de Oliveira, Rodrigo; Kantojarvi, Uula; Rissanen, Anna; Krassa, Poppy; de Juan, Anna; Muller, Frans L; Hunter, Timothy N; Bourne, Richard A |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Talanta |
País: N/D |
Títol: Characterization and Validation of a Platinum Paper-based Potentiometric Sensor for Glucose Detection in Saliva |
Autors: Borras-Brull, Marta; Blondeau, Pascal; Riu, Jordi |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Electroanalysis |
País: N/D |
Títol: The Use of Conducting Polymers for Enhanced Electrochemical Determination of Hydrogen Peroxide |
Autors: Borras-Brull, Marta; Blondeau, Pascal; Riu, Jordi |
Any: 2021 Clau: Review |
Revista: Critical Reviews In Analytical Chemistry |
País: N/D |
Títol: Processing factors that affect the balance of alcohols and alkyl esters during ¿Arbequina¿ olive oil production: Separation and clarification steps |
Autors: Boudebouz, Abdelaziz; Romero, Agusti; Hermoso, Juan F; Boque, Ricard; Mestres, Montserrat |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Lwt-Food Science And Technology |
País: N/D |
Títol: A Paper-Based Potentiometric Platform for Determination of Water Hardness |
Autors: Bouhoun, Mohammed L; Blondeau, Pascal; Louafi, Yamina; Andrade, Francisco J |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Chemosensors (Basel) |
País: N/D |
Títol: Paper-based Potentiometric Biosensor for Monitoring Galactose in Whole Blood |
Autors: Bouri, Mohamed; Zuaznabar-Gardona, Julio C; Novell, Marta; Blondeau, Pascal; Andrade, Francisco J |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Electroanalysis |
País: N/D |
Títol: Chemometric strategies for authenticating extra virgin olive oils from two geographically adjacent Catalan protected designations of origin |
Autors: Fort, Aina; Ruisanchez, Itziar; Pilar Callao, M |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Microchemical Journal |
País: N/D |
Títol: Spectroscopic fingerprinting and chemometrics for the discrimination of Italian Emmer landraces |
Autors: Foschi, Martina; Biancolillo, Alessandra; Vellozzi, Simona; Marini, Federico; D'Archivio, Angelo Antonio; Boque, Ricard; |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Chemometrics And Intelligent Laboratory Systems |
País: N/D |
Títol: Measurement Strategies for the Classification of Edible Oils Using Low-Cost Miniaturised Portable NIR Instruments |
Autors: Giussani, Barbara; Escalante-Quiceno, Alix Tatiana; Boque, Ricard; Riu, Jordi |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Foods |
País: N/D |
Títol: Direct analysis of Volumetric Absorptive Micro Sampling (VAMS) devices by ATR-FT-MIR and chemometric analysis: A new challenge |
Autors: Gorla, Giulia; Pasamontes, Alberto; Rampazzi, Laura; Riu, Jordi; Giussani, Barbara |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Microchemical Journal |
País: N/D |
Títol: Fabrication and modification of homemade paper-based electrode systems |
Autors: Khan, M Azizur R; Vieira, Catarina A C; Riu, Jordi; Sales, M Goreti F |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Talanta |
País: N/D |
Títol: Effect of the addition of non-Saccharomyces at first alcoholic fermentation on the enological characteristics of cava wines |
Autors: Mislata, Ana Maria; Puxeu, Miquel; Andorra, Immaculada; Espligares, Noelia; de Lamo, Sergi; Mestres, Montserrat; Ferrer-Gallego, Raul |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Fermentation |
País: N/D |
Títol: ROC curves for the optimization of one-class model parameters. A case study: Authenticating extra virgin olive oil from a Catalan protected designation of origin |
Autors: Ruisanchez, Itziar; Jimenez-Carvelo, Ana M; Pilar Callao, M |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Talanta |
País: N/D |
Títol: ROC curves for the optimization of one-class model parameters. A case study: Authenticating extra virgin olive oil from a Catalan protected designation of origin |
Autors: Ruisánchez I; Jiménez-Carvelo AM; Callao MP |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Talanta |
País: N/D |
Títol: ATR-MIR spectroscopy as a process analytical technology in wine alcoholic fermentation ¿ A tutorial |
Autors: Schorn-Garcia, Daniel; Cavaglia, Julieta; Giussani, Barbara; Busto, Olga; Acena, Laura; Mestres, Montserrat; Boque, Ricard |
Any: 2021 Clau: Review |
Revista: Microchemical Journal |
País: N/D |
Títol: Thread based microfluidic platform for urinary creatinine analysis |
Autors: Arroyo, Manuel J; Erenas, Miguel M; de Orbe-Paya, Ignacio; Cantrell, Kevin; Dobado, Jose A; Ballester, Pablo; Blondeau, Pascal; Salinas-Castillo, Alfonso; Fermin Capitan-Vallvey, Luis |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Sensors And Actuators B-Chemical |
País: N/D |
Títol: Synthesis of sensitive novel dual Signaling pyridopyrimidine-based fluorescent "turn off" chemosensors for anions determination |
Autors: Ashraf, Abida; Khizar, Misbah; Islam, Muhammad; Hameed, Abdul; Moin, Syed Tarique; Yaqub, Muhammad; Rauf, Waqar; Naseer, Muhammad Moazzam; Ahsan, Muhammad Tayyeb; Shafiq, Zahid; Hussain, Javid; Al-Harrasi, Ahmed; Boque, Ricard; Jabeen, Farah; Mabood, Fazal; |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Measurement |
País: N/D |
Títol: Process Monitoring of Moisture Content and Mass Transfer Rate in a Fluidised Bed with a Low Cost Inline MEMS NIR Sensor |
Autors: Avila, Claudio R; Ferre, Joan; de Oliveira, Rodrigo Rocha; de Juan, Anna; Sinclair, Wayne E; Mahdi, Faiz M; Hassanpour, Ali; Hunter, Timothy N; Bourne, Richard A; Muller, Frans L |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Pharmaceutical Research |
País: N/D |
Títol: Controlling the mixed potential of polyelectrolyte-coated platinum electrodes for the potentiometric detection of hydrogen peroxide |
Autors: Baez, Jhonattan F; Compton, Matthew; Chahrati, Sylviane; Canovas, Rocio; Blondeau, Pascal; Andrade, Francisco J |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Analytica Chimica Acta |
País: N/D |
Títol: Varietal quality control in the nursery plant industry using computer vision and deep learning techniques |
Autors: Borraz-MartÃnez S; Tarrés F; Boqué R; Mestre M; Simó J; Gras A |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Journal Of Chemometrics |
País: N/D |
Títol: Eye Socket Regeneration and Reconstruction |
Autors: Borrelli, M.; Geerling, G.; Spaniol, K.; Witt, J.; |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Current Eye Research |
País: N/D |
Títol: Quantitation of endogenous amount of ethanol, methanol and acetaldehyde in ripe fruits of different Spanish olive varieties |
Autors: Boudebouz, Abdelaziz; Romero, Agusti; Boque, Ricard; Acena, Laura; Busto, Olga; Mestres, Montserrat |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Journal Of The Science Of Food And Agriculture |
País: N/D |
Títol: Modulating the mixed potential for developing biosensors: Direct potentiometric determination of glucose in whole, undiluted blood |
Autors: Canovas, Rocio; Blondeau, Pascal; Andrade, Francisco J |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Biosensors & Bioelectronics |
País: N/D |
Títol: ATR-MIR spectroscopy and multivariate analysis in alcoholic fermentation monitoring and lactic acid bacteria spoilage detection |
Autors: Cavaglia, Julieta; Schorn-Garcia, Daniel; Giussani, Barbara; Ferre, Joan; Busto, Olga; Acena, Laura; Mestres, Montserrat; Boque, Ricard |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Food Control |
País: N/D |
Títol: Monitoring wine fermentation deviations using an ATR-MIR spectrometer and MSPC charts |
Autors: Cavaglia, Julieta; Schorn-Garcia, Daniel; Giussani, Barbara; Ferre, Joan; Busto, Olga; Acena, Laura; Mestres, Montserrat; Boque, Ricard |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Chemometrics And Intelligent Laboratory Systems |
País: N/D |
Títol: ATR-MIR spectroscopy to predict commercial milk major components: A comparison between a handheld and a benchtop instrument |
Autors: Gorla, Giulia; Mestres, Montserrat; Boque, Ricard; Riu, Jordi; Spanu, Davide; Giussani, Barbara |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Chemometrics And Intelligent Laboratory Systems |
País: N/D |
Títol: Fast detection and quantification of pork meat in other meats by reflectance FT-NIR spectroscopy and multivariate analysis |
Autors: Mabood F; Boqué R; Alkindi AY; Al-Harrasi A; Al Amri IS; Boukra S; Jabeen F; Hussain J; Abbas G; Naureen Z; Haq QMI; Shah HH; Khan A; Khalaf SK; Kadim I |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Meat Science |
País: N/D |
Títol: Robust Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy coupled with multivariate methods for detection and quantification of urea adulteration in fresh milk samples |
Autors: Mabood, Fazal; Ali, Liaqat; Boque, Ricard; Abbas, Ghulam; Jabeen, Farah; Haq, Quazi Mohammad Imranul; Hussain, Javid; Hamaed, Ahmed Moahammed; Naureen, Zakira; Al-Nabhani, Mahmood; Khan, Mohammed Ziauddin; Khan, Ajmal; Al-Harrasi, Ahmed; |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Food Science & Nutrition |
País: N/D |
Títol: Comparison of Different Multivariate Classification Methods for the Detection of Adulterations in Grape Nectars by Using Low-Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance |
Autors: Miaw, Carolina Sheng Whei; Santos, Poliana Macedo; Silva, Alessandro Rangel Carolino Sales; Gozzi, Aline; Guimaraes, Nilson Cesar Castanheira; Callao, Maria Pilar; Ruisanchez, Itziar; Sena, Marcelo Martins; De Souza, Scheilla Vitorino Carvalho |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Food Analytical Methods |
País: N/D |
Títol: Electrochemical biosensors for the detection of pathogenic bacteria in food |
Autors: Riu, Jordi; Giussani, Barbara |
Any: 2020 Clau: Review |
Revista: Trac-Trends In Analytical Chemistry |
País: N/D |
Títol: Rapid Analysis of Milk Using Low-Cost Pocket-Size NIR Spectrometers and Multivariate Analysis |
Autors: Riu, Jordi; Gorla, Giulia; Chakif, Dib; Boque, Ricard; Giussani, Barbara |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Foods |
País: N/D |
Títol: Estimating sensory properties with near-infrared spectroscopy: A tool for quality control and breeding of 'Calçots' (Allium cepa L.) |
Autors: Sans, Silvia; Ferre, Joan; Boque, Ricard; Sabate, Jose; Casals, Joan; Simo, Joan |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Agronomy-Basel |
País: N/D |
Títol: FT-NIRS Coupled with PLS Regression as a Complement to HPLC Routine Analysis of Caffeine in Tea Samples |
Autors: Ur Rehman N; Al-Harrasi A; Boqué R; Mabood F; Al-Broumi M; Hussain J; Alameri S |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Foods |
País: N/D |
Llibres / Books |
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
Capítols de Llibre / Book chapters |
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
Títol: The Light Struck Taste of Wines |
Autors: Ana María Mislata; Miquel Puxeu; Montserrat Mestres; Raúl Ferrer Gallego |
Any: 2022 Clau: Book Chapters |
Títol: The Light Struck Taste of Wines |
Autors: Ana María Mislata; Miquel Puxeu; Montserrat Mestres; Raúl Ferrer-Gallego |
Any: 2022 Clau: Book Chapters |
Títol: Monitorización in-line de la fermentación alcohólica mediante un espectrofotómetro Raman portátil |
Autors: Schorn García, Daniel; Mestres Solé, Montserrat; Aceña Muñoz, Laura; Giussani, Barbara; Boqué Martí, Ricard; Busto Busto, Olga |
Any: 2022 Clau: Book Chapters |
Títol: 3.20 - Regression Diagnostics |
Autors: Baldrich JF |
Any: 2020 Clau: Book Chapters |
Títol: 2.13 - Multiway Data Analysis: Eigenvector-Based Methods |
Autors: Ferré J; Boqué R; Faber NM |
Any: 2020 Clau: Book Chapters |
Títol: Regression diagnostics |
Autors: J Ferré |
Any: 2020 Clau: Book Chapters |
Títol: Multiway Data Analysis: Eigenvector-Based Methods |
Autors: J Ferré, R Boqué, NM Faber |
Any: 2020 Clau: Book Chapters |
Altres Documents / Other documents |
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
Patents Sol.licitades / Patents |
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
Congressos / Conferences |
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
Autor/a: Daniel Schorn-García, Jokin Ezenarro, Daniel Rico, Olga Busto, Laura Aceña, Ricard Boqué, Ana Belén Martín-Diana, Montserrat Mestres |
Títol: Modulación de la capacidad antioxidante de subproductos de la uva |
Congrés/acte: N/D |
Congrés/acte: Poster |
Any: 2024 |
Autor/a: Daniel Schorn-García, Jokin Ezenarro, Olga Busto, Laura Aceña, Ricard Boqué, Barbara Giussani, Montserrat Mestres |
Títol: Desarrollo de un indicador para el control eficaz del proceso de la fermentación alcohólica a tiempo real |
Congrés/acte: N/D |
Congrés/acte: Poster |
Any: 2024 |
Autor/a: Jokin Ezenarro; Ines Saouabi; Ángel García-Pizarro; Daniel Schorn-García; Laura Aceña; Montserrat Mestres; Olga Busto; Ricard Boqué |
Títol: Non-destructive analysis of hazelnut oxidation in different environment plastic packaging using near-infrared hyperspectral imaging (NIR-HSI) |
Congrés/acte: N/D |
Congrés/acte: Poster |
Any: 2024 |
Autor/a: Ricard Boqué; Daniel Schorn-García; Jokin Ezenarro; Barbara Giussani; Laura Aceña; Olga Busto; Montse Mestres |
Títol: Optimizing winemaking with chemometrics and spectroscopy |
Congrés/acte: N/D |
Congrés/acte: Poster |
Any: 2024 |
Autor/a: Ángel García-Pizarro, Daniel Schorn-García, Jokin Ezenarro, Agustí Romero, Laura Aceña, Montserrat Mestres |
Títol: ¿Es verde-maduro, maduro-verde o existe alguna otra consideración en el frutado del AOVE? |
Congrés/acte: N/D |
Congrés/acte: Speaker |
Any: 2024 |
Autor/a: Daniel Schorn García; Jokin Ezenarro; Olga Busto; Laura Aceña; Ricard Boqué; Montserrat Mestres; Barbara Giussani |
Títol: A new dissimilarity index approach as a process control tool to detect deviations in alcoholic fermentation |
Congrés/acte: N/D |
Congrés/acte: Speaker |
Any: 2023 |
Autor/a: Daniel Schorn-García; Jokin Ezenarro; Barbara Giussani; Laura Aceña; Olga Busto; Montserrat Mestres; Ricard Boqué |
Títol: Vinification study using spectroscopy: set-up and variability sources |
Congrés/acte: N/D |
Congrés/acte: Paper |
Any: 2023 |
Autor/a: Daniel Schorn-García; Jokin Ezenarro; Barbara Giussani; Laura Aceña; Olga Busto; Montserrat Mestres; Ricard Boqué |
Títol: Vinification study using spectroscopy: set-up and variability sources |
Congrés/acte: N/D |
Congrés/acte: Speaker |
Any: 2023 |
Autor/a: Jokin Ezenarro; Daniel Schorn-García; Laura Aceña; Montserrat Mestres; Olga Busto; Ricard Boqué |
Títol: J-Score: a new joint parameter for PLSR model performance evaluation of spectroscopic data |
Congrés/acte: N/D |
Congrés/acte: Poster |
Any: 2023 |
Autor/a: Jokin Ezenarro; Daniel Schorn-García; Laura Aceña; Montserrat Mestres; Olga Busto; Ricard Boqué |
Títol: Studying nectarine ripening with near infrared spectroscopy |
Congrés/acte: N/D |
Congrés/acte: Poster |
Any: 2023 |
Autor/a: Jokin Ezenarro; Daniel Schorn-García; Laura Aceña; Montserrat Mestres; Olga Busto; Ricard Boqué |
Títol: expertPLS: a MATLAB toolbox for spectral preprocessing selection |
Congrés/acte: N/D |
Congrés/acte: Poster |
Any: 2023 |
Autor/a: Jordi Riu, Ariadna Dasca, Pascal Blondeau, Francisco J. Andrade |
Títol: Paper-based organic electrochemical transistor array for multi-analyte detection |
Congrés/acte: N/D |
Congrés/acte: Speaker |
Any: 2023 |
Autor/a: Jordi Riu, Somaya Ouzakar, Barbara Giussani |
Congrés/acte: N/D |
Congrés/acte: Speaker |
Any: 2023 |
Autor/a: N/D |
Títol: A new dissimilarity index approach as a process control tool to detect deviations in alcoholic fermentation |
Congrés/acte: N/D |
Congrés/acte: Speaker |
Any: 2023 |
Autor/a: Ana Carolina de Lima, Laura Aceña Muñoz, Montserrat Mestres Solé, Ricard Boqué Martí |
Títol: Prediction of beer shelf-life using an HS-MS e-nose |
Congrés/acte: N/D |
Congrés/acte: Poster |
Any: 2022 |
Autor/a: Daniel Schorn García, Barbara Giussani, Olga Busto Busto, Laura Aceña Muñoz, Ricard Boqué, Montserrat Mestres Solé |
Títol: Study of grape-ripening process variability using mid-infrared spectroscopy |
Congrés/acte: N/D |
Congrés/acte: Speaker |
Any: 2022 |
Autor/a: Daniel Schorn García, Jokin Ezenarro Gárate, Montserrat Mestres Solé, Laura Aceña Muñoz, Olga Busto Busto, Barbara Giussani, Ricard Boqué Martí |
Títol: Acetic or lactic bacteria contamination? ASCA has the answer |
Congrés/acte: N/D |
Congrés/acte: Poster |
Any: 2022 |
Autor/a: Daniel Schorn García, Montserrat Mestres Solé, Laura Aceña Muñoz, Barbara Guissani, Ricard Boqué, Olga Busto Busto |
Títol: Monitorización in-line de la fermentación alcohólica mediante un espectrofotómetro raman portátil |
Congrés/acte: N/D |
Congrés/acte: Speaker |
Any: 2022 |
Títol: Evaluación de las competencias transversales de los graduados en Ingeniería Química e Ingeniería de Bioprocesos Alimentarios: Plan piloto para inferir el nivel alcanzado en el grado a partir de los resultados obtenidos en cuatro asignaturas |
Congrés/acte: Vi Congreso De Innovación Docente En Ingeniería Química |
Congrés/acte: Speaker |
Any: 2022 |
Autor/a: Jokin Ezenarro Gárate, Ángel García Pizarro, Daniel Schorn García, Montserrat Mestres Solé, Laura Aceña Muñoz, Olga Busto Busto, Ricard Boqué Martí |
Títol: Olive ripening assessment methodologies using digital image analysis |
Congrés/acte: N/D |
Congrés/acte: Poster |
Any: 2022 |
Autor/a: Jordi Riu, Hawbeer Jamal Ahmed, Ricard Boqué, Barbara Giussani |
Títol: Classification of bitter and sweet almonds using NIR miniaturized instruments |
Congrés/acte: N/D |
Congrés/acte: Speaker |
Any: 2022 |
Autor/a: Montse Ferrando, Josep Font, Ioanis Katakis, Laura Aceña, Joan Herrero, Carme Güell, Jordi Gavaldà, Sílvia de Lamo |
Títol: Evaluación de las competencias transversales de los graduados en Ingeniería Química e Ingeniería de Bioprocesos Alimentarios: Plan piloto para inferir el nivel alcanzado en el grado a partir de los resultados obtenidos en cuatro asignaturas |
Congrés/acte: N/D |
Congrés/acte: Speaker |
Any: 2022 |
Autor/a: Ángel García Pizarro, Laura Aceña Muñoz, Montserrat Mestres Solé, Agustí Romero Aroca |
Títol: Identification of volatiles responsible for typical aroma descriptors of the Catalan extra virgin olive oil PDOs |
Congrés/acte: N/D |
Congrés/acte: Poster |
Any: 2022 |
Autor/a: A. Cruz-Conesa, I. Ruisánchez, M. P. Callao, A. M. Pérez-Vendrell, J. Ferré |
Títol: Use of Vis-NIR spectroscopy to predict nutrient composition of poultry excreta |
Congrés/acte: N/D |
Congrés/acte: Speaker |
Any: 2021 |
Autor/a: A. Cruz-Conesa, J. Ferré, M. P. Callao, A. M. Pérez-Vendrell, I. Ruisánchez |
Títol: Simultaneous updating of NIR calibration models to predict protein, gross energy, fat and fibre in pig feces using a sample selection algorithm based on D-optimal criterion |
Congrés/acte: N/D |
Congrés/acte: Speaker |
Any: 2021 |
Autor/a: Andres Cruz-Conesa, Joan Ferré*, M. Pilar Callao, Anna M. Pérez-Vendrell and Itziar Ruisánchez |
Títol: Simultaneous updating of NIR calibration models to predict protein, gross energy, fat and fibre in pig feces using a sample selection algorithm based on D-optimal criterion |
Congrés/acte: N/D |
Congrés/acte: Poster |
Any: 2021 |
Autor/a: Andrés Cruz-Conesa, Itziar Ruisánchez, M. Pilar Callao, Anna M. Pérez-Vendrell* and Joan Ferré |
Títol: Use of Vis-NIR spectroscopy to predict nutrient composition of poultry excreta |
Congrés/acte: N/D |
Congrés/acte: Poster |
Any: 2021 |
Autor/a: Daniel Schorn-García; Barbara Giussan; Ricard Boqué; Olga Busto; Laura Aceña; Montserrat Mestres |
Títol: Development of multivariate models to monitor and control grape quality and wine production |
Congrés/acte: N/D |
Congrés/acte: Poster |
Any: 2021 |
Autor/a: Daniel Schorn-García; Barbara Giussani, Ricard Boqué, Laura Aceña. Montserrat Mestres |
Títol: Development of multivariate models to monitor and control grape and wine production |
Congrés/acte: N/D |
Congrés/acte: Poster |
Any: 2021 |
Autor/a: Daniel Schorn-García; Montserrat Mestres; Laura Aceña; Barbara Giussani; Ricard Boqué; Olga Busto |
Títol: Desarrollo de modelos multivariantes para el control de la producción vitivinícola |
Congrés/acte: N/D |
Congrés/acte: Speaker |
Any: 2021 |
Autor/a: Julieta Cavaglia; Daniel Schorn-García; Barbara Giussani; Montserrat Mestres; Laura Aceña; Ricard Boqué; Olga Busto |
Títol: Técnicas analíticas de proceso (PAT) para el control de la producción vinícola |
Congrés/acte: N/D |
Congrés/acte: Speaker |
Any: 2021 |
Autor/a: M. Suliany Rodríguez-Barrios, Montserrat Montragull, Enric Ruiz, M. Soledad Larrechi and Joan Ferré |
Títol: Evidencing the importance of preprocessing NIR spectra to determine the physicochemical properties of diesel using chemometric strategies |
Congrés/acte: N/D |
Congrés/acte: Poster |
Any: 2021 |
Autor/a: Olga Busto; Laura Aceña; Montserrat Mestres |
Títol: Caracterización aromática, establecimiento de la calidad y autentificación de alimentos típicos de la dieta mediterránea |
Congrés/acte: N/D |
Congrés/acte: Speaker |
Any: 2021 |
Autor/a: Julieta Cavaglia; Daniel Schorn-García; Barbara Giussani; Olga Busto; Laura Aceña; Joan Ferré; Montserrat Mestres; Ricard Boqué |
Títol: Application of ATR-MIR and chemometrics for the early detection of deviations during the wine alcoholic fermentation process |
Congrés/acte: N/D |
Congrés/acte: Speaker |
Any: 2020 |