2018 Publications
Adell, I.; Solé, R.M.; Pujol, M.C.; Lancry, M.; Ollier, N.; Aguiló, M.; Díaz, F. Single crystal growth, optical absorption and luminescence properties under VUV-UV synchrotron excitation of type III Ce3+:KGd(PO3)4, a promising scintillator material. Scientific Reports 2018, 8 (1), 11002
Adell, I.; Solé, R.M.; Pujol, M.C.; Aguiló, M.; Díaz, F. Optimization of the Synthesis and Physical Characterization of Praseodymium-Doped Type III KGd(PO3)4 Nanocrystals. ACS Omega 2018, 3 (9), 11307-11316
Jing, W.; Loiko, P.; Serres, J.M.; Wang, Y.; Kifle, E.; Vilejshikova, E.; Aguiló, M.; Díaz, F.; Griebner, U.; Huang, H.; Petrov, V.; Mateos, X. Synthesis, spectroscopic characterization and laser operation of Ho3+ in “mixed” (LuSc)2O3 ceramics. Journal of Luminescence 2018, 203, 145-151
Kifle, E. Mateos, X.; Loiko, P.; Choi, S.Y.; Bae, J.E.U.N.; Rotermund, F.; Aguiló, M.; Díaz, F.; Griebner, U.; Petrov, V. Tm:KY1-x-yGdxLuy(WO4)2 planar waveguide laser passively Q-switched by single-walled carbon nanotubes. Optics Express 2018, 26 (4), 4961-4966
Kifle, E.; Loiko, P.; Dde Aldana, J.R.V.; Romero, C.; Ródenas, A.; Choi, S.Y.; Bae, J.E.; Rotermund, F.; Zakharov, V.; Veniaminov, A.; Aguiló, M.; Díaz, F.; Griebner, U.W.E.; Petrov, V.; Mateos, X. Passively Q-switched femtosecond-laser-written thulium waveguide laser based on evanescent field interaction with carbon nanotubes. Photonics Research 2018, 6 (10), 971-980
Kifle, E.; Loiko, P.; Romero, C.; de Aladana, J.R.V.; Ródenas, A.; Jambunathan, V.; Zakharov, V.; Veniaminov, A.; Lucianetti, A.; Mocek, T.; Aguiló, M.; Díaz, F.; Griebner, U.W.E.; Petrov, V.; Mateos, X. Fs-laser-written erbium-doped double tungstate waveguide laser. Optics Express 2018, 26 (23), 30826
Loiko, P.; Koopmann, P.; Mateos, X.; Serres, J.M.; Jambunathan, V.; Lucianetti, A.; Mocek, T.; Aguiló, M.; Díaz, F.; Griebner, U.; Petrov, V.; Kränkel, C. Highly Efficient, Compact Tm3+:RE2O3 (RE = Y, Lu,Sc) Sesquioxide Lasers Based on Thermal Guiding IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 2018, 24 (5), 1600713
Loiko, P.; Volokitina, A.; Mateos, X.; Dunina, E.; Kornienko, A.; Vilejshikova, E.; Aguiló, M.; Díaz, F. Spectroscopy of Tb3+ ions in monoclinic KLu(WO4)2 crystal application of an intermediate configuration interaction theory Optical Materials 2018, 78 (4), 495-501
Loiko, P.; Khaidukov, N.; Volokitina, A.; Zhidkova, I.; Vilejshikova, E.; Novichkov, A.; Aseev, V.; Serres, J.M.; Mateos, X.; Yumashev, K. Luminescence peculiarities of Eu3+ ions in multicomponent Ca2YSc2GaSi2O12 garnet. Dye and Pigments 2018, 150, 158-164
Loiko, P.; Wang, Y.; Serres, J.M.; Mateos, X.; Aguiló, M.; Díaz, F.; Zhang, L.; Lin, Z.; Lin, H.; Zhang, G.; Vilejshikova, E.; Dunina, E.; Kornienko, A.; Fomicheva, L.; Petrov, V.; Griebner, U.; Chen, W. Monoclinic Tm:MgWO4 crystal: Crystal-field analysis, tunable and vibronic laser demonstration. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2018, 763, 581-591
Loiko, P.; Kifle, E.; Serres, J.M.; Mateos, X.; Aguiló, M.; Díaz, F.; Vilejshikova, E.; Kuleshov, N.; Pavlyuk, A. Efficient continuous-wave in-band pumped Nd:KY(MoO4)2 laser. Laser Physics Letters 2018, 15 (16), 065002
Loiko, P.; Bogusławski, J.; Serres, J.M.; Kifle, E.; Kowalczyk, M.; Mateos, X.; Sotor, J.; Zybała, R.; Mars, K.; Mikuła, A.; Kaszyca, K.; Aguiló, M.; Díaz, F.; Griebner, U.; Petrov, V. Sb2Te3 thin film for the passive Q-switching of a Tm:GdVO4 laser. Optical Materials Express 2018, 8 (7), 1723-1732
Loiko, P.; Serres, J.M.; Delekta, S.S.; Kifle, E.; Boguslawski, J.; Kowalczyk, M.; Sotor, J.; Aguiló, M.; Díaz, F.; Griebner, U.; Petrov, V.; Popov, S.; Li, J.; Mateos, X.; Östling, M. Inkjet-printing of graphene saturable absorbers for ~2 μm bulk and waveguide lasers. Optical Materials Express 2018, 8 (9), 2803-2814
Loiko, P.; Bora, T.; Serres, J.M.; Yu, H.; Aguiló, M.; Díaz, F.; Griebner, U.; Petrov, V.; Mateos, X.; Dutta, J. Oriented zinc oxide nanorods: A novel saturable absorber for lasers in the near-infrared. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 2018, 9 (1), 2730-2740
Mateos, X.; Loiko, P.; Lamrini, S.; Scholle, K.; Fuhrberg, P.; Suomalainen, S.; Härkönen, A.; Guina, M.; Vatnik, S.; Vedin, I.; Aguiló, M.; Díaz, F.; Wang, Y.; Griebner, U.; Petrov, V. Ho:KY(WO4)2 thin-disk laser passively Qswitched by a GaSb-based SESAM. Optics Express 2018, 26 (7), 9011-9016
Pan, Z.; Dai, X.; Lei, Y.; Cai, H.; Serres, J.M.; Aguiló, M.; Díaz, F.; Ma, J.; Tang, D.; Vilejshikova, E.; Griebner, U.; Petrov, V.; Loiko, P.; Mateos, X. Crystal growth and properties of the disordered crystal Yb:SrLaAlO4: A promising candidate for high-power ultrashort pulse lasers. CrystEngComm 2018, 20 (24), 3388-3395
Pan, Z.; Serres, J.M.; Kifle, E.; Loiko, P.; Yuan, H.; Dai, X.; Cai, H.; Aguiló, M.; Díaz, F.; Wang, Y.; Zhao, Y.; Griebner, U.; Petrov, V.; Mateos, X. Comparative study of the spectroscopic and laser properties of Tm3+, Na+(Li+)-codoped Ca3Nb1.5Ga3.5O12-type disordered garnet crystals for mode-locked làsers. Optical Materials Express 2018, 8 (8), 2287-2299
Pan, Z.; Wang, Y.; Zhao, Y.; Yuan, H.; Dai, X.: Cai, H.; Bae, J.E.; Choi, S.Y.; Rotermund, F.; Mateos, X.; Serres, J.M.; Loiko, P.; Griebner, U.; Petrov, V. Generation of 84-fs pulses from a mode-locked Tm:CNNGG disordered garnet crystal laser. Photonics Research 2018, 6 (8), 800-804
Pan, Z.; Wang, Y.; Zhao, Y.; Kowalczyk, M.; Sotor, J.; Yuan, H.; Zhang, Y.; Dai, X.; Cai, H.; Bae, J.E.; Choi, S.Y.; Rotermund, F.; Loiko, P.; Serres, J.M.; Mateos, X.; Griebner, U.; Petrov, V. Sub-80 fs mode-locked Tm, Ho-codoped disordered garnet crystal oscillator operating at 2081 nm. Optics Letters 2018, 43 (20), 5154-5157
Pedrol, E.; Massons, J.; Díaz, F.; Aguiló, M. Two-Way Coupling Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) Approach to Inertial Focusing Dynamics under Dean Flow Patterns in Asymmetric Serpentines Fluids 2018, 3 (3), 62
Savchuk, O.A.; Carvajal, J.J.; Haro-Gonzalez, P.; Aguiló, M.; Díaz, F. Luminescent nanothermometry using short-wavelength infrared light. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2018, 746, 710-719
Savchuk, O.A.; Carvajal, J.J.; Brites, C.D.S.; Carlos, L.D.; Aguiló, M.; Díaz, F. Upconversion thermometry: A new tool to measure the thermal resistance of nanoparticles. Nanoscale 2018, 10 (14), 6602-6610
Serres, J.M.; Loiko, P.; Jambunathan, V.; Mateos, X.; Vitkin, V.; Lucianetti, A.; Mocek, T.; Aguiló, M. Díaz, F.; Griebner, U.; Petrov, V. Efficient diode-pumped Er:KLu(WO4)2 laser at ~1.61 μm Optics Letters 2018, 43 (2), 218-221
Shi, Y.; Gao, C.; Ye, Q.; Wang, S.; Wang, Q.; Gao, M.; Loiko, P.; Skoptsov, N.; Dymshits, O.; Zhilin, A.; Zapalova, S.; Tsenter, M.; Vitkin, V.; Mateos, X.; Yumashev, K. Passively Q-switched 1.6 μm Er:YAG laser with a γ-Ga2O3:Co-based glass-ceramics as a saturable absorber. Laser Physics Letters 2018, 15 (4), 045004
Voitovich, A.P.; Kalinov, V.S.; Loiko, P.A.; Martynovich, E.F.; Mateos, X.; Novikov, A.N.; Pershukevich, P.P.; Runets, L.P.; Serres, J.M.; Stupak, A.P. Luminescent properties of radiation induced defects in sodium and magnesium fluorides nanocrystals. Journal of Luminescence 2018, 201, 57-64
Volokitina, A.; Loiko, P.; Vilejshikova, E.; Mateos, X.; Dunina, E.; Kornienko, A.; Kuleshov, N.; Pavlyuk, A. Eu3+:KY(MoO4)2: A novel anisotropic red-emitting material with a layered structure. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2018, 762, 786-796
Wang, Y.; Jing, W.; Loiko, P.; Zhao, Y.; Huang, H.; Mateos, X.; Suomalainen, S.; Härkönen, A.; Guina, M.; Griebner, U.; Petrov, V. Sub-10 optical-cycle passively mode-locked Tm:(Lu2/3Sc1/3)2O3 ceramic laser at 2 µm Optics Express 2018, 26 (8), 10299-10304
Wang, Y.; Zhao, Y.; Pan, Z.; Bae, J.E.; Choi, S.Y.; Rotermund, F.; Loiko, P.; Serres, J.M.; Mateos, X.; Yu, H.; Zhang, H.; Mero, M.; Griebner, U.; Petrov, V. 78 fs SWCNT-SA mode-locked Tm:CLNGG disordered garnet crystal laser at 2017 nm. Optics Letters 2018, 43 (17), 4268-4271
Zhang, X.; Loiko, P.; Mateos, X.; Serres, J.M.; Ren, J.; Guo, J.; Cheng, R.; Gao, C.; Dong, Q.; Jambunathan, V.; Lucianetti, A.; Mocek, T.; Vilejshikova, E.; Griebner, U.; Petrov, V.; Wang, Z.; Guo, S.; Xu, X.; Aguilo, M.; Diaz, F. Crystal growth, low-temperature spectroscopy and multi-watt laser operation of Yb:Ca3NbGa3Si2O14. Journal of Luminescence 2018, 197, 90-97
Zhang, L.; Sun, S.; Lin, Z.; Lin, H.; Zhang, G.; Mateos, X.; Serres, J.M.; Aguiló, M.; Díaz, F.; Loiko, P.; Wang, Y.; Griebner, U.; Petrov, V.; Vilejshikova, E.; Chen, W. Crystal growth, spectroscopy and first laser operation of a novel disordered tetragonal Tm:Na2La4(WO4)7 tungstate crystal. Journal of Luminescence 2018, 203, 676-682
Zhang, X.; Loiko, P.; Serres, J.M.; Jambunathan, V.; Wang, Z.; Guo, S.; Yasukevich, A.; Lucianetti, A.; Mocek, T.; Griebner, U.; Petrov, V.; Xu, X.; Aguiló, M.; Díaz, F.; Mateos, X. Passive Q switching of Yb:CNGS lasers by Cr4+:YAG and V3+:YAG saturable absorbers. Applied Optics 2018, 57 (28), 8236-8241
Zhao, B.; Ye, Y.; Chen, J.; Lin, H.; Zhang, G.; Mateos, X.; Serres, J.M.; Aguiló, M.; Díaz, F.; Loiko, P.; Griebner, U.; Petrov, V.; Chen, W. Growth, spectroscopy, and laser operation of "mixed" vanadate crystals Yb: Lu1-x-yYxLayVO4. Optical Materials Express 2018, 8 (3), 493-502
Zhao, Y.; Wang, Y.; Zhang, X.; Mateos, X.; Pan, Z.; Loiko, P.; Zhou, W.; Xu, X.; Xu, J.; Shen, D.; Suomalainen, S.; Härkönen, A.; Guina, M.; Griebner, U.; Petrov, V. 87 fs mode-locked Tm,Ho:CaYAlO4 laser at ~2043 nm. Optics Letters 2018, 43 (4), 915-918