URV Experiences

Juan David Escobar Garcia
University Master’s Degree in Entrepreneurship and Innovation (Universitat Rovira i Virgili)
Collaborator with Fábricas de Productividad (Factories of Productivity)
“The URV Master’s in Entrepreneurship and Innovation gave me the tools for generating innovation programmes and policies that will become the drivers of economic and social development, thus promoting technological change, innovations, employment and the generation of capital. In my home country I have taken on important roles in both the private and the public sector in the field of innovation. In 2018, I received the Leader in innovation award from Colmena Seguros and the ORP Foundation for a project aimed at reducing occupational illness and increasing productivity through process automation. I am currently collaborating with Factories of Productivity (Fábricas de Productividad), a government programme run by Colombia Productiva and the Colombian Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism in conjunction with regional bodies such as Chambers of Commerce.”

Manuel Gros
University Master's Degree in Entrepreneurship and Innovation (Universitat Rovira i Virgili)
General Manager at Cabify Uruguay and Creative Director at Arriba Media
“The URV Master’s gave me all the tools and knowledge I need to successfully design and implement innovation projects.”

Gisela Costa
University Master's Degree in Entrepreneurship and Innovation (Universitat Rovira i Virgili)
“The URV Master’s helped me to broaden my perspectives on the management and importance of innovation in entrepreneurial projects and society in general. It also helped me to lay the foundations I needed to create a business project in a completely unknown environment. Undoubtedly, however, what I would most like to highlight is the learning that was generated by sharing multiple hours, experiences and ideas with my professors, mentors and fellow entrepreneurs.”

Lidia Vives
Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management (Universitat Rovira i Virgili)
University Master’s Degree in Business Management (Universitat Rovira i Virgili)
Student of Doctoral programme in Economics and Business (Universitat Rovira i Virgili)
Sales and online development officer for the business unit at Prat International Brands SL.
“The URV Master’s in Business Administration gave me the strategic vision that is so necessary when taking decisions in the business world. As a sales manager in a totally changing digital environment, in recent months I have seen the importance of having the ability to make decisions in the strategic field. This Master’s undoubtedly provided me with the tools and knowledge I need to acquire that ability.”

Juan Pedro Lucanera
University Master's Degree in Business Management (Universitat Rovira i Virgili)
Partner in consulting firm Oikos Analistas and lecturer at Universidad Provincial del Sudoeste (UPSO)
“The URV Master’s gave me tools that enabled me to grow academically and professionally. From the professional perspective, it gave me a critical insight into the decision-making processes of the companies I advise. The subjects taught on the Master’s provide a highly accurate vision of theoretical concepts applied to practical cases. This helps students to understand business realities better and therefore help companies to perform better commercially, economically and financially. In addition, the academic, professional and personal qualities of the professors who teach at the URV are undoubtedly important factors for anyone considering studying at this university”

Valeria Ferreira
University Master's Degree in Business Management (Universitat Rovira i Virgili)
Doctoral programme in Economics and Business (Universitat Rovira i Virgili)
“The URV Master’s in Business Management was a great choice. Their professional approach helps you to further your business knowledge and competences and compete strategically in the jobs market. At the same time, the research option gave me new opportunities, such as participating in the COFUND project, a programme funded by the European Union that has enabled me to conduct research at the highest level.”

Gerard Cabré
University Master's Degree in Business Management (Universitat Rovira i Virgili)
Entrepreneur and test engineer at the Lear Corporation
“The URV Master’s in Business Management enabled me to lay the foundations I need to guide my career in the business world.”

María Elena Montesdeoca
Carlos Monteagudo Mañas
RnD Engineer en ToolChefs LTD
“Ambas disciplinas, Matemáticas y Computación, se complementan y me han sido útiles a la hora de realizar mi trabajo como ingeniero de software. Para ser capaces de diseñar e implementar sistemas que resuelvan estos problemas de una manera eficiente e integrable en un entorno de producción audiovisual, es necesario estudiar y comprender modelos matemáticos complejos y después implementarlos mediante las técnicas de computación adecuadas para conseguir un producto usable. Por ello, veo muy acertada la combinación de ambas disciplinas en un entorno de investigación y desarrollo para gráficos. Los efectos visuales que vemos en el cine a día de hoy son posibles gracias al trabajo espectacular de artistas y profesionales del 3D, el cual a su vez es posible, en última instancia, gracias a matemáticos e ingenieros que desarrollan nuevas y mejores soluciones software innovando constantemente.”

Ester Bermúdez Gómez
Diplomatura en Fisioterapia, URV (2002).
Posgrado en Técnicas Específicas, Blanquerna (2003).
Posgrado en Fisioterapia Neurológica, Universidad Complutense (2007).
Máster universitario en Envejecimiento y Salud, URV (2012).
Grado en Fisioterapia, Universidad de Salamanca (2017).
Actualmente cursando el programa de doctorado en la URV.
Fisioterapeuta del CSS Monterols, Instituto Pere Mata (Reus). Profesora asociada de Fisioterapia en la URV.
“El Máster universitario en Envejecimiento y Salud te permite adquirir conocimientos globales del proceso de envejecimiento que son muy útiles si se trabaja en este campo y que ayudan a mejorar la calidad asistencial. También es muy positiva la introducción en el mundo de la investigación desde el punto de vista de la práctica diaria.”