2010 Publications
Bolaños, W.; Carvajal, J.J.; Mateos, X.; Pujol, M.C.; Thilmann, M.; Pasiskevicius, V.; Lifante, G.; Aguiló, M. and Díaz, F. Epitaxial layers of KY1-x-yGdxLuy(WO4)2 doped with Er3+ and Tm3+ for planar waveguide lasers. Optical Materials 2010, 32 (3), 469-474
Bolaños, W.; Carvajal, J.J.; Mateos, X.; Aguiló, M. and Díaz, F. Exploring waveguiding properties of heavily doped Yb3+:KLu(WO4)2 epitaxial layers. IEEE Photonics Journal 2010, 2 (3), 482-489
Bolaños, W.; Carvajal, J.J.; Mateos, X.; Murugan, G.S.; Subramanian, A.Z.; Wilkinson, J.S.; Cantelar, E.; Jaque, D.; Lifante, G.; Aguiló, M. and Díaz, F. Mirrorless buried waveguide laser in monoclinic double tungstates fabricated by a novel combination of ion milling and liquid phase epitaxy. Optics Express 2010, 18 (26), 26937-26945
Bolaños, W.; Segura, M.; Cugat, J.; Carvajal, J.J.; Mateos, X. Pujol, M.C.; Solé, R.; Díaz, F.; Aguiló, M.; Griebner, U.; Petrov, V.; Lifante, G.; Raghothamachar, B. and Dudley, M. Crystal growth and characterization of epitaxial layers of laser and nonlinear optical materials for thin-disk and waveguide laser applications. Optical Materials 2010, 32 (10), 1380-1384
Borowiec, M.T.; Zayarnyuk, T.; Pujol, M.C.; Aguiló, M.; Díaz, F.; Zubov, E.E.; Prokhorov, A.D.; Berkowski, M.; Domuchowski, W.; Wisniewski, A.; Puzniak, R.; Pietosa, J.; Dyakonov, V.P.; Baranski, M.; Szymczak, H. Magnetic properties of KRE(WO4)2 (RE=Gd, Yb,Tm) single crystals. Physica B: Condensed Matter 2010, 405 (23), 4886-4891
Borowiec, M.T.; Zayarnyuk, T.; Pikul, A.; Gutowska, M.; Pujol, M.C.; Aguiló, M.; Díaz, F.; Szewczyk, A.; Zubov, E.E.; Dyakonov, V.P.; Baranski, M.; Szymczak and H. Specific Heat of the Monoclinic Rare Earth Double Tungstates. J Low Temp Phys. 2010, 160, 119–130
Carvajal, J. J.; Ciatto, G.; Mateos, X.; Schmidt, A.; Griebner, U.; Petrov, V.; Boulon, G.; Brenier, A.; Peña, A.; Pujol, M. C.; Aguiló, M. and Díaz, F. Broad emission band of Yb3+ in the nonlinear Nb:RbTiOPO4 crystal: origin and applications. Optics express 2010, 18 (7), 7228
Cugat, J.; Solé, R.; Pujol, M.C.; Carvajal, J.J.; Mateos, X.; Díaz, F. and Aguiló, M. Waveguiding demonstration on Yb:Nb:RbTiOPO4/RbTiOPO4(0 0 1) epitaxies grown by LPE. Opt. Mater. 2010 32 (12), 1648-1651
Galceran, M.; Pujol, M.C.; Gluchowski, P.; Strek, W.; Carvajal, J.J.; Mateos, X.; Aguiló, M. and Díaz F. A Promising Lu2-xHoxO3 Laser Nanoceramic: Synthesis and Characterization. J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 2010, 93 (11), 3764-3772
Galceran, M.; Pujol, M.C.; Gluchowski, P.; Strek, W.; Carvajal, J.J.; Mateos, X.; Aguilo, M. and Diaz, F. Synthesis, structural and optical characterization of Eu:KYb(WO4)2 nanocrystals: A promising red phosphor. Optical Materials 2010, 32 (11), 1493–1500
Galceran, M.; Pujol, M.C.; Carvajal, J.J.; Mateos, X.; Zaldo, C.; Aguiló, M. and Díaz, F. Structural characterization and ytterbium spectroscopy in Sc2O3 nanocrystals. Journal of Luminescence 2010, 130 (8), 1437–1443
Mateos, X.; Jambunathan, V.; Pujol, M.C.; Carvajal, J.J.; Díaz, F.; Aguiló, M.; Griebner, U. and Petrov, V. CW lasing of Ho in KLu(WO4)2 in-band pumped by a diode-pumped Tm:KLu(WO4)2 laser. Optics express 2010, 18 (20), 20793-20798
Méndez, M.; Carvajal, J.J.; Cesteros, Y.; Aguiló, M.; Díaz, F.; Giguere, A.; Drouin, D.; Martínez-Ferrero, E.; Salagre, P.; Tormentín, P.; Pallarès, J. and Marsal, L.F. Sol-gel Pechini synthesis and optical spectroscopy of nanocrystalline La2O3 doped with Eu3+. Optical Materials 2010, 32 (12), 1686-1692
Petrov, V.; Mateos, X.; Schmidt, A.; Rivier, S.; Griebner, U.; Zhang, H.; Wang, J.; Li, J. and Liu, J. Passive Mode Locking of Acentric Yb Doped Borate Crystals. Laser Physics 2010, 20 (5), 1085–1090
Raghothamachar, B.; Carvajal, J.J.; Pujol, M.C.; Mateos, X.; Solé, R.; Aguiló, M.; Díaz, F. and Dudley, M. Synchrotron X-Ray Topography Study of Structural Defectsand Strain in Epitaxial Structures of Yb- and Tm-Doped Potassium Rare-Earth Double Tungstates and Their Influenceon Laser Performance. Journal of Electronic Materials 2010, 39 (6), 823-829
Kumar, R.; Carvajal, J.J.; Pujol, M.C.; Mateos, X.; Aguiló, M.; Díaz, F.; Vázquez de Aldana, J.R.; Méndez, C.; Moreno, P.; Roso, L.; Trifonov, T.; Rodríguez, A.; Alcubilla, R.; Král, Z.; Ferré-Borrull, J.; Pallarès, J.; Marsal, L.F.; Di Finizio, S.; Macovez, R.; Martorell, J. Fabricación y caracterización de estructuras fotónicas en cristales de la familia KTiOPO4. Opt. Pura Apl. 2010, 42 (3) 147-152 Laser Phys. Lett. 7, No. 6, 435–439
Vatnik, S.; Vedin, I.; Pujol, M.C.; Mateos, X.; Carvajal, J.J.; Aguilo, M.; Díaz, F.; Griebner, U. and Petrov, V. CW laser operation of a highly-doped Tm:KLu(WO4)2/KLu(WO4)2 thin disk epitaxial laser. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 2010, 7578, 75780E
Vatnik, S.; Vedin, I.; Pujol, M.C.; Mateos, X.; Carvajal, J.J.; Aguilo, M.; Díaz, F.; Griebner, U. and Petrov, V. Thin disk Tm-laser based on highly doped Tm:KLu(WO4)2/KLu(WO4)2 epitaxy. Laser Phys. Lett. 2010, 7 (6), 435–439