Doctoral thesis defense "Development of microfluidic systems and methods for medicine, sensing and nanofabrication"
Student David Coral defended his doctoral thesis on, October 22, 2024, entitled "Development of microfluidic systems and methods for medicine, sensing and nanofabrication" and supervised by Prof. Xavier Mateos and Dr. Rosa Ma Solé..
Last update: 2024/10/22
Doctoral thesis defense "Novel infrared solid-state lasers based on lanthanide-doped crystalline materials"
Student Sami Slimi defended his doctoral thesis on, October 11, 2024, entitled "Novel infrared solid-state lasers based on lanthanide-doped crystalline materials" and supervised by Prof. Xavier Mateos and Dr. Rosa Ma Solé..
Last update: 2024/10/11
FiCMA organizes IS-OM'9 (9th International Symposium on Optical Materials in Tarragona from 26th to 30rd of Juny
Next monday 26th juny of 2023 it will start the 9th International Symposium on Optical Materials at Campus Catalunya of URV, which has been organized by FiCMA, Committee of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) and Institute for Materials Researc (IMR) from Japan. The symposium provides an interdisciplinary forum for the presentation of the latest developments and breakthrough in fundamental research and practical applications in the broad field of optical and optoelectronic materials, including material design technologies and crystal growth, structural and spectroscopic characterizations and application related issues.
Last update: 2023/06/26
Doctoral thesis defense "Thermometry, primary thermometer and phosphor applications based on rare earth vanadate hosts"
This Thuesday 28th January 2020 is celebrated the defense of the doctoral thesis "Thermometry, primary thermometer and phosphor applications based on rare earth vanadate hosts" by the PhD student Nesrin Mohamed Bhiri and supervised by Dr. Mohamed Dammak, Dr. Maria Cinta Pujol, Dr. Joan Josep Carvajal. The defense of the thesis will take place at Faculty of Sciences of Sfax, University of Sfax (Sfax, Tunisia) at 10:00.
Last update: 2020/01/24
Doctoral thesis defense "KREW/SiO2 waveguide platform for optical sensing applications"
This Thuesday 12th November 2019 is celebrated the defense of the doctoral thesis "KREW/SiO2 waveguide platform for optical sensing applications" by the PhD student Marc Medina and supervised by Dr. Maria Cinta Pujol, Dr. Jaume Massons and Dr. Airán Ródenas. The defense of the thesis will take place at "Sala de Graus" of the Chemistry Faculty at 11:15.
Last update: 2019/11/06
Doctoral thesis defense "Ce or Pr-dopedtype III KGd(PO3)4 crystalline materials. Growth and characterization as scintillators"
This Thursday 24th October 2019 is celebrated the defense of the doctoral thesis "Ce or Pr-dopedtype III KGd(PO3)4 crystalline materials. Growth and characterization as scintillators" by the PhD student Irina Adell and supervised by Dr. Maria Cinta Pujol, Dr. Rosa Maria Solé, and Prof. Dr. Francesc Díaz. The defense of the thesis will take place at "Sala de Graus" of the Chemistry Faculty at 12:00.
Last update: 2019/10/22
Doctoral thesis defense "Fabrication and characterization of waveguide lasers operating in the infrared spectral range"
This Tuesday 9th July 2019 is celebrated the defense of the doctoral thesis "Fabrication and characterization of waveguide lasers operating in the infrared spectral range" by the PhD student Esrom Aschenaki and supervised by Dr. Xavier Mateos and Prof. Francesc Díaz. The defense of the thesis will take place at the Seminar room of the Physical and Inorganic Chemistry department of the Chemistry Faculty at 11:00.
Last update: 2019/07/02
Joan Josep Carvajal pronounces the closing conference of the International Symposium on High-Tech Collaborative Innovation, organized in China
Nanomedometry for luminescence, a new tool for biomedical sciences and materials science, was the central theme of the conference that Dr. Joan Josep Carvajal gave a pronouncement to close the High Technology Collaborative Innovation Symposium, which was held on June 30th as part of the 21st Annual Meeting of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology (CAST ), which took place in the Chinese city of Harbin.
Last update: 2019/07/02
Our PhD student Albenc Nexha has won the second prize for the best poster for the 16th Doctoral Day URV
Our PhD student of the FiCMA group Albenc Nexha wins the best poster award for the 16th edition of the Doctoral Day at the Rovira i Virgili University held on May 22nd, in the category of third year doctoral students. The title of the award-winning poster is: Seeded growth synthesis of colloidal core shell Ho,Tm:Y2O3@Y2O3 triangular nanocrystals. The prize received is 200 € dedicated entirely to activities related to research.
Last update: 2019/05/27
Doctoral thesis defense "Optofluidic device for cytometric measurements and study of inertial focusing conditions in asymmetric serpentines"
This Friday, February 1st 2019, is celebrated the defense of the doctoral thesis "Optofluidic device for cytometric measurements and study of inertial focusing conditions in asymmetric serpentines" by the PhD student Eric Pedrol and supervised by Prof. Francesc Díaz and Dr. Jaume Massons. The defense of the thesis will take place at the "Sala de Graus" of the Chemistry Faculty at 11:00.
Last update: 2019/01/28
Members of the FiCMA group win the second URV Bowling Tournament
The group members Nicole, Marc, Josué and Irina participated again in the second edition of the Bowling Tournament URV remaining in first position for the second consecutive year.
Congratulations team!
. Last update: 2019/01/25
Members of the FiCMA group win the first URV Bowling Tournament
The group members Nicole, Marc, Josué and Irina participated in the 1st URV Bowling Tournament remaining in the top position.
. Last update: 2018/02/05
Acquisition of the high precision cut saw DAD-321 of the company DISCO
The FiCMA research group has incorporated the high-pressure saw DAD-321 from the company DISCO. This has been acquired in order to be able to perform, among other possibilities, controlled wide, long and spaced channels for applications in optical and microfluidic guides
Last update: 2018/01/15
Doctoral thesis defense "Continuous-wave and passively Q-switched solid-state microchip lasers in the near-infrared"
This Thursday, November 9, 2017, the defense of the doctoral dissertation "Continuous-wave and passively Q-switched solid-state microchip lasers in the near-infrared" is celebrated by the PhD student Josep Maria Serres Serres and supervised by Prof. Magdalena Aguiló and Dr. Xavier Mateos. The defense of the thesis will take place at the "Sala de Graus" of the Chemistry Faculty at 11:00.
Last update: 2017/11/06
Doctoral thesis defense "Porous GaN produced by CVD: Progress in development and characterization"
This Thursday, November 2, 2017, the defense of the doctoral dissertation "Porous GaN produced by CVD: Progress in development and characterization" is celebrated by the PhD student Josué Mena Gómez and supervised by Prof. Magdalena Aguiló and Dr. Joan J. Carvajal. The defense of the thesis will take place at the "Sala de Graus" of the Chemistry Faculty at 11:00.
Last update: 2017/10/30
The article "Harsh-Environment-Resistant OH-Vibrations-Sensitive Mid-Infrared Water-Ice Photonic Sensor" is backcover of the scientific journal Advanced Materials Technologies.
The article "Harsh-Environment-Resisting OH-Vibrations-Sensitive Mid-Infrared Water-Ice Photonic Sensor" is the result of the research carried out under the umbrella of the Japanese-European project JEDI ACE. This project seeks to find mechanisms for the early detection of ice formation on the wings of aircraft.
The magazine of which is contraporatada the mentioned article is: Advanced Materials Technologies, 2017, vol. 2, no. 8
Last update: 2017/10/24
"Un nuevo dispositivo portátil detecta células tumorales en la sangre" publishes the Cadena Ser in its webpage.
The website of Cadena Ser, in its section of science and technology, has published the results of the project done by the group of the ciruclating tumor cells detector, explaining the advantages and the operation of the device.
Last update: 2017/07/25
The local press echoes the microfluidic device for the detection of tumor cells developed by the group.
The Diari MÉS has echoed the device developed to detect tumor cells developed by our group as a result of the research led by the ICREA researcher Ramon Álvarez Puebla and the professor of Applied Physics Francesc Díaz and the PhD student Eric Pedrol.
Last update: 2017/07/17
Seminar: Recent progress in ion beam fabrication of integrated optical elements by Prof. Istvan Banyasz
Next Friday 30th June, Prof. Istvan Banyasz, from the Department of Nuclear Materials Science, Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences is visiting us.
It is planned that at 10:15h, he will give us a seminar titled: Recent progress in ion beam fabrication of integrated optical elements. I hope you could attend to this seminar; and enjoy learning about this topic.
Last update: 2017/06/29
FiCMA group has published in the scientific journal Scientific Reports that belongs to the Nature Publishing Group
The title of the article published in the scientific journal Scientific Reports is: Optofluidic device for the quantification of circulating tumor cells in breast cancer.
Last update: 2017/06/22
Our PhD student Esrom Aschenaki Kifle has won the first prize for the best poster for the 14th Doctoral Day URV
Our PhD student of the FiCMA group Esrom Aschenaki Kifle wins the best poster award for the 14th edition of the Doctoral Day at the Rovira i Virgili University held on May 24th, in the category of second year doctoral students. The title of the award-winning poster is: Femtosecond laser-written Tm:KLu(WO4)2 waveguides lasers. The prize received is 500 € dedicated entirely to activities related to research.
Last update: 2017/05/25