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Resultats - Morales Vives, Fàbia

Morales Vives, Fàbia

Tesis Doctorals Dirigides / Theses 
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Títol: El apego adulto: perfiles de sujetos evaluados por el cuestionario de apego adulto y su relación con otras variables psicológicas
Autor: Gisela Ferre Rey
Director: Misericordia Camps Llauradó; Fàbia Morales Vives
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2021
País: N/D
Títol: El apego adulto: perfiles de sujetos evaluados por el Cuestionario de Apego Adulto y su relación con otras variables psicológicas
Autor: Ferré Rey, Gisela
Director: Morales Vives, Fàbia; Camps Llauradó, Misericòrdia
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2021
País: N/D
Títol: El apego adulto: perfiles de sujetos evaluados por el Cuestionario de Apego Adulto y su relación con otras variables psicológicas
Autor: Ferré Rey, Gisela
Director: Morales Vives, Fàbia; Camps Llauradó, Misericòrdia
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2021
País: N/D
Títol: El apego adulto: perfiles de sujetos evaluados por el cuestionario de apego adulto y su relación con otras variables psicológicas
Autor: Gisela Ferre Rey
Director: Misericordia Camps Llauradó; Fàbia Morales Vives
Universitat: N/D
Any: 2021
País: N/D
Publicacions en Revista / Papers 
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Títol: Educational agents and institutions called into action in suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention
Autors: De Oliveira, JM; Duenas, JM; Morales-Vives, F; Gallardo-Nieto, E
Any: 2023 Clau: Review
Revista: Frontiers In Psychology
País: N/D
Títol: Psychological Issues Among Spanish Adolescents and Young People when Coming out of the Closet to Their Families
Autors: Dueñas JM; Morales-Vives F; Galea N
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Psychological Reports
País: N/D
Títol: Are older teens more frustrated than younger teens by the covid-19 restrictions? The role of psychological maturity, personality traits, depression and life satisfaction
Autors: Fabia Morales-Vives, Pere J. Ferrando, Jorge-M. Dueñas, Sergi Martín-Arbós, M. Dolores Varea, Elena Castarlenas
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: N/D
País: N/D
Títol: Is it quality, is it redundancy, or is model inadequacy? Some strategies for judging the appropriateness of high-discrimination items
Autors: Ferrando, PJ; Morales-Vives, F
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Anales De Psicologia
País: N/D
Títol: Psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the academic help seeking scale in a sample of adults
Autors: Martín-Arbós, S; Dueñas, JM; Morales-Vives, F; Castarlenas, E
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Heliyon
País: N/D
Títol: Are older teens more frustrated than younger teens by the covid-19 restrictions? The role of psychological maturity, personality traits, depression and life satisfaction
Autors: Morales-Vives F; Ferrando PJ; Dueñas JM; Martín-Arbós S; Varea MD; Castarlenas E
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Current Psychology
País: N/D
Títol: Compliance with COVID-19 Preventive Measures: The Role of Intelligence, the Dark Triad and Dysfunctional Impulsivity
Autors: Morales-Vives, F; Ferrando, PJ; Vigil-Colet, A; Dueñas, JM
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Psicothema
País: N/D
Títol: Which profile of people tends to ignore preventive measures against COVID-19? The role of intelligence and the big five personality traits
Autors: Morales-Vives, F; Ferrando, PJ; Vigil-Colet, A; Hernandez-Dorado, A
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Heliyon
País: N/D
Títol: Are older teens more frustrated than younger teens by the covid-19 restrictions? The role of psychological maturity, personality traits, depression and life satisfaction
Autors: Morales-Vives, Fabia; Ferrando, Pere J.; Dueñas, Jorge-M.; Martín-Arbós, Sergi; Varea, MDolores; Castarlenas, Elena
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Current Psychology
País: N/D
Títol: Which profile of people tends to ignore preventive measures against COVID-19? The role of intelligence and the big five personality traits
Autors: Morales-Vives, Fabia; Ferrando, Pere J.; Vigil-Colet, Andreu; Hernández-Dorado, Ana
Any: 2023 Clau: Article
Revista: Heliyon
País: N/D
Títol: Transphobia and Gender Bashing in Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood: The Role of Individual Differences and Psychosocial Variables
Autors: Cabrera C; Dueñas JM; Cosi S; Morales-Vives F
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Psychological Reports
País: N/D
Títol: Trans students. Difficulties, needs and educational actions in Spain
Autors: Duenas, Jorge-Manuel; Morales-Vives, Fabia; Castarlenas, Elena; Ferre-Rey, Gisela;
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Gender And Education
País: N/D
Títol: Popular epistemically unwarranted beliefs inventory (PEUBI): A psychometric instrument for assessing paranormal, pseudoscientific and conspiracy beliefs
Autors: Huete-Perez, Daniel; Morales-Vives, Fabia; Gavilan, Jose M.; Boada, Roger; Haro, Juan;
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Applied Cognitive Psychology
País: N/D
Títol: Spanish Adaptation of the Family Involvement Questionnaire-High School: Version for Parents
Autors: Jorge M Dueñas; Fabia Morales-Vives; Marta Camarero-Figuerola; Juana M Tierno-García
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Psicología Educativa
País: N/D
Títol: The Role of Psychological Maturity and the Big Five Personality Traits in the Victimization Through Indirect Aggression
Autors: Morales-Vives F; Dueñas JM; Ferrando PJ
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Psicothema
País: N/D
Títol: COmpliance with pandemic COmmands Scale (COCOS): The relationship between compliance with COVID-19 measures and sociodemographic and attitudinal variables
Autors: Morales-Vives F; Dueñas JM; Ferrando PJ; Vigil-Colet A; Varea MD
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Plos One
País: N/D
Títol: Victimization through indirect aggression in adolescents. What is the role of psychological maturity and the big five personality traits?
Autors: Morales-Vives, F., Dueñas, J. M., Ferrando, P. J.
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Psicothema (Oviedo. Internet)
País: N/D
Títol: Should suicidal ideation be regarded as a dimension, a unipolar trait or a mixture? A model-based analysis at the score level
Autors: Morales-Vives, Fabia; Ferrando, Pere J.; Duenas, Jorge-M;
Any: 2022 Clau: Article
Revista: Current Psychology
País: N/D
Títol: Balancing typological and dimensional approaches: Assessment of adult attachment styles with Factor Mixture Analysis
Autors: Morales-Vives, Fabia; Ferre-Rey, Gisela; Ferrando, Pere J.; Camps, Misericordia;
Any: 2021 Clau: Article
Revista: Plos One
País: N/D
Títol: To reverse or to not reverse Likert-type items: That is the question
Autors: Andreu Vigil i Colet; David Navarro González; Fàbia Morales Vives
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Psicothema
País: N/D
Títol: What is the protective role of perceived social support and religiosity in suicidal ideation in young adults?
Autors: Duenas, Jorge-Manuel; Fernandez, Matheus; Morales-Vives, Fabia;
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Journal Of General Psychology
País: N/D
Títol: Psychological Variables Related to Adaptation to the COVID-19 Lockdown in Spain
Autors: Morales-Vives F; Dueñas JM; Vigil-Colet A; Camarero-Figuerola M
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Frontiers In Psychology
País: N/D
Títol: INCA-M: Mexican Adaptation of the Inventory of Callous-Unemotional Traits and Antisocial Behavior
Autors: Morales-Vives F; Gómez-Herrera M; Vigil-Colet A
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Frontiers In Psychology
País: N/D
Títol: Predicting academic achievement in adolescents: The role of maturity, intelligence and personality
Autors: Morales-Vives, Fabia; Camps, Elisa; Manuel Duenas, Jorge;
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
Revista: Psicothema
País: N/D
Títol: To reverse or to not reverse Likert-type items: That is the question
Autors: Vigil-Colet A, Navarro-González D, Morales-Vives F.
Any: 2020 Clau: Article
País: N/D
Títol: Suicidal Ideation in Adolescents Assessed with the Three-mode Component Approach
Autors: Fàbia Morales Vives; Jorge Manuel Dueñas Rada; Sandra Cosi Muñoz; Urbano Lorenzo Seva
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Psychology And Psychological Therapy
País: N/D
Títol: A Systematic Review of Instruments for Early Detection of Autism Spectrum Disorders
Autors: Gisela Ferre Rey; Josefina Sánchez Rodríguez; Miguel Llorca Llinares; Paloma Vicens; Cori Camps Llauradó; Margarita Torrente Torné; Fàbia Morales Vives
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: International Journal Of Psychology And Psychological Therapy
País: N/D
Títol: Detecció primerenca de signes d¿alarma en el desenvolupament de persones amb Trastorns de l¿Espectre Autista
Autors: Miguel Llorca Llinares; Josefina Sánchez Rodríguez; Cori Camps Llauradó; Fabia Morales Vives
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Eipea: Escoltant I Pensant Els Autismes
País: N/D
Títol: Suicidal Ideation in Adolescents Assessed with the Three-mode Component Approach
Autors: Morales Vives, Fabia; Manuel Duenas, Jorge; Cosi, Sandra; Lorenzo Seva, Urbano;
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
País: N/D
Títol: The INventory of Callous-Unemotional Traits and Antisocial Behavior (INCA) for Young People: Development and Validation in a Community Sample
Autors: Morales-Vives F, Cosi S, Lorenzo-Seva U, Vigil-Colet A
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
Revista: Frontiers In Psychology
País: N/D
Títol: A systematic review of instruments for early detection of autism spectrum disorders
Autors: Rey G.F., Rodríguez J.S., Linares M.L., Vicens P., Camps M., Torrente M., Vives F.M.
Any: 2019 Clau: Article
País: N/D
Llibres / Books 
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Capítols de Llibre / Book chapters 
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Altres Documents / Other documents 
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Patents Sol.licitades / Patents 
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Congressos / Conferences 
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Autor/a: Daniel Huete-Pérez, Fàbia Morales-Vives, José M. Gavilán, Roger Boada, Juan Haro
Títol: A new measure of epistemically unwarranted beliefs for Spanish population
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Poster
Any: 2022
Autor/a: Daniel Huete-Pérez, Fàbia Morales-Vives, José M. Gavilán, Roger Boada, Juan Haro
Títol: Exploring with JASP the sociodemographic correlates of paranormal, pseudoscientific and conspiracy beliefs in a Spanish sample
Congrés/acte: N/D
Congrés/acte: Poster
Any: 2022