Resultats - Unitat de Recerca de Lípids i Arteriosclerosi
Unitat de Recerca de Lípids i Arteriosclerosi
Tesis Doctorals Dirigides / Theses |
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
Títol: Efectos del láser mixto de longitudes de onda 10600 NM (CO2) + (ER:GLASS) en el síndrome genitourinario de la menopausia |
Autor: Salinas Peña, Juan Raul |
Director: Cavalle Busquets, Pere; Solà Alberich, Rosa Maria |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2024 |
País: N/D |
Títol: Efectivitat d'una estratègia motivacional contra el tabaquisme, basada en l'ús de la informació obtinguda en una espirometria realitzada a l'Atenció Primària: l'estudi RESET |
Autor: Santigosa Ayala, Antoni |
Director: Martín Lujan, Francisco Manuel; Solà Alberich, Rosa Maria |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2024 |
País: N/D |
Títol: Noves perspectives en la valoració dels paràmetres de la sarcopènia i el seu tractament. Relació i/o efectes de la dieta i els factors socioeconòmics, ús de la ciència participativa i propostes de millora en la precisió del diagnòstic |
Autor: Besora Moreno, Maria De La Serra |
Director: Valls Zamora, Rosa Maria; Llauradó Ribé, Elisabet; Solà Alberich, Rosa Maria |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2024 |
País: N/D |
Títol: Noves perspectives en la valoració dels paràmetres de la sarcopènia i el seu tractament. Relació i/o efectes de la dieta i els factors socioeconòmics, ús de la ciència participativa i propostes de millora en la precisió del diagnòstic |
Autor: Besora Moreno, Maria De La Serra |
Director: Valls Zamora, Rosa Maria; Llauradó Ribé, Elisabet; Solà Alberich, Rosa Maria |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2024 |
País: N/D |
Títol: Dilatació aòrtica a la valvulopatia aòrtica bicúspide: aprofundint en la fisiopatologia a la cerca de biomarcadors |
Autor: Faiges Borràs, Marta Jesús |
Director: Ribalta Vives, Josep; Alegret Colomé, Josep Maria |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2023 |
País: N/D |
Títol: Estudio de las características propias de la retinopatía diabética en los pacientes con diabetes mellitus 1 de nuestra población. |
Autor: Navarro Gil, Raúl |
Director: Moreno Ribas, Antonio; Castro Salomó, Antoni; Feliu Rovira, Albert; Romero Aroca, Pedro |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2023 |
País: N/D |
Títol: Lipidomics by 1H-NMR of non-LDL atherogenic lipoproteins in patients with dyslipidemia. Impact on vascular and metabolic complications |
Autor: Moreno Vedia, Juan |
Director: Ibarretxe Gerediaga, Daiana; Masana Marín, Luis; Girona Tell, Josefa |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2023 |
País: N/D |
Títol: Lipidomics by 1H-NMR of non-LDL atherogenic lipoproteins in patients with dyslipidemia. Impact on vascular and metabolic complications |
Autor: Moreno Vedia, Juan |
Director: Ibarretxe Gerediaga, Daiana; Masana Marín, Luis; Girona Tell, Josefa |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2023 |
País: N/D |
Títol: Lipidomics by 1H-NMR of non-LDL atherogenic lipoproteins in patients with dyslipidemia. Impact on vascular and metabolic complications |
Autor: Moreno Vedia, Juan |
Director: Ibarretxe Gerediaga, Daiana; Masana Marín, Luis; Girona Tell, Josefa |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2023 |
País: N/D |
Títol: Lipidomics by 1H-NMR of non-LDL atherogenic lipoproteins in patients with dyslipidemia. Impact on vascular and metabolic complications |
Autor: Moreno Vedia, Juan |
Director: Ibarretxe Gerediaga, Daiana; Masana Marín, Luis; Girona Tell, Josefa |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2023 |
País: N/D |
Títol: Identification of novel early biomarkers of cardiovascular disease risk and their relationships with bioactive dietary compounds: metabolomic and gut metagenomic approaches |
Autor: Calderon Pérez, Lorena |
Director: Pedret Figuerola, Anna; Valls Zamora, Rosa Maria |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2022 |
País: N/D |
Títol: Identification of novel early biomarkers of cardiovascular disease risk and their relationships with bioactive dietary compounds: metabolomic and gut metagenomic approaches |
Autor: Calderon Pérez, Lorena |
Director: Pedret Figuerola, Anna; Valls Zamora, Rosa Maria |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2022 |
País: N/D |
Títol: Computational Analysis of the Catalytic and Ferroelectric Properties of Polyoxometalates |
Autor: Wang, Fei |
Director: Arenas Prat, Meritxell; Joven Maried, Jorge; Solà Alberich, Rosa Maria; Poblet Rius, Josep Maria; De Graaf, Cornelis |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2022 |
País: N/D |
Títol: Glicoproteïnes sèriques determinades per 1H-RMN com a marcador dinflamació de baix grau. estudi en pacients VIH i HF |
Autor: Ana Irene Malo Cerisuelo |
Director: Lluís Masana Marín; Anna Rull Aixà |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2022 |
País: N/D |
Títol: Identification of novel early biomarkers of cardiovascular disease risk and their relationships with bioactive dietary compounds: metabolomic and gut metagenomic approaches |
Autor: Lorena Calderón Pérez |
Director: Laura Rubió Piqué; Rosa María Valls Zamora; Anna Pedret Figuerola |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2022 |
País: N/D |
Títol: Descripción de estilos de vida, factores de riesgo cardiovascular y efectividad de un programa de reducción del consumo de alcohol y drogas basado en modelos integrales ,para mejorar la salud de las personas trabajadoras, en el entorno laboral |
Autor: Gómez Recasens, Montserrat |
Director: Llauradó Ribé, Elisabet; Tarro Sánchez, Lucía; Solà Alberich, Rosa Maria |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2022 |
País: N/D |
Títol: Impact of energy metabolism, paraoxonase-1, and inflammation on cancer patient's prognosis and response to treatment |
Autor: Rodriguez Tomas, Elisabet |
Director: Solà Alberich, Rosa Maria; Joven Maried, Jorge; Arenas Prat, Meritxell |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2022 |
País: N/D |
Títol: Glicoproteïnes sèriques determinades per 1H-RMN com a marcador d'inflamació de baix grau. estudi en pacients VIH i HF |
Autor: Malo Cerisuelo, Ana Irene |
Director: Masana Marín, Luis |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2022 |
País: N/D |
Títol: Implicaciones pronósticos de biomarcadores cardiacos y escalas de comorbilidad en pacientes con infección por COVID-19 atendidos en un servicio de urgencias. |
Autor: Carrasquer Cucarella, Ana Maria |
Director: Moreno Ribas, Antonio; Castro Salomó, Antoni; Romero Aroca, Pedro; Feliu Rovira, Albert; Bardají Ruiz, Alfredo |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2022 |
País: N/D |
Títol: Familial hypercholesterolemia in children. From detection and characterization to lifestyle changes |
Autor: Cèlia Rodríguez Borjabad |
Director: Lluís Masana Marín; Nuria Plana Gil |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2021 |
País: N/D |
Títol: Effects of probiotics and postbiotics on cardiometabolic disease risk factors: a metagenomic approach to elucidate possible mechanisms of action and new obesity biomarkers |
Autor: Companys Alemany, Judit |
Director: Valls Zamora, Rosa Maria; Pedret Figuerola, Anna |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2021 |
País: N/D |
Títol: Effects of probiotics and postbiotics on cardiometabolic disease risk factors: a metagenomic approach to elucidate possible mechanisms of action and new obesity biomarkers |
Autor: Judit Companys Alemany |
Director: Rosa María Valls Zamora; Anna Pedret Figuerola |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2021 |
País: N/D |
Títol: Efectes dels probiòtics i prebiòtics sobre els indicadors d'obesitat abdominal com a factors de risc cardiovascualr |
Autor: Judit Companys Alemany |
Director: Valls Zamora, Rosa Maria |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2021 |
País: N/D |
Títol: Effects of hesperidin on cardiovascular risk biomarkers: an omics science approach |
Autor: Laura Pla Pagà |
Director: Rosa María Valls Zamora; Anna Pedret Figuerola |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2021 |
País: N/D |
Títol: Familial Hypercholesterolemia in children. From detection, characterisation and lifestyle changes. |
Autor: Rodríguez Borjabad, Cèlia |
Director: Plana Gil, Núria; Masana Marín, Luis |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2021 |
País: N/D |
Títol: The tissue bioavailability, biomarkers, and effects of anthocyanins on human health. Studied through systematic reviews on anthocyanin-rich foods and a nutritional pre-clinical study with anthocyanin-rich red fleshed-apples. The AppleCOR Project. |
Autor: Sandoval Ramírez, Berner Andrée |
Director: Solà Alberich, Rosa Maria; Catalán Santos, Úrsula |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2021 |
País: N/D |
Títol: Effects of hesperidin on cardiovascular disease risk biomarkers: An omics science |
Autor: Pla Paga, Laura |
Director: Camps Andreu, Jorge; Joven Maried, Jorge; Pedret Figuerola, Anna; Ribalta Vives, Josep; Valls Zamora, Rosa Maria |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2021 |
País: N/D |
Títol: Restaurant-based interventions: a new approach to promote healthier and allergy-adapted meals |
Autor: Mandracchia, Floriana |
Director: Solà Alberich, Rosa Maria; Tarro Sánchez, Lucía; Llauradó Ribé, Elisabet |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2021 |
País: N/D |
Títol: Effects of hesperidin on cardiovascular disease risk biomarkers: An omics science |
Autor: Pla Paga, Laura |
Director: Camps Andreu, Jorge; Joven Maried, Jorge; Pedret Figuerola, Anna; Ribalta Vives, Josep; Valls Zamora, Rosa Maria |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2021 |
País: N/D |
Títol: Effects of probiotics and postbiotics on cardiometabolic disease risk factors: a metagenomic approach to elucidate possible mechanisms of action and new obesity biomarkers |
Autor: Companys Alemany, Judit |
Director: Valls Zamora, Rosa Maria; Pedret Figuerola, Anna |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2021 |
País: N/D |
Títol: Effects of hesperidin on cardiovascular disease risk biomarkers: An omics science |
Autor: Pla Paga, Laura |
Director: Camps Andreu, Jorge; Joven Maried, Jorge; Pedret Figuerola, Anna; Ribalta Vives, Josep; Valls Zamora, Rosa Maria |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2021 |
País: N/D |
Títol: The tissue bioavailability, biomarkers, and effects of anthocyanins on human health. Studied through systematic reviews on anthocyanin-rich foods and a nutritional pre-clinical study with anthocyanin-rich red fleshed-apples. The AppleCOR Project. |
Autor: Sandoval Ramírez, Berner Andrée |
Director: Solà Alberich, Rosa Maria; Catalán Santos, Úrsula |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2021 |
País: N/D |
Títol: ARTRITIS REUMATOIDE Y ENFERMEDAD CARDIOVASCULAR. Papel de los miRNAs y factores clínicos en la detección de pacientes con riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular aumentado |
Autor: Taverner Torrent, Delia |
Director: Paredes Gonzalez-Albo, Silvia Remedios; Masana Marín, Luis; Castro Salomó, Antoni; Vallvé Torrente, Joan Carles |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2020 |
País: N/D |
Títol: ARTRITIS REUMATOIDE Y ENFERMEDAD CARDIOVASCULAR. Papel de los miRNAs y factores clínicos en la detección de pacientes con riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular aumentado |
Autor: Taverner Torrent, Delia |
Director: Paredes Gonzalez-Albo, Silvia Remedios; Masana Marín, Luis; Castro Salomó, Antoni; Vallvé Torrente, Joan Carles |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2020 |
País: N/D |
Títol: Artritis reumatoide y enfermedad cardiovascular. Papel de los mirnas y factores clínicos en la detección de pacientes con riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular aumentado |
Autor: Delia Taverner |
Director: Lluís Masana Marín; Joan Carles Vallvé Torrente; Silvia Paredes González-Albó |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2020 |
País: N/D |
Títol: ARTRITIS REUMATOIDE Y ENFERMEDAD CARDIOVASCULAR. Papel de los miRNAs y factores clínicos en la detección de pacientes con riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular aumentado |
Autor: Taverner Torrent, Delia |
Director: Paredes Gonzalez-Albo, Silvia Remedios; Masana Marín, Luis; Castro Salomó, Antoni; Vallvé Torrente, Joan Carles |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2020 |
País: N/D |
Títol: ARTRITIS REUMATOIDE Y ENFERMEDAD CARDIOVASCULAR. Papel de los miRNAs y factores clínicos en la detección de pacientes con riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular aumentado |
Autor: Taverner Torrent, Delia |
Director: Paredes Gonzalez-Albo, Silvia Remedios; Masana Marín, Luis; Castro Salomó, Antoni; Vallvé Torrente, Joan Carles |
Universitat: N/D |
Any: 2020 |
País: N/D |
Publicacions en Revista / Papers |
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
Títol: New Perspectives for Low Muscle Mass Quantity/Quality Assessment in Probable Sarcopenic Older Adults: An Exploratory Analysis Study. |
Autors: Besora-Moreno M; Llauradó E; Jiménez-Ten Hoevel C; Sepúlveda C; Queral J; Bernal G; Pérez-Merino L; Martinez-Hervas S; Alabadi B; Ortega Y; Valls RM; Solà R; Pedret A |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Nutrients |
País: N/D |
Títol: New Perspectives for Low Muscle Mass Quantity/Quality Assessment in Probable Sarcopenic Older Adults: An Exploratory Analysis Study |
Autors: Besora-Moreno, Maria; Llaurado, Elisabet; Hoevel, Claudia Jimenez-ten; Sepulveda, Cristina; Queral, Judit; Bernal, Gloria; Perez-Merino, Laura; Martinez-Hervas, Sergio; Alabadi, Blanca; Ortega, Yolanda; Valls, Rosa Maria; Sola, Rosa; Pedret, Anna |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Nutrients |
País: N/D |
Títol: A single-blinded, randomized, parallel intervention to evaluate genetics and omics-based personalized nutrition in general population via an e-commerce tool: The PREVENTOMICS e-commerce study |
Autors: Calderon-Perez, Lorena; Escote, Xavier; Companys, Judit; Alcaide-Hidalgo, Juan Maria; Bosch, Mireia; Rabassa, Montserrat; Crescenti, Anna; Valls, Rosa M; Pedret, Anna; Sola, Rosa; Marine, Roger; Gil-Cardoso, Katherine; Rodriguez, Miguel A; Palacios, Hector; del Pino, Antoni; Guirro, Maria; Canela, Nuria; Sunol, David; Galofre, Mar; Galmes, Sebastia; Palou-March, Andreu; Serra, Francisca; Caimari, Antoni; Gutie, Biotza; del Bas, Josep M |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: American Journal Of Clinical Nutrition |
País: N/D |
Títol: A single-blinded, randomized, parallel intervention to evaluate genetics and omics-based personalized nutrition in general population via an e-commerce tool: The PREVENTOMICS e-commerce study |
Autors: Calderón-Pérez L; Escoté X; Companys J; Alcaide-Hidalgo JM; Bosch M; Rabassa M; Crescenti A; Valls RM; Pedret A; Solà R; Mariné R; Gil-Cardoso K; Rodríguez MA; Palacios H; del Pino A; Guirro M; Canela N; Suñol D; Galofré M; Galmés S; Palou-March A; Serra F; Caimari A; Gutiérrez B; del Bas JM |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: American Journal Of Clinical Nutrition |
País: N/D |
Títol: The CNIC-polypill (acetylsalicylic acid, atorvastatin, and ramipril), an effective and cost-saving secondary prevention strategy compared with other therapeutic options in patients with ischaemic heart disease |
Autors: Dalmau R; Cordero A; Masana L; Ruiz E; Sicras-Mainar A; González-Juanatey JR |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: European Heart Journal Open |
País: N/D |
Títol: Consensus on lipoprotein(a) of the Spanish Society of Arteriosclerosis. Literature review and recommendations for clinical practice |
Autors: Delgado-Lista, Javier; Mostaza, Jose M; Arrobas-Velilla, Teresa; Blanco-Vaca, Francisco; Masana, Luis; Pedro-Botet, Juan; Perez-Martinez, Pablo; Civeira, Fernando; Cuende-Melero, Jose I; Gomez-Barrado, Jose J; Lahoz, Carlos; Pinto, Xavier; Suarez-Tembra, Manuel; Lopez-Miranda, Jose; Guijarro, Carlos |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Clinica E Investigacion En Arteriosclerosis |
País: N/D |
Títol: Identification of patient-reported outcomes measures (PROMs) and patient-reported experiences measures (PREMs) in Gaucher disease in Spain |
Autors: Giraldo, Pilar; Camprodon, Maria; Alcolea, Paloma Cerro; Gras-Colomer, Elena; Ibarretxe, Daiana; Lakhwani, Sunil; Mora, Elvira; Calderon, Maria Purificacion Velasco; Morales-Conejo, Montserrat |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Medicina Clinica |
País: N/D |
Títol: Lipidomics Reveals Myocardial Lipid Composition in a Murine Model of Insulin Resistance Induced by a High-Fat Diet |
Autors: Girona J; Soler O; Samino S; Junza A; Martínez-Micaelo N; García-Altares M; Ràfols P; Esteban Y; Yanes O; Correig X; Masana L; Rodríguez-Calvo R |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: International Journal Of Molecular Sciences |
País: N/D |
Títol: Lipidomics Reveals Myocardial Lipid Composition in a Murine Model of Insulin Resistance Induced by a High-Fat Diet |
Autors: Girona, Josefa; Soler, Oria; Samino, Sara; Junza, Alexandra; Martinez-Micaelo, Neus; Garcia-Altares, Maria; Rafols, Pere; Esteban, Yaiza; Yanes, Oscar; Correig, Xavier; Masana, Lluis; Rodriguez-Calvo, Ricardo |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: International Journal Of Molecular Sciences |
País: N/D |
Títol: Impact of PCSK9 inhibitors in glycaemic control and new-onset diabetes |
Autors: González-Lleó, AM; Sánchez-Hernández, RM; Plana, N; Ibarretxe, D; Rehues, P; Ribalta, J; Llop, D; Wägner, AM; Masana, L; Boronat, M |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Cardiovascular Diabetology |
País: N/D |
Títol: The GDF15 3' UTR Polymorphism rs1054564 Is Associated with Diabetes and Subclinical Atherosclerosis. |
Autors: Guardiola M; Girona J; Barroso E; García-Altares M; Ibarretxe D; Plana N; Ribalta J; Correig X; Vázquez-Carrera M; Masana L; Rodríguez-Calvo R |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: International Journal Of Molecular Sciences |
País: N/D |
Títol: Increasing the complexity of lipoprotein characterization for cardiovascular risk in type 2 diabetes |
Autors: Guardiola M; Rehues P; Amigó N; Arrieta F; Botana M; Gimeno-Orna JA; Girona J; Martínez-Montoro JI; Ortega E; Pérez-Pérez A; Sánchez-Margalet V; Pedro-Botet J; Ribalta J |
Any: 2024 Clau: Review |
Revista: European Journal Of Clinical Investigation |
País: N/D |
Títol: The GDF15 3¿ UTR Polymorphism rs1054564 Is Associated with Diabetes and Subclinical Atherosclerosis |
Autors: Guardiola, Montse; Girona, Josefa; Barroso, Emma; Garcia-Altares, Maria; Ibarretxe, Daiana; Plana, Nuria; Ribalta, Josep; Correig, Xavier; Vazquez-Carrera, Manuel; Masana, Lluis; Rodriguez-Calvo, Ricardo |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: International Journal Of Molecular Sciences |
País: N/D |
Títol: Serum Levels of Arachidonic Acid, Interleukin-6, and C-Reactive Protein as Potential Indicators of Pulmonary Viral Infections: Comparative Analysis of Influenza A, Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection, and COVID-19. |
Autors: Iftimie S; Gabaldó-Barrios X; Penadés-Nadal J; Canela-Capdevila M; Piñana R; Jiménez-Franco A; López-Azcona AF; Castañé H; Cárcel M; Camps J; Castro A; Joven J |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Viruses-Basel |
País: N/D |
Títol: Retrospective Analysis of Clostridioides difficile Infection Rates and Outcomes in Hospitalized Patients during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Unicenter Study in Reus, Spain. |
Autors: Iftimie S; López-Azcona AF; Corchero-Valverde M; Peralta-Vázquez A; López-Cordón LR; García-Cervera C; Fernández-Domínguez LM; Camps J; Joven J; Castro A |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Journal Of Clinical Medicine |
País: N/D |
Títol: Differential analysis of lipoprotein and glycoprotein profiles in bacterial infections and COVID-19 using proton nuclear magnetic resonance and machine learning |
Autors: Iftimie, Simona; Amigo, Nuria; Martinez-Micaelo, Neus; Lopez-Azcona, Ana F; Martinez-Navidad, Cristian; Castane, Helena; Jimenez-Franco, Andrea; Ribalta, Josep; Parra, Sandra; Castro, Antoni; Camps, Jordi; Joven, Jorge |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Heliyon |
País: N/D |
Títol: Serum Levels of Arachidonic Acid, Interleukin-6, and C-Reactive Protein as Potential Indicators of Pulmonary Viral Infections: Comparative Analysis of Influenza A, Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection, and COVID-19 |
Autors: Iftimie, Simona; Gabaldo-Barrios, Xavier; Penades-Nadal, Joan; Canela-Capdevila, Marta; Pinana, Ruben; Jimenez-Franco, Andrea; Lopez-Azcona, Ana F; Castane, Helena; Carcel, Maria; Camps, Jordi; Castro, Antoni; Joven, Jorge |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Viruses-Basel |
País: N/D |
Títol: Retrospective Analysis of Clostridioides difficile Infection Rates and Outcomes in Hospitalized Patients during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Unicenter Study in Reus, Spain |
Autors: Iftimie, Simona; Lopez-Azcona, Ana F; Corchero-Valverde, Mireia; Peralta-Vazquez, Antonio; Lopez-Cordon, Laia Revuelta; Garcia-Cervera, Carles; Fernandez-Dominguez, Luis Manuel; Camps, Jordi; Joven, Jorge; Castro, Antoni |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Journal Of Clinical Medicine |
País: N/D |
Títol: Lomitapide for the treatment of paediatric patients with homozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia (APH-19): results from the efficacy phase of an open-label, multicentre, phase 3 study. |
Autors: L. Masana; Zambon Alberto; Claus Peter Schmitt; Christina Taylan; Joenna Driemeyer; Hofit Cohen; Paola Sabrina Buonuomo; Abdullah Al¿Ashwal; Mohammed Al-Dubayee; Naji Kholaif; José Luis Díaz-Díaz; Faouzi Maatouk; Sergio Martínez¿Hervás; Brian Mangal; Sandra Löwe; Tracy Cunningham |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology |
País: N/D |
Títol: A 16-month follow-up after a youth-led social marketing intervention to encourage healthy lifestyles in children (aged 9 at baseline and 11 at follow-up) from disadvantaged neighbourhoods: the European Youth Tackling Obesity-Kids project |
Autors: Llaurado, Elisabet; Pedret, Anna; Valls, Rosa Mari; Sola, Rosa; Tarro, Lucia |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Public Health |
País: N/D |
Títol: Comprehensive analysis of glycoprotein profiles and their association with cardiovascular disease-related microRNAs in rheumatoid arthritis, metabolic disorders, and controls. |
Autors: Llop D; Paredes S; Rosales R; Amigó N; Masana L; Ribalta J; Vallvé JC |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Scientific Reports |
País: N/D |
Títol: Comprehensive analysis of glycoprotein profiles and their association with cardiovascular disease-related microRNAs in rheumatoid arthritis, metabolic disorders, and controls |
Autors: Llop, Didac; Paredes, Silvia; Rosales, Roser; Amigo, Nuria; Masana, Lluis; Ribalta, Josep; Vallve, Joan-Carles |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Scientific Reports |
País: N/D |
Títol: Patients who suffer a first atherosclerotic cardiovascular event while taking statins are often far off of lipid targets |
Autors: Masana L; Díaz Moya G; Pérez de Isla L; Plana N; Andreychuk N; Ruiz Ortiz M; Herrera N; José Gómez Doblas J; Rodríguez Capitán J; Vazquez Garcia R; Bartolomé D; Delgado W; Caldés O; Gil A; Perea V; Sionis A; Herráez S; Jericó C; Pintó X; María de los Ángeles Rodríguez ; Domènech M; Luis Santos J; Enriquez E; Arribas P; García Corrales C; Bravo Amaro M; González I; Caneiro B; Gonzalez Juanatey C; Méndez Eirin E; Curcio Ruigómez A; María Jiménez R; Cristobal C; Armada Romero E; Briongos S; Gabriela Vallarino Terán V; Pascual D; Marín Ortuño F; Tello Montoliu A; Roy I; Facila Rubio L; Montagud V; Bonanat C; Arrarte Esteban V; Fuertes L; María García A; Cordero A; Ángel Arnau M; Domingo Valero D |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Nutrition Metabolism And Cardiovascular Diseases |
País: N/D |
Títol: New drugs for treating dyslipidemias. From small molecules to small interfering RNAs. |
Autors: Masana L; Ibarretxe D |
Any: 2024 Clau: Review |
Revista: Clinica E Investigacion En Arteriosclerosis |
País: N/D |
Títol: Patients who suffer a first atherosclerotic cardiovascular event while taking statins are often far off of lipid targets |
Autors: Masana, L; de Isla, LP; Moya, GD |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Nutrition Metabolism And Cardiovascular Diseases |
País: N/D |
Títol: Lomitapide for the treatment of paediatric patients with homozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia (APH-19) results from the efficacy phase of an open-label, multicentre, phase 3 study |
Autors: Masana, Luis; Zambon, Alberto; Cohen, Hofit; Buonuomo, Paola Sabrina; Alashwal, Abdullah; Al-Dubayee, Mohammed; Kholaif, Naji; Diaz-Diaz, Jose Luis; Maatouk, Faouzi; Martinez-Hervas, Sergio; Mangal, Brian; Lowe, Sandra; Cunningham, Tracy |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology |
País: N/D |
Títol: Lipidomics of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins derived from hyperlipidemic patients on inflammation |
Autors: Moreno-Vedia, J; Llop, D; Rodríguez-Calvo, R; Plana, N; Amigó, N; Rosales, R; Esteban, Y; Masana, L; Ibarretxe, D; Girona, J |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: European Journal Of Clinical Investigation |
País: N/D |
Títol: SEA 2024 Standards for Global Control of Vascular Risk |
Autors: Mostaza, Jose Maria; Pinto, Xavier; Armario, Pedro; Masana, Luis; Real, Jose T; Valdivielso, Pedro; Arrobas-Velilla, Teresa; Baeza-Trinidad, Ramon; Calmarza, Pilar; Cebollada, Jesus; Melero, Jose I Cuende; Diaz-Diaz, Jose L; Espildora-Hernandez, Javier; Pardo, Jacinto Fernandez; Guijarro, Carlos; Jerico, Carles; Laclaustra, Martin; Lahoz, Carlos; Lopez-Miranda, Jose; Martinez-Hervas, Sergio; Muniz-Grijalvo, Ovidio; Paramo, Jose A; Pascual, Vicente; Pedro-Boteta, Juan; Perez-Martinez, Pablo; Puzo, Jose |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Clinica E Investigacion En Arteriosclerosis |
País: N/D |
Títol: H-NMR metabolomics identifies three distinct metabolic profiles differentially associated with cardiometabolic risk in patients with obesity in the cohort |
Autors: Ozcariz, Enrique; Guardiola, Montse; Amigo, Nuria; Valdes, Sergio; Oualla-Bachiri, Wasima; Rehues, Pere; Rojo-Martinez, Gemma; Ribalta, Josep |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Cardiovascular Diabetology |
País: N/D |
Títol: Enhanced Association of Novel Cardiovascular Biomarkers Fetuin-A and Catestatin with Serological and Inflammatory Markers in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients |
Autors: Pamies, Anna; Llop, Didac; Ibarretxe, Daiana; Rosales, Roser; Girona, Josefa; Masana, Lluis; Vallve, Joan-Carles; Paredes, Silvia |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: International Journal Of Molecular Sciences |
País: N/D |
Títol: A red-fleshed apple rich in anthocyanins improves endothelial function, reduces inflammation, and modulates the immune system in hypercholesterolemic subjects: the AppleCOR study |
Autors: Pedret, Anna; Companys, Judit; Calderon-Perez, Lorena; Llaurado, Elisabet; Pla-Paga, Laura; Salamanca, Patricia; Sandoval-Ramirez, Berner-Andree; Catalan, Ursula; Fernandez-Castillejo, Sara; Yuste, Silvia; Macia, Alba; Gutierrez-Tordera, Laia; Bullo, Monica; Camps, Jordi; Canela, Nuria; Valls, Rosa Maria; Rubio-Pique, Laura; Motilva, Maria Jose; Sola, Rosa |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Food & Function |
País: N/D |
Títol: Enhanced Association of Novel Cardiovascular Biomarkers Fetuin-A and Catestatin with Serological and Inflammatory Markers in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients. |
Autors: Pàmies A; Llop D; Ibarretxe D; Rosales R; Girona J; Masana L; Vallvé JC; Paredes S |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: International Journal Of Molecular Sciences |
País: N/D |
Títol: Angiopoietin-2, vascular endothelial growth factor family, and heparin binding endothelial growth factor are associated with subclinical atherosclerosis in rheumatoid arthritis |
Autors: Pàmies A; Llop D; Ibarretxe D; Rosales R; Masana L; Vallvé JC; Paredes S |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Computational And Structural Biotechnology Journal |
País: N/D |
Títol: ApoC-III proteoforms are associated with better lipid, inflammatory, and glucose profiles independent of total apoC-III |
Autors: Rehues, Pere; Girona, Josefa; Guardiola, Montse; Ozcariz, Enrique; Amigo, Nuria; Rosales, Roser; Esteban, Yaiza; Banus, Helena; Gavalda-Alsina, Gemma; Gonzalez-Lleo, Ana; Rojo-Martinez, Gemma; Ribalta, Josep |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Cardiovascular Diabetology |
País: N/D |
Títol: Clinical practice recommendations on lipoprotein apheresis for children with homozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia: An expert consensus statement from ERKNet and ESPN |
Autors: Reijman MD; Kusters DM; Groothoff JW; Arbeiter K; Dann EJ; de Boer LM; de Ferranti SD; Gallo A; Greber-Platzer S; Hartz J; Hudgins LC; Ibarretxe D; Kayikcioglu M; Klingel R; Kolovou GD; Oh J; Planken RN; Stefanutti C; Taylan C; Wiegman A; Schmitt CP |
Any: 2024 Clau: Review |
Revista: Atherosclerosis |
País: N/D |
Títol: Clinical practice recommendations on lipoprotein apheresis for children with homozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia: An expert consensus statement from ERKNet and ESPN |
Autors: Reijman, M Doortje; Kusters, D Meeike; Groothoff, Jaap W; Arbeiter, Klaus; Dann, Eldad J; de Boer, Lotte M; de Ferranti, Sarah D; Gallo, Antonio; Greber-Platzer, Susanne; Hartz, Jacob; Hudgins, Lisa C; Ibarretxe, Daiana; Kayikcioglu, Meral; Klingel, Reinhard; Kolovou, Genovefa D; Oh, Jun; Planken, R Nils; Stefanutti, Claudia; Taylan, Christina; Wiegman, Albert; Schmitt, Claus Peter |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Atherosclerosis |
País: N/D |
Títol: The selection of medical students with humanities competencies: Results of a pilot test |
Autors: Roma J; March-Llanes J; Peguero E; Segura B; Castro A |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Medicina Clinica Practica |
País: N/D |
Títol: The selection of medical students with humanities competencies: Results of a pilot test; [La selección de estudiantes de Medicina con competencias en humanidades: resultados de una prueba piloto] |
Autors: Roma J; March-Llanes J; Peguero E; Segura B; Castro A |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Medicina Clinica Practica |
País: N/D |
Títol: Lipidomic and metabolomic changes in community-acquired and COVID-19 pneumonia |
Autors: Saballs, Mireia; Parra, Sandra; Martinez, Neus; Amigo, Nuria; Cabau, Lydia; Iftimie, Simona; Pavon, Raul; Gabaldo, Xavi; Correig, Xavier; Paredes, Silvia; Vallve, Josep Maria; Castro, Antoni |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Journal Of Lipid Research |
País: N/D |
Títol: Contributing to the management of viral infections through simple immunosensing of the arachidonic acid serum level |
Autors: Torrente-Rodriguez, Rebeca M; Montiel, Victor Ruiz-Valdepenas; Iftimie, Simona; Montero-Calle, Ana; Pingarron, Jose M; Castro, Antoni; Camps, Jordi; Barderas, Rodrigo; Campuzano, Susana; Joven, Jorge |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Microchimica Acta |
País: N/D |
Títol: Contributing to the management of viral infections through simple immunosensing of the arachidonic acid serum level. |
Autors: Torrente-Rodríguez RM; Ruiz-Valdepeñas Montiel V; Iftimie S; Montero-Calle A; Pingarrón JM; Castro A; Camps J; Barderas R; Campuzano S; Joven J |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: Mikrochimica acta |
País: N/D |
Títol: Association between exposure to air pollution and blood lipids in the general population of Spain |
Autors: Valdés S; Doulatram-Gamgaram V; Maldonado-Araque C; García-Escobar E; García-Serrano S; Oualla-Bachiri W; García-Vivanco M; Garrido JL; Gil V; Martín-Llorente F; Calle-Pascual A; Castaño L; Delgado E; Menéndez E; Franch-Nadal J; Gaztambide S; Girbés J; Chaves FJ; Galán-García JL; Aguilera-Venegas G; Vallvé JC; Amigó N; Guardiola M; Ribalta J; Rojo-Martínez G |
Any: 2024 Clau: Article |
Revista: European Journal Of Clinical Investigation |
País: N/D |
Títol: Role of Leptin in Obesity, Cardiovascular Disease, and Type 2 Diabetes |
Autors: Vilariño-García T; Polonio-González ML; Pérez-Pérez A; Ribalta J; Arrieta F; Aguilar M; Obaya JC; Gimeno-Orna JA; Iglesias P; Navarro J; Durán S; Pedro-Botet J; Sánchez-Margalet V |
Any: 2024 Clau: Review |
Revista: International Journal Of Molecular Sciences |
País: N/D |
Títol: Glycoprotein Serum Concentrations Assessed By 1H-NMR are Increased in Patients With High Blood Pressure |
Autors: Andreychuk, Natalia; Llop, Didac; Moreno-Vedia, Juan; Girona, Josefa; Ibarretxe, Daiana; Rodriguez-Borjabad, Celia; Plana, Nuria; Masana, Lluis |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Hypertension |
País: N/D |
Títol: Glycoprotein and Lipoprotein Profiles Assessed by 1H-NMR and Its Relation to Ascending Aortic Dilatation in Bicuspid Aortic Valve Disease |
Autors: Antequera-González, B; Faiges, M; Martínez-Micaelo, N; Galian-Gay, L; Ligero, C; Ferré-Vallverdú, M; Masana, L; Amigó, N; Evangelista, A; Alegret, JM |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Journal Of Clinical Medicine |
País: N/D |
Títol: Leveraging a nationwide infection surveillance program to implement a colorectal surgical site infection reduction bundle |
Autors: Badia JM; Arroyo-Garcia N; Vázquez A; Almendral A; Gomila-Grange A; Fraccalvieri D; Parés D; Abad-Torrent A; Pascual M; Solís-Peña A; Puig-Asensio M; Pera M; Gudiol F; Limón E; Pujol M; Members of the VINCat Colorectal Surveillance Team*; VINCat Program**; Members of the VINCat Colorectal Surveillance Team* and on behalf of VINCat Program** |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: International Journal Of Surgery |
País: N/D |
Títol: Combining Semi-Targeted Metabolomics and Machine Learning to Identify Metabolic Alterations in the Serum and Urine of Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19 |
Autors: Baiges-Gaya, G; Iftimie, S; Castañé, H; Rodríguez-Tomàs, E; Jiménez-Franco, A; López-Azcona, AF; Castro, A; Camps, J; Joven, J |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Biomolecules |
País: N/D |
Títol: Diagnosis of Familial Dysbetalipoproteinemia Based on the Lipid Abnormalities Driven by APOE2/E2 Genotype |
Autors: Bea AM; Cenarro A; Marco-Bened V; Laclaustra M; Martn C; Ibarretxe D; Pint X; Arrobas T; Vials C; Civeira F; Olmos S |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Clinical Chemistry |
País: N/D |
Títol: Exploring restaurant and customer needs, barriers, interests, and food choices induced by the COVID-19 pandemic in Tarragona Province (Catalonia, Spain): A cross-sectional study |
Autors: Besora-Moreno, M; Queral, J; Torres, S; Llauradó, E; Tarro, L; Solà, R |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Frontiers In Public Health |
País: N/D |
Títol: The effects of fatty acid-based dietary interventions on circulating bioactive lipid levels as intermediate biomarkers of health, cardiovascular disease, and cardiovascular disease risk factors: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials |
Autors: Calderon-Perez, L; Companys, J; Sola, R; Pedret, A; Valls, RM |
Any: 2023 Clau: Review |
Revista: Nutrition Reviews |
País: N/D |
Títol: The role of experimenter familiarity in children's eyewitness identification |
Autors: Calderwood, L; Ballantyne, C; Slee, K |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Psychiatry Psychology And Law |
País: N/D |
Títol: Paraoxonase-1: How a xenobiotic detoxifying enzyme has become an actor in the pathophysiology of infectious diseases and cancer |
Autors: Camps, J; Iftimie, S; Arenas, M; Castañé, H; Jiménez-Franco, A; Castro, A; Joven, J |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Chemico-Biological Interactions |
País: N/D |
Títol: Predictive Factors of the Use of Rituximab and Belimumab in Spanish Lupus Patients |
Autors: Capdevila, O; Mitjavila, F; Espinosa, G; Caminal-Montero, L; Marín-Ballvè, A; León, RG; Castro, A; Canora, J; Pinilla, B; Fonseca, E; Ruiz-Irastorza, G; RELES; Autoimmune Dis Study Grp GEAS; Spanish Soc Internal Med |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Medicina-Lithuania |
País: N/D |
Títol: Mediterranean Diet and Lung Function in Adults Current Smokers: A Cross-Sectional Analysis in the MEDISTAR Project |
Autors: Catalin, RE; Martin-Lujan, F; Salamanca-Gonzalez, P; Palleja-Millan, M; Villalobos, F; Santigosa-Ayala, A; Pedret, A; Valls-Zamora, RM; Sola, R |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Nutrients |
País: N/D |
Títol: Mediterranean Diet and Lung Function in Adults Current Smokers: A Cross-Sectional Analysis in the MEDISTAR Project |
Autors: Catalin, Roxana-Elena; Martin-Lujan, Francisco; Salamanca-Gonzalez, Patricia; Palleja-Millan, Meritxell; Villalobos, Felipe; Santigosa-Ayala, Antoni; Pedret, Anna; Valls-Zamora, Rosa M.; Sola, Rosa; NA, NA |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Nutrients |
País: N/D |
Títol: Economic Burden Associated with the Treatment with a Cardiovascular Polypill in Secondary Prevention in Spain: Cost-Effectiveness Results of the NEPTUNO Study |
Autors: Cordero, A; González-Gallarza, RD; Masana, L; Fuster, V; Castellano, JM; Olivar, JER; Zsolt, I; Sicras-Mainar, A; Juanatey, JRG |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Clinicoeconomics And Outcomes Research |
País: N/D |
Títol: Impact of physician's perception about LDL cholesterol control in clinical practice when treating patients in Spain |
Autors: Cosín-Sales, J; Ruiz, RC; Díaz, JLD; Cervantes, CE; Olmo, MRF; Gómez-Doblas, JJ; Mostaza, JM; Pedro-Botet, J; Gili, NP; Valdivielso, P |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Atherosclerosis |
País: N/D |
Títol: 2023 Update on European Atherosclerosis Society Consensus Statement on Homozygous Familial Hypercholesterolaemia: new treatments and clinical guidance |
Autors: Cuchel, Marina; Raal, Frederick J; Hegele, Robert A; Al-Rasadi, Khalid; Arca, Marcello; Averna, Maurizio; Bruckert, Eric; Freiberger, Tomas; Gaudet, Daniel; Harada-Shiba, Mariko; Hudgins, Lisa C; Kayikcioglu, Meral; Masana, Luis; Parhofer, Klaus G; Roeters van Lennep, Jeanine E; Santos, Raul D; Stroes, Erik S G; Watts, Gerald F; Wiegman, Albert; Stock, Jane K; Tokgoezoglu, Lale S; Catapano, Alberico L; Ray, Kausik K |
Any: 2023 Clau: Review |
Revista: European Heart Journal |
País: N/D |
Títol: Gradual Increase in Inflammation-Linked Glycoproteins and a Proatherogenic Lipoprotein Profile in the Early Stages of Psychosis as Characterized by 1H NMR Blood Analysis |
Autors: Gallart-Palau, X; Muntané, G; Martorell, L; Amigó, N; Correig, X; Ribalta, J; Sánchez-Gistau, V; Labad, J; Vilella, E |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Journal Of Proteome Research |
País: N/D |
Títol: Report on the first two confirmed autochthonous cases of West Nile virus encephalitis in Catalonia, Spain |
Autors: García-Cervera, C; Iftimie, SM; Martínez, MJ; González, AV; Parra-Pérez, S; Revuelta-López-Cordón, L; Gil-Toral, J; Vallverdú, RMV; Mateo, AM; López-Azcona, AF; Pujol-Bajador, I; Ballester-Bastardie, F; Castro-Salomó, A |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Infect Dis (Lond) |
País: N/D |
Títol: Comparison of the design and methodology of Phase 3 clinical trials of bictegravir/emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide (BIC/FTC/TAF) and dolutegravir-based dual therapy (DTG) in HIV: a systematic review of the literature |
Autors: Grau S; Miró JM; Olalla J; Alcalá JC; Castro A; Rubio-Rodríguez D; Rubio-Terrés C |
Any: 2023 Clau: Review |
Revista: Expert Review Of Anti-Infective Therapy |
País: N/D |
Títol: Metabolic Overlap between Alzheimer¿s Disease and Metabolic Syndrome Identifies the PVRL2 Gene as a New Modulator of Diabetic Dyslipidemia |
Autors: Guardiola, M; Muntané, G; Martínez, I; Martorell, L; Girona, J; Ibarretxe, D; Plana, N; Bullido, MJ; Vilella, E; Ribalta, J |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: International Journal Of Molecular Sciences |
País: N/D |
Títol: Occupational Physical Activity and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors: A Cross-Sectional Study |
Autors: Gómez-Recasens, M; Alfaro-Barrio, S; Tarro, L; Llauradó, E; Solà, R |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Nutrients |
País: N/D |
Títol: Developing a model to predict the early risk of hypertriglyceridemia based on inhibiting lipoprotein lipase (LPL): a translational study |
Autors: Hernandez-Baixauli J; Chomiciute G; Alcaide-Hidalgo JM; Crescenti A; Baselga-Escudero L; Palacios-Jordan H; Foguet-Romero E; Pedret A; Valls RM; Solà R; Mulero M; Del Bas JM |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Scientific Reports |
País: N/D |
Títol: Retrospective Analysis of Vaccination Status and Predominant Viral Variants in Patients Hospitalized with COVID-19 in Reus, Spain |
Autors: Iftimie, S; López-Azcona, AF; Lozano-Olmo, MJ; Naval-Ferrando, A; Domingo-Cortés, V; Castañé, H; Jiménez-Franco, A; Hernández-Aguilera, A; Guilarte, C; Riu, F; Camps, J; Joven, J; Castro, A |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Viruses-Basel |
País: N/D |
Títol: Los microARN como potenciales biomarcadores diagnósticos |
Autors: Joan C Vallvé; Dídac Llop Paredes |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Medicina Clinica |
País: N/D |
Títol: A panel of plasma microRNAs improves the assessment of surrogate markers of cardiovascular disease in rheumatoid arthritis patients |
Autors: Llop D; Ibarretxe D; Plana N; Rosales R; Taverner D; Masana L; Vallvé JC; Paredes S |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Rheumatology |
País: N/D |
Títol: Lipoprotein profile assessed by 1H NMR, BMI and blood pressure are associated with vascular alterations in children with familial hypercholesterolaemia |
Autors: Llop, D; Feliu, A; Ibarretxe, D; Escribano, J; Plana, N; Borjabad-Rodriguez, C; Masana, L; Vallve, J C |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Nutrition Metabolism And Cardiovascular Diseases |
País: N/D |
Títol: Plasma Expression of Carotid Plaque Presence-Related MicroRNAs Is Associated with Inflammation in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis |
Autors: Llop, D; Paredes, S; Ibarretxe, D; Taverner, D; Plana, N; Rosales, R; Masana, L; Vallvé, JC |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: International Journal Of Molecular Sciences |
País: N/D |
Títol: Assessment of human inter-individual variability of phloretin metabolites in urine after apple consumption. AppleCOR study |
Autors: Macià A; Romero MP; Pedret A; Solà R; Clifford MN; Rubió-Piqué L |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Food & Function |
País: N/D |
Títol: Effectiveness of the spirometry-based motivational intervention to quit smoking: RESET randomised trial |
Autors: Martín-Luján, F; Santigosa-Ayala, A; Pallejà-Millán, M; Rey-Reñones, C; Villalobos, F; Solà, R; RESET Study |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: European Journal Of General Practice |
País: N/D |
Títol: Lipid lowering combination therapy: From prevention to atherosclerosis plaque treatment |
Autors: Masana, L; Plana, N; Andreychuk, N; Ibarretxe, D |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Pharmacological Research |
País: N/D |
Títol: Serum branch-chained amino acids are increased in type 2 diabetes and associated with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease |
Autors: Moreno-Vedia, J; Llop, D; Rodríguez-Calvo, R; Plana, N; Amigó, N; Rosales, R; Esteban, Y; Girona, J; Masana, L; Ibarretxe, D |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Cardiovascular Diabetology |
País: N/D |
Títol: A Comparison of Attitudes and Knowledge Towards Autism Based on Adult Sibling Experiences |
Autors: Morris, V; Hendry, G; Wilson, C; Gillespie-Smith, K; Ballantyne, C |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Journal Of Adult Development |
País: N/D |
Títol: NMR-based metabolomic profiling identifies inflammation and muscle-related metabolites as predictors of incident type 2 diabetes mellitus beyond glucose: the Di@bet |
Autors: Ozcariz, E; Guardiola, M; Amigó, N; Rojo-Martínez, G; Valdés, S; Rehues, P; Masana, L; Ribalta, J |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Diabetes Research And Clinical Practice |
País: N/D |
Títol: Low HDL-c levels at admission are associated with greater severity and worse clinical outcomes in patients with COVID-19 disease |
Autors: Parra, S; Saballs, M; DiNubile, M; Feliu, M; Iftimie, S; Revuelta, L; Pavón, R; Avila, A; Levinson, S; Castro, A |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Atherosclerosis Plus |
País: N/D |
Títol: Functional foods and nutraceuticals in the treatment of hypercholesterolemia: Statement of the Spanish Society of Arteriosclerosis 2023 |
Autors: Pérez-Martínez P; Ros E; Botet JP; Civeira F; Pascual V; Garcés C; Solá R; Pérez-Jiménez F; Mostaza JM |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Clinica E Investigacion En Arteriosclerosis |
País: N/D |
Títol: PCSK9 Inhibitors Have Apolipoprotein C-III-Related Anti-Inflammatory Activity, Assessed by 1H-NMR Glycoprotein Profile in Subjects at High or very High Cardiovascular Risk |
Autors: Rehues, P; Girona, J; Guardiola, M; Plana, N; Scicali, R; Piro, S; Muñiz-Grijalvo, O; Díaz-Díaz, JL; Recasens, L; Pinyol, M; Rosales, R; Esteban, Y; Amigó, N; Masana, L; Ibarretxe, D; Ribalta, J |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: International Journal Of Molecular Sciences |
País: N/D |
Títol: PCSK9 Inhibitors Have Apolipoprotein C-III-Related Anti-Inflammatory Activity, Assessed by 1H-NMR Glycoprotein Profile in Subjects at High or very High Cardiovascular Risk |
Autors: Rehues, Pere; Girona, Josefa; Guardiola, Montse; Plana, Núria; Scicali, Roberto; Piro, Salvatore; Muñiz-Grijalvo, Ovidio; Díaz-Díaz, José Luis; Recasens, Lluís; Pinyol, Marta; Rosales, Roser; Esteban, Yaiza; Amigó, Núria; Masana, Lluís; Ibarretxe, Daiana; Ribalta, Josep |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: International Journal Of Molecular Sciences |
País: N/D |
Títol: Association between Nordic and Mediterranean diets with lipoprotein phenotype assessed by 1HNMR in children with familial hypercholesterolemia |
Autors: Rodríguez-Borjabad, C; Narveud, I; Christensen, JJ; Ibarretxe, D; Andreychuk, N; Girona, J; Torvik, K; Folkedal, G; Bogsrud, MP; Retterstol, K; Plana, N; Masana, L; Holven, KB |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Atherosclerosis |
País: N/D |
Títol: Association between Nordic and Mediterranean diets with lipoprotein phenotype assessed BY 1H NMR in children with familial hypercholesterolemia |
Autors: Rodríguez-Borjabad, Cèlia; Narveud, Ingunn; Christensen, Jacob Juel; Ibarretxe, Daiana; Andreychuk, Natalia; Girona, Josefa; Torvik, Kristin; Folkedal, Guro; Bogsrud, Martin P.; Retterstøl, Kjetil; Plana, Núria; Masana, Luis; Holven, Kirsten B. |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Atherosclerosis |
País: N/D |
Títol: Fatty Acid Binding Proteins 3 and 4 Predict Both All-Cause and Cardiovascular Mortality in Subjects with Chronic Heart Failure and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus |
Autors: Rodríguez-Calvo, R; Granado-Casas, M; de Oca, APM; Julian, MT; Domingo, M; Codina, P; Santiago-Vacas, E; Cediel, G; Julve, J; Rossell, J; Masana, L; Mauricio, D; Lupón, J; Bayes-Genis, A; Alonso, N |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Antioxidants |
País: N/D |
Títol: Fatty Acid Binding Proteins 3 and 4 Predict Both All-Cause and Cardiovascular Mortality in Subjects with Chronic Heart Failure and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus |
Autors: Rodríguez-Calvo, Ricardo; Granado-Casas, Minerva; Pérez-Montes de Oca, Alejandra; Julian, María Teresa; Domingo, Mar; Codina, Pau; Santiago-Vacas, Evelyn; Cediel, Germán; Julve, Josep; Rossell, Joana; Masana, Lluís; Mauricio, Didac; Lupón, Josep; Bayes-Genis, Antoni; Alonso, Núria |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Antioxidants |
País: N/D |
Títol: Pregnancy homocysteine and cobalamin status predict childhood metabolic health in the offspring |
Autors: Rojas-Gómez A; Solé-Navais P; Cavallé-Busquets P; Ornosa-Martin G; Grifoll C; Ramos-Rodriguez C; Fernandez-Ballart J; Masana L; Ballesteros M; Ueland PM; Murphy MM |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Pediatric Research |
País: N/D |
Títol: DDR1 and Its Ligand, Collagen IV, Are Involved in In Vitro Oligodendrocyte Maturation |
Autors: Silva, ME; Hernández-Andrade, M; Abasolo, N; Espinoza-Cruells, C; Mansilla, JB; Reyes, CR; Aranda, S; Esteban, Y; Rodriguez-Calvo, R; Martorell, L; Muntane, G; Rivera, FJ; Vilella, E |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: International Journal Of Molecular Sciences |
País: N/D |
Títol: Impact of an Intervention on Healthy Offerings and Allergenic Food Management in Restaurants: A Parallel Randomized Controlled Study |
Autors: Tarro, L; Mandracchia, F; Queral, J; Besora-Moreno, M; Vilanova, N; Valls, RM; Pedret, A; Solà, R; Llauradó, E |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Nutrients |
País: N/D |
Títol: Bacillus coagulans GBI-30, 6086 (BC30) improves lactose digestion in rats exposed to a high-lactose meal |
Autors: Teichenné, J; Catalán, U; Mariné-Casadó, R; Domenech-Coca, C; Mas-Capdevila, A; Alcaide-Hidalgo, JM; Chomiciute, G; Rodríguez-García, A; Hernández, A; Gutierrez, V; Puiggròs, F; Del Bas, JM; Caimari, A |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: European Journal Of Nutrition |
País: N/D |
Títol: Implications of ACC/AHA Versus ESC/EAS LDL-C Recommendations for Residual Risk Reduction in ASCVD: A Simulation Study From DA VINCI |
Autors: Vallejo-Vaz, Antonio J.; Bray, Sarah; Villa, Guillermo; Brandts, Julia; Kiru, Gaia; Murphy, Jennifer; Banach, Maciej; De Servi, Stefano; Gaita, Dan; Gouni-Berthold, Ioanna; Hovingh, G. Kees; Jozwiak, Jacek J.; Jukema, J. Wouter; Kiss, Robert Gabor; Kownator, Serge; Iversen, Helle K.; Maher, Vincent; Masana, Luis; Parkhomenko, Alexander; Peeters, Andre; Clifford, Piers; Raslova, Katarina; Siostrzonek, Peter; Romeo, Stefano; Tousoulis, Dimitrios; Vlachopoulos, Charalambos; Vrablik, Michal; Catapano, Alberico L.; Poulter, Neil R.; Ray, Kausik K.;DA VINCI Study Investigators |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Cardiovascular Drugs And Therapy |
País: N/D |
Títol: Women with familial hypercholesterolemia phenotype are undertreated and poorly controlled compared to men |
Autors: Zamora, A; Ramos, R; Comas-Cufi, M; García-Gil, M; Martí-Lluch, R; Plana, N; Alves-Cabratosa, L; Ponjoan, A; Rodríguez-Borjabad, C; Ibarretxe, D; Roman-Degano, I; Marrugat, J; Elosua, R; Martín-Urda, A; Masana, L |
Any: 2023 Clau: Article |
Revista: Scientific Reports |
País: N/D |
Títol: "Som la Pera," a School-Based, Peer-Led Social Marketing Intervention to Engage Spanish Adolescents in a Healthy Lifestyle: A Parallel-Cluster Randomized Controlled Study |
Autors: Aceves-Martins, Magaly; Llaurado, Elisabet; Tarro, Lucia; Papell-Garcia, Ignasi; Prades-Tena, Jordi; Kettner-Hoeberg, Helle; Puiggros, Francesc; Arola, Lluis; Davies, Amy; Giralt, Montse; Sola, Rosa |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Childhood Obesity |
País: N/D |
Títol: Perfil lipoproteico por espectroscopia nuclear magnética en pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca crónica comparado con controles emparejados |
Autors: Albert Teis; Mélida Esmeralda Castelblanco Echavarría; Germán Cediel Calderón; Núria Amigó; Josep Julve; Josep Ribalta Vives; Montse Guardiola; Josep Franch Nadal; Marcelino Bermúdez López; Pau Codina; Josep Lupón Rosés; Didac Mauricio Puente; Nuria Alonso; Antoni Bayes Genis |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Revista Espanola De Cardiologia |
País: N/D |
Títol: Diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular risk: an update of the recommendations of the Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease Working Group of the Spanish Society of Diabetes (SED, 2021) [Diabetes mellitus y riesgo cardiovascular: actualización de las recomendaciones del Grupo de Trabajo de Diabetes y Enfermedad Cardiovascular de la Sociedad Española de Diabetes (SED, 2021)] |
Autors: Arrieta F; Pedro-Botet J; Iglesias P; Obaya JC; Montanez L; Maldonado GF; Becerra A; Navarro J; Perez JC; Petrecca R; Pardo JL; Ribalta J; Sánchez V; Duran S; Tébar FJ; Aguilar M |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Clinica E Investigacion En Arteriosclerosis |
País: N/D |
Títol: Antioxidant-rich foods, antioxidant supplements, and sarcopenia in old-young adults ¿55 years old: A systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies and randomized controlled trials |
Autors: Besora-Moreno M; Llauradó E; Valls RM; Tarro L; Pedret A; Solà R |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Clinical Nutrition |
País: N/D |
Títol: A Case Series Assessing the Effects of Lomitapide on Carotid Intima-Media Thickness in Adult Patients with Homozygous Familial Hypercholesterolaemia in a Real-World Setting |
Autors: Blom DJ; Gaudet D; Hegele RA; Patel DS; Cegla J; Kolovou G; Marin LM |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Advances In Therapy |
País: N/D |
Títol: Muscular carnosine is a marker for cardiorespiratory fitness and cardiometabolic risk factors in men with type 1 diabetes |
Autors: Brugnara L; García AI; Murillo S; Ribalta J; Fernandez G; Marquez S; Rodriguez MA; Vinaixa M; Amigó N; Correig X; Kalko S; Pomes J; Novials A |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: European Journal Of Applied Physiology |
País: N/D |
Títol: Serum lysophospholipidome of dietary origin as a suitable susceptibility/risk biomarker of human hypercholesterolemia: A cross-sectional study |
Autors: Calderon-Perez, Lorena; Suarez-Garcia, Susana; Pedret, Anna; Suarez, Manuel; Llaurado, Elisabet; Rubio, Laura; del Bas, Josep M; Caimari, Antoni; Puiggros, Francesc; Arola, Lluis; Sola, Rosa; Valls, Rosa M |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Clinical Nutrition |
País: N/D |
Títol: Situación en 2020 de los requerimientos para la utilización de inhibidores de PCSK9 en España: resultados de una encuesta nacional |
Autors: Carlos Guijarro; Fernando Civeira Murillo; José López Miranda; Lluís Masana Marín; Juan Pedro-Botet Montoya; Xavier Pintó Sala; Pedro Valdivielso Felices; José María Mostaza Prieto |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Clinica E Investigacion En Arteriosclerosis |
País: N/D |
Títol: Machine learning and semi-targeted lipidomics identify distinct serum lipid signatures in hospitalized COVID-19-positive and COVID-19-negative patients |
Autors: Castañé, H; Iftimie, S; Baiges-Gaya, G; Rodríguez-Tomás, E; Jiménez-Franco, A; López-Azcona, AF; Garrido, P; Castro, A; Camps, J; Joven, J |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Metabolism-Clinical And Experimental |
País: N/D |
Títol: Red-Fleshed Apples Rich in Anthocyanins and White-Fleshed Apples Modulate the Aorta and Feart Proteome in Hypercholesterolaemic Rats. The AppleCOR Study |
Autors: Catalán, Úrsula; Pedret, Anna; Yuste, Silvia; Rubió, Laura; Piñol, Carme; Sandoval-Ramírez, Berner Andrée; Companys, Judit; Foguet, Elisabet; Herrero, Pol; Canela, Núria; Motilva, Maria-Jose; Solà, Rosa |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Nutrients |
País: N/D |
Títol: Effects of enriched seafood sticks (heat-inactivated B. animalis subsp. lactis CECT 8145, inulin, omega-3) on cardiometabolic risk factors and gut microbiota in abdominally obese subjects: randomized controlled trial |
Autors: Companys, Judit; Calderon-Perez, Lorena; Pla-Paga, Laura; Llaurado, Elisabet; Andree Sandoval-Ramirez, Berner; Jose Gosalbes, Maria; Arregui, Ainara; Barandiaran, Maddi; Caimari, Antoni; Maria del Bas, Josep; Arola, Lluis; Valls, Rosa M; Sola, Rosa; Pedret, Anna |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: European Journal Of Nutrition |
País: N/D |
Títol: Hesperidin Bioavailability Is Increased by the Presence of 2S-Diastereoisomer and Micronization-A Randomized, Crossover and Double-Blind Clinical Trial |
Autors: Crescenti, Anna; Caimari, Antoni; Maria Alcaide-Hidalgo, Juan; Marine-Casado, Roger; Valls, Rosa M; Companys, Judit; Salamanca, Patricia; Calderon-Perez, Lorena; Pla-Paga, Laura; Pedret, Anna; Delpino-Rius, Antoni; Herrero, Pol; Samarra, Iris; Arola, Lluis; Sola, Rosa; Del Bas, Josep M |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Nutrients |
País: N/D |
Títol: Adjunctive Recombinant Human Plasma Gelsolin for Severe Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pneumonia |
Autors: DiNubile MJ; Parra S; Salomó AC; Levinson SL |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Open Forum Infectious Diseases |
País: N/D |
Títol: Impact of Phenol-Enriched Olive Oils on Serum Metabonome and Its Relationship with Cardiometabolic Parameters: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Cross-Over, Controlled Trial |
Autors: Farras, Marta; Swann, Jonathan Richard; Rowland, Ian; Rubio, Laura; Subirana, Isaac; Catalan, Ursula; Jose Motilva, Maria; Sola, Rosa; Covas, Maria Isabel; Blanco-Vaca, Francisco; Fito, Montserrat; Mayneris-Perxachs, Jordi; |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Antioxidants |
País: N/D |
Títol: A Fluorescence-Based In Vitro Method to Assess Cholesterol Efflux |
Autors: Fernández-Castillejo S; Pedret A; Catalán Santos Ú; Solà R |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Methods In Molecular Biology |
País: N/D |
Títol: Monitoring the Anisotropy and Fluidity of the HDL Monolayer as Surrogates of HDL Functionality |
Autors: Fernández-Castillejo S; Pedret Figuerola A; Catalán Santos Ú; Motta C; Solà R |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Methods In Molecular Biology |
País: N/D |
Títol: Usefulness of the Measurement of Serum Paraoxonase-1 Arylesterase Activity in the Diagnoses of COVID-19 |
Autors: Gabaldó, X; Juanpere, M; Castañé, H; Rodríguez-Tomàs, E; López-Azcona, AF; Baiges-Gaya, G; Castro, L; Valverde-Díaz, E; Muñoz-Blázquez, A; Giménez-Cuenca, L; Felipo-Balada, L; Ballester, F; Pujol, I; Simó, JM; Castro, A; Iftimie, S; Camps, J; Joven, J |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Biomolecules |
País: N/D |
Títol: The CNIC-Polypill reduces recurrent major cardiovascular events in real-life secondary prevention patients in Spain: The NEPTUNO study |
Autors: González-Juanatey JR; Cordero A; Castellano JM; Masana L; Dalmau R; Ruiz E; Sicras-Mainar A; Fuster V |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: International Journal Of Cardiology |
País: N/D |
Títol: DNA methylation pattern of hypertriglyceridemic subjects. [Patrón de metilación en ADN de sujetos hipertrigliceridémicos] |
Autors: Guardiola M; Ibarretxe D; Plana N; Masana L; Ribalta J |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Clinica E Investigacion En Arteriosclerosis |
País: N/D |
Títol: Situación en 2020 de los requerimientos para la utilización de inhibidores de PCSK9 en España: resultados de una encuesta nacional |
Autors: Guijarro C; Civeira F; López-Miranda J; Masana L; Pedro-Botet J; Pintó X; Valdivielso P; Mostaza JM |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Clinica E Investigacion En Arteriosclerosis |
País: N/D |
Títol: Characteristics of hospitalized patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection during successive waves of the COVID-19 pandemic in a reference hospital in Spain |
Autors: Iftimie, S; López-Azcona, AF; Lozano-Olmo, MJ; Hernández-Aguilera, A; Sarrà-Moretó, S; Joven, J; Camps, J; Castro, A |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Scientific Reports |
País: N/D |
Títol: Measurement of Plasma Galectin-3 Concentrations in Patients with Catheter Infections: A Post Hoc Retrospective Cohort Study |
Autors: Iftimie, Simona; Hernandez-Aguilera, Anna; Lopez-Azcona, Ana F.; Castane, Helena; Rodriguez-Tomas, Elisabet; Baiges-Gaya, Gerard; Camps, Jordi; Castro, Antoni; Joven, Jorge; |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Diagnostics |
País: N/D |
Títol: Estándares SEA 2022 para el control global del riesgo cardiovascular |
Autors: José María Mostaza Prieto; Xavier Pintó Sala; Pedro Armario García; Lluís Masana Marín; José Tomás Real Collado; Pedro Valdivielso Felices; Teresa Arrobas Velilla; Ramón Baeza Trinidad; Pilar Calmarza; Jesús Cebollada Muro; Miguel Civera Andrés; José I Cuende; José Luis Díaz Díaz; Jacinto Fernández Pardo; Carlos Guijarro; Carlos Jericó Alba; Martín Laclaustra; Carlos Lahoz Rallo; José López Miranda; Sergio Martínez Hervás; Ovidio Muñiz Grijalvo; José Antonio Páramo Fernández; V Pascual; Juan Pedro-Botet Montoya; Pablo Pérez Martínez; Núria Plana Gil; José Puzo Foncillas; Miguel Ángel Sánchez Chaparro; Lluís Vila Ballester |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Clinica E Investigacion En Arteriosclerosis |
País: N/D |
Títol: Adolescents encouraging healthy lifestyles through a peer-led social marketing intervention: Training and key competencies learned by peer leaders |
Autors: Llaurado, Elisabet; Aceves-Martins, Magaly; Prades-Tena, Jordi; Besora-Moreno, Maria; Papell-Garcia, Ignasi; Giralt, Montse; Davies, Amy; Tarro, Lucia; Sola, Rosa |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Health Expectations |
País: N/D |
Títol: HTE 3.0: Knowledge-based systems in cascade for familial hypercholesterolemia detection and dyslipidemia treatment |
Autors: Lopez, Beatriz; Torrent-Fontbona, Ferran; Masana Marin, Luis; Zamora, Alberto; |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Expert Systems |
País: N/D |
Títol: Phenol metabolic fingerprint and selection of intake biomarkers after acute and sustained consumption of red-fleshed apple versus common apple in humans. The AppleCOR study |
Autors: Macià A; Romero MP; Yuste S; Ludwig I; Pedret A; Valls RM; Salamanca P; Solà R; José Motilva M; Rubió L |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Food Chemistry |
País: N/D |
Títol: The ¿Healthy Meals¿ web app for the assessment of nutritional content and food allergens in restaurant meals: Development, evaluation and validation |
Autors: Mandracchia, Floriana; Tarro, Lucia; Llauradó, Elisabet; Valls, Rosa M.; Solà, Rosa |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Digit Health |
País: N/D |
Títol: Long-term exposure to PM10 above WHO guidelines exacerbates COVID-19 severity and mortality |
Autors: Marquès M; Correig E; Ibarretxe D; Anoro E; Antonio Arroyo J; Jericó C; Borrallo RM; Miret M; Näf S; Pardo A; Perea V; Pérez-Bernalte R; Ramírez-Montesinos R; Royuela M; Soler C; Urquizu-Padilla M; Zamora A; Pedro-Botet J; Masana L; Domingo JL |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Environment International |
País: N/D |
Títol: Magnetic resonance-assessed lipoprotein profile. The time has come for its clinical use [Perfil lipoproteico determinado por resonancia magnética. El momento de su utilización clínica ha llegado] |
Autors: Masana L; Ibarretxe D |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Revista Espanola De Cardiologia |
País: N/D |
Títol: Effect of statin therapy on SARS-CoV-2 infection-related mortality in hospitalized patients |
Autors: Masana, Lluis; Correig, Eudald; Rodriguez-Borjabad, Celia; Anoro, Eva; Antonio Arroyo, Juan; Jerico, Carlos; Pedragosa, Angels; la Miret, Marcel; Naf, Silvia; Pardo, Anna; Perea, Veronica; Perez-Bernalte, Rosa; Plana, Nuria; Ramirez-Montesinos, Rafael; Royuela, Meritxell; Soler, Cristina; Urquizu-Padilla, Maria; Zamora, Alberto; Pedro-Botet, Juan |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: European Heart Journal-Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy |
País: N/D |
Títol: Combination therapy in the guidelines: from high-intensity statins to high-intensity lipid-lowering therapies |
Autors: Masana, Luis; Ibarretxe, Daiana; Andreychuk, Natalia; Royuela, Meritxell; Rodríguez-Borjabad, Celia; Plana, Nuria |
Any: 2022 Clau: Review |
Revista: European Atherosclerosis Journal |
País: N/D |
Títol: Triglyceride-Rich Lipoproteins and Glycoprotein A and B Assessed by 1H-NMR in Metabolic-Associated Fatty Liver Disease |
Autors: Moreno-Vedia, J; Rosales, R; Ozcariz, E; Llop, D; Lahuerta, M; Benavent, M; Rodriguez-Calvo, R; Plana, N; Pedragosa, A; Masana, L; Castro, A; Ibarretxe, D; Girona, J |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Frontiers In Endocrinology |
País: N/D |
Títol: Unveiling the Role of the Fatty Acid Binding Protein 4 in the Metabolic-Associated Fatty Liver Disease |
Autors: Moreno-Vedia, Juan; Girona, Josefa; Ibarretxe, Daiana; Masana, Lluis; Rodriguez-Calvo, Ricardo; |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Biomedicines |
País: N/D |
Títol: SEA 2022 Standards for Global Control of Cardiovascular Risk |
Autors: Mostaza JM; Pintó X; Armario P; Masana L; Real JT; Valdivielso P; Arrobas-Velilla T; Baeza-Trinidad R; Calmarza P; Cebollada J; Civera-Andrés M; Cuende Melero JI; Díaz-Díaz JL; Fernández Pardo J; Guijarro C; Jericó C; Laclaustra M; Lahoz C; López-Miranda J; Martínez-Hervás S; Muñiz-Grijalvo O; Páramo JA; Pascual V; Pedro-Botet J; Pérez-Martínez P; Plana N; Puzo J; Sánchez Chaparro M; Vila L |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Clinica E Investigacion En Arteriosclerosis |
País: N/D |
Títol: Level of understanding and consumption of ultra-processed food in a mediterranean population: A cross-sectional study |
Autors: Pedro-Botet L; Muns MD; Solà R; Fontané L; Climent E; Benaiges D; Flores-Le Roux JA; Pedro-Botet J |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Nutrition Metabolism And Cardiovascular Diseases |
País: N/D |
Títol: Combination lipid-lowering therapy as first-line strategy in very high-risk patients |
Autors: Ray, Kausik K; Reeskamp, Laurens F; Laufs, Ulrich; Banach, Maciej; Mach, François; Tokgözo?lu, Lale S; Connolly, Derek L; Gerrits, Anja J; Stroes, Erik S G; Masana, Luis; Kastelein, John J P |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: European Heart Journal |
País: N/D |
Títol: Characterization of the lps and 3ohfa contents in the lipoprotein fractions and lipoprotein particles of healthy men |
Autors: Rehues, P; Rodríguez, M; Alvarez, J; Jiménez, M; Melià, A; Sempere, M; Balsells, C; Castillejo, G; Guardiola, M; Castro, A; Ribalta, J |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Biomolecules |
País: N/D |
Títol: Distribution of seven ApoC-III glycoforms in plasma, VLDL, IDL, LDL and HDL of healthy subjects |
Autors: Rodríguez M; Rehues P; Iranzo V; Mora J; Balsells C; Guardiola M; Ribalta J |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Journal Of Proteomics |
País: N/D |
Títol: Association Among Polyphenol Intake, Uric Acid, and Hyperuricemia: A Cross-Sectional Analysis in a Population at High Cardiovascular Risk |
Autors: Rubín-García M; Vitelli-Storelli F; Álvarez-álvarez L; Martínez-González MÁ; Salas-Salvadó J; Corella D; Hernáez Á; Martínez JA; Alonso-Gómez ÁM; Wärnberg J; Vioque J; Romaguera D; López-Miranda J; Estruch R; Tinahones FJ; Serra-Majem LI; Cano-Ibañez N; Tur JA; Marcos-Delgado A; Tresserra-Rimbau A; Pintó X; Delgado-Rodríguez M; Matía-Martín P; Vidal J; Vázquez C; Daimiel L; Ros E; Vázquez-Ruiz Z; Babio N; Barragán R; Castañer-Niño O; Razquin C; Tojal-Sierra L; Gómez-Gracia E; González-Palacios S; Morey M; García-Rios A; Castro-Barquero S; Bernal-López MR; Santos-Lozano JM; Ruiz-Canela M; Castro-Salomó A; Pascual-Castelló EC; Moldon V; Bullón-Vela V; Sorto-Sanchez C; Cenoz-Osinaga JC; Gutiérrez L; Mengual M; Lamuela-Raventós RM; Martín-Sánchez V |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Journal Of The American Heart Association |
País: N/D |
Títol: The health benefits of anthocyanins: an umbrella review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses of observational studies and controlled clinical trials |
Autors: Sandoval-Ramírez, Berner-Andrée; Catalán, Úrsula; Llauradó, Elisabet; Valls, Rosa-María; Salamanca, Patricia; Rubió, Laura; Yuste, Silvia; Solà, Rosa |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Nutrition Reviews |
País: N/D |
Títol: 1H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy lipoprotein profile in patients with chronic heart failure versus matched controls |
Autors: Teis A; Castelblanco E; Cediel G; Amigó N; Julve J; Ribalta J; Guardiola M; Franch J; Bermúdez-López M; Codina P; Lupón J; Mauricio D; Alonso N; Bayés-Genís A |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Revista Espanola De Cardiologia |
País: N/D |
Títol: Effects of an Optimized Aged Garlic Extract on Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in Moderate Hypercholesterolemic Subjects: A Randomized, Crossover, Double-Blind, Sustainedand Controlled Study |
Autors: Valls RM; Companys J; Calderón-Pérez L; Salamanca P; Pla-Pagà L; Sandoval-Ramírez BA; Bueno A; Puzo J; Crescenti A; Del Bas JM; Caimari A; Salamanca A; Espinel AE; Pedret A; Arola L; Solà R |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Nutrients |
País: N/D |
Títol: Obesity Partially Mediates the Diabetogenic Effect of Lowering LDL Cholesterol |
Autors: Wu P; Moon JY; Daghlas I; Franco G; Porneala BC; Ahmadizar F; Richardson TG; Isaksen JL; Hindy G; Yao J; Sitlani CM; Raffield LM; Yanek LR; Feitosa MF; Cuadrat RRC; Qi Q; Ikram MA; Ellervik C; Ericson U; Goodarzi MO; Brody JA; Lange L; Mercader JM; Vaidya D; An P; Schulze MB; Masana L; Ghanbari M; Olesen MS; Cai J; Guo X; Floyd JS; Jager S; Province MA; Kalyani RR; Psaty BM; Orho-Melander M; Ridker PM; Kanters JK; Uitterlinden A; Smith GD; Gill D; Kaplan RC; Kavousi M; Raghavan S; Chasman DI; Rotter JI; Meigs JB; Florez JC; Dupuis J; Liu CT; Merino J |
Any: 2022 Clau: Article |
Revista: Diabetes Care |
País: N/D |
Títol: Mcf-7 drug resistant cell lines switch their lipid metabolism to triple negative breast cancer signature |
Autors: Adria-Cebrian, Jose; Guaita-Esteruelas, Sandra; Lam, Eric W -F; Rodriguez-Balada, Marta; Capellades, Jordi; Girona, Josefa; Jimenez-Santamaria, Ana Maria; Yanes, Oscar; Masana, Luis; Guma, Josep |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Cancers |
País: N/D |
Títol: MCF-7 Drug Resistant Cell Lines Switch Their Lipid Metabolism to Triple Negative Breast Cancer Signature |
Autors: Adriá-Cebrián, Jose; Guaita-Esteruelas, Sandra; Lam, Eric W.-F.; Rodríguez-Balada, Marta; Capellades, Jordi; Girona, Josefa; Jimenez-Santamaria, Ana Maria; Yanes, Oscar; Masana, Luís; Gumà, Josep |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Cancers |
País: N/D |
Títol: El rastreo masivo de datos es una segunda oportunidad para mejorar el manejo de los pacientes con fenotipo de hipercolesterolemia familiar |
Autors: Alberto Zamora; Guillem Paluzie Ávila; Joan Garcia Vilches; Oriol Alonso Gisbert; Ana Inés Méndez Martínez; Núria Plana Gil; Cèlia Rodríguez Borjabad; Daiana Ibarretxe; Anabel Martín Urda; Lluís Masana Marín |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Clinica E Investigacion En Arteriosclerosis |
País: N/D |
Títol: Glycoprotein Profile Measured by a H-1-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Based on Approach in Patients with Diabetes: A New Robust Method to Assess Inflammation |
Autors: Amigo, Nuria; Fuertes-Martin, Rocio; Malo, Ana Irene; Plana, Nuria; Ibarretxe, Daiana; Girona, Josefa; Correig, Xavier; Masana, Lluis; |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Life |
País: N/D |
Títol: Glycoprotein Profile Measured by a 1H-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Based on Approach in Patients with Diabetes: A New Robust Method to Assess Inflammation |
Autors: Amigó, Núria; Fuertes-Martín, Rocío; Malo, Ana Irene; Plana, Núria; Ibarretxe, Daiana; Girona, Josefa; Correig, Xavier; Masana, Lluís |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Life |
País: N/D |
Títol: Practical guidance for combination lipid-modifying therapy in high- and very-high-risk patients: A statement from a European Atherosclerosis Society Task Force |
Autors: Averna, Maurizio; Banach, Maciej; Bruckert, Eric; Drexel, Heinz; Farnier, Michel; Gaita, Dan; Magni, Paolo; Maerz, Winfried; Masana, Luis; Mello e Silva, Alberto; Reiner, Zeljko; Ros, Emilio; Vrablik, Michal; Zambon, Alberto; Zamorano, Jose L.; Stock, Jane K.; Tokgozoglu, Lale S.; Catapano, Alberico L.; |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Atherosclerosis |
País: N/D |
Títol: Relative absorption of silicon from different formulations of dietary supplements: a pilot randomized, double-blind, crossover post-prandial study |
Autors: Boque, N.; Valls, R. M.; Pedret, A.; Puiggros, F.; Arola, L.; Sola, R.; |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Scientific Reports |
País: N/D |
Títol: Acute Effects of Turmeric Extracts on Knee Joint Pain: A Pilot, Randomized Controlled Trial |
Autors: Calderon-Perez, Lorena; Llaurado, Elisabet; Companys, Judit; Pla-Paga, Laura; Boque, Noemi; Puiggros, Francesc; Valls, Rosa-M; Pedret, Anna; Manuel Llabres, Josep; Arola, Lluis; Sola, Rosa |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Journal Of Medicinal Food |
País: N/D |
Títol: Interplay between dietary phenolic compound intake and the human gut microbiome in hypertension: A cross-sectional study |
Autors: Calderon-Perez, Lorena; Llaurado, Elisabet; Companys, Judit; Pla-Paga, Laura; Pedret, Anna; Rubio, Laura; Gosalbes, Maria Jose; Yuste, Silvia; Sola, Rosa; Valls, Rosa M |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Food Chemistry |
País: N/D |
Títol: Prognostic value of ambulatory blood pressure values in elderly patients with heart failure. Results of the DICUMAP study |
Autors: Camafort, M; Jhund, PS; Formiga, F; Castro-Salomo, A; Arevalo-Lorido, JC; Sobrino-Martinez, J; Manzano, L; Diez-Manglano, J; Aramburu, O; Perez-Barquerof, MM |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Revista Clinica Espanola |
País: N/D |
Títol: Fermented dairy foods rich in probiotics and cardiometabolic risk factors: a narrative review from prospective cohort studies |
Autors: Companys J; Pedret A; Valls RM; Solà R; Pascual V |
Any: 2021 Clau: Review |
Revista: Critical Reviews In Food Science And Nutrition |
País: N/D |
Títol: Gut microbiota profile and its association with clinical variables and dietary intake in overweight/obese and lean subjects: A cross-sectional study |
Autors: Companys, Judit; Gosalbes, Maria Jose; Pla-Paga, Laura; Calderon-Perez, Lorena; Llaurado, Elisabet; Pedret, Anna; Valls, Rosa Maria; Jimenez-Hernandez, Nuria; Sandoval-Ramirez, Berner Andree; del Bas, Josep Maria; Caimari, Antoni; Rubio, Laura; Sola, Rosa |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Nutrients |
País: N/D |
Títol: Virgin Olive Oil Phenolic Compounds Modulate the HDL Lipidome in Hypercholesterolaemic Subjects: A Lipidomic Analysis of the VOHF Study |
Autors: Fernández-Castillejo S; Pedret A; Catalán Ú; Valls RM; Farràs M; Rubió L; Castañer O; Macià A; Fitó M; Motilva MJ; Covas MI; Giera M; Remaley AT; Solà R |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Molecular Nutrition & Food Research |
País: N/D |
Títol: Clinical performance of the Elecsys (R) anti-SARS-CoV-2 combined in an algorithm with two specific anti-IgG immunoassays for the evaluation of the serological response of patients with COVID-19 in a population with a high prevalence of infection |
Autors: Gabaldó-Barrios, X; Iftimie, S; Hernández-Aguilera, A; Pujol, I; Ballester, F; Fernández, L; Cladellas, S; Castro, A; Joven, J; Camps, J; Simó, JM |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Annals Of Clinical Biochemistry |
País: N/D |
Títol: Changes in the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) of University Schools of Medicine during COVID-19. Experience with a computer-based case simulation OSCE (CCS-OSCE) [Cambios en el examen clínico objetivo y estructurado (ECOE) de las facultades de Medicina durante la COVID-19. Experiencia de una ECOE de casos-clínicos computarizados simulados (ECOE-CCS) conjunta] |
Autors: García-Seoane JJ; Ramos-Rincón JM; Lara-Muñoz JP; López-Román A; Cardoner-Álvarez N; Lorenzo-Peñuelas A; Párraga-Ramírez M; Jiménez-Reina L; Sanz-Álvarez EJ; Naranjo-Hernández A; Valdivielso-Felices P; Ramos-Rincón JM; Adánez-Martínez G; García-Salom M; Martínez-Ibargüen A; Lafuente-Sánchez JV; Fernández-Agulló T; Castro-Salomó A; Sancho-Sánchez MC; Hermida-Ameijeiras Á; Ambrosiani-Fernández J; el grupo de trabajo de la ECOE-CCS de la CNDFME; Miembros del grupo de trabajo de la ECOE-CCS de la CNDFME (por orden alfabetico de Universidad) |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Revista Clinica Espanola |
País: N/D |
Títol: Altered Serum Metabolic Profile Assessed by Advanced 1H-NMR in Breast Cancer Patients |
Autors: Guma, Josep; Adria-Cebrian, Jose; Ruiz-Aguado, Belen; Albacar, Cinta; Girona, Josefa; Rodriguez-Calvo, Ricardo; Martinez-Micaelo, Neus; Lam, Eric W. F.; Masana, Luis; Guaita-Esteruelas, Sandra; |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Cancers |
País: N/D |
Títol: Triglyceride metabolism and classification of hypertriglyceridemias |
Autors: Ibarretxe, Daiana; Masana, Lluis; |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Clinica E Investigacion En Arteriosclerosis |
País: N/D |
Títol: Influence of Surgical Procedures on Serum Paraoxonase-1-Related Variables and Markers of Inflammation in Hospitalized Patients |
Autors: Iftimie, S; Escribano, A; Díez-Sans, A; Albiciuc, I; Hernández-Aguilera, A; Fort-Gallifa, I; López-Azcona, AF; Camps, J; Joven, J; Castro, A |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Journal Of Investigative Surgery |
País: N/D |
Títol: First and second waves of coronavirus disease-19: A comparative study in hospitalized patients in Reus, Spain |
Autors: Iftimie, Simona; Lopez-Azcona, Ana F; Vallverdu, Immaculada; Hernandez-Flix, Salvador; de Febrer, Gabriel; Parra, Sandra; Hernandez-Aguilera, Anna; Riu, Francesc; Joven, Jorge; Andreychuk, Natalia; Baiges-Gaya, Gerard; Ballester, Frederic; Benavent, Marc; Burdeos, Jose; Catala, Alba; Castane, Eric; Castane, Helena; Colom, Josep; Feliu, Mireia; Gabaldo, Xavier; Garrido, Diana; Garrido, Pedro; Gil, Joan; Guelbenzu, Paloma; Lozano, Carolina; Marimon, Francesc; Pardo, Pedro; Pujol, Isabel; Rabassa, Antoni; Revuelta, Laia; Rios, Marta; Rodriguez-Tomas, Elisabet; Rojewski, Wojciech; Roquer-Fanlo, Esther; Sabate, Noelia; Teixido, Anna; Vasco, Carlos; Camps, Jordi; Castro, Antoni |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Plos One |
País: N/D |
Títol: Nutrients and dietary approaches in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease: A narrative review |
Autors: Jiménez-Cortegana C; Iglesias P; Ribalta J; Vilariño-García T; Montañez L; Arrieta F; Aguilar M; Durán S; Obaya JC; Becerra A; Pedro-Botet J; Sánchez-Margalet V |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Nutrients |
País: N/D |
Títol: Statistical mediation of the relationships between chronological age and lipoproteins by nonessential amino acids in healthy men |
Autors: Mallol R; Vallvé JC; Solà R; Girona J; Bergmann S; Correig X; Rock E; Winklhofer-Roob BM; Rehues P; Guardiola M; Masana L; Ribalta J |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Computational And Structural Biotechnology Journal |
País: N/D |
Títol: Evolution of Serum Acute-Phase Glycoproteins Assessed by H-1-NMR in HIV Elite Controllers |
Autors: Malo, AI; Peraire, J; Ruiz-Mateos, E; Masip, J; Amigó, N; Alcamí, J; Moreno, S; Girona, J; García-Pardo, G; Reig, R; Vidal, F; Castro, A; Masana, L; Rull, A |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Frontiers In Immunology |
País: N/D |
Títol: Serum glycoproteins A and B assessed by H-1-NMR in familial hypercholesterolemia |
Autors: Malo, Ana-Irene; Girona, Josefa; Ibarretxe, Daiana; Rodriguez-Borjabad, Celia; Amigo, Nuria; Plana, Nuria; Masana, Lluis |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Atherosclerosis |
País: N/D |
Títol: Interventions to promote healthy meals in full-service restaurants and canteens: A systematic review and meta-analysis |
Autors: Mandracchia F; Tarro L; Llauradó E; Valls RM; Solà R |
Any: 2021 Clau: Review |
Revista: Nutrients |
País: N/D |
Títol: Evaluating Mediterranean Diet-Adherent, Healthy and Allergen-Free Meals Offered in Tarragona Province Restaurants (Catalonia, Spain): A Cross-Sectional Study |
Autors: Mandracchia, Floriana; Llauradó, Elisabet; Valls, Rosa Maria; Tarro, Lucia; Solà, Rosa |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Nutrients |
País: N/D |
Títol: Bempedoic acid. Mechanism of action and pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties |
Autors: Marin, Lluis Masana; Gil, Nuria Plana; |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Clinica E Investigacion En Arteriosclerosis |
País: N/D |
Títol: Effectiveness of a motivational intervention based on spirometry results to achieve smoking cessation in primary healthcare patients: randomised, parallel, controlled multicentre study |
Autors: Martin-Lujan, Francisco; Basora-Gallisa, Josep; Villalobos, Felipe; Martin-Vergara, Nuria; Aparicio-Llopis, Estefania; Pascual-Palacios, Irene; Santigosa-Ayala, Antoni; Catalin, Roxana-Elena; Rey-Renones, Cristina; Sola, Rosa |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Journal Of Epidemiology And Community Health |
País: N/D |
Títol: Low HDL and high triglycerides predict COVID-19 severity |
Autors: Masana, Lluis; Correig, Eudald; Ibarretxe, Daiana; Anoro, Eva; Arroyo, Juan Antonio; Jerico, Carlos; Guerrero, Carolina; la Miret, Marcel; Naf, Silvia; Pardo, Anna; Perea, Veronica; Perez-Bernalte, Rosa; Plana, Nuria; Ramirez-Montesinos, Rafael; Royuela, Meritxell; Soler, Cristina; Urquizu-Padilla, Maria; Zamora, Alberto; Pedro-Botet, Juan |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Scientific Reports |
País: N/D |
Títol: Dyslipemias and pregnancy, an update |
Autors: Mauri M; Calmarza P; Ibarretxe D |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Clinica E Investigacion En Arteriosclerosis |
País: N/D |
Títol: Intensive low-density lipoprotein cholesterol lowering in cardiovascular disease prevention: opportunities and challenges |
Autors: Packard, Chris; Chapman, M. John; Sibartie, Mahendra; Laufs, Ulrich; Masana, Luis; |
Any: 2021 Clau: Review |
Revista: Heart |
País: N/D |
Títol: Analysis of LDL and HDL size and number by nuclear magnetic resonance in a healthy working population: The LipoLab Study |
Autors: Pallares-Carratala, Vicente; Quesada, Jose A.; Orozco-Beltran, Domingo; Amigo-Grau, Nuria; Lopez-Pineda, Adriana; Fernandez Gimenez, Antonio; Gil-Guillen, Vicente F.; Correig, Xavier; Masana, Lluis; Monleon, Daniel; Redon, Josep; Pascual, Reyes; Carratala-Munuera, Concepcion; |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: International Journal Of Clinical Practice |
País: N/D |
Títol: Phosphoproteomic Analysis and Protein-Protein Interaction of Rat Aorta GJA1 and Rat Heart FKBP1A after Secoiridoid Consumption from Virgin Olive Oil: A Functional Proteomic Approach |
Autors: Pedret A; Catalán Ú; Rubió L; Baiges I; Herrero P; Piñol C; Rodríguez-Calvo R; Canela N; Fernández-Castillejo S; Motilva MJ; Solà R |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Journal Of Agricultural And Food Chemistry |
País: N/D |
Títol: Study of the Plasma and Buffy Coat in Patients with SARS-CoV-2 Infection-A Preliminary Report |
Autors: Peña, KB; Riu, F; Gumà, J; Guilarte, C; Pique, B; Hernandez, A; Avila, A; Parra, S; Castro, A; Rovira, C; Cueto, P; Vallverdu, I; Parada, D |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Pathogens |
País: N/D |
Títol: Effects of Hesperidin Consumption on the Cardiovascular System in Pre- and Stage 1 Hypertensive Subjects: Targeted and Non-Targeted Metabolomic Approaches (CITRUS Study) |
Autors: Pla-Paga, L; Pedret, A; Valls, R M; Calderon-Perez, L; Llaurado, E; Companys, J; Martin-Lujan, F; Moragas, A; Canela, N; Puiggros, F; Caimari, A; del Bas, J M; Arola, L; Sola, R; Mayneris-Perxachs, J |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Molecular Nutrition & Food Research |
País: N/D |
Títol: Effect of the consumption of hesperidin in orange juice on the transcriptomic profile of subjects with elevated blood pressure and stage 1 hypertension: A randomized controlled trial (CITRUS study) |
Autors: Pla-Paga, Laura; Valls, Rosa M; Pedret, Anna; Calderon-Perez, Lorena; Llaurado, Elisabet; Companys, Judit; Domenech-Coca, Cristina; Canela, Nuria; del Bas, Josep M; Caimari, Antoni; Puiggros, Francesc; Covas; Arola, Lluis; Sola, Rosa |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Clinical Nutrition |
País: N/D |
Títol: EU-Wide Cross-Sectional Observational Study of Lipid-Modifying Therapy Use in Secondary and Primary Care: the DA VINCI study |
Autors: Ray, Kausik K; Molemans, Bart; Schoonen, W Marieke; Giovas, Periklis; Bray, Sarah; Kiru, Gaia; Murphy, Jennifer; Banach, Maciej; De Servi, Stefano; Gaita, Dan; Gouni-Berthold, Ioanna; Hovingh, G Kees; Jozwiak, Jacek J; Jukema, J Wouter; Kiss, Robert Gabor; Kownator, Serge; Iversen, Helle K; Maher, Vincent; Masana, Luis; Parkhomenko, Alexander; Peeters, Andre; Clifford, Piers; Raslova, Katarina; Siostrzonek, Peter; Romeo, Stefano; Tousoulis, Dimitrios; Vlachopoulos, Charalambos; Vrablik, Michal; Catapano, Alberico L; Poulter, Neil R |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: European Journal Of Preventive Cardiology |
País: N/D |
Títol: Dietary intake and lipid levels in Norwegian and Spanish children with familial hypercholesterolemia |
Autors: Rodriguez-Borjabad, Celia; Narveud, Ingunn; Christensen, Jacob Juel; Ulven, Stine Marie; Malo, Ana Irene; Ibarretxe, Daiana; Girona, Josefa; Torvik, Kristin; Bogsrud, Martin Proven; Retterstol, Kjetil; Plana, Nuria; Masana, Luis; Holven, Kristen Bjorklund |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Nutrition Metabolism And Cardiovascular Diseases |
País: N/D |
Títol: Distribution of seven ApoC-III glycoforms in plasma, VLDL, IDL, LDL and HDL of healthy subjects |
Autors: Rodríguez M, Rehues P, Iranzo V, Mora J, Balsells C, Guardiola M, Ribalta J |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: J Proteomics |
País: N/D |
Títol: Relationship Between Fatty Acid Binding Protein 4 and Liver Fat in Individuals at Increased Cardiometabolic Risk |
Autors: Rodríguez-Calvo R; Moreno-Vedia J; Girona J; Ibarretxe D; Martínez-Micaelo N; Merino J; Plana N; Masana L |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Frontiers In Physiology |
País: N/D |
Títol: Low-density lipoprotein from active SLE patients is more atherogenic to endothelial cells than low-density lipoprotein from the same patients during remission |
Autors: Rodríguez-Calvo, R; Guardiola, M; Oliva, I; Arrando, H; Arranz, I; Ferré, A; Pellicer, P; Parra, S; Ribalta, J; Castro, A |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Rheumatology |
País: N/D |
Títol: Clinical performance of paraoxonase-1-related variables and novel markers of inflammation in coronavirus disease-19. A machine learning approach |
Autors: Rodríguez-Tomàs, E; Iftimie, S; Castañé, H; Baiges-Gaya, G; Hernández-Aguilera, A; González-Viñas, M; Castro, A; Camps, J; Joven, J |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Antioxidants |
País: N/D |
Títol: Statistical mediation of the relationships between chronological age and lipoproteins by nonessential amino acids in healthy men |
Autors: Roger Mallol, Joan Carles Vallvé, Rosa Solà, Josefa Girona, Sven Bergmann, Xavier Correig, Edmond Rock, Brigitte M Winklhofer-Roob, Pere Rehues, Montse Guardiola, Lluís Masana, Josep Ribalta. |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Comput Struct Biotechnol J . |
País: N/D |
Títol: Variation in the Methylation of Caffeoylquinic Acids and Urinary Excretion of 3 '-methoxycinnamic acid-4 '-Sulfate After Apple Consumption by Volunteers |
Autors: Rubio, Laura; Romero, Maria Paz; Sola, Rosa; Motilva, Maria Jose; Clifford, Michael N.; Macia, Alba; |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Molecular Nutrition & Food Research |
País: N/D |
Títol: Effectiveness of a Motivational Nutritional Intervention through Social Networks 2.0 to Increase Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and Improve Lung Function in Active Smokers: The DIET Study, a Randomized, Controlled and Parallel Clinical Trial in Primary Care |
Autors: Salamanca-Gonzalez, Patricia; Valls-Zamora, Rosa Maria; Pedret-Figuerola, Anna; Sorli-Aguilar, Mar; Santigosa-Ayala, Antoni; Catalin, Roxana-Elena; Palleja-Millan, Meritxell; Sola-Alberich, Rosa; Martin-Lujan, Francisco; CENIT Res Grp Investigators; |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Nutrients |
País: N/D |
Títol: Effectiveness of a Motivational Nutritional Intervention through Social Networks 2.0 to Increase Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and Improve Lung Function in Active Smokers: The DIET Study, a Randomized, Controlled and Parallel Clinical Trial in Primary Care |
Autors: Salamanca-González, Patricia; Valls-Zamora, Rosa Maria; Pedret-Figuerola, Anna; Sorlí-Aguilar, Mar; Santigosa-Ayala, Antoni; Catalin, Roxana-Elena; Pallejà-Millán, Meritxell; Solà-Alberich, Rosa; Martin-Lujan, Francisco; NA, NA |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Nutrients |
País: N/D |
Títol: Exploring the effects of phenolic compounds to reduce intestinal damage and improve the intestinal barrier integrity: A systematic review of in vivo animal studies |
Autors: Sandoval-Ramírez BA; Catalán Ú; Pedret A; Valls RM; Motilva MJ; Rubió L; Solà R |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Clinical Nutrition |
País: N/D |
Títol: Plasma expression of microRNA-425-5p and microRNA-451a as biomarkers of cardiovascular disease in rheumatoid arthritis patients |
Autors: Taverner, Delia; Llop, Didac; Rosales, Roser; Ferre, Raimon; Masana, Luis; Vallve, Joan-Carles; Paredes, Silvia; |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Scientific Reports |
País: N/D |
Títol: <sup>1</sup>H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy lipoprotein profile in patients with chronic heart failure versus matched controls |
Autors: Teis A, Castelblanco E, Cediel G, Amigó N, Julve J, Ribalta J, Guardiola M, Franch J, Bermúdez-López M, Codina P, Lupón J, Mauricio D, Alonso N, Bayés-Genís A |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Rev Esp Cardiol (Engl Ed) |
País: N/D |
Títol: Effects of hesperidin in orange juice on blood and pulse pressures in mildly hypertensive individuals: a randomized controlled trial (Citrus study) |
Autors: Valls, Rosa M; Pedret, Anna; Calderon-Perez, Lorena; Llaurado, Elisabet; Pla-Paga, Laura; Companys, Judit; Moragas, Ana; Martin-Lujan, Francisco; Ortega, Yolanda; Giralt, Montse; Romeu, Marta; Rubio, Laura; Mayneris-Perxachs, Jordi; Canela, Nuria; Puiggros, Francesc; Caimari, Antoni; Del Bas, Josep M; Arola, Lluis; Sola, Rosa |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: European Journal Of Nutrition |
País: N/D |
Títol: Hesperidin in orange juice improves human endothelial function in subjects with elevated blood pressure and stage 1 hypertension: A randomized, controlled trial (Citrus study) |
Autors: Valls, Rosa M; Pedret, Anna; Calderon-Perez, Lorena; Llaurado, Elisabet; Pla-Paga, Laura; Companys, Judit; Moragas, Ana; Martin-Lujan, Francisco; Ortega, Yolanda; Giralt, Montse; Rubio, Laura; Canela, Nuria; Puiggros, Francesc; Caimari, Antoni; Del Bas, Josep M; Arola, Lluis; Sola, Rosa |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Journal Of Functional Foods |
País: N/D |
Títol: Effects of Stress on Performance during Highly Demanding Tasks in Student Pilots |
Autors: Vallès-Català T; Pedret A; Ribes D; Medina D; Traveria M |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: International Journal Of Aerospace Psychology |
País: N/D |
Títol: Obesity Partially Mediates the Diabetogenic Effect of Lowering LDL Cholesterol |
Autors: Wu, Peitao; Moon, Jee-Young; Daghlas, Iyas; Franco, Giulianini; Porneala, Bianca C.; Ahmadizar, Fariba; Richardson, Tom G.; Isaksen, Jonas L.; Hindy, Georgy; Yao, Jie; Sitlani, Colleen M.; Raffield, Laura M.; Yanek, Lisa R.; Feitosa, Mary F.; Cuadrat, Rafael R.C.; Qi, Qibin; Arfan Ikram, M.; Ellervik, Christina; Ericson, Ulrika; Goodarzi, Mark O.; Brody, Jennifer A.; Lange, Leslie; Mercader, Josep M.; Vaidya, Dhananjay; An, Ping; Schulze, Matthias B.; Masana, Lluis; Ghanbari, Mohsen; Olesen, Morten S.; Cai, Jianwen; Guo, Xiuqing; Floyd, James S.; Jäger, Susanne; Province, Michael A.; Kalyani, Rita R.; Psaty, Bruce M.; Orho-Melander, Marju; Ridker, Paul M.; Kanters, Jørgen K.; Uitterlinden, Andre; Davey Smith, George; Gill, Dipender; Kaplan, Robert C.; Kavousi, Maryam; Raghavan, Sridharan; Chasman, Daniel I.; Rotter, Jerome I.; Meigs, James B.; Florez, Jose C.; Dupuis, Josée; Liu, Ching-Ti; Merino, Jordi |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Diabetes Care |
País: N/D |
Títol: Metabolic Fate and Cardiometabolic Effects of Phenolic Compounds from Red-Fleshed Apple in Hypercholesterolemic Rats: A Comparative Study with Common White-Fleshed Apple: The AppleCOR Study |
Autors: Yuste, Silvia; Ludwig, Iziar A.; Romero, Maria-Paz; Pinol-Felis, Carme; Catalan, Ursula; Pedret, Anna; Valls, Rosa M.; Fernandez-Castillejo, Sara; Motilva, Maria-Jose; Macia, Alba; Rubio, Laura; |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Molecular Nutrition & Food Research |
País: N/D |
Títol: Massive data screening is a second opportunity to improve the management of patients with familial hypercholesterolemia phenotype |
Autors: Zamora, Alberto; Paluzie, Guillem; Garcia-Vilches, Joan; Alonso Gisbert, Oriol; Mendez Martinez, Ana Ines; Plana, Nuria; Rodriguez-Borjabad, Celia; Ibarretxe, Daiana; Martin-Urda, Anabel; Masana, Luis |
Any: 2021 Clau: Article |
Revista: Clinica E Investigacion En Arteriosclerosis |
País: N/D |
Títol: Social and economic factors and malnutrition or the risk of malnutrition in the elderly: A systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies |
Autors: Besora-Moreno M; Llauradó E; Tarro L; Solà R |
Any: 2020 Clau: Review |
Revista: Nutrients |
País: N/D |
Títol: Low-density lipoproteins cause atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease: pathophysiological, genetic, and therapeutic insights: a consensus statement from the European Atherosclerosis Society Consensus Panel |
Autors: Boren, Jan; Chapman, M John; Krauss, Ronald M; Packard, Chris J; Bentzon, Jacob F; Binder, Christoph J; Daemen, Mat J; Demer, Linda L; Hegele, Robert A; Nicholls, Stephen J; Nordestgaard, Brge G; Watts, Gerald F; Bruckert, Eric; Fazio, Sergio; Ference, Brian A; Graham, Ian; Horton, Jay D; Landmesser, Ulf; Laufs, Ulrich; Masana, Luis; Pasterkamp, Gerard; Raal, Frederick J; Ray, Kausik K; Schunkert, Heribert; Taskinen, Marja-Riitta; van de Sluis, Bart; Wiklund, Olov; Tokgozoglu, Lale; Catapano, Alberico L; Ginsberg, Henry N |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: European Heart Journal |
País: N/D |
Títol: Gut metagenomic and short chain fatty acids signature in hypertension: a cross-sectional study |
Autors: Calderon-Perez, Lorena; Gosalbes, Maria Jose; Yuste, Silvia; Valls, Rosa M; Pedret, Anna; Llaurado, Elisabet; Jimenez-Hernandez, Nuria; Artacho, Alejandro; Pla-Paga, Laura; Companys, Judit; Ludwig, Iziar; Romero, Maria-Paz; Rubio, Laura; Sola, Rosa |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Scientific Reports |
País: N/D |
Títol: Recomendaciones para mejorar el control lipídico. Documento de consenso de la Sociedad Española de Cardiología |
Autors: Carlos Escobar; Manuel Anguita Sánchez; Vicente Arrarte Esteban; Vivencio Barrios Alonso; Angel Cequier; Juan Cosín Sales; María Isabel Egocheaga Cabello; Esteban López de Sá; Lluís Masana Marín; Vicente Pallarés Carratalá; Leopoldo Pérez de Isla; Xavier Pintó Sala |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Revista Espanola De Cardiologia |
País: N/D |
Títol: Phenol-Enriched Virgin Olive Oil Promotes Macrophage-Specific Reverse Cholesterol Transport In Vivo |
Autors: Cedo, Lidia; Fernandez-Castillejo, Sara; Rubio, Laura; Metso, Jari; Santos, David; Munoz-Aguayo, Daniel; Rivas-Urbina, Andrea; Tondo, Mireia; Mendez-Lara, Karen Alejandra; Farras, Marta; Jauhiainen, Matti; Motilva, Maria-Jose; Fito, Montserrat; Blanco-Vaca, Francisco; Sola, Rosa; Escola-Gil, Joan Carles; |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Biomedicines |
País: N/D |
Títol: LDL Receptor Regulates the Reverse Transport of Macrophage-Derived Unesterified Cholesterol via Concerted Action of the HDL-LDL Axis Insight From Mouse Models |
Autors: Cedo, Lidia; Metso, Jari; Santos, David; Garcia-Leon, Annabel; Plana, Nuria; Sabate-Soler, Sonia; Rotllan, Noemi; Rivas-Urbina, Andrea; Mendez-Lara, Karen A.; Tondo, Mireia; Girona, Josefa; Julve, Josep; Pallares, Victor; Benitez-Amaro, Aleyda; Llorente-Cortes, Vicenta; Perez, Antonio; Gomez-Coronado, Diego; Ruotsalainen, Anna-Kaisa; Levonen, Anna-Liisa; Luis Sanchez-Quesada, Jose; Masana, Luis; Kovanen, Petri T.; Jauhiainen, Matti; Lee-Rueckert, Miriam; Blanco-Vaca, Francisco; Carles Escola-Gil, Joan; |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Circulation Research |
País: N/D |
Títol: Fermented Dairy Products, Probiotic Supplementation, and Cardiometabolic Diseases: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis |
Autors: Companys J, Pla-Pagà L, Calderón-Pérez L, Llauradó E, Solà R, Pedret A, Valls RM. |
Any: 2020 Clau: Review |
Revista: Adv Nutr |
País: N/D |
Títol: Fermented Dairy Products, Probiotic Supplementation, and Cardiometabolic Diseases: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis |
Autors: Companys, Judit; Pla-Paga, Laura; Calderon-Perez, Lorena; Llaurado, Elisabet; Sola, Rosa; Pedret, Anna; Valls, Rosa M |
Any: 2020 Clau: Review |
Revista: Advances In Nutrition |
País: N/D |
Títol: Impact of Phenol-Enriched Virgin Olive Oils on the Postprandial Levels of Circulating microRNAs Related to Cardiovascular Disease |
Autors: Daimiel L; Micó V; Valls RM; Pedret A; Motilva MJ; Rubió L; Fitó M; Farrás M; Covas MI; Solá R; Ordovás JM |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Molecular Nutrition & Food Research |
País: N/D |
Títol: Recommendations to improve lipid control. Consensus document of the Spanish Society of Cardiology. |
Autors: Escobar C, Anguita M, Arrarte V, Barrios V, Cequier Á, Cosín-Sales J, Egocheaga I, López de Sa E, Masana L, Pallarés V, Pérez de Isla L, Pintó X, Expert reviewers |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Revista Espanola De Cardiologia |
País: N/D |
Títol: Recommendations to improve lipid control. Consensus document of the Spanish Society of Cardiology |
Autors: Escobar C; Anguita M; Arrarte V; Barrios V; Cequier Á; Cosín-Sales J; Egocheaga I; López de Sa E; Masana L; Pallarés V; Pérez de Isla L; Pintó X; González Juanatey JR; Zamorano JL |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Revista Espanola De Cardiologia |
País: N/D |
Títol: Activation of nuclear factor-kappa B subunits c-Rel, p65 and p50 by plasma lipids and fatty acids across the menstrual cycle |
Autors: Faustmann G; Tiran B; Trajanoski S; Obermayer-Pietsch B; Gruber HJ; Ribalta J; Roob JM; Winklhofer-Roob BM |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Free Radical Biology And Medicine |
País: N/D |
Títol: Precipitated sdLDL: An easy method to estimate LDL particle size |
Autors: Fernandez-Cidon, Barbara; Candas-Estebanez, Beatriz; Ribalta, Josep; Rock, Edmond; Guardiola-Guionnet, Montserrat; Amigo, Nuria; Padro-Miquel, Ariadna; Alia-Ramos, Pedro; Pinto-Sala, Xavier; |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Journal Of Clinical Laboratory Analysis |
País: N/D |
Títol: OZF is a Claspin-interacting protein essential to maintain the replication fork progression rate under replication stress |
Autors: Feu S; Unzueta F; Llopis A; Semple JI; Ercilla A; Guaita-Esteruelas S; Jaumot M; Freire R; Agell N |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Faseb Journal |
País: N/D |
Títol: Human Serum/Plasma Glycoprotein Analysis by H-1-NMR, an Emerging Method of Inflammatory Assessment |
Autors: Fuertes-Martin, Rocio; Correig, Xavier; Vallve, Joan-Carles; Amigo, Nuria; |
Any: 2020 Clau: Review |
Revista: Journal Of Clinical Medicine |
País: N/D |
Títol: Risk factors associated with mortality in hospitalized patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection. A prospective, longitudinal, unicenter study in Reus, Spain |
Autors: Iftimie, S; López-Azcona, AF; Vicente-Miralles, M; Descarrega-Reina, R; Hernández-Aguilera, A; Riu, F; Simó, JM; Garrido, P; Joven, J; Camps, J; Castro, A |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Plos One |
País: N/D |
Títol: Lipid-lowering therapy and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol goal achievement in patients with acute coronary syndromes: The ACS patient pathway project |
Autors: Landmesser, Ulf; Pirillo, Angela; Farnier, Michel; Jukema, J. Wouter; Laufs, Ulrich; Mach, Francois; Masana, Luis; Pedersen, Terje R.; Schiele, Francois; Steg, Gabriel; Tubaro, Marco; Zaman, Azfar; Zamorano, Pepe; Catapano, Alberico L.; |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Atherosclerosis Supplements |
País: N/D |
Títol: Comentarios a la guía ESC/EAS 2019 sobre el tratamiento de las dislipemias |
Autors: Leopoldo Pérez de Isla; Lluís Masana Marín; R Argüeso Armesto; Raquel Campuzano; María Isabel Egocheaga Cabello; Carlos Escobar; Lorenzo Fácila Rubio; Pedro Mata; Miriam Rossi López; Carmen Rus |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Revista Espanola De Cardiologia |
País: N/D |
Títol: Perfil clínico de los pacientes tratados con evolocumab en unidades de lípidos/medicina interna en España. Estudio observacional (RETOSS-IMU) |
Autors: Lluís Masana Marín; José López Miranda; Fernando Civeira Murillo; Leonardo Reinares García; Carlos Guijarro; Núria Plana Gil; Rafael Cuenca; Demetrio Sánchez Fuentes; José Luis Hernández; Raimundo Andrés Cañas; Agustín Blanco Echevarría; Santiago Villamayor |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Clinica E Investigacion En Arteriosclerosis |
País: N/D |
Títol: Practice of lipoprotein apheresis and short-term efficacy in children with homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia: Data from an international registry |
Autors: Luirink IK; Hutten BA; Greber-Platzer S; Kolovou GD; Dann EJ; de Ferranti SD; Taylan C; Bruckert E; Saheb S; Oh J; Driemeyer J; Farnier M; Pape L; Schmitt CP; Novoa FJ; Maeser M; Masana L; Shahrani A; Wiegman A; Groothoff JW |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Atherosclerosis |
País: N/D |
Títol: Glycoprotein Profile Assessed by 1H-NMR as a Global Inflammation Marker in Patients with HIV Infection. A Prospective Study |
Autors: Malo, Ana-Irene; Rull, Anna; Girona, Josefa; Domingo, Pere; Fuertes-Martin, Rocio; Amigo, Nuria; Rodriguez-Borjabad, Celia; Martinez-Micaelo, Neus; Leal, Manuel; Peraire, Joaquim; Correig, Xavier; Vidal, Francesc; Masana, Lluis |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Journal Of Clinical Medicine |
País: N/D |
Títol: Mobile Phone Apps for Food Allergies or Intolerances in App Stores: Systematic Search and Quality Assessment Using the Mobile App Rating Scale (MARS) |
Autors: Mandracchia F; Llauradó E; Tarro L; Valls RM; Solà R |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Jmir Mhealth And Uhealth |
País: N/D |
Títol: Polygenic markers in patients diagnosed of autosomal dominant hypercholesterolemia in Catalonia: Distribution of weighted LDL-c-raising SNP scores and refinement of variant selection |
Autors: Martín-Campos JM; Ruiz-Nogales S; Ibarretxe D; Ortega E; Sánchez-Pujol E; Royuela-Juncadella M; Vila À; Guerrero C; Zamora A; Soler i Ferrer C; Arroyo JA; Carreras G; Martínez-Figueroa S; Roig R; Plana N; Blanco-Vaca F |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Biomedicines |
País: N/D |
Títol: Reasons Why Combination Therapy Should Be the New Standard of Care to Achieve the LDL-Cholesterol Targets: Lipid-lowering combination therapy |
Autors: Masana L; Ibarretxe D; Plana N |
Any: 2020 Clau: Review |
Revista: Current Cardiology Reports |
País: N/D |
Títol: Clinical profile of patients treated with evolocumab in lipid/internal medicine units of Spain. Observational study (RETOSS-IMU) |
Autors: Masana Marín, Lluís; López Miranda, José; Civeira Murillo, Fernando; Reinares García, Leonardo; Guijarro, Carlos; Plana Gil, Núria; Cuenca, Rafael; Sánchez Fuentes, Demetrio; Hernández, José Luis; Andrés Cañas, Raimundo; Blanco Echevarría, Agustín; Villamayor, Santiago |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Clinica E Investigacion En Arteriosclerosis |
País: N/D |
Títol: Gelsolin: a new biomarker of disease activity in SLE patients associated with HDL-c |
Autors: Parra, S; Heras, M; Herrero, P; Amigó, N; Garcés, E; Girona, J; Correig, X; Canela, N; Castro, A |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Rheumatology |
País: N/D |
Títol: Overall Mortality and LDL Cholesterol Reduction in Secondary Prevention Trials of Cardiovascular Disease |
Autors: Pedro-Botet, Juan; Lopez-Miranda, Jose; Badimon, Lina; Civeira, Fernando; Guijarro, Carlos; Millan, Jesus; Mostaza, Jose M.; Pinto, Xavier; Valdivielso, Pedro; Masana, Luis;Expert Grp Spanish |
Any: 2020 Clau: Review |
Revista: American Journal Of Cardiovascular Drugs |
País: N/D |
Títol: The incidence rate of pulmonary arterial hypertension and scleroderma renal crisis in systemic sclerosis patients with digital ulcers on endothelin antagonist receptors (ERAs) and phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors (PDE5i) |
Autors: Pestaña-Fernández M; Rubio-Rivas M; Tolosa-Vilella C; Guillén-Del-Castillo A; Colunga-Argüelles D; Argibay A; Marí-Alfonso B; Marín-Ballvé A; Pla-Salas X; Chamorro AJ; Castro-Salomó A; Madroñero-Vuelta AB; Sánchez-García ME; Sáez-Comet L; González-Echávarri C; Ortego-Centeno N; Vargas-Hitos JA; Todolí-Parra JA; Trapiella-Martínez L; Lledó GM; Freire M; Fonollosa-Pla V; Simeón-Aznar CP |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Rheumatology |
País: N/D |
Títol: Consensus document of an expert group from the Spanish Society of Arteriosclerosis (SEA) on the clinical use of nuclear magnetic resonance to assess lipoprotein metabolism (Liposcale®) |
Autors: Pintó X; Masana L; Civeira F; Real J; Ibarretxe D; Candas B; Puzo J; Díaz JL; Amigó N; Esteban M; Valdivielso P |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Clinica E Investigacion En Arteriosclerosis |
País: N/D |
Títol: Proteomic Analysis of Heart and Kidney Tissues in Healthy and Metabolic Syndrome Rats after Hesperidin Supplementation |
Autors: Pla-Paga, Laura; Guirro, Maria; Gual-Grau, Andreu; Gibert-Ramos, Albert; Foguet-Romero, Elisabet; Catalan, Ursula; Mayneris-Perxachs, Jordi; Canela, Nuria; Valls, Rosa M; Arola, Lluis; Sola, Rosa; Pedret, Anna |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Molecular Nutrition & Food Research |
País: N/D |
Títol: Derivation and validation of SIDIAP-FHP score: A new risk model predicting cardiovascular disease in familial hypercholesterolemia phenotype |
Autors: Ramos, Rafel; Masana, Luis; Comas-Cufi, Marc; Garcia-Gil, Maria; Marti-Lluch, Ruth; Ponjoan, Anna; Plana, Nuria; Alves-Cabratosa, Lia; Marrugat, Jaume; Elosua, Roberto; Degano, Irene R.; Gomez-Marcos, Mauel A.; Zamora, Alberto; |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Atherosclerosis |
País: N/D |
Títol: Evaluation of the chylomicron-TG to VLDL-TG ratio for type I hyperlipoproteinemia diagnostic |
Autors: Rioja J; Ariza MJ; García-Casares N; Coca-Prieto I; Arrobas T; Muñiz-Grijalvo O; Mangas A; Ibarretxe D; Sánchez-Chaparro MÁ; Valdivielso P |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: European Journal Of Clinical Investigation |
País: N/D |
Títol: Efficacy of therapeutic lifestyle changes on lipid profiles assessed by NMR in children with familial and non-familial hypercholesterolemia |
Autors: Rodriguez-Borjabad, Celia; Malo, Ana Irene; Ibarretxe, Daiana; Girona, Josefa; Heras, Mercedes; Ferre, Raimon; Feilu, Albert; Salvado, Maria; Varela, Anna; Amigo, Nuria; Masana, Luis; Plana, Nuria |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Clinica E Investigacion En Arteriosclerosis |
País: N/D |
Títol: Hepatic lipidomics and molecular imaging in a murine non-alcoholic fatty liver disease model: Insights into molecular mechanisms |
Autors: Rodriguez-Calvo, Ricardo; Samino, Sara; Girona, Josefa; Martinez-Micaelo, Neus; Rafols, Pere; Garcia-Altares, Maria; Guaita-Esteruelas, Sandra; Junza, Alexandra; Heras, Mercedes; Yanes, Oscar; Correig, Xavier; Masana, Lluis |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Biomolecules |
País: N/D |
Títol: Niveles plasmáticos de glucosa, triglicéridos, VLDL, leptina y resistina como potenciales biomarcadores de la grasa miocárdica en ratones |
Autors: Rodriguez-Calvo, Ricardo; Samino, Sara; Guaita-Esteruelas, Sandra; Martinez-Micaelo, Neus; Heras, Mercedes; Girona, Josefa; Yanes, Oscar; Correig, Xavier; Masana, Lluis |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Clinica E Investigacion En Arteriosclerosis |
País: N/D |
Títol: Plasma glucose, triglycerides, VLDL, leptin and resistin levels as potential biomarkers for myocardial fat in mice. |
Autors: Rodríguez-Calvo R, Samino S, Guaita-Esteruelas S, Martínez-Micaelo N, Heras M, Girona J, Yanes O, Correig X, Masana L |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Clinica E Investigacion En Arteriosclerosis |
País: N/D |
Títol: The effects and associations of whole-apple intake on diverse cardiovascular risk factors. A narrative review |
Autors: Sandoval-Ramirez, Berner Andree; Catalan, Ursula; Calderon-Perez, Lorena; Companys, Judit; Pla-Paga, Laura; Ludwig, Iziar A; Romero, Ma Paz; Sola, Rosa |
Any: 2020 Clau: Review |
Revista: Critical Reviews In Food Science And Nutrition |
País: N/D |
Títol: Cyanidin-3-glucoside as a possible biomarker for anthocyanin-rich berry intake in body fluids of healthy humans: a systematic review of clinical trials. |
Autors: Sandoval-Ramírez BA, Catalán Ú, Fernández-Castillejo S, Pedret A, Llauradó E, Solà R. |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Nutrition Reviews |
País: N/D |
Títol: Effectiveness of workplace interventions for improving absenteeism, productivity, and work ability of employees: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials |
Autors: Tarro L; Llauradó E; Ulldemolins G; Hermoso P; Solà R |
Any: 2020 Clau: Review |
Revista: International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health |
País: N/D |
Títol: . Effects of hesperidin in orange juice on blood and pulse pressures in mildly hypertensive individuals: a randomized controlled trial (Citrus study). |
Autors: Valls RM, Pedret A, Calderón-Pérez L, Llauradó E, Pla-Pagà L, Companys J, Moragas A, Martín-Luján F, Ortega Y, Giralt M, Romeu M, Rubió L, Mayneris-Perxachs J, Canela N, Puiggrós F, Caimari A, Del Bas JM, Arola L, Solà R. |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Eur J Nutr |
País: N/D |
Títol: Effects of Stress on Performance during Highly Demanding Tasks in Student Pilots |
Autors: Vallès-Català T; Pedret A; Ribes D; Medina D; Traveria M |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: International Journal Of Aerospace Psychology |
País: N/D |
Títol: Hypercholesterolemia and cardiovascular disease: Focus on high cardiovascular risk patients |
Autors: Watts, Gerald F.; Catapano, Alberico L.; Masana, Luis; Zambon, Alberto; Pirillo, Angela; Tokgozoglu, Lale; |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Atherosclerosis Supplements |
País: N/D |
Títol: Documento de consenso de un grupo de expertos de la Sociedad Española de Arteriosclerosis (SEA) sobre el uso clínico de la resonancia magnética nuclear en el estudio del metabolismo lipoproteico (Liposcale) |
Autors: Xavier Pintó Sala; Lluís Masana Marín; Fernando Civeira Murillo; José Tomás Real Collado; Daiana Ibarretxe; Beatriz Candás Estébanez; José Puzo Foncillas; José Luis Díaz Díaz; Núria Amigó; Margarita Esteban Salán; Pedro Valdivielso Felices |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Clinica E Investigacion En Arteriosclerosis |
País: N/D |
Títol: Thermal and non-thermal processing of red-fleshed apple: how are (poly)phenol composition and bioavailability affected? |
Autors: Yuste, Silvia; Macia, Alba; Motilva, Maria-Jose; Prieto-Diez, Neus; Romero, Maria-Paz; Pedret, Anna; Sola, Rosa; Ludwig, Iziar A.; Rubio, Laura; |
Any: 2020 Clau: Article |
Revista: Food & Function |
País: N/D |
Llibres / Books |
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
Capítols de Llibre / Book chapters |
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
Títol: Fighting for recovery: The certain uncertainty of living with locked-in syndrome |
Autors: Masana L |
Any: 2024 Clau: Book Chapters |
Altres Documents / Other documents |
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
Patents Sol.licitades / Patents |
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
Congressos / Conferences |
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
Autor/a: Montse Guardiola, Daiana Ibarretxe, Núria Plana, Lluís Masana, Josep Ribalta |
Títol: Methylation pattern in hypertriglyceridemic subjects |
Congrés/acte: N/D |
Congrés/acte: Poster |
Any: 2021 |